Canned bream. Canned fish at home. Sprat recipe with tomato sauce

Olga Gatkevich | July 29, 2015 | 20414

Olga Gatkevich 29.07.2015 20414

If your husband often brings home a catch with which you no longer know what to do, I suggest preparing canned fish from fish - my mother-in-law shared their recipe with me at one time. And I said “thank you” to her more than once, using these useful tips.

Place the rack at the bottom of the banker and place closed banks on the counter. Fasten the jar lid securely, but do not close the vent lid. Heat up the miner high level within 20 minutes. If steam passes through the open vent in a constant stream at the end of 20 minutes, let it escape for another 10 minutes. If steam does not pass through the open vent in a constant stream at the end of 20 minutes, continue to heat the container until it does.

Then let the steam run for an additional 10 minutes to release the banner. This step removes air from the container so that the temperature is the same throughout the bunker. The total time spent on heating and exhausting the fan must be at least 30 minutes. The total time can be more than 30 minutes if you have tightly packed jars, cold fish or larger jars.

First decide what you are going to eat. favorite treat immediately or put into jars and roll up - the method of preparation will depend on this. And the amount of time spent on this is directly proportional to the size of the fish. You won't need many ingredients. Let's get started!

Canned fish in oil


A warning from all Americans about stationery sizes

For safety reasons, you must have a full, uninterrupted 160 minutes at the minimum pressure required for your altitude. Write down the time at the beginning of the process and the time when the process is completed. The manufacturer of all American automakers does not recommend using its two minimum pressures for domestic canning fish: "Models 910 and 915 are not recommended for canning fish."

Use clean drinking water from the tap

Fish and seafood canning destinations always recommend using fresh, potable water rather than lake, hand or sea water. When preparing fish or shellfish for processing or freezing, do not wash in sea water or use sea water for pre-extraction, etc.

  • 1 kg river fish;
  • 2-3 large carrots;
  • 3-4 large onions;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 1.5 tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 0.5 bottles of vegetable oil.

Clean the fish from scales, remove the insides and rinse well under running water. For large individuals, cut off the heads and fins; for small ones, this is not necessary. Divide the larger fish into pieces about 5 cm long. Salt and let it brew for 30-60 minutes.

The reason why sea or lake water can have bacteria in it that you introduce into your jars. The water used in cleaning seafood and preparing it for packaging must be drinking water, whether it is running water to wash it, or water in brine or anti-seize solution, or a preservative liquid that goes into a jar. Do not wash fish in stream or lake water. Do not shorten clams in sea water.

Basic cooking rules

If your home drinking water contains a lot of minerals, use bottled water, at least for canned liquid. Lemon juice or citric acid can be used to help keep seafood too dark during canning.

Take a large saucepan, put in it the fish, peeled and finely chopped onions and grated carrots, spices. Top with vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. water and put on fire. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat. small fish cooks for about 2 hours, large ones for about 3. Alternatively, you can cook canned food in the roaster by placing it in the oven for 3 hours at 180°C.

Canned fish in oil at home

Citric acid can be used for canning: harvested crab, lobster, shrimp and shellfish meat is given short-term pasta in a rather tart solution citric acid or lemon juice as a way to offset the dark effect of minerals naturally present in such products. The dipping lasts about 1 minute and the meat is gently pressed to remove the excess solution. Can be used white vinegar but it can contribute its own little flavor.

When you put pressure on canned fish, some people also advise to add lemon juice in preservative water, up to 8 tablespoons, to counteract the fishy smell that can linger for a long time in your pressure.

Readiness is determined by the bones of the fish: they should become soft, as in canned food.

If you want to prepare a dish made in this way for the future, sterilize the jars in advance, preferably half a liter. Put canned fish in them and roll them up. You need to store them in a cool dark place.

Canned fish in tomato sauce


The most extensive, specific advice for salmon comes from Bernardine, perhaps due to part of his audience being the Pacific Northwest. Due to the very oily nature of fish, tips include things like. Use a cutting board that can be easily cleaned; use a paper towel, not a cloth for cleaning; do not add oil; leave the skin on and place the salmon on the side of the skin next to the glass. Salmon is rich in omega-3s fatty acids and calcium. Calcium is found mainly in the bones, which soften during the pressure-preserving process.

  • 1 kg of river fish;
  • 2-3 large carrots;
  • 3-4 large onions;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 1.5 tsp salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 5-8 Art. l. tomato paste.

The method of preparing canned food in tomato sauce is not much different from the previous one. When you put the fish, vegetables and spices in a saucepan, pour them not with vegetable oil, but with 3 glasses of water with tomato paste diluted in it. This is where all the differences end. The fish is stewed or languished for the same 2-3 hours until its bones become soft.

