The best herbs to help you gain weight naturally. Fenugreek for weight loss

Fenugreek hay (helba, hilba, shamballa) for breast enlargement, hair growth, potency ... "Helba yellow tea", properties of helba

Fenugreek hay or helba (hilba) is one of the effective remedies for breast enlargement, hair growth, weight loss, clear skin, women's health, painful menstruation and intestinal disorders, problems with potency, sexual disorders, etc.

Fenugreek hay is popular in many countries of the world, therefore it has a huge number of names (synonyms). Here are just a few of them: helba, hilba, shamballa, camel thorn, fenugreek, fenum-greek, fenigrekova grass, Greek hay, Greek goat shamrock, Greek owl, cocked hat, camel grass.

Fenugreek (helba) grows in southeastern Europe, India, Argentina, Egypt, France and Morocco, has a pleasant spicy, slightly bitter taste and a specific, unparalleled smell.

Healing properties of fenugreek (helba)

Today, fenugreek (helba) is easy to get, many of us have helba seeds or oil on the shelf, but do we know about all the beneficial properties of helba? Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) spoke about the healing properties of fenugreek (helba) back in the 7th century . Here, for example, is his statement: “Heal yourself with a helba!” clearly indicates the medicinal properties of this plant. If, when using the helba, we make the intention to follow the Sunnah, then insha Allah, in addition to health in this world, we will also gain the contentment of the Almighty and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).

The saying of Arab doctors: “If only people knew how much good there is in Helba, then they would buy it at the price of gold” inspires respect for this difficult plant.

Much later, one of the famous English scientists Kleber said: “If all the medicines of the planet are put on one scale, and the helba is placed on the other, then the scales will balance.”

The healing properties of fenugreek (helba) were highly valued by Hippocrates. In ancient Egypt, fenugreek (helbu) was used to facilitate childbirth and enhance lactation. From medical treatises on papyri found in Egyptian tombs, it is known that fenugreek (helba) was used not only in cooking, but also as an effective antipyretic. In the Middle Ages, fenugreek was used in the treatment of premature baldness. Arab women from Syria to Libya eat toasted shamballa seeds to give roundness to their breasts and thighs, and roundness is known to be considered the ideal of beauty in the East.

ATTENTION! Contraindicated in pregnancy, can cause miscarriage and bleeding!

"Helba yellow tea"

In Egypt, the so-called Egyptian "Helba yellow tea" is very popular. This tasty and healthy drink has warming, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which it has become very popular in Europe and is gaining more and more fans in Russia. Women especially fell in love with “yellow helba tea” as an effective and safe remedy for painful menstruation and intestinal disorders (dysbacteriosis).

An interesting fact is that Helba yellow tea has no contraindications or side effects. Therefore, it can be safely consumed as a daily tea. To brew "yellow helba tea" it is enough to pour 1-2 whispers of grains with a liter of boiling water, and fragrant healthy tea will not leave you indifferent to it.

"Helba" perfectly refreshes in hot weather. However, this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that "Helba yellow tea" is indispensable for colds, bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia. The fact is that fenugreek (helba) has a very strong expectorant effect - much more pronounced than many modern medicines.

How to brew Helba yellow tea:


Everyone who has ever traveled to Egypt on vacation has had a chance to taste Helba yellow tea, which has become very popular in this country among tourists and the local population. Even in the ancient world, this drink was worth its weight in gold and was compared in terms of useful properties with a thousand medicines at the same time. Many papyri with recipes for making this miraculous drink have been preserved. It is not surprising that even now many people use this tea to improve their health and keep the body in good shape.

Proper brewing and drinking this drink in the required quantities at a certain time is the key to getting rid of a number of ailments and problems. Often, a yellow Egyptian drink is used to normalize weight and as a tonic tea. And, indeed, it is realistic to achieve impressive results - with systematic use, the body's metabolism improves, processes stabilize, so helba is often used to gain weight and to keep it off.


What are the benefits of this drink? Hilba, also known as fenugreek, fenugreek, shamballa has an individual taste and aroma. Someone reminds vanilla, someone ginger or nutmeg notes in chocolate flavor. The seeds of this plant are similar to beans, they are rich in alkaloids, dietary fiber and saponins. They contain a huge amount of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium. In addition, it is just a storehouse of a complex of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP and folic acid.


The range of application of this plant in medicine is very wide. Helba is often used as a tonic and restorative agent after serious illnesses, cardiovascular diseases. It promotes the removal of bad cholesterol, and an increase in the amount of good. It is simply indispensable in the diet of diabetics, it also helps to reduce free radicals, as it helps to oxidize lipids.

Hilba for women:

Often this tea is considered feminine. Since it helps to eliminate the causes of infertility, during pregnancy it helps to maintain the correct weight, and also increases lactation, the amount of milk during feeding is almost doubled. Yellow tea normalizes the amount of female hormones, estrogen. And not surprisingly, it helps very well with male impotence. The ancient Egyptians knew this and actively applied it in everyday life.

Hilba for weight gain:

If helba is used to gain weight, then two tablespoons of seeds should be poured with a glass of cold water and boiled for a couple of minutes. After that, cool and, if desired, add honey, ginger to taste. On the day of such glasses of a yellow drink, you need to drink two, but not during a meal. This is a great tool for those who want to normalize metabolism, gain the necessary weight to look proportional.

Lately herb fenugreek for weight loss gained particular popularity. People who dream of losing weight have appreciated its wonderful properties and introduced it into their usual diet. Further you can read more about the miraculous properties of this plant and its fruits. Fenugreek is a member of the legume family, each bean contains 15-20 medium-sized mustard-colored seeds, which are distinguished by a bright unusual aroma.

