Soft cheese with white mold brie. Brie - specific French cheese

Brie is a cheese that came to us from the banks of the Seine and Marne, a department in France formerly known as Brie. It is pale in color, usually has an edible white rind, and light gray flesh underneath. More mature brie has a stronger flavor and a crumbly crust. Here are some tips for serving this delicious, savory cheese.


Eating Brie (The Right Way)

    If you're at a party, eat brie slices. It will be quite embarrassing if you try to peel it off - eat with it. Should you take a sandwich, choose meat, and put brie on bread? Definitely not. If you don't feel like eating the rind, just cut at an angle to get the least rind and the most cheese.

    • Are you saying you've tried eating the crust before and it was disgusting? Oh, chances are you just got a bad brie (yes, it does happen). A good crust should be a little crumbly and taste a little bitter, but it shouldn't be sticky. If you haven't tried the crust, go ahead and do it, it's completely edible.
    • By slice, we mean a small, tiny piece of the pie. Not a slice of bacon.
  1. Eat it on its own, with fruit, nuts, or bread. Brie is sooo delicious. If you can resist the temptation to stuff an entire head of brie into your mouth, it tastes even better when combined with the power of others. delicious food. Try it with:

    • apples or pears
    • Fig jam, sour cherry compote or honey
    • french bread
    • Almonds or candied walnuts
    • white crackers
      • Of course, you can eat the way you like! We'll talk about the recipes in the third part - brie can be eaten not only as a snack.
  2. Pair with a drink. Brie pairs well with champagne, as well as certain wines and beers. More sour wines would go better with this cheese, while a stronger beer (like a good stout) would complete the flavor.

    • Soft cheeses, like brie, are best combined with dry wines Riesling, Marsanne, Viognier. Lighter red wines (like Pinot Noir) also work well, thanks to their soft and rich taste, which well emphasizes the softness, juiciness of brie.
    • Don't want to drink alcohol? No problem. Apple cider or similar juice will work fine for you. The lighter and fresher the better.
  3. Know when brie is bad. Brie only lasts a couple of weeks. Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking at a cheese circle:

    Brie serving

    Using Brie as an Ingredient

    1. Bake brie. There are many options that go with baked brie. Try baking cranberry brie for a sweet treat autumn dish. Raw grace? Oh yeah. Good luck, wait until the dish is ready!

      Make a brie with a crust. This is when you take a small circle of brie and cover it. puff pastry, coat it with an egg and bake until the dough is ready. There are a million options - often with raspberry or other jam on top, or nuts inside. It's simple and yet delicious.

      Make Crab Stuffed Salmon! What could be better than baked salmon stuffed with soft, creamy brie stuffed with peppers, onions, and crunchy pine nuts? Brie doesn't have to come with sweet jams or fruit - it can be spicy too!

      You might want to make pesto or brie cheese sauce. Perfect for casual gatherings with friends or for a snack alone! It will liven up any standard meeting with friends. To whom cheese balls? Just don't forget to stock up on dry pretzels and crackers!

      Put it on a sandwich. Maybe some bacon, avocado, black forest ham, mustard, marinara sauce, basil, cranberries, mushrooms - brie goes well with almost everything. Put it on a sandwich, it's sure to be delicious. Hey, you can make a melted cheese sandwich with brie!

      Come up with your own recipe. Now that you know the magic of brie, what would you do with it? Threw on a cutlet? Improved french fries? Would you put it in a salad? Use up the whole circle before it starts to spoil!

    • The fat content is overpriced by most consumers. On the label, the percentage is based on the dry product. Since brie is about 40% water, you have to multiply the fat content by 0.6 to get a more realistic number.
    • Eat the crust along with the soft contents. Learn to appreciate the combination.
    • Another way to serve brie is to wrap it in foil and bake it in the oven until warm and softened in the middle. This will make the cheese more suitable for spreading on bread or crackers, and it will be a good contrast to the cold inside fruit.
    • Younger brie is softer on the inside in texture. More mature brie crumbles a bit and has a stronger aroma and flavor.
    • When you are about to cut yourself a piece of cheese, try not to change the overall shape and appearance of the rest of the piece. It is best to cut the slice from the edge towards the center. In any case, you should not leave only the crust to others.
    • While you can eat cheese without bread or crackers, it's best to eat with bread if the host offers it. Just put brie on the bread.
    • Preheating cheese is not very French. The product is good as is.


