Green tea: daily intake, useful properties. How much green tea can you drink a day, so as not to harm your health

    Actually, I did not advise you to try to lose weight in this way. I recently read in an article that green tea contains a large number of caffeine. But if you want to lose weight today, I just watched a TV program on this topic. As it turned out, everything that they are trying to slip us is diet pills, and the notorious 25th frame, and encodings are all complete nonsense. Diets from stars also turned out to be a myth, since even the stars themselves do not know about them. But I took note of something useful as I suffer from overweight. First of all, this is a blood test diet, I explain that they take an analysis in the clinic and, based on its results, the nutritionist makes an individual diet. As a result, the woman lost 8 kg in a month. And the second case from the life of a young woman who, after giving birth, gained weight up to 130 kg. E diet is in the morning a boiled egg or scrambled eggs, low-fat yogurt, tea is not sweet. Lunch soup any non-fat, boiled chicken meat, vegetable salad, juice. In the evening, a walk with e words, she appointed for herself a route of about 5 km. Dinner to give to the enemy. Just before going to bed you can drink tea. The result for the year she lost 73 kg. There were a couple more diets, but they are not so significant. So I will not describe them.

    Green tea does not harm the body, even if you drink it 10 cups a day. It can be brewed again and then nm contains useful material. Look at people who only drink green tea. They look younger than those who drink coffee or black tea. And in Uzbekistan, where I come from, old people can sit in the Teahouse all day long and drink green tea. No one has been hurt by him yet.

    I drank more than 7 mugs a day (the mug is very large), for about a month, I won’t say that I lost much weight during this time, there was no such goal, I just got caught good tea- I drank. But after about a month, my stomach made it clear that it was ... as if not delighted) therefore, if there are problems with the stomach, I advise you to drink with caution)

    Recent scientific studies have shown that green tea in large quantities negatively affects bone tissue - it removes calcium from the body and the bone tissue becomes thinner and osteoporosis and osteochondrosis develop over time. A healthy person can drink tea - 2-3 cups a day, and a person who has problems with the spine, such as osteochondrosis, should exclude green tea from his diet .. In addition, with a lot of tea, potassium is excreted from the body, which leads to convulsions and nervous disorders.

    Probably it is rightly considered that an excess of something will bring harm in one way or another. Green tea is very good and healthy tea, but you don’t need to drink a lot of it, 4-5 cups a day are enough. If you take green tea in excess, calcium will be washed out of the bones.

    When drinking green tea, a very vital vitamin, folic acid, is not absorbed, potassium will be washed out of the body. I advise you to alternate days of drinking tea and a day of taking vitamins, which washes out green tea.

    Without harm to health, you can drink 2-3 small cups of green tea per day. I myself drink green tea a day much more, but lately I still try to limit myself. I read that green tea leaches calcium and potassium from the body.

    I don't think you should drink too much green tea. it is especially bad if it is strongly brewed and overstayed; a feeling of nausea may occur. I think that 2-3 cups is enough, try not to overexert yourself. You can alternate with black than green, fruity and hibiscus

    I really like green tea and drink, basically, only it. Only I usually brew not very much strong tea, so I can drink it at least 10 mugs a day. In order to lose weight, it is very good, because. allows deceive stomach. But if you like strong green tea, then you should not forget that it has diuretic properties, can greatly lower blood pressure, and washes away useful substances from the body. Therefore, it is better not to abuse the use of this drink.

The culture of tea drinking originated in Asia more than five thousand years ago. Until the 19th century, it was generally accepted in European society that ancient China was the birthplace of tea. However, the research interest in the countries of the East convinced Europeans that tea drink has long been popular in India, Japan, the Himalayas and Vietnam. Nevertheless, China has remained the main custodian of tea ceremonies. It is in Chinese historical chronicles that green tea is first mentioned as special way tea plant leaf processing.

