How to brew pu-erh - little tricks. Crumbly young Shu Pu-erh in mandarin

Pu-erh is post-fragmented Chinese tea growing in Yunnan province. This tea is given time to rest, the longer it has an exposure, the better quality at Puer. The longer the tea stays Puer, the better it gets. Other types of tea, as a rule, only get worse over time, lose their useful qualities and taste.

In the production of Pu-erh, freshly harvested leaves are subjected to artificial or natural aging.

At artificial aging the leaves are subjected to rapid fermentation, placed in heaps and sprinkled with water. 30 before 100 days. Then it is collected, dried in special ovens and kept for about one more year.

At natural aging raw materials are kept for about 7-8 years. During this period, processes of slow fermentation take place, which changes the taste, aroma and composition of substances in tea.

Types of Pu-erh tea

  • Shu Puer(prepared tea)
  • Shen Puer(raw Pu-erh)
Tea is sold in loose or pressed form. Pu-erh pressed.Most often, leaves are pressed into shapes such as " pumpkin", "brick", "square", "nest", "pancake".

Ready Puerh has a rich dark color, and the leaves of raw Puerh have a greenish tint. Accordingly, freshly brewed Shen Puerh has a slight light shade, unlike Shu Puerh. If the first resembles the taste of chocolate, then the second is somewhat similar in taste to prunes.

Medicinal properties of Pu-erh tea

improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps the digestion process, lowers blood cholesterol, and helps to get rid of constipation. Drinking this wonderful drink reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. appearance and excellent health thanks to useful properties Puerh tea.

Puer perfectly tones and invigorates, so it is advisable to use it before dinner. Otherwise, it may turn out that you will not fall asleep all night. Some people use this tea instead of energy drinks.

To store Puerh, place it in a well-ventilated room with medium humidity. High humidity is highly contraindicated for this tea, as there is a high likelihood of mold.

Pu-erh is extremely negative about direct sunlight, but loves air. It should be stored in a room where foreign odors and sunlight do not penetrate.

For home storage Pu-erh tea should be kept in the package in which it was purchased, and you can also wrap it in a cloth made from natural fibers.

How to brew Puerh tea

Pu-erh should be brewed in such proportions - on 150 ml of water should be taken 4 grams of tea.Before brewing, it is necessary to rinse Pu-erh from accumulated dust. Then it is put in a bowl and filled with water, with a temperature of about 90 degrees. When brewing Pu-erh, it is recommended to use a clay or porcelain container.

For those who love Pu-erh with milk, it will be a pleasant surprise that Puer goes well with it. All lovers just need to enjoy milk Pu-erh.

How to brew pressed Pu-erh

Puer magic tea and there are quite a few options for brewing this wonderful drink. Everything will depend on your taste and on the type of Puer. Since some people prefer strong Puer, while others like a less saturated composition. Below we will try to figure out how to brew pressed Pu-erh and get the desired taste.

If you want to become a real lover of this noble drink, you need to strictly adhere to the recommendations for brewing Pu-erh.

First you need to partially unfold the package and break off a small piece of tea leaves about 3-5 gram using a special Puer knife. If you have not purchased it, then you can use an ordinary table knife. Try not to break the tea leaves, because of this it will have a slightly bitter taste.

For the first brewing, it is advisable to use not very hot water.Optimum for young Shen Puerh considered water with a temperature 85 degrees.Very hot water 98 degrees are used for Shu Puerh.

For each person, the temperature is selected strictly individually, if you find that the tea leaves were not fragrant and saturated enough, then next time use hotter water.

tea washing

Warm up the dishes in which you are going to brew tea. Dry tea leaves are washed for 10-20 seconds, and Shu Puer needs to be washed twice. After all, for the years that it was stored, it is simply saturated with dust.

Put the tea in a heated dish and fill it with water of the required temperature. For the first time, let it brew from 10 seconds to 1 minutes. With each subsequent brewing, the infusion time must be increased.

After the Pu-erh has been brewed, it is necessary to pour it from the teapot into a special container called Cha Hai vessel.It is important to pour out the entire drink without residue, so that the next time you brew the liquid does not turn out to be very bitter.

Now it remains only to pour this wonderful drink into cups, drink in small sips and enjoy its wonderful taste.

Many tea lovers are wondering how to brew pu-erh properly, because it is slightly different from ordinary tea.