    • Because of the danger (albeit very small) of listeriosis, don't eat cheese made from unpasteurized milk when you're pregnant. Although cheese is supposed to be tastier, this is rarely done. Some people buy this brie from farmers who make their own cheese.

Blue cheeses gradually moved from the category of exotic to familiar products like spiced bread or. You no longer need to go to France for the real one - just go down to the nearest supermarket. But what lies behind the dense snow-white crust and viscous creamy texture of the cheese?

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine claims that the product is 70% dangerous trans fats, and the remaining 30% is a good source. What you need to know about blue cheeses and how safe are they for the human body?

General characteristics of the product

Cheeses with white mold are delicate, fatty creamy pulp and a dense snow-white crust.

For the production of the product, special types of mold from the genus Penicillum are used, which are safe for the human body. The maturation period of cheeses is about 5 weeks and can vary in both directions depending on the variety and characteristics of the product. Form white cheese standard - oval, round or square.

Interesting: cheeses with white mold are considered the smallest group compared, for example, with blue ones. They appeared much later on the shelves of supermarkets and long time kept the cost high.

Popular product varieties with white mold


It is this type of blue cheese that has gained particular popularity. This soft cheese based on cow. Its name is associated with the French province, which is located in the central region of Ile-de-France - this place is considered the birthplace of the product. Bree has gained worldwide popularity and recognition. It is made in almost every corner of the planet, bringing a special touch of individuality and geographical recognition. That is why it is customary to talk about the Brie family of cheeses, and not about a specific product.

Historical note: Brie has long been considered a royal dessert. Blanca of Navarre, Countess of Champagne, often sent a white cheese head as a precious gift to King Philip Augustus. The entire royal court was delighted with the taste and aroma of cheese, so for every holiday, the retinue was looking forward to another moldy gift. Henry IV and Queen Margot also made no secret of their love for the Brie.

The peculiarity of brie is a pale color with subtle grayish blotches. The delicate texture of the pulp is covered with a layer of noble mold Penicillium camemberti or Penicillium candidum. Most often, the product is made in the form of a cake with a diameter of up to 60 centimeters and a thickness of up to 5 centimeters. The mold crust is characterized by a pronounced ammonia aroma, and the cheese itself gives off a slight smell of ammonia, but this does not affect its taste or nutritional properties.

Young brie has a delicate mild taste. The older the cheese, the more sharp and spicy notes in it. taste palette. Another rule that applies to brie is that the spiciness of the cheese depends on the size of the tortilla. The thinner it is, the sharper product. Cheese is made in industrial scale in any season. It belongs to the so-called universal French cheeses, since it is equally well suited for both family dinner and a special gourmet dinner.

Advice. To achieve a delicate texture and dense crust, remove the brie from the refrigerator a few hours before the meal. Optimum temperature storage - from +2 to -4 °C.

Boulette d'Aven

It is a French flavored cheese based cow's milk. The name of the product is associated with the city of Aven. It was with Aven that the rapid history of blue cheese began.

Initially, skim cream from cow's milk was used for the base of the cheese. Over time, the recipe changed, and the main component was the fresh sediment of Marual cheese. The raw materials are crushed, mixed with an abundance of seasonings (tarragon, cloves, and are most often used), after which they are shaped into balls or cones. The cheese crust is tinted with a special annatto plant, sprinkled with paprika and white mold. The ripening period of cheese is from 2 to 3 months. During maturation, the crust is periodically soaked in beer, which provides additional flavor and aroma accents.

Triangular or round pieces of cheese weigh no more than 300 grams. The product is covered with a moist red crust, which consists of paprika and mold. Under it hides a snow-white pulp with bright splashes of spices. The fat content of the product is 45%. The main flavor notes are provided by tarragon, pepper and milk base. Boulette d'Aven is eaten as a main course or served as an appetizer with gin or red wines.


This is a kind of soft fatty cheese. It, like most cheese products, is prepared on the basis of cow's milk. painted in a pleasant light creamy or snow-white shade, covered with a dense crust of mold. The outside of the cheese is covered with Geotrichum candidum, on top of which the fluffy mold Penicillium camemberti additionally develops. The peculiarity of the product lies in the taste - gentle creamy taste combined with palpable mushroom notes.

