What can you make for lunch with eggs? Egg dishes

Many people remember from childhood delicious cookies With unusual name – « Crow's feet" The sweet dish gained popularity from Soviet times, it is different simple preparation and a small number of ingredients. Cookies are still relevant today; caring housewives pamper their households with them and preserve the traditions of Russian cuisine. The benefits and harms of the dish Thanks to its delicate and crispy taste, adults and children enjoy eating the delicacy. Cookies "Crow's feet" are beneficial for the body, this is due to the presence of cottage cheese, which is an important ingredient. Milk product rich useful vitamins, as well as minerals. A small amount of the dish will not harm the body, but if you eat a lot of cookies, it will affect your general condition internal organs. The presence of fat increases the calorie content of the product, so do not overuse it. Difficulty and cooking time There is no difficulty in making crow's feet cookies; they are prepared quickly and easily. The process of creating the dough takes 10-15 minutes, in addition, the semi-finished product is in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes, then 15 minutes are spent on molding the products. Baking takes about half an hour in total. Eventually

Modern cooking, having gone through a thorny path spanning several dozen centuries, bears the imprint of each respective era and culture. During this time, the main food products were identified and entire volumes of dishes to go with them were written. Along with many important products such as meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, the egg occupies an important place, from the smallest - quail, to the largest in size - ostrich. Of this wide range of eggs, special preference is still given to chicken eggs due to the safety of infection with various infections. This is reflected by the average statistical data of their consumption in the world per person: in Russia - 269 pcs., Ukraine - 280 pcs., Belarus - 288 pcs., Austria - 234 pcs., Italy - 213 pcs., USA - 271 pcs. To preserve nutrients and produce high-tasting dishes, eggs are boiled, fried, baked and added raw. It's no secret that the favorite breakfast dish all over the world is fried eggs - easy to prepare, healthy and satisfying. The word “fried egg” has its roots in the Slavic language from this

Spring chebureks recipe with photos step by step Recipe chebureks spring style, with young nettles and green onions, will undoubtedly interest housewives and will appeal to their favorite home tasters. Ingredient consumption is based on 15 medium chebureks. For the pasty dough you will need: flour (about 4 cups), 300 ml. raw (maybe mineral) water, vegetable oil(refined), 1 egg, half a teaspoon of salt. For the filling you will need: a small handful of rice, a bunch of fresh nettles, a bunch of green onions, eggs (8-10 pieces), salt. Pour the water for the dough into a pan, add salt and a little oil. You need to mix everything and boil. You should add a little flour to it. Using a whisk, mix the mixture quickly and thoroughly so that no lumps form. Then it should be left aside until it cools completely. Onion feathers should be washed in running water and finely chopped. Fresh nettles should first be scalded with boiling water so that they stop burning. The cooled nettle shoots also need to be finely chopped. Chicken eggs must first be boiled and cooled. Then - finely

How to make Swiss meringue What is Swiss meringue and how does it differ from classic meringue from whipped egg white? This version of the workpiece is created in a water bath under high temperature and has a denser texture, which is great for filling pastries, cakes and making meringues. The sweetener particles dissolve due to high temperature, thus producing a super-tender, light, airy and snow-white mass, which pleases with its ideal appearance and excellent properties. Swiss meringue is a great alternative to various fatty creams made from dairy products. It is also great for creating desserts with fresh berries and fruits. From it you will perfectly make the famous Pavlova cake, created on the basis of protein mass, buttercream and bright, fresh fruits. You can also make a salad of tropical fruits, strawberries and blueberries. Decorating them with an airy sauce will give you real culinary pleasure. Your guests will be delighted with eclairs and profiteroles filled with such amazing cream. Ingredients: proteins (2 pcs.); sweetener (0.5 tbsp.). Preparation: Prepare the necessary components to create

Cream prepared on the basis egg whites, it turns out very light and airy. It is great for decorating cakes, pastries and sand baskets. Many people are wary of creams based on raw proteins because they may contain dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella. However, this cream is the most resistant in bacterial terms. Its shelf life is longer than that of butter and cream. Salmonella dies at t 75 -80 °C, and t sugar syrup reaches 120°C, so there is no doubt that at this temperature the bacteria will definitely die. Protein cream for cake classic ingredients: egg whites (cold) – 5 pieces; sugar – 500 g; water - half a glass; lemon acid(crystallized) – 0.5 teaspoon. spoons. You can add flavoring if you wish. Method of preparation: 1. Thoroughly wash the pan needed for preparing the syrup. Then scald it with boiling water or boil water in it. 2. Wash the container for whipping egg whites and wipe dry. 3. Pour sugar into the prepared pan, add water and place on high heat. After the mixture boils a little

Meatloaf with minced egg Blessed are those who do not read the small text on the packaging of most products, especially meat. After all, such people carelessly eat store-bought rolls with great appetite, flavoring them with special generosity with mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard, hoping that this will only be beneficial. It turns out that information about the amount of flavor enhancers and preservatives that manufacturers helpfully added to their product for durability and beauty does not interfere with their lives at all. Alas, chemistry has long taken root in our lives. But what about those who accept natural products, who ignores such chemical progress and wants to eat only high-quality dishes? The answer is obvious: cook homemade food from natural and fresh products. And since our diet mainly contains meat dishes, and these are the ones you want to see natural, then we’ll consider delicious recipe preparing minced meat rolls. Ingredients: chopped meat– 400 g (it’s good if you make it yourself from high-quality pork or beef); chicken egg – 4 pcs. (homemade ones are also welcome); fresh

How to make meringue at home Cooking meringue at home still causes a lot of controversy. It seems that you have taken into account all the subtleties, you will do everything according to the recipe, but either the whites will not form a foam, then they will get wet on the second day, or they will become covered with an unhealthy tan with unpleasant smell. Brief recipe meringue fits into one sentence: separate the whites from the yolks, beat with sugar and bake. But! It is necessary to take into account a number of requirements, deviation from which can lead to disastrous results. 1. To prepare boiling white perfect meringue you will need: for 8 whites – 500 g of granulated sugar (preferably powder). You cannot use less sugar, otherwise the meringue will become wet on the second day. 2. Everything must be dry: dishes, egg whites, granulated sugar. Dry the granulated sugar on a baking sheet. It is enough to heat it and leave it open until it cools two or three times. Sugar is sometimes sold so raw that during this procedure a crust forms on its surface - break the crust and dry it. Cool to room temperature before mixing with egg whites. Separate the whites from the yolks so that the yolk is not

Quick breakfast recipe – egg in bread Ingredients for 2 servings: black custard or Borodino bread – 2 pieces; chicken egg – 2 pcs.; fresh champignons– 200g; fresh tomatoes- 2 pcs.; salt and spices - to taste; sunflower oil – 10 ml. From simple scrambled eggs you can cook interesting and tasty breakfast, if you do it in a special way. The recipe can be classified as a “speedy” breakfast, and the speed of preparation does not affect the amazing taste ready-made dish. An egg in bread with vegetables really helps out when you need to be a little original with traditional products. According to this recipe, scrambled eggs are made with vegetable side dish, for which champignons and tomatoes were chosen. We prepare these vegetables: peel and chop the mushrooms, wash the tomatoes and cut into medium slices. Leave the vegetables for a few minutes. The middle of the bread needs to be cut out, you can make a circle, heart, square, triangle or any other shape. You don’t have to throw away the centers, but fry them like crackers and serve extra. Place the bread in a frying pan; as soon as one side is dry, turn the slices over.