This herb should be considered not only as a means for losing weight, its healing properties deserve separate words:

  • The high content allows the use of shamballa (another name for this plant) as a means of combating constipation. It is able to normalize the digestive system without harm to health.
  • The increased content of antioxidants allows the use of fenugreek as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is prescribed for patients with stomach ulcers, intestinal inflammation, in Ayurvedic medicine it is recommended to use fenugreek infusions for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, upper respiratory tract, and even for tuberculosis.
  • Pectin, polysaccharides and tannins, which are part of shamballa, suggest its use to lower blood cholesterol levels, quantitatively lowering its production by the liver.
  • Athletes are recommended to use fenugreek as a means of increasing endurance.
  • Diosgenin, which is part of the fenugreek seeds, is able to increase lactation and reduce pain during menstruation, it is extremely useful if you want to stay healthy like a woman.

Fenugreek as a weight loss remedy

To come to weight loss, it is worth saying a few words about how to take fenugreek to lose weight. There are several ways to brew helba - this is the name of the infusion of fenugreek seeds. Two teaspoons of seeds are poured with one glass of boiling water and left to infuse overnight, in the morning, stevia infusion is added to the resulting infusion in a ratio of 3: 1 and the resulting drink is drunk. Then within three hours it is necessary to refrain from drinking and eating.

Important! A drink made from the contents of fenugreek beans is a hallmark of Moroccan and Egyptian cuisines.

Another recipe for making such a drink is to pour a tablespoon of fenugreek with a glass of clean water, bring to a boil, leave for 7 minutes and drink. This decoction reduces appetite, reduces anxiety and stress, which is also necessary when you start a diet. It improves intestinal motility,.

There is another way to brew fenugreek seeds: 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric, 100 g of ginger root grated on a fine grater, 1/2 teaspoon of cumin, 10 g of helba seeds, juice of one large lemon are mixed and poured with 500 g of boiling water. The resulting mixture is left to infuse for 3 - 3.5 hours. After that, the resulting infusion should be taken 35-40 minutes before meals in the amount of 150 g twice a day. If the taste of the infusion is very difficult for you to endure, you can add a teaspoon of honey to it.

Important! A helba drink drunk on an empty stomach can cause diarrhea. Therefore, after taking it, be sure to eat something.

Do not confuse helba drink and yellow tea - they have completely different properties and taste. Yellow tea is made from the green mass of the fenugreek plant, and helba for weight loss is made from the seeds in the beans. The bitter tart aroma of helba infusion, and sometimes even kills the feeling of hunger, which is a definite plus when taking it in the evening, when losing weight is forced to carefully monitor the amount of food consumed so as not to disrupt the process of losing weight.

Fenugreek contains the following beneficial substances:

Coffee with shamballa

Coffee lovers have a chance to try unusual coffee, which is prepared with the addition of fenugreek seeds. Preparing it is quite simple. Ground coffee and helba powder are mixed in proportions of 1: 1 and brewed like regular classic coffee. Not everyone will like its taste, but you will get a huge charge of vivacity from it. It tones and awakens all processes in the body, improves mood and gives strength for new achievements!

Helba for weight gain

In the pursuit of ways that can lead to weight loss, we completely forget that there is another side of the coin - that is, people who dream of gaining the missing weight. Helba can also be of service here: they do not use an infusion of seeds, but an extract of helba as a spice. The unusual aroma of Shambhala can awaken the appetite of those who need a couple of extra pounds. The aroma and taste of helba spice enhance positive emotions from eating, prompting a person to eat a little more food than he usually needed, which prevents weight loss. This effect is also used by some athletes.

Contraindications to the use of helba

If it refers to everything without fanaticism, then both the helba drink and the spice are safe for the body. But when you are just starting to introduce the drink into your diet to achieve weight loss, you can expect the following:

  • The high fiber content can cause bloating, short-term diarrhea, and gas.
  • Urine may acquire an odor reminiscent of maple syrup. Don't be scared if this happens. The symptom will disappear when the body gets used to the new.
  • Helba is not recommended for people who are in the process of being treated for diabetes. If you still want to include this drink in your menu - consult your doctor.
  • A drink made from fenugreek seeds is contraindicated in pregnant women, as it can cause premature birth.
  • Fenugreek can cause allergic reactions (rhinitis, asthmatic reactions, swelling, etc.), especially in people who are allergic to any legumes.

For those who are accustomed to constantly control the process of losing weight and wage a desperate struggle for beauty and harmony, sometimes it is simply necessary to bring something new into their diet, into their lives, something that they have not tried before. This allows you to get out of the usual framework, to experience other tastes, aromas, sensations. Therefore, if you are one of the people who dream of losing weight, try using fenugreek for weight loss. Suddenly, this new one will become your great assistant in achieving your goal?

What woman does not dream of being nicely complimented? Beautiful words caress and caress the ear, almost intoxicate. I want to listen to enthusiastic exclamations about my beauty all the time. It increases self-esteem, mood, and also fills with happiness.

  • Helba what is it
  • Useful properties of oil, how to take
  • Helba in cosmetology

Beauty for a woman is always a hot topic, so almost always girlfriends discuss either new cosmetics, or clothes, perfume, sports, hair. Everyone wants one thing - to be beautiful!

There is a truly amazing female oil. Mother nature gave all the fair sex the elixir of youth and beauty. Oil, with amazing in its characteristics, composition. Almost identical to the female hormone estrogen. That's why oil is so important. In women, with the passage of age, the hormonal background is constantly changing, there are failures due to stress, poor irregular nutrition, ecology, and lack of sleep. There can be hundreds of reasons, but there is only one problem - hormones fail for many.

