How to store moonshine at home. Proper storage of alcohol in glass, plastic, stainless steel and oak barrels

In order for the quality of moonshine or any other homemade alcohol to remain unchanged for many years, you need to learn how to properly store it. Then after years you will be able to enjoy a delicious homemade drink, after a long storage, it becomes even much better. Let's figure out how to store moonshine so that it remains tasty and strong.

Container for moonshine

Container for moonshine is an important factor on which the quality and shelf life of strong alcohol depend. The high alcohol content can cause a chemical reaction with the material of the dish and lead to the release of harmful impurities. More often, homemade alcoholic drinks are stored in the following dishes:

  • plastic
  • glass
  • Wooden
  • Steel

Containers made of iron, galvanized steel or aluminum are not acceptable for storing alcohol.

Let's answer the question: is it possible to store moonshine in a plastic water bottle? Modern plastic is resistant to strong chemicals. If you pour moonshine into a plastic bottle or jug ​​labeled PET and PEHD/HDPE, you won't have to worry about it melting the bottom. If you plan to store it in plastic bottles, make sure they are placed in a cool place where there is no open flame, as plastic is highly flammable. The type of plastic is squeezed out at the bottom of the bottle.

But it is better not to store alcoholic alcohol-containing drinks even in high-quality plastic dishes for a long time. During a long period of storage in such containers, the taste and aroma of an alcoholic beverage may change.

Glass bottles are the best containers for storing moonshine and other alcoholic beverages. This material does not enter into a chemical reaction with alcohol and ensures long-term preservation of the original properties of the drink. How long moonshine is stored in such dishes does not matter, because the shelf life of moonshine in a hermetically sealed glass bottle is almost eternal.

An antique glass liquor bottle with a narrow, long neck that holds a quarter of a 12.3-liter bucket of liquid is called a quarter. When asked, a quarter of moonshine is how many liters, then this capacity in metric equivalent is 3.075 liters.

Moonshine can be stored in oak barrels as it was done in the old days. It will not work to preserve the original taste and aroma, but in the barrel it gets an additional pleasant aroma and taste, as various processes take place in the oak barrel that improve the drink. The barrel “sighs” and oxygen freely penetrates inside, the process of alcohol oxidation takes place and the alcohol is saturated with pleasant aromas.

The smaller the volume of the barrel, the shorter the exposure time, if you hold it too long, then the taste will deteriorate, the so-called "skirting" will turn out. If very long storage is planned, then the volume of the barrel should be large.

No need to buy barrels with a faucet, it can leak a lot. Alcoholic beverages are poured into such decorative barrels before guests arrive.

Stainless steel tanks

Stainless steel barrels are commonly used to store alcohol in industrial plants. Food grade stainless steel is safe as it does not react chemically with alcohol. The stainless steel container should have been welded, not soldered. Stainless steel containers are a great option for storing alcohol, they are also perfect for making mash in it.

Storage conditions

Regardless of the type of dishes, you need to know how to store moonshine and create the right conditions for storage:

  • Keep container out of direct sunlight
  • Maintain a constant and optimal room temperature
  • It is allowed to store homemade moonshine in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer
  • Close storage containers tightly, as alcohol may partially evaporate from improperly closed containers.

You can not pour moonshine into containers that are not intended for food products, there is a very high risk of irretrievably spoiling the distillate. Many pour alcohol-containing drinks into crystal decanters with ground stoppers and leave them for a long time. But crystal contains up to 30% lead oxide, so such a drink can become hazardous to health.

If the crystal clear moonshine has become cloudy, a precipitate in the form of flakes has appeared in it - this indicates improper storage. For internal use, such a drink is no longer suitable.

Video: Kiwi tincture at home - a simple recipe for vodka

Turbidity of crystal clear moonshine (if more than 10 days have passed after dilution with water) and (or) the appearance of a precipitate in the form of flakes is a sign of improper storage. Often, not only the appearance deteriorates, but also the quality. We will consider the parameters that affect the shelf life of moonshine. By creating the right conditions, the drink can be left for decades. But just one mistake can ruin a product irrevocably. All the above tips are also relevant for other strong drinks: vodka, ethyl alcohol, cognac, whiskey, etc.

