The name of green tea is from pressure. Lowers or raises blood pressure green tea: the effect of green tea on human blood pressure

In the East, green tea is of particular importance. He is credited with healing properties and is considered a universal remedy for most diseases. It really contains a large number of useful substances, but at the same time, has a strong effect on blood pressure. This is where the danger lies, because most people are unaware of such a serious impact. familiar drink. Therefore, it is important to figure out whether green tea increases blood pressure or lowers it.

Useful properties of the ancient drink

Unique composition green tea allows you to fully take care of the body, including normalizing the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. But whether green tea increases blood pressure or, conversely, reduces its performance is a rather moot point.

The action of green tea is due to the presence of the following components:

  • Vitamins of group B, C, R.
  • Minerals: iodine, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, copper, etc.
  • nicotinic acid.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Antioxidants.

However, the effect of green tea on blood pressure is due to the presence of other components - caffeine and catechins.

Caffeine is a substance known to many that provokes the excitation of the human nervous system and vasoconstriction. At the same time, green tea contains several times more caffeine than coffee itself. Therefore, hypertensive patients should be careful with this drink, as it increases pressure.

In turn, catechin is a polyphenol that supports the work of cardio-vascular system and acts as a catalyst, improving the supply of cells and organs with blood, and preventing thrombosis. Catechin lowers cholesterol levels and increases vascular elasticity. And the most amazing thing is that it helps to reduce pressure. Hence the duality of the properties of green tea that affect blood pressure.

Effect on pressure

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to how green tea affects blood pressure. It all depends on whether the person is hypotensive or hypertensive and in what form the drink is consumed.

On the one hand, caffeine raises blood pressure, but it works much softer than other caffeinated drinks. Cheerfulness and good health after tea lasts for a long time - up to 5 hours. Therefore, at low pressure, it can become a truly life-saving drink.

In addition, hypotension is often accompanied by headaches and migraines on weather-sensitive days. caffeine in this case acts as an antispasmodic, constricting the vessels of the head and improving the outflow of blood.

Paradoxically, Japanese scientists in the course of experiments established positive influence green tea on people with hypertension. They consumed this drink for several months, which helped lower their normal blood pressure by 10%.

However, it is not recommended for hypertensive patients to drink strongly brewed green tea, since the pressure in this case rises sharply.

Does green tea lower blood pressure? Rather, it normalizes, and only with prolonged use. In addition, at high blood pressure doctors prescribe a salt-free diet. Green tea has a diuretic effect and helps to remove not only toxins, but also extra salt. Note that hypertension is different from hypertension. The second condition is much more dangerous and consists in an increase in pressure not only in the artery, but also in other body systems. In this case, drinking green tea is not recommended without consulting a doctor.

How to Lower Your Caffeine

Is it possible to drink this kind of tea if a person is tormented by pressure drops?

In this case, you should use the tips to reduce the caffeine content in the drink:

  • Use a second brew to make tea. Tea leaves do not lose their flavor properties when re-brewing, but they give most of the water-soluble substances to the first brew.
  • Before preparing the infusion, rinse the tea leaves in hot water.
  • Drink a weakly brewed drink.
  • Use special varieties of tea with a reduced content of caffeine.

How to drink green tea

An interesting fact is that in Eastern countries drink hot green tea. On hot days, when people are tormented by pressure surges, such a drink tones up the body and slightly raises blood pressure.

In its turn, cold drink not only quenches thirst and normalizes the state of the cardiovascular system at high pressure.


There are diseases in which the use of green tea should be abandoned:

During pregnancy and breastfeeding many women suffer from pressure, so it is worth minimizing the use of green tea.

How to cook

The quality and effectiveness of the resulting drink depends on the correctness of its preparation. The water must have optimal temperature- no more than 80 degrees. In no case should you take boiling water, otherwise all the beneficial substances in the tea leaf will be destroyed.

For one glass of water, it will be enough to take a pinch of tea leaves. Brewing time varies from 2 to 4 minutes, while the color of the drink should turn yellow-green.

Green tea can be brewed up to 5 times and each attempt will result in a drink with less caffeine

Another method of preparation is to infuse the drink. This makes it useful for people with chronic hypertension. Pour 500 ml into a glass container cold water and put in it 2 tablespoons of tea leaves. The container should be placed in the sun and left to saturate the water for several hours.

How to drink green tea with pressure

In the case of hypertension, a person can afford no more than one cup of weakly brewed drink per day - only under such circumstances, green tea lowers blood pressure. Perfect option- warm tea of ​​the third and subsequent brewing.

