How to brew pu-erh at home (pressed and in the form of resin)? Quality ingredients for a noble drink. The unique healing properties of Puer have been known for a long time.

Pu-erh is post-fragmented Chinese tea growing in Yunnan province. This tea is given time to rest, the longer it has an exposure, the better quality at Puer. The longer the tea stays Puer, the better it gets. Other types of tea, as a rule, only get worse over time, lose their useful qualities and taste.

In the production of Pu-erh, freshly harvested leaves are subjected to artificial or natural aging.

At artificial aging the leaves are subjected to rapid fermentation, placed in heaps and sprinkled with water. 30 before 100 days. Then it is collected, dried in special ovens and kept for about one more year.

At natural aging raw materials are kept for about 7-8 years. During this period, processes of slow fermentation take place, which changes the taste, aroma and composition of substances in tea.

Types of Pu-erh tea

  • Shu Puer(prepared tea)
  • Shen Puer(raw Pu-erh)
Tea is sold in loose or pressed form. Pu-erh pressed.Most often, leaves are pressed into shapes such as " pumpkin", "brick", "square", "nest", "pancake".

Ready Puer has a rich dark color, and the leaves of raw Puer have a greenish tint. Accordingly, freshly brewed Shen Puer has a slight light shade, unlike Shu Puer. If the former resembles the taste of chocolate, then the latter is somewhat similar in taste to prunes.

Medicinal properties of Pu-erh tea

improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps the digestion process, lowers blood cholesterol, and helps to get rid of constipation. Drinking this wonderful drink reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. appearance and excellent health thanks to useful properties Puerh tea.

Puer perfectly tones and invigorates, so it is advisable to use it before dinner. Otherwise, it may turn out that you will not fall asleep all night. Some people use this tea instead of energy drinks.

To store Puerh, place it in a well-ventilated room with medium humidity. High humidity is highly contraindicated for this tea, as there is a high likelihood of mold.

Pu-erh is extremely negative about direct sunlight, but loves air. It should be stored in a room where foreign odors and sunlight do not penetrate.

For home storage Pu-erh tea should be kept in the package in which it was purchased, and you can also wrap it in a cloth made from natural fibers.

How to brew Puerh tea

Pu-erh should be brewed in such proportions - on 150 ml of water should be taken 4 grams of tea.Before brewing, it is necessary to rinse Pu-erh from accumulated dust. Then it is put in a bowl and filled with water, with a temperature of about 90 degrees. When brewing Pu-erh, it is recommended to use a clay or porcelain container.

For those who love Pu-erh with milk, it will be a pleasant surprise that Puer goes well with it. All lovers just need to enjoy milk Pu-erh.

How to brew pressed Pu-erh

Puer magic tea and there are quite a few options for brewing this wonderful drink. Everything will depend on your taste and on the type of Pu-erh. Since some people prefer strong Pu-erh, while others like a less saturated composition. Below we will try to figure out how to brew pressed Pu-erh and get the desired taste.

If you want to become a real lover of this noble drink, you need to strictly adhere to the recommendations for brewing Pu-erh.

First you need to partially unfold the package and break off a small piece of tea leaves about 3-5 gram using a special Puer knife. If you have not purchased it, then you can use an ordinary table knife. Try not to break the tea leaves, because of this it will have a slightly bitter taste.

For the first brew, it is advisable to use not very hot water. Optimal for young Shen Puerh considered water with a temperature 85 degrees.Very hot water 98 degrees are used for Shu Puerh.

For each person, the temperature is selected strictly individually, if you find that the tea leaves were not fragrant and saturated enough, then next time use hotter water.

tea washing

Warm up the dishes in which you are going to brew tea. Dry tea leaves are washed for 10-20 seconds, and Shu Puer needs to be washed twice. After all, for the years that it was stored, it is simply saturated with dust.

Put the tea in a heated dish and fill it with water of the required temperature. For the first time, let it brew from 10 seconds to 1 minutes. With each subsequent brewing, the infusion time must be increased.

After the Pu-erh has been brewed, it is necessary to pour it from the teapot into a special container called Cha Hai vessel.It is important to pour out the entire drink without residue, so that the next time you brew the liquid does not turn out to be very bitter.

Now it remains only to pour this wonderful drink into cups, drink in small sips and enjoy its wonderful taste.

