Useful properties and application of sage officinalis.  Sage tea: benefits and harms, how to drink and brew.

There is no secret that sage has many medicinal properties. It is used in medicine to cure many diseases. It is very useful for women, as it contains phytohormones. In this article, we will look at how to take sage, its qualities, and more.

Sage - life saver

"Salvia" (Sage), translated means - to save. Even in the Middle Ages, sage was added to all prepared “elixirs of youth”, and the ancient Chinese generally gave two boxes of tea for it at once. To be always young, once a year before its very flowering, regularly use sage, because during this period it is most effective. And for women, sage is just a gift of nature, as it prolongs youth and beauty. There are even special recipe for this: 80 grams of leaves fall asleep in one liter of dry red wine, insist 10 days and take a small glass once a day. The duration of admission is 21 days, with a break of one week. If you get the desired result, then the course can be completed again after a while.

Medicinal properties of sage

Sage is used in the form of an infusion, herbal tea, essential oils and poultices. Infusion is recommended for use in disorders nervous system. With rheumatism, sage oil is excellent. How to cook sage various diseases:

  • Inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa, as well as angina, we do next composition: take one glass, pour one tablespoon of dry leaves into it, pour boiling water over it, wrap it up and let it brew for about two hours. Then we filter and caress 2-3 times a day.
  • Pneumonia, bronchitis and upper respiratory tract: add one tablespoon of sage to a glass of milk, boil under a lid over low heat, then insist for ten minutes, filter, squeeze out the sediment and boil again. Ready drink drink hot before bed.

It should be noted that even in ancient Egypt, sage was effectively used in the treatment of female infertility.

  • The infusion made should be stored for no more than 24 hours, as it contains all the necessary substances.
  • Keep the prepared infusion in the refrigerator.
  • It is recommended to drink in the form of warm tea.
  • Dose of application: 3-4 times a day inside for half a cup 30-40 minutes before meals.
  • Sage in the form of a decoction: take one glass of boiling water, pour one tablespoon of leaves there, boil for ten minutes, then leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink one tablespoon three times a day.


There should be no contraindications for the use of sage. If all of you have a negative reaction, immediately stop taking sage. Use is contraindicated for the following symptoms:

  • Epilepsy
  • Acute cough
  • Pregnancy
  • Severe inflammatory process in the kidneys

The duration of admission is not more than three months. In childhood, strict adherence to the dosage is especially important.

After reviewing this article, we tried to answer the question of how to brew sage. You have learned its medicinal properties and contraindications. Be always healthy!

In the hope of having a long-awaited child, women use all means: from hormone therapy courses to taking dietary supplements. Currently, phytotherapy has begun to gain popularity. For example, sage is often used for conception.

What you need to know about taking sage and whether it can harm, we will tell in this article. But first you need to find out what effects this plant has on the body.

It has many useful properties:

  1. Antiseptic effect. The components contained in sage contribute to the destruction and inhibition of the growth of bacteria.
  2. Anti-inflammatory action. When applied externally, active plant substances have a calming effect on the mucous membrane. Due to this, inflammatory edema is reduced and healing is accelerated.
  3. Influence on hormonal activity. Sage is believed to contain phytoestrogens. These are substances of plant origin, according to the mechanism of action similar to female sex hormones.

The list is arranged in decreasing order of the strength of the effect.

How to normalize hormonal levels with sage

Phytoestrogens contribute to an increase in the thickness of the endometrium, stimulating the growth of small blood vessels and glandular tissue.

The formation of follicles of sufficient size

Their formation directly depends on the level of estrogen. This group of hormones stimulates their growth, as well as the formation and rupture of the dominant follicle. It is from it that the egg is released, ready for fertilization.

An insufficient level of hormones leads to the fact that the dominant follicle does not go through the necessary stages of maturation, remaining closed. Accordingly, the egg cannot leave the ovary, and ovulation does not occur.