Hypotonic patients, on the contrary, are advised to brew a strong infusion. However, the frequency of drinking the drink remains the same - one cup of tea per day. Otherwise, when the drink is abused, the pressure drops, and the person begins to feel unwell.

The benefits of green tea for the whole body have been proven thousands of years ago. Its effect on blood pressure can be beneficial, or it can be somewhat detrimental to health. On the other hand, getting rid of hypertension or hypotension with green tea will not work either, so it is better to drink the drink in moderation.

This drink has long entered human life and is now actively used around the world. At the same time, the fact that green tea increases or lowers blood pressure is a mystery to many. For people suffering from blood pressure problems, this is an urgent issue. After all, even a small cup of this drink can both harm and help. Let's figure it out.

To understand how green tea affects blood pressure, you need to understand its components that affect it:

  1. Thein, which is known to many as caffeine. There is much more of it in this drink than in coffee. He's the one who stirs nervous system giving energy and a feeling of cheerfulness. But, if a person's nervous system is depleted, then insomnia and a breakdown cannot be avoided. Even healthy adults should not drink it at night, because they run the risk of being washed out without sleep until the morning.
  2. Polyphenol catechin, which is allocated almost 35% of the total composition of green tea. It is he who forms the tandem of green tea and pressure. Thanks to him, the cardiovascular system comes into tone, blood circulation improves, because the viscosity of the blood returns to normal, which contributes to the prevention of such a disease as thrombosis.

The remaining substances are no less useful, but it is these 2 that solve the problem with blood pressure.

The most popular type of green tea in our country is its use with lemon, which is not surprising, because the effect of this drink on the body is stunning:

  • in addition to the two above substances, there are dimethylxanthines - purine alkaloids, which contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, their strengthening and toning;
  • strengthening arteries and blood vessels due to vitamin C;
  • stimulation of blood flow;
  • green due to decreased peripheral vascular resistance;
  • excess fluid is removed from the body, and the diuretic effect in hypertension is necessary and useful;
  • green tea can normalize the functioning of the nervous system, because it is rich in B vitamins.

Green tea and pressure: the relationship

Every hypertensive person knows that his diet has a direct impact on his well-being, so diets are not new to him. But everyone knows cases when healthy green tea increases blood pressure, and sometimes it lowers it. How to be?

Lowering the pressure

Green tea can help regulate blood pressure, but there are subtleties that will affect the decrease in its indicators. It all depends on the concentration of tea and its temperature.

With hypertension and just high blood pressure, you should drink weak tea. It would be better to add jasmine, ginger, mint, lemon, lemon balm to it. Tea must be room temperature or cold, but not hot.

We increase the pressure

The impact of green tea on the body can be reversed. Chinese healers recommend drinking oolong or another kind of green tea only hot and quite strong at reduced pressure.

dangerous hot, strong tea with hypertension, especially in acute form. This can lead to a rapid jump in pressure and provoke a hypertensive crisis or stroke. In acute hypotension, green tea in the diet should be a rare guest. For many, pregnancy puts many prohibitions, but in the case of green tea a ban on it can only be caused by an individual allergy to one of its components.

Cold or hot?

For a hypotonic person, it is better to drink hot green tea, which was infused for at least 8-10 minutes. This is necessary to increase the concentration of caffeine in the drink, which will increase both intracranial and blood pressure.

For hypertension, tea should be infused for no more than two minutes and it is advisable to cool it. There will be less caffeine in the drink, and rightly so. So there will be no problems with the temperature, which can present an unpleasant surprise. Such tea is recommended by medical workers of maternity hospitals to pregnant women.

Doctors are ambiguous about the effect of tea temperature on pressure. But they agree that hot drinks are always faster and better absorbed by the body.

Therefore, a cold infusion will always act more slowly than a hot one. Because of this, they focus only on the concentration of green tea. The sooner the tea bag is removed from the cup, the better for the hypertensive patient. And here strong drink with regular use can solve the issue of hypotension.


Nobody thinks that homemade tea can be harmful, especially green. And here's the damage it can do:

  • aggravate the situation with a shattered nervous system;
  • increase heart rate, pulse, which is dangerous with tachycardia;
  • complicate insomnia, especially when drinking in the evening;
  • make critical days for a woman more painful and plentiful;
  • provoke a recurrence of a chronic disease, especially the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cause heartburn and acidity if drunk on an empty stomach;
  • move kidney or liver stones due to its diuretic action;
  • provoke pain in the joints in those who have problems with them.

