Top pra bread na Belarusska. Poems, verses in the Belarusian language by the poet Yakub Kolas

Castus Larko added his life to bread. Yong is a professional baker, who makes bread, loaves of bread and bread, and wants to remind Belarusians of what love and care is required. Akrom tago, Kastus is a unique blog, where we collect all the important information about Belarusian traditional bread, as well as the feeds, songs and tops, where we remember Iago Vyalikast Bread.

Baker Kastus Larko's great request to give an interview: “It’s good that there is no more bread, I don’t know what magic would be worth it, but I want my right to give away and Belarusian,” - each. This guy is not only a good specialist in his right, he starts his own “bread” project in the community and collects all the important information from bread.

Kastus Larkov

Adnoychy Kastus earned the utmost respect on herself, and then, on the pile of excavations, sometimes the righteousness of the grain exhibition, and then she huddled with the covered, with the dry tank. Yago kіraўnіtstva paprasil pa magchymastsі no longer dig out “apazіtsіtsіy smіkі” on loaves of bread. And in “Nasha Niva” they wrote that the unknown baker of Adysha is not far from the hell of the jackass Khatyn, writing on a loaf of bread the expression “It’s not a problem, if you have bread and water.” Ale Kastus is not invited to the krytyku and the pratsyagvae slave is doing his job with a task.

- Damn it, such a limp greed and bread showed up?

Tsiaper may tsikavasts navat big, chym u 1997 godze. Then I grew up to be a baker, and attended Vitsebsk Culinary School No. 16. Let's not finish with red smoke. Since I was baked in that hour, God knows. And yashche matuli, since it comes to the house in Verkhnyadzvinsk, then I couldn’t live without baking. At home, I rarely do this, and at that moment the neighbors, leaving the quarters, caught our breath, kissed the wind and said: “I’m touching the buns.” Alas, the last few students become disillusioned with their profession. Because the minds of the people from whom I have learned, seemingly softly, were mocking the hell of the minds of the great leaders of the great garads. Pastupova has changed everything and stepped forward, and I have increased my efforts. In 2007, Magiliyevskiy Universitet tavern passed away. It’s already magchy here, with such a bazai, a far away outpost without food and bread... That’s it! Vyrashana Kanchatkova! May you smell like bread!

- How incredible were you when you were in hibernation?

The most incredible things to happen before the exhibition. Then, when you start thinking, when people start studying, you think: “Is this a good idea?” On the holy day you can sustrets shmat baked prygazhostsi. And here the leather baker has his own secrets, I know the secrets of the same, but don’t sleep with them. All of them tortured me for an hour: “What is the crushed bead from, and what is the bead from?” - “Z cesta,” - I say and therefore do not fall.

You not only bake bread, but also act and propagandize everything. Navoshta? We all know that “there is bread over everything”, and “as there is bread, there is a song” and “whoever looks at the sky must sit without bread.”

Pershapachatkova, I want to try to get rid of the captured admirals. I bakers, although I’m marudna, but I’m going to contact. Write, let’s talk about the information, let’s talk, let’s talk about other things. Large active - extreme karstny nets, such as grain jumping. Shmat tykh, who are engaged in baking bread in the household minds, the whole thing is fashionable. You are dying with torture, as soon as the aptymal yakasst will reach you. Well, kagostsi vabits are simple Belarusian words laid out on a loaf of bread. It’s extraordinary, like this exhibition, people are sleeping for bread with inscriptions, reading, smiling, then timidly serious and freely breathing. Tsikava panazirats for this.

- What can you write on bread, and what not?

Bread is an assorted food product, you can’t write anything on it, so you need a choice of ingredients and inscriptions. Bread - geta praca, zhytstso, radzima. Why shouldn't I guess this one more time? By the way, the country asked me to make some inscriptions on the bread, they gave their text, and then learned the bohans with the other, or the adjective, ours, Belarusian. It’s true, no one took pity on me for such savagery.

- How is the Administrator tortured - how to choose a good bokhan from the edge, after what steps, from the edge of freshness?

Thank God, the assortment of the bread addzels is very wide, but, unfortunately, the look is often padmanly. I'm going to make my own purchase from the skinner. This is especially fashionable, for example, dairy food, grain production and food processing. Well, I’m not complaining about my health, maybe because I eat traditional wheat-wheat bread, not made in some subtle way, just in the end, but in the ancestral process, for the leaven of the day. This bread has the color, the water, and the savory taste. The best high-tech, high-tech lances, scrubbing yourself at the skin stage are only the worst, it can’t be unsavoury and not irritating. And how do I advert to other Belarusian garades?, then I add the first bread to the Etykettsy as intended, which is divided into STB-639, which is a warehouse for storing leavened wort, bulbs and sourdough. I wonder that the bread in such warehouses is worse than the vyaskova.

- What is your favorite bread?

Shmat tsikavykh prymavak pra bread can be sustrets, the most popular one is “Bread usyama galava”, but not in our opinion, well rezha wuha, the meaning of lepsha Belarusian adpavednik “Bread at the house gaspadar”. The top taxa is a shame, it’s not skinny paet іmknuўsya close this topic, but asablivа to me the soul of the top of Larysa Geniyush:

Belarusians are coming, they are losing their bread,
on the handbrake.
Bread is like sunshine in the hands, the bokhan of bread is dusty,
and the handler, like their father, is pure.

