Dried apricot compote for babies. Boiled tap water

From the age of 6 months, a child who is completely on breastfeeding begins to introduce complementary foods and it is already necessary to supplement him with clean drinking water. Norm up to a year 100 - 250 ml. Naturally, compote will also enter here after you enter it. In hot weather and during illness, the amount of drinking is slightly increased.
We introduce the child to compote, as well as everything else, gradually, starting with one teaspoon and bringing it to the age norm at seven months - 100 ml. Compote, like juice, is now not complementary foods, they are introduced into the diet in parallel with complementary foods. Compote is given to the child after the main course (porridge, vegetables) twice a day for 50-70 g. Juice is not administered to the child until the child gets used to the compote.
Then, as the child is used to compote from apples, you can gradually add a pear, as you get used to it, prunes, etc. By 9 - 10 months, you can already give 150 - 200 ml. By one year, the norm of compote is 200 - 250 ml. I write compote norms if you do not introduce juice to a child under a year old. If you give juice (preferably not earlier than 9 months), its rate is calculated as the number of months multiplied by 10, but in 1 year not more than 100 g, and accordingly we reduce the compote by this amount.
Dried apple compote requires a handful of dried apples, fructose and water. Fructose is a natural fruit sugar that can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket. Apples must be soaked in warm water. After a few minutes, they will swell and the rubbish stuck to them will go away. Thoroughly washed apples are dipped in boiling water, covered with a lid and boiled for about 15 minutes. After that, turn off the fire and let the compote brew a little. Ready compote should be filtered through a fine strainer. A little fructose can be added to the cooled drink.
Prune compote is a healthy drink that is especially suitable for babies prone to constipation. Several berries are needed to make a drink. Cut thoroughly washed prunes into 2 halves, throw into boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes. Then cover with a lid, let it brew and strain through a strainer. Prunes compote is quite sweet, so fructose should not be added to it.
You can treat your baby with a compote of assorted dried fruits. It is prepared, like the above compotes.
In addition to dried fruits, compotes for children aged 6 months to 1 year may include fresh fruits and berries. All compote ingredients are thoroughly washed, fruits are cut into small pieces (the berries are put whole), thrown into boiling water and boiled for about 10 minutes. The prepared compote is covered with a lid, allowed to brew, then filtered and, if necessary, sweetened with fructose or honey.
For the preparation of compotes, it is better to use seasonal fruits and berries that ripen in the area where the baby lives - apples, pears, black currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, and so on. Should not be used for making compotes exotic fruits and berries - pineapple, mango, papaya and others.
Young mothers should not forget that any new product can cause an allergic reaction in a child, so complementary foods should be introduced in small doses, starting with half a teaspoon. The break between taking new products should be several days. If the child has a fever or feels unwell, with the introduction of new dishes, including compotes, you should wait until the baby is completely recovered.

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today we will talk about another drink - compote. In this article, I will tell you how useful this product is, how to cook it correctly, and you will find out at what age children can compote.

The value of the drink

Compotes are prepared on the basis of various berries and fruits. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a drink is useful.

  1. A complex of vitamins and microelements. Strengthens the body, improves immunity.
  2. Fiber and substances of pectin nature normalize the digestive system.
  3. A great way to quench your baby's thirst, diversify his drinks.

From how many months to give compote to a child

You need to know that compote is considered as an additional liquid and, in fact, is not complementary foods. However, you should not give it before the time when the baby gets acquainted with fruit puree. So I, for example, gave my son applesauce at 7 months, and then, after a week and a half, I decided to cook apple compote. And it was well received by the body of my child.

If we are talking about children who are bottle-fed, fruit puree they try at 5-6 months. Then you can enter this drink.

