Care and maintenance of kombucha. Possible problems and solutions

What is useful Kombucha Kombucha - a remedy for all diseases. Contraindications. How to care and use How to care for your face with kombucha
Homemade kombucha or kombucha - how to care and use

Homemade kombucha or kombucha - how to care and use. Benefit and harm

Homemade kombucha - it is possible that in our time some do not know what kind of "beast" it is, but in the 70s he lived in almost every home. Lived because it is a living organism, and it needs to be properly looked after.

In this article, you will learn about the benefits and contraindications of this drink. As well as

This drink, in addition to being tasty, sour and slightly carbonated, is also extremely useful. And its taste is always different, it depends on what it is not clear. There is an opinion that it depends on the environment, the mood of the owners of the house and what words they say. A couple of days ago, my mother brought a mushroom from a friend, I decided to find out everything about it and at the same time write an article on my blog.

He was brought out by a Korean scientist, even before our era, his name was Kombo. Therefore, one of the names of the mushroom is kombucha.

And now it is produced even in industrial scale in the US and Europe, and anyone can buy a bottle of kombucha (as they call it there). And grow your own. It seems like we are starting to slowly release it for sale.

We always called it just a mushroom, but it turns out to have many names.

What are the benefits of Kombucha?

The ancient Chinese called tea jellyfish "the elixir of immortals." And in Rus' they used to say, the one who drinks tea kvass, will be healthy up to a hundred years! Indeed, it has a very strong tonic effect. Just drank a glass. But that's not all, read on

  • Still, it contains probiotics, and they help to establish proper digestion, with their help, the body better absorbs proteins and fats. Accelerate metabolism - metabolism. And since the drink improves digestion, it contributes to rapid weight loss.

  • It helps to balance the acid-base balance, and this in turn will help to avoid many diseases.

  • Strengthens the immune system, as it maintains a sufficient number of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Accelerates the elimination of toxins. Which improves the functioning of the body as a whole. It also helps our skin, as toxins that are not removed in time contribute to the appearance of acne and black spots.

  • Kombucha drink contains glucosamines, they help prevent and treat all forms of arthritis by increasing the body's production of hyaluronic acid. This acid helps maintain cartilage structure and prevents joint pain.

  • Hyaluronic acid helps connective tissue to retain moisture, which helps to maintain tissue structure and reduces the effects of free radicals. Hyaluronic acid contains collagen, which slows down the appearance of wrinkles, improves skin firmness and elasticity. So you can use the drink as a facial tonic.

  • Gluconic acid - helps fight cancer, prevents its occurrence and slows down the growth of cancer cells, if they have already appeared.

  • This wonderful drink contains natural antibiotics. And if the throat hurts, then it is necessary to rinse it with a drink that has been infused for at least 5 days. The body of the tea jellyfish itself can be applied to wounds, they heal faster. Heals burns.

  • They can prevent caries! If you rinse your mouth with kombucha infused with green tea.

  • Those people who constantly drink kombucha notice that it gives extra energy, has a positive effect on falling asleep and sleep at night, helps with colds and lowers blood pressure.

And it is also used in cosmetology, Professor Boris Uvaydov talks about this and not only in the video below.

If you are interested in this topic, then I recommend that you definitely watch the video of Dr. Boris Uvaydov. He is a researcher and clinic consultant in the US and Mexico, professor of naturopathy, psychotherapist, doctor of nutritional psychology, specialist in non-drug treatment.

TEA MUSHROOM magical properties skin rejuvenation, weight loss

And another very interesting video. About a woman who uses kombucha literally everywhere. Once a mushroom even saved her from a trophic ulcer!

She applied the very body of the fungus and slept peacefully all night, there was no pain, and the wound gradually healed. And yet, instead of tea, you can put the mushroom in herbal tincture. But to be honest, I don’t know how he lives there, and whether he will function normally.

So it’s better to put useful substances in the drink itself and make, for example, a tincture for colds and sore throats. We take:

  • 100 grams of kombucha drink

  • Ground red pepper half a teaspoon

  • Honey one teaspoon

Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Drink a drink every time 30 minutes before a meal - this will improve digestion. And before going to bed - you will sleep like a baby.

Kombucha Ancient remedy for diseases - in a new way

The list of benefits of kombucha is endless, but like any strong medicine, it has a number of contraindications.

What are the contraindications for kombucha?

Diabetes is due to the high sugar content.

Increased stomach acidity, again due to sugar, but instead of sugar, you can put honey in the kombucha solution. With the help of honey, you neutralize the acid in the drink.

Fungal diseases. But if you use a fermented kombucha drink, on the contrary, it will help, since in this form it resists diseases of this kind.

And you can’t drink a drink from kombucha if a person suffers from hypotension (low blood pressure), a stomach ulcer.

Allergic reactions - they are possible in some people, but this is purely individual.

Do not add sweeteners to kombucha, it will not accept them.