Bread and salt are just right, we eat them on hand,
We take good care of good people.
We are the sons of farmers,
We are good people, we are great adnosins.

Yashche has great treasures - the old land of songs,
our language is that it is sertsa kranae,
gety voices earth we hell prodka ўzyali
I’ll grab some of the yago.

Bread and salt, bread and salt, pain and pain
Our people carried the hell of the plow with their hands.
You, who took the crane and jumped our soul,
We will pay more for the merit.

Plow in the museum of sleep, sannya and other children
Belarus in all our glory.
We have life and creatures, we have a land of sheep,
and for now we will be kind to the bread of affection.

- Do you drink your own clothes?

I myself want to save the traditions and save the Belarusian bread. The goods of the Akhova remember Minsk nejak prapanavala daluchytstsa yes іх getai on the right, khatsa would have a consultant on technology. Ale pakul distance for razmovy not paid. There would be a sudden outburst. Walking along the streets of Yanka Maura in Minsk, in the distance, on the other side of the supermarket, a loaf of bread is painted on the school. It’s extremely important to be on the safe side, so that the chair can be used as an element of jumping. What a place it was when I left my loaf there. Drobyaz, but successor, nyahay, they are right and they were paralyzed, but are they not known to my ancestors?

Matsi brought adnekul akraichyk bread. DOMA-DOM I looked like a yago, smelled, pavaroled, so I Gat, NIBITA NOT VAYA-LA VACHAM SWAM, STALIA IN THE DALOSY LAYAZHTY BREET-SAPRANSHY BREET, seducted Zystai, without nіyakai premesi, muki, to Pechka, Padada, Pada, on the fresh oak forest, the jumps of the tree jumped onto the skaryntsy. Then yana, as I fell, as soon as the nadta furrow i neakhayna broke the akraichyk napalova: adzin kavalak gave me, and the other fell on the table, fell abrus.

A small acre of bread... Repeat these words several times. Holy words! I, perhaps, not without reason, since I myself am living near the days of my infancy, I realize on my own what a kavalachak of bread means for a fortune-telling day. Although I didn’t know much about war, I didn’t wonder, but I mean the hero of the apocalypse, for whom it was so important to have a life, for whom it was too small for such an akraichyka, so that it would grow matsi, if it would fall, if it would drown out the hunger, so let’s give it a try. istai , as if he was herding his little kavalachka, as if he were a herder at home, for the little kavalachka, for the tiny little ones. And the brother went to bed hungry, he did not fall, even though he spent the whole day.

- Geta Toliku... Vernezza from the forest - then the last one... Well, having learned about the kapanitsa, she went to the agarod to collect the bulb.

I'm a great person. I am that kavalachak of bread that the mother gave me, for the last few moments. I am at home, but I can’t eat it, only to satisfy my hunger. ў on the stove, put a spoon, I ran out into the yard and scurried back to the hut. Then I couldn’t wipe it all off. My goddamn abras suddenly recognized my hand as the bag of bread that I had packed for Tolik, my eldest brother. , peeking. I filled the bread, as I admired the mother. I then realized that the mother had abducted me, my brother packed a lot of bread, which she gave to me. Hell brother Kavalachka, I’ll kill the little one. I’ll throw it in my mouth. Pacha ў zhavat.Kali prakaўtnuў , not respectful, like the fingers themselves, not torturing me for years, they kicked the little one. Little, tiny little thing...

I was in a state of confusion when the pot on my back was full of scumbags.

What am I doing? What can I say matsi, brother, kali return dakhaty?..

Hutsenka-hutsenka I put the skarynachka on the table and put it on the abrus.

Even if there was a whole lot of bread, no matter how bad it was, no matter how bad it was, no matter how bad it smelled, it was so overwhelming that I couldn’t stand it - the pain began to sink, I felt the skin in my hands and in my mouth...

Brother comes back from the forest, like meetings, knowledge.

He spent all his days on the forest floor, absolutely, earning money, whatever he could live for. There was nothing at home for us. naў .

No one - no mother, no Tolik - no one did anything to me.

Not that evening, not Easter. The Yans were the oldest, I was the youngest.

Even if I still remember the bread that lay with my brother and I, and that evening when my brother went to bed hungry, I would not be afraid of myself.

Well, I wish I could add everything, if only I didn’t have such a spam, as if I were to forget, throw it out of my head.

Blog: igprecyp - Uncategorized

Let the hell of Belarus go, if you don’t take this seriously. Asia, Yana. another thing, if you are a part of the city, you can’t vogule not... Belarus loves black bread and sums on it, traps... Damn you, ladies, the cat is killed, for the sake of it. Ukladanne, translation from Polish language, . The people of Belarus want yashche and cyper special falls of the day .. similar to the black ball, and dze yana was stolen from the house .. in the light, reading a book, for hours of mixing, for hours of fun There are tears, and .. Cat, puffing , what a hell. 27 Dream 2013. Prapanavana text - pashyrany perakaz of my German review for the German reader... which is not a gala, neither Belarusian language nor national culture... . I didn’t give up greedily and fell, I jumped at the attack from the chornaga vachka (baligalova). .. Here we need to make a quick trip.

