How to make homemade cow's milk cheese. Making your own hard cheese

Many young hostesses (as well as experienced housewives), who are just beginning to learn the secrets of cooking, are in constant search of various culinary ideas, secrets and techniques of cooking a particular dish. As a result of this, today it has become popular to cook various products, often purchased in the market or in a store, at home. Because homemade food more useful and does not raise doubts among its consumers. That is why, in this article we will talk about how to make cheese at home from cottage cheese or milk, so that the result is not only tasty, but also very healthy for the body.

Recipes for making this product at home are available a large number of, and to all those who appreciate not only tasty, but also healthy food they are an undeniable treasure. It is believed that homemade cheese, which is made from cottage cheese or milk, is the most healthy. Moreover, if you use goat's milk, the taste of the cheese will turn out to be creamy and excellent.

Cottage cheese and milk are not the only ingredients that are used to make cheese. In addition, you can use sour cream, kefir and even butter. If the cheese needs to be given a special taste, then all of the above can be slightly salted, various spices and seasonings, as well as herbs. As a result of cooking, the appetizer will turn out to be incredible in taste, especially if you add leeks, finely chopped ham, a few cloves of garlic during cooking, walnuts or mushrooms, very finely chopped.

Thanks to various recipes and cooking techniques, at home it is possible to cook not only the classic hard cheese that everyone is used to. Every housewife, from cottage cheese and milk, has the opportunity to cook even feta cheese, processed cheese and such popular varieties as Philadelphia, mozzarella, suluguni, ricotta and others. In addition, by unique recipes an amazing cream cheese is being prepared, which, with its tenderness, will not leave anyone indifferent. It is often used as a spread on cakes, toast or as a topping for delicious cheese desserts.

The recipe for making any homemade cheese is very simple. The main rule that applies to the process of cooking all types of cheese is this: milk must first be poured into a saucepan and boiled, after which all other components gradually begin to be added. Then everything is thoroughly boiled until the whey and the curd clot are separated from each other. As soon as the cottage cheese has separated, it is laid out on cheesecloth and hung in it so that all the whey escapes. Besides, curd mass can be placed in a colander, and put it over some kind of container, for example, a saucepan. Some kind of weight should be placed on top of the mass. Immediately, as soon as the cheese has cooled, it should be transferred to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This will help it cool down faster and better. After that, it can be further used.

Kitchen utensils and products

To cook cheese at home, you need to prepare a voluminous pan. You will also need a bowl, colander and clean cheesecloth. In addition, you may need something heavy that will be placed on top of the cheese to get rid of any remaining whey.


The milk pan must have a non-stick coating. This is necessary so that the milk mass does not burn, and the finished product turns out to be incredibly tasty.

The process of cooking homemade cheese does not require any special preparation of ingredients. However, you must first measure right amount components. If butter will be used in cooking, it must first be softened (just remove it from the refrigerator and let it stand for a while at a warmer temperature). In the case when greens or some other fillers will be used, they should also be prepared in advance.

Recipes for making homemade cheese can also be viewed on the video.

Recipe 1 - "Homemade cheese from cottage cheese"

This basic recipe making cottage cheese cheese at home. In addition to this component, several more ingredients must be used in the cooking process. To make the taste more or less salty, you need to add a little salt. As a result, such hand-made cheese should be creamy and very tender.

What might be needed? Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 1000 grams;
  • milk - 1000 milliliters;
  • eggs - three pieces;
  • butter - two hundred grams;
  • salt - to taste;
  • soda - one teaspoon.

Cooking process:

Making homemade cheese begins with the choice of cottage cheese. It must be bought low-fat and dry.

Put milk and cottage cheese into a deep saucepan. We put everything on the fire, mix well and wait until it boils. Immediately, as the milk-curd mass boils, the fire should be reduced, and cook over low heat for another ten minutes, while not forgetting to constantly stir the mixture. In the process of cooking, you can observe the ductility of the cottage cheese - this is how it should be. After 10 minutes, remove the mixture from the heat and put it in a colander, previously lined with gauze. In this position, the cottage cheese must be left for a while so that the excess whey is gone.

After that, put the curd mass into an unenamelled pan, add the rest of the ingredients indicated in the recipe. Mix everything until you get uniform consistency, and again send to a hot surface. We cook the composition for about seven minutes, while constantly stirring. When all components are melted, the mass of cheese should be transferred to a dry container and sent to a cold place until completely cooled.