Interesting: the French writer Léon-Paul Fargue wrote that the aroma of camembert is comparable to the “smell of the feet of God” (Le camembert, ce fromage qui fleure les pieds du bon Dieu).

Camembert is based on whole cow's milk. In some cases, the composition is introduced minimal amount skimmed milk. From 25 liters of milk liquid, you can get 12 heads of cheese with the following parameters:

  • thickness - 3 centimeters;
  • diameter - 11.3 centimeters;
  • weight - 340 grams.

Hot weather can adversely affect the ripening of the product, so the cheese is prepared from September to May. Unpasteurized milk is poured into massive molds, left for a while, then added rennet extract rennin and wait for the mixture to curdle. During production, the liquid is stirred periodically to prevent the cream from settling.

Ready clots are poured into metal molds and left to dry overnight. During this time, Camembert loses about ⅔ of its original mass. In the morning, the technology is repeated until the cheese acquires the necessary structure. Then the product is salted and put on the shelves for maturation.

Important: the growth and type of mold depends on the temperature of the room in which the cheese ripens. The specific taste of Camembert is formed by a combination of different types of mold and their subsequent development. If the sequence is not followed, then the product will lose the necessary texture, crust and taste.

Camembert is transported in light wooden boxes or several heads are packed in straw. The shelf life of cheese is minimal, so they tend to sell it as soon as possible.


A French cheese made in Upper Normandy. The peculiarity of the nechatel lies in a dry dense crust covered with fluffy white mold and elastic pulp with a mushroom aroma.

The manufacturing technology of the nechatel has not changed much over the several centuries of the existence of the product. Milk is poured into warm containers, rennet, whey are added and the mixture is left for 1-2 days. After that, the whey is drained, mold bacteria are launched into the vat, after which the cheese mass is pressed and left to dry on wooden racks. Nechâtel is salted by hand and left to mature in the cellar for at least 10 days (sometimes the maturation period is extended up to 10 weeks to achieve spicy taste and mushroom notes).

The fat content of the finished product is 50%. The crust is formed dry, velvety, completely covered with white uniform mold. Neuchâtel is known for its special form of serving. It is most often prepared and sold in the shape of a large or miniature heart rather than the traditional oval, circle or square.

Useful properties of the product

Behind the specific smell and unattractive appearance lies not only a masterpiece of cheese production, but also a storehouse of benefits for the human body. The Penicillium mold that coats the product is considered noble and extremely beneficial. Why?

In cheese production, Penicillium roqueforti and Penicillium glaucum are most commonly used. They are added to the mass by injection, after which they are waiting for the maturation and growth of mold. Penicillium fights against pathological bacteria in the body, kills harmful microflora, cleanses the intestines and improves the functionality of the heart.

Scientists have identified a specific phenomenon called the "French Paradox". The paradox itself is that France has the lowest rate of heart attacks in the world. This is attributed to the abundance of red wine and cheese with noble mold in the daily diet of the French. Cheese is indeed known for its anti-inflammatory effect. It helps cleanse joints/arteries, protects them from heart attack/arthritis, and improves performance.

Interesting: Penicillium slows down the aging process of the human body and, as a nice bonus, helps get rid of cellulite.

The composition of cheeses with white mold includes, and calcium (Ca). All of these nutrients help maintain the health and quality of our body.

Useful properties of cheese:

  • strengthening of the bone skeleton, muscular system and teeth;
  • reducing the risk of developing multiple sclerosis;
  • improvement of control over one's own psycho-emotional state, harmonization nervous system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • additional protection and strengthening of the immune system;
  • control of water balance in cells and tissues;
  • increase in working capacity, stimulation of brain cells, improvement of memory and cognitive functions;
  • reduced risk of developing breast cancer;
  • start the process of natural breakdown of fats.

But there is also the other side of the coin. The main component of cheese is milk of animal origin. Scientists have proven that an adult does not need milk, and drinking plenty of fluids leads to unpleasant symptoms - acne, intestinal problems, poor metabolism, allergic reactions, nausea and vomiting.