Cooking rules

Exists different ways compote preparation. But there are a number of criteria that must always be observed:

  1. For compote, you must use special baby water purchased at a store or pharmacy. Water after a deep filter is also suitable.
  2. Take ripe fruits and berries, but not overripe, without dents and putrefactive areas.
  3. With red fruits exotic fruits and citrus fruits should be waited until a year old.
  4. Cook compote without adding sugar. And in the case of acidic components, it is allowed to add a little sugar, but better than honey or raisins.
  5. The first is to prepare a drink from green apples. They are the most hypoallergenic fruits.
  6. To make the taste of the drink rich, the berries should be boiled whole, and the fruits should be cut into slices.
  7. Prepare compote 15 minutes after boiling, no longer.
  8. When the drink is ready, you need to put it in a dark place. Leave for an hour, so that it brews well.

What compote can a child

  1. The first and safest compote for the baby will be apple (from green varieties).
  2. Do not forget that the child needs a one-component drink for the first time.
  3. Gradually, you can introduce compotes based on other fruits and berries, but you need to exclude red fruits and citrus fruits. You can start remembering them from a year old.
  4. After adapting to a variety of fruits, you will be able to experiment and mix different ingredients.
  5. It is important that the compote for the baby be sugar-free or with a small amount, and then, in the presence of sour fruits.
  6. For the smallest, this drink should be cooked no longer than a couple of minutes after boiling. This will help to maximize the value of the product.
  7. Ready compote should brew and saturate the taste.
  8. The baby should be given a fresh drink, freshly prepared. Going to the refrigerator, it loses its properties.
  9. For peanuts, you need to filter the compote, getting rid of fruits and berries.
  10. Try to use fresh and whole (no dents or putrid spots) ingredients, or dried fruit. Although in winter it is allowed to cook compote from frozen fruits and berries.
  11. It is necessary to adhere to age norms when drinking a drink.
  12. It is better if the baby drinks compote in the morning or in the afternoon.
  13. This drink is not complementary foods, so it can be drunk both after feeding and during. The main thing is that it should not be cold or too warm.

How much can you give

When you give your baby a compote for the first time, it is worth remembering that the serving should not exceed 5 ml. After evaluating the reaction of the body to the drink, if everything is fine, you can continue to increase the dose. A seven-month-old child can drink a maximum of 100 ml per day. The main thing to remember is that he drinks this volume in a day, and not at one time. I gave three times a day - 30, 40 and 30 ml.

In a year, a child can drink 250 ml of liquid per day, including compote. And what percentage will belong to him, and what water, you and your child decide. If the baby prefers compote, boil it without adding sugar, otherwise you risk that the glucose in the child's blood will start to go off scale.


I give you three easy recipes that will be good for the health of your little one:

Recipe 1.

You will need two, preferably green, apples.

  1. Thoroughly wash the fruit, peel off the peel, remove the core.
  2. Cut apples into cubes or just slices.
  3. We shift them into a saucepan, fill with water (2 cups), put on fire.
  4. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes, no more.
  5. At the end of cooking, you can add a little honey or raisins. They are a great substitute for sugar.

Recipe 2.

You will need black currant(300 grams).

  1. We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the leaves, twigs.
  2. We fall asleep currants in a saucepan.
  3. Fill the berries with water (half a liter).
  4. Bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Ready compote must be filtered to separate the berries from the liquid.

Recipe 3.

This compote will be prepared on the basis of dried fruits.

  1. Soak 200 grams of dried fruit warm water, leave to infuse overnight. It is important to cover them with a lid.
  2. Bring the finished infusion to a boil, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Leave the compote in a dark place for one hour.
  4. Strain liquid from fruit.

So we got acquainted with how to start drinking compote for children. He is useful product. Do not be discouraged if your baby is increasingly asking for this drink, and not some water. Do not forget not to put sugar when cooking, and if there is absolutely no way without it, then it is better to use honey or raisins.

Although the most healthy nutrition for babies, mother's milk is, however, you still have to give the baby additional drinks with other drinks. Breast milk supplies the child's body with all the necessary substances that allow the baby to grow and develop. But if it’s a dry summer, it’s hot in the room, or the baby has some difficulties with digestion, then it would be appropriate to cook dried fruit compote for the baby, such a drink can replace fruit juices and even water.

A quarter of a century ago, the World Health Organization laid down rules that for the first four weeks of life, an infant should not be given any drink at all - only mother's milk. Although this product is 88% water, it is nevertheless the energy value very large.