Phytoestrogens act on the receptors of the female reproductive system, stimulating the growth of follicles. Before drinking sage to get pregnant, you need to check the estrogen content in the blood. Enhanced Level estradiol can lead to premature maturation of the follicle and the release of an inferior egg.

Formation of a regular menstrual cycle

Ovulation that occurred in time and the endometrium prepared for “planting” the egg are essential conditions for a woman’s reproductive health. Estrogens are responsible for correct sequence and the duration of these processes, together forming a normal. Sage has a similar effect, playing the role of an additional stimulating component.

Treatment of inflammation

Inflammatory processes affecting the reproductive system are another obstacle to the onset and normal course of pregnancy. Sage is an excellent antiseptic with a calming effect. It helps in complex therapy for inflammation of the vulva and vagina.

how to drink sage to get pregnant

It is important to know the rules for preparing and taking this remedy.

Preparation of solution and decoction

Sage for conception in folk medicine is used in the form of dried leaves. Broth proportions: 1 glass (200 ml) is added to 1 teaspoon of the crushed preparation. hot water. The resulting mixture is boiled for 1 minute. You should wait for the broth to cool completely, and then strain it through cheesecloth.

The infusion is prepared in the same proportions, but you just need to pour the leaves with boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain.

Reception scheme

Drink 1/3 cup of decoction 3 times a day, focusing on the menstrual cycle. The beginning of the reception should coincide with the last day of menstruation. The use of sage continues until ovulation occurs.

For example: the duration of the cycle is 28 days, menstruation ends on day 4. It turns out that a woman will drink a decoction of sage from 4 to 12-14 days.

If ovulation occurs, the drug is stopped. Further use of sage helps to increase the tone of the uterus and, accordingly, the difficulty of attaching the egg to the endometrium.

Too early to start drinking a decoction is also not worth it: sage during menstruation has a hemostatic effect. Under such conditions, the process of rejection of the old endometrium is disrupted. The particles of the glandular-vascular cover remaining in the uterine cavity provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

How to drink sage to get pregnant if after the completed course it was not possible to conceive a child? Reception continues according to the specified scheme for another 2 cycles. The total duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months. The minimum break is 1 month. Ignoring the scheme of using the decoction is dangerous to health.

outdoor reception

The infusion is prepared according to the above scheme. With vaginitis in the recovery phase, douching is used up to 2 times a day. However, it is recommended to visit a doctor beforehand.


You should refrain from using sage if:

  • there is an allergy to this plant;
  • recently transferred childbirth or;
  • increased estrogen levels (risk of premature maturation of follicles);
  • the patient has amenorrhea;
  • the first days of menstruation have come;
  • acute inflammation of the pelvic organs is present;
  • diagnosed;
  • a gynecological examination is due (the risk of unreliability of the results of the examination).

Sage for men

The male body also contains a small amount of estrogen. Compliance with the ratio of male and female sex hormones is very important, as this affects the reproductive ability of the body. Sage does not radically affect the male hormonal background. There is no scientific evidence that this plant in any way improves or impairs the quality of the resulting sperm.

Sage increases sexual activity, acting as a natural aphrodisiac. It can be used as an essential oil. For this purpose, clary sage is suitable.

How effective is sage for pregnancy?

The question of the true properties of this plant as a source of phytoestrogens divided doctors into two opposing camps. However, they are all the same in the following: sage is not a panacea for infertility, and the point of taking it is in complex therapy.

It has been scientifically proven that phytoestrogens affect exactly the same receptors as body hormones. But their effect is extremely weak compared to true estrogens. If we compare the strength of the impact on the body of these two types of substances, then the proportion will be approximately 100 to 0.001-0.2. That is why sage monotherapy is unlikely to bring the desired effect.

is a problem with many causes. Drinking sage without a preliminary detailed examination is a mistake. The expediency of prescribing this plant directly depends on the pathology that led to the inability to become pregnant.