In some people, green tea can cause mild poisoning with nausea and vomiting. The best reaction, signaling that the body does not fit the drink, is the reluctance to drink it. Therefore, you do not need to listen to other people's advice, try to be different, if this is not your drink, then you do not need it.

Healthy lifestyle actively promotes this tea, but you don’t need to chase fashion, you need to be true to yourself and your taste needs.

Daily intake

Addiction to tea is no less rare than addiction to coffee. Gourmets drink green tea as in pure form, and with sugar, honey or other additives.

Also read: The best berries from high blood pressure

In scientific studies of the effect of green tea on the body, only a pure drink was taken. And doctors came to the conclusion that daily rate individual, but the maximum allowable is 6 cups. And this is provided that green tea can be mixed with milk.

Of course, everyone himself feels how much he needs a drink. There are people who drink 10-12 cups a day and feel good. But for hypertensive and hypotensive patients, it can be lethal dose.

Cases have been recorded when hypotension after the third cup of strong, hot green tea ended up in the hospital with a crisis, from which doctors took them out with great difficulty.

In hypertensive patients, there have been cases of a sharp jump in pressure, which caused a stroke. The consequences of this disease, as well as its danger, do not need to be explained, they are known to everyone. Therefore, the daily rate should be balanced and moderate, with a focus on medical recommendations.

We brew correctly

You need to brew green tea correctly in order not only to get an incredible taste, but also benefits, and also so as not to get bad drink. This is especially important for those who have problems with blood pressure. The following recommendations will be helpful:

  • weakly concentrated (brew no more than two minutes) tea at room temperature or with ice can be drunk for problems with the heart and intracranial pressure;
  • hot, strong, infused for more than 8 minutes - to increase and normalize blood pressure;
  • it is better to drink 30-40 minutes before meals;
  • give preference loose leaf tea;
  • sweeten honey is better or fructose, not sugar;
  • cook on purified water;
  • do not pour boiling water, so as not to lose the main beneficial features drink;
  • permissible brewing temperature is 70-80 degrees.

It is worth paying attention to what the drink will be brewed in. A high-quality porcelain or glass teapot is best suited for these purposes.

Do not use iron teapots for brewing in a cup, they significantly impair the taste and usefulness of the drink, like silicone teapots.

If there is no time to brew tea normally, then the teapot should also be ceramic. You should never leave tea leaves in a drink, because they will only enhance the effect of tea, which can be harmful in both hypertension and hypotension.

The most popular types of tea

Among the variety of varieties of green tea gourmets around the world give best performance following drinks:

  1. « dragon well”, is recognized as a symbol of all green teas. In China, it is considered one of the elements of cultural heritage, because it was introduced into the diet in the 8th century. Now it is grown only by certain producers. In addition to the incredible floral aroma, it has notes of chocolate. The drink itself is sweet and does not require additives. It has an invigorating and tonic effect on the body.
  2. « Emerald spirals of spring» is next on the list of the most the best varieties from China. It grows on fruit trees in a twisted and spiral form. Tea leaves are covered with white pile. It perfectly balances both floral and fruity aromas. It gives lightness and harmony, and the dance of tea leaves in a teapot is simply mesmerizing.
  3. « Fleecy Peaks of Yellow Mountain”, this variety was given by the rulers of China to the governments of other powers, especially in the 80s. A fresh drink with a pronounced taste leaves a slight floral aftertaste. Recommended for relaxation.
  4. « Monkey Leader from Hawken» in 2004 received the gold award of the Panamanian Green Tea Festival. Many admitted that such a flower aroma intoxicates, and a thick tobacco aftertaste tones and invigorates. The drink is very soft.
  5. « Pumpkin seeds » has long been the winner of a wide variety of tea exhibitions both in China and abroad. He's called women's drink for softness and lightness. There is no tartness in it, only a pleasant sweetness.
  6. « Sweet dew from Meng Ding Peak”, grown on a sacred mountain at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Its delicate aroma and exquisite taste were recognized as early as the 2nd century BC. e. Tea from the leaves of this variety is still a luxurious and expensive drink.
  7. « freshness of bamboo leaves”, which is grown by the monks. Previously, only the emperor and his family could drink it. The freshness of the drink is mixed with a tart taste and a sweet aftertaste. Recommended for vivacity.

