How to bake a goose recipe. Pickled goose in honey. Goose in the sleeve - the best recipes.

goose stuffed


Goose - (3-3.5 kg)

Potato - 1 kg

Apples (sour) - 3 large

Cooking method:

1. Of course, the goose can be stuffed with either potatoes or apples. I decided to combine the filling. I like it.

2. Wash the goose well, rub with salt and pepper inside and out. Leave for 2 hours in a cool place.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes or sticks, boil in salted water until half cooked.

4. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into pieces.

5. Mix apples and potatoes.

6. Stuff the goose with apple-potato filling, sew up.

7. Lay the goose upside down on a baking sheet.

8. Put in the oven, fry at a temperature of 200 degrees for 2 hours.

9. If the top starts to burn, cover it with foil.

10. During frying, periodically pour the goose with the resulting fat.

Goose with apples

Goose baked with apples - can rightfully take center stage on New Year's, Christmas or any other holiday table. And how to cook a goose - the key to the success of this recipe is the right bird. It is advisable to take a goose for baking younger, because. the meat of old geese is tough and very fatty. Other than that, it's not that hard :)


Goose - 1 pc.

Raisins - 4 tbsp. l.

Apples (Antonovka) - 15 pcs.

Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


Garlic - 6 cloves

Cooking method:

1. Grate the prepared goose with salt inside and out. In different parts of the carcass, make punctures and stuff with garlic.

2. Steam the raisins. Cut the apples into quarters and remove the core.

3. Combine apples with raisins, sprinkle with sugar and stuff the goose with this mixture. Sew up the incision with kitchen string.

4. Put the goose back on a baking sheet, pour in a little water and send it to the oven. When the goose starts to brown, turn over to the other side.

5. Bake the goose for at least 3 hours, basting every 15-20 minutes with melted fat.

6. Remove the filling from the finished goose, spread it on wide dish, sprinkle with herbs and place the goose on top.

Goose baked with apples and prunes


Goose - 3 kg

Green apples sweet and sour

Prunes - 100 g

Cooking method:

1. Wash the goose, dry it, rub it with salt and pepper, let it stand, let's say it will relax for a couple of hours.

2. During this time, prepare apples, preferably sweet and sour green ones - cut them into quarters, cut out the core.

3. Mix apples with prunes and stuff the goose.

4. Wrap in foil, put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees

5. Bake 3.5 hours

6. An hour before readiness, open it so that it is baked and increase the degrees a little

7. While it is baking, open it and baste it with fat.

Martin goose recipe


Goose, well-fed and in the prime of life :)

Spice mixes (curry, cardamom, coriander, a little cloves, anise, rosemary, black and red pepper) - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Onion - 3 pcs.

Garlic - 3 cloves

Dry red wine

lemon juice

fresh cranberries

Cooking method:

1. Goose clean, rinse, dry.

2. Prepare spice mixture.

3. Part of the spices, rub the goose carcass thoroughly inside and out.

4. Finely chop the onions, garlic, mix them with dry red wine and a small amount sugar to make a paste.

5. Mix this gruel with the rest of the spices and pour inside the goose.

6. Then fill the belly of the goose with chopped apples, put the bird in the goose, cover with a lid and leave to brew for 2 hours at room temperature.

7. Then put the goose in the oven and bake at a low temperature, about 150 ° C, for about 4-6 hours, based on the weight of the goose (50-60 minutes per 1 kg of weight). Make sure that the wine does not evaporate, and that there is a liquid layer of about 1 cm at the bottom of the goose.

8. Remove the fat during the stewing process and then use this fat to put 4-5 pitted apples cut into quarters with the addition of lemon juice.

9. Get the stuffing from the finished goose and grind it in a blender or rub it through a sieve, add the leftovers there wine sauce from the goose, fresh cranberries and the juice of 1 lemon, cook everything for a few minutes and pour into a gravy boat.

10. Remove the meat from the finished goose, cut into pieces and place on a dish. Place quarters around stewed apples and serve goose with sauce.

11. Goose is served with potato gratin, boiled Brussels sprouts or red cabbage stewed with wine. The plates on which the goose is served must be heated.

Goose with apples

Food preparation:

Buying fresh goose is the only thing to worry about. Of course it's better for Domestic bird. When buying, you should carefully examine the carcass, if the meat returns to its previous shape when pressed, then it has not been frozen. This is exactly what is needed. In addition, if a goose is sold with giblets, this additionally indicates that it is homemade. First, the goose must be washed, the remaining plumage removed and dried. Then rub the inside and outside thoroughly with a mixture of salt and pepper. Fresh goose when cooked can be a bit harsh.

If you want to get softer meat, then it must be kept in the refrigerator in advance, and even better in the marinade. For this fresh, clean goose, leave it in the refrigerator for about a day or two. A lying goose, oddly enough, will be softer. You can also keep the already salted and seasoned goose in the refrigerator for a couple of days (minimum 6-8 hours). For the filling you need green sweet and sour apples, about a goose in the oven is ready!

In many countries, a goose is baked for the festive table. A goose baked in the oven whole or in pieces looks very appetizing, while it is healthy and has an excellent taste. However, you should not start cooking this bird without studying the features of its baking technology.

cooking secrets

Goose is not the cheapest of products, so spoiling it due to a violation of cooking technology would be a shame. You can insure against unpleasant surprises by studying tips on preparing it for baking and on baking itself.