The rule of law requires that the Belarusian peasants are not only cruel. from the very beginning of the national year. .. Kazanya firsts once again with a weakened racha i product and with a limp. A gistaryk song was sung by Abaron Krychav: The blacks were falling.

If only I had been hungry then, if only I had gone to bed without her! Let it not be me, but my brother, for my bread!..

No! You can’t return what happened, you can’t redo it. I from your memory, as it were, will not be forgotten. No, you won’t get over it!.. (466 words)

Nastaunitsa pach. class

ROV “Milyavitskiy VPK d/s – SSH”,

Mastouski district, Grodno region


(for students of the packet classes)

Matt:Farmed pharmaceutical culture is learned from the traditional Belarusian people.

Tasks:caring for thrifty containers and bread, grain and people, such as bread is on our steel; tell us how the bread was coming to be served on our table; Let us know about the abradams and pavers that are associated with bread; learn from any and all pava and practice.

Progress of measures

Manager: Dear guests, our son is holy. Yano sprinkled the bread -Happy life and work. Bread is a sacred word, something soft for everyone yes to the dear land, pavaga and the noble hands of the chalavek; what types of vegetables have grown, andudzyachnasts for the fact that he is on the steel; Why is he feeding us...

1 wuchan: " “We will live with bread” - we will grow up with bread. And this means - people will be well-fed, adzety, we will live well and work.

2 wuchan: Today, we are trying to find out what is the most valuable price for the product, and you understand that it is bread.

Manager: Bread don’t fall from the sky, don’t let us fall from the sky.grow bread kolas, work with dozens of hands.

3 Wuchan: Smell bread market

Bakery is the time of spring,

The schodra serts were killed,They were falling on us.

5 wuchan: Over the field the sky roared,

And the wind brought rain,

At Glebu, who was just pasteled,

Barley kladzesta i aves.

Rakoca traktar tsyagavita,

I through the feel of happy laughter.

Tsyache is a pitiful pitiful

Adborn grain thickens the fur.

Hell of seeders and autumn holidays

Lyatsitsa is far away from the skin,

I pragne purer nasenne

Such pure souls and hands.

Manager: Bread! How capacious are the words, how many strengths, how many virtuespatrabna for tago; to grow bread. Here it is like throwing grainў the earth, and the work of the engineer, who removes grain from the grain, and the work of the engineer,welder worker with new technology. 3 days of bread and our feet people would have shrines.

6 Wuchan: Belarusian bread is used for family talismans, relics,Sacred life and prosperity. Iago abagalili, with him pavodzili themselves as with living story.

7 Wuchan: Kali Vypadkova falls from her hands a kavalak of bread, Iago assyarozhnaPadymalі, prasіlі prabachennya і і і іді, so as not to be stingy.

Manager: Jumping the bread bath was served by the sacred zeitges, withhow many abrada and power were connected. Eight of them:

- First, the meat of the cestus, the woman's pavinna was pamytsa and perachroststsitsya, pazvaўshi ў the testimony of God, so that the bread is successful and good Padishov.

- I didn’t want to waste bread in a crappy mood, because Yakasts swam on Iago .

- The feces and bread are boiling out of the oven, the food was hot this hour rasmaulatsya, sprachotsa in the house, washing up the fallout navedvalnik.

- The past grazing of bread in the oven was never made It was found out on the stoves that the pavins were in good condition.

1 wuchan: Bread would be indispensable for the needs of different types of food holy - matchmaker, vyaselya, radzin, adkrytstsya spring scorching works,bookmarks for a new house. Navat, kali advuchvali dzitsia ad malaka matsi, pitThey gave their hand an acre of bread and said: “Idzi for your bread.”

Inscenario "3 choim bread parauna"

Father: 3 What kind of bread do you give, son?

Son: Bread - geta soneyka chascinka.

Bread - geta joy, shchastse ў hatse,

I Everything is rich and rich!

Autar: Thought about it for a while

I mom told the little guy...

Matsi: No, why don't you give us some bread, son,

Whatever bread is great, it’s too small.A. Dzeruzhynski

Manager: The symbols of the Belarusian Armenian were celebrated.The most popular would be Zhytsen, as I remember the days of the flowers. And that’s how Zhytsen is heard from the folk song:

Come on, Bosha, to the field with snaps,

On the threshing floor we snap, na tanu ўmalotam,

U k letsi - dispute,

In Mlyn- to the pimps, at the dzyazhy - to the paddocks,

At the stove - with padrostam, n and began with profit, with good luck

2 Wuchan: The words "zhyta" pakhodzitsya hell of the words "zhytstso". Eat breadmean, exist and live. As you grow up, you reap. On Vyalikikhpalettes with kambaynami, on small ones - with syarp.

3 Wuchan: Look behind the heavy backpack,

Ledz started early,

Reminiscent little passage,

What a couple,

What a couple.

4 wuchan: Zhyta - zhyta:

Long way -

Hell will light up the scattered, small ones,

Yes, loaves of Arzhanog bread,

Yes, the land is in your hands.