Everything - cheese at home according to this recipe can be consumed! Bon Appetit.

Recipe 2 - "Homemade cheese from sour cream and cottage cheese"

Cheese according to this recipe comes out with great taste, and it takes not so much time to prepare and goes well with breakfast sandwiches.

Ingredients and preparation technology:

  • cottage cheese - 1000 grams;
  • milk - 1000 milliliters;
  • sour cream - five tablespoons;
  • salt - two teaspoons.

Pour milk over cottage cheese and send to a hot surface. Mix well and bring the mixture to a boil. Then it should be removed from the stove. We transfer the curd-milk mass to gauze, decant and squeeze the liquid well. Then, in a non-stick dish, you need to put the cottage cheese and add the rest of the ingredients to it. Knead everything by hand and put on a hot surface for five minutes.

When cooking, it is necessary that the mass gathers into a lump and perfectly lags behind the inside of the pan. After 5 minutes, the cheese must be removed from the hot surface. Pour into a mold and leave to cool in a cool place.

If you still do not know how to make your own cheese at home, we recommend watching a video on this topic!

Recipe 3 - “Homemade milk cheese with green onions”

A lot is prepared on the basis of milk different cheeses. This recipe specifies additional ingredients to be used during the cooking process. If you like cumin, then it can also be added to the product, then your cheese will turn out with a spicy flavor.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • milk, the fat content of which is 2.5% - 1000 milliliters;
  • two hundred grams of sour cream, fat content 15%;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • forty-five milliliters of soy sauce;
  • leek;
  • caraway.

Cooking technology:

Boil milk in a deep saucepan. Place in a clean and dry container soy sauce, sour cream and eggs. It's all good to beat. Chop the onion. As soon as the milk boils, carefully introduce the whipped composition into it. Mix everything thoroughly and keep on medium heat for about five minutes. It is in this process that whey and curd mass must separate from each other. At the end of cooking, you can already add leek and cumin.

After removing the pan from the hot surface, put the curd mass on cheesecloth, tie it in a knot and leave it in a colander for a while. Put a weight on top of the curd. When the mass has completely cooled, put it in the refrigerator for half a day, after which we cut the cooked cheese into portions.

Step by step process making cheese from milk

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 4 - "Homemade Goat's Milk Cheese"

If you love creamy cream cheese, then this recipe is for you. homemade cheese, made from goat's milk, will delight you with incredible taste and a melting sensation in your mouth. It is also recommended to add other components in the recipe.


  • goat milk - 1500 milliliters;
  • fresh kefir - 1000 milliliters;
  • one teaspoon of salt.

Cooking technology:

Boil kefir in a deep saucepan. Remove curdled clots from the surface and put them in a sieve. The remaining whey is filtered into a separate bowl and left for a couple of days, adhering to room temperature.

Pour the milk into a clean saucepan, send it to a hot surface and wait until it boils. Then add the serum. Boil the whole mixture on fire for about fifteen minutes. During cooking, clots form. After that, salt the composition as desired, filter and transfer to gauze. We try to squeeze it well, and hang it for thirty minutes. After that, you can already begin to form a ball of cheese. To do this, the cheese must be placed between a pair of plates and put a jar of liquid on top. This "design" should be left for a couple of hours. After that, we put the cheese in the refrigerator for eight hours. At the end of this time, you can treat your household with cooked cheese with your own hands.

Recipe 5 - "Homemade Adyghe Cheese"

Adyghe cheese at home is just as easy to make as regular cream cheese. It is believed that this particular cheese is the most useful, since it does not contain harmful substances and preservatives. At the same time, I am also pleased that the cooking process is quite easy.

For Adyghe cheese you need:

  • 1500 milliliters of cow's milk;
  • one lemon;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking technology:

First you need to extract the juice from the lemon. Boil milk. Then set aside from the hot surface and leave for five minutes. Next, add the rest of the ingredients indicated in the recipe, and mix it all well.

To achieve the desired reaction, lemon juice must be added to milk while it is still hot (about 95 degrees). As soon as it happens, the whey and protein lumps will separate from each other. The resulting mass must be transferred to gauze and wait for the serum to glass. Then we move the cheese into a fine sieve and press a little on top. finished product leave for a couple of hours, after which you can treat your family to them.

