The benefits of yogurt for the body. Yogurt at home

Hi all! The benefits of yogurt for the body are considered undeniable; it is one of the fundamental components for a balanced diet that keeps our body healthy. Yogurt is a product of a group of probiotics containing several colonies of living microorganisms that have a positive effect on our well-being. The word probiotic comes from Greek and means “for life.”

About the benefits and properties

In folk medicine, it is believed that health begins with the intestines, that is, if the intestines are in order, then the whole body is healthy. And yogurt is one of the most intestinal-friendly products, its main health benefits are:

  1. Digests easily. An example of this is that many people who are lactose intolerant can enjoy this product without problems.
  2. It contains more than one hundred million living bacteria, a lot of vitamin B. These bacteria help fight all types of infections in the digestive system.
  3. Helps stabilize intestinal flora and microorganisms in the digestive system. Its bacteria convert the sugar in regular milk, also known as lactose, into lactic acid.
  4. Prevents the development of harmful bacteria in the intestines, which usually get there as a product of the decomposition of eaten food. Therefore, yogurt helps fight diarrhea and constipation.
  5. Reduces cholesterol levels, promotes fat absorption and reduces the negative effects of antibiotics. Also contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus - essential minerals for maintaining healthy bones.
  6. This is a food that is generally suitable for everyone, on any type of diet. Many culinary recipes and folk remedies include it as a base. This comes from the fact that yogurt is a healthy source of nutrition.
  7. Some people use yogurt as the main ingredient to make homemade natural creams and masks. They help improve the condition of the skin and can be used for all skin types as a regenerative exfoliant, that is, to cleanse it of dead particles.
  8. Some studies have shown that yogurt can prevent the growth and fight vaginal yeast bacteria through regular use. There are several cases where good results were obtained in the fight against candidiasis.
  9. Increases disease resistance: Regular consumption of yogurt stimulates the immune system.
  10. Helps in cases of cardiovascular diseases.
  11. Prevention of osteoporosis at any age (yogurt provides 70% of the total calcium requirement in the diet, so this food becomes an abundant natural source of calcium).
  12. Lactic acid bacteria increase the effectiveness of various human immune functions, including stimulating the action of antitumor function, which delays (or prevents) the appearance of cancer. A person who regularly consumes natural yogurt reduces the risk of developing colon and breast cancer.
  13. This is an excellent antiallergic remedy: when the intestines work better, allergies caused by intoxication of the body decrease or disappear.
  14. The benefits of yogurt for weight loss are undeniable if you consume a low-calorie product. It also helps in cases of anorexia and bulimia, its high content of calcium and high-quality protein, vitamins and carbohydrates, significantly restores the body's defenses.
  15. This product is very useful for people suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, as well as those who take a lot of medications. Yogurt in the diet is almost mandatory in many medical institutions.
  16. Helps cure celiac intestinal flora and better absorb nutrients.
  17. For those who are lactose intolerant, yogurt can be a very healthy replacement option.

Benefits for beautiful skin

If health begins in the intestines, then we can say that beauty too. Yogurt is really beneficial for healthy skin because it cleanses the intestines. Thanks to this, nutrients are absorbed and assimilated more efficiently, toxins and harmful waste are removed, which immediately affects the skin. Therefore, we can say that the benefits of homemade yogurt (store-bought ones often contain flour and a lot of refined sugar), when consumed regularly, greatly contribute to youth and overall beauty, and also prolong life and make it healthier.

The benefits are manifested not only when the product is consumed internally, but also when applied directly to the skin or hair as a mask. Yogurt gives the skin freshness and a very youthful appearance.

Here are two skin mask recipes that are very effective not only in maintaining youth but also help cure some diseases such as acne, dryness and dullness. However, it should be remembered that skin health does not come from the outside, but from the inside, and one of the key points is the proper functioning of your intestines and kidneys.

Rolled oatmeal and yogurt mask

Used to exfoliate, rejuvenate and deep cleanse the skin.


  • Cup plain yogurt (unsweetened)
  • Two tablespoons of rolled oats
  • One tablespoon of pure honey

Yogurt and lemon juice mask

It serves to help heal wounds or ulcers on the face, and is very useful for maintaining good condition of hair and scalp.