Omelette as in kindergarten in the oven Ingredients: eggs – 10 pcs milk – 0.5 liters salt – 1 teaspoon (less can be true) butter for lubricating the mold. This is an omelet from the “80s generation” series. It was this generation and those that followed in kindergarten who ate the most delicious, tender, slightly wet omelette - an omelette in the oven, just like in kindergarten. The recipe for making an omelet is very simple: eggs and milk. That's all? Yes, that's all. In the process of preparing this omelet, originally from distant childhood, there are 2 important points: the ratio of eggs and milk; stirring rather than whisking. I took exactly half of it standard portion: 5 eggs and a glass of milk. Stir this mixture with a fork. The baking dish must first be greased with butter. Mixed eggs and milk are poured into the mold. You need to mix well. The height of the omelette depends on the diameter of the mold: the smaller the diameter, the higher your omelette will be. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180-200 degrees. Place the omelette in the preheated oven. It turns out very, very tasty juicy

Homemade custard recipe with photo Ingredients: milk - 2 cups eggs - 3 pcs flour - 3 tbsp sugar - 1 cup vanilla sugar– 1 sachet This is the easiest way to prepare the cream. Place 3 tablespoons of flour in a bowl and beat in 3 eggs. Mix well. It is better and faster to do this with a mixer. Then add 1 glass of milk and mix well again. Mix 1 glass of milk with 1 glass of sugar. Pour milk and sugar into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat. Pour the mixture of eggs and flour into the boiling mixture. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly!!! Then turn off the heat and stir the cream for another 1 minute, adding vanilla sugar. The cream is ready! Homemade custard with butter Ingredients: sugar – 150g eggs (yolks) – 3 pcs flour – 2 tbsp milk – 250 ml butter – 200 g vanilla sugar – 1 sachet This recipe custard a little more expensive because of the butter,

Dessert like “Sabayon” – ingredients eggs – 4 pcs sugar – 120 g wine – 100 ml Sabayon is the most famous italian dessert(egg cream with added wine). It is enjoyed as a separate dish and is also added to cakes, creams... The Italians have generally contributed a lot to modern cooking and have created many masterpieces: the dessert Tiramisu, Savoyardi cookies... The classics use Marsala or Prosecco wine. Both the first and second are sweet dessert wine. We took dry red French wine Chavron. For my taste, the dessert is very sweet, so a non-sweet dry red wine is just right. Place a pan of water on the fire in advance for a water bath. Beat cold yolks with sugar until foam forms. They should turn white. Add wine little by little and carefully. The dessert will turn a little pink. Since the mixer bowl is placed on water bath You can’t, we pour it into a small saucepan and put it in a water bath. The bottom of the top pan should touch the water. But the water below should not boil too much to

Shakshuka recipe with photo Ingredients: matbukha – 4 tablespoons garlic – 1 clove hot pepper – 1/5 pod olive oil – 1 teaspoon eggs – 2 pcs Historically, shakshuka is considered Moroccan cuisine, but in Israel it is one of the most popular dishes. It was brought by immigrants from northern Africa. This strange-sounding word “shakshuka” means scrambled eggs with tomato sauce and hot peppers. Everything seems simple. But if you take the usual tomato sauce, no shakshuka will work for you. You definitely need to take a matbukha. And then, with matbukha, you will get shakshuka... How to cook shakshuka? I took a small frying pan. Although shakshuka is usually prepared for the whole family and for at least 10 eggs. Fry finely chopped hot peppers and garlic in olive oil. We lay out the matbukha. There must be a lot of it so that the eggs are immersed in this “brew” (this is how “matbukha” is roughly translated into Russian). If the sauce is thick enough, you can add just a little water. Make a hole in the matbook with a spoon. And break the egg there so as not to break the yolk.

Lazy khachapuri in a frying pan recipe Ingredients: hard cheese - 200 g eggs - 2 pcs flour - 4 tbsp soda (slaked) - 1/3 tsp sour cream (non-fat) - 150 g greens Khachapuri in the tradition Georgian cuisine This is a flatbread with cheese baked in a special oven. In our recipe there is cheese and there is dough (almost a flatbread). But everything is much, much simpler. This is probably the laziest version of lazy khachapuri. The dish is very simple and popular. Cheese lovers outnumber sausage and cotton candy lovers))) Experts on this recipe haute cuisine They will say: this is not khachapuri. But I'll tell you: this is not an omelet. Well, since cheese and flour predominate in the recipe, it is still closer to khachapuri.

Eggplant salad is delicious a la “Monte Carlo” Ingredients: eggplant – 4 pcs eggs – 4 pcs mayonnaise – 2 tbsp onion green parsley black ground pepper salt vegetable oil for frying This is amazing, it’s very, very tasty, it will even replace the famous Olivier salad festive table. I don’t write such amazing reviews about every dish. Some recipes are traditional, some are delicious, some are simple, and some are just a GOOD FIND for the holiday table. When I prepared an eggplant salad a la “Monte Carlo” and gave it to try, no one who didn’t know the ingredients of the salad could identify what it was made from. They said: it looks like sea ​​fish or mushrooms or something like that exotic vegetable. Just mysterious and very delicious salad from eggplant a la Monte Carlo. I spotted this recipe on the video kitchen of Roman Gershuni (chef of the Saffron restaurant). The recipe is simple and cheap. And this is his story. These eggplants have nothing to do with the city in the Principality of Monaco “Monte Carlo”. This recipe was simply invented by the owner of the Monte Carlo restaurant in Tel Aviv. The recipe is so