  • The meat of a young goose will be more tender and will cook faster. Its paws will help to distinguish a young bird from an old one. In young geese they are light yellow, and in old ones they are red.
  • More tender and juicier are dishes prepared from fresh or chilled products. However, a frozen goose can also be baked. True, you need to start defrosting it at least a day before cooking, even better - 36 hours before. After all, the carcass should be completely thawed in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the meat will be dry and tasteless.
  • When preparing the carcass for baking, it should not only be washed and dried, but also checked for excess feathers. If they are found, they must be removed with tweezers.
  • Many cooks believe that the goose will become more tender and soft if it is scalded beforehand. To do this, the carcass is lowered into boiling water, holding by the legs, for a couple of minutes. Then repeat the procedure, switching sides.
  • The goose is considered a fat bird, so fat accumulations on the neck and in the abdomen are usually cut off. They also pierce the skin with toothpicks without touching the meat. This allows you to quickly melt excess fat. Thanks to this, the dish turns out to be more tender and less high-calorie.
  • Another proven way to make goose meat tender, tasty and fragrant is to marinate it. It is advisable to marinate the carcass for a long time, at least 8 hours.
  • Baking time largely depends on the recipe chosen. Usually it is 1 hour per 1 kg. The readiness of the bird can be checked by piercing it with a knife: if the juice pours out transparent, then it has already been baked enough.
  • Before placing the carcass in the oven, it is necessary to tie the legs, cut off or wrap the end phalanxes of the wings in foil, otherwise they will burn.
  • To prevent goose meat from browning too much, it is better to bake it under foil. However, 40 minutes before the dish is ready, the foil should be removed so that the goose does not look too pale.
  • If the goose is cooked with a filling, then it is necessary to leave a little free space inside in case the filling increases in volume.
  • To avoid bad smell burnt goose fat will help water - it must be poured into the bottom of the form in which the goose is baked. It is enough that its level is 1 cm, but you need to make sure that it does not have time to evaporate completely.

It is advisable to purchase a goose a few days before the expected celebration, since the process of its preparation and preparation is lengthy.

Knowing all the subtleties of roasting a goose, you will surely cook it tender and juicy - all that remains is to find the right recipe.

Whole roasted goose

  • goose - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • sage - 10 g;
  • black ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the carcass for baking by removing excess feathers, cutting excess fat washing and drying with a towel.
  • Rub the inside and outside of the carcass with a mixture of salt and black pepper. Put in a cool place overnight.
  • Slice half a lemon into thin rounds.
  • Cut the garlic into small plates.
  • Make slits in the skin of the goose and slide slices of lemon and garlic under it, leaving a little to put inside.
  • Place the reserved garlic and lemon in the belly. Place sage and laurel leaves there as well.
  • Put inside the goose glass jar. It is needed so that the goose retains its shape during baking. Pull the edges together and sew with light threads.
  • Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
  • Pour a little water into the mold, put the goose in it, cover with foil, put the mold in the middle of the oven.
  • Bake for two hours, basting the carcass with melted fat. Remove foil an hour before cooking.

Before serving, do not forget to remove the jar. As a side dish, roasted vegetables are suitable, stewed cabbage, rice.

Goose baked in the oven

  • goose - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the goose carcass, blot it with paper towels, divide into portions.
  • Sprinkle each piece with salt and pepper. Leave to marinate for 6 hours.
  • Lay foil in a baking dish, lay out goose pieces. Pour in some water or beer.
  • Cover the form with foil and place in an oven preheated to 220 degrees.
  • Bake for an hour under the foil, then remove it, and pour the pieces with rendered fat. Pour some fat into a bowl.
  • Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Mix minced garlic with goose fat.
  • Lubricate the pieces with the resulting mixture. Bake the goose for another hour.

As can be seen from the above recipe, it is easier to bake goose with pieces, and it reaches readiness sooner. However, baked whole, it looks whiter impressive.

Goose with apples and potatoes

  • goose - 3 kg;
  • apples (preferably green) - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • honey - 70 g;
  • onion- 150 g;
  • goose giblets - 150 g;
  • salt, cumin, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the carcass in running water, dry. Cut off the fat in the area of ​​the neck and abdomen, cut it into small pieces and spread it on the bottom of the dish in which you plan to bake the goose.
  • Rub the goose carcass with salt, pepper, cumin. Leave to marinate in a cool place for at least 3 hours.
  • Wash goose giblets and cut into small pieces. Fry them in butter, using approximately 20 g.
  • Peel the onion, cut it into half rings.
  • Melt the rest of the butter in another pan. Fry onion rings in it.
  • Cut the apples into 8 pieces, cut out the core.
  • Mix apples, giblets and onions.
  • Stuff the belly of the goose with this mixture, carefully tamping it down. Bring the edges together and secure with toothpicks or sew.
  • Place the goose in the prepared dish. Cover it with foil and place in the oven preheated to 220 degrees. You can sprinkle some water on the bottom of the mold.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into large slices.
  • Melt honey and mix it with lemon juice.
  • An hour and a half after putting the goose in the oven, remove the foil from it. Lubricate the carcass with honey-lemon sauce, pour with melted fat. Spread the potatoes around.
  • Return the pan to the oven and bake for another hour and a half. Do not forget to add water if it evaporates, and grease the goose with fat mixed with honey-lemon sauce.
  • After the specified time, turn off the oven, but leave the goose in it for another half hour.

Goose baked with apples and potatoes - full meal with a unique taste that looks very appetizing. Such a goose will decorate festive table and wow your guests.