  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Teaspoon of olive oil
  • A cup of homemade yogurt without sugar

Procedure for preparing the mask:

  1. Mix all ingredients well (you can do this in a blender)
  2. Wash your face thoroughly at night with mineral water.
  3. Pin up your hair and apply the mask like a cream without stretching your skin.
  4. If you want to apply the mask to your hair, do it by lightly massaging the roots.
  5. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes and then rinse off.
  6. You can apply moisturizer to your face.

Who shouldn't

Despite all the above benefits when using yogurt, it should be consumed with caution by people suffering from chronic diseases of the stomach and urinary system; it is advisable for them to consult a doctor.

It is also better to make your own yogurt at home, or buy it without flavorings, which may contain harmful chemicals and preservatives.

Hello, friends!

Topic of today's article: Homemade yogurt benefits. First of all, friends, let’s dot all the i’s regarding the beneficial properties of yogurt.

In general, the benefits of yogurt itself (sold through the retail chain) are due to the presence of the following beneficial properties:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins C;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • molybdenum.

If you see other microelements and vitamins on the yogurt label, know that these products are artificially enriched. And yet, the live lactic acid healthy stick is not available in all yoghurts sold through the retail chain of stores. The shelf life of such yoghurts is 3-5 days. Undoubtedly, such yoghurts contain preservatives that allow a temperature not exceeding 80 * C, so some of the enzymes, microorganisms and vitamins are preserved in them.

Other yoghurts with a shelf life of 1 month. and no longer have any value for the human body. This product (that’s what it’s more correct to call it) is stuffed with preservatives, synthetic colors and sweeteners. There is no benefit from it, except perhaps only harm, it is a dead product. The benefits of homemade yogurt in this regard there is no doubt. It contains live active bacteria capable of maintaining the microflora of the body. Only living bacteria destroy the proliferation of pathogenic microflora on the skin and mucous membranes. In general, this protects the body from various kinds of diseases (including dysbiosis).

And now about the benefits of homemade yogurt and how to prepare it:

Method number 1. For this you will need a yogurt maker. It’s easy to prepare yogurt in it; it will take no more than 10 hours; if you prepare it in the evening, you will get a delicious and healthy breakfast in the morning. Undoubtedly, the cooking time depends on the amount of starter; it is preferable to take live natural yogurt for this (without berries and fruits, they can be added to the finished product before eating, otherwise they can cause the growth of putrefactive bacteria).

For example, you can use yogurts with a shelf life of no more than 5 days (Biomax, Activia or bioyogurt) or a special “Narine” starter as a starter. It is preferable to use bioyogurt since it can later be used as a starter. Just leave a little for preparing subsequent portions; one glass will be enough (enough for 10 preparations).

And so, preparation: 1 l. Boil milk for 5 minutes. (no less), cool to 40*C, then add 70 ml of starter to it. If more milk is taken, then the starter is taken from this calculation. Using bio-yogurt ratio per 1 liter. milk + 1 glass.

When starting cooking, make sure that the dishes are perfectly clean (container, spoon, cups, thermometer), and the temperature is within 380-40*C. The mixture of milk and starter is placed in a yogurt maker, where the temperature will be maintained within the required limits. When the healing drink is ready, it is poured into clean jars and stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of homemade medicinal yogurt is no more than 1 week.

Other ways to make homemade yogurt will be discussed in the following articles.
Good luck to you friends and health!

Yogurt can be considered the most popular fermented milk product. Both children and adults enjoy it; it is included in diets and used in cosmetology. Not all yogurts presented on store shelves can benefit the body. Most of them undergo heat treatment and they become useless for health.

Only natural yogurt containing live bacteria can bring real benefits to the body, of which 1 gram. the product must contain at least 107 CFU.

The benefits of yogurt are determined by the beneficial properties of the milk used for its preparation. This product has features - these are live bacteria, which make it unique. Bifidobacteria are able to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria that cause many diseases. They normalize intestinal microflora, neutralize the harmful effects of nitrites and suppress fungi. Thanks to this, live yogurt will become an assistant in the fight against gastrointestinal problems. It will help prevent candidiasis and colon cancer.