Pu-erh is made in some regions of China, where the final product is obtained through the processing of natural enzymes and the action of microorganisms. The main factor of production Chinese Pu-erh it is considered to be its further processing - pressing. Such a move greatly affects the taste of brewed tea, transportation and overall shelf life. To brew the composition correctly, you need to have minimal knowledge regarding the technology of the procedure based on the type of tea.

Positive properties of Pu-erh

  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol plaques;
  • Reduces the risk of malignant tumors;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Increases the tone of elastin and collagen fibers;
  • Partially smoothes cellulite;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • Normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • Uplifts mood;
  • Relieves stress, normalizes the nervous system;
  • Improves performance in general;
  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Helps get rid of a hangover;
  • Struggling with excess weight;
  • Reduces sugar levels, partially fights diabetes;
  • Suitable for people with peptic ulcers;
  • Renders beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis.

Among other things, Puer gives vigor, despite the fact that the composition contains minimal amount caffeine. It is for this reason that tea is not recommended to drink later than 5 hours before bedtime. The drink cannot be compared with other teas, Puer is drunk on its own, without sweets and other food. At regular use warm (not hot!) drink improves the general condition of the body, wakes up "fighting spirit".

How to choose Puerh tea

Before you start brewing, you need to choose tea based on personal preferences. Do not try to keep up with cheapness, evaluate the quality of the product in advance, using practical advice. When choosing Chinese tea, you should pay attention to a number of important aspects.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to visually evaluate the presented products. Even in heavily pressed cakes or bricks, the leaves must be in proper condition: the contours are clearly visible, the integrity of the leaves is not broken. The presence of foreign inclusions in the pressed mixture is strictly not allowed; there should also be no debris.
  2. When choosing a pressed composition, make sure that the leaves do not separate from each other. They should form a single whole, forming a nest or tablet. Sher Pu-erh has a light brown color with small inclusions. green shade. Shu Puer is darker, between black and brown with a slight hint of grey.
  3. Originally Chinese tea should not include any aromatic and flavoring additives. Otherwise, it will be evidence of its poor quality. Pu-erh must have a specific smell; it is not for nothing that it is called "earthy". However, the present notes of tree bark and earth should not be defiant. The emphasis is on notes of tobacco and nutmeg. In cases where Pu-erh smells of dampness (mold), it is worth thinking about the fact that the rules for storing products have been violated.
  4. In order not to be disappointed in such tea as Puer, it is necessary to approach the choice thoroughly, especially if you are faced with this for the first time. Give preference to tea with an average price policy, do not chase cheapness, so as not to spoil the first impression. With regards to expensive teas, during the initial preparation, you will not be able to appreciate them due to a lack of experience in the tea ceremony.
  5. Pu-erh tea is packaged in different ways (nest, square, tablets, loose, etc.), purchase a one-time composition “for testing”, and then experiment with other tastes and aromas. In the case of choice green Pu-erh pay attention to the presence of the characteristic smell of dried fruits and black soil.

Methods for brewing Pu-erh tea

There are many brewing technologies, ranging from preparing a drink according to the traditional Chinese method and ending with steaming in an ordinary mug.

It is important to understand that to a greater extent Puer belongs to the elite varieties, which means that it depends on the correct brewing technique. final result(taste, aroma, aftertaste).

This type of tea has healing properties more than others. The technology of brewing the composition is not particularly difficult: place tea in a glass / ceramic container, pour over with boiling water and drain immediately. Then refill hot water(93-95 degrees), leave for 3-6 minutes in a sealed container. If the bowl is medium in size, it will be enough for you to pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials.

Depending on the exposure time, the final taste also changes. When infused for about 3 minutes, the tea acquires woody notes with a sour taste. If Puer is kept for more than 5 minutes, it becomes tart with a honey-floral aftertaste.

How to brew Shen Pu-erh (green)

Shen Pu-erh is a partially pressed maocha (Pu-erh) leaf that is not exposed to additional heat. The principle of processing Shen Pu-erh is similar to white Pu-erh, the only difference is that in the latter case, tea buds are used.

Before steaming tea, rinse it with boiling water: pour hot water into the bowl with tea, wait 5 seconds and drain. After that, leave the tea leaves to infuse for half a minute, and then again pour over boiling water (90-95 degrees). Wait no longer than 2 minutes, it all depends on personal preference.

How to brew young Shu Pu-erh (black) in mandarin

Black tea of ​​this type can be brewed no more than 3 times, while the composition is crumbly, hard. For the first brew, you will need half a tangerine.