I wrote all this just in case, since I am not a doctor, but there is an authoritative opinion of the same doctor Uvaydov that there are no contraindications at all.

What is kombucha.

It consists of yeast - microorganisms, and acetic acid bacteria. They feed on the environment in which they are. And yeast eat sugar, excrete alcohol, carbon dioxide and other substances, and bacteria feed on what microorganisms secrete. As a result of their vital activity, acetic and hyaluronic acids and a number of other useful substances, which I wrote about above, contains vitamins B1, PP, C, malic acid, polysaccharides.

Kombucha drink preparation and care.

So, we took kombucha with sourdough (this is not a large number of liquid in which the mushroom floats) from a familiar grandmother. Now we need to pick up a container for him. The best for this is the usual 3-x liter jar. Wash it properly. And prepare the nutrient solution.

  • First, prepare the tea leaves, somewhere around 2 teaspoons per liter of water. It is better to take green tea, without additives, we insist the tea leaves for at least 15 minutes. Since the mushroom is still small, thin, pour half a three-liter jar.

  • We always take boiled, cooled or slightly warm water, add tea leaves, filtered from tea leaves, and somewhere around 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar per liter of water. Mix everything thoroughly.

  • Sugar must be completely dissolved, there should be no tea leaves, since sand crystals and tea leaves can harm our kombucha, provoke a burn.

  • We bathe the mushroom in water, preferably not from the tap, but filtered. If there are ugly lumps, we pinch them off. You have to wash it once a month. And after that we place our miracle of nature in this solution.

  • We cover with gauze and put on an elastic band on top so that nothing extraneous penetrates there, otherwise midges love it very much. After that, put in a dark place, and insist 2-5 days. If the room is hot, then the drink will ripen faster, if the temperature is low, then the ripening will take much longer. And it also depends on what kind of drink we like, if vigorous, then longer.

  • When our sea ​​mushroom ripe, we filter it through cheesecloth or a plastic strainer. And put it in the fridge for a couple of days. And you can drink right away. With our kombucha, we perform the operation described above. We charge and wait for a new maturation.

  • When the mushroom grows more than 4 centimeters thick, you need to separate one pancake for a new drink.

Watch the video tutorial, everything is explained there in detail.

Kombucha at my house)

I will write about my experience. The mushroom tastes much better on green tea. He grew up with me, became plump and now matures within 2 days. Because the kitchen is very warm, as the steam heating was turned on.

How to use kombucha for facial skin.

With kombucha tincture, you can simply wipe your face like a tonic, do a deep cleansing, or you can make masks and lotions based on it. Mushroom infusion has a pronounced rejuvenating, smoothing, soothing and tonic effect.

But for such purposes, the mushroom must be infused for 30 days! Once the cosmetic tincture is ready, you can put it in the refrigerator and use it as needed.

How to do a deep cleansing of the face.

For this we need:

  • Your usual skin cleanser (lotion, toner, gel or facial cleanser)

  • Terry towel

  • Cotton napkin

Cleanse your face with your usual cleanser. Soak a terry towel in hot water and apply to the face for 2-3 minutes to steam the skin or steam it, as is usually done with deep cleansing of the face.

After that, we take a napkin and moisten it in tincture of kombucha, wring it out slightly, lie down and put it on the face. Cover the top with a warm towel.

When 5 minutes have passed, get up, wash off the kombucha with water and smear your face with a moisturizer. It is necessary to carry out the procedure 1 time per week, 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Lotion based on lavender for problem skin based on kombucha.

The antiseptic and healing properties of kombucha make it effective tool in the fight for healthy and beautiful skin. It will also help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • 30 day kombucha tincture 250 ml

  • Dried lavender flowers 2 tablespoons

  • enamel pot and glass jar small size

We heat the tincture of kombucha in a saucepan to 60-70 degrees. Pour lavender with mushrooms and leave for 30 minutes. We wait until it cools down, close the jar with a lid and insist in the refrigerator for three weeks.

When the right time has passed, strain through cheesecloth.

We wipe the lotion on the face and décolleté in the morning and in the evening.

You can also add lavender kombucha lotion to your bath.

Magical properties of kombucha.

Yes, they say that they have those, you just need to whisper your desire to him and he will fulfill it.

So, I told you almost everything that Kombucha Kombucha is useful for, how to care for it, how to use it and be treated. Now I will drink it constantly, especially since I really like its taste!

Where can you get kombucha? First ask your elderly friends, and the young ones too, for sure someone at home has it. If not, then look on the Internet, I saw ads where they offer to buy it.

Kombucha extract

It is difficult to find a Soviet family of the mid-twentieth century whose kitchen would not have a jar of tea in which a jellyfish-like substance floated. She was carefully "fed", adding strong tea, they talked to her, and many believed that this kitchen inhabitant fulfills her cherished desires. Few people know that scientifically "jellyfish" is called "jellyfish", but the people have a more familiar name - kombucha. Why do we love the medusa mycete so much? How to care for kombucha and use it?