Another great thing about yogurt is that, unlike milk and other dairy products, it does not cause allergic reactions in people with lactose allergies. During the ripening process, living bacteria process almost all the lactose and release substances that facilitate the absorption of the product. Yogurt improves the intestinal absorption of other foods.

Eating a glass of yogurt in the morning and evening is possible, since the bacteria contained in it stimulate blood cells that fight infections and force the body to actively produce the protein interferon, which is the body’s natural defense.

Correct composition of yogurt

The benefits of yogurt are not limited to the content of live bacteria. This product contains many useful substances. It contains vitamins PP, C, A and almost all B vitamins, sodium, potassium, fluorine, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids and saturated fatty acids. This composition of yogurt makes it a valuable product that should be present in the diet of adults and children.


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About yogurt

Yogurt (tour: yoğurt)- a very valuable dietary fermented milk product for the body, obtained by fermentation.

Natural yogurt is made exclusively from high-quality fresh milk and a starter containing cultures of lactobacilli bulgaricus and lactobacilli thermophiles, and sometimes Lactobacillus acidophilus (this culture is not added to all yogurts, but sometimes it is added additionally, this microorganism is very useful for the colon, so look for Lactobacillus acidophilus in the list of yogurt ingredients), the amount of these cultures in the finished product at the end of the shelf life is at least 1 * 10^7 CFU (colony-forming units) per 1 g of product. (food additives may be added, fruit , vegetables and their processed products). During the processing of milk protein, these bacteria produce nutrients necessary for the human body, lactose contained in milk is converted into lactic acid, and yogurt acquires its unique taste.

At the same time, yogurt is absorbed better than whole milk (by about 60%), and the shelf life of yogurt is longer than that of milk, since lactic acid acts like a natural preservative .

As a result of bacterial activity, yogurt contains much more vitamin A B12, vitamin B3 and vitamin A than milk . B vitamins are necessary for obtaining energy from food, normal functioning of the nervous system and regulation of cholesterol in blood. Vitamin A helps maintain skin health and eyes, it is also necessary to fight infections.

Svetlana Dimitrieva, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of DP of the Russian Agricultural Academy:

“Lactic acid bacteria tend to suppress the growth of harmful microflora, which is why they are so useful for digestion and for intestines . That is why preservatives are not used in yoghurt in principle - they are simply not needed there, because harmful microbes are dealt with by healthy ones. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers are knowledgeable enough in such matters, and it is easier for them to play it safe and “boil” yogurt than to take the risk and produce a “live” product. “And we end up buying and eating yoghurts, thinking that we are taking care of our health, but in fact we are not bringing any benefit to the body.”

Regular consumption of natural yogurt provides the body with the necessary amount of nutrients and vitamins. You can add fresh fruits and berries to natural yogurt, and you can use it as a dressing for vegetable dishes.

The history of this ancient product is shrouded in legends. The first mention of yogurt dates back to approximately 6000 BC. In Ancient Greece and Rome, yogurt was an indispensable attribute of a gourmet feast.

Yogurt came to medieval Europe from the Mongols, becoming widespread there both as a nutritious food product and as an effective means of traditional medicine.

Fermented milk is also mentioned in the chronicles of the Crusades, where the legend is told that King Francis 1 of France owes his miraculous healing to a medicine based on yogurt and prescribed to him by a doctor from Constantinople.

In the USSR, yogurt has been produced since the 20s of the 20th century, and was sold in pharmacies as a medicine. The countries of the Balkan Peninsula, or rather ancient Thrace, are considered the birthplace of modern yogurt.

Traditionally, yogurt should be made only from milk and culture. By the way, both cow's and sheep's milk can be used, and goat's milk yogurt will be useful for allergy sufferers. Traditional yogurt has many benefits, it contains protein, probiotics, phosphorus , magnesium And calcium . For people who are lactose intolerant and for those who have given up animal products, various variations are now available for sale. vegetarian yoghurts and kefir , for example, with coconut milk, or soy yogurt. Many companies now make such products, enriching them with additional vitamins and probiotics. You can also prepare them at home, for this it is advisable to have in your kitchen arsenal a sourdough starter or a yogurt culture starter, as well as, preferably, a yogurt maker, high-quality natural ingredients and clean hands.