  1. To make delicious cheese with your own hands at home, use only fresh cow or goat milk.
  2. The milk mixture must be boiled in a saucepan with thick walls and a non-stick coating. If this is not followed, then the mixture will definitely burn, and the cheese will be with bad smell and taste.
  3. The calorie content of cheese at the exit directly depends on the fat content of milk and cottage cheese, which will be used when cooking homemade cheese. However, even despite this, milk should be taken with a fat content of at least 2.5%.

Thanks to such simple recipes, it is possible to cook amazing, healthy products in the form of homemade cheese in just a few hours. In this case, you can watch a video on this topic. Then the cooking process will go much faster.

Bon Appetit!

This article is for those who are interested in cheeses. Here we will tell you how easy and simple it is to make hard cheese yourself at home. Useful information can be both for ordinary cheese lovers and for caring mothers who are afraid to buy this product for their children in supermarkets, because there is always a risk that the product will not be fresh. This will also allow you not to wonder how long it has been on the shelf, and what harmful additives contains.

Does it make sense to cook cheese at home?

Hard cheese, made at home from milk, can turn into a significant part of your daily diet, because organic products always tastier and healthier. Dairy products, especially cheese, are rich in huge amount nutrients your body needs daily. To begin with, it is worth understanding that cooking hard cheese at home will be much more economical than wasting money on an already prepared product in specialized factories. Of course, it all depends on the varieties that you want to get or buy. Another plus is that you can always be sure of the quality of all the ingredients, you do not have to worry about the taste and composition of your dish. You can always rest assured that the product gets to the table fresh. You will be able to control the entire cooking process and teach the whole family if necessary. Many housewives like to control not only the cooking process, but also “customize” their desires for themselves. Therefore, you are able to make the taste more salty or very delicate. It just depends on your preference. Reviews of such cheeses always contain a lot of additions to the traditional recipe.

Making hard cheese at home is easy!

Interested in how to make hard cheese at home tasty and healthy? Initially, you need to prepare products that meet the list of requirements specified in the "instructions". The recipe for hard cheese at home is very easy and straightforward. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, prepare the work surface for cooking. As for cottage cheese, we advise you to get it at home in order to be completely sure of the quality of the cheese. The cottage cheese should be placed in a deep pan that is convenient for you, after which you should try to break all the lumps with your hands so that in the end all the cottage cheese is of the same consistency. As for milk, it is also advisable to stop your choice on fresh homemade, this will give more delicate taste your creation. Cottage cheese, prepared in advance, must be poured with milk, put the pan on a small fire. The contents must be stirred all the time, make sure that the cottage cheese does not burn and the milk does not escape. The serum we end up with should peel off, this is a sign that you are doing everything right. The cottage cheese should begin to gather into small lumps and become harder and harder. It may seem to you that the curd mass seems to have begun to melt before your eyes. After that, the pan should be removed from the oven and the contents put on clean gauze, the liquid that remains should flow out. For making hard cheeses at home, it would be better if you buy non-stick, specialized dishes so that you do not have to be afraid that your dish will simply stick to the bottom of the dish.

The final step in making cheese

Place a little creamy, not very creamy at the bottom of your dish. fatty oil and put the contents on a small fire, then break the eggs into the pan, add a little salt, a pinch of soda and at the end the curd you cooked. It is advisable to stir all the contents with a wooden spoon that is convenient for you. You need to stir until the whole filling is the same consistency. This process will take you approximately half an hour. Making hard cheese at home is quite easy if you can keep the proportions and like to experiment with recipes. If your product has become soft and shaped, you can take it out and wrap it in a film, after which you should pick up dishes in which you can properly tamp your creation. There is nothing difficult in this, and in the meantime, the preparation of hard cheese at home is finished. If you love dairy products, then there is nothing easier than preparing it at home and delighting your loved ones.

calories in homemade cheese

Two hundred and fifty calories is not so much for those who are worried about their figure. Only one hundred grams contain such a calorie content, however, these figures are approximate, as they depend on the choice of products from which the cheese is made. Do not worry about the figure, but if you are afraid to gain extra grams, then just take low-fat ingredients. Hard cheese, cooked at home, is very healthy, and you should not deny yourself such a pleasure! Treat yourself to the delicious treats you love so much. For a change, you can add carrots to homemade cheese, which will give it originality.