The fact is that green tea is the leaves of the same tea bush as the black varieties we are used to. In the manufacture of green tea, young leaves do not undergo oxidation, that is, fermentation. They dry up naturally and retain much more vitamins and minerals than black tea leaves after wet and heat treatment. A pleasant smell and a specific taste that can quench thirst attract gourmets from all over the world.

Useful properties of the drink

The concentration of nutrients in green tea is so high that it can be considered as a natural medicine. That is why it is not as common as the black drink we are used to, and its use is associated with certain rules.

Green tea has a pronounced tonic effect due to the content of caffeine. But unlike coffee in tea leaves, the molecular components of caffeine are combined with tannin, a plant substance that has a mild effect on nervous system and vessels.

In addition to caffeine, chemical composition Tea leaves also contain other beneficial substances.

  • Theobromine. An alkaloid found not only in coffee drinks but also in cocoa and chocolate. Stimulates the activity of the nervous system, improves mood, promotes the production of endorphins, which are called "hormones of happiness."
  • Theophylline. Natural substance of a number of alkaloids, used in medicines for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Promotes the enrichment of blood with oxygen, activates the work of the respiratory tract.
  • vitamins groups A, B, C, E, R.
  • Minerals and amino acids. Trace elements of calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, fluorine, iodine and phosphorus.

In fact, one tea leaf is a pantry of vitamins and nutrients for the human body.

  • Being absorbed into the blood, microelements have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, cleanse them of cholesterol plaques, normalize blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  • Green tea improves metabolism, activates the natural breakdown of fats and heavy foods, satisfies the feeling of hunger. That is why the drink is successfully used for weight loss, and the leaf extract is part of drugs to combat excess weight.
  • Serves as an excellent prevention of bacterial infections, prevents infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Regular consumption of the drink helps to remove toxins, salts of heavy substances and slags from the body. Prevents the appearance of kidney sand, serves as a prevention of oncological formations.
  • Green tea essential oils are widely used in restorative and medical cosmetology, added to skin and hair care products, used in creams and ointments.
  • Green tea infusion has antiseptic and disinfectant properties, they disinfect open wounds, relieve inflammation on the skin. The infusion is also used as a local anesthetic.
  • Due to the content of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus, green tea helps to strengthen tooth enamel, bone and nail tissue. Potassium provides the necessary trace elements for muscle tissue, blood vessels and brain cells.

Features of use

Tea ceremonies of the East are not just a tribute to traditions, but also a kind of meditation, immersion in thoughts, removal from the hustle and bustle. Listen to your body as you inhale the aroma of tea and take your first sip. Essential oils and vapors from a mug of hot green tea beneficial effect on the skin of the face and respiratory tract.

Try to drink a cup of this every day healthy drink, and you will notice how the tone will increase, and the mood will noticeably improve. The drink brings tangible benefits with constant use.

In the morning, hot green tea energizes not worse than coffee, and in terms of natural properties it is much more useful than the latter. A drink drunk before or after a meal helps food to be digested, breaks down fats and removes harmful microelements from the body. Nutritionists recommend drinking cold green tea after sports training (but not ice!). It will restore strength and perfectly quench your thirst - it is much more useful and profitable than buying carbonated drinks with dyes and preservatives.

How much per day?

Since natural green tea contains many micronutrients, excessive doses of it can be harmful. Health organizations are advised to observe the frequency and measure of tea drinking, not to exceed the daily maximum.

When studying the subject of tea drinking, you may find that medical recommendations vary significantly depending on the continents. Asian experts have nothing against consuming one and a half liters of drink per day, but their Western colleagues do not recommend drinking more than 750 ml. strong drink a day, not to mention the evening before bedtime. Such a difference in opinion is primarily due to the mentality and food habits of the countries, so Europeans should still heed the advice of Western experts. When reading the recommendations, you should pay attention to the number of cups and their volume. For example, China and Japan are characterized by tea sets with small cups, the volume of which does not exceed 50 ml. For our culture, deep cups of 200 ml are more familiar.

