E-labeled food supplements: good or bad? Research project "Food supplements. Benefits and harms."

In February 2010, obligatory certification of food products was canceled in Russia under the pretext of its uselessness. Because of this, the proportion of junk food sold has reached a climax. Modern food industry does not think about the health of people, she only wants fabulous profits. To increase their income, they go to great lengths: they literally hook on their products, and at the same time poison people with it. To study this issue, we recommend watching the movie. Food has long been turned into a weapon of mass destruction. This article will present products and a list of food additives that should not be consumed. They are not only harmful, but dangerous to health!

We hope that this information will inspire people who are just embarking on the path of healthy eating or thinking about it, and help them quickly come to an understanding of the importance of mindful eating.

Harm of food additives

The number of food additives in food products is increasing every year. They are added to increase the shelf life, enhance the taste and give a "presentable" look. To date, about 500 food additives are known, most of which are artificial components. As you might guess, they are of no use.

Listed below are the most common unhealthy food additives that you can see on many food labels.

Table of harmful food additives

Monosodium glutamate E-621

It has been proven that synthetic monosodium glutamate is addictive and poisons the human body. It has a particularly negative effect on the brain and nervous system.

Do not eat foods with the addition of E-326 (monosodium glutamate). Take the package of goods in the store and read. If monosodium glutamate is listed, don't buy it at all. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Now it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to "hook" the population on them. Be careful!

Harmful sweeteners

All sugar substitutes have a strong choleretic effect. In people with biliary tract disease, sugar substitutes can aggravate the disease. And few people take it seriously and in vain as a sugar substitute. For water with “zero calories” you will have to pay with your prostate gland.

Acesulfame - E950

He is Sweet One. In 1974, in the United States, it was recognized by doctors as a slow-acting poison and a substance capable of accelerating the development of malignant tumors.

Aspartame - E951

Commercial names: sweetly, sweetilin, sukrazid, nutrisvit. In 1985, the chemical instability of aspartame was discovered: at a temperature of about 30 ° C in carbonated water, it decomposed into formaldehyde (class A carcinogen), methanol and phenylalanine.

Cyclamate - E952 (tsukli)

It has been banned since 1969 in the United States, France, Great Britain and several other countries due to the suspicion that this sweetener provokes kidney failure. In countries former USSR most common due to low price.

Saccharin - E954

Aliases: Sweet'n'Low, Sprinkle Sweet, Twin, Sweet10. It is allowed in most countries, but doctors do not recommend using it in cases where a person does not have diabetes. Fully suspect that saccharin affects the exacerbation cholelithiasis, has not yet been removed from it.

Xylitol - E967

Sorbitol - E420

In large doses (more than 30 g at a time) causes indigestion.

Harm of trans fats

Trans fats are specific kind unsaturated fats obtained artificially. Liquid vegetable oils are converted into solid oils as a result of the hydrogenation process. vegetable fats- margarines, cooking oils.

Hydrogenated fats have a distorted molecular structure, uncharacteristic of natural compounds. Embedding in the cells of our body, trans fats disrupt cellular metabolism. Hydrogenated fats interfere with proper nutrition of cells and contribute to the accumulation of toxins, which is the cause of disease.

Oil 72.5% should not be eaten in any case. This is a trans fat vegetable oil low grade broken down by hydrogen.

Oil less than 82.5% does not happen. If you can’t find such an oil, then give preference to vegetable oil. Better eat two tablespoons of natural butter than a whole pack or kilogram of trans fats. According to the report UCS-INFO 447 dated 07/15/1999, as a result of scientific research, the following Negative consequences eating trans fats:

  • deterioration in the quality of milk in nursing mothers, while trans fats are transmitted with mother's milk when feeding a child;
  • the birth of children with pathologically low weight;
  • increased risk of developing diabetes;
  • violation of the work of prostaglandins, which negatively affects the condition of the joints and connective tissue;
  • disruption of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase, which plays a key role in the neutralization of chemicals and carcinogens;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • a decrease in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone and a deterioration in the quality of sperm.

Violation of cellular metabolism is fraught with diseases such as atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, cancer, obesity, visual impairment. The use of foods containing trans fats reduces the body's ability to withstand stress, increases the risk of depression.

What foods contain trans fats

- margarine;

— spreads, soft oils, mixes of butter and vegetable oils;

- refined vegetable oil;

- mayonnaise;

- ketchup;

- confectionery products - cakes, pastries, cookies, crackers, etc., for the manufacture of which was used cooking oil;

– snacks – chips, popcorn, etc.

- frozen semi-finished products,

Ice cream

This product is especially dangerous in specialized establishments such as Baskin Robins. Now it is almost impossible to find ice cream made from milk. If you find a real ice cream somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Fruit ice creams are naked essences, there is nothing natural in them.

Cupcakes in packages

The rolls do not get stale, do not deteriorate, do not dry out, nothing is done with them at all. They will lie for a month and will not change their appearance.


90% of chocolate is not chocolate at all (substitute dyes). Chocolate bars are a gigantic amount of calories, combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, colors and flavors. Combination a large number sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again.

Chicken carcasses, grill, poultry

It is contraindicated for men to eat purchased chicken, since this “food product” is all on hormones. The chicken receives 6 female hormones, including progesterone. Therefore, if a man starts eating female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops to a level that cannot be restored later. Chicken is now the most commercial product!

Processed cheese

Instant coffee

Due to its use, a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands occurs. Coffee has about 1000 substances, and 900 of them, except for coffee, are not found anywhere, and out of a hundred known substances, 75 are frankly poisonous, and only 25 are neutral.

flavored teas

Drink natural tea in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas citric acid, then with orange acid, then with some other acid there. Habituation occurs instantly. For weaning, it is necessary to cleanse the body so that all acids come out.