If possible, give preference to cheeses based on sheep or goat milk. They contain less milk sugar, which we cease to assimilate upon reaching 5-7 years. The main thing is not to abuse the cheese. This is enough high-calorie product with an abundance of saturated fats, an excess of which negatively affects a person. Limit yourself to a few bites to enjoy the taste, but satisfy your hunger with organic meats, vegetables, fruits, or grains.

Why is cheese dangerous?


Cheese is recognized as the most salty product. According to the Consensus Action on Salt and Health, it is ranked #3 behind bread and bacon. For every 100 grams dairy product accounts for an average of 1.7 grams of salt ( daily rate is 2,300 milligrams). The abundance of salt in white, moldy heads far exceeds the dosage that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. The constant excess of dietary sodium leads not only to violations of the functionality of the body, but also to addiction.


How do hormones get into brie or camembert? The answer is simple - through cow's milk. also in cheese products contains pus from the animal's bladder. Often, manufacturers do not care about the quality of the supplied product, but about personal gain. In this case, cows on farms receive injections of hormones and antibiotics instead of proper care. All these unnatural enzymes penetrate into the animal's milk, and from there into human body. The result is the development of osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, prostate and breast cancer.

Formation of dependence

According to statistics, in modern America they consume 3 times more cheese than 40 years ago. The effect of a food drug is remarkably similar to that of an opiate - it deceives the nerve cells and the stomach, forcing us to consume the product uncontrollably.

Fact: people who depend on sugar and fat are helped by the same medications as drug addicts with an overdose.

Enzymes that are strikingly similar to drugs are formed during internal organs cows, and their principle of movement is absolutely identical to hormones. The situation is aggravated by the consumption of cheese. We are accustomed to using it not only as independent dish, but also an addition / sauce / seasoning to the main meal.

Bacteria that threaten pregnancy

Listeria monocyotogenes bacteria can concentrate in unpasteurized milk, poultry and seafood. They cause the infectious disease listeriosis. Symptoms of the disease:

  • vomit;
  • pain in the muscular corset;
  • chills;
  • jaundice;
  • fever.

All these symptoms are especially dangerous during pregnancy. Listeriosis can cause premature birth, miscarriage, sepsis/meningitis/pneumonia in the fetus. That is why doctors recommend completely eliminating soft cheeses with white mold for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The problem of ethical production

There are many doubts about the ethics of the production of the product. You should not trust the inscriptions "organic" and "vegetarian", it is best to carefully study the composition. Most cheeses are prepared with the addition of rennet enzymes. This is the fourth section of the calf's stomach. In the vast majority of cases, producers use enzymes from newly born slaughtered calves.

Important. If you want to eat vegetarian cheese, make sure that the ingredients include fungi, bacteria, or genetically modified microorganisms instead of rennet.

Is it really necessary to give up cheese with white mold? No, the main thing is to carefully study the composition and know when to stop. Try to avoid foods with an abundance food additives and preservatives. Look for products that comply with GOST (state requirements), and not TU (organizational requirements) and do not eat a whole head of cheese in one sitting - stretch the pleasure. Approach nutrition from a rational point of view and be healthy!

Brie is a soft table cheese with white mold, made from unpasteurized milk. The mold covering Brie cheese should look like white velvet. Beneath the rind, which can sometimes be streaked with red, is a soft, creamy cheese mass. The taste of Brie cheese is sweet-salty creamy, and the flavor of hazelnuts.

At room temperature, the true taste of this ancient French cheese is revealed. Before serving it to the table, it is necessary to keep it indoors for some time. This type of cheese is shaped like a flatbread, 3 to 5 centimeters thick and 30 to 60 centimeters in diameter. Thickness cheese cake and the time of its maturation affects its sharpness. The taste will be sharper, the thinner the cake and the longer it has ripened. The process of maturation of cheese stops at the moment when the first piece is cut off from the cake.

More often real cheese Brie is made by hand.

Properties of Brie cheese

The calorie content of this product is approximately 330 calories per 100 grams. The composition includes macronutrients such as sodium and phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Microelements of Brie cheese: copper and selenium, zinc and iron, as well as manganese. In addition to these elements, the product is saturated with B vitamins (folic and pantothenic acid, choline and pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine, niacin and cyanocobalamin), E, ​​K, A and D. The composition of the cheese is also enriched with 8 amino acids and beneficial bacteria.