Ingredients: pieces of toast bread - 6 pieces tomato - 1 piece (large) eggs - 3 pieces ham (or sausage) - 6 pieces salt pepper Sandwiches are the most common and most popular food. Why? Yes, it's that simple. Hot sandwiches are also tasty and hot food. But today we will do it not quite simply, but in an original way. For sandwiches in the oven, we buy toast bread. It is already pre-cut into even pieces. In three of them we take out the pulp and make a hole (even). Place pieces of ham on the bottom layer. Then we cover it with the chopped tomato and finally close it with a bread frame with a hole. Pour 1 egg into the cavity of the sandwich. It will be more beautiful if your yolk does not spread. Salt and pepper to taste. Place the sandwiches on baking paper (or you can lightly grease a baking sheet with oil). Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees (the egg should be baked). Serve slightly cooled, but warm with a crispy crust. You can, of course, add greenery on top for beauty, not too much

Ingredients: eggs - 2 pcs spinach - 70 g cheese - 50 g vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. Today we will prepare a very original omelette appearance and taste. I would call it “separate meals”, since we will fry the eggs separately from the whites. This is no longer a simple omelette with vegetables, there is creativity here. But first we sauté the spinach. In my frying pan it looks a little sad because the spinach is defrosted. If you buy fresh, it will be more fun. But the taste is still wonderful. Separate the yolks from the whites. Pour beaten yolks into a frying pan with fried spinach and sprinkle with grated cheese. Let the yolks fry. And the cheese will melt. Beat the egg whites until stiff and spread on the omelette. Cover with a lid for 2-3 minutes. The white in the omelet should be baked. Then fold the omelette in half. The result was half a frying pan. We cut the omelette with spinach into portions and treat it (and if desired, share our recipes on the pages of the website “ Tastes better at home"). Somehow this omelet tastes like hot sandwiches

Hot sandwich with egg in the oven Ingredients: black bread – 6 pieces eggs – 6 pcs salt and pepper butter plant milk– 1 tbsp I really liked its design and original taste baked protein sandwiches, the recipe for which I saw on the website “All about children and their parents” (agushka.info). I decided to implement this idea on the website. Cut the black bread into slices and lightly fry in vegetable oil. To prevent the sandwich from drying out, the bread must be placed on an already very hot frying pan. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the egg whites into a very thick and thick foam. Toasted bread for a hot sandwich: place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with milk, salt and pepper to taste. First, lay out the whipped white, and then carefully place the egg yolk in the middle. Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes until the yolk hardens. We treat all relatives and unexpected guests. A hot sandwich made this way won’t seem like a banal meal. There is an omelette with spinach that tastes similar. It also bakes the block separately from the yolk. Hot sandwich with

Canned fish salad Ingredients: canned fish - 1 pc eggs - 3 pcs beets - 1 pc (small) mayonnaise - 2 tbsp salt A new interpretation of the Mimosa salad. Tasty and convenient because of the small portion salad from canned fish(we buy with added oil). Boil beets and eggs... ... and three of them on coarse grater. We take a regular plastic cone-shaped container. Place the first layer on the salad boiled beets. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Then a layer of eggs, smeared with mayonnaise. The third layer is canned fish topped with mayonnaise. Lay out the layers of salad in the order you like until the form is filled. Now we turn the mold over onto a plate and our salad with canned fish is ready. A fairly simple salad and quite tasty. Bon appetit from the site “Tastier at home.” New Year's salad Bangladesh Required Products: 80 grams butter one apple 5 chicken eggs Fresh Juice lemon - 1 spoon. tablespoon gram 230 light mayonnaise one small onion raw rice - 4 tables. spoons one jar of canned fish in oil sugar –

Scrambled eggs with bacon Ingredients: eggs - 5 pcs potatoes - 3 pcs (medium) onions - 1 pc carrots - 1 pc (medium) hard cheese - 100 g soy sauce - 3 tbsp ground red pepper parsley deodorized butter salt This is probably an incredibly satisfying dish It’s hard to call it just “scrambled eggs.” This is a mix of deliciousness in a frying pan filled with eggs. Here! Although it does not look as impressive as the “original scrambled eggs,” it is more satisfying and tastier. Cook potatoes in their jackets. We clean it, cut it into circles and place it on the bottom of a frying pan that has been previously filled with oil. Fry a little on one side and turn over. Cut the bacon (or sausage) into thin slices and place on top of the potatoes, already fried on one side. Marinate the onion in soy sauce for 15 minutes. And also put it on the bacon. Stew the carrots separately until soft and return to the frying pan. Turn on the heat and warm up the scrambled egg filling a little. At this time, beat the eggs. Pour the beaten eggs over the scrambled eggs and cover with a lid so that the eggs stick. Sprinkle grated cheese and finely chopped parsley on top. Again

Eggs cannot be classified as rare products. Their dishes are tasty and satisfying, nutritious and healthy. And these qualities are enough to become one of your favorite products.

It's not just breakfast that's complete without eggs. Eggs are a must delicious baked goods and , and . In addition to everyday dishes, symbolic and festive treats are prepared from this popular product.

What comes to most people’s minds when they need to prepare a dish in which eggs are the central component.

Of course, fried eggs and scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and scrambled eggs - and that’s where the imagination of amateur cooks usually stops. What could be simpler - beat a couple of eggs into a frying pan and breakfast is ready, an amateur will say. But this product makes original treats that are not a shame to serve on the holiday table.

And skilled housewives are able to create real holiday masterpieces from improvised and familiar products.

Since pagan times, eggs have been attributed special magical qualities, which has given rise to numerous legends and beliefs associated with them. Some traditions have survived to this day. They cannot do without symbolic painted eggs, Easter eggs and specks. It is with the blessed eggs that the festive meal begins.

It is also associated with the holiday, which is celebrated by Christians on July 13. On this day, it is customary to serve various egg dishes.

Egg omelet recipes

Cooking a real omelet is an art. It would seem that eggs and milk are no secrets, but the result can be either a lush, tasty holey dish, alluring with aromas, or a rubbery bluish cake that is a shame to remove from the frying pan.

It turns out that such a simple dish as an omelette has many nuances and secrets associated with its preparation.

Remember these tricks and your omelet will always be amazing.

The volume of milk used to prepare an omelet should not exceed half the volume of eggs. Otherwise, the dish will not be able to rise during cooking.

Fry the omelette in a frying pan with a thick bottom under a closed lid.

Do not open the lid until the dish is ready - the omelette will settle and become rubbery.

Do not use soda in the recipe - it gives the omelette a blue tint.

Start cooking on high heat and finish cooking on low heat.

And for those who have mastered the art of cooking perfect omelet, original recipes made from eggs and milk will come in handy.

Egg and milk dishes: omelette with herbs

You will get a familiar dish unusual taste and aroma if you add finely chopped herbs to the mixture of eggs and milk.