Refined vegetable oil

This oil should not be used raw in salads. Oil produced by factories for production is a product not intended for consumption. Such oils do not bring any benefit to the digestive system, drowning out its work, blocking all digestion processes with a fatty substance.

Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces and dressings

Sparkling water

Sweet carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases - to quickly distribute harmful substances throughout the body. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before sending such a liquid to the stomach.

In addition, carbonated sweet drinks are harmful and high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, do not be surprised that, quenching your thirst with such a soda, you are already thirsty again in five minutes.

Above was a sample list of products that need to be abandoned completely! It's not about harmful products but about deadly. Always look at the label, if you see a list of nutritional supplements, then put the product back on the shelf.

To date, additives with the code E exist great amount. These are preservatives, dyes, sweeteners, antioxidants, thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, leavening agents, flavor enhancers. The additives used in the food industry deserve special attention of doctors, nutritionists and people adhering to a healthy lifestyle.

Virtually none industrial production not without nutritional supplements. They are introduced into the composition of the product for different purposes: to increase the shelf life, give better taste, improve color, smell, texture. This is done in order to improve its consumer properties and encourage the buyer to purchase this product.

Each food additive has its own unique number. In the Russian Federation, the use of additives in food production is controlled by Rospotrebnadzor.


The following food additives are prohibited in our country: E121, E123, E128, E216, E217, E240. If you see these designations on the label of a product, know that it is produced illegally.

The media likes to publish horror stories like: "such and such a food additive leads to serious illnesses, causes cancer." This does not take into account some important factors. For each nutritional supplement, experts have developed permitted daily intakes. As a rule, they are tenths of a gram per kilogram of a person's weight. According to doctors, such quantities are safe. But the excess of these norms, indeed, can lead to negative consequences. Abuse is always dangerous, no matter what it concerns, there is nothing new here.

The question of the need to introduce nutritional supplements is more complicated than it might seem at first glance. For example, the additive E250 is toxic. But manufacturers are forced to use it, as it prevents the development of bacteria in meat products (most often in sausages), which are much more dangerous to health than this additive and can cause botulism. Therefore, manufacturers choose the lesser of two evils.


This additive can have a bad effect on digestion, it creates a favorable background for the development of tumors. But this happens only when it is consumed excessively. But it practically does not cause allergies.


This additive is a fairly strong allergen, so allergy sufferers should avoid it. It is banned in many countries, but in our country it is allowed. In addition, it is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract and can cause the development of tumors.


It is a dye of synthetic origin. It is especially harmful to children, as it has Negative influence to their nervous system.

As for adults, if you use this supplement rarely, it is not dangerous. And with excessive use, it disrupts the digestive system, kidneys, causes allergies, asthma attacks, damages cellular structures, and provokes the development of tumors.


A dye that is considered fairly harmless. However, cases of severe allergies have been reported after consuming products with this additive. Therefore, it is highly undesirable for allergy sufferers.


It's also a dye. If it is used together with the E211 supplement, it becomes very harmful to children, as it lowers their mental abilities and causes inappropriate behavior.

Like many dyes, it is an allergen and can cause a rash. It also impairs vision and harms the work of the adrenal glands. Some researchers consider it a dangerous carcinogen.


Another dye. Many experts are seeking a ban on this additive in Russia.

It can cause asthma attacks and suffocation, triggers the development of cancerous processes.

The additive is harmful to children, lowers their mental abilities, makes them hyperactive and difficult to learn.

You have probably noticed that among the harmful additives there are especially many dyes. Therefore, if you see that the color of the sausage, meat or fish slices, lemonade, cream in a cake - unnaturally bright and beautiful, refrain from buying, this will save you from negative consequences.


This supplement is sorbic acid. When consumed in excess, it becomes an allergen. It is especially important that this acid destroys vitamin B12, and its deficiency in the body negatively affects work. nervous system.


It's sodium benzoate, a preservative. It is dangerous for children, reduces their intellectual abilities, disrupts the nervous system, overexcites them and makes them hyperactive.

Experts consider this additive harmful. It damages the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, provokes the development of cancer cells, and also destroys DNA. It is unacceptable for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.


The notorious monosodium glutamate. This additive improves and enhances the taste of products. Moreover, it is addictive: many people get addicted to it, and food without monosodium glutamate seems to them not tasty enough.

Like many other additives, it is fraught with danger. It should not be used by pregnant women, it is fraught with abnormal development of the fetus.

For other people, it is also not harmless. It damages brain cells, disrupts the digestive tract, kidneys, eyesight, causes hormonal disorders, asthma attacks, and allergies.


Some manufacturers use a marketing ploy. They do not indicate the name of the E621 additive on the label, but replace it with the words “monosodium glutamate”. Most buyers are unaware that this is exactly what the food additive E621 means.


If we talk about nutritional supplements, then, as in everything, moderation and a reasonable attitude towards one's health are important here. If you eat foods with additives infrequently, in small quantities, and mostly eat right, then they will not harm you. Health problems can only arise if the main amount of food in your daily diet contains nutritional supplements.

Today in supermarkets you can find a huge variety of products in which it is quite easy to get confused. Bright packaging, seductive pictures, shiny labels, plus all this is complemented by promotional price tags, and we make a purchase. Stop, first you need to carefully study the packaging, namely the composition of this product. The fewer incomprehensible words in it, the better. For example, GOST condensed milk contains only natural milk and sugar, but the same product, but produced according to TU, has a completely different composition. It contains stabilizers and emulsifiers, as well as various E-labeled substances. Today we will talk about them: a table of harmful food additives should be at hand for everyone to prevent them from being eaten.

What are various food additives used for?

First of all, you should be alerted to the "E" markings - they denote food additives that are used throughout the world as preservatives and stabilizers, flavor and aroma enhancers, thickeners and leavening agents. All this is necessary to improve and nutritional properties product and extend its shelf life.

