Fish oil benefits and harms: vitamins in fish oil.

Since we were kids, we knew that fish oil is incredibly healthy. They drank it in pure form, and in capsules, and all in order to be healthy. The point is that in fish oil contains a lot of unique vitamins and minerals that are vital for our body.

What is in fish oil?

It consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 groups. These substances strengthen the immune system, normalize the work of the heart, reduce pressure, make the walls of blood vessels stronger, and so on.

In fish oil not in large numbers also found are acids such as stearic, capric, acetic and butyric.

Available in two forms: capsules and liquid (taken in the form of drops). You can get the vitamins and minerals you need directly through fish.


Fish oil contains:

  • Fish oil contains Vitamin A, which improves skin condition and normalizes mucous tissues. The right amount of this vitamin in the body improves twilight vision and the ability to distinguish colors. If you notice that your skin becomes dry and your hair more brittle, this is a sure sign that your body lacks retinol (Vitamin A)
  • Its merit is that it helps to absorb various kinds of minerals more easily into the tissues. This vitamin is used to prevent diseases such as. Another benefit of vitamin D is its ability to reduce depression and irritability.
  • Polyunsaturated fats Omega 3 stimulate the production of prostaglandins, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system. With a sufficient amount of them, the body begins to intensively fight various inflammatory processes and infections, and the risk of disease decreases. The vessels also expand, the blood flow to the heart muscles increases, the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis decreases.

Daily intake of vitamins in fish oil:

Population group Daily intake of vitamin A Daily intake of vitamin D
mcg mcg
Infants (up to 6 months) 400 10
Infants (7 - 12 months) 500 7,5-10
Children (1 – 3 years old) 300 7,5-11
Children (4 - 8 years old) 400 3
Children (9 - 13 years old) 600 2,5
Men (14 years and older) 1000 2,5
Women (14 and over) 800 2,5
Children and teenagers (depending on age and weight) 400-700 2-2,5
Women (during pregnancy) 200-800 10
Women (when breastfeeding) 400-1200 10-12
Aged people 800 2-2,5

Other benefits and properties of fish oil

  • Vitamins Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are found in large quantities in fish oil, enhance the process of burning fat throughout the body.
  • Fish oil stimulates the production of serotonin, which reduces the possibility of falling into depression, improves mood in general.
  • The benefits of fish oil for hair are great:
    • hair strengthening;
    • activation of recovery processes;
    • acceleration of the growth process;
    • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
    • preventing hair loss and thinning.

An important beneficial property of fish oil is beneficial effect with alcohol intoxication, minimizing the consequences of excessive drinking.

  • Fish oil, when the baby is still in the womb, already contributes to the development of coordination.
  • Reduces the chance of premature pregnancy
  • Improves intrauterine nutrition of the child.
  • Positively affect the formation of the retina in the baby.

trace elements

Fish oil is saturated large quantity various micronutrients.

  • ions can be called unique in their significance for human body. As part of the blood, it ensures the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency in the body can lead to reduced immunity and anemia.
  • Another important trace element is . It is present in almost all vital processes of the body: blood clotting, neuromuscular excitability, strength of the musculoskeletal system.
  • iodine ions not only strengthen the immune system, but also participate in the formation of thyroxine - a hormone thyroid gland. Iodine is necessary for children, since with its deficiency in the body, growth and mental development stop.
  • performs such an important function as maintaining the ionic balance of liquid agents. Magnesium ions are part of the cells of the body, and their deficiency can adversely affect the nervous system.
  • Manganese is one of the components of all organs and tissues. It is from this trace element that the normal functioning of the reproductive organs and the central nervous system. Sexual impotence, osteoporosis and other diseases are all signs of a lack of manganese in the body.
  • From availability chloride ions in the body, the quality of the bone-cartilaginous system will depend, since they contribute to the formation of hydrochloric acid.
  • Bromine ions- this is the main element acting on the work of the central nervous system. Its presence in the body normalizes all the processes taking place in the brain.

Table of the daily norm of trace elements for the average person:

Reasons why you shouldn't eat fish oil

  1. Excess quantity
  2. Increased content in the body
  3. Allergy to fish oil or any of the trace elements it contains
  4. Stones in the bladder
  5. Cholelithiasis

Video about the benefits of fish oil

Why is fish oil so beneficial? More on that in the video below:

One of the tastiest delicacies of the Soviet era was canned Cod Liver, this product was used for cooking holiday salads and snacks, distinguished by their pleasant oily taste, which was given to them by fish oil containing minerals and great amount omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D and retinol.