The strength of the brew is also important. To avoid confusion in cups and liters, doctors have developed a universal formula for drinking a drink from green tea tree leaves: daily rate per day per person should not exceed 10 g of dry foliage. So, 1 teaspoon will contain 2 g of this tea leaves per cup, that is, 5 cups per day. In this option, the strength of the drink you can control and adjust to your liking.

How to do it right?

To receive you need to maximum benefit from tea tree leaves, you need to be able to brew them correctly. Knowing and observing the nuances of preparing this drink, you will allow it to reveal itself in all its variety of nutrients and trace elements.

  • The main essential element of tea is water. It is best to use spring water for cooking, which in itself is a source of natural strength and health. In urban conditions, this is not always possible, so you should use filters or purchased water containers from trusted manufacturers.
  • When heating water, it is important to monitor the moment of boiling. Steep boiling water kills biologically active substances in tea, and the drink becomes bitter in taste. On the other hand, liquid not brought to the boiling point will not brew tea. Chinese experts advise boiling water until the first small bubbles appear, then it is already sufficiently disinfected, and its temperature will allow dry leaves to brew.
  • V teapot put dry leaves based on the number of people. Before this, it should be doused with boiling water so that the container warms up well. This is done in order to establish optimum temperature, then the drink gets the best taste qualities.

  • After pouring boiling water, the kettle must be covered with a lid, and on top with a towel or napkin. Essential oils and aroma will be preserved in the teapot, but oxygen will not be blocked.
  • Green tea can be brewed several times during tea drinking. He won't lose nutritional properties, and the taste qualities will slightly change their shades. The brewing time of the first dose does not exceed 2 minutes. After pouring tea into cups, you can add the next portion of boiling water to the teapot and wait another 3-4 minutes.
  • But “yesterday's” or cooled tea is categorically not recommended to brew again with boiling water. The best option will strain the infused liquid, drain into a separate container and cool. You can drink it like healthy juice or fruit drink, and in the heat, cold green tea perfectly quenches thirst.
  • The best utensils for brewing are ceramic teapots and cups. Microelements contained in tea (in particular, tannin) can react with metal or plastic, which will lead to a loss of taste of tea and reduce its healing effect.

What is combined with?

If you stick healthy eating and use green tea as an assistant for weight loss, it will be useful to combine it with other healthy products.

Lemon and honey enhances the effect of tea to strengthen the immune system. Dates, raisins, nuts and dried apricots mixed with tea will add vitamins and micronutrients to your body.

The drink goes well with dried herbs or fresh berries. An infusion with the addition of currant, mint or lavender leaves calms the nervous system and relieves stress. Raspberries and blueberries added to the tea will make the drink refreshing and very summery.

Do not use green tea as a liquid for drinking sandwiches, flour products or chocolates, this will negate all the benefits of the drink. An exception for those with a sweet tooth is a slice of dark chocolate, which will cheer you up and even improve the taste of green tea.

The use of green tea with alcohol is absolutely contraindicated, since the combination of substances in drinks puts a heavy burden on the kidneys.


Any remedy that has a healing effect, if used improperly, can harm human health. As you know, any medicine is a poison, and any poison is a medicine, it all depends on the dosage and characteristics of the body. Not surprisingly, the medical approach to green tea comes with many caveats. After all unique composition the drink is indeed saturated with natural medicinal substances.

The main precautions include simple rules that it makes sense to familiarize yourself with in advance. First of all, you should not use yesterday's brewed drink. In this brew, fermentation processes begin within a day, the concentration of caffeine and purines, the decay products, increases. It is a mistake to believe that such infusion of tea acquires medicinal properties. On the contrary, in the overdue "decoction" bioprocesses harmful to the body have already started.

Numerous treatises of Chinese philosophers and Indian healers are devoted to green tea, this drink has many unique properties and is used as a medicine for some diseases. It perfectly tones, breaks down animal fats, promotes digestion. After all, it's just delicious.