Experiment with proportions and combinations of greens and you are sure to find some favorite recipes. Green onions, dill, parsley, spinach, and thyme are suitable for the omelette.

Egg and cheese dishes: omelet with mushrooms and cheese

By expanding the list of ingredients, you can get a hearty dish with an original taste.

First, fry the mushrooms in a frying pan. Then pour in the egg-milk mixture and top the mixture with grated hard cheese. Bring the omelette to readiness with the lid closed.

Serve a mushroom omelette for the holidays family breakfast, which will help you recharge not only with energy in the morning, but also with a festive mood.

Delicious egg dishes: recipe for omelet rolls with filling

To make rolls, you will have to learn how to fry a thin omelette.

Splendor in such recipes will only be a hindrance. In addition, you need to get used to rolling the roll.

This must be done quickly, before the omelette pancake has time to cool.

Grease the surface of the omelette with sauce and spread a thin layer of the filling prepared in advance.

Wrap the finished roll in film and put it in the cold to harden.

For filling you can use:

  • sautéed mushrooms and bacon;
  • grated cheese and finely chopped herbs;
  • fried carrots with garlic;
  • stewed onion rings;
  • pureed cottage cheese and pieces of red fish.

You can grease the finished omelette with sour cream and herbs, a mixture of mayonnaise with fermented baked milk and garlic, and soft curd mass.

Scrambled eggs and prepared chicken egg dishes

Every housewife has more than a dozen variations of cooking scrambled eggs.

And if you add recipes for scrambled eggs from different nations to this culinary list, you can not only delight your family with new dishes every day, but also choose an original recipe to serve on the holiday table.

Egg recipes: scrambled eggs in pepper

Love original presentation– cook the dish in a dish.

Fried bell pepper itself has unsurpassed taste. And if you beat an egg into the circles of fried pepper, you will get a juicy and appetizing treat.

Your child will love this dish for his birthday, especially if you bake multi-colored peppers.

Like the idea of ​​cooking a dish in a dish? Make scrambled eggs on toast, for which you will have to take out the middle of a piece of bread and fry the workpiece in oil before beating in the egg.

But we will make scrambled eggs in a bun in the oven. Add pieces of bacon and cheese to the dish and a hearty holiday breakfast of eggs is ready.

Every nation has its favorites and National dishes. Eggs, despite their prevalence, are no exception. And if classic omelette– a French idea, different tortillas – a Spanish specialty.

But no one forbids you to cook delicious food spanish dish for the Slavic table. Moreover, the ingredients in this dish are simple and affordable.

There are an incredible number of tortilla recipes. But the mandatory ingredients, besides eggs, are potatoes and onions.

We start cooking by frying the rings onions, to which we add slices of pre-boiled potatoes. When will it appear golden brown crust, drive chicken eggs on top.

Don’t forget to season the dish with salt and pepper and wait until it’s ready main ingredient- eggs.

Is it true, familiar dish. Probably everyone has tried a prefabricated dish that contains leftover food left in the refrigerator.

You can make tortilla with mushrooms, ham, cheese, spinach, chicken, sausage. The main thing is to pour eggs over everything - and the exquisite Spanish dish is ready.

An egg dish not just for breakfast: eggs Florentine

This is a combined dish that will surely take its rightful place on the holiday table. In addition to eggs, we will need spinach, cheese and cream. For toast, you can take toast bread or a regular loaf.

First prepare the spinach mixture. For what healthy greens you will have to boil for no more than a couple of minutes in salted water and place in a colander. Place the finished product in a bowl, where we mix it with cream and grated cheese.

Now let's prepare the poached eggs.

Without the experience to cook gourmet eggs... classic recipe, use cling film.

Grease a piece of film cut to size with oil and place it in a cup. Beat the egg into it and immediately carefully tie the film.

Send the egg in film into boiling water, and after two minutes complex dish will be ready. All that remains is to untie the film.

We begin to collect Florentine delights. Spread the spinach mixture onto the toast and top with the poached egg.

The incredible play of colors and taste will please any gourmet.

Simple egg dishes: shakshuka

It is difficult to determine whose idea it was to fry eggs with vegetables. This egg recipe must be thousands of years old.

Fry finely chopped onion and garlic in oil, without frying. Add to the pan Bell pepper and tomatoes, which are an essential ingredient in shakshuka.

At the same stage, add salt and spices. When the vegetables are stewed, make small depressions into which we drive the eggs. Bring the shakshuka to readiness.

If you want to serve shakshuka to festive breakfast or as a snack on the holiday table, prepare the dish in bowls.

To do this, make the vegetable part in a frying pan, place it in portions and beat in one egg at a time. Finish your holiday shakshuka in the oven.

Boiled egg dishes: deviled eggs

Such original way serving is quite often used by housewives. The effective and appetizing appearance is in no way inferior to taste qualities dishes. That's why stuffed eggs can often be found on the holiday table.

The filling for stuffing boiled eggs can be quite varied.

It could be classic dish with red caviar or diet made from pureed cottage cheese with herbs.

Try to do original options stuffed eggs:

  • pieces of rolled bacon;
  • boiled grated beets, garnished with a piece of herring on top;
  • a mixture of canned sardines and yolk;
  • grated cheese with garlic.

Quail eggs look quite nice on the holiday table.

These microscopic stuffed halves are suitable both as an independent dish and as a salad decoration.

Egg salad recipes

Believe it or not, more than 70% holiday salads prepared with eggs. It's hard to imagine classic Olivier or a fur coat without boiled eggs.

Today we will get acquainted with dishes where eggs act as the leading component.

Egg salads can be served on the table as an independent dish, as a portioned salads and used for spreading toast and or stuffing tartlets.

Greek egg salad

The dish is easy to prepare, but loved by many housewives for its versatility.

Greek is being prepared egg salad from minimum quantity ingredients. You will need at least 8 boiled eggs. and the same volume of good cheese, which will be approximately 400 grams.

An obligatory component will be garlic, which you need to add to the dish, focusing on your taste preferences and low-fat mayonnaise.

Grind all the ingredients on a fine grater and season the salad with sauce. This salad is suitable for preparing appetizers, sandwiches or tartlets.

If you want to serve this dish as an independent treat, chop the eggs and cheese not with a grater, but with a knife. large pieces.

Salad with stuffed eggs

An original presentation in which stuffed quail eggs take center stage.

For stuffing, remove the yolks from boiled and halved eggs, which we grind in a bowl together with mustard and herbs. Fill the halves with the resulting mass.

Place hand-torn lettuce in a salad bowl. It is advisable to take different varieties having red and green color foliage.