A little history of hard cheeses

In the recent past, hard cheese, cooked at home, was an ordinary dish on the table of every housewife. Nowadays, not all women like to spend time at the stove, and only some prefer to cook for their family. In modern times, many people think that it is easier to go to a canteen, a restaurant, or just buy something on the way to work, but is it all good for your health? Even before our era, hard cheese was a favorite product of nomads. Many people were engaged in housework at that time, each family had goats and sheep, which made it possible to create this dish at home all the time. Many scholars suggest that homemade cheese was first made in the Middle East. The Arabs preferred to indulge in delicacies, so hard cheese made from cottage cheese, cooked at home, was kept at everyone's home, its recipes were supplemented with nuts and spices.

How to diversify the taste of homemade cheese?

Now every housewife has a large selection of different spices, spices and additives for cooking their dishes. In many recipes, you can read that cheeses like a lot of herbs and seasonings, but we must not forget that this is all individually for everyone. Supermarkets are full of different condiments, but you need to know what you should buy and what each of the additives are for. Much attention must be paid to the composition of all spices so that your homemade cheese is not spoiled. In order not to get confused in the choice and not to harm yourself, it is best to add something that you have already encountered, for example, garlic with allspice, a little spicy mustard and dry green dill will not hurt either. These, of course, are the wishes of everyone who likes to experiment in the kitchen, and this is not the first time they have prepared this dish.

If you are confused about the choice of milk

We've already covered how to make hard cheese at home before, but there are a couple more frequently asked questions about choosing milk. Which is better - cow or goat? There is no unequivocal advice, since there are lovers only of cow's milk and there are those who cannot even tolerate the smell of goat's milk. We can only say for sure that this product is useful, it contains calcium, vitamins B and D, as well as iron. As for goat milk, it can be noted that it is very useful for children.

Classification of cheeses and a short digression

Cheeses can be divided into several groups according to the method of preparation. Many will be interested to know that cheese can differ not only in taste, but also in the very mechanism of its creation. How to cook hard cheese at home, this is already familiar to us. Now the question arises of how it can still be obtained in other ways. There are rennet cheeses, the peculiarity of which is that they add a special enzyme, which is obtained from the dried stomachs of young calves. Among other things, there are sour-milk cheeses, products with the addition of mold. She does this milk product quite extravagant, attached unusual taste. However, not many people like such innovations. There are also lovers of smoking, there are many varieties of cheese with the addition of various spices, which gives the product an extraordinary taste. Processed cheeses are always the most popular, they find their recognition among children and adolescents, you can always take it on the road or on nature.

Swiss cheese. Reviews

The highlight of Swiss cheeses is that on them we can almost never see either the name of the variety or the specific trademark. These culinary masterpieces get their name from the name of the area where a certain type of cheese was prepared. Many countries are reluctant to sell Swiss cheeses because almost all of them are made from unpasteurized dairy products. However, these cheeses have always been one of the most expensive and delicious, this feature has always been considered valuable to the consumer, according to reviews. Swiss cheese able to stay fresh for a long time, especially in the winter season. Its price is high also because of the delivery, and besides, all the ingredients are of high quality.

Making your own cheese has many advantages. This ensures the naturalness of the product, the absence of harmful chemical components in the composition. There are many recipes for how to cook delicious cheese from milk at home. Production is carried out by one of two methods: melting dairy products or mixing milk with bacteria and enzymes that accelerate the coagulation of the product.


cook Adyghe cheese at home from milk is not difficult, subject to a certain technique.

Cooking technology

In a non-stick container over low heat, heat 1 liter of kefir, stirring continuously, until curdled. Then strain the contents of the dishes, while the resulting cottage cheese can be eaten, and the whey must be left in the room for a couple of days.

When it turns sour well, 3 liters of milk are poured into it, and the mixture is heated over low heat until curdled (about 5 minutes).


The peculiarity of making Armenian Chechil cheese at home from milk is the need to marinate it in a solution saturated with salt.

Cooking technology

4 liters of milk warm up to 38 degrees and enter rennet extract, according to its instructions. Stir everything, remove from heat and put for 40 minutes in the room.

