What is the best brand of tea? Criteria for choosing the best tea bags

Raw materials go through all stages of processing - withering, rolling, fermentation, drying and sorting - to end up with the best grade of black tea. This type is the most difficult to produce, while the production of green tea requires only three phases - rolling, drying and sorting.

Types of tea

There are three types of high-quality black tea - leaf, granulated (the so-called CTC tea) and. The first two are known in the CIS, and the last one is used only in China. There is also powder - bagged - tea. But it does not belong to the elite species.

Packaged and granulated teas, in comparison with the large-leaf type, are distinguished by their strength. They are not inferior to him in taste, but during processing they lose most of the flavor.

High-quality dry black tea has a dark color. Mostly black or brown-black. If the tea leaves have a low tide, this indicates a low quality product. Grey colour signals the spoilage of tea, for example, that the tea leaves are damp.

High-quality black tea has a characteristic mother-of-pearl sheen, called by professionals a spark. And the presence of white villi, called tips, is permissible only in tea with flower additives.

Indian varieties

The best variety of black tea produced in India is called "Darjeeling Tea". Darjeeling gets its name from the province where it is grown. Belongs to the elite varieties. It is not too strong and does not differ in astringency, but its aroma has characteristic floral and almond notes. To buy a real "Darjeeling", you need to take tea from the first or second harvest.

Indian "Assam Tea" has a richer tart taste compared to Darjeeling. But its faint malty flavor doesn't compare to the intoxicating Darjeeling Tea. Assam tea is often sold as a mix under the label "Irish Breakfast", up to 80% of the original raw material.

Tea "Nilgiri Tea" is not considered elite. It has a rough taste and a slightly pronounced aroma. And Sikkim Tea, although of high quality, is not very popular in Russia.

Ceylon varieties

High-quality black tea from Ceylon came to the expanses of the former Soviet Union thanks to manufacturers from England. Prior to this, the CIS had a wide selection of mediocre drinks made in Sri Lanka.

Today, elite Ceylon tea is produced by Ahmad Tea and Twinings. The rest of the teas marked "Orange Pekoe" are just a blend of ordinary plantation crops.

Chinese varieties

In China, green tea is preferred. And black, or as they are called at home, red varieties, are more common in the CIS countries.

The most famous Chinese black tea is Lapsang Souchong Tea. Lapsang souchong is fumigated with coniferous smoke during the drying process, which gives it a special aroma.

The Keemun Tea variety is often included in a variety of mixes labeled "English Breakfast". IN pure form Keemun is sold very rarely. It tastes more like Georgian black tea, which radically distinguishes it from Indian varieties.

The older generation will remember with nostalgia black tea in the “package with an elephant” as a symbol of the USSR era. It was Indian, or a mixture of Georgian and Indian tea, and was a welcome purchase for any family. Millions of people drink tea every day. Buying its different varieties, they are looking for the ideal tea for themselves: which one will be the best? Black, maybe green? How to choose when the classification of tea is so huge that it is simply impossible to try everything? A test purchase of the most popular brands will help you rank 2016 and decide on the choice of this tasty, healthy drink.

Black or green tea?

Green and black tea can be obtained from the leaves of one bush. The difference in color, taste, useful properties is achieved by the fermentation time of the leaves.

Green tea undergoes minimal oxidation, due to which it retains a unique set of vitamins and elements.

For black tea, the leaves are subjected to maximum fermentation, which allows you to get a rich color, tart and bright taste drink.

Numerous disputes in favor of choosing black or green tea do not have a clear answer. Both drinks can benefit or harm the body.

Black tea is useful because it:

  • has a long-term invigorating effect, due to which the work of the brain is enhanced;
  • improves blood circulation, promotes cleansing of toxins;
  • normalizes the digestive process;
  • optimizes the general condition of the body.

However, all beneficial features black tea can turn into harm if consumed excessively or improperly prepared.

It's interesting that green tea appeared in our country almost on a par with black, but did not gain much popularity. Over time, its supply from China completely stopped. The second wave of green tea coming to Russian market happened 20 years ago, and now green tea has firmly established itself in the Russian market and has found its fans.

Green tea has the following benefits:

  • strengthens and supports blood vessels;
  • characterized by antibacterial properties;
  • has a positive effect on the liver;
  • promotes rejuvenation of the body.

A large amount of green tea, brewing it too strong, drinking it at inopportune periods can neutralize all the beneficial characteristics of this drink.

Advice. There is no definite exact answer to the question: which tea is better to drink - black or green? To reap the benefits, it is recommended to consume both of these drinks in moderation.