This oil normalizes the hormonal background, leads to normal performance of all endocrine glands. Due to the improper production of various hormones, first of all, the appearance of a person suffers. It can be permanent acne, a terrible complexion, soft, exfoliating nails, poor quality hair. But, worst of all, due to hormonal imbalance, metabolism worsens, which can lead to rapid weight gain and even worse condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

This miracle plant has a lot of names: hay fenugreek, chaman, Greek fenugreek, fenugreek, Greek hay, fenigrekova grass, camel grass and even shambhala. Indeed, helba can be called Shambhala. It has so many useful properties that modern people would still buy a plant, even if it cost more than gold, as it was in the Middle Ages. And the prophet Muhammad once said: "Heal yourself with Helba!" There are hundreds of sayings about chaman in the East. But, all as one, they talk about her magical, mysterious, healing power.

Helba grows in our area - Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, as well as Central Asia, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Ethiopia. Prefers mountainous terrain.

Helba is an annual plant belonging to the legume family. Its seeds are precious. They make various medicines, seasoning for food, and also get amazing oil.

Young shoots of helba are ground and then added to meat dishes, as well as cheeses during their cooking. Indian cuisine is rich in various dishes with the addition of helba seeds. For example, the traditional dlaha dish cannot do without this spice.

Eastern women have been using helba since ancient times. Asian women are very fond of oil and seeds, they have been actively using them for a long time. Maybe this is the secret of their youth already in adulthood? Indeed, in fact, the skin, the main thing is to saturate, then it will not become decrepit. Just the oil saturates every cell of the body from the inside.

Since ancient times, Chinese civilization has been using helba to relieve pain in the abdomen. In ancient Egypt, the plant was used to relieve labor pains, as well as to increase lactation. European women took helba to reduce menstrual pain.

In Egypt, locals brew their traditional, healthy, delicious drink for tourists to normalize digestion. The drink is called "Egyptian yellow tea" from Helba seeds. Therefore, when you are in Egypt, it is not necessary to drink a drink only from them, bring seeds home for yourself and your family and brew wonderful yellow tea all year round.

The most popular producers: Egypt, Pakistan, Turkey. Oriental oils are the highest quality, as well as useful. Choose a 100% natural product that is hermetically sealed, has a relatively short expiration date, and has an unexpired release date.

Egyptian helba vegetable oil improves appetite, normalizes the digestive tract, strengthens the body, improves immunity, tones and activates the immune system, gives vigor and energy. Reduces blood sugar levels. Helba is the richest source of vegetable protein.

The oil has a number of useful properties: expectorant, sedative, diuretic, analgesic, anthelmintic, regenerating, tonic, sedative, anabolic. Helba is an aphrodisiac plant that improves sexual potency.

The oil effectively fights viruses and even cancer cells. Useful for the normalization of the urinary system, removes pathogenic MO in cystitis. Eliminates painful urination. Restores with colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma. Helba is a strong expectorant natural drug.

This is a unique women's oil. It eliminates the possibility of early menopause. Oil helba treats a variety of female ailments: endometriosis, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, infertility, polyps, cysts and polycystic ovaries, cystitis, oncological diseases of the female genital organs.

Normalizes the menstrual cycle in various pathologies. Restores with amenorrhea, when menstruation is absent one or "N-th" number of times, with hypomenorrhea, when there is very little discharge, and also with dysmenorrhea - severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. Prevents the appearance of early menopause, rejuvenates and restores the ovaries.

Surprisingly, the fact is that helba reduces or completely relieves women's pain. On menstrual days, it gives vitality, vigor, activity, menstruation is much easier. It has a beneficial effect on the psyche in these days, balances the psycho-emotional background, makes it more comfortable and stable. Almost completely relieves premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

The oil has a preventive effect on atherosclerosis of blood vessels, gives them elasticity, flexibility, reduces the likelihood of blockage of the vessel due to the accumulation of cholesterol. Improves heart function, normalizes blood pressure, reduces high blood pressure, improves blood supply to blood vessels, and prevents coronary heart disease.

The oil helps treat osteoporosis. Improves bone metabolism. Gives the bone skeleton density and hardness. The oil restores connective tissue well.

Egyptian and Indian women lubricate their breasts with oil to give tone, correct shape, to increase lactation during feeding, strengthen the walls of blood vessels on the chest in order to avoid unpleasant "red stars". Helba can be lubricated with hips, back, stomach, before massage, to draw the desired relief, so that fat or orange peel is more effectively absorbed. It is good to lubricate the oily helba under the breast when it is very hot to avoid redness, irritation of the skin in tender places. Of course, it is important to take care of the décolleté with fenugreek to preserve and prolong beauty.

How to take inside instructions:

1 st. a spoonful of oil to eat in the morning and evening before meals. If you use the product on an empty stomach, it is better, faster and better to assimilate. Can be added to various summer salads.

Of course, fenugreek should be consumed internally as well as externally. Only an integrated approach will restore balance in the body.

For a local effect on the hair, helba oil masks are suitable.

To do this, 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons of oil should be mixed with 3-5 drops of essential oil, add 5 drops of vitamin A and E. The mixture is slightly heated in a water bath, and then applied to the roots, rubbing thoroughly, and then to the entire length, especially the tips. The physiology of the hair is arranged in such a way that the hair fiber begins to feed from the ends, and ends with the roots.