The above varieties of tea are expensive, so not everyone can afford them. If such drinks are not affordable, then you should pay attention to teas only from large leaves. Packaged and fine tea is rarely of high quality, because it is usually made from sifted more good teas. You need to enjoy this drink wisely so as not to harm yourself, especially if you have problems with blood pressure.

It is believed that regular use quality unfermented tea is useful for strengthening immunity and maintaining health. Fans of this drink know about it. healing properties. This tea is rich in vitamins, microelements, amino acids, contains caffeine, which tones and invigorates. The question remains how the drink affects the pressure, because it is considered an important indicator of the state of the body. Opinions on this matter differ. Scientists believe that tea can both lower blood pressure and increase it, it depends on individual factors.

What is high blood pressure

Blood pressure (BP) is considered normal at values: 120/80 mm Hg. If the numbers are within 140/90 and above, then this means the presence of hypertension. High blood pressure may not manifest itself for a long time. Symptoms are noticed when the disease has already affected the functioning of the brain and heart. Hypertension increases the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, and kidney failure. Experts say that there are many ways to change blood pressure, both worsening and normalizing. Green tea for high blood pressure is one such leverage.

Green tea for pressure

The debate continues about whether green tea is dangerous at slightly elevated blood pressure. Some doctors claim that the drink is effective for hypertension because it lowers blood pressure, while others believe that it is dangerous for this disease. Japanese scientists have tried to put an end to the controversy. They conducted a study that proved that the drink lowers blood pressure. During the experiment, hypertensive patients regularly drank unfermented tea for a couple of months, as a result of which their blood pressure indicators decreased by 10%. An important conclusion is that you can drink green tea with high blood pressure.

How does it affect pressure

The drink contains a lot of elements: amino acids, a mineral complex (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, chromium, zinc, fluorine, selenium), vitamins (A, B, E, F, K (in a small amount), C), theine, antioxidants (tannin and catechin polyphenols), carotenoids, tannins, pectins. Antioxidants promote longevity and health. fresh leaves contain more ascorbic acid than lemon.

Catechins cleanse the liver, relieve inflammation, make blood more liquid. Thanks to the regular use of the drink during the diet, you can normalize the cholesterol content in the body and reduce weight. Tea leaves have a stimulating effect on the digestive tract. The drink helps stabilize insulin surges and normalizes sugar levels, so it is recommended for diabetics.

Unfermented tea contains more antioxidants than black tea, which allow blood vessels to be elastic, promote their expansion, reduce the risk of blood clots, which helps normalize blood pressure. Useful drink for violations in the cardiovascular system. Tea leaves contain organic compounds that enhance the diuretic properties of the drink. Catechins contribute to the diuretic effect. They tend to combine with free radicals that age the body, and remove them through the urinary system.

in tea leaves increased content potassium, which helps the body get rid of fluid and normalize blood pressure. It is effective for the treatment of asthenic conditions, quickly destroys bacteria in the oral cavity, preventing the development of caries. It is acceptable to take green tea for hypertension, but doctors recommend drinking no more than 4 cups of a weakly brewed drink per day.

Flavonoids have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Moderate and regular consumption of tea will help normalize blood pressure. Healthy man feel the effects of caffeine. The alkaloid accelerates the heartbeat, which leads to vasodilation. In this case, there is no significant increase in pressure. The presence of caffeine helps relieve headaches with hypertension, but green tea is not recommended for high blood pressure. Hypotension patients should not abuse the drink.

Raises or lowers blood pressure hot green tea

Many lovers of this drink are wondering what is the effect of green tea on blood pressure, whether it lowers it or raises it. There is no single answer. Any hot drink, which contains tannins and caffeine, permanently slightly raises blood pressure. At the same time, in unfermented tea, the alkaloid is 4 times more than in natural coffee. This is important to consider for people suffering from hypertension. Many people believe that a cold drink will lower blood pressure, while a hot drink will increase it. It's a delusion. The temperature is not important, only the concentration matters.

Studies show that in patients with minor fluctuations in blood pressure, with regular, long-term and moderate consumption of the drink, it normalizes. It follows that green tea will not save you from pressure if you drink one or two cups once a week, but it will do it in the long run. Drink for this reason is effective tool for prevention, preventing diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems.