Goose with prunes

  • goose - 3 kg;
  • pitted prunes - 0.3 kg;
  • cognac - 100 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Having prepared the goose carcass for baking, rub it with salt and seasonings, put it in a cool place for several hours.
  • Slightly heat the cognac and pour it over the prunes. Leave for 20 minutes to swell.
  • Stuff the goose with prunes, fasten the edges of the abdomen with toothpicks.
  • Place the goose carcass in a sleeve or a large bag intended for roasting. Tie off, leaving a small opening for steam to escape.
  • Put the goose on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees.
  • After half an hour, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and continue to bake the goose for another 2 hours.

According to this recipe, the goose turns out to be very tender and juicy, because it is baked, one might say, in its own juice.

Oven-baked goose is real holiday dish, which is unlikely to leave any of the guests indifferent. » cooking » Main dishes »

Someone calls goose meat fat, but most connoisseurs agree that it is rather juicy, tender and very appetizing. In addition, the fat in poultry meat is not at all equivalent to that in pork or beef - it contains almost no dangerous cholesterol, it contains a lot of useful components that are necessary to maintain a balanced metabolism. Cooking a goose allows you to decorate a family dinner or even a festive table with a real culinary masterpiece that will appeal to people with a wide variety of food preferences. After all, it is not in vain that the goose is cooked for Christmas in many countries - this wonderful tradition has clear origins. Knowing how to cook a goose in the oven, you can please all your loved ones with a very tasty, appetizing and healthy dish.

It is worth noting that goose meat is not only quite fatty, but also tough. If cooked incorrectly, it will not lose its unique taste, but it will be quite difficult to eat such a dish.

To make the meat juicy, it is recommended to bake it in the sleeve, but even this is not always enough. Experienced chefs recommend rubbing the carcass with sour cream and spices in advance, but this method also gives a rather weak result. the best way softness will be achieved by soaking the goose in a special solution.

You can cook a goose deliciously, getting exceptionally tender and juicy meat, if you heat 8-10 liters of water in a large saucepan and add 4-5 tablespoons of salt to it. Having slightly cooled the resulting solution, lower the goose carcass into it. It is necessary to store the bird in this form throughout the night or even a day - for this, the pan should be placed in a cold place. Some chefs prefer to soak the goose in milk without salt, but at the same time, poultry meat acquires a spicy aroma and taste that not everyone will like. One of the tips given here should be used in all subsequent recipes.

The simplest option

To cook a goose whole and beautifully served on the table, you need a lot of patience, and then it will be difficult to butcher it. Such deprivations can only be endured for the sake of a solemn occasion, while for an ordinary family dinner you can choose a recipe easier. Goose can be cooked in pieces - this does not lose its taste, but the time and effort spent on cooking is significantly reduced. In addition to the main ingredient, you should pick up the following products:

After soaking the goose carcass according to the method described above, cut it into several parts - the sternum is cut into four segments, wings and legs are separated from it. If the goose is large enough, the brisket can be cut into 6 or even 8 pieces.

In a separate bowl, mix the mayonnaise with the prepared homemade adjika and rub the poultry meat with the resulting sauce.

By adjusting the ratio of these components, you can change the taste of the dish - by increasing the amount of mayonnaise, you will make goose meat very tender, but at the same time it will lose its expressiveness of taste, while spicy adjika will emphasize all the nuances of the dish.

Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the pieces of goose on it, trying to make them lay in two layers. Cover the baking sheet with foil and leave overnight in the refrigerator or on an unheated closed balcony. Place the baking sheet in the oven about 2.5 hours before serving. If you are not afraid that goose meat will turn out to be excessively fatty, bake it in a sleeve.

Set the temperature in the oven to 190-200 degrees and leave your dish for about an hour. After that, it will be necessary to get the goose, swap the layers and pour white wine over the meat - 100 ml will be enough for the entire amount of food. To make the goose juicy, leave it for another hour in the oven, but do not forget to open the door every 15 minutes and pour the top layer with rendered fat mixed with wine. Goose can be served with pickled apples, vegetable salads, mashed potatoes, and various cereals.

rustic recipe

V modern abundance aromas and impressions, sometimes you just want to eat tasty and unpretentious, enjoying pure sensations, not spoiled by fusion cuisine and other newfangled culinary inventions. Goose can also be prepared without any frills, emphasizing its taste with a small set of spices.

In addition to pre-prepared and soaked carcasses, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ketchup;
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices;
  • allspice;
  • salt;
  • garlic.

Cut the prepared goose carcass along the sternum so that it disperses and you can access its inside. Take a small bowl, pour allspice, salt and other spices into it to taste, and add 1-2 heads of garlic, squeezing them out with a special tool.

After mixing everything thoroughly, rub ¾ of the resulting marinade on the goose carcass, making sure that small lumps of spices remain on its surface - this will give the dish a piquant taste and wonderful aroma. Do not forget about the inside of the carcass, because otherwise the taste of the meat will be incomplete.

While the goose marinates, take a bowl with the remaining spice mixture and add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and ketchup to it (you can choose hot sauce, tender or garlic - it all depends on your taste). Thoroughly mix the resulting composition and turn on the oven by setting the temperature regulator to 200 degrees. After about an hour, remove the carcass and spread it with the second marinade. It remains only to wait another half an hour, after which the goose can be served at the table with boiled potatoes or salads from fresh vegetables. Using this recipe, the bird can also be baked in the sleeve, however, each stage of baking in the oven will increase in duration by 10 minutes, and the temperature should be reduced to 180 degrees.