Helba oil is good to use in a mix with other vegetable analogues. For example, argan, peach, apricot, jojoba. Mixtures complement each other well and enhance the beneficial effect. The main thing is to heat them a little, as warm ones penetrate the skin better. After applying the oil on the head, it is necessary to wrap the hair with plastic wrap and additionally wrap it with a towel or put on a hat to keep and prolong the heat.

It is desirable to keep oil masks for 2-4 hours. Rinse with shampoo applications 2-3 times. Intensity 1 - 2 times / week.

Benefits of helba hair oil:

  • Active remedy for baldness. Strengthens hair roots, reduces hair loss. Restores the immunity of hair follicles. Improves blood and oxygen supply.
  • Moisturizes, softens, saturates the hair structure. Nourishes the hair shaft from the inside. The hair becomes more elastic.
  • Restores proper breathing, cleanses from excessive fat content. Regulates sebum production.
  • Helba oil is a powerful anti fungal substance. Treats dandruff, relieves itching, irritation.
  • Gives a well-groomed, shiny, radiant look to the hair. Contributes to the preservation of natural pigment, prevents the formation of early gray hair.

You can add a couple of drops of helba to a balm or hair mask. The oil will improve the quality of the finished product, make the hair more manageable, as well as tidy.

For local action on the skin.

Fenugreek gently cares for the skin of the face, hands, chest, decollete. If the feeling that your skin lacks moisture does not leave you, then you should buy a jar of helba.

The oil turns dry, tired skin into lifted, soft, well-groomed, fresh. From prolonged use, the skin acquires a healthy color, without dullness.

"Say no to calluses"! It is very difficult to cope with corns, bumps on the legs, roughness of the heels. Helba is a universal moisturizer for all skin areas. She is able to soften even corns.

The oil cleanses the skin, restores proper nutrition and oxygen supply, and rejuvenates. Copes with unpleasant acne, boils, pustules, irritation. Removes puffiness and bags under the eyes, smoothes mimic wrinkles.

Read also:

Helba: useful properties and contraindications

Hello dear readers. Probably not everyone still knows what Helba is. This is a very useful plant that holds the secrets of strong health and incredible longevity. It is time for us to learn its secrets for multiplying health and prolonging active life.

Unique helba seeds

This plant has many names, but the closest one to our area is hay fenugreek. An annual plant with light yellow flowers grows up to half a meter in height, the leaves of which look like clover leaves. It has a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of nuts.

Useful properties due to the high content of nutrients:

  • A large set of minerals;
  • Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, D, PP;
  • Amino acids, total 18;
  • Oils, enzymes;
  • Saturated fatty acids;
  • Flavonoids, phytosterols;
  • Polysaccharides.

Medicinal properties of fenugreek

The medicinal properties of fenugreek are known in many countries of the world. It is especially valued for substances that prevent the body from aging, breaking down, and helping to resist the appearance of neoplasms. No less valuable are its properties that help restore brain cells.

More than once, its benefits for men have been proven, in particular, to increase sexual activity. For this, men should drink fenugreek seeds brewed with hot milk 3 times a day.

With weak sperm, the inability to conceive a baby, you can prepare such a potion:

  • fenugreek seeds - 50 g;
  • calamus root - 50 g;
  • yarrow herb - 100 g.

Mix everything, take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour a cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes.

The universal properties of the plant help with malfunctions in the digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems. It perfectly supports the respiratory system, heart, improves bone marrow, plasma. Prevents the development of cancerous tumors.

Fenugreek seeds remove all harmful substances from the body, strengthen the immune system, perfectly cure cough, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, increase hemoglobin. And that's not all, they say that Helba helps get rid of 100 diseases.

Who is forbidden to take medicines with helba

Even such a useful plant has contraindications:

  • pregnancy, allergies;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • period of exacerbation of gastritis, diseases of the pancreas;
  • neoplasms in the female genital area, for example, fibroids;
  • diarrhea;
  • endometriosis;
  • children under 7 years of age.

Pleasant tea drinking

Knowing that the use of the seeds of this plant will not bring harm, you can start making bittersweet Egyptian tea. If the seeds are heated a little, they will acquire a sweetish taste, then the tea will taste like chocolate with vanilla.

How to brew this unusual tea? To get real Egyptian tea, all proportions must be observed:

  • 2 tsp crushed raw materials;
  • 1 glass of water.

Preparation: pour the seeds with water, put on fire, boil for 5-7 minutes, remove from heat, let it brew for 10 minutes. Egyptian tea is ready!

How to drink? You can drink without additives. But the taste will be much nicer if you add lemon, ginger or milk. At the bottom of the dishes there are many seeds containing a lot of nutrients. They can be added to any dishes or eaten with honey.


  1. You can not drink in large quantities.
  2. Do not drink during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. May lead to miscarriage.
  3. Diuretic properties will immediately make themselves felt, so there will be frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  4. If even from a few sips itching appeared on the skin, then the drink should be stopped.

If your body accepts this elixir of youth well, then you can drink a little, it will only benefit.

Everyone who has tried this drug leaves only the most pleasant reviews about it.

Despite the fact that the seeds are not cheap, many people ask where to buy? You can buy it at a pharmacy, spice shop or online store.

Helba for the beauty and health of women

For women's health, helba is especially useful due to the content of phytoestrogens. These substances increase the work of estrogens - female hormones. It is known that estrogen deficiency leads to a large number of female diseases. Therefore, tea from plant seeds for women is a real salvation from hormonal failure.

Normalization of hormonal levels

Regular intake of tea normalizes the hormonal background, failures in which lead to painful periods, the development of premenstrual syndrome.