However, it is not always possible to combine business with pleasure, for those who especially need it. the most valuable product, there is a form of release of fish oil in its pure form, which is obtained by extracting from the same cod liver.

This product has two dosage forms release:

  • Fish oil in the form of an emulsion for bottling, sold in dark glass bottles, it has an unpleasant taste, as well as such a composition that it loses its properties when exposed to sunlight. healing properties because omega-3 is destroyed by light.
  • Fish oil in gelatin capsules, the benefit of which is better absorption along with other vitamins and minerals. When buying fish oil in capsules, special attention should be paid to the composition, namely, what kind of gelatin its shell consists of, gelatin of fish origin in capsules will bring more benefits, but such a product is also more expensive.

Also in pharmacies you can find “Fish Oil”, which is produced from the muscle fibers of fatty fish species, such a product contains fewer vitamins, but its composition is in the lead in terms of the amount of omega-3. That is why it is ideal for children and pregnant women.

In fact, fish oil is the first dietary supplement designed to compensate for the lack of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids in the human body, the discoverer of which was the pharmacist Peter Meller. It happened more than 150 years in Norway, which is currently the largest supplier of this product. The pharmacist carefully studied the composition of the product, determined how to take it correctly, what substances it contains.

Biochemical composition

The nutritional value of this product is 902 kcal per 100 grams, since fish oil does not contain any proteins or carbohydrates at all.

What fatty acids are present

The composition of this product contains polyunsaturated,:

In terms of omega-3 to omega-5 ratio, fish oil is optimal for human consumption, and its emulsifying properties make it the most easily digestible product for general health and recovery (including brittle nails and hair).


Fish oil has a small composition of vitamins, represented by vitamin A, vitamin D2, as well as a large amount of vitamin A in retinol equivalent. Some pharmaceutical preparations offer fish oil with tocopherol, which are artificially enriched with this substance.

What vitamins, see the table:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
vitamin A 30
vitamin D 0.004


It should be noted that minerals are represented by a low content of iodine, bromine, phosphorus and sulfur in the form of organic compounds, which is the benefit of fish oil for men, children and women.

Beneficial features

The biologically active substances of fish oil are omega-3, vitamins A and D3, which have a beneficial effect on many processes in the human body and are ideal for children and women.

A wide range of useful properties of the product in liquid form and capsules can be listed as follows:

  • Omega-3, which is part of this product, helps to restore the heart rhythm during arrhythmias, as well as normalizes blood pressure, prevents blood clots, and thins the blood.
  • Clears the blood of triglyceride.
  • Fish oil in capsules helps to strengthen nails, hair, teeth and bone tissue, improves skin condition, gives hair shine and strength, which is undoubted benefit for women and small children.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the joints, relieving their inflammation, as well as reducing pain.
  • Helps to improve memory at any age, as well as brain activity.
  • Vitamin A in fish oil has a beneficial effect on vision, strengthening the retina.
  • Regular consumption of fish oil prevents aging of the body, hair loss, as well as the development of cancerous tumors.
  • Fish oil contains vitamin D, which not only strengthens bone tissue, participating in the absorption of calcium by the body, but also regenerates the skin, and the presence of iodine in it improves the condition of the skin in psoriasis and other skin diseases.
  • The benefits of fish oil for men, in addition to general strengthening, are the ability of vitamin D to increase testosterone levels, prevent early hair loss, and the omega-3 contained in the product improves body endurance, normalizes the weight of women and children and increases resistance to stress.
  • Those who are accustomed to regularly taking fish oil in liquid form or in capsules note positive changes in appearance, especially noticeable, even after a week's course, the benefits for hair become less brittle and radiate a natural shine. In addition to internal use for hair, the “health elixir” in capsules can be added to therapeutic, restorative and strengthening hair masks.
  • The benefits of fish oil for children and women bearing a child lie in the high content of vitamin D, until recently it was an obligatory part of the diet of preschoolers, as a prevention of rickets.

Possible harm

Despite the prevailing beneficial features, fish oil can harm the body in case of overdose, and the presence of certain diseases (especially in young children). Contraindications to the use of fish oil are the following diseases:

  1. Renal failure.
  2. Diseases genitourinary system, urolithiasis disease.
  3. Open form of tuberculosis.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  5. Allergy to fish.
  6. During pregnancy, fish oil can only be taken as prescribed by the attending physician, since an excess of vitamin A can adversely affect the development of future children.