Why is a table of harmful food additives needed, and are all substances labeled "E" harmful? No, there are neutral, harmful and even dangerous ones, and therefore it is important for each of us to know them and be able to distinguish them. After all, the quality and duration of our lives are highly dependent on what we eat. The more vitamins and minerals in the diet and less "chemistry", the better.

natural or artificial

Despite the assurances of manufacturers, almost all additives are artificial, and therefore potentially dangerous. These are synthetic chemicals. Considering that even the safest of them sometimes cause a reaction in especially sensitive people, it is clear that the table of harmful food additives should be known to everyone. However, there is another subtlety here: not all manufacturers warn you that their product contains additives with the "E" index. They often get around with general phrases like "does not contain artificial colors and flavors." Others note the presence of stabilizers and thickeners, but do not indicate which additives were used. In this case, there is only one way out: refuse to buy and choose a more honest manufacturer. This is especially important if the product is imported, because no one can guarantee that it does not contain prohibited products. Perhaps this will allow you to look at the goods in supermarkets in a different way, because, despite the attractive appearance, almost all of them contain preservatives.

What does the numeric code next to the "E" mean?

Below we will consider what the table of harmful food additives includes, but for now let's look at what these mysterious numbers mean. If the code starts with one, then you have a dye. All preservatives start at 2, the number 3 stands for antioxidants - they are used to slow down or prevent spoilage of the product. All 4 are stabilizers, substances that help maintain the consistency of the product in the required form. The number 5 stands for emulsifiers, they work in tandem with stabilizers and preserve the structure of the product. The flavor and aroma enhancers that create the notes and shades we love so much start at 6. Some products contain special substances that prevent foaming, they are marked with the number 9. If you have a four-digit index, then this indicates the presence of sweeteners in the composition. The realities of life show that you need to know harmful food additives ("E"). The table will help you identify foods that should not be consumed in time.

Such different nutritional supplements "E"

This label can hide quite harmless and even useful substances, for example, plant extracts. This is known to all acetic acid(E260). Relatively safe additives E can be considered baking soda (E500), or ordinary chalk (E170) and many others.

However, there are many more harmful substances than useful ones. You are mistaken if you think that these include only artificial additives, natural ones also sin with a negative effect on the body. Moreover, the more often they are used, the stronger and more pronounced their impact will be.

Useful Supplements

You should not immediately return the product to the shelf just because it contains E. You need to look and analyze what substance is hidden behind it. The following table of harmful and beneficial food additives will help you make right choice. For example, the most common apple contains pectin, ascorbic acid and riboflavin, that is, E300, E440, E101, but it cannot be called harmful.

The most common useful supplements are curcumins, or E100 - these substances help control weight and are actively used in the manufacture of fitness products. E101 is the usual one, which is famous for the fact that it synthesizes hemoglobin and is involved in metabolism. E160d - it helps to strengthen the immune system. E270 is a powerful antioxidant that is widely used in pharmacology. To enrich products with iodine, the additive E916, that is, calcium iodate, is used. We must not forget about E322 lecithin - this supplement supports the immune system and improves blood formation.

Relatively harmless additives

Today the topic of our conversation is "Table of food additives" E ". Useful and harmful, they are ubiquitous in the most conventional products nutrition. In this group, mention should be made of dyes that are used by the most famous confectionery companies to give an attractive appearance creams and cakes. This is chlorophyrol, or E140, a green dye. Betanin is also known, that is, a red dye. It is extracted from the most common beetroot, the juice of which is excellent for tinting creams even at home.

This group includes calcium carbonate (E170) and regular baking soda. Despite the fact that these substances do not pose a threat to life, in large quantities they can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. E290 is ordinary carbon dioxide, all carbonated drinks are made with it. Every kitchen should have a table of food additives E. Useful and harmful, they are presented in such a large quantity today that it is very difficult to remember what this or that substance means.

Supplements to Avoid

Today, the table contains 11 groups of additives, among which are dangerous, prohibited, harmful to the skin and disturbing blood pressure substances. Since every person needs to avoid products containing dangerous "E-shki", we will consider each group separately. Do not neglect your health and rely on the manufacturer. Many of them are guided only by momentary profit and do not think about reputation. Moreover, it is much easier to periodically close the production and open it under a different name, releasing products with new labels. That is why you should be aware of harmful "E" food additives. The table will help you navigate and not forget what this or that code means. So let's get started.

Dangerous Additives

This group includes a lot of dyes, so if you see confectionery colored with think about whether it is worth taking them to your children. Be sure to study harmful food additives "E": the table is updated periodically, so you need to update the printout, which is best kept next to the kitchen table.

This includes E102, namely tartrazine. It causes asthma attacks and is banned in several countries. E110 - yellow dye, banned in many countries, as it causes an allergic reaction and nausea. E120 - carminic acid (until studies have proven harm, but doctors strongly recommend avoiding it). Red dyes E124, E127 and E129 are banned in a number of countries because they are carcinogens. This also includes E155 (brown dye) and E180 (ruby ritol).

E220 - sulfur dioxide - should be used with caution in people with renal insufficiency. Feel free to postpone products containing E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242. Recognized as dangerous

Very dangerous

If the previous group of additives is dangerous or potentially dangerous, then the representatives of this category should be treated more than carefully. The fact is that the table of supplements gives you only code designations, behind which substances are hidden that stimulate the growth of cancer cells. To completely avoid contact with them, you will have to give up most confectionery and seriously reconsider your view of the diet. The simpler the better, so bran biscuits, cereals, and fruits are the safest bet.

However, back to our conversation. The table of the most dangerous additives "E" includes dyes such as E123 (amaranth). It is banned all over the world, as it causes developmental pathologies in the fetus. In addition, this group includes E510, E513E, E527.