The main ingredient, in addition to milk, is sourdough; it can be store-bought, pharmacy, or home-made.

Ready-made jars of starter contain bacteria of certain strains. Shop leaven Naturally different from the one you prepare yourself; there are very few living bacteria in store-bought yoghurts and starter cultures.

Your own starter is convenient and healthy. After preparing yogurt at home for the first time, you can set aside a little product and cook with it next time. However, you need to remember that such a starter needs to be stored in an airtight container and for no more than 3 days. It can also be stored for several months in freezer camera without loss of useful properties.

To prepare yogurt, take:

  • one liter of whole milk,
  • 150 g of starter (Lactobacillus),
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream (Streptococcus thermophilus)
  1. Mix everything and pour into the multicooker bowl, turning on the “Yoghurt” mode, or into a yogurt maker, following the instructions. The optimal temperature for making yogurt is from 40 to 45 degrees. This is very important, since already at 50 degrees lactic acid cultures die.
  2. After 7-12 hours, the finished yogurt can be cooled in fridge .
  3. The finished yogurt must be cooled for several hours in the refrigerator in order not only to improve its appearance, but also to preserve the benefits, and also to stop the growth of bacteria. Otherwise, your homemade yogurt will spoil.
  4. When preparing homemade yogurt, you need to understand that its consistency will be slightly different from store-bought, more liquid and less dense. This is due to the fact that the concentration of bacteria in it is higher than in an industrial product.
  5. You can serve ready-made yogurt with jam , fresh berries or fruits, natural syrups, you can add muesli, dried fruits and nuts .
  6. Natural homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Different countries approach yogurt making differently. For example, in Russia, yogurt is the same kefir, to which sugar, artificial additives, various preservatives and flavorings are added, and powdered milk is also used in its production, but this is a derivative product that cannot be called natural. By the way, every nation has its own name for yogurt.

According to the WHO and the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, yogurt manufacturers' advertising claims about promoting health and fighting allergies may be misleading.

Not all yogurts have the same bacterial cultures. After fermentation, some yoghurts are pasteurized again, and most of the beneficial microbacteria die. Therefore, when purchasing yogurts, unless you make them yourself, look for the Institute of Nutrition's special "Live and Active Cultures" symbol, which is placed on the label of yogurts containing such bacterial cultures. Keep in mind that when a product's packaging states that it is “made with live lactobacilli,” this does not mean that the product bears this label. Some yoghurts may contain live bacteria but may not have a label on the package. Avoid buying yogurt that says on the packaging that it has been “heat-treated following a fermentation process.” Such a product will not provide any benefit, and lactose intolerant people who can tolerate yogurt containing live lactobacilli may have difficulty digesting the pasteurized variety.

“The benefits and harms of yogurt, what is more?”

If you have to choose between a glass of milk and a cup of yogurt, it is better to choose the latter.

What are the benefits of yogurt?

  • If it is a natural product, then it will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • The microflora in yogurt stimulates the immune system;
  • Live bacteria help the stomach perform its function and the colon remain healthy;
  • Helps prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • Enhances hematopoiesis and reproductive fluids of the body;
  • Reduces the risk of high blood pressure;
  • Improves the quality of skin, hair and nails.
  • Improves digestion.

Children Those suffering from lactose intolerance easily digest yoghurts without experiencing discomfort. And although the lactose content depends on the type of product, usually there is still less of it in any yogurt than in milk. Fermentation breaks down milk sugar, turning it into glucose and galactose, which are easily absorbed by the body.

The beneficial bacteria contained in yogurt help maintain the proper acidity of the digestive system, which helps prevent constipation and diarrhea, improves the absorption of nutrients contained in foods. Calcium plays a significant role in the product. It creates an environment for the development of beneficial microflora and inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora.

Yogurt is very useful for diseases and disorders of the digestive system, for example, chronic indigestion, gastritis and other diseases.

Yogurt has no contraindications if you are intolerant to the protein contained in fresh milk. Under the influence of lactic acid, formed as a result of bacterial activity, milk protein breaks down into small flakes and its digestibility increases.

And natural yogurt is one of the favorite products in cosmetology . Thanks to amino acids it is a good moisturizer, the lactic acid in its composition helps exfoliate dead cells, vitamin C and B vitamins also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.