Add halved cherry tomatoes and avocado to the salad, as well as coarsely chopped walnuts.

You will need sauce for the dressing. We prepare it from mayonnaise, to which we add a little chopped garlic, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice.

You need to add a little more to the sauce grated cheese and add flavor with black pepper.

After dressing the salad with sauce, lay out the prepared stuffed halves quail eggs. Literally after 15 minutes, which will be enough for the ingredients to become friends, we serve the dish to the table.

Egg and onion salad

Such simple snack will cause a sensation at the holiday table. Egg and onion salad looks great and surprises guests even more with its unusual taste.

We will use two types of onions to prepare it. Onions will compete with eggs in the dish, and green onions will be used for decoration.

The onion must first be pickled. To do this, take medium-sized onions and, after peeling, cut them into half rings. Add salt and rub gently with your hands. Add a spoonful of sugar and vinegar to the bowl with the onions. Mix again so that the onion releases its juice, and immediately pour boiling water over it. According to this recipe, we will marinate the onions for literally 15-20 minutes.

Boil the eggs and, after peeling, cut them in half. Cut each half crosswise into strips.

In a salad bowl, mix the prepared onions after marinade and large pieces of eggs. For dressing, sour cream is suitable, to which you need to add a little mustard. Place the egg and onion salad in a mound and sprinkle with green onions on top.

We cut the feathers at an angle to create unusual beveled rings.

Experiment with ingredients. Eggs can easily be considered a universal culinary ingredient that goes well with many foods. Try it unusual combinations and invent new holiday dishes with eggs.

There are various variations and a million salads to which we add eggs. But the latter option can hardly be called a complete meal from eggs, because they rarely become the main ingredient in salads. Well, it’s worth adding a few new recipes for egg dishes to your culinary knowledge.

It is worth noting that in addition to chicken eggs, quail eggs, pigeon eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, and, which for us is completely exotic, emu eggs and even sea turtles are also eaten. But since in our grocery stores you can only buy chicken and quail eggs, we will focus on them. Before you think about what to cook with eggs, it’s worth learning how to determine their freshness in order to prepare a truly tasty and healthy dish. The color of the shell and the size of the egg are indicators that have nothing to do with freshness; in the store you can only check the integrity of the shell, but tests for freshness will have to be carried out at home.

There should be no cracks, dirt, feathers, streaks of white or yolk on the shell, i.e. The egg must be clean and whole. Fill a glass with cold water, salt it and place the egg in the water. If the egg immediately sank, then you can rejoice at your successful purchase; you are lucky to have purchased the freshest eggs. If the egg does not sink to the bottom, but hangs somewhere in the middle, then you have received stale goods; it is better to avoid eggnog and eating the egg raw, but it is quite possible to make an omelet from it. If the egg floats, then, alas, you are out of luck, this product is hopelessly spoiled, and even heat treatment unable to make it edible. Besides bathing the egg in salted water, there is another way to determine freshness. Break an egg into a plate, if you see a thick transparent white that holds its shape and a convex yolk, then in front of you fresh egg, if the white spreads over the plate, the yolk is flat and you hear a subtle smell of sulfur, then feel free to throw such an egg in the trash.

Now that the freshness of the product has been determined, you can begin to make plans on what to cook from the eggs. We tried to select the most interesting and unusual recipes starring chicken and quail eggs. Choose dishes that you like and delight your family with new culinary discoveries.

6 eggs
2 tomatoes
1 onion,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
1 chili pepper,
50 ml. cream,
2 tbsp. butter,
1 tsp cumin seeds,
1 tsp curry,
1 tsp turmeric,
cilantro or parsley,

Finely chop the onion and chop the garlic. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic until transparent. Meanwhile, finely chop the chili pepper. Add chili and spices to the pan and fry for a couple more minutes. Remove seeds and juice from tomatoes. Finely chop the tomatoes, add them to the pan and fry for 3-4 minutes. Mix eggs with cream, salt and pepper and add to vegetables. Stirring constantly, continue to fry until the eggs are cooked. Place the resulting scrambled eggs on toast and sprinkle with finely chopped cilantro or parsley.

6 eggs
1 tbsp. semolina,
vegetable oil,
ground black pepper,

Hard-boil the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater. Add salt, pepper and a little semolina to the eggs. Mix thoroughly and form cutlets from the resulting mass. Dip the cutlets in flour and fry in vegetable oil.

10 quail eggs,
100 ml soy sauce,
100 ml strong black tea,
2 cloves of garlic,
5 gr. ginger,
2 peas of allspice.

Boil the eggs. Soy sauce mix with tea and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Add ginger, sliced ​​garlic and pepper. Let the sauce simmer a little. At this time, peel the eggs and pour hot sauce over them, cool and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then drain the sauce, dry the eggs, and serve.

4 eggs,
250 gr. lightly salted mackerel fillet,
50 gr. butter,
1 tbsp. mustard,
lettuce leaves,

Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut in half. Remove the yolks from the egg halves, leave half of the yolks for decoration, and place the remaining half in a blender, add mackerel fillets to them and chop. Then add fillet and softened butter to the yolks and beat again. Place the resulting filling into a pastry syringe and fill the egg halves. Place lettuce leaves on a plate, lay out the egg halves, garnish with tomato slices, dill and crumbled egg yolk.

3 quail eggs,
3 cherry tomatoes,
5 fresh champignons,
50 gr. hard cheese,
1 small onion
2 tbsp. homemade mayonnaise,
vegetable oil,
1 clove of garlic,

Boil the eggs. Cut the mushrooms into slices and the onions into small cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the onion in it, add mushrooms, salt and add finely chopped garlic. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Grind the fried mushrooms in a blender. Mix mushrooms, cheese, finely chopped herbs and mayonnaise. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds using a teaspoon. Peel the eggs and also cut them in half crosswise. Mash the yolk and add to the filling. Fill the tomato and egg halves with the filling and secure with toothpicks.

4 hard-boiled eggs,
1 raw egg,
400 gr. minced meat,
2 tbsp. flour,

Peel the boiled eggs and roll in flour. Preheat the oven to 190°C. Salt and pepper the minced meat, mix and divide into 4 parts. Place an egg on each piece and wrap the minced meat around it. Break the raw egg into a bowl and beat. Dip the resulting “cutlets” first into the egg and then into the breadcrumbs. Line a baking tray with baking paper, place the “cutlets” and bake in the oven until golden crust within 25-30 minutes. When serving, garnish with herbs.