The ecological state of reservoirs today leaves much to be desired, for this reason, doctors at one time introduced a ban on the use of fish oil for children, in 1997 this ban was lifted, but parents should still pay attention to in which areas the bioadditive was produced and for how long its suitability. It is also not recommended to independently prescribe this product to children and change its dosage. Considering what vitamins are in fish oil, and these are fat-soluble, capable of accumulating in the body, it must be taken with some caution - their overabundance can be harmful.

Also, do not drink the emulsion on an empty stomach, as this will lead to indigestion and cause diarrhea.

Take fish oil in a monthly course of 2-3 capsules per day with meals, the interval between courses should be at least 2 months.

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Fish oil is a truly unique product that is extracted from the liver of fish from the cod family. Who really discovered unique properties this product is unknown, most likely this discovery was accidental, but all guesses were justified.

Fish oil even has quite interesting story, this product was both loved and hated. So, everyone remembers the time when literally all children were forced to eat one tablespoon of liquid fish oil every day. Most of the kids didn't like it because this product doesn't have the most pleasant taste and specific aroma. This happened in Soviet times and lasted for several decades, but one day everything changed.

In our time, the former interest in fish oil has disappeared, but few people know why this happened. In the 90s, new studies showed that fish oil was supposedly harmful, although the findings were not well substantiated. This study was accepted only in the territory of the CIS countries, after which doctors began to prohibit parents from giving this product to their children. There are even cases when pregnant women who tried fish oil were brought to the clinic, it was believed that the woman could be poisoned and damage her fetus. Later, of course, it turned out that all this was a deep delusion, but the former interest in the product did not return.

Fish oil is an almost transparent oily liquid with a rather specific smell and taste. Previously, fish oil was produced exclusively in bottles, but now everyone can purchase the drug in capsules, which greatly facilitates the consumption of the product itself. There is no difference between capsules and regular liquid, although some doctors claim that in open oil becomes less useful over time.

The content of vitamins in 100 g of fish oil

Based on the name of the product, it can be understood that its main component is fat and nothing else. Therefore, we can say that fish oil does not contain a huge amount of various vitamins and microelements, but it contains simply an immeasurable amount of the elements most necessary for a person.

100 g of fish oil contains:

  • vitamin A - 30 mg
  • vitamin D - 0.004 mcg

In such a concentration, as in fish oil, vitamins A and D are almost nowhere else.. The only alternative to such fat is simple linseed oil, which has a very similar composition and taste, but such oil is not always available to everyone, it also needs to be eaten only in liquid and raw form.

The main advantage of this product is not even the presence of the above vitamins, but the presence of extremely useful Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats in it, these acids help the hair to be strong and beautiful, the bones to be strong, the skin to be healthy and radiant.

Advantages and disadvantages of fish oil

Of course, it should be noted that fish oil is really unique product in terms of its benefits, it has virtually no contraindications, it does not cause allergies, it is useful for both adults and children. It also has a number of properties that make it such a unique ingredient in our diet:

  • strengthening hair and nails
  • increased visual acuity, helps to get rid of "night blindness" (poor visibility at night)
  • prevention of rickets, assistance in the formation of bone tissue (for this reason it was given to children)
  • strengthening the immune system
  • increased resistance to almost all infections
  • excellent prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis
  • combat depression, stress, tension, improve mood
  • prevention of mental illness, as well as the prevention of dementia and memory loss
  • help with poisoning and severe alcohol intoxication

It is necessary to take fish oil for quite a long time, but it is still better to consult a doctor. Most often, he prescribes taking it one capsule several times a day, the duration of treatment ranges from two months to a year, it all depends on the initial state, in the presence of certain diseases, the treatment will be long.

Not so long ago, doctors discovered a new use for this product, it began to be produced in the form of a spray, which treats burns and various wounds. Of course, it has a slightly different composition and consistency than usual, but still it is almost the same thing.

So, here are the main indications for the use of fish oil in food:

  • weakened immune system, sickness
  • flu, cold or SARS
  • thrombophlebitis
  • poor condition of the skin, hair and nails
  • rickets
  • various eye diseases, including non-recognition of certain colors
  • atherosclerosis
  • weak skeletal system, poor dental health
  • wounds, burns

As you can see from the list above, this product has just a lot of advantages, it can be taken by almost everyone, but there are some contraindications that you should definitely consider before prescribing this drug yourself. These are the contraindications:

  • enlargement or disease of the thyroid gland
  • hypervitaminosis, which could result from early consumption of fish oil or any other vitamin-containing preparations
  • gallstone and urolithiasis(however, this is not always a contraindication, you must first consult with your doctor)
  • allergy to fish, its components, fish oil (such an allergy is not particularly common, but it still happens)

Fish oil for weight loss

Oddly enough, but it is fish oil, or rather its components, that are excellent additional components for healthy weight loss. This may seem strange at first glance, because this product is very high in calories, it also consists entirely of fats that do not benefit the figure. So why is it so necessary during weight loss?