Russian tea market

The tea market in Russia is represented mainly by multi-brand manufacturing companies:

  • the Orimi-trade company produces teas "Princess (Java, Kandy, Nuri, Gita)", Greenfield, Tess;
  • Unilever produces tea under the brands Lipton, Brooke Bond, Beseda;
  • the company "May" owns the trademarks "May tea", "Lisma", Curtis;
  • Sapsan produces tea under the brands Akbar, Gordon, Bernley.

Trademarks are also widely known: Ahmad Tea, Hilltop, Riston, Dilmah, Maitre, "The Same".

How to choose the best tea: selection criteria

When choosing the best tea, you need to digress from the design of its packaging and look at the labeling.

In accordance with Russian GOST, the quality of tea is determined by its grade: bouquet (highest quality), highest grade, first, second and third grade.
International marking is a matrix and includes 10 quality indicators for the texture of a tea leaf and 7 indicators characterizing its properties.

Yes, the best big leaf tea will be marked with letters:

  1. F (Flowery) - tea from slightly blossoming buds, the best tea.
  2. P (Pekoe) - tea from tea buds and the first two leaves.
  3. O (Orange) - tea from young leaves.
  4. T (tippy) - exclusive tea from tea buds, the most expensive.
  5. G (golden) - tea containing yellow tips (buds).
  6. S (special) - tea, exclusive for any characteristic.

In addition to labeling, you should pay attention to the tea material itself:

  • brewing for black tea should have an almost black color without gray and brown shades, for green - there should not be leaves of white or bright green color;
  • tea leaves should be the same without twigs, dust and tea trifles;
  • "wire" (strongly twisted) leaves characterize the degree of fermentation and the quality of tea. For green tea, weak leaf curl is not an indication of poor quality;
  • the smell should be pleasant, without foreign odors;
  • high-quality tea should be fresh, the best - from 1-2 monthly leaves. Tea material quickly loses its beneficial properties and aroma;
  • the packaging must be sealed with an indication of the composition, expiration date, manufacturer in Russian.

All tea sold in the Russian mass market is collected by special machines, therefore, in best case on the shelves there is tea labeled Orange or Orange Pekoe. Tea from tea buds will be exclusive and expensive; it is not widely sold.

Attention! Tea bags are the lowest quality. It is made from the waste of tea production, tea dust. Such a drink will not be useful.

Test purchase: tea rating 2016

Based on the results of the control purchase, a rating of leaf tea was compiled. The ratings were given taking into account appearance tea leaves, based on the aroma, taste, color of brewed tea, in addition, a check was made for the compliance of the samples with the compositions and varieties declared on the packaging.

  • 1 place. Ahmad tea Ceylon Tea high mountain, grade FBOPF
  • 2nd place. Greenfield Golden Ceylon, variety bouquet
  • 3rd place. Riston Premium English Tea, premium
  • 4th place. Akbar Purple Alexandrite, Grade OP
  • 5th place. Dilmah Ceylon, premium
  • 6th place. Maisky, the highest grade is declared on the packaging. According to experts, tea corresponds to grade 2. Tea leaves of lamellar structure, not twisted enough

Chai Ahmad is the leader of the test purchase

The first place, according to consumers, belongs to Ahmad tea black leaf tea. This tea has the ability to form a transparent bright color infusion, has pleasant taste and clean fragrance. The organoleptic indicators of all samples were on top, the content of harmful impurities was not detected.

According to lovers of green leaf tea, a rating was made taking into account the smell, taste, color of the brewed infusion, as well as the appearance of tea leaves, the presence of impurities.

  • 1 place. Greenfield Flying Dragon
  • 2nd place. Tess style
  • 3rd place. Ahmad tea Green Tea
  • 4th place. Princess Java Traditional
  • 5th place. Lisma Tonic
  • 6th place. Maitre Vert Mountain

Greenfield Flying Dragon tea consumers preferred Greenfield Flying Dragon tea as it has a refreshing, pleasant, mild taste, a clear greenish color and a delicate floral aroma.

Fragrant, tart, the color of dark transparent amber, black tea is able to gather the whole family at the round table. Fresh, soft, light jade-colored green tea will perfectly quench your thirst on a summer day. Tea drinking traditions in Russia are strong, so the choice the best tea, whether black or green version, are always relevant. With a focus on quality features, labeling, packaging, this choice will be made correctly.