Prohibited substances: table of the most harmful food additives "E"

It should be noted that in Russia there are very soft rules for manufacturing companies. Only 5 additives are officially banned, although the number is much higher worldwide. This is E952 - cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts. This one was discontinued, as it was found out that it is a strong carcinogen. E-216 - para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester - is also prohibited in Russia. But it's not all harmful food additives ("E"). The table refers to this group a number of dyes - these are E152, E130, E125, E126, E121, E111.

Substances that cause skin rashes

Everyone imagines the effect of carcinogens on the body, so you need to do everything necessary to exclude from the menu products containing the most harmful food additives. The table at hand will help you stop in time and not make an unnecessary purchase. Women should especially think about it, because many conditionally safe supplements cause deterioration of the skin condition. This is E151 (black, shiny BN) - in a number of countries it is generally prohibited. Second on the list is E231 (orthophenylphenol) and E232 (calcium orthophenylphenol). Aspartame, or E951, a beloved sugar substitute, also has a number of side effects and is not recommended for use without special reasons.

Summing up

You can use this table every day. A food additive, the harmful effect of which is not fully understood, should be excluded from the diet. This group includes quite a lot of different "E" - these are E124, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E247, E471. To optimize your diet and eat as few synthetic additives as possible, study the product packaging before buying. The less in the composition of the various components and incomprehensible terms, the better. Do not purchase unfamiliar products, as well as those on the packaging of which there is no composition, and give preference to well-known manufacturers.

Avoid products with bright, unnatural colors. They may contain too many dyes and preservatives. Give preference to natural products, cereals, sour-milk, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is this diet that is guaranteed not to contain harmful and dangerous substances. To maintain your health for the longest possible time, try to avoid foods that contain harmful food additives ("E"). A table that includes the main ones will become your reliable assistant.

05/02/2016 01:58

Today, food is no longer just breakfast, lunch or dinner.

The desire of the consumer to constantly try something new and tasty has given rise to an entire industry for the production of previously unfamiliar semi-finished products, canned food and all kinds of ready-made snacks. And with the advent of a huge range of products, the need arose to carefully study their composition, on which our health depends.

Why do we need nutritional supplements - the whole truth about the notorious E-shka

It is no secret that the goal of the manufacturer is far from the health of citizens, but the desire to earn billions by selling their products. That is why on the labels we often meet unfamiliar words and some letters with numbers.

All these are food additives that help products retain their marketable appearance, color, smell and taste for a long time. So, thanks to preservatives, our favorite preparations in jars stay fresh for a long time, flavor enhancers help some products seem especially fragrant, and thanks to dyes, pale sweets become very attractive.

The notorious E-box - the same food additive that is found, if not in every product, then in most products. It is about her that will be discussed in this article.

You probably found E-shka everywhere - in ice cream or sweets, in canned fish or on the label of processed meats, and even on the packaging of bread. What is hidden behind the frightening letter E, are these additives extremely harmful to health or there are also useful ones - the site figured out what we use with our favorite ice cream or frozen cutlets.

This is interesting! All over the world, nutritional supplements are designated by the index In - from Index, but in Europe they are usually abbreviated to the letter E, which means Examined - tested. However, some experts argue that the E-shka appeared from the word Europe.

What does the number code mean E-shki?

Next to the letter E there is always a numerical code, which means that the food additive belongs to one or another group. Of course, it is impossible to remember absolutely all nutritional supplements, but you will already be able to recognize the E-shki group at a glance at the bright label. This will allow you to understand why this or that food additive is present in this product, and whether it is really needed.

Classification of food additives

Numeric code Group
E100-E199 Dye (intensifies the color or returns the shade lost during the processing of the product)
E200-E299 Preservative (affects the shelf life of the product)
E300-E399 Antioxidant (slows down and prevents product spoilage)
E400-E499 Stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier (product consistency)
E500-E599 Acidity regulator, baking powder, moisture regulator, or anti-caking agent (works in tandem with a stabilizer, preserves the structure of the product)
E600-E699 Flavoring, flavor and aroma enhancer
E700-E799 Antibiotic
E800-E899 Spare range in case of new additions
E900-E999 Sweetener, defoamer (anti-flameng),
E1000-E1999 Glazing Agent, Release Agent, Gas Compressor, Sealant, Texturizer, Salt Melter

Nutritional supplements E-shki are also divided into three categories according to their origin:

  • natural- vegetable and animal origin, they also include some minerals.
  • Identical to natural- substances obtained in the laboratory, but in their properties are completely similar to natural ones.
  • Synthetic- artificial additives that do not exist in nature, are developed and created by man.

Doctors note that any supplement, whether it be a natural substance or synthesized in a laboratory, can be dangerous when used in high dosages. At the same time, it is important to remember that daily dose consumption of nutritional supplements can vary not only depending on the age and weight of a person, but also on the state of health, tolerance of certain substances, the presence of allergies and other factors.

On a note! Since science does not stand still, the international directory of nutritional supplements is constantly updated and updated with new items. By the way, it is with the increase in the number of additives and the new requirements of the laws of most countries to write detailed composition Many people attribute the idea of ​​labeling the product with a short “E” index with a numerical code instead of long names of nutritional supplements, often consisting of several words.

The benefits and harms of food additives: about useful, neutral and most dangerous E in the tables

Our desktop table will help you understand these mysterious E-boxes indicated on the packages of your favorite sweets, sausages, canned food and other products.

Let's start with healthy food additives in order to dispel the myth that they are all extremely harmful.

Important! Even relatively safe nutritional supplements are not recommended for children under 5 years of age. But given that today almost all products contain some additional substances, it is impossible to completely exclude them from the diet. Try to minimize your baby's use of those products that contain entire lists of E-nis on the package. This group includes mainly sausages and sausages, sweet curds in glaze and yoghurts with fillers, various desserts and sweets, breakfast cereals, bouillon cubes and ready-made noodles, semi-finished meat products and many other products.

Since the list of additives is extremely large, and it is updated annually, the tables presented do not describe all food additives, but only the most popular and most frequently used by food manufacturers.