The works of the great Russian scientist I.I. played a major role in the spread of fermented milk products, especially yogurt. Mechnikov. And “Mechnikov’s curdled milk” was prescribed even to children.

In 1908, he put forward his famous hypothesis, according to which the Bulgarian bacillus (contained in yogurt) can protect the body and even prolong its life. In addition, Mechnikov believed that it could not only have a beneficial effect on the entire body, but also significantly improve the situation with the digestive tract.

Mechnikov argued that premature aging The human body is a consequence of constant exposure to toxic substances that accumulate in the intestines as a result of the activity of putrefactive microorganisms. With constant consumption of yogurt, lactic acid, formed as a result of the development of lactic acid bacteria, changes the reaction of the environment in the intestines and suppresses the activity of putrefactive microflora, protecting the body from slow poisoning by poisons. Ilya Mechnikov discovered that yogurt could treat some bacterial infections. “Bulgarian sour milk” (BKM) stimulates the immune system of the whole body, not just the intestines.

Regular intake of BKM increases the number of cytokines, lymphocytes and natural killer cells, as well as the synthesis of interferon gamma, which blocks reproduction viruses ; substances with antitumor effects are synthesized, irritation of the mucous membrane is eliminated, and the risk of colon cancer is reduced.

Also, daily inclusion of yogurt in food reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Strengthening the immune system

The bacterial cultures found in yogurt stimulate white blood cells, which help fight infections. With daily consumption of natural yogurt, which contains active microflora, the immunity , which helps prevent colds and viral diseases.

Important! Yogurts sold in regular stores and supermarkets may contain preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavorings, dyes , a lot of refined sugar and very few bacteria, so carefully study the composition and reputation of the manufacturers before including such a product in your daily menu, you should be especially careful if you are buying such a product for children.

It is best to prepare yogurt at home to be sure of the freshness and quality of the product; with modern kitchen appliances, this is becoming increasingly easier and does not require much time. Yes, by the way, real yogurt has a very short shelf life of no more than a week, and according to its storage conditions it should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 7 degrees. If the shelf life of yogurt is more than 7 days, then it contains a huge amount of preservatives, and such yogurt is absolutely useless.

If you still buy a finished product, then it is best to opt for the classic version of yogurt, taking attention its exceptional nutritional qualities. This yogurt typically has only two ingredients: milk (whole, skim, or low-fat milk) and live bacterial cultures. The longer the list of ingredients (sweeteners, additives, fillers, emulsifiers, etc.), the more calories the product contains and the less nutritional value it has. You should not buy a ready-made product containing sugar and fruit, so that it has the desired texture, add gelatin and stabilizers, it is better to add fresh berries and fruits to the classic version yourself.

Remember, that:

  • Natural yogurt is lower in calories
  • Natural yogurt contains twice as much protein
  • Natural yogurt is 2 times richer in calcium
  • Natural yogurt does not contain sugar.

The energy value depends on the fat content of the milk on which the product is made. For 100 gr. homemade yogurt accounts for from 100 to 245 kcal. The store-bought composition has a lower value, which varies between 60-110 Kcal.

Harm of yogurt

The harm of yogurt manifests itself precisely when a large number of preservatives are added to the product, which negatively affect the human intestines.

The harm of yoghurt appears when you consume an industrial product, and if you consume it often and a lot.