Place it in a mug or other deep container, pour boiling water over it, wait 2 minutes, drain. Next, steam again with hot water, cover with a lid so that the steam does not evaporate, leave for 5 minutes. The final version will please you: the tangerine bark will give off some of the flavor, the tea will be easy to drink.

How to brew Royal Pu-erh

Home distinctive feature Royal Pu-erh from other types of raw materials is that it is not dried, but dried. As a result, tea leaves retain useful elements that directly affect the taste of tea.

To brew tea, take 3 gr. raw materials, pour over it with 140 ml. hot water(80-85 degrees), infuse the drink for about 2 minutes, then drain into a bowl / cup.

Pu-erh of this type can be steamed 7-10 times, while during each subsequent steaming it is necessary to increase the exposure time. In terms of flavor, Royal Pu-erh has a mild astringency that sets it apart from other varieties.

Tea of ​​this type is a round or square tablet, consisting of small blue and black granules. In the end, you get a brownish drink with a subtle sweet aftertaste.

Place 1 tablet of Pu-erh in a bowl or other high container, knead it with the back of a spoon, pour boiling water over it. After 3 seconds, drain the liquid, wait half a minute, then steam again. Infuse for no longer than 1 minute at the first brewing and about 2-3 minutes at all subsequent ones. Control the exposure time based on your taste preferences.

How to brew milk Pu-erh

It is important to understand that Chinese tea based on milk and Puer "milk" are two completely different concepts. The second type of tea is an elite variety that has a reddish-brown hue with a mild caramel-milky flavor. Like all other varieties of Puer, this type fights against various kinds of ailments, but in most cases it is used to correct weight and improve skin tone.

A feature of the preparation of milk Pu-erh is relatively low temperature steaming (65-75 degrees). It is not necessary to rinse the tea, immediately fill it with hot water and wait 2-3 minutes. Insofar as milk Pu-erh can be fermented in different ways, the exposure time in some cases is different. We recommend that you clarify this point with a consultant when purchasing raw materials.

  1. When steaming "earthy" Pu-erh, do not use a clay container that is not covered with a repellent material. Otherwise, the dishes will absorb all the smell, the tea will turn out fresh.
  2. Pu-erh does not contain granulated sugar. You can sweeten the drink with dark chocolate or honey (in small amounts).
  3. Always rinse the tea leaves before leaving it to infuse. If desired, you can dry the tea in the oven or in a pan, but this is not necessary.
  4. When steaming and rinsing tea leaves, only boiling water based on filtered water is used. If the liquid is not hot enough or you do not bring it up to the appearance of the first bubbles, important elements will evaporate from the tea leaves.

Pu-erh brewing technology different varieties not much different, the only thing that varies depending on the variety is the aging time of the composition and temperature regime. In all cases, it is necessary to use a porcelain, glass or ceramic teapot that does not absorb the aroma.

Video: how to brew pu-erh

More than one article has already been written about amazing tonic and cleansing, so now we will not dwell on this. Another thing is important: if you really want to fall in love with this tea and reveal all its nuances, then, first of all, you must know how to prepare pu-erh correctly. Many do not pay due attention to this and then become disappointed in pu-erh. Meanwhile, its preparation is not very difficult. Below you will find various recipes, which will help you to fully master the art of brewing pu-erh tea.

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Traditional cooking method

To get started, you need to purchase given tea, this can be done, for example, here - . The brewing method under consideration is rather concise. By following simple rules, you will get a delicious, fragrant and refreshing drink. Drink pu-erh without sugar. Take a porcelain or glass cup or teapot. Rinse the dishes with boiling water to warm them up - this way your pu-erh will brew faster and better. Separate required amount tea - usually about 5 grams. Place pu-erh leaves under boiling water and rinse thoroughly for a few seconds, then, draining it completely, leave the tea for about half a minute. This procedure will allow the tea leaf to soak with water and open its amazing taste and flavor to the fullest. After that, brew the tea with very hot (but not boiling) water. Pu-erh can be infused from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, and several times.

Drain the brewed tea completely. With each subsequent brewing, the taste of pu-erh will acquire new and new shades.

Milk pu-erh and milk-based pu-erh: what's the difference?