List of the most useful E - which food supplements E can benefit your body

Index and name Possible benefits to the body
E-100– curcumin Especially useful for people who have gone through major operations and illnesses. Residents of Southeast Asia claim that this substance helps to restore strength, restore former vigor, cleanse the body of everything bad, for example, lowers blood cholesterol and helps increase hemoglobin levels. In addition, curcumin restores liver cells, normalizes the intestinal microflora, improves the functioning of the esophagus and gallbladder, fights intestinal infections, and even helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers. And this food supplement speeds up metabolism, serves excellent remedy for the prevention of diabetes, arthritis and a number of other diseases. Doctors consider curcumin as a means to prevent the appearance of neoplasms and alleviate the flow different forms cancer.
E-101– riboflavin

(vitamin B 2)

Riboflavin is found in natural products such as apples. This substance is simply necessary for our body - for the normal breakdown of fats, the synthesis of other vitamins, the conversion of amino acids and the regulation of redox processes. Riboflavin helps a person cope with nervous tension, overcome severe stress and depression, and it is also called the “beauty vitamin” - B 2 is necessary for skin elasticity and youth. In addition, riboflavin is involved in the development of a healthy fetus and helps children grow.
E-160a– carotene

E-160b- annatto extract

E-160d– lycopene

Dietary supplements of carotenes are strong antioxidants, substances similar in their properties to vitamin A, they improve vision, strengthen immunity, and prevent (slow down) the development of cancerous tumors. It is important to remember that E-160b is not only a useful substance, but also a strong allergen, so you need to use products with this additive very carefully and in moderation.
E-162– beetroot betanine It has many useful properties - it is involved in the breakdown and assimilation of animal and vegetable proteins, is directly involved in the formation of choline (it improves the functioning of liver cells), increases the strength of capillaries, lowers blood pressure, relieves vascular spasms, has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, reducing the risk of heart attack. In addition, betanin has a high anti-radiation and anti-carcinogenic effect, protects the cells of the body from the negative effects of diseases, prevents the development of cancer and the formation of malignant tumors.
E-170- calcium carbonate, or ordinary white chalk The additive is involved in the processes of blood coagulation and regulates various intracellular processes. When used correctly, it compensates for the lack of calcium. But excessive intake of calcium carbonate in the body can provoke a very toxic so-called milk-alkaline syndrome, which in severe cases ends in death. A small overdose provokes hypercalcemia.
E-270- lactic acid It has a strong antimicrobial effect, normalizes the intestinal microflora, improves the absorption of carbohydrates, replenishes energy reserves in the body. In its natural form, it is found in yogurt and kefir, sauerkraut and cucumbers. It is found on store shelves in cheeses, mayonnaise, yogurt and various lactic acid products. Children are advised to consume products with this supplement in minimum quantities and with caution as some babies have problems with lactic acid tolerance.
E-300 ascorbic acid or vitamin C Helps strengthen immunity. Contained in wild rose, blackcurrant, different types pepper and cabbage, kiwi, apples and many other natural products.
E-306-E309- tocopherols (a group of vitamins E) They protect the body from the effects of toxins, promote blood thinning, accelerate the regenerative processes of the skin (and this, in turn, reduces the risk of scarring), and increase the overall endurance of the body. Vitamin E is extremely important for good health - it is on this substance that the proper functioning of red blood cells and health depend of cardio-vascular system organism. Doctors note that a sufficient amount of vitamin E in the diet will slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of developing bronchial asthma.
E-322– lecithin Supports immunity, improves blood formation processes, affects the quality of bile, prevents the development of liver cirrhosis, affects the development of the human nervous system, removes excess cholesterol from the body. Contained in caviar, milk and egg yolk.
E-406– agar This is a product of the processing of red and brown algae. A valuable property of agar is a gelling effect. The supplement is rich in vitamin PP, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and iodine. Improves bowel function and thyroid gland, removes toxins from the body.
E-440– pectins Contained in various fruits(apples, plums, grapes, citrus fruits). In moderation, pectins cleanse the intestines, protect the gastric mucosa, have a moderate analgesic and healing effect on ulcers, remove toxins and waste products from the body, and lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition, pectins are able to remove heavy metals from our body - mercury and lead. It is important to remember that the use of excessive amounts of pectin (as well as other beneficial substances) can lead to allergic reactions.

List of neutral food additives (harmless, but not particularly useful)

Index and name Description
E-140– chlorophyll Colors food in green shades, is safe for health when consumed with food. Some experts claim that chlorophyll removes toxins from the body. When applied externally, it heals wounds, eliminates unpleasant odors human body.
E-202- potassium sorbate, or sorbic acid Safe for the human body, often used as a preservative in sausages, smoked meats, cheeses, rye bread and many other products. Potassium sorbate is a strong antimicrobial agent, and easily prevents the growth of mold fungi - this property was the impetus for the popularization of the food supplement.
E-260- acetic acid A popular acidity regulator, it is used in the process of making canned foods, sauces and mayonnaises, and confectionery. In the usual table concentration for a person, vinegar is harmless, and even useful for the functioning of our body - acid helps to break down fats and carbohydrates that come with food. But a solution of more than 30% is dangerous for the mucous membranes and skin (causes burns).
E-330- lemon acid Enhances flavor, serves as an acidity regulator and preservative. It is safe in food because it is used in small quantities. Working with a very concentrated solution, drinking a large amount of pure acid or inhaling a dry powder can already lead to trouble - irritation of the mucous membranes (including the stomach up to bloody vomiting), skin, and respiratory tract.
E-410- locust bean gum