Any good dietitian will prescribe fish oil capsules for their patient. Most likely, this drug will have to be taken during the entire weight loss process, but everything, of course, depends on the initial body weight and individual doctor's recommendations.

So what's the deal? This product, as mentioned earlier, contains a huge amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, as well as a certain amount of Omega-6, together they help the body fight depression, fatigue and poor health during any diet.

But the main advantage of this product during weight loss is that it speeds up metabolism and helps all the components that come to us through food to be absorbed normally and fully by the body. It is also unique in that it helps to reduce such problem areas as the stomach and sides. Thanks to the normalization of the same metabolism excess fat from these problem areas begins to "leave" much faster.

It is necessary to take this drug in courses, but this should be done only in courses and after the obligatory consultation of a professional doctor.

Since Soviet times, many of us have learned that fish oil is a tasteless product, but incredibly healthy. It could be found in almost any house, it without fail given to children and often taken by adults. Nowadays, many cannot remember what vitamin is in fish oil, and why it is useful. It is these questions that we will consider in this article.

Vitamin composition of fish oil

Fish oil in general is a special dietary supplement that is usually obtained from cod liver and the cod family. Its main advantages are a lot of vitamins A, D, E in fish oil, as well as saturation with omega-3 fatty acids. There are so many of these substances in it that even a small amount of it easily covers daily allowance their consumption.

Fish oil is available in several forms - either in the form of an oily liquid with a specific odor, or in the form of capsules that hide both the smell and taste of this product, which helps to enrich the body with useful substances easily and without discomfort. As a rule, take one capsule three times a day for a long period - at least one month. You can drink this supplement all year round- there will be no harm from it, but the benefits for the body are simply invaluable.

Fish oil as a source of vitamins

Consider what useful properties give this food additive naturally vitamins and substances contained in it:

  1. Vitamin A is the main component for maintaining sharp vision, helping to avoid night blindness. Thanks to him, we can have healthy hair, beautiful skin, strong nails and bones. A sufficient amount of vitamin A in the body allows you to maintain a high immune defense of the body.
  2. Vitamin D also affects the health of bones and teeth, prevents depression, and reduces the risk of seizures.
  3. Vitamin E is recognized as a vitamin of beauty and eternal youth - it is he who helps maintain tissue elasticity and promotes regular cell renewal.
  4. Omega-3 fatty acids protect joints, reduce stress levels, improve brain function, and reduce the risk of developing behavioral disorders and mental problems.

It is worth noting that vitamins A, E and D are included in the group of fat-soluble vitamins, and they are simply not absorbed by the body without the right environment. In fish oil, they are all stored in a complex, in a dissolved form, and, moreover, in the most natural form. This is what distinguishes fish oil from other vitamin supplements and determines its maximum effectiveness.

What is the benefit of vitamin content in fish oil?

Vitamins are useful for the body on their own, as they are involved in metabolic processes. But there is also a specific benefit for the body, which regularly receives A, E and D, and even with unsaturated fatty acids.

The beneficial properties and effects of fish oil are very diverse:

Of all the substances and vitamins that fish oil contains, it is recognized that the most valuable fatty acid. This substance is indispensable, the human body is not able to synthesize it on its own, so it is very important to regularly receive it from the outside. Given that in addition to fatty fish, this acid is found only in linseed, mustard and camelina oils, the incredible value of fish oil as a food supplement becomes apparent.

Article content:

Composition and useful properties of fish oil. Is there any harm from it. Helpful Tips on admission.

Nutritionists often agree that taking fish oil is the path to health, a beautiful body, a strong immune system, and a good mood. At the same time, there are also such experts who do not recommend getting carried away with this product and taking it in large quantities.

So where is the truth? What vitamins are in fish oil? What benefits does it bring to the body?

Release form

To begin with, it is worth noting that fish oil is available in two forms:

  • in the form of an emulsion(on spill). In this case, the composition is available to the buyer in small bottles made of dark glass. He is different bad taste. The glass is not made dark by chance - thanks to this, the liquid is protected from sunlight, which destroys the omega-3 contained in the product.
  • In the form of gelatin capsules. The advantage of this option is ease of use and better absorption. When choosing a capsule form, special attention is paid to the composition and what the shell is made of (what type of gelatin). In practice, the form of capsules provides great benefits, but the cost of the drug is higher.