Where was kombucha first used? It has not been precisely established, but even in the records of the ancient Chinese Han Dynasty (250 BC), it is mentioned. But some researchers believe that the mushroom was actively used by the ancient Greeks. It appeared in Russia in the 19th century.

The medusomycete looks a little like a mushroom, at least in the "classical" sense. It does not have a hat and legs, it cannot be marinated or fried. The body of the fungus, slippery and dense on top, is plastered with hanging threads from the inside. The threads are colonies of live acetic acid bacteria, and the upper fungal part is formed by the same bacteria and yeast. The composition of the fungus may vary depending on the predominant strain of microorganisms. The mushroom itself does not go into food, the liquid in which it is contained and which it processes into a special drink, called mushroom (tea) kvass, has value.

How is kvass made? Sweet tea- a nutrient medium for a colony of microorganisms that form a fungus. Feeding on sugar, yeast contributes to its fermentation, releasing acid and alcohol. Alcohol is oxidized by bacteria to acetic acid. It turns out a slightly carbonated sweetish-sour drink. The main components of the infusion are acids - gluconic and kojic, lactic, acetic, malic, citric and carbonic, as well as caffeine, sugars, ethanol and useful enzymes. The combined action of these substances contributes to the regulation of the gastrointestinal tract, increased immunity, and the prevention of certain diseases.

How to grow kombucha at home from scratch - recipe

Where do you get kombucha? Basically - from "good hands". It grows quickly, and the owners give it away in pieces to those who wish. However, if there is no one to take the “mushroom baby”, you can acquire a medusa mycete on your own. It is enough to know how to grow kombucha from scratch, and soon a real micro-factory for the production of tea kvass will appear in your kitchen.

The ideal "living space" for the mushroom is a glass jar. Remembering that the jellyfish grows rapidly, it is better to take a three-liter container. The bank must be sterilized.

To create a nutrient medium, you need only three components:

  • water (preferably spring);
  • regular sugar;
  • tea leaves (black).

From these products you need to make tea. At first, it takes a little - about a liter. The brew is made a little stronger than ordinary tea, but sugar cannot be spared - 100 grams of sand is taken per liter of liquid. Pour tea into a jar, and tie its neck with gauze. We remove the container in a darkened place where the temperature does not go beyond the range of room temperature. After a few days, a thin film will appear on the surface of the tea: this is the origin of the fungus. In a few weeks, a full-fledged kombucha will grow from the film. To feed it, you need to regularly add freshly brewed cooled tea to the jar: strong and sweet (3 tablespoons of tea leaves and half a glass of sugar per liter of water).

How to care for kombucha so that it does not darken

Like any household "pet", the jellyfish needs care and respect. It is worth noting that caring for kombucha at home is simple.

Just remember a few rules:

  1. It is important to add tea to the mushroom only when it has cooled down, otherwise the surface of the mushroom will get burned.
  2. A jar of mushroom must be covered with gauze - this will protect it from clogging. Do not use a lid - the mushroom will suffocate.
  3. In a jar, the liquid should occupy from 2/3 of the volume.
  4. The mushroom needs regular washing. Obvious signs that the fungus is dying are its sinking to the bottom, darkening, the appearance of holes in the body. Boiled cooled water is suitable for washing.
  5. After washing, the mushroom is dipped in fresh tea leaves! The jar is washed before this.

If it became noticeable that the mushroom exfoliated and let the "baby" out, it is recommended to use the "young growth" for further preparation of kvass. Why is it worth doing? The drink will be healthier from young mushroom, since the old one releases an excessive amount of acetic acid.

How and why to use kombucha:

The beneficial properties of medusomycete make it possible to use its infusion as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for a number of diseases.

Kombucha with the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

The acids in the composition of tea kvass allow you to regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, take half a glass of drink half an hour before meals for at least a week. At the same time, digestion improves, problems with stool disappear, bloating and gas formation cease to pester. This regimen allows you to quickly forget colitis, pain in the lumbar region due to the kidneys, and in the right hypochondrium due to the liver.

Do not forget! Kombucha is not a panacea for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and in some cases it may even be contraindicated. Consult with a specialist before using tea kvass!

Help with a cold

Tea kvass is considered a good way to increase the body's defenses, and in order to strengthen the immune system, it is indicated for both adults and children, especially in autumn and winter, when viruses and bacteria literally attack. A couple of glasses of a pleasant drink a day make the body more resilient.

If you still get a cold, you can use a weekly infusion of the fungus - natural antibiotic substances are formed in it. And with sore throat and to relieve inflammation, it is recommended to gargle with kvass every 2-3 hours.

Kombucha treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis

If kombucha lives in the house, a unique drink against hypertension can be prepared on its basis.