New Year's Eve Recipe

What New Year without tangerines and other citrus fruits? The atmosphere of the holiday can be maintained if you use similar fruits in the preparation of the original new year dish from goose. The result can be served even to the most fastidious gourmets - no one can resist the incredibly fragrant and juicy meat. You will need to purchase the following products:

  • five large tangerines;
  • ground sweet paprika;
  • cinnamon;
  • soy sauce;
  • spices to taste.

This recipe involves cooking the goose in foil, but you can also bake it in the sleeve - this will give more room for the tangerines.

First, the marinade is prepared - using a juicer or a regular citrus squeezer, get the juice from one tangerine and filter it through a strainer, draining it into a small bowl. It is also necessary to add two tablespoons of honey, three tablespoons soy sauce, half a tablespoon of salt, spices to taste, as well as a quarter teaspoon of paprika and cinnamon. Beat the resulting mixture thoroughly with a whisk, and if it starts to clump, add a little purified water. Spread the goose carcass inside and out with the resulting multi-component marinade and leave it in the refrigerator for a day.

Before cooking, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and stuff the goose with four tangerines - they must be thoroughly washed and the remnants of the cuttings removed, but not peeled. To bake a goose in foil, you need to take a shallow pan and put the carcass on it. First, the legs and wings are wrapped in foil, and then the whole goose. If you are going to cook the bird not in foil, but in a plastic sleeve, take a deep pan and be very careful not to tear it.

Bake the goose for about 2 hours, after which the temperature will need to be reduced by 20 degrees. After the specified period of time, the carcass will need to be turned over, and after half an hour, return to its original position and cook for another 30 minutes. If you are cooking a bird in a sleeve, be extremely careful not to tear it. Serve the finished goose to the table with boiled potatoes and stewed cabbage.

holiday roll

If you are going to impress all the guests at the holiday with incredible culinary talent, the usual goose, baked entirely in foil, will not be enough. You can cook with poultry original roll which will surprise everyone with its unusual piquant taste, as well as the most unconventional approach to cooking.

Of course, you will have to tinker a bit - expect to spend at least half a day on such cooking masterpiece. In addition to a medium-sized goose, you will need:

First you need to butcher the goose to get a good shell for the future roll. To this end, you need to make a large incision along the sternum and gently push the halves apart, gradually cutting off the bones and tendons that prevent the carcass from being flattened, like a tobacco chicken.

Now it’s worth cutting off pieces of meat - they should be in the form of small cubes or oblong strips. Be very careful, because the layer of meat on the back is very thin, during its processing it is possible to damage the skin - therefore it is better not to touch this place with a knife.

Pour about 150 ml of wine into a separate bowl, three ginger into it, add paprika, salt and spices of your choice. We lay the flattened goose carcass on a deep baking sheet and fill it with the resulting marinade - it should be in it for 1.5 hours, after which the meat will need to be turned over and left for the same period of time.

While the goose is marinating, finely chop the apple, cut meat and chicken (turkey) breast, add chopped prunes and chopped walnuts, and then sprinkle the mixture with cinnamon and mix until smooth.

We take the goose out of the marinade and put it on parchment paper to drain off any remaining liquid. Then we spread the mixture for stuffing on the flattened carcass and evenly distribute it. We combine the halves of the carcass and sew it up with an ordinary thread to get a kind of goose carcass roll stuffed with meat, apples, prunes and nuts.

Be careful - there should not be holes in the carcass through which enough a large number of fat.

Spread the sewn carcass with honey mixed with paprika and salt, and then place in the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 160 degrees. If you don't have a pan with a built-in renderer, it's best to cook the goose up the sleeve. After the specified time, turn the goose over and cook it for another 40 minutes. Immediately before serving the roll, cut it and remove the remaining bones. It is very good to combine it with herbs, fresh oranges, as well as spicy sauces.

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Roasted goose baked in the oven with a crispy crust - is it possible to imagine something more appetizing and suitable for gala dinner? In this article, we will talk about how to deliciously bake a goose in a duovka, not only for the New Year or Christmas table, but also for any other holiday event.

It is believed that the goose is not the easiest to cook, and it is very difficult to make it really tasty by cooking it entirely in the oven. But this is not entirely true - if you know the main features and secrets of properly roasting a goose in the oven, then you will not have any problems, and the cooked dish will turn out to be very tasty and appetizing. We will introduce you to these secrets.

In Russia, baked goose has been the most festive dish for many centuries, the main dish of almost any solemn meal: it was prepared for weddings and other holidays.

Features of roasting a whole goose in the oven

First you need to buy a goose: you can do this in the market or in the store, as well as in farms. In the latter case, it is highly likely that you will have to gut it and clean it yourself, but a goose bought in a store or on the market is usually gutted, and all that remains is to finish some touches: pull out the remaining feathers, clean it from fat visible to the eye, rinse from the inside and outside.

If you bought a frozen goose, then you should defrost it slowly - it is better on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This will take 25-30 hours.

Any experienced chef will give this advice: you need to buy a goose 3-4 days before the gala dinner, but not the day before, because. in the case of this bird, the preparation process is very long.

So, your goose is defrosted, washed, cleaned of excess fat (it is located near the neck and the incision in the abdominal cavity below) and giblets. Now you need to cut off the whole wings or their extreme phalanges - they always burn when baking (or to prevent this from happening, you will need to wrap them in foil).

Further preparation depends on what kind of goose you have - store or farm. The first one can simply be properly dried and rubbed inside and out with spices, left overnight in the refrigerator. But the village goose requires a more thorough approach to pickling: it must either be dipped in boiling water, first from the side of the neck, then from the side of the legs (each time for a minute), or kept for 2-3 hours in warm water(better - mineral) with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice and salt - then the meat will soften and not turn out tough, it will be well salted. The goose prepared in this way is also rubbed inside and out with spices and left to marinate. Salts should be taken in 1 tsp. for every 1 kg of bird weight, you can also use ground pepper, sage, oregano, etc.