Video: Cleaning moonshine with activated carbon. How to clean moonshine? DIY carbon filter

1. Container. The most important factor on which the shelf life of strong alcohol depends by 80-90%, since alcohol is an active substance that reacts with most materials, which is fraught with the release of harmful impurities. At home, glass bottles, bottles and cans for preservation are ideal packaging options.

It is better to use bottles from state-owned vodka (with a “native” cork), into which no other substances were poured. If there were food or liquids in the containers even for a short time, then the containers must be thoroughly washed and dried before use, and then checked for the presence of foreign odors that could spoil the aroma of the distillate.

Another prerequisite for containers for storing moonshine is tightness. In the open air, alcohol evaporates quickly. Even a poorly screwed cork (lid) can cause a decrease in strength due to evaporation, only water will remain. Corks should fit snugly on the neck of the bottle.

It is better to roll up cans with steel lids, since they are more reliable and safer than nylon ones. Nylon is one of the types of plastic that, when in contact with alcohol, can release harmful substances, this will be discussed later.

Metal lids are preferable to nylon ones

It is impossible to pour moonshine into containers where non-food products, such as gasoline or glue, were previously stored, since it is very difficult to wash such containers with a guarantee, the risk of irretrievably spoiling the distillate is very high.

For very large volumes, industrial stainless steel barrels are recommended. Food grade stainless steel, like glass, does not react with alcohol, so it is safe. But aluminum cans and enamelware are not suitable.

Barrels made of food grade stainless steel - a good solution for large volumes

It is strictly forbidden to store moonshine and other alcoholic beverages with a strength above 15-20 degrees in plastic containers, the only exception is a special one designed for strong alcohol plastic, but this material rarely appears in retail sales.

Alcohol corrodes most plastic bottles, as a result, moonshine becomes cloudy, flakes or loose sediment appear at the bottom, and an unpleasant odor. There were times when alcohol "burned through" thin plastic through and through.

Cloudy moonshine in a plastic container

But even if moonshine has not visually changed after storage in a plastic bottle, this does not mean that the drink is safe, many harmful substances cannot be determined organoleptically (by taste and smell). When alcohol reacts with different types of plastic, carcinogens such as formaldehyde (phenol) and styrene are released.

Many home distillers prefer to store moonshine in oak barrels. Sometimes such a decision is justified, but this method has a number of disadvantages. First, you need to purchase and prepare a barrel for use, create normal storage conditions, including temperature and humidity, then periodically check the safety of the barrel. Secondly, evaporation should be taken into account - regardless of the volume, losses at best will be about a liter of filled distillate per year. Thirdly, the taste of moonshine will change. Therefore, I consider barrels as a method of preparing a separate drink, but not a container for storage.

After aging in a barrel, moonshine changes color and taste

2. Composition. Moonshine may contain third-party additives (except for alcohol and water): sugar, citric acid, herbal extracts, fruits, berries, other substances that improve the aroma or taste of moonshine, as well as essential oils and other impurities remaining due to improper distillation and (or) cleaning. It is impossible to predict how all these substances will behave during long exposure.

It all depends on the composition, concentration and chemical reactions of third-party components between themselves on the one hand, and alcohol on the other. Usually, natural additives precipitate or become cloudy when exposed to direct sunlight, which only worsens the visual perception of the drink, but does not affect the quality.

The general rule here is to store moonshine with additives for no more than a year, and for several years and longer, lay only well-purified distillate or alcohol diluted with high-quality water without the addition of third-party substances.

3. Conditions. The right temperature and humidity, along with the lack of sunlight, will block or slow down most chemical reactions. This is very important in the case of storing moonshine with additives, but it is also desirable to create optimal conditions for a "clean" distillate, especially if the drink is stored for a long time - 3-10 years.

I recommend placing the container with moonshine in a dark room (or at least protect it from direct sunlight) with a temperature of 5-20 ° C and a relative humidity of 85%. Be sure to periodically check the appearance of the drink and the tightness.

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Before you get a natural homemade product, mash is first boiled. There are many ways to make it, but no matter what it was made from, you need to properly store the mash and the moonshine that comes from it.

An important condition for storage is compliance with the recommended temperature regime. If this is not done, the product will be damaged.