Also in pharmacy kiosks, the Fish Oil supplement is often found, which is based on the muscle fibers of fatty fish. A feature of the product is a smaller amount of vitamins, but the amount of omega-3 in the composition is higher.


Many are interested in what vitamins fish oil contains and whether it is really good for the body. So, the product contains:

  1. Fatty acid. The additive has a rich composition of two types of acids - saturated and monounsaturated. Among them:
    • oleic acid, the volume content of which is 70 percent;
    • palmitic acid - 25 percent;
    • omega 3;
    • arachidonic acid;
    • linoleic acid;
    • cholesterol.
  2. vitamins. Few people know, but the supplement in question is not only fatty acids. Vitamins in fish oil also contribute to human health. It has already been proven that the product is rich in elements A and D. In addition, some pharmacies offer a formulation enriched with tocopherol, which makes the product much more effective. If we consider the content in milligrams, then the following numbers should be given here:
    • vitamin A - 30 mg;
    • D - 0.004 mg.
  3. Minerals. Do not forget that fish oil is also a source of minerals, including sulfur, phosphorus, bromine and iodine. For this reason, the product is equally useful for women, men and children.

A rich set of elements contained in the composition of the product guarantees the desired result in terms of health. Omega-3s have a major impact on the human body. In addition, there is a lot of vitamin D in fish oil, which normalizes the work of many processes, strengthens nails, promotes rapid hair growth, and so on.

If you highlight the positive effect of the product, then it is easier to present it with the following list:

  • Omega 3 guarantees the strengthening of the muscles of the heart and the elimination of the risk of arrhythmia. In addition, the element normalizes blood pressure, eliminates the formation of blood clots, and makes the blood more fluid.
  • Fish oil capsules vitamin B perfectly copes with the removal of triglycerides dangerous for the body from the blood plasma.
  • Regular intake of the supplement is a guarantee of strengthening teeth, hair follicles, nail plates, bone tissues. Also improving appearance skin, hair shine, become stronger.
  • Vitamin D in fish oil guarantees the strengthening of bone tissue, rapid regeneration of the skin.
  • It also has a powerful effect iodine, which maintains the normal condition of the skin with psoriasis and other skin diseases.
  • Reduces inflammation and joint pain.
  • Vitamin A improves vision due to its beneficial effect on the retina.
  • The aging process stops, hair stops falling out, and an active fight against malignant tumors is underway.
  • fish oil with vitamin C has a general strengthening effect. Research results have shown that regular intake provides better body endurance, normalizes weight, and increases overall resistance to disease. Taking the product in vitamin C capsules is often recommended to schoolchildren as one of the most effective ways to prevent rickets and cover a possible deficiency. useful substances due to an improperly formed diet.

Is there any harm?

Despite the huge benefits for the body, in case of overdose and improper use, harm is also possible.

The instructions for the drug describe that fish oil is not recommended for taking in the presence of the following problems:

  • renal failure;
  • fish allergies;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • during pregnancy (only as directed by a doctor).

At one time it was even banned (in 1997). After some time, the ban was lifted. Despite this, parents should pay special attention to the choice of the drug. It is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • in which region the additive was produced;
  • what is the shelf life of the product;
  • what vitamin contains fish oil;
  • how much to take the supplement (dosage);
  • presence of contraindications.

Indications for use

This is a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic agent, which is recommended for use in the presence of the following diseases and problems:

  • weakened the immune system and general soreness;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • skin problems;
  • colds, SARS, flu;
  • wounds and burns;
  • weakness of the skeletal system, loss of teeth;
  • eye diseases, for example, the inability to recognize certain colors.

In addition, taking the supplement is an opportunity to avoid the following diseases:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • diabetes;
  • depressions;
  • atherosclerosis and heart problems.

Help in losing weight

Studies have proven that taking this product is a chance to speed up the process of losing weight. What is the secret? After all, people know that fish oil has a high calorie content. Against this background, it is not clear how the product helps with fat burning.

In fact, it provides the following assistance:

  • Omega-3s support the body in its ability to fight fatigue, depression and negative health during the diet period.
  • Taking the supplement accelerates metabolic processes, so all the elements that come with food are quickly absorbed by the body. At the same time, it is possible to quickly remove the extra sides and stomach.