How much and how to cook hake fish in a pan.


  • Black peppercorns
  • Whole hake

How to cook hake deliciously

How to cook hake in a saucepan step by step instructions with photos:

Step 1

To work, we will need hake, water, salt, black peppercorns, a knife, a saucepan, and a cutting board.

Step 3

Bring water with a little salt and a few black peppercorns to a boil. Place fish cut into portions into boiling water.

We will need:

  • Double boiler
  • Cutting board


  • Ground black pepper
  • Whole hake

How to cook hake deliciously

Hake is a low-calorie and tasty fish. It is one of the healthiest and most delicious representatives of cod fish. Hake meat contains many useful vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats. Another indisputable advantage is that hake contains a small amount of bones. In addition, these bones are very easy to remove.

In addition to all this, hake meat is low-fat and is successfully used in dietary nutrition. This product is recommended for everyone, even children, so the use of hake in cooking is very wide. It is fried, stewed, boiled, soufflés, cutlets, casseroles, and spreads are prepared from it. Boiled hake is considered especially useful.

You can boil hake in a saucepan or double boiler. Hake cooks quite quickly and can then be served with a side dish or used to make salads, fillings for pies and pies, pancakes and dumplings.

Frozen hake (carcasses or fillets) can be found in almost any fish department of grocery supermarkets, since this fish is inexpensive, tasty, low-fat and healthy, so in this article we will look at how long and how to properly cook hake fish in a pan so that it is completely cooked and the meat was tasty and not dry.

How long does it take to cook hake fish?

The cooking time for hake, in contrast to pollock, is a little longer, but the taste of boiled hake is no worse, and many people like it even better:

  • How long to cook hake in a saucepan? On average, in a pan, hake, cut into pieces (with bones or fillets), should be cooked for 30 minutes over low heat after the water has boiled in the pan.

Having found out how long to cook hake fish, we will now consider a simple, but at the same time popular way to boil hake in a pan at home.

How to cook hake in a pan?

According to the recipe for cooking hake, we will use a minimum of spices and additional ingredients:

  • If the hake was frozen, then defrost it at room temperature in advance.
  • We cut off the fins, remove all the entrails, thoroughly wash the carcasses in cold water, and then cut them into pieces.
  • Pour water into the pan so that after adding the fish, it completely covers it and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • In boiling water, add salt to taste, a few peas of black pepper and a whole peeled onion, then add the prepared fish.
  • After the water boils again, reduce the heat (the water should not boil too much) and cover the pan with a lid and cook the hake for 30 minutes until tender.
  • We take the boiled hake out of the pan and serve it with a side dish.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that boiled hake is a tasty and nutritious fish with low fat content and practically no bones, so it can be prepared both as part of a normal diet and during diets, as well as for your child. We leave our reviews and useful tips on how to cook hake deliciously in a pan in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Hake is a universal sea fish belonging to the cod order. And it is universal because it is subject to any type of heat treatment. It can be deliciously baked with vegetables or fried in batter, but still the most useful type of cooking is boiling. It is usually considered that boiled fish is a “boring” dish, but this certainly does not apply to hake. By following simple rules, you can boil this fish in such a way that you won’t be ashamed to offer the dish even to guests.

Benefits and harms

Methionine is a substance that makes hake a very healthy product. It promotes healthy functioning of the adrenal glands and also prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis. There is no point in talking about the benefits of phosphorus, iodine, copper, vitamins B, PP, E - everyone knows from childhood that these elements have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Boiled hake is a product that is perfect for dietary nutrition due to its low calorie content. It is rich in protein, and 100 grams of this boiled fish contains only 96 calories.

In addition, hake has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, improves the activity of the thyroid gland, and normalizes the condition of the skin and all mucous membranes. Omega-3 fatty acid, which is part of sea fish, provides reliable protection against diabetes, prevents disruption of the cardiovascular system, prevents hypertension, improves reproductive function, and calms the nervous system.

This fish should be consumed with caution by people suffering from constipation; gastritis, ulcers, and increased stomach acidity are also contraindications. Individual intolerance to seafood is another contraindication.

How long to cook?

It takes very little time to cook hake, and this is another plus in favor of this product. It is difficult to name a specific time - it all depends on the cooking conditions. If the fish is cut into pieces, it will be ready in the pan in 30 minutes. If using a slow cooker, it will take 25 minutes. If you choose the steam cooking method, it will take 40 minutes. If you need to boil frozen fish, cooking will take about 35 minutes.

Hake must be defrosted at room temperature without using water or a microwave - this is the only way it will retain all its beneficial substances.

If you need to cook a whole fish carcass, then before releasing it into boiling water, it is recommended to make 2-3 cuts so as not to touch the fillet.