The best solution is to consult a doctor in time. Only after a preliminary gynecological examination, ultrasound and a series of tests can one get an idea of ​​the cause of infertility. Do not waste time on self-treatment.

Useful video about the healing properties of sage

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Since ancient Egypt, sage has been considered a sacred herb due to its unique properties that help a woman get pregnant.

After brutal wars, Egyptian priestesses distributed this herb to couples to hasten the birth of children.

The plant received the name "sacred herb" from the father of medicine, Hippocrates, who recommended it to everyone for widespread use in medicine.

Stimulation of ovulation

Modern women have knowledge of the miraculous properties of sage.

Couples who want to have children, but have not yet succeeded in this endeavor, use the plant to stimulate ovulation.

What is this herb and how to take it correctly?

There are many reasons why a woman cannot get pregnant.

The most common is a violation of the ovulation process.

If the egg does not leave the ovary, then fertilization becomes impossible, and pregnancy does not occur.

Ovulation is regulated by female sex hormones.

With a sharp increase in estrogen levels in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the follicle bursts in the ovary, and the mature egg comes out, where it meets sperm.

It is not uncommon in our time that women in the body do not have enough natural estrogens. In this case, the follicle does not burst and the egg does not ovulate.

Estrogen therapy during pregnancy planning leads to the maturation of the egg. Or, in other words, an increase in the level of female hormones stimulates its onset.

The composition of sage contains substances that are similar in their functions to the hormone estrogen, which plays important role in the formation of the egg.

Ingestion of sage gradually increases the levels of these hormones, which plays an important role in the onset of ovulation in women who previously could not have had it for several months.

Sage phytohormones not only stimulate the synthesis of natural estrogens, but due to their own hormone-like action, compensate for the lack of estrogen levels in the blood.

The follicle bursts and the egg successfully ovulates. Due to this significant impact on female body, sage was included in the composition of phytohormones.

Sage has on the body:

These properties are provided by the presence in the plant useful for the body:

  • essential oils (about the properties and use of anise is written on the page),
  • phytoncides,
  • vitamins,
  • tannins,
  • alkaloids,
  • flavonoids,
  • organic acids.

How to take for conception

It should be borne in mind that sage in infertility is effective only for those women who do not have enough estrogen in the body.

If there is an excess of estrogen, it is impossible to take a decoction because then the risk of developing endometriosis increases and the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

Excess estrogen leads to irritability, swelling, pain in the mammary glands, mastopathy, and even breast cancer.

You can check the level of hormones by passing a special analysis for the level of estradiol, progesterone, FSH, LH, testosterone, TSH, DHEA-S. This must be done because:

  • hypothyroidism () and other diseases caused by an excess of estrogen will be aggravated while taking sage, so weed can seriously knock down the hormonal background;
  • with a lack of progesterone good growth follicles taking weed will lead to the formation of cysts.

To achieve the effect, on the basis of ultrasound or measurement of basal temperature, you should set the day of the cycle on which the egg reaches its maximum size.

Based on this, a schedule for taking sage is drawn up.

Recovery natural processes in the body of a woman, a decoction of sage is prepared.

Grass for these purposes, buy at the pharmacy.

Do not confuse meadow sage, found in central Russia, in meadows and along roadsides, with medicinal sage.

These are 2 different types.

Meadow sage is not used in medicine, because it does not have any pronounced medicinal properties.

Sage leaves are sold in filter bags or in bulk, and instructions for cooking are necessarily written on the package.

  1. Pour one tablespoon of sage into a glass and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Close the bowl with a lid and wait for it to cool completely.
  3. Strain the decoction through a strainer or gauze.
  4. You can store the broth only in the refrigerator.

Every day, brew a new portion of the broth.

Try to take the decoction regularly.

First option

4 times a day, at regular intervals, a quarter cup.

The infusion is drunk from the fourth day of menstruation until the day when, according to calculations, the size of the egg reaches its maximum.