Manager: Zhnivo, as I am - the saint on the right, there is more to comebestowed upon the most respected woman. Yana washed her face and washed it cleana sarochka and a Christmas adzezha, took with her bread, cheese, grammea candle, a jar and a sickle, which I swallowed with Christmas spirit. At middayI went to the field, where I lived, I went into hell for two or three hoursdears, overachieving and pailing, pressed two arms andI laid them on the ground with roofs - covers. Then Yana ate bread, salt, cheese and pressed small sheaves, carried berries and put them on saleimages.

5 Wuchan: I know how the kalasks are ripe

Geta new summer sonny.

Sciples and mauklivy would be amal vidzen;

And on the very right is Vyalika’s belongings.

Bo ў It is important for forty Cossack brothers.

The skin has so many problems with them.

If we never get out of bed on the steel

Tomorrows and meetings there will be fresh, delicious bread.

How do you know, say, these kind of brothers?

Don't let's go to hell. M. Paznyanov. Kalasok

Gulnya "Vyanok"

Vuchni fall on the teams. 3 skins, select three prastauniki. They need to be used on the coolers and on the signal, passing from month after month, don’t let go of the hair, splash the kasu.

Manager : Chalavek and unpaired bread are connected together. I when we drink cotton and bread, which is not important for bread,We pay for the thousands of people who grow bread.

Versh "Bread"

Adnoychy na kirmash far away

Vandrounik is playing in the city

I on your little ball,

Nabity lustay argue.

I can’t even wipe out the bread and so on

Azvaўsya - What are you doing?

Zusim, not you, dzivak.

Alas, I'm sorry.

- Well, what about it, daddy, who is naked! -

That prisoner is strict

I z cyazhkaga myashka svaygo

The bread went to waste.

/ Pashkandyba himself further,

There's nothing wrong with your shoulders.

I'm taking a break. Already ў іmgla

It's almost evening.

It's time for a snack,

I remember the vandrounik bread,

What a nedze, kinuty, lyazhyts,

Dukhmyany and tsudoun!

Jumped on this river,

Maybe at least a little bit.

Ale hungry and sleepy,

You know, you got a crumb of bread

Tsiaper is not happy with himself.

Don't speak, don't lie.

Tsi not vyarnuzza lepsh back

How about bread?

Installation of vandronik i brodze

-Idze fell on the clear skies

Packed for a month, dze

He grazes with bread.

Oh, yang yon would be glad to have some heat,

I'm packing the guy's Strat!

IBread of darkness and earth,

Addaў paklon, yang brotu. M. Tank

Mustache vuchni times: Valuable words are not nonsense,

Don't bother them:Skarynka. Skiba. Lusta.

Akrayets. Loaf. Akraets - way, daroga

I hare's bread. Skarynka - sum, trivoga

I the pain of the past war. And skiba is Viasnova’s day.

Rallya. Plows. Syauba, Our bread is fresh,

Pratsyag and baratsba. And lusta are nourishing words,

Spiritual and shchodrae,

Yano ad llatsi hearty

Tsi congratulations-black.

And the loaf is a hanging loaf,

Yuletide Jana.

Not on the handbrake

I am joy and wine.

I there are no hedgehogs on the right here,

And in a savory combination of words,

I ў fresh winds of life,

I ў call kalasov... P. Panchanna. Bread words


1 wuchan : Get up in a circle, loaf,

Whoever you want, choose and heaven!

Loaf : Baker!

He didn’t warm his side on the stove -

I baked a loaf of bread for the guys.

Baker, play with us,

Whoever you want - choose!

Penar : Miller!

He didn't talk nonsense

And he ground the grain into flour!

Melnak, play with us,

Whoever you want - choose!

Miller : Farmer!

He didn't lie in the shade

And he raised and reaped bread!

And the reward is a harvest!

Invite everyone to the holiday!

P. Rudenko. Bread

Bread is obtained through labor,

Without being born by itself.

Bread is not just wealth,

Bread is our support.

"If there is bread, there will be a song!"

The truth is in these words.

There will be full bread

There will be joy in the eyes.

Everyone is involved in bread.

Let's all be careful.

There will be bread - there will be happiness,

There will be life on earth!

NAME SCEPANIDA LUPACH Nyadauna has become familiar throughout the country. I prychynay tamu - bread. Yana not only saved the traditional baking of Arzhanog bread, but also donated her surplus to the producers. In the past months, Arzhan bread Scepanida Lupach would have been included in the Dzyarzhaina list of historical-cultural chestnuts of the Republic of Belarus!

Pledge of happiness and blessing

Pra bread Scepanida Lupach can be used day and night.

Bread goes well with other food products. The hedgehog began and ended. She is a savior to the members of this field. With them, the pranksters and right-wingers of the family, from the matchmakers, at the wedding, the pranksters of the young. Abavyazkova yon svyantsіў on Vyalіkdzen. The saints took bread for the new hour, when they harvested the first and last sheaves, when they built a house, when they laid the foundation and when they first built a new hut. Never before has bread been fed. As soon as the first step was cleared out, the Svyantsons gave bread to the carts.

Many herbs were eaten with the bread, and there the hellish berries on the steel were seen jumping around among the poor people. As if there was little bread in the house, the meetings said. And all the time they gave it to the wife, because the skin bastard was raking bread in her own way, the muggle was spoiled by the wife, and the sour was disappearing from the pot. Kali touched the first lust - they began to cry.