Breast milk for a child is not so much a drink as food. But after 28 days, the newborn already begins to need more liquids. And then you have to solve the problem with new drinks.

The rules here are:

  1. The entire first month of the baby is fed exclusively with breast milk, no drinks can be given.
  2. Over the next month, the child can begin to give water, and it must be filtered and boiled.
  3. In the third month, it is permissible to introduce tea into his diet, which can be prepared on the basis of chamomile or fennel.
  4. Weakly concentrated juices, made first from apples, and later from pears or peaches, are introduced from the fourth month.
  5. When the child is six months old, it is the turn of light compotes.

What compotes are suitable

Although compote for babies contains less vitamins and healthy minerals than the same fruit juices, it is still recommended to start gradually giving it to babies when they are already six months old.

However, if the baby drinks juices with pleasure, then you can do without compote for up to a year, but if the baby does not like juices, then dried fruit compote for babies will be a good alternative, starting from four months. Yes, and at an older age, dried fruit compote for babies can be boiled in winter periods, when fresh fruits no longer get.

The advantage of dried fruits is that compote for babies can be cooked completely without sugar. The drink will come out quite tasty anyway, and from an excess of sugar at such a young age, children may well begin to develop caries.

And yet, at first, when giving compote to children, it is important to dilute it with filtered water in order to reduce the concentration. You can drink compote to your baby using a bottle with a nipple, and also give him a drink during feeding.

compote recipes

As we have already mentioned, it is better to start preparing the first compotes for newborns from dried fruits. Gradually, as the baby grows older, you can already take fresh fruits - apples, pears, etc. To begin with, you should choose any one type of fruit or dried fruit to introduce the baby to the new drink gradually, carefully watching if the baby has negative reaction.

Fresh fruits should be boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, no more, and dried fruits will have to be boiled for about half an hour. It is desirable to put sugar to a minimum or do without it at all. Sometimes sugar is replaced with fructose, but for this you definitely need to get the go-ahead from your pediatrician.

From dried fruits

Dried apple compote with prunes - healthy and tasty

To make a drink from dried fruits, such as apples, they must first be completely cleaned of litter. For this:

  • dried fruits are poured cold water;
  • stand until the fruits swell, and all the existing rubbish sinks to the bottom;
  • water is carefully drained.

To cook baby compote in a saucepan, use this recipe:

  • dried apples are carefully sorted out, then washed, and as long as possible, five to six times a day. warm water;
  • put dried fruits in a pot of boiling water;
  • boil for about 20 minutes.

Another way to prepare compote is to use a thermos. In this case:

  • well-washed dry apple slices are placed in a thermos;
  • pour a glass of boiling water into the container;
  • leave the thermos to infuse until the morning;
  • in the morning, pour the contents of the thermos into a saucepan and add another glass of water;
  • bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Dried fruit compote for babies, as we have already mentioned, should be given starting from six months or after a year if he likes fruit juices.

How to choose the right dried fruits

It is advisable to buy dried fruits in the store not by weight, but in ready-made packages. Make sure that the fruits do not have bright colors and there are no visible damage on them.

When sorting through loose dried fruits, look for those that do not have mold or rot. The fruits themselves should not leave greasy spots on the hands.

From fresh apples

Compote from fresh apples must be administered with caution due to possible allergies

When the baby grows up a little, it is allowed for him to cook a compote of their fresh apples. Later, a second product can be added to this fruit, for example, raisins, then a third - apricots, etc. The main thing is that the baby does not have an allergic reaction and that his ventricle successfully tolerates new products.

It is already permissible to experiment with fresh products, increasing or decreasing their concentration. How exactly to proceed depends on the freshness of the fruit, the amount of acid contained in it, taste, etc. You can also boil and infuse the broth a little more or a little less.

The simplest compote for babies from fresh apples is cooked according to this recipe:

  1. They take an apple, always green, wash it and peel it.
  2. The core is cut out of the fruit, then it is cut into thin slices or cubes.
  3. Boil 1.5 cups of water in a saucepan, put the cooked slices into the water.
  4. Cook compote for no more than five minutes.
  5. Turn off the fire and let the broth brew until its temperature is equal to room temperature.