How to store moonshine

The finished product should be cooled after distillation so that it reaches room temperature. After that, it must be poured into a pre-prepared container. It is important that it is not just clean, but sterile, then it will be stored for a long time.

Which container is better

In addition, it is good to store it at home:

  • in oak barrels;
  • in a metal can.

Where to store moonshine

For storage, you need to choose a place where a low temperature will be maintained. These are the optimal conditions under which the drink will remain usable throughout the year.

Best Storage Locations:

  • cellar;
  • basement;
  • balcony in winter;
  • garage.

How much moonshine can be stored depends on the container and temperature. The lower it is, the higher the shelf life. At 3°C-5°C, it can stay fresh for up to 24 months.

The optimal conditions for storing moonshine are sterile glass containers and a temperature not higher than 5 ° C.

How to properly store mash

Each recipe is based on the principle of fermentation, so it is important to observe the appropriate temperature regime for storage. In addition, it is better to use the storage container in which the mash was prepared, since it has already gone through the sterilization process.

Which container is better

If it is not possible to keep a large digest, it must be poured into a clean, dry, sterilized dish for storage. After fermentation, the ripened finished mass should be poured into prepared containers before distillation:

  • glass jars;
  • glass bottles;
  • metal barrels;
  • plastic bottles.

Where to store mash

Many are interested in whether it is possible to store the boon for moonshine in the kitchen. The answer is - not recommended. It should be a dark and cool place, the cooler the longer it will be usable. The places where it is better to store ripe fermented mash are:

  • balcony;
  • cellar;
  • basement;
  • garage;
  • fridge.

In summer, you can fill the bathroom with cold water and keep the container with mash, periodically changing it. The timing is directly affected by temperature, but it should be remembered that this is not a long-term storage product.

At a temperature of 3°C to 5°C, the mash can be stored for up to 7 days. At room temperature - no longer than 1 day.

Frequently asked Questions

How to store mash for drinking after fermentation?

After fermentation, sugar mash should be poured into clean sterile glass jars, put in a dark, dry and cool place with a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C.

Is it possible to store moonshine in plastic bottles?


How long can moonshine be stored in a plastic bottle?

It is advisable not to store moonshine in a plastic bottle at all.

Is it possible to store moonshine in an aluminum flask?

If it's a food metal, then you can. The shelf life will be up to 3 months, subject to the recommended temperature conditions.

Is it possible to store moonshine in an aluminum canister?

If it is a special metal marked "For food storage", then it is possible within the specified expiration date.

How much moonshine can be stored at home in Belarus?

According to the law, only certified ethnic estates can cook and store it. Private individuals are prohibited from doing so.

How much moonshine can be stored at home in Ukraine?

According to Art. 176 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale entails a fine in the amount of 51 to 170 hryvnia.

How much moonshine can be stored at home in Russia?

According to the amendment to art. 14.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses from January 1, 2018, the restriction on the storage and transportation of moonshine in a volume of more than 10 liters comes into force.

Is it possible to store moonshine in the cold?

What happens if the alcoholic drink is cold? If you are wondering if moonshine can be stored at sub-zero temperatures, then remember that alcohol freezes at -80 ° C and below. The drink will become viscous, but it will not freeze, and we don’t have such frosts in our country.

How long can mash be stored before distillation?

At a temperature close to 3°-5°C - about 7 days. At 10 ° C and closer to room temperature - no longer than a day.

Almost any food product has its own expiration date. Even pure, preservatives (such as table salt) set an expiration date. Alcoholic drinks, in particular vodka, are no exception.

The expiration date of vodka (moonshine) is determined by the manufacturer, based on the recipe, packaging and storage conditions of alcohol. However, this term is very conditional. With some simple steps, storing vodka can take a very long time.

Vodka is different. Classic vodka, which contains only alcohol and water, has an unlimited shelf life. Such vodka, but like the light of the moon, you can drink without fear, and after a very long time.

There are also special types of vodka, as well as water, alcohol (sometimes sugar), and includes other ingredients designed to eliminate an unpleasant odor, add a touch of alcohol taste, and eliminate their burning. It is these substances that oxidize over time, which leads to a limited shelf life. As a rule, special types of vodka (mixed) have a service life of 1 year, and sometimes only half a year.