E-412- guar gum

E-415- xanthan gum

Harmless to humans. This natural supplements, very often found in the list of ingredients of ice cream, desserts, processed cheese, bakery products, various fruit and vegetable preserves, sauces, pates. These food additives, when mixed, enhance the gelling properties of each other, allowing the manufacturer to achieve the necessary structure of products, and also retain the taste of our favorite delicacies and prevent their crystallization (this is why gum is so often added to ice cream). Doctors note that gum can reduce appetite.
E-471- mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids Natural additive, most often found in margarine, pate, mayonnaise, yogurt and other products saturated with fat. It plays the role of an emulsifier and stabilizer, it does not pose a danger to humans - the body assimilates this supplement, like all other fats. It is important to remember that the abuse of such products can add a few extra centimeters to your waist, but such consequences are not at all the influence of the nutritional supplement itself, but rather the result of eating a large amount of fatty foods.
E-500- sodium carbonates, or baking soda Safe for humans. It is used as a baking powder in bakery products, cakes, cookies, prevents caking and clumping of products.
E-916– calcium iodide

E-917– potassium iodide (also referred to as iodide)

Enriches the diet with iodine, and he, as you know, plays important role in the work of the thyroid gland, and protects the body from radioactive radiation. Today, the additives are in the testing stage, and so far they are considered relatively harmless - they are not on the lists of prohibited substances, but they are also not on the lists of allowed substances. And although there is little iodine in foods, and iodine deficiency is becoming more common, it is not recommended to consume such food in excessive quantities - an excess of iodine can lead to severe poisoning.
E-950– acesulfame potassium

E-951– aspartame

E-952– sodium cyclamate

E-954– saccharin

E-957– thaumatin

E-965– maltitol

E-967– xylitol

E-968– erythritol

All these are sweeteners and sugar substitutes, most often found in chewing gum, carbonated (including non-alcoholic) drinks, gelatin desserts, lollipops, and a number of low-calorie foods. Despite the fact that these additives are legal in many countries, some doctors recommend abstaining from or at least minimizing the use of products with sweeteners and sweeteners. Others insist that sweeteners are a great option for those who want to lose extra pounds. Scientists are unanimous in their opinion - the additives presented enhance the effect of other carcinogens, negatively affect the liver (patients with hepatitis should use such products with extreme caution), and are nutrients for intestinal bacteria (and this is a guaranteed dysbacteriosis). However, to date, the effect of these additives on the human body has not been fully studied. Want to learn more about the types of sweeteners? Our feature article will tell you in detail.

List of the most dangerous E - what diseases can they cause?

Index and name Harm to the body
E-121– citrus red A popular dye found in soda, candy, and ice cream ingredients. It provokes the formation of malignant tumors, is prohibited in most countries (nevertheless, unscrupulous manufacturers often sin by adding this substance to their drinks).
E-123– amaranth Cupcakes, jellies, breakfast cereals, puddings and desserts, ice cream - what child would refuse such yummy? But it is these products that most often contain amaranth, a chemical food additive that causes serious health problems: hives, chronic runny nose, liver and kidney disorders.
E-210- benzoic acid

E-211– sodium benzoate

E-212– potassium benzoate

E-213– calcium benzoate

They are found in sodas and juices, chips and ketchup, canned meats and vegetable pickles - the list of products with these additives is huge. It is outrageous that in a number of countries all the substances presented are allowed, because studies prove that these additives can provoke the development of cancer, cause severe allergic reactions (especially in children), clog Airways, suppress intellectual development, negatively affect the nervous system (a person becomes hyperactive, nervous).
E-222– sodium hydrosulfite

E-223– sodium pyrosulfite

E-224– potassium pyrosulfite

E-228– potassium hydrosulfite

In general, all additives from E-221 to E-228 are considered poorly understood and unsafe. You can meet them very often in various canned food (fruit), ready-made dry mashed potatoes, tomato puree, starch, dried fruits (used in their processing), wines and other products. The presented additives cause severe allergic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, asthma attacks, and severely irritate the respiratory tract. And the use of such products, prepared in violation of technology, can even lead to death.
E-250– sodium nitrite

E-251– sodium nitrate

E-252– potassium nitrate

These are nutritional supplements that sausage lovers have heard about. In the meat industry, nitrates are very important, because it is the use of these additives that makes it possible to give the beloved Doktorskaya sausage a rich pink color. And nitrates protect products from oxidation and inhibit the development and growth of bacteria. However, the presented nutritional supplements for humans are as harmful as they are useful for sausages - nitrates are strong carcinogens that provoke the occurrence of colon and lung cancer. In addition, uncontrolled consumption of products with these additives can lead to spikes in blood pressure, constant constriction and expansion of blood vessels, severe allergies, impaired coordination of movements, headaches, sudden convulsions, difficulty breathing and many other dangerous consequences. The list of symptoms of poisoning with nitrates and nitrites is very long - from an imbalance of oxygen in the blood to asthma attacks and loss of consciousness. Is it worth risking your life for a few minutes of enjoying chemical sausages?
E-290– carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide Despite the fact that carbon dioxide, as an indispensable substance, is part of many living cells and the atmosphere, and manufacturers talk about the harmlessness of carbon dioxide, doctors still tend to classify this additive as dangerous and recommend limiting the use of carbonated drinks. People with gastritis or stomach ulcers, as well as those prone to belching, bloating and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, will have to exclude such drinks from the diet. In addition, carbon dioxide quickly flushes out calcium from the body, so neither children nor adults will benefit from such lemonades.
E-621– monosodium glutamate Perhaps one of the most famous nutritional supplements. However, the sensational scandals regarding the extreme danger of the flavor enhancer are somewhat exaggerated. The fact is that monosodium glutamate is sodium salts found in nature. To understand how the additive affects food and our body, you need to know that glutamate is found in the cells of many living organisms, and it is present there as part of the protein. Monosodium glutamate is found in free form in legumes, soy sauce and some types of algae (it was the extract of algae rich in glutamic acid that was originally used as a flavor enhancer in various foods). Numerous studies prove that this supplement is safe for humans in small amounts. But the systematic abuse of products with glutamate in the composition can lead to the accumulation of sodium salts in the body. Bouillon cube lovers potato chips, various semi-finished products, seasonings and sauces fall into the risk zone. So, among the possible diseases, it should be noted the deterioration of vision due to the accumulation of glutamate in the vitreous body, allergic reactions in the form of itching and redness of the face, increased heart rate, headaches, general weakness, nervousness (the additive increases the sensitivity of our body's receptors, and affects neurotransmitters).
E-924a- potassium bromate

E-924b- calcium bromate

Toxic substances are powerful carcinogens, banned in most countries, can cause the development and provoke the rapid growth of malignant tumors in human body. They are used in the production of bakery products as an improver and oxidizer. These additives are also found in some carbonated drinks, where they act as defoamers.