Breast correction and augmentation

Ancient women of the East used oil and plant seeds for breasts, or rather, to increase it. Fenugreek oil will help to enlarge the female breast, adjust its shape, tighten the skin on the chest. Prepare a unique remedy: add 5-7 drops of oil to linseed oil, lubricate the chest with a small amount of the mixture, then massage with light movements. After 3-4 minutes, you need to take a contrast shower to wash off the oil. Regular procedures will make your bust elastic, beautiful.

Reducing pain during childbirth

In the last month of pregnancy, every woman can take a tasty drug if there are no contraindications. The drink will reduce pain during childbirth, and if childbirth does not begin on time, it will help to quickly resolve the burden. But in the early stages it is impossible to take, so as not to provoke a miscarriage. Women can get rid of unwanted pregnancy if they drink yellow oriental tea.

Increased lactation

For lactating women, fenugreek tea will only benefit if you drink no more than 3 times a week to increase lactation. Frequent use of the drink can lead to gas formation, bloating, both in a nursing woman and in a child.

Treatment of genital infections

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, a decoction of the seeds is used to treat genital infections. They drink tea, do sitz baths, douching.

Infertility treatment

Many women undergo long and hard treatment for infertility. Reviews of women confirm that helba tea helped get rid of infertility. They were able to get pregnant after 1.5 months of taking the tea. It is necessary to drink twice a day for a cup of tea, brewing a new portion each time.

Maintaining hormonal levels after 35 years

It is very useful to drink a unique drink after 35 years in order to maintain the hormonal background, avoid the unpleasant manifestations of menopause, and maintain your femininity and youthful attractiveness for a long time.

Getting rid of unpleasant manifestations with menopause

With menopause, you also need to drink a healing drink so as not to suffer from its unpleasant manifestations.

weight loss

Many women every day drink a cup of a useful potion for weight loss. Egyptian yellow elixir helps to remove extra 5 kg. And not only, it is useful for improving the condition of hair and nails.

Weight gain

Not all girls need to lose weight, many want to get better. Helba is also suitable for weight gain.

A recipe that promotes rapid weight gain (from 0.8 to 2.5 kg per week). Two st. spoons of beans pour a cup of cold water, boil for 2 minutes, cool, add honey or ginger. Drink 2 cups a day between meals. Yellow tea may not only come from Egypt. Yellow is also called loose leaf tea from China.

Recipes with fenugreek for hair beauty

Women of the East surprise with the density of their hair. Doesn't this hair recipe help them:

  • burdock oil - 30 ml;
  • helba oil - 3 drops.

A mixture of oils in the evening to rub into the roots of the hair.

Ground helba perfectly strengthens hair roots, eliminates dandruff. To do this, add so much water to the powder of the plant to make a slurry, which you rub into the hair roots.

There are also very simple recipes.

  1. Prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. seeds and a cup of water. After 5 minutes of boiling, let it brew for 1 hour, then pour into a spray bottle periodically moisten dry or damp hair, starting from the very roots.
  2. Rub the same decoction into the roots of the hair.

Face mask recipes

Oriental women make various masks for the face.

For oily skin with acne

  • powdered seeds - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil.

Prepare a fairly thick mixture, apply on face, hold for 15 minutes. Course - 10 masks twice a week.

From wrinkles with cumin

  • fenugreek seeds, honey, olive oil - 1 tsp each;
  • cumin oil - 4 drops;
  • yolk - 1 pc.

Keep the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.

For dry skin with honey

  • seed powder, honey - 1 tsp each
  • carrot juice and aloe vera - 1 tsp each

The mask is applied for 15 minutes, 2 times a week.

Diseases treated by an oriental healer

Oriental cuisine is not complete without this spice. It is added to vegetable, fish, meat dishes. The beans are first lightly roasted to remove bitterness from them, then added, even to soups. Shambhala is considered an excellent source of protein.

In many countries, the spice is used in cooking, for example, in Bulgaria, bread products are baked with it.

natural healing product

Pharmacies sell natural ground fenugreek seeds of Arabic varieties "KIST HINDI and HILBA". This product is available in vegetable cellulose capsules. Recommended dosage: 1-2 capsules three times a day. Contraindications are written above in the text.

They are used for all colds, inflammation of the prostate gland, kidney ailments, cystitis, inflammation of the ovaries and endometriosis.

In diabetes, the capsules stimulate the secretion of insulin, reducing its need.

Hilba is a very strong aphrodisiac, so capsules for both men and women will help increase sexual desire. They are useful for the prevention of breast cancer.

Dear friends, if you have already experienced the positive effects of fenugreek, we are waiting for your comments.

Helba seeds use and contraindications - the best recipes

Today I want to talk about my favorite spice - fenugreek or helba (hilba). In general, in every nation this incredibly useful plant is called differently. For example, the Egyptians drink fenugreek daily and call it yellow tea for 100 diseases (especially those related to the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems). I will tell you in more detail what kind of wonderful Helba seeds (use and contraindications), what are the harms and benefits of the famous spice.

The plant belongs to the legume family, grows in the form of a small shrub, and the leaves resemble clover. It grows in warm areas - in Asia, Turkey, the Arabian Peninsula, in North Africa. Tops are not suitable for use and are sent to pet food, but spicy seeds are used in cooking, to add flavor and light spice to dishes, as well as for medical purposes.

For the first time, the healers of Egypt and Ethiopia spoke about the benefits of Helba, who claimed that such a drink would cure any disease! Since then, fenugreek has been grown in large volumes, in every house there was always a container filled to the brim with healing seeds.