4 eggs,
50 gr. blue cheese,
50 gr. butter,
50 gr. sifted flour,
500 ml milk,

Prepare Bechamel sauce. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour to it, stir thoroughly and pour in the milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring continuously so that there are no lumps. Once the sauce comes to a boil, reduce heat, cover and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add salt, pepper, stir and remove from heat. Preheat the oven to 210°C. Grease the pots with butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and fill them halfway with sauce. Gently crack an egg into each pot, being careful not to damage the yolk. Pour the remaining sauce on top, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.

12 eggs
12 strips of bacon,
1 onion,
150 gr. champignons,
olive oil,


Preheat the oven to 180°C. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions. Melt butter in a frying pan and fry mushrooms and onions. Grease the muffin tin olive oil, lay out the strips of bacon to make a nest. Place fried mushrooms and onions on the bacon, break an egg on top and place the pan in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Very carefully remove the finished nests from the mold, place on a plate and serve hot.

Eggs make great desserts. Porous structure, delicate consistency, making such desserts simply melt in your mouth, and extraordinary taste will not leave anyone indifferent, which means you no longer have to think about what to cook with eggs, the choice is already obvious!

4 squirrels,
200 gr. powdered sugar.

Degrease the mixing utensils; to do this, you can simply wash them with dishwashing detergent or wipe them with a slice of lemon. Wipe the dishes dry. Separate the whites from the yolks and pour them into a bowl. optimal temperature proteins should be 22-25 °C. As soon as the whites turn white, start adding powdered sugar. It is better to use powder homemade. To do this, you can simply grind the sugar in a coffee grinder. Beat until the whites form stiff peaks. Preheat the oven to 100°C and dry the meringues in it for 2 hours. After this time, turn off the heat and leave in the oven until completely cool.

2 eggs,
¾ tbsp. milk,
40 gr. butter,
1 tbsp. flour,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp vanilla sugar,
powdered sugar,

Pour milk into a saucepan and heat it, but do not bring it to a boil. Add butter to the milk and wait until it melts. Then mix the flour with a small amount of milk, add the mixture to the hot milk and butter and mix thoroughly. Remove the milk from the heat and let cool slightly. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar, and beat the whites with the addition of small quantity salt until thick foam forms. Add the yolks with sugar to the cooled milk mass and mix. Then carefully add the whites and mix, trying not to let the foam fall off. Add a little vanilla sugar and place the dough in a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 180°C, for 30-40 minutes. When the soufflé is browned, carefully remove it from the mold, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.

Egg dishes are prepared quickly and simply, and their taste always remains as high as they say centuries-old traditions use of this product in cooking. What to cook with eggs? When this question arises before you again, in addition to all kinds of omelettes, remember the above recipes and try to diversify your usual menu bright flavors familiar products.

It's no secret that egg dishes very diverse and popular. Eggs have earned this role due to the fact that they contain an optimal ratio of nutrients and nutrients. They are very well absorbed by the human body. Therefore, they make up the majority of the diet as absolutely healthy people, and for dietary dishes.

The easiest thing to do with an egg is to simply drink it raw. At home, they rarely drink raw. Perhaps for the vocal cords of people who practice vocals or on the recommendation of a doctor for certain diseases. Basically, they try to cook them before consumption.

There are many recipes for preparing egg dishes. Because these dishes cook very quickly. They are used to prepare breakfast, or whatever a quick fix. On average, eggs take 5x10 minutes to cook. Therefore, they are irreplaceable in quality. In some Eastern countries there are egg recipes, the preparation process of which does not fit any of the descriptions presented below.

Sour-fruit, sour-meat or fermented milk soups. In our country, such dishes are prepared only in special cafes, or those who prefer them love and know how they are prepared correctly, and not from hearsay. Among the common soups in our cuisine, the most famous and popular are okroshka and green borscht; the list of their ingredients includes a hard-boiled egg.

What types of egg dishes are there?

What can you cook from eggs?? The answer is an omelette. There are many ways to prepare them and varieties. Starting from sweet omelettes and ending with omelettes with with different fillings from meat or vegetables. The only thing they have in common is the mandatory presence of milk, flour and eggs in the ingredients.

Next, another option is this. It also has more than one method of preparation, or rather it is fried the same way, but then complete freedom of imagination and the availability of ingredients reigns, it can be fried with absolutely anything. Fry into pockets, cut into strips, noodles. In a word, what a person’s imagination is capable of.

And its preparation takes only a couple of minutes. The fastest dish to prepare for breakfast if you are too lazy to prepare something, or if suddenly guests come to you unexpectedly and there is nothing to treat them with.

Egg dishes can be divided into the following types:

  • Differently. Preparation egg dish, without adding any components.
  • Fried eggs. Here, in addition to vegetable oil for frying and the eggs themselves, any other ingredients can be used.
  • Omelettes. Its composition includes: flour, eggs and milk. Can be diversified by adding spicy vegetables or meat.
  • . For stuffing, only the white of a boiled egg is taken, the yolk is taken out, and instead filled with cooked minced meat. Minced meat can consist of yolk with the addition of other products to taste.
  • Egg cutlets. Or in other words, Sicheniki. To prepare this dish, a crushed egg is mixed with other products, a raw egg and spices are added, cutlets are formed, breaded and fried.
  • Egg puddings. In this dish, the role of the egg is to bring together the potatoes and other vegetables.
  • Egg drinks. Here the egg plays the role of a binder between the liquid and the flour components.

Methods for preparing eggs

What to cook with eggs quickly. Simple and quick way The preparation is simple: boil eggs. There are several types of boiled eggs, the only difference between them is the cooking technology and the thickness of the boiled egg:

Hard boiled. The eggs prepared for boiling are all simultaneously loaded into very boiling water, the layer of water should completely cover them. Boiling time 8-10 minutes. For ease of cooking, they can be placed in a colander so that they can be loaded and removed from the boiling water at the same time. Egg consistency: hard yolk and equally hard white. Hard-boiled eggs are used for salads, stuffing, making cutlets and simply as a separate dish.

In a cup. This egg is quite easy to prepare. steam bath. Grease the cup with butter and sprinkle grated hard cheese on top. Sliced ​​ham is placed on the bottom, a raw egg is poured on top and placed in boiling water for about 12 minutes. Served with sauce, the sauce is chosen to taste.

Scrambled eggs. The eggs are boiled in very boiling water for about 3 or 3.5 minutes. The cooking time starts from when the boiling water is completely restored, that is, after about 30 seconds. The heat on the stove should be turned on to maximum. The consistency of the egg should be as follows: the white should look like thick curdled milk, and the yolk should be semi-liquid. Served on a special stand for soft-boiled eggs, these are available for sale, or on a saucer hot.