The most probably simplest way pu-erh tea is brewing it in an ordinary teapot or cup. For one person, 3-5 grams of dry tea per 150-200 ml of water will be enough. Tea leaves are easiest to separate from each other with a knife or even with your hands. After you have received the crushed one, we will tell you step by step how to cook it and how to brew pu-erh to insert.

1 Stage- Preparation tea. Pour dry crushed tea into the teapot and fill it with water. It is very important that the water does not boil, i.e. was not 100 degrees. Optimum temperature for brewing tea - 90 degrees Celsius. After 10-20 seconds, drain the water from the kettle. It is not advisable to drink it, because Puer tea is stored in the ground for several years. This is just a kind of disinfection, but at the same time it helps the tea to open up as much as possible and show its natural taste, so you need to strictly adhere to the method at home.

Stage 2 - Brewing Pu-erh. Now again fill the tea with water of the appropriate temperature, leave to infuse for 1-3 minutes and then you can safely pour the tea from the teapot into a mug. If you are brewing pu-erh in a cup, you should pour the tea into another cup. This should be done so that the tea stops brewing right in the mug, otherwise there will be an unpleasant taste of bitterness. When everything is done, you can safely enjoy the taste and aroma of real pu-erh tea. I hope I answered the question pu-erh tea- how to brew it in stages.

If you are brewing tea for the first time, then you should insist it within 1 minute, because. it is very strong and unaccustomed may not like it. When the taste of tea seems too weak to you, then increase the infusion time of the tea leaves. Also, tea can be too strong, then vice versa, just reduce the tea brewing time. By trial and error, you yourself will choose the right dose of tea leaves for yourself. As you can see, brewing pu-erh is very simple, the main thing is to follow a couple of basic rules.

Puer! How to brew to insert?

Now I would like to talk about what is Puer tea and how to brew it without proper skills. Now a lot of young people, following the habits of their idols (I mean the king of Puer Bastu and Guf, etc.), are slowly adopting the culture of tea drinking. On the one hand, this is wonderful, because the propaganda of beer, alcohol and other nonsense has finally disappeared. People began to care about a healthy lifestyle and, as an example, get carried away.

However, there are some people who seek to get some kind of income from pu-erh - “to pearl”. Puer - how to brew was described above - very strong tea and naturally enriched large quantity enzymes and pheromones, caffeine and theamine. Such a set contributes to the effect of wakefulness. It is enough just to overexpose the tea leaves in a mug and you will get a tea that is very strong in nature, from which you will not fall asleep for a long time. Therefore, to understand. how to brew pu-erh in order to insert it, you don’t need to read additional literature - just brew it strongly and get a strong healthy drink.

And now how to CORRECTLY brew pu-erh

Technology, we understand, but I want to warn you. By itself, pu-erh is the strongest tea in the world, and more oversaturation of brewed pu-erh tea in a mug can cause dizziness or even nausea without habit. Therefore, do not experiment with pu-erh, but treat it like ordinary tea and enjoy its unique earthy flavor.

Tea is one of the most favorite drinks of people. A person who considers himself a connoisseur and connoisseur of teas must definitely know about pu-erh. The properties and features of this Chinese tea can be read in a previously published article on our website. I would only like to add that this tea is grown in the alpine slopes of one of the Chinese provinces, where the air is clean, the humidity is high and the climate is warm. A person who brews tea for himself and his friends should know something about pu-erh: its characteristics, the proportions of leaves and water, the temperature and time of brewing. Therefore, today we will consider how to brew pu-erh correctly, depending on its varieties.

Types of pu-erh tea

  • A suitable utensil for this tea is a gaiwan or purple clay teapot with a large mouth and a round pot-bellied body. The main thing is that the dishes should be highly dispersed, that is, they should breathe.
  • Brewing temperature - high, steep boiling water enhances the flavor of young Shu pu-erh.
  • The water flow rate must be fast.
  • When rinsing tea, the brewing vessel can not be covered with a lid.
  • The amount of tea should be adjusted depending on the size of the leaves.

All young shu pu-erhs have a distinct earthy flavor. Drinking such teas is not very pleasant. But after a good exposure - 4-5 years, this taste almost completely disappears. For loose Shu Pu-erh, this process takes 1 to 2 years. After that, the color of the infusion becomes transparent, the taste is dense, velvety and saturated. This is the best period to get acquainted with this tea.