In any case, carefully read the information on the bottle label, and follow the recommendations provided there. As for alcoholic drinks at home, it must be remembered that tasteful moonshine or vodka, with the addition of nuts, fruits, and various herbs, is best consumed within six months from the date of preparation of the drink.

Container. Considering that alcohol is an active substance that enters into a chemical reaction with materials with which it interacts directly, special attention should be paid to the container in which vodka is stored.

This is the only correct packaging for storing vodka will be a glass container. Alcohol does not interact with glass, so we only buy vodka in glass bottles.

As for moonshine, it is also best to store in glass bottles or glass jars, close the lid tightly. Close the container as the alcohol evaporates quickly.

If you do not close the lid, then after a while you find that vodka or moonshine is much less. And the liquid is unlikely to improve in the tank there will be water. Just over time, the strength of alcohol decreases due to the volatilization of alcohols.

In the house, the light of the moon is often bottled in plastic bottles. This container is quite popular.

However, keeping moonshine or vodka in such bottles is strictly prohibited. Alcohol dissolves the walls of this bottle over time, forming harmful substances. Sometimes there may even be sediment at the bottom of plastic bottles with vodka or moonshine.

It is best to store vodka in a bottle from the manufacturer without opening. Ordinary glass jars or bottles of drunk "breech" are ideal for moonshine. A sign of poor packaging is sediment at the bottom, and opacity to a transparent drink.

To prevent alcohol from spoiling for a long time, storage conditions must be observed. The ambient temperature should be from 5 to 20 degrees, the air humidity is about 85%. Keep vodka in a dark place where there is no access to sunlight.

Almost every food product has its own shelf life. Even pure preservatives (such as table salt) have an expiration date. Alcoholic drinks, and vodka in particular, are no exception.

The expiration date of vodka (moonshine) is determined by the manufacturer based on the recipe, packaging and storage conditions for alcohol. However, this period is very conditional. With some simple actions, you can store vodka for a very long time.

What determines the shelf life of vodka or moonshine?

Vodka is different. Classic vodka, which contains only alcohol and water, has an unlimited shelf life. Such vodka, however, like moonshine, can be drunk without fear, after a long, long time.

There are also special types of vodka, which, in addition to water, alcohol (sometimes sugar), include other ingredients designed to eliminate an unpleasant odor, add a certain tint to the taste of alcohol, and eliminate its pungency. It is these substances that oxidize over time, which leads to a limited shelf life. As a rule, special types of vodka (with additives) have a shelf life of 1 year, and sometimes only half a year.

In any case, carefully read the information on the bottle label and follow the recommendations provided there. As for home-made alcoholic drinks, you need to remember that moonshine or flavored vodka, with the addition of dried fruits, fruits, various herbs, is best consumed within six months from the date of preparation of the drink.

Container. Since alcohol is a very active substance that enters into a chemical reaction with materials with which it directly interacts, special attention should be paid to the container in which vodka is stored.

The only correct container for storing vodka is a glass container. Alcohol does not react with glass, which is why we buy vodka only in glass bottles.

As for moonshine, it is also best to store it in glass bottles or glass jars with a tight lid. It is necessary to hermetically close the container, because. alcohol evaporates quickly.

If you closed the lid poorly, then after a fairly short time you will find that there is much less vodka or moonshine. Moreover, the liquid is unlikely to be completely corrected, water will remain in the container. Just over time, the strength of alcohol will decrease due to the volatilization of alcohols.

At home, moonshine is often bottled in plastic bottles. This container is quite popular.

However, it is strictly forbidden to store moonshine or vodka in such bottles. Alcohol dissolves the walls of such a bottle over time, forming harmful substances. Sometimes you can even observe sediment at the bottom of plastic bottles with vodka or moonshine.

It is best to store vodka in manufacturer's bottles without opening it. For moonshine, ordinary glass jars or bottles from a drunk “breech” are suitable. A sign of bad packaging is sediment at the bottom and turbidity before a clear drink.

Storage conditions for vodka or moonshine

In order for alcohol not to spoil for a long time, it is necessary to properly observe the storage conditions. The temperature of the room should be 5-20 degrees, the humidity of the air should be about 85%. You need to keep vodka in a dark place, deprived of access to sunlight.

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How to store moonshine and its expiration date?