The best tea according to the "Test purchase" version - video

Black tea is one of the oldest drinks on earth and is very popular with completely different peoples, from the USA to Japan. It is not inferior to the position, and in some countries exceeds the prevalence of grain and instant coffee considered less harmful. Given such a demand, it is not surprising that its choice on the market is simply huge. This rating of the best black teas, compiled according to customer reviews, will help you not get lost in it.

It so happened that the main collection of tea leaves is carried out in China, India and Africa, from where they are regularly imported to Europe and other continents and sold by weight. If there is no desire to buy products from an unknown manufacturer, you can choose an already packaged “brew” from the following companies:

  • Tazo Teas is a well-known company in the USA and actively promotes its products in European markets. As the name implies, it specializes in the production of teas. Among them there are green, black, herbal species, all of which are of organic origin.
  • Twinings- this tea brand is remembered first of all when it comes to real English tea. She appeared in Great Britain in 1706 and is one of the oldest in the world in her business. Her fame, in particular, brought her close cooperation with the Royal Court, to which she regularly supplies her products.
  • Harney & Sons is another American tea company, very popular among the owners of hotels, coffee houses and book chains, to which it actively supplies its products. In the US, it has its own tasting rooms, but mainly the company produces goods for the purpose of mass sales, including in Europe.
  • Rishi Tea- This is one of the few companies offering a huge variety of drinks. She has both white and black and green and herbal products. She releases them like loose, as well as packaged. In its line there are even options without caffeine, and the price of most of the manufacturer's offers is quite adequate.

Naturally, in England and the USA, tea bushes are not grown, in the latter there are only a few plantations that have not received large-scale distribution. Therefore, the manufacturers mentioned in the rating most often buy raw materials in Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Rating of the best black teas

As always, the basis for building this TOP was the feedback from real consumers, from which we started when selecting applicants. The benchmark for this was also the compliance of the declared characteristics with what buyers write. The following parameters were taken as a basis:

  • Package;
  • Volume or number of sachets;
  • Release form (packaged or loose);
  • Smell;
  • Taste properties;
  • Duration of brewing;
  • Saturation and proportions in relation to water;
  • Consumption economy.

The best black tea bags

This option is most often chosen for making a drink on hastily. It differs in convenience and lower price in comparison with loose analog.

Tazo Teas, Organic, 20 Filter Bags, 54 g

The word "organic" for this drink is chosen very correctly, because it is created from completely natural ingredients. In addition to the main component, it includes cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, cloves. Unlike store-bought counterparts, it does not acidify the body so much and does not leave a yellow coating on tooth enamel. Since this product is very strong, it can be filled with more water than usual. At the same time, you can safely drink it both in its pure form and in combination with milk, take it with you to work and on the road in a good thermos.


  • One sachet is enough for several cups;
  • Pleasant sharpness of taste;
  • Fast brewing;
  • Convenient form of packing;
  • Invigorating aroma.


  • Difficult to find in supermarkets;
  • The price is above average.

Twinings, Premium, Blackcurrant, 20 Tea Bags, 40 g

This option is universal, as the drink turns out to be equally tasty both cold and warm. It has a pleasant, not sharp aroma, does not give off bitterness, brews quickly enough and is also economically consumed. So, to prepare 950 ml, you need only 4 sachets. The manufacturer suggests serving it with ice, which only enhances the extravagant taste. Used to make this product the best varieties high quality black tea.


  • The naturalness of the composition;
  • Safety;
  • No side effects;
  • Convenient packing;
  • Balanced berry flavor.


  • The price is above average.

Teas from Twinings are in the TOP of the best in the world, the products of this company are quite popular in the USA.

Harney & Sons, Parisian, 20 Bags, 40 g

Large leafy Ceylon and African species are successfully combined here, and this gives the drink an unusual, delicate taste. It has an invigorating effect on the body, so it will be just right for breakfast in the morning. True, the caffeine content here is relatively low, due to which the product is safer for health than store-bought alternatives. By the way, the leaves of the tea bush for its preparation are collected, selected and mixed exclusively by hand, which makes it possible to exclude marriage.


  • Convenient metal packaging;
  • Practical release form;
  • There are also other flavors;
  • A mixture of several types of leaf;
  • Ecological purity.


  • It is necessary to insist at least 5 minutes.

Good Harney & Sons black leaf tea is sold in the same package with many other flavors - "hot sunset cinnamon", "English breakfast", "African autumn", etc.

The Best Loose Black Teas

It is granular and leaf, among the latter there are small, medium and large leaves. Naturally, it is these options that are of the highest quality, healthy and tasty.