To avoid confusion, it should be noted that these are not the same thing at all. Milk pu-erh is one of the varieties of pu-erh with a delicate aftertaste with hints of caramel and milk. It can be cooked traditional way, which was described above. And pu-erh in milk is brewed warm fat milk, and infused for several minutes until the tea leaves subside (usually a little longer than with the usual way with water). It can also be "boiled" - for 500 ml of milk, take about 3 teaspoons of pu-erh and 20 grams of unsalted butter. The tea leaf is washed cold water; it is better to do it several times. Put butter and tea into boiling milk. Boil the drink should be no longer than 5 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of getting an unpleasant bitterness. The second time you can not use tea leaves.

In mandarin - for lovers of citrus shades

Pu-erh in mandarin is fermented in a special way using the whole peel of this fruit. The method of its preparation is almost the same as the usual one, but experts advise observing a few little things. So, let's figure out how to properly brew pu-erh in mandarin. Firstly, the water temperature for it should be slightly lower than usual - about 80 degrees. Secondly, this species pu-erh can not be washed before brewing. And finally, to enrich its flavor, put a small piece tangerine peel into the teapot.

The previous brewing methods are mainly used for pressed pu-erh. Their main feature lies in the fact that for cooking for real delicious tea different rules must be taken into account. The advantage of loose pu-erh is that it is not so picky about observing all the little things. The main thing for such tea is to choose the right amount of tea leaves. Like pressed pu-erh, it can also be used several times.

True gourmets claim that a cup of tea can stir up a routine life. good tea. And we have no reason not to believe them. However, for everything to succeed, you should find "your" drink. They can be, for example, a very popular Chinese tea among our compatriots, called pu-erh.

It is believed that this unique drink in addition to indescribable taste, it has the ability to improve mood and energize. But in order to fully experience all the "magic" of pu-erh, you need to brew it correctly, and this is a real art, which, however, is not at all difficult to learn.

Quality ingredients for a noble drink

The tea itself and the water for brewing must be of the highest quality - the first rule in the art of making perfect pu-erh.

Choosing pu-erh

The birthplace of Puer is the county of the same name, located in the province of Yunnan, it is here that the world's best factories for the production of this tea, Menghai and Haiwan, are currently successfully operating. Buying pu-erh made by specialists of these factories, you can be sure of its quality.

It is important to know exactly what is in front of you - natural tea from the best manufacturers. In order not to doubt this for a minute, you should buy it in a store with a good reputation, such as Tea Symphony:

There are 2 varieties of pu-erh: Shen - green, raw and Shu - black, ready.

Shen pu-erh began to be made in China as early as the 8th-9th centuries during the Tang Dynasty. For such tea, only the highest quality raw materials are used - these are the leaves of alpine, old trees. The specificity of Shen is that initially the tea leaf has a greenish tint, but over time it darkens under the influence of natural oxidative processes.

In the second half of the 20th century, the technology of accelerated fermentation of tea was developed at the Menghai factory, which gave the world Shu, or black, ready-made pu-erh. It was assumed that in the shortest possible time it would be possible to create an analogue of Shen Pu-erh aged for several years. However, according to experts, fermenting naturally Although Shen gravitates towards Shu in a few years, he still does not become one - his unique “bouquet” cannot be created artificially.

There is no unambiguous opinion about which is better, Shen or Shu, because this is a matter of individual preference. Usually, novice aesthetes are advised to try Shu, which has a simpler, more understandable taste, but you can determine the option that suits you only by trying each of them.

Puer comes in the form:

  • leaf tea;
  • tea pressed into a pancake, briquette, tablet or tochu (a shape resembling a cup for tea).

It is believed that pressed tea has a brighter taste properties.

Tips for choosing pu-erh on video.

What should be the water for brewing pu-erh?

It should be remembered that when brewing tea, the drink always absorbs taste qualities water. It is very important to use only filtered water, and it is advisable to let the liquid stand for a while.

How to brew pu-erh

A clay teapot is best for brewing pu-erh - such a container has an amazing ability to maintain the temperature necessary for pu-erh and ensure optimal steaming of tea leaves. For Shu pu-erh, a porcelain or ceramic gaiwan or even an ordinary teapot is suitable.

So, when everything you need is ready, it's time to learn the most interesting: how to brew pu-erh tea.

Brewing Pu-erh: a look behind the scenes of the sacrament

The process of brewing pu-erh is simple, but it has its own specifics, which you simply need to know in order to prepare tea correctly and fully enjoy its taste.