    If such a drink as moonshine is stored in glass bottles with tightly closed lids, then such moonshine can be stored for more than one decade. This of course applies to a pure product, without any impurities and additives. Well, the strength of the drink should be above forty degrees - then at least in twenty years you can drink it without harming your health.

    There is a saying: Vodka and honey do not spoilquot ;. You cannot say this about vodka.

    But moonshine, if it is prepared on a natural basis, according to all the rules and with a strength of at least 50-55 degrees, can be stored for 5 or even more years. The conditions for such storage are tightly closed glassware with moonshine, stored in a dark room with a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees, 20 degrees are allowed for storing alcohol. The room should be kept slightly damp.

    Cans of moonshine can be corked with metal lids. This is the ideal storage condition. Homemade alcoholic drinks based on moonshine Cherry,Apricot,Slivyanka it is undesirable to store for more than a year (due to hydrocyanic acid in fruit pits). can be stored for 2 years.

    The best containers for storing moonshine will be containers made of glass.

    The fact is that with all other materials moonshine will enter into chemical reactions and impurities will be obtained. It is in glass that you can store moonshine for the longest time. If you store it in a glass container, and even in a dark, cool place, then it can stand for up to ten years.

    The shelf life of moonshine, vodka, cognac is influenced by three main factors:

    • Containers are the main one, since alcohol interacts with the packaging material. The ideal container for home storage is glass. These can be bottles and cans, vodka bottles, if only vodka was stored in them. The container must be hermetically sealed so that there is no possibility for the evaporation of alcohol. It is better to roll up a glass jar, and not close it with a nylon lid (which can react with alcohol and release harmful substances).

    Alcohol corrodes plastic containers, moonshine will become cloudy, carcinogens from plastic will enter it, alcohol will change the smell.

    • The composition of vodka or moonshine.
    • Storage conditions: temperature, humidity, prevention of sunlight.

    If all conditions are met, alcohol can be kept for up to 10 years.

    Well, apparently, moonshine should be stored in the same way as vodka or alcohol. So that the moonshine does not enter into chemical reactions with the container, it must be glass so that it does not evaporate - the container must be tightly closed. It is better to store in a dark place, at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees.

    And the shelf life ... If moonshine is of high quality, then the period is probably practically unlimited.

    Well, sometimes they write expiration dates on vodka.

    He is less than a year old. So, probably, and at moonshine. ?

    The most important condition in the storage of Moonshine is its quality.

    If you want to store Moonshine for a long time (5-10 years), then you do not need to add any additives. Pure moonshine 55-60 degrees is something that can be stored for a long time. Next is the container.

    For long-term storage, only glass is suitable. And of course, the storage condition is preferably a basement, the temperature is not higher than +15 and the absence of sunlight. And one more condition, only you should know where Moonshine is stored.

    Alcohol does not react, perhaps only with glass. Therefore, it is glass that can be called the ideal container for its storage. At the same time, the container must be airtight: alcohol easily evaporates, which means that over time, the strength of your moonshine will come to naught.

    But moonshine moonshine - discord. If it contains such perishable products as, for example, berries, then it can be stored for one year, but only six months is better. Otherwise, moonshine can stand for many, many years.

    I know that many people are used to storing moonshine in plastic bottles, but this is a fundamentally wrong line of thought and action: over time, alcohol literally corrodes the walls of the bottle, and the drink absorbs the results of a chemical reaction.

    Of course, it is best to store all liquids and not only moonshine in glass containers. But as for the shelf life, no special studies have been conducted. And of course it can be stored both as alcohol and as vodka.

    So a hundred years is free. In short, the shelf life is determined by the shelf life of the container.

    If you need to put the moonshine for long-term storage, take a glass container with ground stoppers and sweat-filled sealing wax. Metal lids are also available as an option.

    Other containers will not fit. Plastic and aluminum, ceramics are not suitable. Moonshine is stored for a long time in stainless steel containers, in oak barrels, but moonshine inevitably evaporates slowly from the barrels.

    All this is about clean moonshine and distillation, when no additives were used, only alcohol and water. The shelf life is then unlimited.

    And if additives were used in the manufacture of moonshine (herbs, fruits, berries), such moonshine cannot be stored for a long time, the shelf life is a year.