But is it as useful as we used to think? And can a cup of green tea hide not only the elixir of youth and health, but also poison?

Harmful properties of green tea

To begin with, green tea is considered a powerful antioxidant these days, but the actual benefit of oxidation inhibitors is questionable. Numerous studies prove that excessive consumption of antioxidants does nothing but harm - various diseases begin to develop, the body ceases to resist certain types of bacteria.

Therefore, green tea should not be abused. If you drink 5-6 small cups a day, then you won’t harm yourself, but those who drink more than 1.5 liters of strong brewed tea automatically fall into the risk group.

Green tea also adversely affects the nervous system. Again, we are talking about rich drink. In concentrated form, it provokes nervous overexcitation, because it contains much more caffeine (theine) than coffee itself.

So strong green tea is not recommended for those who suffer from any diseases of the nervous system, and those who are prone to frequent mood swings. You should not drink it at night, and even healthy people- often it is he who causes insomnia.

Caution should be taken with green tea for those who have problems with cardiovascular systems oh, in particular, people suffering from tachycardia and arrhythmia. The substances contained in this drink provoke a rapid heartbeat, which can not only exacerbate diseases, but also cause heart rhythm failure.

What is harmful green tea

In addition, green tea irritates the stomach lining, so you should not drink it on an empty stomach. The fact is that it promotes digestion, which means it enhances the production of gastric juice, and if the stomach is empty, it begins to digest itself, respectively, erosion occurs that can turn into ulcers.

Especially do not drink green tea on an empty stomach for those who already have gastritis or an ulcer. Many sources write that this wonderful drink prevents these diseases, but here, as with poison, it all depends on the dosage and time of administration.

Therefore, at times of exacerbation of chronic gastric diseases, it is recommended either to completely abandon the use of green tea, or to drink it in a not very concentrated form after meals. Then it will really be a medicine and will not provoke a relapse.

Green tea and alcohol

Many believe that a cup of green tea, drunk in the morning, helps to cope with a hangover, because it allegedly removes toxins. However, it is not. The external and momentary effect of relief is incomparable with the harm that is done to the body. First of all, the cardiovascular and nervous systems suffer, and then the kidneys “join” them.

The stimulating effect of green tea, multiplied by hangover syndrome, can even lead to a heart attack, not to mention neuroses, well, renal colic is also not a very pleasant thing. By the way, it is impossible to mix green tea with alcohol not only in the morning - during "libations" this mixture also has a bad effect on the body. Yes, and toxins are not excreted, but, on the contrary, are formed.

In addition, both alcohol and green tea have a diuretic effect, so their combination leads to a sharp dehydration of the body, and this, in turn, leads to nervous excitement, aggression, and then to a decrease in vitality. Moreover, frequent use alcohol combined with green tea accelerates skin aging.

Green tea and blood pressure

We often hear that green tea actively affects blood pressure. Surprisingly, both hypertensive patients and hypotensive patients write and talk about it. Someone complains that low blood pressure is getting even lower, someone - that high blood pressure jumps sharply to terrifying levels. But there are also those who speak with gratitude about this drink - in some it increases the low, in others it reduces the high. Which of them is right?

As it turns out, the truth is somewhere in between. For those on whom green tea has a positive effect, it simply regulates the pressure, that is, it raises or lowers it to an acceptable norm by the body. Those who, after drinking, suffer from too low or from excessively high blood pressure, belong to people with a personal intolerance to this drink.

So if after a cup of green tea you feel a breakdown or the back of your head starts to hurt, then this drink is not for you. Do not experiment, but abandon it in favor of teas and infusions, after which you do not experience discomfort. Or at least reduce the dosage or make a weak tea solution.

Green tea quality

What is harmful green tea

Absolutely healthy people should also pay attention to their well-being after drinking green tea. If you don't have hyperacidity, but at the same time, even a small cup of this drink causes heartburn, which means that you have purchased low-quality raw materials.