Ready compote needs to be filtered, and after that, give them crumbs to drink. By the way, boiled cubes can also be used to make mashed potatoes for the baby.

From prunes or dried apricots

A mixture of prunes and dried apricots in any form has a good effect on the digestive tract

It is permissible to offer such a decoction to children from five months. Prunes are a very necessary berry, thanks to which digestion is normalized, the intestines are cleansed. Doctors recommend prune compote for babies and their mothers if they suffer from constipation, as well as with a cold or high temperature. Infusions of dried apricots are also able to reduce heat at a temperature.

To brew a drink, you will need about half a cup of dried fruit and about ¼ cup of sugar, a liter of water.

  1. Dry prunes or dried apricots are poured with boiling water for five minutes, then washed several times in warm water to get rid of debris.
  2. Pour sugar into a saucepan with boiling water and mix.
  3. Kladt in sweet water dry fruits and bring to a boil. Cook for 20 minutes until the berries are soft.
  4. The compote is cooled to room temperature, then filtered.

Other types

Cherry and currant compote may seem too sweet

Compote can be prepared from dried apricots or raisins without any cooking. It is only necessary to pour well-washed fruits with boiling water overnight, cover the broth with a lid and let it stand until the morning. In the morning the compote will be ready for use.

And here's how you can make compote from cherries and blackcurrants:

  • berries are cleaned from cuttings, then washed thoroughly;
  • cherries and currants are poured with sweet syrup, always hot, and allowed to soak for 15 minutes;
  • put the mass in a jar and again pour it with syrup, but already cold;
  • pasteurize the drink for 20 minutes, making sure that the temperature does not rise above 70 degrees.

For cooking, you will need one and a half kilograms of currants and cherries, a liter of water and sweet syrup. Such compotes can be given to children after a year, since some babies are allergic to cherries, and they can’t have too much sweet.

Rosehip decoctions

Rosehip decoction is a treasure trove useful substances for babies

Rose hips contain 10 times more ascorbic acid than black currants. All pediatricians recommend drinking a rosehip decoction for an infant from the age of five months. Rosehip contains calcium, which will just be in demand by this age, since babies are already starting to cut their teeth.

But you need to choose exactly those rose hips that are able to preserve vitamin "C" all year round. These include the spiny and Dahurian rose hips.

Babies should be given a decoction of wild rose at the rate of:

  • 20 grams per day, if they are not yet six months old;
  • from 30 to 50 grams per day for children under two years old.

Drink a decoction before meals, several times a day. Here are a couple of recipes for making it.

  1. 10 g of wild rose are poured with boiling water and allowed to infuse for at least five hours. You don't need to add sugar.
  2. The rosehip is crushed. Two tablespoons of it are poured into 400 ml of water in glass jar. The jar is placed in a saucepan filled with hot water, then boil for 10 minutes. After the broth is allowed to cool and filter.

So that the broth does not lose its useful properties, it is desirable to use it within the first two days.


Do not give such a decoction to children suffering from stomach diseases - a large number of vitamin C contained in rose hips can cause an exacerbation. Also, excessive consumption of the drink can wash out calcium, which affects the functioning of the kidneys. Such decoctions are not recommended for children suffering from increased blood clotting.


Whatever drink you want to prepare for your baby, you still need to start with one fruit. Better if it will green apple. Then you can add other fruits or berries, choosing those that do not contain allergens.

Every time you give your baby compote to drink, be sure to watch his reaction for several hours. Add new fruits to the compote only after a couple of days, if the baby's body reacts normally.

Before cooking, dried fruits must be carefully prepared by washing and cleaning from litter.

Before introducing new fruits and berries, it is advisable to get advice from your local pediatrician.

Dried fruit compote is a nutritious and healthy drink that is loved by both children and adults. Differs in saturated unique taste and a pleasant smell. The drink is especially popular in the cold season, when there is no fresh fruit and berries.