  • The first step is to prepare the required amount of pu-erh. A ratio of 3–5 g of tea per 100–200 ml of water is considered sufficient.
  • Now the raw materials are put into the kettle, but you should not rush, first the container should be heated: pour boiling water into it and drain it after about half a minute.
  • Now fill the pu-erh with water:
    • Shu is a heavily fermented tea, so the water temperature must be 90-98 °C to brew it;
    • more delicate Shen requires more delicate handling: the temperature of the water for brewing should be in the range of 85-95 ° C, and the older the tea, the higher the temperature.
  • Now the liquid from the kettle must be drained. Such washing is necessary in order, firstly, to remove dust from the tea leaf, and secondly, to help it open up as much as possible.
  • After the tea is washed, you should again pour water of the desired temperature into the container for about 10-20 seconds, then pour ready tea by cups.

Is there a difference between how to brew pressed and loose pu-erh tea? No, just when using pressed tea, you need to separate the required amount with a pu-erh knife, and if one is not available, then an ordinary kitchen knife will do.

It is even easier to brew pu-erh tea in tablets or points: such forms of pressing are usually designed for one-time use.

Tea ceremony or a little about how to drink pu-erh

The best taste qualities of pu-erh are manifested if, before pouring the drink into a cup, heat it by scalding it with boiling water.

Pu-erh is a noble drink, you need to drink it without sugar, cream, milk or any sweets in a bite. This is the only way to fully experience the unique and unforgettable taste and aroma of great tea.

Everyone can fill life with new impressions. So why not find out today what a properly brewed high-quality pu-erh tastes like?

Watch a video on how to properly brew this tea.

Some time ago, Pu-erh tea was the preferred drink of selected people, real connoisseurs who brought it from long trips. But even today, thanks to the abundance of goods, any inhabitant can try and appreciate the unique taste and aroma of an elite Chinese drink.

About amazing properties Many people have heard of this drink, but not everyone knows how to drink and brew Pu-erh properly. Therefore, in this article you will find instructions for preparing this wonderful drink.

The effect of Puerh tea and beneficial properties

This variety of tea is very popular worldwide due to its unique properties, he:

  • invigorates and tones;
  • increases concentration;
  • helps in weight loss;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • “cleanses” the liver from various waste products of the body;
  • reduces the percentage of bad cholesterol;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • helps to cope with a hangover;
  • thins the blood and cleanses the vessels;
  • restores the intestinal microflora after prolonged use of antibiotics.

Ways to brew Pu-erh tea at home

There is not one or two, but a whole variety of ways to brew this tea: from traditional tea ceremonies to simple steaming in a homemade mug. At the same time, the method of brewing affects both the color, aroma of Pu-erh, and its taste. So, in order to fully reveal all its taste, you need to properly prepare this drink. In stores and supermarkets, you can find pu-erh heads, Pu-erh in tablets, pressed or loose.

When choosing elite Chinese tea, you need to pay attention to a number of nuances. Firstly, it is better to buy a product without additives, because it already has unique taste and aroma, which is why it was called the noble earthen tea. Additives are usually used to saturate low grade tea leaves.

Secondly, tea in tiles, it must be well pressed. And, thirdly, the aroma of tea, it should include distinctly perceptible notes of black soil and dried fruits. The presence of a moldy smell indicates the poor quality of raw materials and the violation of tea storage conditions.

How to brew pressed in tablets

Compressed tea tablets are round or square in shape and consist of small black and blue granules. Ready drink is brown, delicate taste with a pleasant sweet aftertaste.

In a pre-prepared container, you need to put a Puer tablet, then gently knead it with a spoon and pour boiling water over it. After a few seconds, drain the water and after a quarter of a minute again pour hot water at about 95 ° and let the drink brew for 2-3 minutes. At the first steaming, one minute will be enough, which will allow you to navigate your taste preferences, if the tea turns out to be rather weak, then the steaming time can be increased.

Crumbly young Shu Pu-erh in mandarin

When buying an interesting and unusual variety of Pu-erh, you need to know that this black tea is brewed only 3-4 times. For one brew, half a tangerine will be enough. It is important to put a small piece of the tangerine itself in the container, the main thing is not to overdo it. After that, pour boiling water over the tea and drain, then add hot water again and let it steep for 3-4 minutes, closed. The finished drink and its subsequent brewing will give a lot of flavors - honey, plum, tangerine, apples, flowers.

Some fans claim that this tea should be infused for at least 10 minutes, but in this case, the tea leaves cannot be reused.