Hake is a recommended product in a child’s diet. Fish feeding is possible for children from 10 or 11 months. Hake is a low-fat and low-allergenic fish; in addition, it has few bones - which is why it can become the first fish product that a child will be introduced to. For children, fish is cooked for 35-40 minutes after boiling. Very interesting dishes are prepared from boiled fish for children, for example, mashed potatoes, meatballs, pudding.

Before you start preparing boiled healthy hake, listen to some recommendations.

  • To cook hake tasty and correctly, choose a dry frozen product - it is the easiest way to determine the freshness of the fish. It is better to take a whole carcass rather than frozen pieces.
  • The fish is placed in the pan after the water has boiled.
  • To fill the dish with your favorite flavors, use any seasonings for the broth: peppercorns, bay leaves, spices for fish products.
  • To enhance the taste and aroma, you can add vegetables to the broth: carrots, onions, garlic.
  • Boiled hake goes well with Polish sauce. It can be prepared as follows: grind a boiled egg, fry flour (2 tablespoons) in butter, dilute the flour with hake broth (1.5 tablespoons), add egg, herbs, spices, salt, lemon juice to the mixture and cook without lid 10 minutes.


Each housewife chooses the most preferred method of preparing hake - it can be a classic recipe for boiled fish, or there can be an interesting version with a hint of piquancy.


We will need:

  • hake fillet 500 g;
  • water 1 tbsp.;
  • cucumber pickle 1 tbsp;
  • butter 30 g;
  • garlic 1 clove;
  • herbs and salt to taste.


  • we combine water and brine in one pan, put it on the fire and wait until it boils;
  • Place the pieces of fish in boiling water, add seasonings and cook for half an hour until tender;
  • Serve boiled hake with butter.

By including boiled fish, such as hake, in your menu, you can not only benefit from the dietary product, but also diversify your diet. Some people believe that such a product turns out tasty only when it is stewed or fried. In fact, if you know how to cook the component and how much to process it, you can get a delicious and nutritious meal. In this case, the procedure will not take much time. Hake cut into pieces is brought to readiness in 30 minutes of processing in a pan, 40 minutes of steaming and 20 minutes of keeping in a special mode in a slow cooker.

Features of working with fish

Like any fish, the product must first be properly prepared. Before cooking the component, it must be cleaned, the entrails removed, and the head and fins cut off. If the carcass was initially frozen, then it is subjected to slow defrosting under natural conditions without the use of hot or cold water.

In addition, there are a few more important points to remember:

  • For boiling, it is best to purchase dry frozen fish. This will not only eliminate the need to overpay for ice, but will also allow you to evaluate the quality of the product by its appearance.
  • Attention should be paid not to how much the carcass weighs, but what its length is. It should not exceed 30 cm.
  • You should not take fillet if it is not whole. Such a product is often re-frozen and it is very difficult to establish this fact.

Tip: If the recipe calls for whole boiled hake, then before putting the fish in boiling water, you need to make several cuts on the surface of the skin. They should not be deep and reach the meat, but at least a centimeter in length so that the skin does not spread.

  • There are few bones in the fish, so it can be cooked even for a child.

Properly processed and aged for the optimal amount of time, the product is rich in vitamins A, B9 and PP, iodine and copper. Therefore, its regular use has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, the condition of the thyroid gland, circulatory and skeletal systems.

How to properly cook hake in a pan, steamed and in a slow cooker?

There are several ways to prepare tasty and healthy fish. At home, one of the following approaches is most often chosen:

  • In a saucepan. Pour water into a container of suitable size (not very much, but enough to cover the pieces of product), add salt and bring to a boil. Add bay leaves, peppercorns and simmer the broth over medium heat for as long as needed until a pronounced spicy smell appears. Usually 5-7 minutes are enough. Hake, cut into portions, is immersed in the aromatic liquid. Cover the container with a lid and cook the dish for about half an hour.

  • In a steamer. In this case, pieces of the product are placed in a bowl with holes and added some salt. You can place bay leaves and pepper in a container to give the component a spicy aroma. The processing time is about 40 minutes.

  • In a slow cooker. The option of boiling the fish in boiling water is quite acceptable, but it will be better if the hake is steamed. To do this, place pieces of the product in a special basket, pour water into the bowl of the device and run the device for 20-25 minutes in the “Steam” mode.

The finished meat acquires a uniform white color without any streaks, its texture becomes denser. Place it on a plate, sprinkle with lemon juice and serve.

How to deliciously boil fish with seasonings?

There is another option for how to cook hake. It all depends on how many additional components will be used and in what quantity.

  1. According to the basic recipe, for 0.5 kg of fish we take a glass of water and cucumber brine, two tablespoons of butter, a couple of garlic cloves, a few green onions, parsley, dill, black pepper. Proportions may vary depending on individual preferences.
  2. In a saucepan, mix water with brine and bring the liquid to a boil. Place the pieces of product skin side up, sprinkle with spices and cook for half an hour. Hake is ready! It should be served hot with a little butter on top.