High blood pressure is gradually normalized if you prepare the following medicine:

  • mix a tablespoon of dried rhizomes of plants Eleutherococcus prickly and Leuzea safflower-like with a teaspoon of St. John's wort and the same volume of herb mountaineer;
  • fill the raw material with a liter of boiling water, sweat it in a water bath for 1/4 hour, and cool the broth;
  • mix the filtered broth with tea kvass 1: 1, leave in the refrigerator for three days.

It is necessary to apply the medicine three times a day, 50 milliliters before meals.

With a disease such as atherosclerosis, the drink is used according to the scheme:

  1. week one: half a cup before bed at night;
  2. 2-3 weeks: at night - a glass of kvass, the next morning on an empty stomach - half a glass;
  3. a break in treatment - a month;
  4. course repetition.

Treatment of anemia

Kombucha drink is useful for anemia. Anemia or anemia occurs due to iron deficiency in the body.

Treatment is carried out as follows:

  • morning starts with a portion of grated raw carrots(100 grams) seasoned with olive oil;
  • 45-60 minutes before lunch, drink a glass of tea kvass;
  • after an hour after dinner, they drink juice from vegetables: carrot, cucumber, beetroot (proportions 3:1:1, respectively);
  • in the evening, an hour before going to bed - a glass of mushroom drink.

Can you lose weight by eating kombucha?

Drop a couple if you want. extra pounds for a short time, you can include tea kvass in the diet. The result will not be long in coming without strict dietary restrictions. Of course, sweets flour products desirable to exclude. The enzymes that make up the drink activate metabolic mechanisms in the body, promote the breakdown of fats. For weight loss, you need to drink a glass of kvass in the morning, and only after that have breakfast. Taking a drink between meals can significantly reduce the feeling of hunger, which will lead to a decrease in the portion eaten and rapid satiety.

How to cure nail fungus?

Treat fungus with fungus? Traditional medicine assures: it is effective! To get rid of mycosis, it is necessary to carry out such compresses for several days in a row: attach a piece of kombucha to the affected nail and fix it with a bandage. It is more convenient to do this at night. In the morning, the bandage is removed, the nail is washed, the keratinized particles are removed. This method of combating mycosis gives a positive effect with regular use.

Treatment of skin lesions, cellulite

A mushroom in the kitchen can be an effective handy remedy for minor skin lesions. To prevent a cut or wound from becoming inflamed, you can use kombucha kvass instead of hydrogen peroxide.

The use of tea kvass is also known as an anti-cellulite agent. Its action is similar apple cider vinegar. The infusion of the fungus is kept for 1.5 weeks. Then a large lemon and 2 leaves of a golden mustache plant are crushed with a meat grinder. A glass of kvass is heated and lemon-leaf gruel is poured with liquid. After an hour, the mixture can be used: a compress from the mixture is applied to the problem area of ​​​​the skin steamed in a bath or hot bath, wrapped tightly plastic wrap and for a thermal effect - a towel. The wrapping is left for an hour and a half.

Who should not use kombucha: harm and contraindications

Despite its usefulness, medusomycete may have contraindications for use. Who should not drink a drink based on it?


  • persons with hyperacidity stomach;
  • those who suffer from diabetes;
  • children under 3 years of age due to a tendency to allergies;
  • pregnant women;
  • with thrush in women.

Kombucha does not take up much space in the house, is quite unpretentious in terms of maintenance, and in response to care, it will thank the whole family with health, longevity and beauty.

Japanese kombucha is used in several areas of our life: cooking, medicine.

If you decide to keep the mushroom at home, you need to know how to grow kombucha, how to properly care for Japanese mushroom at home.

How to care for kombucha?

In order for the mushroom to bring joy and benefit, you need to take care of it, since it is a living organism. It should be handled correctly, then you can be guaranteed to get a real healing drink. How we care for kombucha growing at home depends not only on the taste of the infusion, but also on its chemical composition and beneficial properties. Research has shown that tea infusion essential for the development of the fungus. The mushroom almost does not consume its components, namely tannins, aromatics and other substances. But he is very sensitive to the absence of tea infusion. Without tea, he cannot synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for his life.

If Kombucha satisfies all the conditions in your home, then already on the 4-10th day it begins to produce healthy drink, reminiscent of the taste of strong highly carbonated kvass. bubbles of gas and acetic acid Yeast and acetic acid bacteria “provide” it, and tea and some types of yeast give a specific aroma to the infusion.

Where to keep kombucha?

At home, kombucha is kept only in glass container suitable for his size. As a rule, this is a 3-liter jar.

The mushroom should not be kept in a metal dish, unless it is stainless steel, as the acids produced by the fungus can react with metals. You can use a container made of high quality synthetic materials, such as polyethylene or polypropylene. Containers made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polystyrene should not be used.