Of course, it is impossible to list all possible nutritional supplements in a short table. We have tried to cover the most popular and commonly encountered substances that each of us should be aware of.

special food.ru recommends: take note of useful and neutral food additives, because their list is much smaller than the list of dangerous substances. Well, if you notice an index unknown to you on the product label, refrain from such a purchase. In questions proper nutrition and health, the desire to satisfy a momentary passion and enjoy delicious muck cannot be a justified risk.


Three kilograms of chemicals. This is the amount that is swallowed per year by the average consumer of a variety of, sometimes absolutely familiar products: muffins, for example, or marmalade. Dyes, emulsifiers, thickeners, thickeners are now present in literally everything. Naturally, the question arises: why do manufacturers add them to food and how harmless are these substances?

Before starting work, we studied the literature on the dangers and benefits of nutritional supplements. Firstly, we studied the opinions of the authors of various books: "The ABC of Proper Nutrition" E.V. Ezushina, "Nutrition: myths and reality" R.I. Vorobyov, each of which expresses his personal opinion.

The author of the book "The ABC of Proper Nutrition" says that "food must be safe and comply with sanitary standards and rules in force in the Russian Federation." The chief Russian specialist in food additives, head of the laboratory dealing with them, the Moscow Institute of Nutrition, A.N. Zavuev, writes in his book: as a food product or a common food component that is deliberately added to a food product for technological reasons at various stages of production (storage, transportation) in order to obtain or facilitate the production process or individual operations: improve the resistance of the product to various types of spoilage, preserve the structure and appearance or intentional change in organoleptic properties. A food additive does not affect either the composition or the nutritional value of the product. These are only the requirements of technological processes"

In an article from the journal School and Production, experts on this issue argue about the effect of food additives on the human body. L. Makarov claims that "food additives are only harmful" and " the best option in this situation, it is to exclude products containing them from your diet. "D. Zvek, on the contrary, believes that" thanks to the invention of additives, one can easily say goodbye to the problem of a lack of one or another element in the body. "And the chemist I. Kornienko generally approaches this with humor: “Some modern drinks, such as Coca-Cola or Pepsi, can be used to the maximum benefit. True, in Russia people are not yet accustomed to this, but in the USA these drinks have been used for other purposes for a long time. They wash rust off cars and even wash stubborn stains from clothes.

1. What are nutritional supplements and what are they for?

Experts say that "food additives" is the general name of natural or synthetic chemicals added to food in order to give them certain properties (improving taste and smell, increasing nutritional value, preventing food spoilage, etc.) that do not used as independent food products.

There are tens of thousands of different foods in the world. But you need to know that about 500 food additives are used in the world, and only half of them are allowed in Russia. In addition to artificial, created by man from natural products (wine, bread, sour-milk products, etc.), they do not occur naturally in nature. In the last century, many synthetic products have appeared that are based on organic matter. Most often, these are chemically processed natural or synthetic substances.

Nutritional supplements are not an invention of our high-tech age. Salt, soda, spices have been known to people since time immemorial. But the real flourishing of their use began after all in the 20th century - the century of food chemistry. There were high hopes for supplements. And they lived up to expectations to the fullest. With their help, it was possible to create a large assortment of appetizing, long-lasting and at the same time less labor-intensive products. Having won recognition, "improvers" were put on stream. Sausages have become delicately pink, yoghurts have become fresh fruit, and muffins have become magnificently non-stale. The “youth” and attractiveness of the products were ensured by additives that are used as dyes, emulsifiers, thickeners, thickeners, gelling agents, glazing agents, flavor and odor enhancers, preservatives:

2. Designation of food additives and their effect on the human body.

Their presence in without fail is indicated on the packaging in the list of ingredients, and are denoted by the letter "E" (the initial letter in the word "Europe" (Europe). You should not be afraid of their presence, most of the items, if the recipe is correctly followed, do not cause harm to health, the only exceptions are those that have some people can cause individual intolerance.For example, sodium benzoate (E 211) is a popular preservative often used for the production of marmalade, melange, jams.Its presence in products should alert asthmatics and people sensitive to aspirin.

Contaminants from containers, raw materials can get into the products, undesirable additives used in the primary processing can be stored in them. Such unintentionally released substances may include toxic waste from industry, transport, households, mycotoxins, bacterial toxins, pesticides, plasticizers, drugs and veterinary products, including antibiotics and hormones. Therefore, informing the consumer about the composition of food products is not only a marketing (social), but also an environmental problem.

The saturation of products with special nutrients, practiced in recent decades in developed countries, has made it possible to almost completely eliminate diseases associated with a lack of one or another element. It is logical to assume that in the future it will be enough to drink a special vitamin-mineral cocktail or take an appropriate pill, and nutritional problems will be solved.

However, scientists do not think to stop there, some even predict that by the end of the 21st century our diet will consist entirely of food additives. It sounds fantastic and even a little creepy, but we must remember that such products already exist.

So, super popular in the XX century chewing gum and Coca Cola They got their unique taste thanks to food additives. But society does not share such enthusiasm. The army of opponents of nutritional supplements is increasing by leaps and bounds. Why?