Remember that in regions where there are no tea plantations, tea, by definition, cannot be very cheap, because not only processing and packaging costs, but also transportation costs are required. Unscrupulous manufacturers often purchase tea dust, garbage and small crumbs left after packaging. quality tea, "hide" it in bags and attract buyers with a low price.

It is best to buy tea from trusted brands, and not in bags, but in bulk. It should not contain foreign impurities, unless it is provided for by the type of tea, that is, if it is not flavored with flower petals, zest or berries.

If you still prefer tea bags, then get the packaging, in which each of the bags is sealed in foil. This packaging method is not an attempt by the manufacturer to increase the price, but best method storage. It allows you to save all the aromas of tea and its beneficial features.

Proper brewing of green tea

Incorrectly brewed green tea can also cause harm. Everyone knows perfectly well that a tea leaf that has not undergone fermentation can be poured with water 3-4 times. After the second brew, it only begins to truly open up and give off its taste and aroma. However, at the same time, few people think that the "life" of green tea is short-lived.

Since tea hit the open spaces our vast country, samovars are firmly woven into our culture. Even traditional tea lovers, the British and Chinese, are sometimes surprised when they come to our country and see how much tea Russian people drink. But are we not abusing, in our Everyday life, this fragrant drink? Is it possible to abuse tea at all? Let's try to figure it out.

Black tea contains a lot vitamins, even essential oils, minerals and, of course, caffeine. It is he who gives us cheerfulness on a working day, allows us to focus on important tasks, and not nod off. Tea in this sense is often even more effective than coffee. However, do not forget that caffeine also has unpleasant features, including addiction. The body may like the presence of caffeine in it, and it will require its supply on a regular basis, in ever-increasing volumes. However, the harm of any addiction is obvious, so we, perhaps, will not dwell on this point in more detail.

But in small doses, with moderate consumption, caffeine favorably affects the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Do not forget about antioxidants - our defenders against various viral infections, harmful microorganisms that attack our body. And in general, tea stimulates the work of the central nervous system, serves as an excellent sedative that helps to cope with stress.

Long known tea ability enhance human immunity. Often tea is used in the treatment of certain inflammatory diseases. With conjunctivitis, for example, a sore, inflamed eye is washed with warm tea, which has a very positive effect.

Black tea also recommended for people suffering from diabetes. It well tones the skin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, stimulates. For the latter, by the way, the theophylline contained in tea is responsible. Also, tea contains fluoride, whose strengthening effect on our teeth has long been known. Being an alkaline drink, it neutralizes acids in the mouth, restoring the acid-base balance. The astringent properties of tea help the gums to hold the teeth tighter, preventing them from loosening and bleeding. However, at the same time, yellowing of the tooth enamel can often be observed in people who abuse the tea drink.

V Britain Recently, new health benefits of black tea have been discovered at the University of Greenwich. Employees of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, after conducting research, came to the conclusion that tea is excellent as a means of neutralizing toxins and dangerous microorganisms in the body. The main component of tea, scientists say, neutralizes the negative effects of toxic substances, including ricin, which is often used in terrorist attacks. Thus, if subsequent serious studies confirm the high effectiveness of tea in combating ricin in the body, then tea will be used to help victims of terrorist attacks, and good old black tea will also become, to some extent, a fighter against world terrorism.

In the end, tea is an almost indispensable remedy when our unfortunate organisms suffer from excessive dryness of the climate and high temperatures. For this alone, he is worthy of erecting a monument in his honor. A complex of phenolic compounds called tannin gives tea its ability to quench thirst and restore the body in the heat. This same tannin, when applied topically, strengthens the roots of the hair, so don't be surprised if you hear someone washes their hair in tea. The main thing is not to add sugar to such tea out of habit, otherwise the washed head will lure all the bees and ants in the area. Not to mention the fact that the hair will simply stick together.