In a bag in a shell shell. The cooking method is completely similar to cooking soft-boiled eggs, with the difference in cooking time, it increases from 4.5 to 5.5 minutes depending on the size and weight of the egg. Consistency of the finished egg: the white is thicker, it should hold the yolk if the egg is shelled.

Try cooking poached egg. This is the easy way heat treatment eggs. In European countries it is known more than in ours. This dish comes from France and translated into our language means an egg in a “pocket”. Why? When you cook it yourself, make sure it really looks like it's in a pocket of its own protein. To cook eggs this way, it is very important that the eggs are fresh. Otherwise, the possible formation of egg lace around it will spoil the appearance.

Poached or poached egg - recipe

Ingredients for 1 person:

  • Egg.
  • Slice of bread.
  • A piece of hard cheese.
  • Cabbage leaf.
  • Greenery,
  • Vinegar,
  • Salt.

You need to add a little salt to the boiling water and, of course, about a tablespoon of vinegar. Next, use a spoon or fork to stir the water in a circular motion until a funnel forms in the saucepan. A raw egg is poured into the center of this funnel; reduce the heat to medium; if you are cooking not one, but several eggs, do this with each one separately. Cook for about 3.5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to let the water drain.

For the garnish, you need to take a piece of bread, add some salt and sprinkle with a little sunflower oil. Then put a slice of hard cheese on top and put it in the microwave. So that the bread browns and the cheese melts on it. fry for about 45 seconds, this should be enough.

Finely chop the cabbage leaf, add salt, and place on bread. Place a boiled poached egg on top of this sandwich and pierce it with a knife so that the yolk flows out and is absorbed into the prepared sandwich.

Egg white dishes

What to cook from egg whites? Previously, we looked at how to prepare egg dishes in their entirety. But there are some recipes that require not a whole egg, but only a part of it. It can be either white or yolk. What can you make from egg whites? The answer to this question may just be stuffed eggs. And this is true, only boiled egg white is used in this dish. Although the minced meat may consist of yolk.

What to cook from egg whites? Protein is mainly used as an ingredient for making eggnog drink, soufflé, for making cream or for baking:

Protein pudding - recipe

To prepare it you will need:

  • Rye bread, grated – 2 cups.
  • Butter – 30 gr.
  • Sour cream – 40 gr.
  • Sugar – 20 gr.
  • Egg whites – 6 pcs.

Grated Rye bread Grind thoroughly with melted butter. Add sour cream and sugar, add whipped cream with a mixer. Mix all ingredients and place in a baking dish. Bake for an hour.

If a friend unexpectedly comes to visit you and, as luck would have it, there is nothing to treat her with. The question arises in your head, what can you cook delicious? If there is nothing in the refrigerator except eggs. There is an answer, please your friend.

Foamy egg soufflé - recipe

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Sugar – 80 gr.
  • Egg whites – 4 pcs.
  • Walnut– 8 pcs.
  • Rum – 20g.
  • Jam or marmalade – 30 gr.

The whites are whipped until a strong foam forms. Sugar and jam or jam are gradually added to the mass, depending on what you have prepared for it or what you have. Place two thirds of the protein mass in a prepared pan for frying. Place the rest of the mixture in a pastry bag. Next, pour the protein mass out of the bag so that a depression is formed in the middle.

The top is decorated with peeled nuts. This is baked culinary product at low temperature until golden brown. Drizzle with rum diluted with sugar before serving. You have eggs in the refrigerator, you have milk. And what can you make from eggs and milk? Try to please yourself and your loved ones with a tasty and simple dish:

Meringues in vanilla sauce - recipe


  • Egg whites – 8 pcs.
  • Sugar – 1 glass.
  • Cream - 2 cups.
  • Milk – 1.5 cups.
  • Vanillin.

Beat the whites until a thick foam forms. Dip a spoon into cold water so that it is moist and not dry, take the protein foam with a spoon and place it in boiling milk. Place in small portions so that the meringues do not stick together. , which have floated and hardened from below, very carefully turn them over. Place the finished meringues on a strainer to drain the milk. Place the meringues in a pyramid on a plate.

To prepare vanilla sauce, you need to: grind the yolks to a homogeneous consistency with vanilla, sugar, dilute it all with cream and, with constant stirring, heat until boiling, but do not boil. Drizzle some of the meringue on top with this sauce and serve the rest separately.

Quail egg dishes

A person who sees these eggs for the first time in his life will probably hardly believe that anything can be cooked from them. What frightens us, first of all, is their size; they are very small compared to chicken eggs. What to cook from quail eggs? In fact, from these small eggs you can prepare quite a wide range of dishes. They combine perfectly both in appearance and in taste in salads, desserts, appetizers, pizza and other dishes that require an egg.

Quail eggs are not at all difficult to cook, except that they are more tender and therefore need to be cooked more sparingly than chicken eggs. For example, you cannot immediately put an egg that has just been taken from the refrigerator into boiling water; it may burst. Or another example, the saucepan in which they are boiled should not be too wide, they should be cooked in a small group so that it does not hit the saucepan during cooking, they can float and if they hit the saucepan they can also break. Otherwise, everything is like in chicken eggs.

Quail egg salad - recipe


  • Quail eggs – 10 pieces.
  • Potatoes – 2 pieces.
  • Ham, maybe smoked chicken – 100 gr.
  • Cucumber, pickled – 2 pieces.
  • Green peas – 1 jar.
  • Sour cream, maybe mayonnaise – 200g.
  • Greens, pepper, salt, to taste.

Boiled potatoes, eggs and all of the listed products are cut into cubes. Added to them green pea and mixed with the addition of sour cream or mayonnaise, as you like. Sprinkled with herbs. Can be served. This dish can replace the usual Olivier dish for everyone.

Egg dishes - recipes

What to cook from egg yolks. In previous recipes, we looked at dishes prepared only with egg whites. What to cook now from egg yolk?

You can prepare pogacs in Hungarian style: dough is made from boiled potatoes. Butter, flour, yolks and sour cream are added to it. The dough is kneaded in three steps; between steps it should rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then circles of various shapes are cut out of it and baked in the oven. You can also prepare milk soup or sauce made with egg yolks, egg liqueur and much more.

Try asking your friends or acquaintances, while sitting over a cup of tea or coffee, what to make from eggs, tasty and quick, in a hurry. The answer will most likely stop at the list of several dishes from the egg diet, which has been known to everyone for a long time. Let's add a little to this list with a few recipes:

Egg "Flower". To prepare it you need: eggs, spices, vegetable oil for frying. Break the eggs into a bowl or saucer, mix with spices and beat the egg mass with a fork until homogeneous consistency. Then bake pancakes from this mixture in a frying pan. It is better to fry them on both sides.