In the villages, the goose grated with spices is left in the cold for 2-3 days (at the same time it is hung up or simply put on a dish) - the skin dries up and becomes crispy, ruddy when baked, and the meat softens.

The marinated goose is stuffed - it is correct to do this by filling the cavity inside the carcass by 2/3, if it is expected that the filling will increase in volume during baking. Then it is necessary to close the hole by sewing it up with threads or stabbing with wooden toothpicks. It is also recommended to tie the legs of the goose so that they do not stick out in different directions. Well, then we proceed to the most interesting - baking.

The goose should be baked at the middle level of the oven. It is best to take a deep baking sheet, pour water into it 1 cm high (if it boils away during baking, it will need to be added so that the fat dripping from the bird does not burn) and put a grate directly into it, on which the goose is laid out. First you need to bake the bird in the most heated oven for 15-20 minutes, then the temperature decreases to 160 (with convection up to 150 degrees) and with this heating the goose is already brought to readiness. It is believed that for a large goose it takes at least 2-3 hours to reach readiness, and for a small one, 1.5-2 hours is enough. Readiness is easily checked: pierce the leg - if the juice that stands out is transparent, then the goose is ready, if pinkish or red - cook it again.

It is often recommended to periodically water the goose with the released liquid, from the very beginning of baking, cover the carcass with foil and remove it only 30-60 minutes before the end of cooking, first, until the temperature decreases, bake down with the breast, and the rest of the time - on the back - all this too useful advice which can serve you well. Some boil the goose for 30-60 minutes before baking, and someone cooks it in the oven in a bag, hoping to make the meat more juicy and tender - with practice, everyone finds their own ways to bring this bird to the optimum taste.

How to deliciously cook a whole goose in the oven

Due to the fact that the goose is a rather fatty bird, it is often stuffed with something. The fact is that the filling is impregnated with fat that melts during the cooking process, and it turns out very tasty. Great for stuffing goose sour apples, prunes - it is about these variants of the dish that we will talk today.

Recipe for roasting a goose in the oven whole with prunes

You will need: 1 goose weighing 3.5-4 kg, 200-300 g of prunes, cognac, pepper, salt.

How to bake a whole goose in the oven with prunes. Prepare the carcass, rinse and dry, cut off excess fat, prick the skin with a fork in the area of ​​the breast, abdomen and thighs, rub with pepper and salt. Pour the prepared prunes with cognac, after swelling, put in the abdomen, sew up with threads with large stitches or stab with toothpicks. Put the goose in a sleeve or a baking bag, close one corner, and cut off the second - steam will come out of it. Put in a baking sheet on the middle level of the oven preheated to 250 degrees, cook for 20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 180 degrees, fry for about 2 hours until cooked.

Check readiness by piercing the leg in the thickest part - the juice that stands out should be transparent.

Whole goose with apple recipe

You will need: 1 goose weighing 3.5-4 kg, hard sour apples, pepper, salt.

How to bake a stuffed goose with apples in the oven. Rinse the carcass cold water and dry, prick the skin in the area of ​​the breast, thighs and abdomen, cut off the extreme phalanges of the wings, rub inside and out with pepper and salt. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seeds, put them in the abdomen not too tightly, sew them up with a thick thread. Put the goose upside down on a baking sheet, pour in boiling water by 1 cm, put in an oven preheated to 250 degrees, bake for 15-20 minutes, reduce heat to 180 degrees, bake until tender for 1.5-2 hours, pouring periodically with melted fat. Around the goose, 20 minutes before the readiness, lay out the halves of apples - they can be served as a side dish.

If the goose starts to burn during baking, cover it with foil.

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Roast goose is most often served at Christmas. Such a dish surprises guests a lot, it looks rich and appetizing, and besides, it is conducive to friendly conversations. To cook a juicy goose, you need not only to know the recipe and secrets, but also to train, because the first time such a dish is unlikely to work.

How to choose the right goose

It is best to buy a carcass not in the markets, but in specialized stores, because in such places the meat content meets all standards, and checks come much more often than in ordinary stores, so you can not be afraid that you will come across an expired carcass. But it also happens that there is simply no time to go to the store, and the market is just nearby. In this case, you need to know exactly how to choose the right bird. It is known that the goose is the fattest bird, it has more fat than chicken or duck, so even the largest carcass can eat no more than 8 people. In the process of frying or baking, the subcutaneous fat melts and soaks the fibers, which is why it becomes insanely juicy and soft. You can choose a carcass both fresh and even frozen, in any case it will turn out very tasty.

