How to look and feel good every day: simple secrets of healthy people. What constitutes a healthy diet? How should you eat to feel more alert, energetic and joyful?

Do you want to know how to feel good every day? It's very simple, you don't need any superpowers to do it. But in our modern life, with its crazy rhythm, we have forgotten what we need to do to feel good. Just 5 simple steps are enough to direct your life in the right direction and feel great. Every day you need to remember them and follow them.

Step one. Always wake up on the right side of the bed

If you wake up on a different day, change your position before you get up. This is very important, as it allows you to get up in a completely different frame of mind. You can program yourself for success from the very beginning of the day. If you feel happy in the morning and your expectations for the coming day are positive, the day will go that way.

Step two. Always eat a delicious breakfast

Don't rush and give up morning appointment food, because it is the beginning of the day that lays the foundation for the rest of it. In order to cook tasty breakfast and eat it calmly, you will need more time than usual. Therefore, you will have to get up early in the morning. To get up early and feel energetic all day, go to bed early in the evening.

Step three. Sing in the shower

Choose a positive, positive song and sing it while you're in the shower, getting ready, or driving on the way to work. If you can't sing a song, hum its melody. This will allow you to remain in a great mood all morning, and maybe all day.

Step four. Smile at everyone around you

You can smile at your neighbor as you drive your car out of the garage, or at the bus driver you take to work. Smile, even if you don’t really want to. You will see how everything around you begins to transform. Not only you, but also the people around you will be in a better mood.

Step five. Do something good

Try to help others whenever possible. It doesn't have to be something great or significant. You can help an elderly person get into transport or give some money to a beggar. Good deeds allow the human soul to open up and feel in harmony with nature and the people around us.

Knowing now about these simple steps to improve your well-being, you can begin to implement them. At first you may not notice the impact of these actions on your life, but over time it will develop into a habit. Feeling good will become second nature and you will do it unconsciously.

Based on materials from the authoritative foreign magazine Ezine Articles.

For many, unraveling the secret to a healthy lifestyle seems like a more difficult task than blowing up the Death Star. We asked experts how they manage to feel 100, and got brilliant tips that you can follow without breaking the bank, working with a personal trainer, or eating foods with unpronounceable names five times a day.

move more

News: exercises have positive influence on the general physical condition and increase emotional tone. Wait, this is not news for a long time. But we forget that being active during the day is also necessary: ​​research by scientists from Boston University shows that ten minutes of physical activity a day brings as many benefits as regular exercise in the gym.

“Leading a healthy lifestyle does not mean sweating intensely in the gym. I’m telling you this, a man who owns a chain of fitness centers,” Pip Black, co-founder of Frame, shares his secret.


Take a fresh look at your daily routine: “I ride my bike to business meetings, but my son rides kindergarten I ride a scooter - it makes me feel much more energetic during the day,” says Black.

When you walk from point A to point B, vary your speed: studies show that walking at different speeds burns you by 20%. more calories than a measured step.

add spices to food

Spices are used not only to enhance the taste of dishes, but also to stimulate certain body functions. A super ingredient that can impact your entire body is turmeric.

“I add turmeric to rice milk in the morning,” says nutrition expert Madeline Shaw.

SPICED MILK: 140 ml milk, 1/4 tsp. turmeric, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1 tsp. fresh grated ginger

cooking method

  • Pour the spiced milk into a small saucepan and heat over medium heat for three minutes.
  • If you want to speed up your metabolism, add finely chopped chili pepper, and to strengthen the immune system, add cumin (it also regulates cholesterol levels).
  • To lower blood sugar levels, add fenugreek to your drink.

turn off electronic devices at night

“Blue light from mobile phone, TV and computer screens inhibits the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone), leaving us unable to sleep and feeling groggy in the morning,” says sleep specialist Dr Charlotte Kemp. 95% of people who text or watch TV in bed suffer from poor quality sleep, putting them at risk for obesity, heart disease and diabetes.


“I remove all gadgets from the bedroom so that I don’t feel the urge to check my email or Facebook,” says Dr. Kemp. If you are one of the 54% of women who are woken up at night by anxiety, start keeping a diary where you can write down all your worries before going to bed. This will help you calm down and be able to deal with problems in the morning.


Cardio training overtakes any other in popularity, but strength exercises - squats and weight lifting - are also very important. "Strength and muscle mass are two of the biggest biological indicators of health," says Jocelyn Thompson Rule, Nike trainer. Power training help prevent diabetes and arthritis, and also maintain muscle mass and speed up metabolism.


For squats, place your feet slightly wider than your hips. Distribute your weight evenly between your legs, squat down as if sitting in a chair, and straighten up, squeezing your buttock muscles. If you excel at squats, add jumping jacks (burpees) - they strengthen the heart, increase endurance, improve coordination and actively burn calories.