Features of brewing old Shu Pu-erh

How to brew old style shu pu-erh? It has its own features:

  • Leaves should be covered as much as possible hot water. This must be done very smoothly. Tea leaves should be filled with water, and not scalded.
  • Do not open the lid of the teapot, the old Shu Puer loves the state of the bath.
  • Aged Shu Pu-erh loves non-stop brewing. It is necessary to make as many plums as the vessel for pouring tea will fit in.
  • When brewing old tea, great importance is attached to the movement of the hands, they should move smoothly, slowly. This is necessary in order to obtain such qualities as softness, sweetness. This approach to brewing tea is called “jing”, which means “soak” or “moisten” in translation.
  • You need to brew tea clockwise with an even stream of boiling water, while holding the teapot not very high (no higher than 10 cm).
  • The movements should not be too slow, but not fussy, it is best to make three tea leaves without stopping, but this will require a container with a large volume.

Pu-erh is a living tea, they develop, over time, various biochemical processes, new useful substances are born.

royal tea

It is also called royal pu-erh - it is a separate type of pu-erh tea, standing aside, which differs from ordinary Shen and Shu pu-erh. It has a slightly different manufacturing technology. Royal pu-erh is not dried, but dried.

To brew pu-erh, you need to take half a teaspoon of leaves, pour over them with hot water (150 ml), the temperature of which should not exceed 85 degrees. Infuse royal puer for no more than 2 minutes, then pour the drink into a cup or bowl.

Royal pu-erh can be filled with water up to ten times, and it must be taken into account that each subsequent brewing should be longer than the previous one.

How to brew pu-erh if you are outdoors or on the road?

How to brew pu-erh if you are on a long trip, but you really want to remember and feel the aroma and taste of your favorite drink? For this case, you need to use a thermos. This vessel must be heated: pour boiling water over it three times. Then rinse the tea leaves and put them in a thermos at the rate of 2 teaspoons of tea per 1 liter of water. Next, you need to pour the leaves with boiling water, tighten the lid of the thermos. After 20 minutes, the Chinese medicinal drink will be ready to drink.

Pu-erh tea is a drink that is more than three thousand years old. But today many people consider it the tea of ​​the 21st century, and they are right, because in our country it is only gaining its popularity. If you have not yet tasted the taste of this healing drink, then you have lost a lot. After drinking real Pu-erh tea, you will not forget the taste and aroma of this wonderful drink for a long time. You will definitely fall in love with it, also thanks to pu-erh you will be able to gather friends in your house to arrange real Chinese tea parties.

Pu-erh tea is perhaps the most famous (we don't say popular) Chinese tea. It is famous, firstly, for the fact that it is made from the leaves of not tea bushes, but ancient tea trees (elite varieties), and secondly, that its taste does not weaken with age, but, on the contrary, intensifies and improves. In this he is similar to the best cognacs and wines.

Some relic tea trees growing in the only place in China - Yunnan, reach 2700 years old in age, and thirty meters in height! In this region of the Celestial Empire, there is a special humid climate and special soil, which in combination are the best conditions for the growth of tea trees and the maturation of pu-erh tea.

It is believed that it was in Yunnan that tea originated and developed as we know it, with a certain metabolism in it.

Of course, for certain subspecies of pu-erh, the leaf is also collected from tea bushes. But, collected from trees, leaves can give away in the future tea drink much more of all kinds useful substances, since in perennial trees they accumulate, of course, much more.

It must be understood that the real, one might say legendary, pu-erh is made from leaves exclusively of tea trees with a straight trunk, trees that grow only in Yunnan. There are very few of them, so there are simply no teas from these trees for sale in ordinary stores. Pu-erhs made from bush tea leaves are more affordable. The former are called Shen pu-erh, the latter are called Shu pu-erh. Shu Pu-erh was invented not so long ago, in the 20th century, so that tea could be used faster. Shen pu-erh mature for decades.

Tea has long been exported from China to many countries around the world. There was the so-called Ancient Tea Road, no less important than the Great Silk Road. For a very long time, sometimes for years, tea, packed in the form of large briquettes and wrapped in bamboo leaves, was transported over long distances along this road. It was noticed that the longer he moved to the consumer, the more sustained his taste became. Much later, scientific studies showed that all this time the fermentation process was taking place in tea, which was facilitated by unique properties Yunnan tea trees, and the unique natural environment in which the tea was accompanied to its destination.