Dried fruit compote for children under one year old is an integral part of the diet, because the drink is quickly and easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and is of great benefit to the growing body.

The nutritional value of dried fruit compote directly depends on its composition. For delicious and healthy drink you can use the following dry fruits: apples, pears, cherries, prunes, raisins, apricots. In order to extract more valuable substances from dried apricots and prunes, it is recommended to cut dried fruits into several parts before preparing compote.

Dried fruits contain many nutrients

The benefits of dried fruit compote for children

Dried fruit compote is very useful, because the drink retains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for health.

The benefits of the ingredients that make up the compote:

    • Apple - contain pectin, which is important for healthy digestion. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems.
    • Pear - is a source of fructose, indispensable for the normal functioning of the pancreas.
    • Prunes - has an antibacterial effect, provides prevention of beriberi and anemia.
    • Figs - normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system. If you have had any birth problems, dried fruit compote for a 10 month old baby with figs will help the baby grow and develop normally.
    • Dried apricots - contains a whole storehouse of useful substances: phosphorus, vitamins A and B, iron. Prevents vision problems, normalizes the amount of iron in the blood.
    • Raisins are rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiac system.

Dried fruits have healing and restorative properties

Dried fruit compote for diarrhea in a child must contain pears, which will help adjust the stool. But prunes, apricots and raisins will be useful for those who suffer from constipation, as they have a laxative effect.

Dried fruit compote for children after a year older is especially useful during elevated body temperature. Abundant fortified drink prevents the increase in acetone and promotes a speedy recovery.

Benefits of dried fruit compote:

    • normalizes digestion;
    • quenches thirst well;
    • saturates the body useful vitamins and micronutrients.

What is harmful dried fruit compote for children

The only contraindication for drinking a fortified drink is an individual intolerance to one of the components. If a child is allergic to dried fruit compote, the “dangerous” ingredient should be identified and no longer used in the preparation of the drink.

When can I give my child dried fruit compote

Many mothers who begin to give their babies not only water, but also other drinks, are concerned about the question: is it possible to 6 month old baby dried fruits compote? You can introduce a tasty and nutritious drink into the baby's diet from the age of four months. According to nutritionists, a dry fruit product is much healthier for child's body than from fresh ones. Especially in winter and spring, when there is a risk of acquiring "nitrate-rich" ingredients.

Often, mothers are interested in: is it possible to have dried fruit compote for a one-month-old baby? Any competent pediatrician will tell you that to introduce any food except breast milk or mixtures is only possible after four months. If the baby was born in the summer and you notice that he is thirsty, you can quench it with ordinary clean water.

Dried fruit compote recipes

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in preparing a drink, but it is important not only to know how much to cook dried fruit compote for a child, but also how to choose the right proportions. Otherwise, the drink will turn out not tasty enough or oversaturated.

Classic dried fruit compote

The usual dried fruit compote for a child 7 months old and older is prepared from a mixture of apples, pears and, if desired, cherries. You will need 500-600 gr. dried fruits, 3 l. water, sugar to taste. To enhance the properties of the drink when boiling, you can add a little citric acid. Such dried fruit compote is useful not only for children, but also for nursing mothers.

Dried fruit compote can be prepared from fruits familiar to us at any time of the year.

Light dried fruit compote - a recipe for a child up to a year

If dried fruit compote for a 2-year-old child may contain a large amount of sugar, then babies up to six months are recommended to use exclusively natural drink. The proportions are also different, which must be calculated approximately 1 to 10. In order for the compote to be as useful as possible, it is recommended to infuse it for 5-6 hours before use.

Compote with raisins

If you want to make dried fruit compote for a 4-month-old baby, you should consider the simplest classic recipe. To prepare this drink, you will need only two types of dried fruits - apples and raisins. Ingredients should be taken at the rate of 100 gr. for 500 ml. water, given that dried fruits increase several times during cooking. Bring the liquid to a boil and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Next, strain the compote and add honey or sugar to taste.