Benefits of Brie Cheese

People who are lactose intolerant can replace milk with this cheese, as it contains the same important ingredients and beneficial features the same as milk.

The beneficial bacteria that make up Brie have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, take part in the production of vitamin B.

The mold covering the cheese mass has a special composition. It protects the skin of a person who uses this cheese for food from sunburn and ultraviolet radiation. This is due to the fact that mold elements stimulate the body to produce melanin (a dark pigment found in the skin), so the risk of skin inflammation is minimal. In addition, Brie cheese prevents tooth decay.

Nutrient protein, contained in a significant amount in this type of cheese, is actively involved in the construction of new body cells.

Eating blue cheese can significantly reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Overweight people should limit their consumption of this product due to its high calorie content.

Application of Brie cheese

Brie cheese will add new colors and flavors to any dish. Even an ordinary sandwich will become a gourmet snack.

Brie is ideal for preparing a variety of sauces and fondues because of its delicate fruity aroma. The taste of cheese is perfectly set off by melon, green apple, nuts, berries. It can be submitted with fresh vegetables to meat dishes.

Brie is usually served with wine, white or red, or champagne.

Harm of Brie cheese

Since Brie cheese has a significant fat content, it should not be eaten by people who have problems with overweight, high level cholesterol and high blood pressure(hypertension).

The use of this type of cheese can in some cases lead to the development of listeriosis (an infectious disease), so it is better to exclude it from the diet of children and pregnant women.

People who are prone to allergic reactions should also stop using this product.

Mold is contraindicated for people intolerant to penicillin and suffering from fungal diseases. Penicillin fungi can provoke dysbacteriosis, as they produce antibiotics. They affect the growth of the number of bacteria (reducing it) that inhabit the human intestine. Therefore, in order for this noble cheese brought only benefit and joy, it should be used in limited portions and infrequently. Nutritionists recommend using Brie cheese only as a dessert after the main courses.

Cheese Tofu >>

Bree- widely known throughout the world French soft cheese with white mold, which is sometimes called the "Queen of Cheeses". Brie got its name from the name of the French province in the Ile-de-France region, in which it was produced in the early Middle Ages. The head of Brie cheese is disc-shaped, 3-5 cm high and 30-60 cm in diameter. This form is due to the peculiarities of the maturation of this cheese (from the crust inside). Therefore, the maximum surface area for Brie is very important. Brie flesh is tender and fluid, creamy white with a grayish tint, a small number of eyes is acceptable. The skin of a young Brie is fluffy and snow-white, while that of a mature Brie is streaked with brown-red. The taste of a young Brie is very mild, while a mature one is sharp and multifaceted: it has hints of fruits and nuts, and the crust has a slight ammonia smell. The hottest Brie comes from the thinnest flatbreads. Brie ripening lasts 30-45 days and stops at the moment when the first piece is cut off from it. Brie cheese is protected by region of origin (AOC, was awarded in 1980): real Brie can only be made in the French cities of Meaux and Melun in the Seine-et-Marne department. There is also a variety of Brie de Colommier, but it is considered to be a separate variety of cheese.

Rules for serving Brie

Brie is one of the most popular dessert cheeses. Here are some tips to help bring out its rich and multifaceted taste in all its glory:

  • Brie needs to be warmed to room temperature before serving, so take it out of the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for 45 minutes
  • The head of Brie is cut like a pie: into small portions-sectors
  • To prevent the knife from sticking to the Brie when cutting, moisten it with hot water
  • Brie is usually served with the crust, but some prefer to take it off and eat only the tender, soft core. Specify the preferences of your guests in advance.
  • Brie pairs well with many wines: pair with Pinot Noir, Beaujolais, Chardonnay, dessert wines
  • In France, they like to dissolve pieces of Brie without a crust in coffee with milk, getting a hearty and very delicious drink. Try it too =)
  • Brie is perfect for festive table, can become a prominent element of a combined cheese plate, but it can also be used in everyday cuisine, adding to soups and sauces
  • Serve Brie on a cheese plate with crackers, sweet berries or grapes. Brie pairs well with fresh crispy French baguette or croissants.