  • Store-bought yoghurts have a very long shelf life. The fruits that are in such yoghurts are sterilized by exposing them to radioactive irradiation, and that is why they do not spoil for a long time (for example, two months, six months), and dangerous substances accumulate in the body. carcinogens .
  • Today, almost all yoghurts are supplemented with an extremely harmful and strong preservative - E1442 (thickener), another name for which is hydroxypropylated distarch phosphate. It can cause acute pancreatic diseases. At the moment, there is not enough research on its dangers, but it is definitely worth thinking about, since this preservative E1442 is obtained from genetically modified corn, it is known for sure that this preservative provokes a serious disease of the pancreas - pancreatic necrosis. Large molecules contained in corn starch, which, in turn, is part of genetically modified corn and slowly destroys the pancreas, reduces its activity and provokes the occurrence of serious diseases.
  • if your yogurt turns out to be berry, then it will most likely contain citrate sodium or it will be called E331. It is an acidity regulator, so it will increase acidity in the mouth or stomach.
  • If you have made homemade yogurt, you have probably noticed that its natural color is white or slightly creamy. But store-bought berries have all the colors of the rainbow, this effect is obtained due to all kinds of dyes, they negatively affect the entire body as a whole. A quality product should not contain starch, tapioca, agar-agar and gelatin. The desired consistency must be achieved naturally without the use of thickeners.
  • natural yoghurts do not and cannot have an overly pronounced aroma, as is observed in store-bought yoghurts. The smell is influenced by a large number of flavorings.
  • The more additives and preservatives are concentrated in yogurt, the higher its calorie content, the effect is especially enhanced due to the huge amount of sugar, which this product is often oversaturated with. Keep in mind that in your diet you should only use homemade yogurt made with skim milk. The sweet and attractive taste of yogurt leads to the fact that it can be eaten in large quantities, and this is fraught with swelling, lemon acid squeezes that remain after the production of jelly or marmalade.

    Manufacturers very often add aspartame or the flavor enhancer E-951 to the product. When these substances enter the body, they release formic acid, formaldehyde and other harmful carcinogens.

    Yogurt can ferment. This process occurs after the expiration date or the appearance of mold, yeast mushrooms and putrefactive bacteria. The proliferation of these microbes leads to the release of carbon dioxide and swelling of the packaging.

    Most bacteria that enter the human body are destroyed by the human body's immune system. The same bacteria that managed to overcome the attack of the immune system provoke the occurrence of gases and diarrhea, which indicates the entry of harmful microbes and toxic substances into the body. If yogurt has a long shelf life, that is, it has undergone heat treatment and all living bacteria in it are killed, then at best it is a useless, and at worst an extremely harmful product.

    Yogurt contains maltodextrin, and it is extracted from genetically modified corn, which is simply poison for diabetics.

    What are Bioyogurts - what is their difference??

    This is a product with higher physiological and biological value.

    When producing bio-yogurts, in addition to Streptococcus lactic acid and Bacillus bulgaricus, bifidobacteria or Bacillus acidophilus or other probiotics are also used. The amount of probiotics must be at least 10⁶ CFU per 1 g of product at the end of the shelf life. Probiotic microorganisms are live microorganisms used for therapeutic purposes, as well as food products and biologically active additives containing living microcultures. Probiotics are mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but there may also be other microorganisms, such as yeast. Probiotics not only have a positive effect on the human body, but also produce vitamins, antibiotics and other physiologically active substances.

    When producing yogurt and bio-yogurt, food-flavoring products can be used ( vegetables , fruits, honey, marmalade, dried fruits, etc.), flavorings and nutritional supplements . You can find: fruit (vegetable) yogurt; flavored yogurt. All these types of yoghurts can be fortified. They are mainly enriched with vitamins C and A, but a multivitamin complex can also be added. Bioyogurts and fortified yogurts have increased physiological value because they are enriched with biologically active components.

    Excessive consumption of yoghurts containing 3 times more sugar than normal can cause serious harm to the body and lead to the development of diabetes.

    How to choose real yogurt?

    Dairy products are not yoghurts! This substitutes yoghurts, in which part of the milk protein and fat is replaced with vegetable proteins and oils. In order to choose the right yogurt that is most beneficial for the body, carefully read the labeling, read the composition and check the reputation of the manufacturer. If the composition contains vegetable proteins and fats, then it is not yogurt. It is best to buy yogurt in glass bottles. It is advisable to give kids fresh homemade products rather than store-bought ones.

    If there are no living microorganisms, i.e. there is no reference to the number of CFUs, then this is also not yogurt, but a thermalized product. Of course, they won’t do any harm, but they won’t do any good either. Similar rules apply to many dairy products.

    Be healthy!

    The article uses information from open sources and scientific publications.

    Do you want to add information to the article or object? We welcome comments, suggestions or objections.

Yogurt is one of the most popular fermented milk products. A pleasant delicate taste is not its only advantage. To fully evaluate the product, you need to understand what the benefits and harms of yogurt are.