Modern science confirms the benefits of helba seeds, the study found that one seed contains a unique amount of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

  • Vitamins of group B, A, C, D, PP. If you drink yellow tea daily, it is guaranteed that not a single cold virus will break your immunity!
  • Phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. Your bones and joints will be protected from destruction, as well as internal organs and blood vessels.
  • 18 amino acids and tannins! Do you dream of keeping youth as long as possible? Infuse Helba seeds, the use of which accelerates metabolic and regenerative processes at the cellular level. You will stay slim and without deep wrinkles!
  • Flavonoids. They cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, neutralize the action of free radicals.
  • enzymes and polysaccharides. Normalize digestion, improve the functioning of the pancreas.

Due to the rich beneficial composition, essential oils and Helba seed extract are used in medicine and cosmeceuticals, and not only in cooking. Although I repeat, fenugreek is my favorite spice, it gives a strong oriental flavor to meat dishes. Let us analyze in more detail in which cases you need to drink Helba seeds in order to improve your health.

What is useful Helba for women. How to brew yellow tea from Egypt

Greetings to everyone who decided to read this article! Today we will talk about helba seeds. Some people know this plant under other names - fenugreek, fenugreek, shamballa. Helba for women is so useful that every woman of the fair sex and at any age should know about it. Let's start the discussion!

This is a herbaceous plant from annuals, the legume family. It blooms in early summer, and the fruits ripen in August.

FRUITS are thin, long pods in which seeds sit tightly, no larger than buckwheat grains. When the seeds turn a light brown color, this means that they are ripe and it is time to harvest them. It is in the seeds that the healing power of Helba is concentrated. Ancient healers did not know anything about the chemical composition of the fruit, but the fame of the healing properties of the plant thundered throughout the East.


Nowadays, a lot is known about this plant all over the world. Like this product and the inhabitants of our country. But I want to learn about miracle seeds as much as possible!

Scientists have found that the seeds are rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances. There is not a single type of tissue or organ in our body that Helba would not help to renew, heal, rejuvenate and strengthen.

Take a look at the article on the blog “Fenugreek (helba). What is this plant? and you will be surprised by its many healing properties.

For the female body, helba is also extremely useful in that it contains valuable phytoestrogens, which increase the effect of true hormones in women - estrogens, on the work of the reproductive sphere. After all, with a lack of hormonal activity, a woman has a lot of ailments, from which life becomes not sweet. Many women's troubles can be easily eliminated by just drinking delicious tea from Helba fruits.

What is useful Helba for women

1. Often, hormonal disruptions in women are accompanied by painful menstruation and the development of premenstrual syndrome. Regular intake of tea from Helba seeds improves the hormonal background and levels the clinical manifestations of this disease.

2. Since ancient times, women of the East, taking care of female beauty, used helba seeds to increase breast size. For many women, this problem is relevant. Worth a try!

3. Pregnancy, labor and breastfeeding are another indication for taking helba. However, seeds can be consumed only in the last stages of pregnancy. In the early stages - in no case, otherwise you can provoke a miscarriage.

At the end of pregnancy, Helba seed tea reduces pain during childbirth, it is indicated for post-term pregnancy to promote the onset of labor.

It has been noticed that lactation intensifies in nursing mothers with insufficient breast milk after a few days of taking helba seeds in the form of tea.

4. Considering that helba has anti-inflammatory properties, it is used for the complex treatment of genital infections. They take tea from the seeds inside, do douching, sitz baths with a decoction of the seeds.

5. The forums on women's topics provide reviews of women who have been treated for infertility for a long time, and became pregnant after a month and a half of taking helba seeds.

6. It is very useful to drink Helba tea for women in the premenopausal period, i.e. already after 35 years. If you notice that your periods have become more scarce, then it's time to take phytoestrogens. This will support the hormonal background, save you from the unpleasant manifestations of menopause and maintain female attractiveness.

7. Helba seeds, so rich in useful ingredients, can be used to strengthen and grow hair and nails, and facial skin care.

8. Helba finds its application as an excellent means for losing weight. Many women have already made sure that it is not at all difficult to get rid of extra 5 kg by drinking tea from the seeds of a plant.

How to brew yellow tea from Egypt

“Yellow tea from Egypt” does not at all mean that Helba belongs exclusively to the country of Egypt. Yes, and yellow is often called leaf Chinese tea.

In other words, no one knows when and why Helba tea began to be called that. But the name stuck! Maybe because this tea is loved in Egypt, they drink it every day. And of course, they always offer guests and tourists a try.

For women's health, the classic recipe for helba seed tea is very suitable, and now you will learn how to prepare it correctly:

  • After buying a package of tea, grains are recommended to be washed to remove all impurities. True, if visually - "grain to grain", then it is not necessary to rinse.
  • After that, put the wet seeds on a paper towel and dry for a couple of days.
  • Now you should lightly fry the seeds in a dry frying pan, which will give the tea a peculiar flavor.
  • The Egyptians themselves do not bother with such preparatory procedures.
  • Now we start preparing our seagulls. We put one or two small spoons of seeds in a saucepan, pour a glass of clean water, put on low heat. First you just need to boil water, then boil for several minutes, up to a maximum of 10 minutes. The purpose of boiling is to soften the dense shells of the seeds so that all the useful elements and aromas of the plant pass into the water.
  • The broth should be slightly cooled and poured into a cup. Whoever wants to add lemon, grated ginger or honey to taste in tea. Drink the drink warm twice a day.
  • The boiled seeds that remain at the bottom still contain many nutrients. It is recommended to add them to any dishes or eat them with a little honey.