3. Basic and additional food substances.

About 70 chemical elements have been identified in the human body, which are part of the cells and intercellular fluids. The elemental composition is constantly updated due to metabolism. Deficiency of any element can have negative consequences for the body.

Of the thousands of substances that enter the body with food, the main ones are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins - all of them are necessary for the growth and development of the body. It is a plastic material for the formation of cells and intercellular substance. They are part of hormones, enzymes, immune bodies, take part in the metabolism of vitamins, minerals, oxygen transfer.

With a lack of proteins:

  • digestion processes are disturbed,
  • hematopoiesis,
  • activity of the endocrine glands;
  • nervous system,
  • decrease in muscle mass, liver,
  • there are trophic damage to the skin, hair and nails.

Fats are not only a source of energy, they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, and cholesterol necessary for the body.

They are involved in plastic processes that contribute to the intake of fat-soluble vitamins into the body. Fats give flavor to food. Insufficient intake of them in the body can lead to:

  • diseases of the skin, kidneys, organs of vision,
  • decrease in body resistance.

Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for metabolism. Carbohydrates also perform a plastic function, tk. are present in cells and tissues. They feast on the digestion of proteins, contribute to the normal activity of the liver, muscles, nervous system, and heart.

With the complete exclusion of them from the diet:

  • drops sharply body weight,
  • the absorption of proteins and fats worsens,
  • minerals are lost.

For every 100 g of carbohydrates, 30 g of fat is formed, and an excess of sugars leads to impaired cholesterol metabolism.

Minerals are very important in the diet. They participate in plastic processes, being part of all tissues of the body (especially bone), take part in metabolic processes, the synthesis of enzymes and ensure their functions, are part of vitamins, hormones, normalize water-salt metabolism, maintain acid-base balance.

Vitamins ensure the normal course of biochemical and physiological processes in the body. Antioxidant vitamins, such as betaine, are especially important. This group of vitamins blocks the appearance of radicals in the body, mainly active and toxic oxygen. These vitamins reduce the likelihood of radiation damage and the risk of cancer.

Additional food substances include FOOD ADDITIVES - substances of natural or artificial origin, used to improve technologies for obtaining food products, preserving or imparting the necessary properties to them, and increasing shelf life.

4.1. Mystery of Crimson Kermes.

The history of such food coloring like cochineal is reminiscent of a detective novel. People learned to receive it in ancient times. Biblical legends mention a purple dye obtained from a red worm, which was used by the descendants of Noah. Indeed, carmine was obtained from cochineal insects, also known as oak bugs, or kermes. They lived in the Mediterranean countries, met in Poland and Ukraine, but the most famous was the Ararat cochineal. Back in the 3rd century, one of the Persian kings presented the Roman emperor Aurelian with a crimson-dyed woolen fabric, which became a landmark of the Capitol. Ararat cochineal is also mentioned in medieval Arabic chronicles, where it is said that Armenia produces "kirmiz" dye, used for dyeing down and woolen products, writing book engravings. In the 16th century, a new type of cochineal appeared on the world market - Mexican. One famous conquistador brought it from the New World as a gift to his king. The manufacturing process of Mexican cochineal paint required less effort, the coloring pigment was brighter. In a matter of years, a new type of carmine conquered all of Europe, while the Ararat cochineal was simply forgotten for many years. It was only at the beginning of the 19th century that the miniaturist Sahak Tsaghkarar succeeded in restoring the recipes of the past. Cochineal paint is absolutely harmless to the human body, which means it can be used in cooking. In the 30s of the XX century, Soviet entomologists organized an expedition to Armenia, which was crowned with success. A valuable insect was found. However, the war prevented its breeding. The project for the study of Ararat cochineal was resumed only in 1971, but it never came to breeding it on an industrial scale.

4.2. Poll on the topic.

Since the health of the consumer depends on the awareness of the composition of food products and the possible consequences of the use of additives, this awareness was assessed. For this purpose, a questionnaire was compiled containing the following questions.

  1. Do you know about nutritional supplements in food?
  2. Are you interested in this issue?
  3. Have you seen publications about this in newspapers and magazines?
  4. Do you remember anything on this topic from books, textbooks?
  5. Do you pay attention to the labeling and expiration date of the product when buying it?
  6. Would you buy a cheap product knowing it contains dangerous additives?
  7. Do you know about government quality control and food safety services?
  8. Do you want to know more about nutritional supplements?

The students were asked to answer the questionnaire, indicating their age and gender. 200 people were interviewed different ages. The answers of the students were divided into age groups, and a general table of positive answers to the questions was compiled.

The data obtained indicate that the vast majority are aware of the presence of food additives in products.

More than 50% of students are interested in this topic (more often they are girls).

More than 50% are familiar with publications on this issue, and girls were more informed than boys. The vast majority of students will not buy food if they know it contains dangerous additives. Boys are better informed about the existence of government food quality control services. Apparently, therefore, they pay little attention to labeling.


It is necessary to take into account the fact that, due to his psychology, a person often cannot refuse what is harmful, but tasty. And yet we must face the truth. Today, humanity cannot do without food additives (preservatives, etc.), since it is they, and not agriculture, that are able to provide 10% of the annual increase in food, without which the population of the Earth will simply be on the verge of starvation. Another question is that they should be as safe as possible for health. Sanitary doctors, of course, take care of this, but everyone else should not lose vigilance, carefully reading what is written on the package.


  1. E.V. Ezushina "The ABC of Proper Nutrition", St. Petersburg, 1994.
  2. EAT. Kanevsky "Economics", Moscow, 1985
  3. Journal "School and production" №4, 2003, p.58.
  4. Magazine "Vokrug sveta" №17, 2007
  5. N.M. Amosov "Thoughts about health", Moscow, 1987
  6. R.I. Vorobyov "Nutrition: myths and reality", Moscow, 1993.