Proper brewing

The tea is pleasant to the taste, it is slightly sweet, soft and oily. It is important that the drink should not be strong, tart, have bitterness and a rich color, like black. The color after brewing is pale green with a yellow tint, as these varieties are not fermented. It is worth knowing how to brew a drink correctly in order to get the expected effect:

  • You can not pour boiling water over tea leaves, the temperature for brewing: 60-80 degrees.
  • The leaves are infused for 2-3 minutes. It is recommended to brew repeatedly (from 2 to 5 times).

How to drink

Unfermented tea will bring benefits and cause minimal harm if used correctly. There are a number of rules to follow:

  • Do not drink tea on an empty stomach. Enjoy a drink after your meal, an added bonus: it will improve digestive processes.
  • Don't drink before bed. It tones up, so it will be difficult to fall asleep, fatigue will appear,
  • Do not combine with alcoholic drinks. This practice will result in harm to health: due to the formation of aldehydes, the kidneys will suffer.
  • Keep in mind that unfermented tea will reduce the potency of medications you take.
  • Brew the leaves not with boiling water, but with water at a temperature of 80`C.
  • It is important to buy tea good quality For its health benefits and well-being, avoid the use of sachets.
  • For a positive effect on the body, regularity is important.
  • Unfermented tea should not be used for problems with thyroid gland, high temperature, during pregnancy and low levels of iron in the blood.
  • For hypotension, let the leaves brew longer (7-10 minutes): it will have more caffeine.


Components of green tea that affect blood pressure

And in all this composition, it is possible to distinguish components whose effect on blood pressure is most pronounced - this (in green tea it is called theine) and catechin. Caffeine- in the composition of green tea is one of the main elements.

It is well known that green tea may contain more caffeine than coffee. In general, it leads to excitation of the nervous system, in connection with which people with exhaustion of the nervous system may experience problems with sleep and loss of energy for no apparent reason. Before going to bed, it is better not to drink green tea at all - you run the risk of insomnia.

Caffeine and, accordingly, green tea are also not recommended for people suffering from tachycardia and increased nervous excitability. And here polyphenol catechin has other properties. It is also one of the main beneficial components in green tea, which in this drink contains approximately 40% .

It is he who maintains the work of the cardiovascular system in good shape, improves blood circulation and maintains the necessary blood flow, which, in turn, prevents the formation of dangerous blood clots.

The effect of green tea on blood pressure

The most effective natural remedy that normalizes blood pressure in hypertension:

Regular consumption of green tea

Regular consumption of green tea also improves vascular elasticity and reduces blood cholesterol level. All this reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

The clearest example of this is Japanese, ranking first in the world in green tea consumption and last in hypertension.

Of course, you are worried about problems with pressure, it is unlikely that one cup can neutralize them. healing drink. It is better to drink several cups a day (up to 5 pcs).

Thus, the main effect of green tea on pressure is a decrease in pressure, or, in other words, its normalization.

And finally, a few words about the recommendations for the use of green tea, as well as its possible contraindications and side effects: Most importantly - do not abuse. A few cups a day will suffice for the manifestation of all medicinal properties fully.

It should also be remembered that green tea increases the acidity of gastric juice, so it is not recommended to drink it on an empty stomach. You should also use green tea with caution for those who suffer from arthrosis, arthritis and rheumatism. People with acute hypertension should not drink green tea.

Green tea, especially strongly brewed, is not recommended to drink before bedtime. Monitor your well-being. can measure pressure before drinking a cup of green tea.

And remember - you should not leave an already brewed drink for later. Benefit only freshly brewed tea! Drink green tea and be healthy!

Green tea is a healthy and pleasant tasting drink that replenishes human body large quantity essential vitamins, minerals and complex organic compounds. Its leaves are harvested from evergreen tea trees that grow massively in China, Japan, Africa, India and South America. The difference between green tea and black varieties lies in the fermentation period, which is significantly reduced and due to this, it allows to preserve its beneficial properties in the leaves as much as possible.

Useful properties of green tea

official and folk medicine The benefits of green tea have been recognized for centuries. Its properties are constantly being studied and supplemented, and today we can say with confidence that with the constant use of the drink, it is possible to prevent the development of many diseases and significantly improve the functioning of all major body systems.

Green tea is credited with the following health benefits:

  • positively affects the walls of blood vessels, ensuring their elasticity;
  • contributes to the normalization of sleep;
  • gets rid of excess weight due to diuretic and fat-burning effect;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the organs of the liver and digestive complex;
  • promotes healthy teeth and gums;
  • helps to prevent due to the antioxidant action, which is caused by high content zinc and vitamin C;
  • stimulates mental activity and thinking;
  • prevents the development of thrombophlebitis;
  • lowers blood sugar and cholesterol;
  • helps to relieve fatigue and normalize the emotional background;
  • reduces the level of radiation;
  • tones the skin, promotes rapid healing of suppurations and wounds.