It turns out that pu-erh can rightly be called "live" tea. Certain bacteria live on the tea leaf, and they affect the fermentation of tea, promoting proper maturation.

True lovers of Chinese Pu-erh tea appreciate it not only for the pleasure it brings, but also for the fact that it promotes longevity and concentration of the mind.

A few notes before brewing

Do not purchase pu-erh with additives. good tea does not need them, most likely, flavoring was needed to cover low-grade tea.

Learn to recognize sheen pu-erh by smell. good puer smells of dried fruits and black soil. But these smells are barely perceptible.

A tea tile (it can be a brick or a pancake) should not contain voids.

It will be great if you have the opportunity to taste the tea before buying pu-erh. The color of tea should be saturated in pressed tea, not so pronounced in leaf tea; the taste is pleasant, the aroma is fruity, the leaves straightened during brewing are not torn.

How to brew pu-erh tea

So, we found out that Chinese Pu-erh tea is legendary, noble and quite rare. How to brew pu-erh at home so as not to spoil this precious and expensive drink?

First of all, take care of the water. A spring is recommended, but since few of us live near a spring, you can take clean bottled water so that you can go and get fresh. AT last resort, run tap water through the filter. Since the tea is unique, take the trouble to make melted water.

Second, buy teapot and tea pairs from Yixing clay. This is a quality dish that will not spoil the taste. tea infusion and will not reduce the effect of it regular use. You can also use porcelain or glassware, but never metal. Through the transparent walls of the glass teapot, you will see how the tea leaves come to life, how the infusion is saturated with color.

Not a single Chinese tea accepts brewing with boiling water. Water should have a temperature of 90-95 degrees. You can use a thermos, where immediately after heating you need to drain the water.

Pour boiling water over all the dishes that you will use for tea drinking, at the same time it will warm up. We brew loose pu-erh. Based on 200 ml, we take 5-10 grams of dry tea. Plus or minus a tablespoon (that is, a little less or a little more).

Pour boiling water over the tea and immediately drain the water. It is rather a cleansing of the tea leaves, because the tea was stored for a long time, and in the ground, so we carry out a kind of disinfection. The second meaning of dousing with boiling water is to help tea open up.

Here now boiled water should cover the tea for three to five seconds. Real connoisseurs of tea pour water into the teapot from a height, at which time it is enriched with oxygen. All you can drink.

We brew pressed pu-erh. This tea has larger leaves and dense compaction, so you need to put less tea leaves and brew longer. So, we break off a piece of pressed pu-erh, fill it with either raw water and let it swell, or hot, but then immediately drain it. After that, pour hot water from a thermos, leave for 7-10 minutes. We drink and enjoy. After three brews, it is recommended to increase the duration of infusion by 5 seconds.

We brew pu-erh in tablets (they are also called “little nests”). There are small leaves and very dense pressing.

We soak the tablets and put them in a one and a half liter thermos. Fill with water heated to 95 degrees, leave for one and a half to two hours. Now you need to drink tea as soon as possible. Otherwise, remaining with tea leaves, the tea will become bitter, as it will acquire a strong fortress.

And in a teapot with a volume of up to 250 ml, one tablet, soaked in boiling water, is poured with water heated to 90 degrees and insisted for 7 minutes. Each next tea leaves we insist for 2-3 seconds longer.

BUT more pu-erh brew. Inexpensive varieties of tea are suitable for this.

Let's prepare a gas burner with an even flame, a kettle, a thermos and a container for soaking tea leaves.

Turn on the burner, level the flame. We soak the brew. Pour water into the kettle, leaving enough free space, put it on fire. We drain the water in which the pu-erh got wet. Watching the water. When large bubbles appear, we scoop water from the kettle several times and pour it back. This will oxygenate her.

Now make a funnel with a spoon and pour the soaked tea leaves into it. We brew tea for about four minutes. Turn off the heat, let stand for a minute or two and check for taste. If you liked the infusion, pour it into cups and drink it. If necessary, let it stand. It is permissible to dilute over-aged tea with water. But it is impossible to re-brew boiled pu-erh. Cooking completely extracts all the useful elements into the broth.

There is also a recipe for boiling pu-erh in milk. The technology is the same as on the water. Very tasty.
It is also important to visualize this process.