Never when baking bread Scepanida Lupach do not get into a bad mood, but you need to respect what you have, because the meetings are fun and friendly. Well, the practice itself jumps to the janchynay zhytnyaga bread nagadvae ўrahysty ritual with the acquisition of folk traditions:

“My zen loaf is no more charming,” says Scepanida Alyaksandraina. - And you have a secret that I know, how to acquire the rightful product. As soon as I take the flour, how to create the leaven and how to form the knead!

The fishermen are with the boss!

Of course, my dear, I want to know a little bit, who is Scepanida Lupach? Damn it's all right?

I gave birth to Yana from Palessya, from the farm of Paulava, in Berastseyshchyn. Father had a great time. Among the rumors, most of the shares fell right into the Urals, but unfortunately they turned out to be so. I think it’s true that there’s a lot of good there, but there’s nothing good about us.

At the village of Dzerkaushchyna, on Glybochchyna, Scepanida went to her two sisters and found herself here. She spent her time working at a plant plant, as a salesperson, as a farm worker in the rural Savets, as a cook at a school, and as a fisherman at a rural club. On the right was a pension. For some people, this couple is not the end of life. For Lupach, everything was just right and it was painful. Reminder yourself: from the fishing club of the Zavaratskaya club, I stanovіtstsa adrazu yago... riddle. With this sudden change, the life of the weights has changed. Vyachorki, exhibitions of folk art, and concerts of traditional samadza on various saints have become traditional. It’s true, but let’s say that the navat were asleep, who never sleep.

Yashche two bastards Scepanida worked in the Dzerkaushchyn Bible. Yana didn’t drink anything from the whole pack, but she walked away from them with a bag filled with books, at the most distant place: Alkhovik, Sazonaushchyna, Volkaushchyna. Yana was to their informants, as well as to the Gaspadars and the region, and simply to kind, helpful gifts, chalaveks, like the adjudicators of someone else’s misfortune.

It’s not surprising that the change of name Scepanida Lupach became an initiator, and then and the other arganizators of the future of the kingdom of St. Pancelyaimon in Dzerkauschyna: collected pennies, provided useful materials , was with the workers. The Ruler of Polack and the Archbishop of Glybotsk, Feadosius, arrived at the entrance of the kingdom, showing their zealous support.

Well, no matter what Scepanida Aliaksandraina did, she never forgot about her hobby - baking bread.

“It’s been a year since I’ve been retired,” everyone said, “and yet, rightly, growth is not going to happen.” I've been obsessed with it since I was young. Hell passed on to the mother. There were a lot of people, and the mother often baked us buns and donuts. Well, the bread would be the most delicious. From my mother I learned the gestation of the cestus, the flesh of the yago. Kali got busy with hers, the dachshund fell in love with the delicious baked goods. Further - pain. She stitched the heels for the hangers, for the holy saints, and for the first delegate.

Bread supply Scepanida Lupach taught her daughters, mentor Galina Babrovskaya and great-grandfather Valyancin Gigol, and taxama źnuka – student of the Polack Dzyarzhayana University Natalya Babrovskaya, student Entku of the Belarusian Dzyarzhaўnaga University named after M. Tank Yana Babrowskaya and student of the Dzerkaushchynskaya Secondary School Aliaksandra Babrowskaya.

Maystar shchodra share your secrets with students of the butcher school, mentors, cultural workers. At Dzerkynschynski, the culture of the Culture of the I, the sabers of the sabrans of the sabrans of the fota-і videamatereyal, the dodgadaniykh raceps, the yakiystoyavae szapanіd for the jumping of bread, Bulak, Artusa, Ragegenі, Kvass.

Scepanida Lupach is an active part of international, republican, regional and military measures: “Kvitney, Glybochchyna”, Belarusian national cuisine “Belarusian Prisms”, festivals Valu “Slavic Bazaar”, Zen of culture of the Vitsebsk region in Minsk. I laid bread in Jerusalem, laid it in the grave of God. Then the Getae drank the bread and distributed it to the pilgrims.

...An employee of the regional metadychnag center Natalya Nikifarovich, who ripped up the papers for the special baking of Arzhanog bread. Scepanidai Lupach on the committee of the Ministry of Culture and not a day in the life of the rulers, I jumped two times:

- Narajenne bread - meetings tsud! Haloўnae, mets tsyarpenne і any da pravo, yak pachynaya. At the same time, we expanded the process, kneaded the process, laid out the molds and set the oven. And then with the unsurprising Chakali, Kali Budze Gatov. I eight - yon! The whole thing has a smell: some are unusual and mysterious. The clutch of the Alexander is closed with the handbrake as soon as it stops. Bread is holy!.. Bread of heaven lives!..

Uladzimir SAULICH, “BN”

Photo of Natalia NIKIFAROVICH

Recipe hell master

Baking a lot of bread is made up of several stages: sprouting a bath of kvass (sourdough), kvass, which is used to make bread, kneading and directly baking bread.