Recipes using cucumber pickle require no salt. Therefore, you need to carefully read the recommendations so as not to spoil the product.

Hake differs from other types of fish in its better digestibility. Tender meat has a neutral, mild taste and contains very little fat, so it is classified as dietary. Is it useful for children, and if so, from what age? We invite you to learn more about this valuable product.

Useful properties of hake

Hake is an important source of proteins. It contains almost the entire set of B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin), ascorbic acid, ascorutin, retinol and nicotinamide. In addition, hake contains calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen bones. Thanks to the combination of folic acid and iron, the meat of this fish helps to quickly cope with anemia. A rare product can compare with hake in terms of its richness of microelements: it contains sodium, sulfur, zinc, copper, molybdenum, nickel and other important substances. Like other types of fish, it contains saturated and unsaturated fats.

The combination of vitamins and beneficial microelements helps accelerate metabolic processes and helps the body quickly get rid of toxins and waste. Vitamins A and E increase resistance to cancer. Compared to cod, hake is softer and a little fattier, so children perceive it better. Beneficial features:

  • has a positive effect on the thyroid gland;
  • helps normalize blood sugar levels;
  • has a pronounced antioxidant effect; with regular consumption of hake, the body’s resistance to colds and viral diseases increases;
  • improves skin condition;
  • good for the digestive system;
  • strengthens the central nervous system;
  • contains few calories, therefore it is indicated for children with increased body weight, and is part of many diets;
  • with regular use, it has a positive effect on vision, helping to avoid its deterioration during periods of increased physical and intellectual stress;
  • suitable for feeding children with gastrointestinal disorders;
  • helps to recover faster from infectious diseases and surgical interventions.

The combination of riboflavin and folic acid activates brain activity - parents whose children are preparing for exams should take this into account. Boiled hake supports the adrenal glands; it is also recommended to be used to prevent atherosclerosis - such properties of fish are due to methionine. The product is beneficial for the hematopoietic system due to the iodine present in it. Thanks to phosphorus, hake helps normalize the acid-base balance, and sodium and manganese, supplemented with magnesium, increase the absorption of vitamins.


Hake is useful at any age, including early ones. It is prohibited to use it only by people with individual intolerance. Another contraindication is an allergy to seafood.

Hake in children's diet

Hake is often chosen as a child's first fish. It is added to the menu after being introduced to meat, porridge and vegetables - by this time the baby is already 9–10 months old. Important! At this age, fish can only be given to children who are not prone to allergies; if it is, then it is better to postpone tasting until 1 year. How to teach a child to eat hake? It is best to start with fish puree - it will take no more than 20 minutes to prepare: first boil, then rub through a sieve.

For the first time, limit yourself to a very tiny portion - about 5 g, for the next dose prepare 10 g and so gradually increase to 100 g per day (by the year). Like any new product, it is best to offer hake to your child in the morning for the first time. In the future, when the baby gets used to a full portion, this fish can be included in the menu 2-3 times a week. Young children should not have fried fish; it is better to give them baked or boiled fish, including steamed fish.


Hake is usually sold frozen, and housewives often place the fish in water to help it defrost faster. As a result, beneficial substances are washed out, the product is deprived of vitamins and valuable microelements. It is best to keep it for a couple of hours at room temperature. To improve the taste, hake fillets can be sprinkled with lemon juice, rubbed with salt and left for half an hour - fish marinated in this way is much tastier. Please note that hake takes very little time to cook, since its fillet is thinner than other types of fish.

Hake puree

Ingredients: 50 g hake fillet, salt to taste, 100–150 ml water.


  • Rinse the fillet thoroughly under the tap, add salt and leave for a couple of minutes.
  • Boil water and place fish in it.
  • Boil the hake for 15 minutes, then grind through a sieve. It is better not to use a blender, since almost the entire mass will be distributed along the walls of the bowl, and it will be difficult to collect it.

It is best to serve hake puree with rice porridge or potatoes.

Hake roll

Ingredients: hake fillet - 250 g, a slice of white bread, 1/4 cup of milk, a hard-boiled egg, medium-sized carrots (boil), salt to taste, a clean cotton napkin.


  • Rinse the hake fillet thoroughly, make sure there are no bones in it, then chop with a blender or grind through a meat grinder.
  • Mix the fish mass with bread soaked in milk, add salt and knead well.
  • Lay a damp cloth and place the minced meat on top. The layer height is within 10–15 mm.
  • Prepare the filling: finely chop the egg, grate the carrots, place the ingredients on the minced fish, and then carefully, gradually bending the napkin, roll up the roll.
  • Place the roll on foil pre-greased with vegetable oil - the seam should be located at the bottom, fold the side edges so that the dish is completely covered.
  • Bake at 200–220°C for up to 10–15 minutes.
  • Wait until the roll has cooled, cut into portions. The dish goes well with vegetables or rice.