During this period, a mass will form, which must be cut into squares and left for half an hour to form whey.

The threads must be placed in a pre-prepared saline solution. For its manufacture, water and salt are mixed, in accordance with taste preferences. Cheese should be soaked in the solution for a day. After that, you can give the product an attractive shape, for example, weave it into a pigtail.


The salty variety of the product is often used in salads. When making cheese at home from milk, spices can be added to the recipe to add spice.

Cooking technology

Bring 1 liter of milk to a boil over low heat. When this happens, put salt (2 tablespoons). The fire does not need to be reduced.

Beat a mixture of 3 eggs and 200 grams of sour cream and pour it into milk, stirring the solution all the time. Boil 5 minutes.

If the whey is rejected from the resulting cheese, strain the composition in a colander with a gauze pad, the ends of which then cover the cheese and hang it for 3 hours. Then, the resulting product is placed under a press until it becomes elastic.


In the manufacture Dutch cheese at home, from milk, you will definitely need butter. If the mass begins to stick to the walls of the dishes, you need to slightly increase its amount in order to avoid a burnt aftertaste in the product.

Cooking technology

Heat 3 liters of milk almost to a boil, put 2 kilograms of cottage cheese into it and stir. Further, the composition must be cooked over low heat until whey is formed.

Place the resulting cottage cheese in a colander lined with gauze until the liquid is removed.

Melt 100 grams of butter and put the rest of the ingredients in it: made cheese, 1 chicken egg, salt and baking soda (half a teaspoon). The mass must be constantly stirred until it acquires a creamy appearance and yellow color.

After that, the fire should be turned off. Slightly cooled cheese must be given the desired shape with your hands and placed under the load. The product should be placed in the refrigerator until hardened.

From sour milk

If the milk is sour, do not rush to get rid of it. There is a mass practical advice and a photo of what to use it for. You can make delicious cheese from sour milk at home.

Cooking technology

Beat one egg with salt to taste, mix with chopped herbs. Pour 1 liter of sour milk and whipped composition into a bowl and place over moderate heat. Wait for the solution to boil and cook until curdled.

Further, the composition must be drained into a colander, the surface of which is lined with a gauze layer, the ends of which are covered with cheese, oppression (a small load) is placed on top. The product is placed in a cool place for a couple of hours.

From goat's milk

To make goat milk cheese at home, rennet can be used - organic matter, which is synthesized by the goat's stomach. However, instead of this expensive substance, other fermentation methods are quite applicable (using citric acid, vinegar, yogurt).

Cooking technology

Squeeze the juice from one medium sized lemon. 2 liters of goat's milk should be pasteurized, for this purpose you need to pour it into a saucepan, place on fire, salt (a pinch of salt). Wait until small bubbles appear (do not boil), then remove the dishes from the stove.

Pour the squeezed lemon juice into the milk immediately, stirring the resulting solution. Quite quickly, it will begin to coagulate, resulting in the formation of 2 serums: white curd and slightly yellowish in color.

After the gauze with the curd part, roll up and squeeze. Now we need to form the required shape of the product. Place the cheese, together with the gauze layer, under oppression (a container of water is suitable for this purpose) until it becomes dense. You can do without molding by molding the cylinder with your hands.

From pasteurized milk

You can make such a dairy product not only from rural, but also from store products. Cheese made from pasteurized milk at home palatability and the price will favorably surpass the product from the store.

Cooking technology

300 grams of sour cream (20%) and beat 4 eggs. One and a half liters of pasteurized milk (3%) salt (2 teaspoons) and place on the stove. Wait for it to boil and pour in the whipped composition, stirring constantly. Simmer mixture over low heat until curdled.

Cover the resulting composition with gauze edges, place a load on top. Keep the product under it for 3 hours.

From baked milk

For this recipe, you will need dry consistency cottage cheese, preferably natural. Ready-made cheese from baked milk at home acquires a light brown color.

Cooking technology

Combine a kilogram of cottage cheese with a liter of baked milk. Heat this composition to a boil and cook, stirring constantly for 10 minutes. Then place the composition in a colander lined with gauze and strain.

The resulting cottage cheese should be thoroughly kneaded and placed in a dish, preferably non-stick. Add the rest of the ingredients: 2 chicken eggs, 1 teaspoon of salt and soda, 80 grams of butter. Mix well.