Well, if the jar with the mushroom will stand in a shaded place, let it be a separate box with good ventilation and no foreign odors. Direct sunlight and cold inhibit the development of the fungus, so it is better to keep it away from the window. To properly care for kombucha, monitor the temperature in the room. Optimum temperature for him - about 20-25 ° C. If the temperature at home is below 17C, it is harmful for the fungus, as it reduces its activity and blue-green algae can start in it. You should not close the jar with the mushroom, because it needs to breathe. It is enough to close the jar with gauze or a clean napkin. This will not only allow the fungus to breathe, but also protect it from dust and insects, in particular fruit flies.

Kombucha is placed only in boiled water with sugar already dissolved in it and tea brewing. Raw water contains many soluble calcium salts, which form calcium gluconate with gluconic acid, which precipitates. In no case should sugar be poured directly onto the mushroom or placed in a solution with insoluble sugar. This will cause burns in the form of brown spots on the body of the fungus. The tea solution for the fungus should not be too strong, because too concentrated tea will inhibit its growth. Leaves or granules of tea leaves should not remain in the tea solution, this is very harmful to the fungus and can injure it.

How to wash kombucha?

Periodically, kombucha grown at home must be washed in clean water - from the tap or, if possible, with spring water. In summer, this is done with a frequency of 1 time in 1-2 weeks, in winter - 1 time in 3-4 weeks. You can not put the mushroom in hot tea infusion, it will die.

If top part Kombucha began to turn brown, which means it begins to die. This usually happens due to the fact that the mushroom has stood in the infusion.

So that he does not completely die, he is washed, the top layer is separated and placed in a new tea infusion. Keep in mind that kombucha “works” more intensively in summer than in winter, which means that the solution is changed more often. If you forget about the mushroom, stop caring for it, then all the liquid will evaporate. You can bring it back to life, bay again sweet water or tea infusion. It turns out that kombucha can be stored for some time in dried form.

Reproduction of Kombucha

If the kombucha infusion is poured into a separate container and left at room temperature, after 7-14 days a thin translucent layer will appear on its surface - a colony of microorganisms, which after a while will become an adult fungus.

Sometimes kombucha growing at home is “reborn”. It happens in the following way. The fungus sinks to the bottom of the jar and separates from itself a new clean transparent film. This film is a daughter of kombucha. In this case old mushroom you can either throw it away, or use it further, after transplanting the child into a new container. If the old mushroom is already very thick, it is great for making vinegar, as it begins to produce a lot of acid.

If the kombucha has become too thick, accumulated many layers and it is inconvenient to take care of it, and the drink turns out to be sour, disconnect part of the mushroom and transplant it into another container or give it to relatives and friends, talking about it useful properties Oh.

Kombucha at home

For optimal growth and development of the fungus, a 10% sugar solution with the addition of black or green tea infusion is required.

Japanese kombucha recipe

So, to prepare an infusion of kombucha, you will need: kombucha (sourdough), about 100 g of white refined sugar (5 tablespoons without a slide), 2 teaspoons of green or black tea, 1 liter of water, a 3-liter glass jar, elastic band or elastic band, gauze.

A not very strong infusion is prepared from sugar and tea. It is best to brew tea for at least 15 minutes. Sugar should be completely dissolved, and there should be no pieces of tea leaves. Leaf tea It can be replaced with tea bags. Pour the mushroom, placed in a jar, only with a cooled infusion, otherwise the mushroom will die. If the mushroom is young, then a little infusion is added to the tea from the jar where it was previously contained. The amount of infusion should be approximately 1/10 of the total volume of liquid.

After the mushroom has been placed in a jar and filled with infusion, the neck of the container is covered with gauze and fixed with an elastic band. Gauze is needed so that the mushroom can breathe, and dust, plant spores, and small midges do not get into the jar. The jar is placed in a dark warm place at home. It is recommended to insist the mushroom for 4-10 days, after which it is ready for use. Fermentation time depends on air temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster it will infuse.

When the drink reaches (to taste) the desired acidity, the mushroom is taken out with clean hands and washed under cold running water. Then they are again lowered into a jar with infusion prepared according to the same scheme.

How and where to store Japanese kombucha infusion?

The finished drink is poured into another container to the brim and closed with a tight lid. To make the infusion even better, it is allowed to ripen for a few more days (optimally 5 days) in a cool place. Without access to air, bacteria cease to perform their function, and yeast continues to work, producing gas. The result is an excellent carbonated drink. Before drinking, the infusion is filtered through gauze or a strainer.

If the mushroom is already old and has reached a thickness of several centimeters, then its infusion can be drunk every day directly from the jar, while not forgetting to make up for the loss of fluid with a new portion of cold sweet tea.

The area of ​​the fungus depends on the area of ​​the container in which it "lives".

It is very convenient to have two jars, in one of which the mushroom will “live”, and merge into the other ready drink. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator, closed, for quite a long time. At the same time, its healing and taste properties will not change at all.