Place the finished tortillas on a cutting board in a stack, one tortilla on top of another, when they have cooled slightly, cut them into thin strips with a knife. Next, use a fork to twist them into a kind of colorful “mess” and transfer them to a plate. You can put a cranberry or an olive in the middle of the flower.

Fried egg salad - recipe


  • Eggs – 5 pieces,
  • butter – 30 gr.,
  • 100 grams each smoked fish and ham
  • hard cheese– 50 grams,
  • greenery
  • mayonnaise.

Break the eggs into a heated frying pan, stir with a spatula and fry until they thicken. Place the finished scrambled eggs on a cutting board and cut into noodles. Season with mayonnaise, garnish with herbs and serve.

Potatoes on the side

Combination egg products and potatoes, the most common and popular in our country. Whoever you ask what to make with potato eggs? Let's try not just frying eggs, but, for example, egg wallets and fried potatoes.

Fried egg purses - recipe


  • about 4 eggs
  • vegetable oil
  • herbs, spices.
  • fried potatoes on the side

At first glance, this is the simplest fried eggs. But she is unusual, and this is only at first glance. Its whole secret lies in the cooking technology. Break the eggs into a heated frying pan with oil. Fry over low heat until the egg white begins to brown on the bottom. Next, use a spatula to double each egg and add a little heat on the stove.

It is very important that the fire is weak at first, then stronger. Fry the egg on both sides until golden brown. Place on a plate. And here, attention, there is the secret itself, in the middle of each pocket we will put something from minced meat, for example, cooked, not raw meat or chopped onions, whatever.

What to cook from boiled eggs? Not a single holiday table is complete without the presence of egg dishes. They can be like independent dishes, and in decoration elements. The most common cooking method holiday dish stuffed eggs. What else can you prepare from a boiled egg for the holiday table?

I won’t reveal a secret if I say that eggs as an ingredient are included in many types of salads. Olivier, from crab sticks and rice, Mimosa, liver cake and many others. But the festive table decorations made from boiled eggs look especially beautiful. An adult really likes this, but if the holiday table is for a child, then it’s just admiration in their eyes.

Even the simplest mouse, prepared as a decoration on any salad, makes it especially attractive, you can’t help but notice it, much less try it. The world of egg cuisine is very diverse. It is simply not possible to describe everything in one article. Dishes can be very similar to each other, but completely different in taste; the old traditional ones, to which we have become accustomed since childhood, are replacing new ones that are more piquant and special. Ingredients change.

Take for example the old famous recipe"Herring under a Fur Coat". No one New Year earlier in the old days, it did not pass so that it would not be on the festive table. And everyone knew one, the only recipe for its preparation. Now, when you type the name of this salad into an Internet search engine, so many similar and at the same time different recipes will open, a day will not be enough to read them. Cook according to our recipes, cook according to your own own recipes and be sure to share them with us.

Every time you cook regular scrambled eggs or boil soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, you lose the opportunity to try this useful product in a new way. But you can get the same amount of protein, but at the same time try the original, tasty dish, and also aesthetically pleasing. Here's a selection of new ways to cook eggs and add variety to your meal.

1. Baskets with eggs

To make this you will need muffin racks, bacon and eggs. Roll up thin slices of bacon in a basket, crack an egg into the middle of the basket and bake it all in the oven.

Basket of eggs

2. Scrambled eggs with medium cooked yolk

If you like a slightly runny yolk, but not so much that it leaks out, you can prepare scrambled eggs like this: break the egg into a greased frying pan, cover with a lid and do not turn until done. Due to the lid, the yolk will bake better.

Scrambled eggs with medium cooked yolk

3. Golden eggs

The French prepare this dish for Easter, but you can eat it every day. The basis of the dish is a cream sauce made from flour, butter and milk. First, cook hard-boiled eggs, then separate the white from the yolk of the finished egg.

Finely chopped protein is mixed with cream sauce. After this, the finished sauce is spread on toast, and the yolk crumbles on top.

Golden eggs

4. Crispy poached eggs

Such eggs can often be seen in different French salads. First boil the egg soft-boiled, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry for 30-60 seconds in a greased frying pan. The dish turns out crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Crispy poached eggs

If you're too lazy to boil or fry eggs in the morning, you can keep it simple. Break a raw egg, beat it a little to mix the yolk with the white, add the green onions and ham and pour it all into a regular coffee mug. One minute in the microwave and your breakfast is ready.

6. Toast with cheese

Soak bread slices in a milk-based sauce, sprinkle them with cheese and bake them in a baking dish along with eggs, milk and mustard.

Croutons with cheese

7. Omelette rolls

Beat the eggs, pour them into a greased frying pan, so that the layer raw eggs was about 2 cm thick. Wait until the eggs are cooked on one side, then turn the omelette over, top with whatever you would like to wrap, such as sliced ​​ham and peppers. After the second side of the omelet is cooked, simply roll it into a roll.

8. Egg soufflé

Initially, soufflé was made from eggs, we just forgot about it since chocolate soufflé appeared. But you can always make egg soufflé at home. For this you need four yolks, three whites, a little milk, butter and flour. The result is airy pleasure.

This Danish dish made from dough, but there are more eggs in it than the dough itself. First, beat the egg whites until thick foam, then in a separate bowl mix flour, salt, sugar, yolks, butter, buttermilk and add the whipped whites.

The finished dough is poured into a special form, greased with oil. After the bubbles appear, the pancakes must be constantly turned over in the cavity so that they do not burn.

You've probably tried such an omelette in cafes or restaurants, but you weren't able to cook an equally fluffy dish at home.

Here's a recipe that will help you make a really fluffy omelette.

For the omelet you will need:

  • large eggs (separate yolks from whites) - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 50 g;
  • butter or margarine - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.
  1. Preheat the stove to 160°C.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the egg whites, water and salt and beat with a mixer on high speed. In a small bowl, mix the yolks and ground black pepper with a mixer for about three minutes. Pour the yolks into the bowl with the beaten whites.
  3. Melt the butter in a heated frying pan and pour the beaten eggs onto it. Slowly reduce the heat to low and cook for about five minutes or until the omelette is fluffy and the bottom surface is light brown (lift it carefully to see the color).
  4. Continue cooking the omelette for about 12-15 minutes. Check readiness with a knife: if you can insert it into the middle and come out clean, the omelette is ready.
  5. Tilt the pan so the omelet slides onto the plate, carefully fold it in half and serve with salsa or tomato paste sauce.