Types of yoghurts

The classic recipe involves mixing only two ingredients - milk and a starter consisting of Bulgarian lactic acid bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. And in some countries of the world, the word “yogurt” is used to describe only such products. But not everywhere they approach yoghurt products so strictly, and in general they can be divided into three types:

  • natural - without additional ingredients, including only milk and sourdough;
  • fruit - with syrups or pieces of natural fruit;
  • flavored - with added sugar and artificial flavors.

In addition, yogurts can be “live” or “non-live”. The first ones are made using live bacteria, do not contain preservatives and are stored for no longer than a week. The latter are heat-treated, canned and can be stored much longer, but their benefits are much less.

In this regard, the question arises, which yogurt is the healthiest. Of course, this is a natural “live” product made from milk and sourdough - it contains the maximum concentration of valuable substances.

Composition and calorie content of yogurt

Yogurts in stores not only come in three main varieties, but also have different fat contents. Therefore, the calorie content of yogurt per 100 grams varies widely. On average, it is about 65 - 70 calories, but it can be more or less.

Regardless of its variety, the product is rich in valuable elements and vitamins. So, a regular natural treat without additives contains:

  • main macroelements - potassium and sodium, calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine;
  • microelements - iron, copper, iodine and molybdenum, cobalt and selenium;
  • vitamins A, C, as well as B1, B2, B12;
  • retinol and beta-carotene;
  • pyridoxine and niacin;
  • choline and pantothenic acid;
  • amino acids and fatty acids.

In addition, the product necessarily contains lactic acid, which is beneficial for the intestines.

The benefits of yogurt for the body

The delicacy is not only tasty, but also has value in terms of beneficial properties. Let's look at exactly how it affects the body.


The main benefit lies in several properties. Yogurt:

  • stimulates the proper functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • helps the body quickly cleanse itself of toxins and waste;
  • regulates intestinal microflora;
  • fights harmful microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • indirectly helps improve immunity.

For women

Representatives of the fair sex are more prone to gastric disorders: against the background of stress, during menstruation, during pregnancy. The treat helps cope with ailments.

For men

For representatives of the stronger sex, the benefit of the delicacy is that it contains protein, which promotes muscle gain. This is especially valuable for athletes.

Yogurt for children

Many parents wonder if their child can have yogurt. Yes, it is suitable for a baby's diet. This is especially true for natural fermented milk products, which can be introduced into a baby’s diet starting from 8 months of age.

Important! Despite all the benefits, dairy products can cause allergies. Before giving a treat to your baby, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician.

Is it possible to lose weight with yogurt?

The low calorie content of natural yogurt makes it an excellent product for the diet. But there is a condition - the product must be natural, without additives, with minimal fat content. Only then will it be beneficial, start the fat burning process and support healthy intestinal function.

Yogurt face masks

The delicate milk delicacy is actively used in home cosmetology. There are dozens of mask recipes.

Yogurt mask for dry skin

To soften and moisturize too dry skin, you can make an apple-yogurt mask:

  1. To a tablespoon of natural yogurt, add an apple, grated on a fine grater, and 1 egg yolk in equal proportions.
  2. The mask is thoroughly mixed and distributed over the face and neck.
  3. After 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off with warm water.

You can make this mask 3 – 4 times a week.

Yogurt mask for oily skin

If you need to dry your facial skin a little, use another recipe:

  1. To a tablespoon of “live” natural yogurt add an egg yolk and a spoonful of fresh cucumber puree, grated on a fine grater.
  2. The mask is stirred, and then applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

If you do this mask 3 times a week, it will help regulate skin oiliness and have a slight whitening effect.

How to make yogurt at home

You don’t have to buy this dairy treat at the store—you can make it in your own kitchen.

Natural fruit yogurt

For a healthy and healthy drinking product, you only need a few ingredients: low-fat milk, sourdough and some fruit, such as apples or pears.

How to cook:

  1. The milk is boiled, then cooled to a moderate temperature.
  2. Add a little starter to the warm milk, then close the container tightly, wrap it in a towel and put it in a shaded place for 6 hours.
  3. The finished liquid product is seasoned with finely chopped fruits, and sugar is added to taste if desired.