Dried fruit compote in a slow cooker

Dried fruit compote for an 8-month-old baby can be cooked not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. Preparation of ingredients is standard. Then the dried fruits are placed in a multicooker filled with water and the “stewing” mode is set. Compote preparation time will take no more than half an hour. To make the drink more saturated, it is recommended to keep it on the "Heating" mode for several hours.

Dried fruit compote can be easily prepared in a slow cooker

How to choose the right dried fruits for compote

If you are not engaged in self-harvesting dried fruits and prefer to buy compote ingredients in stores, you should learn how to choose the right products. Don't pay attention to appearance Because beautiful things are not always tasty and healthy. To create a more attractive and presentable type of product, manufacturers often use all kinds of additives during drying (for example, sulfur dioxide), which negatively affect nutritional value ready drink. Most healthy dried fruits- slightly wrinkled, with a natural odor without foreign impurities.

Are you going to cook dried fruit compote for a child of 1 year old and could not determine the naturalness of the components by eye? Then be sure to pay attention to the condition of the products during soaking. If the water has acquired a yellow or orange tint, there are preservatives in dried fruits. Drinking such a drink is dangerous for the child's body.

Today on the shelves of stores you can find a lot of different juices for baby food. All of them meet the requirements for products for children; the labels of the jars indicate the recommended age of the kids, which makes it easier to choose them. And yet, many mothers are not too lazy to cook compote for a child - and they are absolutely right. Brewed from dried fruits, apples, pears, prunes or berries, this one, equally suitable in a cold state, will be much more useful than purchased juices. It definitely does not contain dyes, there are no preservatives, and sugar is contained in the amount that the baby needs.

Compote for children from natural ingredients will be high in calories and rich in vitamins. It will not only saturate the body necessary quantity moisture, quench thirst on hot days, but will also help strengthen the body, increase immunity.

At what age can you start giving your child compote?

Doctors recommend introducing complementary foods into the child's diet from six months - this also applies to compote. Those mothers who are bolder or more experienced sometimes give it to their baby even earlier: from four to five months. Of course, it is better to follow the recommendations of doctors, but, in any case, you need to start giving a new product to a child, even compote, very carefully - literally from a few teaspoons.

After a year, compote can be safely given to the baby. The only thing to consider is not to overuse ingredients that can cause allergies: strawberries, peaches, grapes, apricots, honey (if you replace sugar in compote with them). It is best to choose neutral fruits and berries.

Prunes compote for a child

Decoction of dried plum saturated with useful vitamins and favorably affects the work of the intestines, fights well with. How to cook it correctly?

Take 100 g of prunes and rinse well under running water. Pour two and a half glasses of water into a saucepan, add 100-120 g of sugar. When the water boils, throw the prunes into the pan.

Such a compote for a child is cooked for 15-20 minutes, until the dried fruits become soft. If you have time, do not rush to cool the drink; let him brew well.

Dried fruit compote for a child

Be sure to check which fruits are included in the mixture: they will be safe dried apples, prunes, raisins.

Rinse well dried fruits under the water. Pour 100 g of sugar into the pan, pour it into three glasses hot water, put 200 g of dried fruits and cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat. Then add a handful of raisins and cook for another five minutes. Be sure to let the broth brew for several hours.

Compote of apples for a child

Wash the apples, peel, cut into 6-8 pieces, remove the core. Pour 100 g of sugar into a saucepan, pour 2 cups of hot water, add 250 g of chopped apples. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Raisins can also be added to apple compote if desired.

Hawthorn compote

Rinse a glass of ripe berries thoroughly with cold water. Then prepare them: cut and clean from small grains. Rinse again under cold running water.

Pour 100 g of sugar into a saucepan, pour two glasses of water, bring it to a boil and throw in the berries. After five minutes, turn off the heat, let the compote brew.

When the compote is ready, strain it through a colander. boiled fruit in a small amount can be given to older children - after a year.

The amounts of sugar in our recipes are approximate. Try to cook compote for children so that it is not too sweet. Sugar can sometimes be replaced with honey, but this should only be done if you are sure: your honey.

Compote must be fresh: do not boil it for two days.

Olga Krus specially for the site

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