It should be noted right away that milk Pu-erh and Chinese milk tea are completely different things. Milk Pu-erh is a type of elite Chinese tea, which has a dark red color and a delicate milky-caramel aftertaste. It, like other varieties of Pu-erh, lowers sugar levels, removes bad cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the skin.

This type of tea is steamed boiled water with a temperature of 65-80 °. Then it is infused for 2-3 minutes. It should also be remembered that these teas can have different fermentation, so it is better to ask a sales assistant about how to brew milk Pu-erh correctly.

How to brew green Shen Pu-erh

Shen Pu-erh is Chinese green tea, which is a primary pressed maocha (unpressed leaf of the pu-erh tree) that has not undergone additional processing. White Pu-erh is processed in the same way, only in its case, tea buds are the raw material.

Before steaming, tea must be washed, for this it should be poured with boiling water, and drained after 5 seconds. Then the brew should be allowed to brew for 25-30 seconds, after which it should be poured again with water with a temperature of 80-100 °. The first time tea needs to be brewed from a few seconds to 2 minutes, depending on taste preferences and the quality of raw materials.


Wild Pu-erh is loved not only for its taste, but also for its healing properties. This type of tea is brewed in much the same way as Pu-erh in tablets. Specifically, it is poured with boiling water, after which it is drained and again filled with boiled water (95 ° C). However, such tea should be infused longer, about 3-5 minutes when closed. For an average bowl of tea, 1 tsp is enough. tea leaves.

When brewed quickly, the tea infusion gives a delicate taste with a subtle sourness and slightly noticeable woody notes. With prolonged infusion, the taste becomes more tart, a slight bitterness appears, which subsequently turns into a fresh, flowery-sweet aftertaste.

Royal Puer

Royal Pu-erh differs from other varieties in manufacturing technology: it is not dried, but dried. Due to this, tea leaves retain microorganisms that have a positive effect on the taste of tea.

Royal tea is being brewed in the following way: take 4 gr. Pu-erh for 150 ml of boiled water cooled to 90-95 °. This drink infuse for 2 minutes and then merge into a cup. Royal Pu-erh can withstand from 5 to 10 brews, the only thing to consider is that with each subsequent brew it is necessary to increase the waiting time. The taste is the same as other types of Pu-erh - tart with a sweet aftertaste.

The nuances of brewing Pu-erh

Since Puer is a high-grade tea, it will not be superfluous to learn the intricacies of the tea ceremony.

  • It is not recommended to steam earth tea in a clay container, because this material absorbs and absorbs odors, thereby depriving elite tea its inherent aroma.
  • In general, Pu-erh is drunk without adding sugar, the only thing that is allowed is dark chocolate.
  • Before proceeding with the steaming of tea, the tea leaves should be rinsed well under hot water to clean it of all kinds of debris, dust and impurities. After that, the tea can be dried in a pan. It is to dry, not to roast, otherwise the tea will lose its characteristic taste.
  • Do not use running water to brew tea. For these purposes, spring or bottled water is suitable. Also, do not bring water to a boil. optimal temperature it is considered 80-95 °.
  • The choice of dishes should be treated with due attention. The teapot must be preheated, it will not be superfluous to rinse with boiling water and all the containers that will also take part in the tea ceremony.
  • Water for brewing tea should be filtered in advance.

What dish to brew

A real Yixing teapot.

  1. Porcelain Gaiwan (cup with lid).
  2. Ordinary ceramic or glass teapot (which volume does not exceed 200 ml.).
  3. Thermos.

In the process of preparation, you will also need Chahai - this is a small jug where infused tea from a teapot or gaiwan is poured for further pouring the drink into cups. As well as a tea strainer with a fine mesh and small bowls.

What temperature should the water be

  • Shu Puer -90-95°
  • For young Shen Pu-erh - about 80 °, for more mature - 85 °.

It is not necessary to bring water to a boil, because the main goal is to preserve the valuable substances found in tea leaves. If the water turned out to be somewhat hotter than expected, then it can be slightly cooled by pouring it in a long stream from a height. This method will not only cool, but also saturate the water with oxygen.

How long to brew

If you are brewing Pu-erh for the first time, then you need to let it brew for 10-60 seconds no more. If after this the taste and aroma turn out to be rather weak, then the next time you brew, you can slightly increase the cooking time. If the tea came out bitter, then you can try to reduce the steaming time or reduce the amount of tea leaves. If neither, then neither helped, you can try to reduce the temperature of the water.