Place the mixture over moderate heat and stir continuously. The composition should melt and become viscous. Cooking time - 7 minutes until the mixture is homogeneous.

After that, the composition is transferred to a container for solidification and placed in a cool place. The cheese is ready when it acquires a dense texture.


Making Italian Mascarpone cheese from milk at home is quite simple and you can taste it immediately after production.

Cooking technology

Mix 800 milliliters of sour cream and 200 milliliters of milk until the composition is homogeneous. Place the mixture on fire and heat it, but you cannot boil it, otherwise the product will not work.

Pour the contents of the pan into a colander lined with gauze for 1 hour to remove the liquid. Then gently squeeze the cheese, transfer to a bowl, and be sure to close the lid. It is advisable to put it in the refrigerator to cool, but you can immediately taste it.


The recipe will require fat milk and pepsin. The enzyme can be purchased at a pharmacy or in specialized stores. To make Mozzarella cheese at home, a solution of pepsin is prepared in advance from milk in a ratio of 1/4 teaspoon of the substance to 1/2 cup of water.

Cooking technology

Heat 2 liters of milk to 70 degrees, then add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, ready-made pepsin solution, and mix everything.

Wait for complete curdling, this will happen quickly enough, you do not need to bring the milk to a boil. Then leave the cheese mass, and drain the liquid.

After heating the water to 90 degrees and salt (2 tablespoons). Place the prepared cheese in hot water for a couple of minutes, then take it out and knead it with your hands. The mass is hot, so you need to cook with gloves.

Repeat the immersion of the product in water again. Then with cling film soft cheese roll into a sausage and form balls with a special twine, then they need to be cut off.

Mozzarella is stored in a closed container with the rest of the brine.


This product has a rather strong sweetish milky taste. Therefore, when making Paneer cheese at home from milk, you can put seasonings or more salt in it.

Cooking technology

Bring 2 liters of milk to a boil over medium heat, you can salt it. Dilute 50-70 milliliters of lemon juice in half a glass hot water. Then pour into milk while boiling. In this case, the mixture must be continuously stirred.

After curdling, remove the pan from the stove. Throw the composition on gauze and squeeze. If you want to make a solid product, you need to place it under the load for a couple of hours. The shelf life of this cheese is short - about 3 days in the refrigerator.


This product, made independently from natural ingredients, is much more environmentally friendly and healthier than products from the store. V processed cheese cooked at home from milk, you can add various seasonings.

Cooking technology

In a deep saucepan, grind half a kilogram of cottage cheese with soda (1/2 teaspoon), then add half a glass of milk, and mix everything.

Place the dishes on a small fire, stir continuously. When melting the mixture in a saucepan, put salt and 2 tablespoons of butter to taste.

The composition should be completely homogeneous. Next, the hot mixture must be poured into a convenient container. After cooling for 12 hours, send it to the refrigerator.


This product should have a pronounced salty taste. In the manufacture pickled cheese at home, from milk, you can additionally lubricate its side surfaces with salt.

Cooking technology

Beat 2 eggs with sour cream (500 grams) and kefir (200 grams).

Bring the milk to a boil and season with salt (2 tablespoons). After that, pour it into the whipped mixture. And again beat everything with a whisk.

Place the cheese under the load and put in the refrigerator for the whole night.


Manufacturing Italian cheese Ricotta at home from milk is not difficult and takes a little time, the result is the most delicate product.

Cooking technology

1 liter of milk should be heated, but not brought to a boil. It's best to take it off the stove. Add to hot product the following ingredients: 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, 150 milliliters of kefir, 2 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt.

Leave the mixture for half an hour before curdling. Then throw it on gauze in a colander and hang by the edges until the liquid drains completely.


The preparation of this product takes a long time. In the manufacture cream cheese at home, according to this recipe, about 1 kilogram of the product will be obtained from milk.

Cooking technology

A liter of milk (3.2%), 0.5 liters of cream (20%) and 400 milliliters of sour cream (20%) are placed in a saucepan, mixed until smooth and left in a warm place for 7 hours (no more than 8). You can put dishes in a basin with warm water. It is impossible to overheat, overexpose and interfere with the mass. As a result, a whole bunch should form in the shape of a pan.