From CEOs to celebrities like Lena Dunham and Emma Watson, more and more people are turning to meditation. This is a universal tool for achieving harmony, according to meditation master Jody Shield. “You can meditate at any time - completely free, and it will help you get rid of fatigue and unpleasant emotions.”


We are all very busy, but 10 minutes a day is enough. During lunch, turn off your laptop, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine that you are looking directly at the point between your eyes (third eye). It sounds strange, but it helps to reboot your brain and relieve stress.

watch your posture

As children, we were always annoyed when our parents said: “Sit up straight!” But it turns out that poor posture can cause headaches and even affect our mood. “Posture is the foundation of health,” says senior physical therapist Janani Wijetung. “I meet many people, especially office workers, who suffer from chronic back pain, and the reason is poor posture.”

How to start?

"You shouldn't spend more than 20 to 30 minutes in one position, so take breaks and exercise," says Wijetung. - Walk or stand for a couple of minutes, stretch your neck, shoulder blades, and rotate your body. Repeat each exercise two or three times, holding the stretch for 20 seconds.”

take time for yourself

A study of 3,000 people found a link between self-restraint and four key health indicators: appetite, performance, stress tolerance and good sleep. "It's about emotional flexibility," says Dr Catherine Green, a clinical psychologist at the UK's National Health Committee Foundation Trust in South London. “It’s about embracing complexity and difficult situations rather than avoiding them.”


If you're feeling sad or insecure, Dr. Greene suggests using the following technique: “Talk to yourself like you would your best friend. What would you ask him? How did you cheer up?

combine food

Research from the University of Texas has shown that high sugar intake can lead to breast cancer. Time to limit yourself to sweets. But how? Add more healthy ingredients so as not to feel the need for it. “I have a sweet tooth, so I eat dates and pecans to avoid the chocolate cravings,” says Irene Arango, co-founder and chef of London raw food restaurant Nama.


Arango suggests using date paste, vanilla powder, raw cocoa, coconut sugar, cinnamon and bananas to sweeten coffee, smoothies and cakes. “Plus I stock up on date, almond and protein energy bars so I can indulge in a healthy sweet treat. Another tip is to replace your main meal with a salad with cucumbers, sun-dried tomatoes and sunflower seeds, and then eat a normal lunch, but a smaller portion.”

take vitamin B3

More than 50% of adult women suffer from rashes. Skin care should be comprehensive, but just one vitamin - B3 - can solve this problem. It controls sebum production and reduces inflammation. Add 750 mg of vitamin B3 to your daily diet.


“Good skin equals a healthy life,” says dermatologist Anjali Mahto. - I wash my face with micellar water and use cream with SPF, but I get upset if I don’t sleep or get nervous a lot, so I actively practice yoga and meditation. And a cream with retinoids at night can also help. It removes pigmentation and evens out the skin. I don’t think there’s a female dermatologist in the world who doesn’t use it.”

do yoga

The benefits of yoga are well known, but new research has proven that just 12 minutes of yoga a day can improve bone quality, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.


How to become a good yogi? “Stretch everywhere and on everything (walls, tables) throughout the day. This is one way to maintain flexibility,” says international yoga instructor Irene Pappas, known for her Instagram account @fitqueenirene with 500,000 followers.

Try this stretch: Stand facing a wall at your feet's distance, with your feet parallel and hip-width apart. Place your hands on the wall just below your shoulder line and lower your chest through your hands, forming a right angle. Relax your neck and keep your shoulders tense. You can bend your knees slightly or keep them straight. Stay in this position for 10-15 breaths and repeat whenever you feel like you need a release.

Any problems with well-being affect our quality of life. No one can be at their most productive, happy and cheerful when something is hurting. But, as you know, our well-being is a mirror reflection of our health. Therefore, in order to feel good, you need to take care, first of all, of your health. In this article we will look at 12 tips that will help you feel good.

1. Water will help you maintain your well-being at a decent level. If you experience a lack of fluid, first of all, blood viscosity will increase, and at the same time blood circulation will deteriorate. This will lead to oxygen starvation, making you weak, lethargic, and drowsy. Therefore, carry a water bottle with you everywhere and don’t forget to replenish it, especially if it’s hot outside.

2. Try to gradually reduce the amount of salt you consume. The fact is that salt promotes fluid retention in the body, which is why it does not have time to cleanse itself in a timely manner. If you constantly consume a lot of salt, then over time you may need to detoxify in a hospital, not to mention the fact that this is a huge burden on the kidneys. The accumulation of toxins leads to poor health, increased irritability, and drowsiness.

3. Many doctors still claim that the sun is extremely harmful and dangerous for our health, but in fact, it is impossible to live without it. This is shown by the results of recent studies, which prove the positive effect of sunlight on the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, in case of moderate contact. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive energy and health from this heavenly body. In addition to feeling good, the sun's rays will also provide you with a great mood and a beautiful tan.