    Store moonshine in glass bottles with tight-fitting lids. Under these conditions, the shelf life can be considered very long, almost unlimited. However, microimpurities can still oxidize, form new compounds, so they should not be stored for more than 3 years.

    If the alcoholic beverage precipitates during storage, it should not be taken.

In order for the quality of moonshine or any other homemade alcohol to remain unchanged for many years, you need to learn how to properly store it. Then after years you will be able to enjoy a delicious homemade drink, after a long storage, it becomes even much better. Let's figure out how to store moonshine so that it remains tasty and strong.

Container for moonshine

Container for moonshine is an important factor on which the quality and shelf life of strong alcohol depend. The high alcohol content can cause a chemical reaction with the material of the dish and lead to the release of harmful impurities. More often, homemade alcoholic drinks are stored in the following dishes:

  • plastic
  • glass
  • Wooden
  • Steel

Containers made of iron, galvanized steel or aluminum are not acceptable for storing alcohol.

Let's answer the question: is it possible to store moonshine in a plastic water bottle? Modern plastic is resistant to strong chemicals.

If you pour moonshine into a plastic bottle or jug ​​labeled PET and PEHD/HDPE, you won't have to worry about it melting the bottom. If you plan to store it in plastic bottles, make sure they are placed in a cool place where there is no open flame, as plastic is highly flammable. The type of plastic is squeezed out at the bottom of the bottle.

But it is better not to store alcoholic alcohol-containing drinks even in high-quality plastic dishes for a long time. During a long period of storage in such containers, the taste and aroma of an alcoholic beverage may change.

Glass bottles are the best containers for storing moonshine and other alcoholic beverages. This material does not enter into a chemical reaction with alcohol and ensures long-term preservation of the original properties of the drink. How long moonshine is stored in such dishes does not matter, because the shelf life of moonshine in a hermetically sealed glass bottle is almost eternal.

An antique glass liquor bottle with a narrow, long neck that holds a quarter of a 12.3-liter bucket of liquid is called a quarter. When asked, a quarter of moonshine is how many liters, then this capacity in metric equivalent is 3.075 liters.

Moonshine can be stored in oak barrels as it was done in the old days. It will not work to preserve the original taste and aroma, but in the barrel it gets an additional pleasant aroma and taste, as various processes take place in the oak barrel that improve the drink. The barrel “sighs” and oxygen freely penetrates inside, the process of alcohol oxidation takes place and the alcohol is saturated with pleasant aromas.

The smaller the volume of the barrel, the shorter the exposure time, if you hold it too long, then the taste will deteriorate, the so-called "skirting" will turn out. If very long storage is planned, then the volume of the barrel should be large.

If moonshine is poured into an unprepared oak barrel, it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and aroma, be sure to read the article on how to properly prepare an oak barrel before the first use.

No need to buy barrels with a faucet, it can leak a lot. Alcoholic beverages are poured into such decorative barrels before guests arrive.

Stainless steel tanks

Stainless steel barrels are commonly used to store alcohol in industrial plants.

Food grade stainless steel is safe as it does not react chemically with alcohol. The stainless steel container should have been welded, not soldered. Stainless steel containers are a great option for storing alcohol, they are also perfect for making mash in it.

Storage conditions

Regardless of the type of dishes, you need to know how to store moonshine and create the right conditions for storage:

  • Keep container out of direct sunlight
  • Maintain a constant and optimal room temperature
  • It is allowed to store homemade moonshine in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer
  • Close storage containers tightly, as alcohol may partially evaporate from improperly closed containers.

You can not pour moonshine into containers that are not intended for food products, there is a very high risk of irretrievably spoiling the distillate. Many pour alcohol-containing drinks into crystal decanters with ground stoppers and leave them for a long time. But crystal contains up to 30% lead oxide, so such a drink can become hazardous to health.

If the crystal clear moonshine has become cloudy, a precipitate in the form of flakes has appeared in it - this indicates improper storage. For internal use, such a drink is no longer suitable.

Not everyone knows that the cloudiness of moonshine and the appearance of sediment in the form of flakes is a sign of unsuccessful storage. At the same time, the quality also becomes significantly worse. However, if there are suitable storage conditions, moonshine can please humanity for years.