I think everyone should try this wonderful tea. Watch this video where an Egyptian teaches our tourists the science of making tea from Egypt. I really liked that helba seeds also whiten tooth enamel. For the Egyptians, this is part of the obligatory oral care ritual.

How else can you use Helba seeds for women

Helba will help increase breast size Use along with drinking tea, Helba oil, which is sold in the online store. Add 5 drops of fenugreek oil to a small amount of base oil (olive, linseed) and massage the breasts once a day. Then wash off the remaining fat with warm water.

Helba to enhance lactation Drink tea, brewing it as described above. But for cooking, you need to take two tablespoons of seeds, not one. You should not use this drink on an ongoing basis, as gas formation, bloating, both in mother and baby, may increase. Drink tea no more than 3 times a week. On other days, drink more milk diluted with water.

Helba seeds for infertility Try drinking Helba tea for a month and a half. You need to cook it from a whole tablespoon of seeds. The rest of the recipe is unchanged. Drink 2 cups per day, brewing a new portion each time.

Helba for douching with inflammation of the genital organs Pour a tablespoon of seeds with boiling water (200 ml), let it stand until it cools. Douche with this infusion three times a day.

Recipes with fenugreek for hair growth and strengthening

  • To 30 ml of burdock oil add 3 drops of helba oil. At night, rub into the hair roots.
  • Prepare a decoction of one teaspoon of seeds and a glass of water. Leave for at least an hour. Pour into a spray bottle and periodically irrigate dry or damp roots and hair.
  • Grind fenugreek seeds in a coffee grinder. Combine a large (table) spoon with 200 ml of water, let the water boil and boil for about 8-10 minutes, cool and rub into the skin and hair roots.

Skin Care Recipes

  • Anti-inflammatory mask for oily skin with acne Mix a teaspoon of crushed seeds with olive oil until creamy and apply on the face. Keep this mask for 15 minutes, then wash off. Make 10 masks, two per week is enough.
  • Nourishing anti-wrinkle mask Take one spoonful of ground seeds, honey, olive oil and 4 drops of cumin aromatic oil. Prepare the mass by mixing with egg yolk. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes, rinse. Do the procedure 2 times a week, No. 10
  • Moisturizing mask for dry skin Prepare a mass in which add one spoonful of ground helba seeds, as well as honey, carrot juice and aloe vera. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, 2 times a week No. 10 is enough.

Helba for women can become an indispensable product for beauty and health. If you are inspired by the description of the wonderful properties of the plant, then, firstly, click on the buttons of social networks and pass the information on to your girlfriends, and secondly, subscribe to our blog updates. There are many interesting articles on health here.

Surely someone has already drunk yellow tea from Egypt! Write your opinion in the comments - Where did you buy the seeds? What is the purpose of taking the decoction or tea? What were the results?

Natalia Bogoyavlenskaya, see you soon!

  • Hello dear readers, in this review I want to introduce you to a very unusual, perhaps previously unknown product - helba, she is fenugreek shambhala, chaman, fenugreek.

This review will contain both my personal experience and just tips and information on the application that I heard and read about. I hope I will be useful to you, for convenience I will divide the review into parts so that you can easily find and read what interests you

If people knew the benefits of helba, they would buy it at the price of gold.

  • Feedback content:

1) How to brew a helba?

2) How to choose a helba?

3) Helba and women's health.
- Helba for breast augmentation
- Helba for lactation
- Influence on PMS (premenstrual syndrome)

4) For coughs and colds

5) The benefits of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract.

6) Use of seeds for face and hair.

7) Adds or decreases weight?

1) How to brew a helba?

Everyone who has ever drunk Helba knows about its specific taste and even brighter aroma that not everyone will like. For me, the taste and aroma of tea is very spicy, a little nutty and very pleasant. You can get used to it if you start drinking a very weak infusion of half a teaspoon per glass of boiling water, increasing to two teaspoons.

How to prepare tea?

Like regular tea: 1-2 teaspoons of helba per cup of boiling water, but it is better to cook “helba” for 5-7 minutes, or pour boiling water and insist in a thermos for 10-15 minutes.

you can add milk, lemon, ginger, natural bee honey, it's just a matter of taste and preference.

It is better to eat tea with dates or honey, the rest of the sweets somehow do not go well with this tea.

You can brew both seeds and crushed powder (I personally don’t recommend powder, tea gets too harsh taste).

After brewing, the seeds settle to the bottom, it is very useful to eat them, but it is difficult to do this because they are bitter. In order to eat them, you can add a little honey to them.

With proper brewing, the seeds should swell like this, if the tea is not infused enough, the seeds will remain hard.


2) How to choose a helba?

First, I’ll tell you how to choose a helba, or rather I’ll show it clearly.

There are two variants of seeds in the photo above, the first ones on the left are the correct seeds, they are "full" in themselves and have a light color, tea from such seeds has a mild but rich taste and a delicate nutty aroma.

Those in the photo below are not of very good quality, they are a bit dry (oldish).

Take seeds only in a pack where you can see them (transparent packaging).

I do not advise you to take seeds sold in the market in open form, they have a lot of sand and dust, you are tormented by washing them before each brewing.

3) Helba and women's health.

  • Helba for breast augmentation

Helba contains the hormone prolactin, this hormone is similar to the female hormone estrogen, hence the information arose that these seeds increase breasts. In fact, if you drink helba in adolescence during the formation period, it may somehow affect the size of the breast, but it is impossible to find out if this is so)))

In general, the chest increases slightly with constant drinking of this decoction, but the result is insignificant and disappears immediately as soon as you stop drinking Helba. The effect is similar to lactation, the breast only slightly "swells", this is where all the properties end, you should not take this seriously)))

  • Helba for lactation

Checked not on me (since there are no children) and not on my sister, helba really enhances lactation and, moreover, with regular use of the decoction, it positively affects the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, his tummy does not bother him.