  • To distinguish a young paw from an old one, you need to look at the paws. In young individuals, they are yellow, soft, and there may be a little fluff on the legs. In older individuals, they are darker and tougher, and the membranes are most often very dry.
  • The size of the chosen bird is also very important. It is better if it is small, since it will be more difficult to deal with large carcasses, and inside they may not be baked, while the outside has already appeared golden crust.
  • The breast should be large, the skin should be waxy, and a slightly yellowish fat can be seen in the abdominal cavity, this is one of the signs of good quality.
  • Oddly enough, but if you want to accurately select a goose and not check it, then feel free to buy a frozen version. Carcasses perfectly tolerate cold, while maintaining all beneficial features, but do not forget to look at the color of the paws.
  • Feel the goose sides with your hands; fresh carcasses have elastic meat in this place. Also, the meat around the throat of the bird should move freely.
  • If there is ice of a slightly pinkish hue on the carcass, then feel free to move on, such a bird has been frozen several times and is no longer suitable for food due to the presence of harmful bacteria.
  • The meat should not shine or stick to your hands. A fresh goose has a yellow beak, a little glossy, the mouth is light pink, without dirt.
  • Smell is one of the most important ways to test a bird for freshness.
  • Small scales can often be seen on the yellow legs of a fresh and young goose.
  • Weathering is a frequent occurrence for meat sold in the market. Try to avoid such carcasses, this is a direct sign of a stale product.

cooking secrets

Often, the baked feathered one turns out to be harsh, and this does not depend on the cook, but rather on the carcass itself, in which store it was bought and what was the care.

The goose should be carefully plucked so that not a single feather remains, singe, wipe it with salt mixed with pepper and leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Instead of seasonings, you can use lingonberries or herbs, preferably Provencal. This method will help the meat to become soft and juicy. It is necessary to keep the carcass in the refrigerator so that a crisp appears during the heat treatment due to “drying”.

After the meat has been infused in the marinade, it must be wrapped in food foil and left for a few more hours, during which time the marinade will smoothly soak the middle of the goose, so it will be spicy and fragrant not only on the surface, but also inside.

During baking, the sleeve often bursts, as the goose is a large bird, to avoid this, pierce the sleeve in several places, so the air can escape. Baked or boiled potatoes, stewed cabbage or vegetable salad will look great as a side dish. Sometimes the goose burns on top during baking, in this case, take it out, cover with foil and send it to cook further. You can also put a baking sheet with water, this will also help the bird not to burn.

To old goose it didn’t turn out dry and tasteless, you need to leave it overnight and bake it in the sleeve, only this way will definitely help it keep its juiciness. There are several other ways to make the meat softer, such as marinating it overnight in water with the addition of a tablespoon. wine vinegar or grate with the pulp of black mountain ash. Also perfect for white dry wine diluted with a small amount of water.

We figured out how to properly prepare the carcass, and now let's see what can be done immediately before baking so that a crisp appears. Before being sent to the oven, the meat should not only be saturated with spices and aromatic herbs, but also be moderately salty, so you need to prepare the sauce. Most often it is made of honey, mustard, wine, grated garlic and ginger with rosemary. Such a mixture forms a crust on the surface, impregnates the skin of the carcass, so it turns out to be crispy, fragrant and appetizing golden in color.

How to cook goose in pieces

The carcass must first be cut into pieces. In this case, the method of soaking the meat in the marinade also works, it will make the bird soft and juicy. You can prepare any mixture to taste, using both wine and vinegar with water, and olive oil with chicken eggs, and even beer with lemon juice, any option is great. Marinate the meat for 8-12 hours. Prepare a mixture of black pepper and salt, grate the prepared pieces, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry over high heat until golden brown. During this time, it will not have time to cook inside, so you need to transfer it to a mold and bake in an oven until cooked.

There is another cooking option. After a golden crust appears on the pieces, you need to pour them with beer with water and salt and simmer until soft. These two methods will help the meat retain its juiciness. Before serving meat, it is usually poured over with sour cream, soft vegetable or any other sauce, or placed next to it in a separate container. A good option to serve goose with wine, preferably red. We examined the main nuances and secrets of cooking, and now let's move on to the recipes.

Christmas goose recipe

At the moment, there are a lot of types of cooking a Christmas goose on the Internet, but we will consider the most basic, classic one. It is not as easy to prepare as it may seem, but the result is worth the effort. The most simple ingredients, and you can serve any side dish to your taste.


  • 1500 gr. potatoes
  • 15 gr. potato starch
  • a little ground black pepper
  • 320 ml. dry red wine
  • 20 gr. brown sugar
  • 250 gr. fresh carrots
  • 15 ml. mustard
  • 550 gr white or red onion
  • 30 ml. fresh and high quality honey
  • goose carcass
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • coarse sea salt


1. Prepare the sauce by mixing honey, mustard and brown sugar. Pinch the carcass and singe if there are still feathers on it. Cut off the fat from the side of the neck and tail, take a toothpick and make punctures all over the carcass so that the fat flows out during baking.

2. Rub the bird with a mixture of salt, pepper and vegetable oil and leave for about an hour.

3. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, put the grate on top, and an ordinary baking sheet one level lower so that the fat from the grate can drain freely.

4. Brush the carcass on all sides with a mixture of honey and mustard, put on a wire rack and close the oven.

5. During baking, fat will drip onto the baking sheet. For two hours, every 20 minutes, you need to open a baking sheet and pour the bird with this fat.

6. Peel the carrots, cut into long slices, cut the onion into quarters, divide the garlic into cloves and mix with the rest of the ingredients, put on a baking sheet with fat, mix lightly and cook for another hour.

7. Remove the bird from the oven, mix with vegetables, wrap it all in baking foil and leave for a while until the carcass cools down a bit, after which you can serve.

8. Pour the wine into a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom, add a little salt, bring to a boil and add starch, mix and pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat, serve it separately from the carcass, allowing the guests to water the meat themselves. The Christmas goose is not so difficult to prepare, its secret is in the sauce, which we poured before baking. At the first time of cooking, it soaks the skin and becomes crispy, and after languishing in foil - soft.

How to cook goose with apples

This recipe was created specifically for those who like a minimum of additives, during cooking you will need almost nothing except apples and a goose, this is the main plus of the dish.