  • KVASNIK: Sprinkle sifted flour (3 kg) in a rolling bowl and pour in water, stir until the mixture becomes thick until there is no scum. And as soon as it’s hot, we put it near the stove until it’s hot (the ore has become hot).
  • KVASS: Just for two gadzinas, we take the kvass out of the oven, put all the masa in the dziezhachka, when it comes to abavyazkova, we add the adzezhka, fill it with cold water (you can do it well), stir it well, cover the denkam, add the zverhu, add the kvass.
  • RASHCHYNA: Just 2-3 days we ferment the kvass and make the bread. Kvass May zhouty color. We drain the berries, throw out the pulp, pour out the mixture and add sifted flour. Mix well (knead with your hands) and leave for a whole month until it becomes sour. Gets pratses rastsyagvaetstsa gadzin on 12 ci pains, at zalezhnastsi hell temperature. Kali rashchyna vykhadzitsa i apadze, adrazu we step and zameski cesta.
  • Kneading: In our country we add flour, kmen, salt and sugar until thick and mix well until it becomes fluffy. We smooth out the cesta and put on the cap. Cover the denkam, damn it.
  • BAKERY: The stove needs to be touched so that the target becomes light. We plunder the heat with a kacharga on the hearth of the stove, and don’t lie down, don’t let the pakul burn. At the bottom of the stove we have a great place to eat. Then the heat, as it stagnates, we grab it forward with the kacharga. “It’s hot when it’s hot, if it’s good enough to bake the abyss.” Sadzim bread on a dry paw, which was sprinkled with wild pamola flour, on the leaves of maple, aerus, oak and a layer of berries on the very center. Then close the oven damper. As soon as the oven is closed, we put a bottle of water on the table and throw in a dumpling of cesta. Kali this dumpling floated - the bread was gatova. When the bread is ready, we set the table with a clean handbrake and abrus. We wash the skin of the bokhan with water, place it on the table and cover it with a handbrake.


Yakub Kolas

Stop, guys, stop, brothers!
Stop, our effort!
Oh look at us on the tent
Life is new, it's clear.

Why don't we, guys, shake our hands?
Why doesn’t God give us strength?
Above our native land
Isn’t it enough to change your will?

Let's go out and work,
Let's become friends, like a scyana,
I laundress hell of sleepiness
Our efforts are with us!

Yakub Kolas

I have a bright vision from the bottomless rocks.
The eternal sky is a dark and leaping place.
There is a certain link, a dry muslin,
Only their names, I don’t know the name.

Kindly give me a sharp look: Spachyn!
Oh, my little vandron, you suck, my dear!
You bear the pity of the distant people,
Atam zhurbotny ў holy padarozhi.

Bright star, you are a bright little fellow,
My thoughts are on the roof,
I'm glad you're sleeping!
Oh no, you are far away, your heat is cold.
My evening is not supposed to be gloomy.
The harp is broken - by what hand?

Yakub Kolas

Idze is clear now, thank God!
The snow will melt from the damp earth;
Papsavala darogu,
Peravaly went on a spree.

The sun is warmer, faster;
The ice is wasted on the rivers.
Tseply vetser pavyavae,
The gloom of the Dazhlivykhs is upon us.

Everything and everyone seems to be
The geese are screaming,
Shpak is crucified on the oak tree,
The cranes are already croaking.

I winter, like smoke, disappeared!
Greener meadow, rally.
I'm in pain like hell, I'm so sick
Our native land.

End of summer

Yakub Kolas

You're a honey, leta,
The sad song is sung,
It was fun!
Take a drink
Shchodrast yours, gifts -
Sun and holy.
Tseshila you dzetak
You're kind, getak -
Match with your hand,
Let the young one go,
I drink water
I clean myself with doggy style,
Field and forests,
Singing - galasami
Your clear zen.
Washed by their race,
Sing your face
I lost them...
...Charay asalodu
Cherpali, like water,
I know, over the edge.
Patch of summer!
So let's go geta
Shchyrae "be there"!

Budz Cwierdy

Yakub Kolas

You don't rot, brother, no more
I'm fucking pahilai,
The springs of their own share
Forge a sweet smile!

At least it seems that there is a slope
Don't worry, -
Don’t call: from the yoke-jumper
This word came out.

Don't worry, don't worry
You're on your way,
Get rid of the bad things yourself,
Give a gift yourself!

At least help you people
Adshukatsya dears,
And sub "is, you know you're going to be
Absorb the steam.

Don’t flock to the strong, my friend,
Bo don't go out of the way,
Stratsish in the image of bosque,

І ў people you pay stratіsh -
I will tell you:
Lepsh zmagazza free, brace,
Chym tsyarpets dy gnuzza.

Dzed Maroz

Yakub Kolas

Khodzits dzed belabarody
Fields, forests, copses,
The frozen rivers are covered with ice,
Brylyantsy snow sparkles.

Sprinkled frost on the birch trees,
Tulitsa trees light feathers,
Covered runes, herbs, vines
White posslkay-kazhuham.

Dzeda's feet are moving here,
And come to us on the mountain
Adpachytsya roof with gifts,
Sitting on the green grass is important.

And Yalinka!.. Only often
On yaya nyama galinki!
The bright vigil and the frog
In shiny baby birds.

There is a fox, a bunny, a mouse,
Fish, beads and ties.
And how do they sit on her bump,
Heavens and their diamonds!

Kalya Christmas trees Karagoda,
Songs, Gutarka is alive,
And that dzed belabarody
Only you let out laughter.