Pregnant women should not drink, because. this plant can stimulate childbirth .

  • Influence on PMS (premenstrual syndrome) I will say right away to get some kind of effect, you need to drink regularly, and at least a month.

I won’t talk much, in my own experience, with the regular use of helba decoction, PMS is much easier. Sometimes even completely unnoticed.

Of the contraindications to the use of helba, I can single out several points:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it has an abortive effect and can cause miscarriage and bleeding.
  • It is not recommended to use Helba with an excess of estrogen and prolactin in the body.

It is not advisable to use shamballa for pregnant women - the saponins contained in it are used in oral contraceptives and can cause miscarriage.


4) For coughs and colds

Helba is one of the best home remedies for colds and lung diseases, it is used for influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, for a protracted, chronic cough, bronchial asthma. This plant is used to treat colds, as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. It helps to soften and dissolve thickened masses of mucus and remove toxins through the lymphatic system.

recipe: boil 2 teaspoons of seeds in 1 glass of water for 5-10 minutes over low heat, leave to cool in the same bowl. When coughing, it is important to let the seeds brew so that they swell and give a little mucus, such an infusion helps well with a dry cough, turning it into a wet one.

Such an infusion can be mixed with honey and given to children, it is safe and, unlike drugs, has no side effects. ( from personal experience, this is how they treated a niece's cough at the age of 3)

The same recipe for colds, to strengthen immunity.

It is able to reduce the temperature due to its diaphoretic properties.

5) The benefits of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)

At the very beginning, I did not notice any benefit for the stomach, there were simply no problems with digestion, there were no pains, bloating, heaviness in the abdomen, and many other unpleasant symptoms of malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But when for some reason I stopped drinking this tea for a month, I fully felt what benefit it had brought me before.
Helba infusion covers the walls of the stomach with protective mucus, which has a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract

A decoction of helba seeds is used as a means of combating diseases of the digestive system. Cleanses the kidneys, intestines and stomach from undigested food and toxins. Envelops the stomach and intestines with protective mucus. This property is useful for gastritis and ulcers.


6) Use of seeds for face and hair.

  • Helba for hair.

A decoction of shamballa is used to combat oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp or simply oily dandruff.

Against dandruff, gruel from ground seeds is used.

I didn’t check here because I treat dandruff with Sulsena, but I think the decoction will be useful as a prophylactic against dandruff.

Application for hair has two ways, the first is internal application and the second is external application.
If you regularly drink helba, you will notice how this affects your hair. They will acquire a healthy shine and become stronger.
Outdoor application.
Rinse with a decoction of helba. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of seeds and leave to infuse in a thermos for 3 to 12 hours. Rinse hair, do not rinse.

Result: the hair is very voluminous but a little stiff, when the braid was thicker than usual, but the effect is of course one-time until the next wash. (my hair is dry and porous) maybe the effect on your hair will be different.

With frequent rinsing with such an infusion, the hair will be strengthened, such an infusion is used against hair loss, I can’t say anything about this item because I rinsed it only once, I didn’t like the effect, I don’t need such a volume, and my hair becomes stiff, combing it was difficult.

  • For face and body.

Helba seed paste is used to heal wounds, abrasions, ulcers, skin rashes.

There are also two applications, external and internal.
My experience is that with regular drinking, the skin condition improves, helba is a diaphoretic drink and cleanses the lymph well, which cannot but affect the condition of the skin.
I have keratosis on my forearms

Follicular keratosis - keratinization and expansion of the mouths of the hair follicles, their blockage by horny masses, the most common localization is the outer surface of the shoulders and thighs, dryness and itching of the skin are often noted.

And the skin in this place is prickly like a hedgehog, after about a couple of weeks of drinking, I noticed that the skin became softer and cleaner.
I can’t say that the use of helba will treat acne on the face, get rid of acne, there won’t be such a thing, the skin condition is a combination of many factors. But the general condition of the skin, due to the cleansing of the lymphatic system and the beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, Helba improves.

External use is a scrub of ground seeds and rubbing the face with an infusion.
I didn’t try the scrub, but I didn’t notice any result from rubbing with infusion, perhaps because I didn’t have any problems and rashes, so there was nothing to notice. I advise you to try it, as the mucus of the seeds has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, accelerates healing.


7) Adds or decreases weight?

On the one hand, they say that helba helps to get rid of excess weight, and at the same time they say that it helps people with underweight to get better, what is true of this?

One of the properties of the seed is the awakening of appetite, which is why they are advised to those who cannot gain weight, as well as to the sick to restore strength and weight.

Helba actually reduces weight, but only if the overweight problem is hormonal. As I wrote above, the seeds perfectly normalize the hormonal background, due to which, from an “apple” type figure, which is not characteristic of girls, it makes the waist thinner, nothing more.


  • Many cannot drink Helba because after several times their body and hair begin to exude the smell of this spice. This is individual, I have been drinking it for more than a year and have not noticed any aromas.

What I told here is just a drop in the ocean, in fact, Helba helps against many diseases and the network is full of information about how to use it for each ailment separately.

- The price per kilogram is from 300 to 500 rubles. The price does not affect the quality, you can buy good seeds for 200 rubles. Enough for you a kilogram for at least 4 months with daily use.