Queen of cheeses - cheese of kings

The history of Brie cheese began in medieval France, in the village of Meaux, near Paris, but cheeses of this type were made throughout France even before the Roman conquest of Gaul, as evidenced by the wide variety of cheeses with a white moldy crust in this country. One of the first documented references to Brie cheese is a chronicle of the Frankish emperor Charlemagne: in 774 he stopped in Brie and tasted the then famous local cheese and left him the most flattering review: "I just tried one of the most fine dining". Probably, Brie was widely known due to the fact that Meaux has always hosted one of the largest cheese markets in the province. Brie has always been marked by royal love and even, according to legend, caused the death of one of the kings of France. Louis XVI, who was like and many kings, a great gourmet and connoisseur of cheeses, tried to save their lives by fleeing in 1789, at the beginning of the French Revolution.Passing by a village that made the most delicious Brie in France, Louis could not resist and asked to stop the carriage to try his favorite cheese in last time. This delay cost the king his life: he was caught, taken back to Paris and executed. Of course, this legend is far from the generally accepted historical version of events (Louis was recognized and arrested in Varennes, in Lorraine, which is located 210 km from Meaux, at that time a considerable distance), but the people stubbornly retell this parable about the gourmet king who lost his crown and a head over a piece of Brie cheese. Among the crowned and noble admirers of this wonderful cheese are King Philip August, Countess Blanche of Navarre, King Charles of Orleans, Queen Margo, Henry IV the Great of Navarre. The French Revolution made Brie accessible to the common people, making it a kind of symbol of equality between rich and poor French people.

Father and Son: Brie and Camembert Differences

Despite the apparent similarity, these two cheeses have the following differences:

  • dough color: Brie's dough is creamy white, while Camembert's is pale yellow
  • Brie is the ancestor of Camembert, i.e. its history began much earlier
  • crust color: in Brie it is white with brown-red streaks and the smell of ammonia, in Camembert it is just white, velvety to the touch, with mushroom
  • taste: Brie is more piquant with a hint of hazelnut, Camembert is sweeter and more delicate, mushroom
  • circle size: Brie varies from 30 to 60 cm, 3-5 cm high, Camembert has a fixed 11 cm in diameter, 3 in height
  • production period: Brie is made throughout the year, Camembert is not prepared in the hot summer period
  • Brie is less fat than Camembert
  • real Camembert is always delivered in small wooden boxes, which allow it to be transported over long distances without damaging the delicate velor crust. Brie is not packed in wooden boxes.

There are many foodstuffs that not so long ago were completely inaccessible to most people. Now almost every one of us can buy them - in large supermarkets, specialized outlets or, on extreme case, in the Internet. Just such products are different types cheeses. And the topic of our conversation today will be Brie and Camembert cheeses. We will give reviews of the cheeses of those who have tried them, clarify how to eat them correctly, consider what the benefits and harms of Camembert and Brie can be, clarify how these cheeses differ, and what is their price.

What is the difference between Brie cheese and Camembert cheese??

Both of these types of cheese are made from cow's milk, using, in principle, quite similar technologies. Both soft cow cheese covered with hard moldy skin. During cooking, both Brie and Camembert use cream, but their proportion is different. So, Brie cheese contains sixty percent of milk fat, and Camembert - only forty-five. Among other things, when preparing Camembert, strong lactic acid cultures are introduced five times, due to which the finished product has a more pronounced smell and taste. In Brie, lactic acid cultures are added only once, respectively, Brie is soft and tender.

Brie has a slight oily odor and a salty taste; to some, its smell resembles the aroma of hazelnuts. Camembert, on the other hand, can have a more strange aroma - cow, mushroom, hay smell (ambre depends on aging processes - on refining). To many, its smell is similar to the smell of fresh champignons.

By appearance the heads of Brie and Camembert are also different. So, Brie looks more oval and taller, and Camembert looks flatter. Most often, Camembert is sold in a certain size (the diameter of the circle is eleven centimeters, and the height is three centimeters) and weight - two hundred and fifty grams. If you evaluate the internal contents by eye, then Brie most often turns white inside, and Camembert has a deep yellowish color. For extra-ripe Camembert, liquid “insides” are completely characteristic, which not everyone likes, but is considered a particularly valuable quality.