So let's pour out the kola shyrai,
Let's dance on the pamos,
Call a song, sing a song
Let's get through the gentleman.

Yakub Kolas

It's good time for a hole!
It's easy to breathe there!
Khmarki belya marudna
Swim behind the laces.

Wind of paint just a little bit,
The grass is wandering,
The meadow is green with life breathing -
The horses are shaking.

The vines don’t die,
The noise is constant and whistling,
Ў seal the bright plaque
There is a leaf on the crust.

Singing songs and ringing bells
All over the meadow,
I tremor over him, the green one,
Live the creative spirit.

It's clear on the field

Yakub Kolas

I love provolle
Shirokіh paleў,
Green Mora
Rye kalasov.

I high school
Syalyanskih palos -
I love tsyabe, field,
I love your reach.

Old toys
Why make noise?
Green boundaries,
A distant surface.

I love gifts
What lay between the mountains,
Onize pad garoi
Ruccia conversation.

I love Uzgorians
I mound-mound,
I blue dalechi
Vast fog...

I love to show off
On a clear field,
Yak windy zhartlov
Sail away.

Kalyshazza zhyta,
Please, by the way,
And praising pavetra
Jerky and twitchy...

I love provolle
Shirokіh paleў,
Green Mora
Violent kalasov.

In summer adpachynak

Yakub Kolas

We can lie on the table with papers,
A charmer, like a mother, a hundred...
And I really want to grab the doors,
To the courtyard of the heavens, far away,
Agledziets hmar karalavou nits.

I love them, I love them dearly
I am free to roam on the dreamy path,
Ikh sparki growth, commercial adzenne,
I love gazing, like the sky sutarenne
Take away their shaggy fear.

Charnilnitsa May look at the dakora
I think, napeina: “Oh, gultay!”
And then I adore the pakoray:
“I’m just getting ready, I’ll be back soon,
Hvilinachka, little girl, get dirty!”

I'm fighting for the animals! - I'm free.
That's what the prastor told you!
Kuchmaty forest, tulny meadow and field...
I see what's going on in the dark places,
I bachu - hmara tsisnetsa na bor.

I'm going to thank you for the hell of a getai.
There is a hammock between two pines.
I feel the thunder of a dull roaring dze-ta.
I’m in a hammock, - I’m singing the spell, the sweetheart of summer,
Charnilnitsa told me there: - Laidak!

Mayu friend

Yakub Kolas

We have given a considerable gift
On a stranger and on a native land.
Seasons of spring and winter,
And reptiles swam after reptiles.

Shmat navali we are krosen shaukovs
From our dumak-lyatunak and March;
The willow oak trees sustrakal us,
And the laces gave us their gift.

Pa-nad račkai u luze kvyatsistym
We had been there more than once;
Centuries-old oaks with yellow leaves
They told us strange tales.

Cranes flew over the field,
Taking the summer with you,
Let's walk forever in freedom
With an unactressed tsikhai zhurboy.

Eh, you didn't miss a beat!
Is it possible to measure them, evil?
We packed two potassiums,
Alas, the song is hell and it’s loud.

About that song that I don’t care about,
Absolutely, where do I live forever?
I want, my dear friend, to remind you
Jumping old bastards.

Yakub Kolas

The pocket is empty. Only hundred
Steamy flock,
Yes shpaki kala dearogi
The whole point is hellishly screaming.

The buckwheat is harvested. The goal is in the field.
Zhyta zvezena daўno.
Only swim in freedom
Heaps of khmar, yak valakno.

Dozhdzhik sow besprastanku;
Vetzer svishcha like a beast...
How many luzhyn kalya ganka!
And grazi, grazi tsaper!

The grass is dried up, everything is wilted.
Slots, splash, cold, tsma.
Eh, I wish I could close it
It's a dark winter!

For navuka

Yakub Kolas

Races and distances whirl by,
Spiderlings have made spiderlings
You made me happy
Pile of white reds.

Khodzitsa Vetser field with sumptuous spevam,
Dze zhyttso rune new seva.
Damn us, you, leta,
Zhautaliscem forest adzeta.

It's over, dzetsi, your festivities
Kalya light rivers, Kalya puni,
I'm on my little dog,
I'm a little green little duck.

Pahavayan woods, arrows, bows,
Prystupitse, dzetsi, yes navuki,
If everything was neat,
Kab vuchytstsa on "issued".

So we're going to have a hard time in the winter;
Viasna vernettsa, and with it - vyrai,
We know we're walking around in Slava,
We collect fresh berries.

Belarusian people

Yakub Kolas

You are wet, you are dying, the song of the pack,
Our land is in chaos!
People of Belarus! Break your bonds!
Sing a new song!

It is friendly and suitable to become a partner.
The share itself is not good,
Will not go to us with diligence,
Sideways darog yo yama.

People! Prakanay: only we ourselves -
Doli svae kavali.
Godze, don't worry about us,
Run away from our native land!

We don’t need any nasty pain -
We will live without master.
You yourself are more like the sky! -
Let's say this yes xianzo.

Let's forget about these boundaries,
What's right without us?
The wounds are deep, oh, so fresh!
The fire never stops.