  • 1 goose carcass
  • 350 gr. apples, preferably slightly sour
  • 1 head of garlic
  • a little olive or vegetable oil
  • spicy herbs to taste
  • 20 ml. lemon juice
  • salt, ground pepper to taste


1. Prepare the goose. The skin that is located at the base of the neck must be cut off along with the bone, but not completely, so that it can be sewn up. Rinse the carcass inside and out, dry thoroughly with a dry waffle or paper towel.

2. In a mortar, mix dried herbs with black or red ground pepper and grind into powder, sprinkle the bird with this mixture inside and out.

3. Prepare marinade. Mix in a separate container garlic, grated previously on a fine grater, salt and pepper, pour in a little olive or vegetable oil, let stand for about half an hour.

4 . Rub carcass with marinade. Rub it in thoroughly so that the skin has time to soak in the aroma. Wrap the carcass in foil and leave for the time of preparing the apples.

5. Wash and peel apples, cut into large pieces avoiding seeds.

6. Squeeze all the juice from half a lemon, mix with grated garlic and add to apples, mix thoroughly with dried basil. You can add salt or sugar if you like.

7. Stuff the bird with the mixture, sew it up with thick and strong threads, wrap the carcass in foil and send it to bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for two hours, gradually lowering the temperature.

8. When the bird is almost ready inside, you need to open the foil on top and bake for about half an hour until a delicious crust appears. Decorate with apple slices. The method of preparation and filling can be changed at will. For example, add to apples boiled rice, buckwheat or potatoes. It is also advisable to take non-sweet apples, since the sour taste is most suitable for a baked goose. To serve the dish beautifully, put a few whole red apples an hour before the end of baking, they will help to decorate the dish beautifully and tastefully.

How to cook goose with rice

The advantage of this dish is that you can add mushrooms to rice, which we will do. During cooking, no sauces are used, so you will need to bake the goose in a certain mode.


  • 300 gr. parboiled long grain rice
  • 150 gr. fresh mushrooms or 200 gr. canned mushrooms
  • 250 gr. white or red onion
  • some mayonnaise to taste
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying


1. Mix salt with black pepper and various seasonings to taste, rub the pre-washed goose with this mixture inside and out. If mushrooms are used in dried form, then they must first be soaked for about five hours.

2. Preheat the oven with vegetable oil and fry the mushrooms until golden brown, put them on a plate. After that, chop the carrots with onions and also fry, mix with mushrooms and scroll all together through a meat grinder.

3. Put the water on the fire, add salt and bring to a boil, reduce the heat and add rice, cook until fully cooked, then mix with mushrooms and vegetables.

4. Salt and pepper the finished filling, if desired, add one or two chicken eggs, stuff the goose and carefully sew the edges.

5. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, wrap the carcass in foil and bake for two hours, gradually reducing the heat to 180 degrees.

6. 20 minutes before the end of baking, open the foil to form a delicious golden crust. Sometimes, when rice or buckwheat is used, it may turn out that even after sewing, the groats will fall out of the bird. To prevent this from happening, you can add egg, it will help the filling to get its shape. Also, while cooking rice, you can add a little turmeric for color.

How to cook goose with buckwheat in the oven

The recipe is very similar to the previous one, but with its own, no less important secrets and nuances. The filling in this dish will be rice with a small amount of slightly sour apples.

  • goose carcass weighing approximately 5000 gr.
  • 300 gr. buckwheat groats of the highest grade
  • 100 gr. sour apples
  • 100 gr. white or red onion
  • 50 gr. butter
  • a little salt and black pepper to taste
  • lettuce leaves for garnish

Cooking steps:

1. Goose must first be soaked in a solution of vinegar and water for softness. Put salted water on the fire and boil the buckwheat.

2 . Heat up some butter in a frying pan. Peel the onion and chop into thin half rings. Grate carrots on coarse grater and fry everything together until golden brown, then add buckwheat, salt if necessary and cook for about five more minutes.

3. Peel apples if desired. Set the oven to 220 degrees to heat up.

4. Grate the goose with a mixture of salt and black pepper. Mix half of the apples with buckwheat and stuff the carcass, sew it up, wrap it with foil in two layers.

5. Put the goose to bake, open the foil on top for 20 minutes, lay a few apple slices and bring to readiness. When cooking the goose, it is important that it lies a little longer in the foil after baking, as during this time the meat will become softer and more aromatic, and the crust will remain just as crispy. This recipe can be slightly improved by preparing a sauce for pouring from mayonnaise and herbs. It will need to be served next to the bird in a separate gravy bowl, if desired, you can add grated apples to the sauce, this will give a special taste to the dish.

How to cook stuffed goose

We have learned ways to fill a goose with minced meat, but what fillings are most suitable?

One of the best options fillings are liver with onions and mushrooms. It is very easy to prepare, does not require special expenses, and it always turns out on top. To make such a filling, you just need to lightly fry the chopped onion with chopped mushrooms, then add the liver and dry red wine and simmer until cooked.

As you have already noticed, there is nothing complicated about this, and instead of wine, you can easily use ordinary water or even cream, it will turn out much more tender. There is one unusual recipe: goose stuffed with double stuffing. Its secret is that minced meat consists of two types, one is refueled under the skin, the second is inside the bird. It is very important to prepare the dish in such a way that both types of filling go well together. The first type consists of crushed walnuts and applesauce, you can not cook it, but simply combine these two ingredients.