With a longer 28-day cycle, the course of treatment should begin on the fourth day of menstruation, and end on the 12th day.

With a cycle of 21 days, the reception begins on the fourth day and ends on the 10th day.

With a 32-day cycle, drinking a decoction should begin on the fourth day, and end on the 17th.

In the absence of ovulation for a long time, start drinking the decoction on any day, but then consider the first day of admission to be the fifth day of the cycle.

Drinking a decoction of sage from the first days of menstruation is not advisable, because it has a hemostatic effect, and this can disrupt the process of cleansing the uterus.

Then they do not drink sage in case ovulation has occurred and fertilization has occurred.

If this does not happen, the course for the next cycle continues in the same way.

After 2 courses of therapy, a break is made for a month, then the course is resumed again.

At the first suspicion of pregnancy, taking a decoction of sage should be stopped immediately so as not to provoke a miscarriage.

Sage reduces the level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum until the placenta develops.

Progesterone is essential for the proper development of the fetus.

Sage provokes uterine contractions because it increases the level of estradiol and arterial pressure. It is not very helpful for pregnancy.

You should not take a decoction if, suddenly, after the start of the reception, you were alerted by the response of the body.

The second scheme for taking a decoction

Take a decoction of sage 50 grams should be 2 times a day:

  • in the morning before meals and in the evening after meals, immediately after the end of menstruation, for the next 11 days.

Do not take the drug at bedtime.

Then a break is made until the next menstruation.

According to this scheme, the decoction is taken for three months, then a pause is made in the reception.

Repeat courses of treatment with a decoction of sage can be no more than three times a year. If the broth is unpleasant in taste, you can sweeten it with honey.

It is allowed to take a decoction of sage, in a complex, together with other phytohormones, for example, with lime blossom.

Both herbs, one tablespoon each, are brewed with a glass of boiling water and taken in the first half of the cycle.

Because Linden blossom(useful properties and contraindications are described in the article) - this is the phytohormone estrogen, then the effect of the decoction becomes more effective.

Often, the intake of sage is combined with the intake of folic acid, and in the second half of the cycle is taken Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

Douching is done with a decoction of sage.

For a session, one tablespoon of decoction is enough.

Douching the vagina should be no more than twice a day.

The temperature of the broth should be no higher than 38 degrees.

The procedure is carried out in such a way that the liquid is in the vagina, at least for ten minutes.

Contraindications for use

In some cases, taking a decoction of sage is contraindicated.

  1. It should be discontinued immediately if pregnancy is suspected.
    Sage causes uterine tone in the first half of pregnancy, which leads to miscarriage and promotes placental abruption in the second half of pregnancy.
  2. During breastfeeding decoction should not be used.
  3. You can not take a decoction if a woman has mastopathy or suspected breast cancer.
  4. You can’t drink with oncological diseases (as a decoction of burdock root is written).
  5. Endometrial hyperplasia is another contraindication to taking a decoction.
  6. Polycystic ovaries.
  7. Myoma of the uterus.
  8. Lack of progesterone.
  9. Increased blood pressure.
  10. It is contraindicated for hypotensive patients.
  11. Diseases thyroid gland ().
  12. Kidney disease - you can not drink with acute inflammation, nephritis (), glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
  13. Tendency to uterine bleeding.
  14. Sage aggravates cough, so you should not take it in this condition.
  15. Individual intolerance.

You can not take sage uncontrollably, for a long time and in large quantities- he calls poisoning and inflammation of the genital organs.

Like any other remedy, sage can cause an allergic reaction individually.

A little more about the female plant

Sage has been considered feminine since ancient times. medicine. He is able to cure frigidity and increase a woman's sexual desire.

Previously, female infertility was treated with an infusion of sage seeds or even alcoholic tinctures of seeds on wine.

Sage will also help with unpleasant symptoms of menopause, grass is also in demand in cosmetology.