It is clear that harmful concentration for a person is defined for any substance, even water can easily kill you if you drink too much of it. So how much tea can you drink without fear for your health? Doctors say no more than 6 cups a day daily allowance for an adult. What can abuse lead to? To all sorts of trouble.

V first of all people who are easily excitable should be wary of tea. Since tea is quite stimulating to the nervous system, it can cause a variety of excesses for them. It is worth remembering that the use of tea in the afternoon should be more restrained than in the first. At night, it is better not to drink tea at all, as this can lead to insomnia, primarily to the start, as well as to the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

people with gout, glaucoma, hypertension, it is recommended to drink only freshly brewed tea, and diligently avoid overexposed. Because the content of hazardous purine and caffeine increases in tea that is left in the teapot for a long time.

It should also refuse from the tradition of drinking tea "with something", especially drinking tea with food. It should be noted that this very tradition, eating something sweet with tea, as well as drinking a cup of tea immediately after dinner, appeared quite recently, while initially the Russian tea tradition implies drinking tea “without anything”.

Not worth it forget also and that tea removes useful substances from the body, immediately after the useless ones. For example, tea very well removes magnesium from the body, which, I must say, really needs it. But, if you do not abuse it, then there will be no trouble. This rule, however, does not apply to tea alone.

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Tea is considered to be the most popular drink in the world. This blessed drink is tonic and calming at the same time. Tea renders in general beneficial effect for the whole organism. Today, there are a great many different varieties tea.

The most common are black and green. Despite popular belief, tea, like coffee, contains caffeine. In this regard, many are wondering how many cups of tea can be drunk per day without compromising health.

How many cups of green tea can you drink a day

Green tea is more beneficial than black tea. Thanks to the antioxidants that make up its composition, green tea helps prevent the aging process of the body.

However, green tea in our area is less popular than black. In terms of its invigorating and tonic properties, green tea is much more effective than coffee. It has a milder effect on the nervous system and normalizes blood pressure. However, in order to get the maximum benefit from the use green tea, it must be properly brewed.

When brewing, do not be zealous with a fortress green drink. It is also recommended to use it without sugar.

Science has long paid attention to amazing properties tea and is constantly studying it. Not only domestic, but also foreign science conducted a lot of research on the topic of acceptable daily consumption this drink.

As a result of these studies, the daily norm of green tea was derived. For an adult, in order to feel healthy and full of energy all day long, it is enough to consume no more than 10 g of dry tea leaves.

Considering that one teaspoon is about 2 g of dry tea leaves, then about 5-6 cups are obtained per day.

How many cups of black tea can you drink a day

It seems to many that tea grows like this: green and black. However, this is misleading. All tea grows green. It turns into black tea as a result of the so-called fermentation process.

As a result of such processing, black tea loses a number of its beneficial properties, but acquires a completely different taste and color of tea leaves.

Black tea has great invigorating properties, so doctors do not recommend brewing it too strong.

The daily intake of black tea differs significantly from that of green tea. Under the condition of consuming no more than one teaspoon of tea leaves per cup, doctors recommend consuming up to 3 to 4 cups per day.

Black tea is not recommended to drink in a cooled state. This can lead to the formation of kidney stones. The use of black tea in large quantities will contribute to the leaching of magnesium from the body. It is known to affect the state of the nervous system.

Useful properties of tea

With moderate consumption and following all the recommendations for brewing, tea has literally magical properties:

Improves brain function and memory;

Normalizes cardiovascular activity;

Reduces the risk of cancer;

Prevents the formation of blood clots;

A cup of warm tea contributes to the overall cooling of the body in hot weather;

Contains zinc required by pregnant women.

Despite all the beneficial properties of tea, you should not abuse this drink. You should always listen to your body. If you have any diseases, it is best to consult a doctor who will individually recommend the optimal rate of tea consumption.

Drink tea and be healthy.