Twinings, Lady Gray Bulk, 100 g

First of all, this good quality black tea attracts attention with its metal packaging, which reliably protects against moisture and thus prevents it from spoiling. Traditionally, this company has several flavors available - Lady Grey, English breakfast, Darjeeling and a number of others. It's not very convenient just that they have different prices. But it is this drink that has a pleasant and rich citrus taste and smell, which allows you to use the leaves in large quantities.


  • It goes well with both sugar and honey;
  • The leaves are small;
  • Practical packaging;
  • Large volume;
  • There is no "dust".


  • After infusion, the aroma weakens somewhat.

According to reviews, to fully reveal the taste of the Lady Gray drink, it is necessary to infuse it under the lid for 2 to 4 minutes.

Rishi Tea, Organic Loose Leaf, Earl Grey, Classic + Citrus, 65 g

This drink is made with essential oil bergamot, which makes its taste spicy, but not for everyone. Since the product is very strong, the manufacturer allows the same leaves to be brewed in the second round. True, in this case, you should not count on the same strength of aroma and the same taste properties. To get a cool brew, you need to keep it under the lid in water for about 4 minutes, which, in principle, is not so much. This, one of the best black teas, may not be suitable except for hypertensive patients due to the high content of caffeine, and in the morning it will come in handy.


  • Good packing;
  • Organic composition;
  • Unusual aroma;
  • Possibility of reuse of welding;
  • Leaves are medium in size.


  • High content of caffeine;
  • Small volume, as for the set price.

Which black tea is better to buy

If you do not like to wait a long time for brewing a drink, then you should choose a packaged product. But real gourmets are advised to take a closer look at the best loose black teas, the taste of which is not muffled by anything. For those who prefer to drink it in the morning, in the absence of contraindications, you can choose the high caffeine option, which gives strength for the whole day.

Here's what to consider when choosing the best black tea from this ranking:

  • If you don't like the taste classic product, it is best to buy a good product with the addition of various spices, for example, filter bags from Tazo Teas.
  • Fans of subtle berry flavor and truly strong tea special attention should be paid to products from Twinings with the smell of blackcurrant.
  • If you are a connoisseur of mixtures different varieties, then you will be pleasantly surprised by Harney & Sons Parisian tea.
  • For those who do not like either granules or large leaves, ideal option will loose product Twinings Lady Grey.
  • Adherents of the classics can be advised to buy Rishi Tea.

Naturally, it is very difficult to choose one specific best black tea, because they can have completely different tastes and aromas. In this case, you can always purchase several different species and enjoy them in turn. This is even welcome, because in our rating each option is worth trying!

Hot, refreshing and fragrant tea, thanks to its healing, rejuvenating properties and delicious taste, is the second most popular drink in the world (after water). It is estimated that three billion cups of tea are drunk every day in the world. It is usually prepared from a plant that is grown in China, India and Sri Lanka and is scientifically called Camellia Sinensis. But there are varieties that most people don't even know exist. Gourmets are ready to pay simply crazy money for the pleasure of enjoying unique drink.

Tea has a very long history of distribution. For thousands of years, it has traveled from China to the farthest corners of the world, quenching thirst and giving energy to all who know how to enjoy it. Today, everyone is so accustomed to tea that no one even thinks about how the leaves got into the cup.

10. Tienchi flower tea: $170 per 1 kg

Tienchi is a type of ginseng that is native to southwest China. Both the root and the flowers of this plant are used medicinally. Tienchi flower tea is considered one of the healthiest teas in the world. Its scientific name is Panax notoginseng. The Latin word "Panax" means "I treat everything." It has been used for centuries to treat insomnia, dizziness and skin rashes. Tea has powerful detoxifying properties. Tienchi flowers resemble tiny broccoli florets and are highly prized throughout Asia. Harvested only in the province of Yunnan, the tea has a cool minty aroma and the smell of ginseng.

9. Silver Tips Imperial tea from Makaibari Tea Estate: $400 per 1 kg

Known for its original aroma and color, Darjeeling tea grows in the region of the same name at the foot of the Himalayas at an altitude of 1600 to 2600 meters. Makaibari is considered the oldest estate in India (in the Darjeeeling region) and the world's first tea factory that produces a large number of organic teas, but the most valuable of them is Silver Tips Imperial. Harvested on a full moon, this tea is a patented product of the Makaibari Tea Estate, bound with silver stripes. Its cost is $400 per 1000 grams.