Canned fish in tomato juice

To get the full nutritional benefits of salmon, include salmon juices and bones in recipes made with homemade canned salmon. The bones blend easily into mixtures and become indistinguishable from fish. Fish smoking should be done using proven methods. Lightly smoked fish is recommended for canning because the smoked flavor will become stronger and the meat dries out after processing. However, since it hasn't been cooked yet, don't try lightly smoked fish before canning.

If you decide to cook canned food in a slow cooker, turn on the appliance and select the “Stewing” program and set the duration to 4 hours. After this time, you will get amazing-tasting fish!

Homemade canned food can be prepared independently not only from river fish, but also from sea fish. The difference in the habitats of the main ingredient does not affect the recipe for cooking. Some housewives with imagination add ready-made spices in bags to canned food, brew black tea so that the fish is golden in color, or replace tomato paste fresh tomatoes. And many inventive personalities even manage to simmer the dish in the oven right in glass jars- it takes 8 hours for such a process! This is where the differences in cooking canned fish at home usually end.

Canned fish at home in an autoclave with tomato

Bernardin also advises smoking fish lightly before canned food. For long-term storage smoked salmon must be frozen or canned. Fully smoked fish that is dry enough to eat tends to be too dry and soaked after home canning. Do not decrease the processing time to reduce these quality changes. The smoking technique must be changed when the smoked salmon is to be fully canned.

Required in a canner more water when canning smoked fish. Handling Changes for Smoked Fish: The filling directions of the pressure can for processing smoked fish are different from those for other canned fish under pressure, so please read the following carefully. When you're ready to process your smoked fish jars, measure out 4 quarts of cool tap water and pour into a pressure container. Do not reduce the amount of water or heat the water before treatment.

I hope you find my recipes useful for enjoying your own homemade fish appetizer throughout the year. Bon Appetit!

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Place the finished closed cans on the rack at the bottom of the banker and proceed in the same way as with the normal pressure compression instructions. Pints ​​110 minutes. So easy to preserve emphasizes that the processes for smoked fish were designed for fish, as opposed to smoked seafood.

Safe processing times for other smoked seafood have not been determined. These foods must be frozen. As you can see, there are a few things you need to keep in mind with smoked fish, so make sure you have your own up-to-date guide from a reputable source open in front of you as you go!

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Canned fish, the taste of which is familiar to all of us from childhood, can be prepared independently. Good fishing? So that's great! This means that the catch can be used as the basis for the preparation of delicious, natural and useful blanks. A variety of homemade canned fish from fish is not difficult to prepare. On the contrary, this process is very exciting and will be of interest not only to the hostesses, but also to the avid fishermen themselves.

Herring under tea

Fish can be frozen before canning. However, it must be completely defrosted with no ice crystals in it before canning. So easy to preserve, says: If the fish is frozen, thaw it in the refrigerator before canning. Rinse the fish in cold water.

Do not put frozen fish in jars. Note that all reputable sources agree that fish should be thawed in the refrigerator. It means "no" for the usual "drain hot water which we are all tempted to participate in the kitchen from time to time.

Canned fish will be an excellent addition to the everyday table or amazing appetizer on the holidays. However, fish lovers can afford to eat this dish at least every day.

How to cook canned river fish at home?

You can cook in three ways: own juice, with tomato or butter. It all depends on personal taste preferences. Any fish caught in fresh water is suitable for canning, for example, carp, pike, crucian carp, bream and small fish.

So easy to preserve, says, "Refrigerate all fish until you're ready to pack in jars." They then call for the fish to be packed in hot jars. Here Bernardine is different. They say that if the fish is cold, they want it to go into unheated jars.

If the fish has been refrigerated, do not heat the jars before filling. When canned fish is chilled, add room temperature water to pressure to the level specified by the manufacturer. It is not clear if Bernardine takes after a longer warm-up time or tries to avoid thermal shock in jars or both.

In order to finished product it was possible to store and use with full confidence that it is safe for health, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recipes and cooking technologies. Dishes and equipment used must be perfectly clean, and canned food must be sterilized for at least 8-9 hours.

If everything is done correctly, then you can store ready-made canned food at normal room temperature. But it is better to constantly monitor whether the lid is swollen. Dangerous bacteria can already develop in such banks. When opening and serving, be sure to pay attention to the smell: if it is suspiciously unpleasant, it is strictly forbidden to eat such canned food.

Remove the head, tail, ribs and scales. There is no need to remove the skin. You can leave the bones in most fish because the bones become very soft and are good source calcium. For the halibut, remove the head, tail, fins, skin and bones.