Despite all these properties, a green tea drink should be used with caution at moments of nervous overexcitation, pregnant women, as well as people suffering from stomach ulcers and vascular diseases. It is undesirable to drink a green tea drink at a high temperature, since theophylline present in the plant naturally increases body temperature and can aggravate the condition in acute inflammatory processes.

If the described properties of tea have been proven by practice and time, then the leading luminaries of medicine do not stop discussing its effect on blood pressure. The dispute arises because of the main components of tea, which diversify the effect on blood pressure.

Opinion: green tea lowers blood pressure

The claim that a green tea drink lowers blood pressure is based on the presence of catechin in the composition, which promotes the elasticity of blood vessels and neutralizes excess cholesterol in the blood. Also, green tea is credited with a diuretic property, which allows you to slightly reduce pressure. However, one should not forget about the action of one of the main components of green tea - caffeine, which accumulates in the drink during prolonged brewing, excites the nervous system and can aggravate the state of hypertension at the time of the crisis.

Opinion: Green tea raises blood pressure

The opinion that green tea can increase blood pressure can also be considered ambiguous. Caffeine, the amount of which in tea is 4 times higher than in coffee, can indeed slightly increase arterial parameters and relieve headaches, however, frequent intake of green tea is contraindicated for chronic hypotensive patients. The reason for this is the likelihood of a quick addiction to a tea drink and an increase in the number of doses. This entails the opposite effect of caffeine, as a result of which, instead of the expected tone and vigor, there is a decrease in activity, mental inhibition, loss of strength and a decrease in blood pressure as a result.

Is the truth in the middle?

Speaking about the effect of green tea on blood pressure, one thing can be said with certainty - with the help of tea drink it is possible to normalize arterial indicators if it is properly prepared and consumed in a certain amount, in combination with other means of treating pathology. For example, hypertensive patients can drink a weak drink several times a day, brewed for 1.5 minutes. Chronic hypotension, on the contrary, the brewing time should be increased to 7 minutes, and the number of doses per day should be reduced to once.

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

How to brew and drink green tea?

When brewing a healthy and tasty drink, you need to consider factors such as the type of green tea, the size of the leaves or granules, and personal taste preferences.

To feel the healing effect of drinking a tea drink, you must adhere to the following criteria in its preparation:

  1. Pick up natural quality tea free of dyes and synthetic fragrances.
  2. To brew tea, use spring, filtered or settled tea. tap water which must be heated to 90°C. It is not recommended to use steep boiling water to prepare a drink from green tea, as it eliminates its beneficial properties. Also, do not boil water again.
  3. The amount of tea for brewing is selected taking into account the size of the tea leaves and the desired strength of the drink. The optimal ratio of tea to water to obtain delicious drink it is considered to be 1 tsp. tea leaves in a glass of water.
  4. To prepare a drink, it is preferable to use dishes, long time keeping warm. For these purposes, teapots made of clay or porcelain are suitable.
  5. The time of tea brewing depends on preferences and the expected health effect. In the first minute of brewing, tea is saturated with theine, which has a fast-acting tonic effect. With high blood pressure, tea leaves should be removed from the teapot after this time, while the drink has not yet been saturated with caffeine. With longer brewing (up to 7 minutes), tannins are activated in tea, which provide vigor, a surge of strength, and also contribute to an increase in pressure during hypotension.

The procedure for brewing a drink from green tea involves the following steps:

  • Warm up the teapot by first placing it on the heater or holding it over the fire.
  • Pour dry spoon into teapot required amount tea leaves, then wrap it in a towel or cover with a special felt heating pad for a few minutes.
  • Pour no more than 1/3 hot water into a teapot with dry tea leaves, wrap it again for 3 minutes and then add water to the teapot to the top.

Green tea is not enough to be able to brew, it must be used correctly. It is advisable to drink it before meals, at least half an hour, you can combine it with honey and dried fruits. It is not recommended to drink a drink brewed more than 2 times, combine it with sweets, add sugar and milk to it, which neutralizes the effect of the beneficial substances of green tea.

Drinking green tea should not be abused, as this can adversely affect overall well-being. The recommended dosage, taking into account individual tolerance and needs, is from 1 to 3 cups per day.