Sage preparations eliminate the symptoms of PMS, reduce pain during menstruation, are used to stop lactation and to treat cracked nipples.

The author of the video will tell you about medicinal properties and contraindications of sage.

December 08, 2013 1164

Sage has been widely known in folk medicine since ancient times.

Ancient Greek and Roman physicians called it a sacred herb.

Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, Galen and Dioscorides wrote about this medicinal plant.

This genus of plants includes about a thousand species, however, their most famous representatives are medicinal and clary sage.

All types of sage are essential oil plants.

Like the plant itself, its essential oil also has beneficial properties.

Features and distinctive sides

Of all the species of the genus Sage, sage officinalis is distinguished by its beneficial properties.

It is distributed in Greece, Italy, France.

In the wild, it is practically not found, in contrast to the meadow.

Sage belongs to heat-loving plants; in winter, with a lack of snow cover, it freezes.

If you are going to grow it in the garden, you will have to carefully wrap it up for the winter.

Also, when growing sage, it must be remembered that it is very photophilous and does not tolerate excessive watering.

Sage is an unpretentious plant that is easy to grow both in the garden and in a tub on the balcony.

In that case, this useful plant will always be within reach.

In addition to useful properties, there are also ornamental plant species.

Collect sage during flowering, up to 3 times a year, preferably in the morning.

Dry it in a dark, well-ventilated place. It is advisable to store dried raw materials in glass jars. The shelf life of the dried plant is 2-3 years.

In folk medicine, flowers and leaves of sage are used, most often in the form of decoctions and tinctures.

To obtain an infusion for rinsing the mouth, take a spoonful of sage in a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes.

For a decoction, the proportions of plant and water are the same.

Sage is used for sore throats, stomatitis and gum disease in the form of a rinse.

This rinse will also help with toothache.

The plant has bactericidal properties, so rinsing with its infusion is useful and simply for the prevention of oral diseases and colds.

Pro fish fat. Beneficial features for adults and children, read more.

Wine with sage was also used to cure it - an infusion of the plant on white wine.

In modern reference books, there are also sometimes similar recommendations regarding sage tea, as well as alcohol infusion.

It is believed that even the frequent use of sage as a seasoning increases the likelihood of pregnancy.

Water infusion and juice from fresh leaves taken orally to reduce sweating, especially during menopause and during puberty.

Sage extract is also useful in menopause.

It is advisable to drink sage tea from time to time for all women over 35 years old, it helps to rejuvenate the body and brings it considerable benefits.

Lemons, honey, sugar, as well as other herbs that can be useful can be added to tea.

This tea will help normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce the symptoms of PMS.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the use in professional cosmetology, as well as in the manufacture of home cosmetics.

Sage helps with dandruff acne, its infusion is used to wash sensitive skin, and facial steam baths are useful for any skin type.

Helps with hair loss

The strong half of humanity is more prone to baldness. Men begin to lose hair much earlier than women.

Infusions and decoctions, as well as shampoo enrichment essential oil sage can slow down baldness, and in some cases stop it.

In male infertility, an infusion of seeds is used.

The course of treatment is about 3 months. Between courses should take breaks of 2-3 months.

Sage is also useful for men because it is effective in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

It is included in the collections and teas intended for the treatment of these diseases, and is also used separately in the form of a decoction.

Elderly people - baths with sage

Sage preparations improve memory and prevent its deterioration, which often threatens the elderly.

The infusion prevents hand trembling, strengthens the nervous system.

It is indispensable during the restoration of health after a stroke, as a general tonic.

Baths with the addition of sage help with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, thrombophlebitis, arthritis and arthrosis.

It contributes to longevity and health, which makes preparations from it almost indispensable for the elderly.

Fresh leaves - healing effect

IN fresh sage leaves are used only externally. They find their use in the treatment of tumors, wounds and skin diseases.

IN medicinal purposes juice is squeezed from fresh leaves.