4. A balanced diet is the most best diet in the world. Which you can only imagine. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a vegan or a vegetarian, a meat eater or a fruit supporter, in any case you can properly plan your diet to get required amount proteins, fats and carbohydrates, seasoned with vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other vital components.

5. Don't blame yourself for wanting to sleep or being too sleepy during the day. You have nothing to do with it, and your laziness is also not a reason for self-condemnation. Your body simply needs to recover, and there is no way without it. Moreover, he needs to do this regularly, that is, daily. Healthy sleep should be moderately long, deep and sound. Therefore, create all the conditions for yourself and find opportunities to get enough sleep if you want to feel good.

6. Very often you can hear the statement that all diseases are caused by nerves. This is partly true. Every stress does not pass without leaving a trace on our body. After experiencing severe stressful situations, you will feel exhausted, exhausted and empty. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to manage stress in your life.

7. One of the most common causes of poor health is a low level of hemoglobin in the blood. Determining this is quite simple - you just need to take a general blood test. If the deficiency is serious, the doctor will prescribe treatment, and if not, you can restore the composition of the blood with the help of food. Liver, hematogen, vitamin C (citruses, apples, berries), beef - all this should be included in your diet to prevent anemia.

8. We all know from childhood that movement is life. But over the years, for some reason, many people are less and less active. Due to lack of movement, many problems overtake our body, and all because muscle contractions are the only “pump” for lymph, which is a “tool” of the immune system. Move more and you are guaranteed to feel good!

9. An equally important component of good health are positive emotions. Laughter prolongs life, and it's true. Dejection, resentment and other destructive feelings have a detrimental effect on our well-being and health. But there is good news - we ourselves have the right to decide what emotions our lives will be filled to a greater extent.

10. It is worth limiting your sugar intake, especially in the afternoon. This is "energy" for our nervous system, and therefore, excessive sugar consumption depletes the brain, in addition, it is a burden on the digestive organs.

11. Take care to strengthen your immune system. Do hardening - it's not difficult. A contrast shower and walking barefoot are a good place to start. When you feel ready, you can roll out naked in the snow. It is also useful to use antibiotics and antivirals as little as possible. Nature has given us a lot of natural medicines - use them. Honey, raspberries, lemons, herbs are safe, and in most cases no less effective.

12. Use the experience of your ancestors for your health and well-being. Not since yesterday, the bathhouse has been used to cleanse the body, prevent diseases, and improve health. A weekly visit to the sauna will give you back your energy and joy of life!

My mother looks great at 55 years old. By the way, no one gives her her age. I also want to look like this in twenty years, so with her help I made a list of rules and habits that I follow every day. Judging by the mirror, there is an effect!

1. Exercise.

To help me feel good throughout the day, I do a little physical exercise in the morning. You don't have to spend the whole morning doing Pilates or sweating in the gym for two hours. It is enough to do a few simple exercises - walking, running or squats - to immediately feel better. Blood will move more intensely through the vessels, and you will feel a surge of strength. In addition, this approach is also useful for the figure.

2. Full sleep.

I think that in the modern world the problem of lack of sleep has become global. And I was no exception, regularly sacrificing sleep for the sake of work or an interesting movie. Therefore, now I have to get rid of this bad habit - regular lack of sleep is harmful to my health. If you have problems falling asleep, don’t watch TV before bed; it’s better to take a walk for 20 minutes. In addition, do not overindulge in heavy snacks and coffee drinks in evening time.

3. 8 glasses of water a day.

After this rule became a habit, my skin began to look significantly better. But 8 glasses of water is not the same as 4 glasses of tea, 1 glass of water and 3 glasses of coffee. Drinks don't count! Your body needs water, not caffeine and sugar. I put a few liter bottles clean water at home in different places - this makes it easier for me to control my daily 2 liters.

4. Healthy eating.

I think this rule has gotten in everyone's teeth. But most people prefer unhealthy ones, quick products. But you know, it's not that hard to make a habit healthy eating, fortunately with modern kitchen appliances Cooking doesn't require a lot of effort. But after a difficult period of withdrawal, the chips will seem too salty and greasy, and your previously favorite ice cream will seem cloying. In addition, healthy food is good not only for health, but also for your figure.

5. Work.

When you are busy doing what you love, you are happy. And a happy person naturally feels better. Try to make your day more productive - less TV and surfing the Internet, and more useful activities. This approach is good not only for your health, but also for your wallet. I always try in the morning, at the beginning of the working day, to make a list of tasks in order of their importance. Time management allows me to avoid time leaks and work more efficiently.