The second type consists of buckwheat, onions and celery. In order for the nuts to be combined with buckwheat, you need not just boil it until tender, but first heat it in a frying pan, and only then pour it with water. With the help of this unusual way nuts will go well with the second type of filling. Apples and prunes. Such a filling for true sweet tooth. These two products will simply need to be crushed and combined together. You can add rice or buckwheat to them. While it's important to carefully choose your toppings, you can get creative and cook something to your liking.

How to cook goose with potatoes

The essential difference of this recipe from all the previous ones is the filling. The cooking technology itself remains almost the same.

  • 500 gr. potatoes
  • middle goose carcass
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 50 ml. mayonnaise
  • salt, pepper to taste.

1 . Clean the carcass of everything superfluous. Grate the garlic on a fine grater, mix with salt, herbs to taste and pepper, grate the carcass. It is very important that there are more spices inside than outside, because it takes much longer to soak inside.

2. Potatoes are needed exclusively young, because they will be baked in their skins, and the skin of an old potato is not suitable for this. Cut it into quarters, sprinkle with salt and herbs, pour over a small amount of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly so that the oil completely covers the pieces.

3 . Chop the goose carcass with ready-made potatoes, sew it up with thick threads, put it on a baking sheet.

4 . Set the oven to 220 degrees, wait about 10 minutes and send the bird to bake until half cooked.

5. Cover with foil and continue to bake for another hour. Boiled or baked vegetables to taste can be served as a side dish for this dish, rice, a little tinted with turmeric, is just as good, or you can simply combine it with vegetables, add aromatic herbs and spices. The side dish can be prepared in another way: first boil it until tender, and then transfer it to a baking sheet on which the goose is baked. The fat that drains from the meat will be absorbed into the rice and it will turn out much tastier than just boiled garnish.

How to cook goose in the sleeve

Instead of regular foil, you can use a special baking sleeve. It has a lot of advantages. It is made of heat-resistant polyethylene, which in turn does not emit any harmful substances during heat treatment. The sleeve is able to withstand up to 230 degrees. Another plus is that it not only preserves, but also saturates the dish with even greater taste and aroma. In the sleeve it is absolutely impossible to overdry meat, vegetables, or fish.

  • goose carcass
  • some honey
  • a little table mustard
  • some mayonnaise
  • salt, ground black pepper, sugar to taste
  • any filling to taste, preferably: apples, prunes and lemon juice

1. Rinse the carcass inside and out, wipe with a dry waffle or paper towel so that there is no moisture left, rub with a mixture of salt and black pepper.

2. Prepare marinade. Mix honey, mustard, mayonnaise and some sugar. If the honey is thick, then it must first be slightly heated along with the rest of the ingredients. Lubricate the carcass with the finished marinade and let it stand in the refrigerator for several hours, and preferably all night.

3. At this time, prepare the filling. Cut apples, prunes, mix and add a little lemon juice. Apples are best bought sour.

4. Start the carcass, sew it up, leaving a place for the fat to flow out, put it in the sleeve and put it in the oven until cooked. Due to the fact that the bird is cooked in a special roasting sleeve, the meat will be juicy inside and the skin will be crispy. Since it does not always withstand high temperatures, at first you need to cook at 230 degrees, then gradually lower it so that the middle is baked. It will be delicious if you serve such a goose with stewed cabbage, pickles or vegetable salad. The main task of the filling is to absorb all the excess fat that will melt and flow out during cooking.

How to cook a goose in a slow cooker

Cooking poultry in a slow cooker is very different from baking. In this case, you will need to pre-prepare everything necessary products. At the same time, the goose must be chopped into small portioned pieces, since all of it is unlikely to fit into the bowl of the multicooker.

  • 1 goose
  • 200 gr. red onion
  • herbs, spices and salt to taste
  • 200 ml. dry red wine
  • 300 ml. chicken, vegetable or plain water broth

1. Cut off the legs and wings of the goose, if desired, you can not chop the carcass if it is small.

2. Finely chop the red onion, grate the carrot on a coarse grater. Fry until golden brown, transfer to the multicooker bowl along with the goose.

3. Put on the cooking mode, add the broth mixed with dry red wine, spices and salt.

4. Salt can not be spared so that the bird can be completely saturated.

5. When the bird is almost ready, you can drain all the liquid and rearrange the mode for baking. Wait until a golden crust appears and serve with a side dish. Although the baking process is very different, cooking a goose in a slow cooker is much easier and even faster, since the machine itself does almost all the work for the cook.

Roast goose with cranberries

We have already seen recipes for how to cook a goose in the oven with sour apples, but you can also combine them with cranberries, it will turn out very unusual, bright and tasty.

  • 150 gr. cranberries
  • 1 goose carcass
  • 300 gr. sour or sweet apples
  • 100 ml. dry red wine
  • salt, sugar, ground black pepper to taste
  • greenery

1 . Marinate the carcass in a mixture of water and vinegar, rub it with salt and pepper.

2. Rinse cranberries, cut apples into thin slices, mix with cranberries, transfer to a pan, add a little water, sugar and salt, simmer for several minutes. Start the bird, put it in the oven until cooked.

3. Secret delicious goose in sauce. To prepare it, you need to slightly crush the second half of the cranberries, transfer the berries to a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom, pour in dry red wine.

4. Simmer the sauce for about 3 minutes, then add sugar. If desired, you can replace it with honey, it will turn out even tastier than with sugar.

5. When the goose is almost baked, you need to pour half the sauce on it, wrap it in foil and send it to the oven to cook. 6. The second half of the sauce will need to be poured out when the goose has already stood on the table for some time and is saturated with the aromas of spices and apples with cranberries.