What container is suitable

A flask for moonshine is considered one of the most important points, on which not only the quality, but also the duration of storage of any strong alcohol directly depends. So, where to store alcohol? Since alcohol can cause a certain reaction with dishes, this will lead to the release of harmful substances, therefore it is recommended to store alcoholic beverages in special containers, namely:

  • in a plastic bottle;
  • in glass containers;
  • in wooden and steel containers.

At the same time, containers for aluminum or iron moonshine are categorically not suitable for storing alcohol in it. Therefore, you should not store vodka in an aluminum bottle, since alcohol will definitely react with aluminum, which will result in the formation of a precipitate that is very harmful to human health.

It is best to store moonshine in real vodka bottles with their native corks. Before use, they must be thoroughly washed, dried, and checked for odors that could spoil the aroma of the final product.

Alcohol in a plastic container

As mentioned above, alcohol is a very active substance that can react with interacting materials. It is for this reason that when choosing dishes for storing it, you should be especially careful and think carefully about whether it is possible to store the product in it.

The current plastic is quite resistant to chemicals, however, when choosing such a container, it is better to choose a suitable place for storage, as such material burns well.

At the same time, it should be remembered that it is not recommended to store alcohol in a plastic container for a long time, because after a while not only the aroma, but also the taste of alcohol can change.

Glass jars and bottles

Glassware is best for storing moonshine or other strong homemade drinks. As you know, this material never reacts with alcohol and makes it possible to preserve the original properties of drinks for a long time. In other words, the shelf life of alcohol in a hermetically sealed glass jar is almost eternal.

Justifying the foregoing, we can conclude that the main thing in the long-term storage of moonshine is tightness, since alcohol tends to evaporate quickly. After all, even a poorly screwed cap or cork can become a real reason for a decrease in the strength of alcohol as a result of evaporation. Thus, only water remains.

If we are talking about a bank, then steel lids are best suited here. They are both safe and quite reliable, and capron, from which covers are also made, emits harmful substances that can harm the human body.

Using an oak barrel

In the old days, alcohol was always stored in oak barrels, which made it possible to get a good aroma and taste, since it is in such containers that various processes take place that make the drink much better.

The smaller the size of the barrel, the less time you need to keep the drink, respectively, when long-term storage is planned, then a large size of the barrel will be required here. In addition, before using such a container as a barrel, it must be prepared.

Storage in stainless steel tanks

Stainless steel barrels are commonly used to hold alcohol in industrial plants. Such food stainless steel is a safe container. She will not react with alcohol. This container is better to cook, not solder. The use of such containers is well suited for both the storage of alcoholic beverages and the preparation of mash in it.

How to store

Regardless of what kind of cookware you are going to use, you must also take care of proper home storage conditions. First of all, you need to think about how the sun's rays do not fall on the container. You will also need to maintain an optimal and uniform room temperature. Moonshine can be stored in refrigeration, but not in the freezer. To prevent the alcohol from evaporating, the dishes will need to be tightly corked.

In addition, you can not store alcohol in containers that are not intended for food purposes, as this can irrevocably spoil the cooked product. It is also undesirable to place the contents in crystal decanters, as this may adversely affect human health.

In other words, when wondering how to store moonshine, it is worth remembering that it cannot be poured into flasks where substances such as gasoline or glue used to be, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to wash such dishes.

For very large sizes, it is advised to use stainless steel canisters, as it will not interact with alcohol, like glass, and for this reason is completely safe. However, aluminum cans and enamelware are not suitable here.

In addition, it is strictly not allowed to store alcoholic beverages that are stronger than 20 degrees in plastic containers. Naturally, moonshine can be stored in special plastic dishes, but such material is rarely found on sale.

In order not to constantly think about how to properly store alcohol, it is best to place the container with the contents in a dark room with a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees and a relative humidity of 85%. At the same time, it will be mandatory to check from time to time how the drink looks and how tightly it is closed.

An important nuance is the fact that in addition to the ban on copper and iron containers, there is another law for the storage of alcohol, namely, plastic containers can only be used if it has the inscription “for products”,

In addition, all containers used must be clean. When washing, it is advisable to add soda to warm water, and the inside of the barrels after washing can be fumigated with sulfur.