Leaving the skin on the fish is optional. Bal and Bernardine want the skin of the fish to end up on the glass of the jars. So easy to save, it's more useful. This not only gives you a choice, but also tells you what the result of each choice is. If the skin is left on the fish, remove the skin of the fish to make it look better than the skin to make it easier to clean the jar.

cooking recipes

Homemade canned river fish

Let's try the recipe river bream. To do this, we need 1 kilogram of fish, half a kilogram onion and carrots. Moth and black pepper are added to your own taste.

First you need to clean the fish, remove all fins, entrails, heads and tails. Rinse well, cut into small portions. Grate all the pieces separately with salt, leave them to soak for 1.5-2 hours. After that, put the fish in a saucepan in dense layers, pour water, put on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes.

Canned carrots

Some, if only for quality reasons, are advised not to attempt to recycle cans that are not sealed the first time. And even if the contents are decanted into fresh containers and made from scratch, the result is likely to be unsatisfactory.

It should be clear in the points above that fish and seafood canning procedures are so specialized depending on what type of fish or seafood you are using that you really need a reputable source to help you. Here's how these authoritative sources compare.

At this time, you can cut the onion into half rings, and chop the carrots into coarse grater. Remove the finished pieces of bream from the broth, mix with vegetables, arrange in pre-sterilized jars. Pour in there ground pepper. Now containers with canned food are subject to sterilization. Put a pot of water on low heat, lower the jars there, laying gauze folded in several layers on the bottom. We sterilize for 30-40 minutes.

Both cover shellfish, crab, oysters, tuna, smoked fish, fish in pint tins, and fish in quartz tins. The Blue Book Blue Book has pints of shellfish, crab, oysters, shrimp, tuna and fish. This is the only authoritative resource covering shrimp. However, the guide in general for others is little allowed, and it also lacks support for smoked fish and fish in quartz jars.

Bernardin's guide covers shellfish, crab, oysters, tuna and fish in pints. The management is generally poor, as well as the lack of support for smoked fish and fish in quartz jars. However, this the best choice for salmon: it offers a complete salmon page with lots of helpful procedural tips. Note also that Bernardine is one that stands out for its concern for heat shock with chilled fish. They say: When canned fish is chilled, don't heat the jars.

Carefully remove all containers, add to each vegetable oil(a tablespoon) and salt (one teaspoon for every half liter). Now you need to pour boiling water into each jar, twist them and send them back to be sterilized. Boil on low heat for three hours. It is better to leave them to cool in the same pan for at least a day.

Can sizes and smoked fish

Add water to the water room. By crab they mean "King and Duunness". Would you like to salt or salt your fish? Consult Linda Zidrich The Joy of Etching. It is also designed to be stored in the refrigerator. Some homemade canning recipes float around which are washed with water, marinated mixtures of vegetables and fish - usually tuna or salmon. They are referred to as "antipasto" or swipes.

These recipes are not tested to be safe and do not come from reputable sources. In fact, Bernardine actively warns against them that they are not safe. Instead, they suggest that you add the fish of your choice during the service.

Canned fish in tomato

Sprat or saika can be cooked in a simple way but get great results. We will need:

1 kg of small fish;
- 1 glass of water;
- 2 glasses of tomato juice;
- 2 tablespoons of sugar;
- 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
- 0.5 cups of vegetable oil.
Add spices and salt to taste.

Rinse the fish well, remove the heads and tails, clean and put in a large container. Salt, mix everything for even soaking and leave in a cool place for 30-40 minutes. After that, add all the other components, mix and put on low heat. When the mass boils, leave to stew for 7.5 hours. If you use a pressure cooker to prepare canned food, two and a half or three hours will be enough.

After that, the fish is laid out in sterilized jars and can be rolled up. Do not forget to immediately try the yummy that you got as a result of a long cooking process.

sprat recipe with tomato sauce

For this recipe, take three kilograms of sprat. For this amount we need:

5 kg of ripe tomatoes;
- 1 kg of sweet pepper;
- 1 kg of onions;
- 2 kilograms of carrots;
- 0.5 liters of vegetable oil;
- 2 tablespoons of salt;
- sugar.

First of all, we prepare the sprat: clean, wash and mix with salt to soak. Leave for half an hour and at this time prepare the tomato sauce. Grind the tomatoes through a meat grinder, rub the carrots, and cut the pepper into strips. Fry the onions, carrots and peppers in oil, and then add the tomato mass to them and mix. This composition must be boiled for one hour. Then we send the sprat there, mix everything well and leave it on the stove for another 1 hour. After that, add salt there, add vinegar and pepper. Cook for another 10-15 minutes, after which you can send to the banks and cork. Be sure to wrap the containers so that they cool for a long time. These preserves can be served with vegetable side dish or with vegetables. Bon Appetit!

Choose a recipe for homemade canned river fish to your taste and start cooking!