The benefits of kombucha for the body: video

How pleasant it is to quench your thirst with cool tea kvass prepared at home in the summer heat! The living creature Medusamycetes, named for its resemblance to a jellyfish, floats on the surface and converts the nutrient solution into a healing compound used in healing. various diseases. The beneficial properties of kombucha help to cure, lower blood pressure, reduce body weight, and cope with. Informally, the medusomycete is called the Japanese sponge, tea jellyfish, as well as the Japanese, Manchurian, Indian, marine, and Fanga mushrooms.

What is useful Kombucha

A healthy drink is produced as a result of the joint activity of yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria. From above, the yellow-brown colony is shiny and dense; from below, filiform processes extend.

It's no secret that there are almost no live lactic acid bacteria left in dairy products from a city store after processing. In turn, a certain supply of acid is useful for the property of dissolving. Otherwise, the tissues become fragile, prone to hemorrhages. Safe acids, enzymes, and vinegar necessary for the body are formed during the fermentation of kombucha.

Yeast fungi produce sugar dissolved in water ethanol and carbon dioxide. Acetic acid bacteria convert alcohol into acetic acid. As a result of the activity of microorganisms, a slightly carbonated sweet and sour drink is formed.

Kombucha owes its healing properties to vitamins C, PP, D, group B, organic acids - gluconic, lactic, acetic, oxalic, malic, citric.

Gluconic acid increases muscle performance, activates. Excess salts, combining with gluconic acid, can form crystals at the bottom of the container.

Jellyfish also synthesizes the enzymes protease, catalase, amylase, which accelerate metabolic reactions. In addition, kombucha benefits due to its naturally occurring antibiotic properties.

How to grow kombucha at home. Recipe

Medusa forms several layers. About once a month, a thin, delicate film separates. It can be used for reproduction.

To grow kombucha, pure three-liter jar fill with a weak infusion of tea room temperature. Dissolve sugar at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter, so in finished product turns out to be a maximum of useful properties. The jar is covered with gauze, placed in a shaded warm place. The optimum infusion temperature is +24C. A week later, the first portion of tea kvass is ready.

Pour half of the drink, filtering through several layers of gauze. Store in the refrigerator using useful product within 3-4 days.

Fill the jar to the top with sweetened tea infusion. Drain the finished drink every 4-7 days.

How to care for kombucha so that it does not darken

The nutrient solution must be updated regularly, otherwise the jellyfish will die. Any high-quality black or without aromatic additives is suitable for cooking.

When caring for kombucha, it is forbidden to put granulated sugar on the surface so that the jellyfish does not receive. Sugar must be dissolved in tea infusion.

If the mushroom began to darken, it is necessary to completely change the infusion. Pour out the overstayed kvass, it will sizzle and foam like soda.

At least once every two weeks, the mushroom is washed with warm boiled water.

A healthy fungal organism is near the surface. If he sank to the bottom, the drink should not be drunk.

Medicinal uses of kombucha

Experiments on animals have shown that even with critical blood levels, drinking a drink saves from inevitable death.

Kombucha is useful property to have a calming effect, helps to cope with insomnia.

For the treatment of alcoholism, take up to 1 liter of drink 4-6 times a day at least one hour before meals for three months. When the craving for alcohol decreases, the beneficial properties of kombucha will help to consolidate the achieved result. For prevention, the drink is taken in the morning and evening.

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

The medicinal properties of kombucha normalize digestion, help to cope with constipation, especially in the elderly. The drink is used for diseases of the bile ducts, aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle.

Drinking the drink normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, suppresses putrefactive microflora, and helps to get rid of harmful substances accumulated in the intestines.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, take a 7-day infusion of Kombucha 1/2 cup an hour before meals. In case of diseases of the gallbladder after taking lie down for an hour on the right side.

Help with a cold

The medicinal properties of kombucha are useful in case of a cold,. The drink has an antimicrobial effect, helps eliminate inflammation. In the case of ulcerative stomatitis, it is used for gargling, taken as a general tonic.

For colds, take 1/2 cup three times a day for a 7-day infusion of kombucha. During this time, a natural antibiotic is formed in the drink.

Kombucha treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis

Regular consumption of 1/2 cup of the drink 3-4 times a day can reduce performance blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels. The pains of the head and heart decrease or disappear, sleep normalizes.

The combination of kombucha with infusion of seeds helps to cope with. Useful composition stimulates the activity of the heart, strengthens the heart muscle. Blood vessels expand, blood pressure normalizes, in the evening it is possible to fall asleep faster.

Kombucha is useful property to treat atherosclerosis. The wellness course continues in two stages with a one-month break:

  • For the first week, take a drink of half a glass at night, do not drink other liquids until morning.
  • For the next three weeks, increase the evening dose to 1 cup. Alternatively, take half a glass one hour before breakfast.

Repeat the treatment in a month.