6. Vitamins.

It is very difficult to create a diet in such a way as to meet the daily need for all microelements and vitamins. In my opinion, this is almost unrealistic. Therefore, 3-4 times a year I take a course of multivitamin preparations with the optimal composition for me.

7. Good mood.

I think that a positive attitude is the key to health and longevity. A good mood helps improve vitality and has a positive effect on human health. The life of a modern person is literally filled with stress, and it is very difficult to maintain a positive attitude. But your positive attitude towards life will help you not only quickly cope with the effects of stress, but also quickly solve any problem. Smiling is good for your heart too.

There are many habits that we can follow every day to make us feel better. Of course, this requires effort - after all, good habits are much more difficult to introduce into the system than bad ones. But, in my opinion, this is completely justified. Now you will have much more strength and energy to achieve your goals.

What do you do every day to feel better?

Many people think that healthy eating is a set of prohibitions and rules, the implementation of which allows you to remain incredibly slim. In this case, an indispensable condition is to deprive yourself of all those foods that you love. But that's not true. Healthy eating means good health, more energy, stabilizing mood, and improved health. And the range of these benefits can be expanded.

Anyone can switch to a healthy diet, all you need to do is make some changes in your diet and gradually eliminate foods that do not cause any harm or are harmful to your health.

It's simple. Instead of focusing all your attention on complicated calorie counting or measuring portion sizes, think about your diet in terms of color, variety and freshness. Focus on finding foods you love and easy recipes that include a few fresh ingredients. Gradually your diet will become healthier and tastier.

Take your time and don’t try to change your diet in one day, make changes slowly. Sudden changes will not bring you any pleasure or benefit, and most likely, you will very soon give up trying to eat exclusively “by the rules”. If you decide to make your diet healthier, move forward in small steps. For example, add to your diet healthy salad, go to olive oil, and then, day after day, exclude “harmful” foods from your diet. Gradually, small changes will become your habit, and you can continue to add healthy ingredients to your diet without pain.

You don't have to be perfect, and you don't have to completely eliminate foods that bring you gastronomic pleasure. To feel good, have more energy and reduce your risk of developing diseases, make a deal with yourself and take things slowly but surely.
Water and exercise

Water. Water helps cleanse your organs of waste and toxins, but many people go through life without even realizing that their bodies suffer from dehydration every day. The result is fatigue, low energy, and headaches. As a rule, everyone makes the same mistake - they drink only when they feel thirsty, while the body needs much more moisture. The feeling of thirst is an SOS signal, the body’s calling cry for help.

Exercises. Choose an activity that you enjoy doing, just like choosing greens for a salad or berries for dessert. Everyone knows the phrase “movement is life.” Live to the fullest, move - this will give you strength and energy, and will also help in your desire to be slim.


People often think that healthy eating is all about moderation. But what is moderation? How much is this in quantitative terms? It all depends on you, your general nutrition and lifestyle. The goal of healthy eating is to develop a diet that you can stick to for life, not just a few weeks or months, or until you reach your ideal weight. So try to think about moderation in terms of overall balance.

For most of us, moderation or balance means eating less. But you shouldn’t think of this balancing act as a complete rejection of the foods you love. If, for example, you love chocolate, eat chocolate and exclude the calories it contains from lunch or dinner. If you're not full, eat an extra portion. fresh vegetables or fruit.

Rainbow in a plate

Fruits and vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet. They're low in calories and rich in nutrients, and they're simply packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

Try to eat fruits and vegetables of all colors of the rainbow every day. Brightly and intensely colored fruits and vegetables contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

White: White vegetables and fruits contain quercetin and allicin. Allicin helps regulate sugar levels, activates the heart, and helps increase the number of beneficial lipids. Quercetin is important for the absorption of vitamin C and the smooth functioning of blood vessels. To provide your body with these substances, eat 1 banana, 10 peanut seeds or one pear.

Yellow: Yellow foods are rich in beta and alpha carotene, as well as beta-cryptoxanthin. These substances neutralize the effects of free radicals and fight aging. Yellow vegetables and fruits also contain carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which help maintain healthy vision. A day you need to eat 1 yellow apple, 2 tangerines or 4 apricots.

Red: Red colored vegetables and fruits contain lycopene and ellagic acid. These components improve performance of cardio-vascular system. To provide the body with these substances, it is enough to eat half a grapefruit, small apple or a couple of plums.

Blue: Blue or purple vegetables and fruits contain anthocyanidins. These substances are important for the circulatory system. Also, products of this color contain resveratrol, which slows down the aging process. Daily norm blue fruits - 1 bunch of grapes, a glass of black currants, 2 figs.

Green: Green vegetables and fruits contain isothiocyanite, which supports normal cell growth, as well as isoflavonoids, which promote bone health. Green fruits are also responsible for normalizing blood cholesterol levels. Eat one glass of green vegetables a day to ensure your body gets these nutrients.