8. Gyokuro tea: $650 per 1 kg

According to processing methods, the tea is classified as Sencha, a kind of unshaded Chinese tea, but in fact, Gyokuro tea is shaded. It is hidden from the sun for two weeks before harvest. This method increases the level of amino acids in the leaves. The name Gyokuro literally translates to "precious dew". Brewed tea has a characteristic rich taste and aroma, and the color of the drink is pale green. It is grown only in the Uji region of Japan. The price of tea is $650 per 1000 grams.

7. Poo Poo Pu-Erh tea: $1000 per 1 kg

Pu-Erh tea is a type of fermented tea with a rich flavor that only intensifies and becomes more valuable over time. It is produced in China's Yunnan region. The taste of Pu-Erh is not much different from ordinary tea, but it is perhaps the most unusual tea the world has ever seen. Visually, it looks like a handful of dry leaves, but in fact it is the droppings of several varieties of insects. These insects do not eat anything other than tea leaves all their lives. With tweezers and a magnifying glass, Taiwanese farmers collect their feces. The result is a tonic tea with medicinal properties. A real delicacy invented by Chinese doctors in the 18th century and given to Emperor Qianlong as an expensive gift.

6. Golden tea heads: $3000 per 1 kg

Tea is harvested on only one single mountain in the world, only one day a year. To collect it, use golden scissors, which are used to cut upper part tea tree. The tea heads are dried in the sun and then stored in closed containers where they release their polyphenols, turn yellow and release a mild floral aroma. After that, the tea leaves are dyed in 24-carat gold, so that the drink begins to shimmer. In Asia, it is believed that the precious metal has a very good effect on a person. This is a truly imperial tea, and it is not so easy to find it. The TWG Tea Company sells it only in Singapore. And you can only buy it online.

5. Tieguanyin tea: $3,000 per 1 kg

Named after the Iron Goddess of Mercy (Buddhist deity), Tieguanyin is an Oolong tea, a blend of semi-fermented black and green teas. It has a distinctive chestnut flavor and heavy, hard, crisp leaves. Tieguanyin tea began to be prepared in the 19th century in Fujian Province. The technology of its preparation is very complex and includes several dozen stages. Once harvested, the leaves are dried in the sun, cooled, dried again with some oxidants, then rolled, fixed, dried again, and then roasted and infused with aroma. The leaves can be infused seven times and the tea will not lose its flavor.

4. Wuyi Oolong vintage daffodil tea: $6,500 per 1kg

Huge attention at the auction in Hong Kong, which took place in November 2013, attracted a 20-kilogram box of rare tea Narcissus Wuyi Oolong Tea. It is over half a century old and has its own history. It was exported from China's Wuyi to Singapore in 1960. Traveling from hand to hand, the box returned to Hong Kong, where it was bought by a Malaysian-Chinese collector. Narcissus Oolong is considered one of the finest Chinese teas. The leaves are harvested from Mount Wuyi in Fujian Province. The tea was named after Greek myth about Narcissus.

3. Panda Dung tea: $70,000 per 1 kg

Panda Dung literally means "panda feces". This is the secret of terribly expensive tea. Pandas feed exclusively on wild bamboo, but they absorb only 30% of the nutrients, and the remaining 70% are excreted in their feces. However, do not think that tea is panda droppings. It is simply used to fertilize tea trees. It all started when a Chinese entrepreneur decided to grow tea on Mount Ya'an in Sichuan province, and used panda feces for fertilizer. He soon noticed that the taste of such tea is different, and people are willing to pay a lot of money for such a product.

2. PG Tips Diamond Tea Bag: $15,000 for one tea bag

In 2005, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, the famous British tea company PG Tips released a series of tea bags decorated with diamonds. The price of such a tea bag is $15,000. Each is hand-set with 280 diamonds of the highest quality by Boodles jewelers and filled with Silver Tips Imperial tea from Makibari Estate. The proceeds went to a charity in Manchester.

1. Da-Hong Pao tea: $1.2 million per 1 kg

The real king among teas! The name literally means "great red robe". Da-Hong Pao is a type of Chinese Wuyi Oolong tea. It is believed to be one of the great secrets of the Ming Imperial Dynasty. Rumor has it that the sick mother of the emperor was cured by this mysterious tea. The emperor sent his men to find healing tea. On Mount Wuyi, they found four magical tea bushes, three of which have survived to this day. A truly legendary tea. It has healing properties and is a valuable Chinese national treasure. It is offered as a gift to honored guests. Da-Hong Pao tea cannot be found commercially. Such a unique drink should be washed down only