Distinctive feature Camembert - packed in a wooden box.

cheese price

Cheese prices vary from store to store. So, 250 grams of Camembert cheese can be bought for about four hundred and fifty rubles. And the price of Brie weighing 250 grams is about five hundred rubles.

How to eat Camembert correctly?

Since Camembert has a high fat content, when stored in the refrigerator, it becomes frozen like butter. And in his cold state taste qualities and the aroma is not felt at all. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the cheese on the table in advance and keep it at room temperature for about half an hour. While it is firm, you can cut it into segments, like a cake.

Before you start tasting Camembert, serve your table with a variety of fresh fruits and nuts. This type of cheese is considered dessert. It is possible to combine it with sour jam, for example, cranberry or currant.

Many lovers use Camembert to make a cheese plate, serving other types of cheese along with it on the board. In addition to such a product, Popular about Health readers can use various young red wines characterized by low tannins. A good choice would also be cider or Calvados.

It is worth noting that initially Camembert with white mold was not a dessert. It was eaten by the most ordinary Norman peasants. Therefore, it is quite possible to cook hot sandwiches with it or add it to the composition of pies. Since such cheese melts easily, you can use it for a kind of fondue by dipping a fresh crispy baguette into the melted mass.

How to eat Brie?

If you want to try Brie cheese with white mold, do not try to peel it, it is worth eating such cheese with a crust. It goes well with all kinds of fruits, nuts and bread. So, true lovers of such a product recommend eating it with apples or pears.

Others prefer Brie paired with fig jam, honey or sweet cherry compote. Another such cheese delicacy goes well with French bread, almonds or candied walnuts. It can also be eaten with white crackers.

As for drinks, this blue cheese can be paired with champagne, some varieties of wine and fairly strong beer. This kind of cheese is ideally complemented by dry wines presented by Riesling or Marsan. It is also quite possible to emphasize the juiciness and amazing taste of this product with the help of Viognier or more. light red wines such as Pinot Noir.
If alcohol is not in your plans, you can eat Brie with apple cider or a similar juice.

Brie cheese is also great for culinary experiments. It is baked as part of sweet pies, combined with delicious fish(salmon), used to make pesto or cheese sauce.

Benefits of Camembert Cheese?

Camembert cheese is able to bring great benefits to the body, because it is a source of a lot of useful (essential) amino acids. It is believed that such a product will be especially useful for those people who face intense physical or mental stress every day.

Camembert contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, so it should be eaten with arthritis and arthrosis, various injuries and fractures. It is desirable to include it in your diet at the stage of active growth of the body and during the formation of all skeletal bones.

Periodic ingestion of Camembert helps to avoid problems in the functioning of the nervous system, as well as in the condition of the teeth. A distinctive feature of this cheese is the minimum content of lactose, so it rarely causes allergic reactions - individual intolerance.

Possible harm Camembert

Doctors strongly do not recommend eating Camembert for babies under the age of seven, as well as for women who are carrying a child. Such a recommendation is explained by the high probability of infection with listeriosis, because in the manufacture of such cheese only unpasteurized milk is used.

In addition, due to the high fat content, this product is not advised to eat with hypertension, increased blood pressure and the amount of cholesterol in the blood, as well as overweight. Camembert cheese must be consumed in small quantities so as not to overload the body (no more than fifty grams per day).

Benefits of Brie

Brie cheese can also be very beneficial for the body. Like Camembert, it wonderfully saturates our body with calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bone tissue and teeth. In addition, such a product is a source of provitamin A, which is necessary for the full functioning of vision and for the synthesis of collagen, which is important for maintaining the beauty of the skin. Vitamins B in the composition of Brie cheese improve the functioning of the heart and nervous system, help eliminate the feeling of excessive fatigue and cope with insomnia.

Like Camembert, Brie is virtually lactose-free, making it non-allergenic.
Brie cheese is also a source of a host of essential amino acids and bacteria that affect the functioning of the digestive tract. There is evidence that the benefits of cheese when eaten and that it reduces the likelihood of tooth decay and sunburn.

Possible harm to Brie cheese

It is better not to give such a product to small children, pregnant and lactating women. It is better not to get involved in them with ailments of the heart and blood vessels, as well as with obesity. Even completely healthy people it is better not to eat more than fifty grams of such cheese per day.
Of course, it is worth considering the possibility of an allergic intolerance to Brie cheese.