It is used internally for excessive sweating and as a rinse for dental problems.

Juice is also useful in exhaustion.

Fresh and dried sage leaves are also used in cooking as a seasoning with an extraordinary spicy taste.

This seasoning was widely used in ancient Egypt during wars and other cataclysms, as an increase in fertility.

Infertility with the help of sage is treated in our time, and frequent use in the role of seasoning is also useful in this.

Sage is usually seasoned with meat, first courses, as well as side dishes and salads from rice, cabbage and eggs.

It is added to mixtures of herbs that are used in the preparation of sausages, ham and cheese.

It is also added to herring.

How Can Clary Sage Help You?

The main use of clary sage is the treatment of gynecological diseases and inflammation of the eyes.

It also has calming and relaxing properties, which makes sage tea useful for emotional distress in women.

With an infusion of clary sage, lotions are made for inflamed eyes.

As a tea, it is useful for women who suffer from frigidity, infertility, hormonal problems, PMS.

Useful for menopause, especially in its initial stage.

Clary sage oil infusion helps with varicose veins and circulatory disorders.

It is used as an ointment or massage oil.

Easy to prepare - pour sage vegetable oil so that it slightly covers the plant, and leave for 2-3 weeks.

Otherwise this species plants are used to treat and improve the body in the same way as medicinal sage.

They have similar composition and properties.

Video dessert

Discover Recipes traditional medicine in a helpful video:

Salvia officinalis has been known since ancient times for its unique properties and has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. In particular, it helps with inflammation of the gums and stomatitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, copes well with gastric colic, is used in the treatment of female infertility and diabetes. They treat burns and ulcers, diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Also, sage has pronounced tonic properties, so it is advised even healthy people- to increase activity and prevention chronic fatigue. And this is not the whole list of its features!

It would seem that such a universal drug can only bring benefits, and with constant use, it should completely provide a person with ideal health. However, not all so simple! As with any drug, sage must be used in the correct dosage for healing. An increase in the amount of herbal drink consumed can significantly worsen the patient's well-being and cause serious harm to health. That is why you can not drink sage as tea all the time, uncontrolled treatment with seemingly harmless "grass" is completely unsafe.

In addition, sage is contraindicated for some people, while others can use it, subject to the restrictions described below.

Safety precautions in the treatment of sage

Although side effects when using infusions and decoctions of sage, they rarely occur, individual reactions of the body are possible. And even if at the beginning of treatment the allergy did not manifest itself, it can develop in the future, in a month or even more.

It is not recommended to drink tea with sage for nursing mothers, as it quickly reduces the amount breast milk and makes it bitter. True, in case you need to stop lactation, then taking sage is a safer method than hormonal pills.

Sage tinctures are useless with a strong cough, because their use can make the cough even worse.

With prolonged use, symptoms of irritation of the gastric mucosa may occur, which sometimes leads to gastritis and colitis. Particular care must be taken when using this medicinal plant for the treatment of peptic ulcer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

And the most important thing to remember is that sage can be poisonous in large doses. Experts do not recommend drinking even ordinary sage tea for more than 3 months and in large quantities - this can lead to severe headaches and general intoxication of the body. Do not exceed the recommended doses and do not violate the timing of the drug!

To whom sage is contraindicated

It is strictly forbidden to drink, patients with reduced thyroid function, during the acute stages of kidney disease, nephritis, pyelonephritis, low blood pressure, epilepsy and hypertension. Sage in any form is not prescribed for children under two years of age.

Although this plant is widely used in gynecology (even being treated), sage is strictly contraindicated in diseases associated with an increase in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens. Such cases include:

  • breast tumors
  • amenorrhea
  • endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia
  • rehabilitation period after removal of cancerous tumors of the mammary glands and uterus

The use of traditional medicine can be an excellent treatment - or addition to traditional therapies. various diseases. The main thing to remember is that everything is good in moderation, otherwise you can seriously harm your body. Be healthy!