We were killed - who? Strangers,
Tsemnykh darog makhlyars.
To hell with their boundaries! To the hell of the border!..
Drive us out here, bars!

We ourselves will become gaspadars,
Let's ratify our belongings!
Godze of that kryuda! Ў keep up with your brothers
Let's go and call our region.

Oh, these knobs are so hot!..
To the evil we are the choir galasy:
Oh, you are from our native land,
Our palettes, shades!

You are dear to Sir Nasha, gmahi
Forests, meadows and pale trees!
The gentlemen listened to us all the time,
We know what's going on...

Smoknі zha, sіkhni, song pakuga!
Our land is in chaos!
People! Volunteer, break your bonds,
Sing new songs!

Adlet zhuraulyo

Yakub Kolas

White felts
Scelyuzza over the valleys.
Birds don't sleep,
Ditch the forest sholam.

Scelyuzza valokny,
Tchetsa pavutsina -
Autumn is near, near,
Troubled hour!

Zazhurytsa sky,
Skhovaney is gloomy,
I Agornuts Sertsa
It’s a pity for me and Mary.

Summer is freezing,
They're chatting in the distance,
Sirace river,
Khaladzeyuts praise.

Stomlenasts, stomlenasts...
Think about it...
Shh! what kind of buzz is that?
Do you smell the prastors?

Pathetic jumper
Liuzza in the sky,
I hear their voices,
Meadow, marshes, bows.

In the deepest sky
Little laces
Cranes on the rise
Mknuzza over the little ducks.

Menshytstsa cord,
In the fall,
Eight ice-ladz more charming,
Mig - and disappears.

I stay, you are vague,
You've been wondering for a long time,
As if there was something wrong,
And what - you don’t know.

So it's time to part
Here you are, who is dear to the heart,
Adchuvaesh smutak
Squeeze the struts.

I look at Maukliva
I'll give you a gift,
Why don't I leave
I give you my soul.

At our native meats

Yakub Kolas

Praz five bastards I know I’ll visit Wusce,
Prytulak dum, abrans my kutok,
Dze vysitstsa Vustsyanski my breast
І vetser lyogenka gidaetstsa na kuste.

I’m going to rest my feet.
I am in turmoil, for I am a guardian,
I need to go on ўspamіn,
I will not say, I covered with a galava.

The breasts are still as fresh as ever,
Gvazdzichka is white, savory on it,
As soon as I see it, I’ll look at others,
Like an oak tree it is old, and grows old.

I flock, I move, I look at the meat, -
They have changed, and it is difficult to recognize them.
The oak army was in full swing,
Like the people of our native land.

Byazlyuddze, tsish. Tall grass
Vustsyanskaya forest thickets.
Byareznichak will work on the ground,
Atulvae decomposed needles.

Darozhki of the one who ran to Balachantsy,
Nyama nіdze - lost in the grass,
May my memory live on,
Like the shmat that came to the palyans.

And you, whom I knew so closely,
Already yum: who moved out himself
To the aposhny rubies in the world,
Dze kryzh staіts zhurbotna – nerukhomy;

The war has driven others to a distant light,
And many of them never came back;
And the three highest, fascist publications,
And their native land did not take them.

And everything is here for me, I won’t throw it at you,
Nagadvae ab zhorstkastsakh vaina.
The forests are famous, and the parasnik is violent
Long live the fabric that lasts forever.

Let's live, the strength will rage, -
Hey, please, whoever you are, sleepy.
I'm dying for nothing, I'm dying for nothing,
I need to take off my wings.

I know that all wounds are healed:
Zharyshch region is pasture, blossoming
In all your beauty and glory, -
Our path is faithful, let the people of Pavyansk go!

And I just hate this hill:
There's no way I'm thinking about it,
Who is the flock with, with whom I would be happy, -
You are gone, bright-eyed star.

Asaji back!

Yakub Kolas

Drenna my life,
Everything is not right,
I shout to me here:
“Asaji back!”

My God, you are sweet!
B" I'm like a bastard,
Just don't touch me -
“Asaji back!”

I remember I'm sad
My matchmaker would be kind.
The dzeutsy stuck their noses in -
“Asaji back!”

Dzeuka was important
Hey sir Kandrat
I'll fall naked -
“Asaji back!”

Trapіў times at the city,
There will be a parade,
I'm climbing forward -
“Asaji back!”

The gates are empty,
Zhyta vybў grad.
- Give me some loans, elder.
- “Asadzi back!”

I'll lose a drop of money,
I'm glad to make money.
- How much work?
- “Asadzi back!”

I myself am disorganized,
The robe is off her shoulders.
- Pamazhetse, people!
- “Asadzi back!”

Son of yours and people
I would take Ignat out.
- This is my son, gentlemen!
- “Asadzi back!”

Bread was sent in bulk,
There's a lot of hungry people there.
I'm happy for the balls -
“Asaji back!”

Galava I may:
I would be a deputy.
- You don’t bother with the census,
“Asaji back!”

It's true, what a mystery
You will be my charmer;
Twice per life
I'm a loser.

I'm rebelling.
Oh, what a great year!
In short:
- Get out, you bastard!

Geta, you bastard,
Are the people rebelling?
Gay, garadavya,
Give me a hole, you bastard!