  • Never drink pu-erh with confectionery.
  • Drink pu-erh only freshly brewed.
  • How better tea, the less time it is brewed.

Try different variants, choose the best.

Pu-erh is a noble tea, and in order to get a delicious infusion and the most beneficial effect, you should also get high-quality dishes in the beginning. Utensils made of any materials are suitable for pu-erh, but if you like to drink pu-erh every day, then it is best to take a teapot made of Yixing clay.

Basic principles of brewing

Water can be spring, bottled, filtered, the main thing is that it does not contain many heavy metals. It is not recommended to use metal utensils and utensils made of low-grade clay.

  • We heat the water to a temperature of 90-95 degrees and immediately pour it into a thermos. Heating is not recommended.
  • Rinse the dishes and heat with boiling water.
  • For a 200 ml jar. put 7-10 grams of pu-erh. This is a tablespoon with a tail.
  • Pour boiling water over tea and immediately drain. So we help him open up, washing away the dust and crumbs (if any).
  • Then pour boiling water again, hold for 3-5 seconds and drain.
  • With every third brew, the holding time is doubled.

How to brew pressed pu-erh

Such pu-erh has larger leaves compared to loose pu-erh and is usually tightly pressed. Because of this, when brewing, you can put a little less dry leaf and slightly increase the brewing time. In order to make the pressed pu-erh tasty, we need a pu-erh knife or a special awl. With the help of these items, you can evenly and without harm to the leaves break off a piece of the size we need.

  • With the help of a pu-erh knife or with your hands, break off a piece of 5-7 grams.
  • Pour cold water and let the tea swell for a couple of minutes, or pour hot water and immediately drain.
  • Pour boiling water at 95 degrees and leave for 7-10 seconds.
  • Every third brew, increase the infusion time by 5 seconds.

Brewing pu-erh (xiao too) is slightly different from traditional cooking due to fine raw materials and strong tablet compression. We will consider two main methods depending on the goals.

In a 1.5 liter thermos:

  • 1-2 tablets should first be soaked in boiling water, and then put in a thermos.
  • Pour water at a temperature of 90-95 degrees and leave for 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • If you do not drink tea within the next hour, then it is better to separate it from the tea leaves. Otherwise, the infusion may become too strong and start to taste bitter.

In a teapot or gaiwan with a volume of 150-250 ml:

  • Soak 1 tablet (xiao to) with boiling water for 5-10 seconds.
  • Pour water at 90 degrees and leave for 5-7 seconds.
  • Increase the infusion time with each brew by 2-3 seconds.

How to cook pu-erh

Boiling is universal for all types of pu-erh, but it is worth remembering that tea shows its golden mean when brewing, so it is not recommended to brew expensive varieties.

For cooking we need:

  1. Gas burner or well-arranged fire. The most accurate control of the flame is important, so the old gas stoves will not suit us.
  2. Heat-resistant glass teapot or kettle.
  3. Thermos and vessel for soaking dry tea leaves.

The brewing process is divided into two main stages - the process of preparing water and infusing tea. But before proceeding to the process, we need to prepare everything we need:

  • Set a low fire and fix the flame.
  • Soak pu-erh in a gaiwan or teapot.
  • Pour water into the kettle, leaving room for about 350 ml.

When everything is ready, you can start cooking pu-erh:

  • We first warm the kettle with water over the fire for 30 seconds, and then put it to boil.
  • After 5 minutes, drain the water from the bowl where the pu-erh was soaked.
  • Next, we wait until medium-sized bubbles begin to appear on the water and get ready to make a funnel (the funnel is made with an ordinary spoon or tongs from).
  • Pour the soaked pu-erh into the formed funnel and let the tea brew for 3-5 minutes.
  • Then we let the tea stand for a couple more minutes and check its taste.
  • If everything is arranged, then we pour the finished infusion into a thermos and proceed to tea drinking.

If the taste of the infusion does not seem expressive to you, then the tea can be allowed to stand still. If we suddenly overexposed the seagulls, then it can be safely diluted with water.

By the way, it turns out to be very tasty to cook pu-erh with milk, the principle of cooking is the same, it is better to use homemade milk. If you take the store, then use a fat content of at least 2.5%.

It should be noted that this is only general principles and depending on the type of raw materials and pressing of pu-erh optimal time brewing is different. Happy tea!