Treatment of anemia

Kombucha is beneficial for anemia. The drink is used as part of the following vegetable menu:

  • Eat a salad every morning on an empty stomach vegetable oil from 100g grated carrots.
  • An hour before lunch, drink a glass of kombucha. Take it in an hour vegetable juice from carrots (3 parts), (1 part) and cucumbers (1 part).
  • Drink a glass of a healthy drink an hour before bedtime.

weight loss

The therapeutic composition produced by medusomycete contains enzymes that speed up metabolic processes, which is why fatty deposits gradually disappear.

In order for the beneficial properties of kombucha to contribute to weight loss, drink a glass of drink 15-20 minutes before a meal. During this time, the gastric juice washed off by the liquid will have time to stand out in the stomach, which will allow the incoming food to be assimilated.

Of course, you need sufficient physical activity, reasonable dietary restrictions. Otherwise, the efforts made to reduce weight will be in vain.

Hair strengthening

To give hair silkiness and shine, eliminate gray hair and rinse hair with infusion of kombucha. In the case of dry curls, the drink is rubbed into the scalp shortly after washing.

Recipe 1. Infuse a glass of drink for a month, dilute 2l warm water. After shampooing, rinse your hair, which makes it soft, shiny and combed wonderfully.

Recipe 2. Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes: iodine. After a couple of days, repeat the treatment.

As a rule, 3-4 sessions are enough.

Treatment of skin lesions, cellulite

The beneficial properties of kombucha drink are used to treat various skin lesions: wounds, abrasions, burns, suppuration.

If the medusomycete has stood and the nutrient solution has turned into acetic acid, the resulting remedy remove brown spots on the skin.

To enhance the beneficial properties of kombucha in the treatment of cellulite, withstand the infusion for 10 days. Pass through a meat grinder two, a couple of leaves, brew a mixture of one and a half glasses of a warmed drink, leave for 45 minutes.

After a hot bath or bath, place the composition in gauze, apply a compress to problem areas, wrap with polyethylene and a terry towel.

Harm and contraindications

The drink, which has a number of useful properties, has practically no contraindications. However, kombucha should not be taken:

  • when ;
  • with and duodenal ulcer;
  • with low blood pressure.

In the presence of a systemic fungal disease, the drink can increase the number of yeast-like bacteria.

Excessively saturated acid composition is harmful to tooth enamel.

Modified: 02/16/2019

Kombucha (medusomycete) is a healthy symbiosis of yeast and acetic acid bacteria. He is recognized ethnoscience, are often recommended to their patients by qualified doctors. This product has a thousand years of history.

Sellers of jellyfish can be found on the ads on the Internet. Perhaps one of the relatives and friends breeds kombucha and will be happy to share it with you. It is enough to pinch off a piece of the substrate and place it in sweetened tea in order to subsequently obtain complete product. You don’t have to go anywhere, just follow the instructions from the article “How to grow kombucha on your own from scratch” to get the result at home.

Medusomycete is demanding on the conditions of detention. Everyone who has started this substrate at home should know how to care for kombucha. Only in a favorable environment does it produce delicious drink with the rich chemical composition and healing properties.

Kombucha reproduces quickly. It has a tendency to take up all available space. In ancient times, it was grown in barrels to make vinegar. There he grew to enormous size. However, kombucha also has weaknesses. In the wrong conditions, it easily dies. How to care for jellyfish and what mistakes should be avoided? Here are the basic rules:

  • Medusa mycete loves tea leaves. In its absence, it ceases to produce certain substances, such as vitamin C. The optimal environment for the development and prosperity of the fungus is weakly brewed tea. Strong brewing inhibits the growth of jellyfish.
  • The mushroom is addicted to sweets, but it is important not to overdo it here. It is enough to slightly sweeten the tea solution.
  • Medusamycetes need to breathe. Therefore, the container in which Kombucha lives is covered with gauze, and not with a lid.
  • Periodically, the mushroom is washed in purified water. In summer, showers are arranged every 1-2 weeks, in winter - once every 3-4 weeks.
  • Kombucha should not be kept in metal containers other than stainless steel. This is due to the fact that the acids in the composition of the fungus react with iron. It is recommended to place the jellyfish in a glass container.
  • The fungus does not develop well in the cold and may even die, so it is placed in a warm place. The optimum temperature is + 25°C. Also, the jellyfish does not like the sun's rays, so a darkened part of the room is chosen for its habitat.
  • Do not pour sugar on kombucha. The substrate is placed in a solution with pre-dissolved sugar and nothing else.
  • Drinking water must be boiled and cooled. Raw water contains a large amount of calcium salts, which, reacting with gluconic acid, form calcium gluconate, which precipitates.
  • Tea leaves are carefully filtered. Remaining leaves and granules can seriously damage the body of the fungus.