The benefits of drinking yogurt will only increase from pieces of natural fruit. If desired, the product can be poured into a bottle and taken with you for a walk.

Greek yogurt

The recipe is very similar to the classic one, but has a number of differences:

  1. Natural low-fat milk is boiled, cooled, and mixed with sourdough.
  2. After this, the mixture is also closed and wrapped, but placed in a shaded place not for 6, but for 10 hours.
  3. When the product has fermented properly, it is subjected to filtration: gauze, folded several times, is stretched over the pan, yogurt is poured onto it and placed in the refrigerator in this form for another 4 hours.
  4. At the last stage, the product, almost all of the whey from which has been glassed into the pan, is transferred to the final container.

The main feature of Greek yogurt is its thickness and high saturation of nutrients.

Yogurt in a yogurt maker

You can prepare regular or sweet yoghurts at home in a special device - a yoghurt maker. The benefit of the device is that the yogurt maker maintains the ideal temperature - 38 - 40 degrees. There is no need to carefully wrap the fermented milk and look for a warm place for it.

The principle of preparing delicacies in a yogurt maker is simple. The milk is boiled in the same way, cooled and mixed with the starter, and then poured into the container of the machine. The yogurt maker is turned on, and then all that remains is to wait 8 - 10 hours until the product is completely ready.

In a slow cooker

A universal multicooker will help you prepare yogurt for weight loss or just for fun. The prepared starter is poured into cups made of heat-resistant material, placed in a multicooker and water at a temperature of 38 - 40 degrees is poured into the container. The water level should remain below the edges of the cups.

The multicooker is turned on in heating mode for 15 minutes, then turned off completely for an hour and put back on heating for 15 minutes. Then they wait another hour and take the finished treat out of the machine. The good thing about this method is that the whole process takes only 2.5 hours.

In a thermos

A regular thermos will work well to maintain the desired temperature. The technology is simple: boiled milk with added starter is poured into a thermos, closed tightly and left for 5 - 9 hours, periodically opening the container and checking readiness.

Yogurt without starter

You can prepare the product without using a special starter from live bacteria. It will be successfully replaced by natural store-bought yogurt.

Cooking process:

  1. The first stages of preparation remain the same - the milk is boiled, cooled, and then mixed with the purchased delicacy.
  2. After this, the container is closed and wrapped. But they don’t just put it in a warm place, but in an oven preheated to 40 - 45 degrees for 4 hours. This is necessary for high-quality ripening.
  3. When the product is ready, all that remains is to drain the liquid whey from it, cool it and put it in the refrigerator.

How to choose yogurt when buying

It is not difficult to purchase a quality delicacy from a trusted store:

  1. The first thing you need to check is the production date - the fresher the dairy product, the better.
  2. It is advisable to leave a few more days before the expiration date. In addition, this period should in principle not exceed 1 week.
  3. A good product should contain not dry milk, but natural milk. There should be no preservatives, dyes or flavors in it.

Advice! Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the name of the treat. The natural product is called exactly that, in one word - “yogurt”.

If the jar says “yogurt product,” then the manufacturing technology is completely different, and the benefits are much lower.

How long can yogurt be stored?

Yogurt does not last long even in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the natural delicacy is no more than a week, and if the jar is already open, a maximum of a day.

When is the best time to eat it?

A natural dairy product will be beneficial at any time of the day, and you can eat it either separately from other products or together with them. But at different times the beneficial properties manifest themselves differently.

Yogurt in the morning

The benefit of yogurt on an empty stomach is that it quickly starts the digestive processes in the body. It’s even better to eat the treat closer to noon, as a lunch, then it will satisfy a slight hunger without harming the stomach.

Yogurt at night

It is also allowed to use the product at night - it will not harm your figure. The benefit of yogurt before bed will be that it will speed up the process of digestion of food.

Harm of yogurt and contraindications

The product based on milk and sourdough is so healthy that it has practically no contraindications. You should not take it only if you are allergic to lactose. And in case of acute gastritis, pancreatitis or cholecystitis, preference should be given only to low-fat varieties.


The benefits and harms of yogurt depend on how fresh and natural the product is. Real yogurt with live bacteria is safe for anyone who is not lactose intolerant and is great for the body.

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