If you are going on vacation, then the jellyfish can be dried. To do this, the tea jellyfish is placed on a plate and turned over every day to avoid mold. After the body of the mushroom dries and turns into a thin plate, it is stored in a refrigerator or other cool place. The culture can then be placed back into the sweet tea solution, where it will come to life and, within a week, will resume its growth.

Watch a visual video on how to care for a jellyfish.

Kombucha diseases

Medusomyces can get sick. A healthy fungus stays on the surface in a horizontal position, while the diseased one sinks down or turns sideways. Color changes, the appearance of holes - all this indicates an unfavorable development of culture. The use of such a mushroom is strictly prohibited, you can get serious poisoning.

If the top of the substrate changes its color to brown, then the fungus has stood in solution and dies. At the first sign of illness, you need to rinse it, carefully separate and dispose of the top layer.

The lower, still healthy layer, after washing, is poured with warm boiled water. After 1-2 days, the layer is placed in sweetened tea for further dilution and left for 3-4 days. At first, the mushroom may lie at the bottom, and when the fermentation process gains momentum, the medusa mycete will rise up.

Care of the recovered substrate should be improved. The solution must be changed on time: in summer - once every 3-4 days, in winter - every 5-6 days.

How to use kombucha

The substrate is insisted in tea brewing for 3-4 days, however, the fermentation of the drink continues even after the removal of the fungus. On day 7-8, the amount of nutrients reaches a maximum. A mature drink is recommended for use in the treatment of various diseases. As a refreshing kvass, it is better to use a 4-5 day infusion, it tastes more pleasant.

At a temperature of 3-4°C, kombucha drink can be stored for up to 4-5 months.

If Kombucha is easily absorbed by the body, you can drink it regularly in a volume of 200 ml to 1 liter per day. Use it on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals or 2 hours after.

The use of Kombucha in folk medicine

Medusomycete has a healing effect. It can be used as an independent remedy or combined with medicinal herbs. How to do it in practice?


For the treatment of tonsillitis (tonsillitis), the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and slightly heated in a stainless or enamelware. The drink should have a pleasant sour taste and not irritate the mucous membranes. Gargle with the resulting remedy for 5-8 minutes. The procedure is repeated 4 to 20 times a day until the condition improves. For preventive purposes, people who are prone to frequent relapses of these ailments, it is useful to gargle in the morning and evening for a month.

The positive effect can be enhanced by combining mushroom tea infusion with calendula infusion in equal proportions.

With a runny nose, nasal sinuses are washed with infusion of muduzomycetes. You can moisten cotton swabs with the product and insert them into the nostrils, changing every 30 minutes.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For treatment, a 5- or 7-day infusion of the fungus with the addition of honey is used. The additive neutralizes the action of the acid. The drink is taken 2-3 glasses a day. The remedy normalizes the work of the intestines, eliminates unpleasant heaviness after overeating, has a slight laxative effect.

In chronic gastritis, drink 1 glass of tea kvass daily with 1 tbsp. l. honey 2 hours before meals. After taking it, it is advised to lie on the right side for 20-30 minutes. Course duration - 2 months.

Prevention of diseases of the gums and teeth

An infusion of jellyfish, prepared not with black, but with green tea, is used to rinse the mouth. This must be done after every meal.

The tool neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms, disinfects the oral cavity and freshens the breath.

Help for the eyes

Barley and conjunctivitis are treated with 3-day-old tea kvass diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. The infusion is used as eye drops.


You can cook the mushroom not on tea, but on a solution of cudweed. it effective remedy against hypertension, especially at the initial stage of the disease. In addition to internal use, it is useful to make foot baths from this infusion.


Pustular skin lesions

Acne, furunculosis are treated by applying hot gauze compresses soaked in a 10-day infusion of jellyfish. The procedure is repeated several times in a row. In addition, tea kvass is taken orally, half an hour before meals.

Urolithiasis disease

The fungus exhibits diuretic properties and will cleanse the body of sand and small stones. You should regularly consume 4-5 glasses of the drink per day.


You need to drink infusion of 3-4 glasses a day for a month. This will positively affect the state of blood vessels and relieve annoying headaches. Additionally, with a cotton swab dipped in a solution, massage the forehead, temples and back of the head.

Kombucha for weight loss

I would like to note right away that medusomycete is not a panacea for excess weight. For those who prefer fatty and fried foods, no drugs will help. However, tea kvass will be a good help for people who eat right and watch their weight.

The auxiliary effect of medusomycete in weight loss is that it cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes bowel function, and improves metabolism. You only need to drink a glass of drink half an hour before meals.

Precautionary measures

Tea kvass is usually well tolerated and has no strict contraindications. However, precautions do not hurt. People with high acidity and stomach ulcers should not drink vinegar drink.

Kombucha can be drunk by children, but you should not do it regularly. The content of alcohol and caffeine in it, although in minimal doses, with constant use will adversely affect the health of the baby. For this reason, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not abuse the medusomycete drink. After all, everything is good in moderation!