After that, the dishes are placed on a small fire, you need to make sure that there is no overheating, and the mass does not boil. Do not mix cheese. Soon the whey will begin to separate, it is brought almost to a boil (appearance of small bubbles).


This product is of Georgian origin. When making pickled suluguni cheese at home from milk, some features of the technology for its preparation should be taken into account.

Cooking technology

Heat 4 liters of milk to 40 degrees, then add a teaspoon of salt and 100 milliliters of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir the mixture continuously until curdled.

Transfer the resulting cottage cheese to cheesecloth in a colander. When the liquid drains, the edges of the gauze should be tightly bandaged and left in this form for 3-4 hours.

Hard cheese

To prepare hard cheese at home, cottage cheese is used from milk, preferably a soft consistency.

Cooking technology

Mashed cottage cheese (700 grams) pour 1 liter of milk. Then heat the composition over low heat.

The mixture must be stirred until a whey of a yellowish color is discharged. In this case, the cottage cheese should acquire a solid consistency. Next, place the composition on cheesecloth.

Butter (2 tablespoons) must be melted in a non-stick pan. Then add 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and cottage cheese.

The mass must be kneaded until it becomes homogeneous. The longer you stir, the thicker the cheese will be. The kneading time is usually about 20 minutes.

After the composition is laid out in a form covered with cling film and put in a cold place until hardened.


The recipe for making curd cheese at home from milk is one of the simplest and fastest.

Cooking technology

Heat 1.5 liters of milk almost to a boil, pour half a liter of kefir into it and salt to taste. Cook the mixture until curdled.

Strain the resulting cottage cheese through layers of gauze and place under a press. The mass should be left under pressure for several hours. The longer it takes, the firmer the consistency of the cheese will become.


Making a product according to this recipe takes a little time and does not require settling. To make Philadelphia cheese at home, it is preferable to choose full-fat milk, then you will get more product.

Cooking technology

Heat a liter of milk over medium heat, then put in it 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt. While stirring, bring the mixture to a boil.

After adding half a liter of kefir. Again, stir continuously until the mixture is curdled.

Squeeze the resulting mass lightly through gauze and hang by the edges until the liquid stops draining, for about 15 minutes.

I haven't bought cheese in a store for a long time. Because my own cheese is much better in every way! I advise you to cook. Tried different recipes homemade cheese, but this one easy homemade cheese recipe liked the most. Preparing tender cottage cheese from milk simply and quickly. And most importantly, it is much tastier than usual!

Homemade cheese takes about half an hour to make, plus chilling and chilling time in the fridge—I usually leave it overnight, although it will be ready sooner.

Is it worth it to make your own cheese?
If we proceed from the question of how much homemade cheese costs and whether it is profitable to make it or not, then it turns out, let's say, not cheap. When compared with the most common inexpensive popular, it may come out more expensive. But if you are used to buying expensive cheeses, then it will turn out cheaper. But the main thing here is not the price! you can make delicious low fat cheese at home, you will know what it contains, or rather, what is not there, and you will understand that your homemade cheese is not dangerous for children.

How many calories are in homemade cheese?
On average in regular cheese from 250 to 350 or more calories per 100 grams, but the calorie tables for homemade cheese indicate a value of 113. I don’t know which cheese they mean. I suppose the calorie content of homemade cheese will depend on how much fatty cottage cheese and the milk you chose. You can even do diet cheese with your own hands, taking the same recipe, but using low-fat cottage cheese and milk.

What will be required:

The color is always different

In order not to waste time going to stores, all the ingredients for making cheese with your own hands can be ordered at Select and transport the freshest goods!

Ingredients for making homemade cheese:
- 500 ml of milk (it is believed that the fattest is better, but I always buy 2.5%)
- 500 grams of cottage cheese (I take 2 packs of Piskarevsky cottage cheese 5%, although according to the recipe 9%)
- 50 grams of butter
- 0.5 teaspoon of soda (I put less)
- 1 egg
- salt to taste (About half a teaspoon is recommended, but this way it turns out a very delicate taste of homemade cheese. I like it better when I put even more than a teaspoon. It turns out somehow not very salty)

Sometimes I make a larger portion, then I take 3 packs of cottage cheese, a little more butter and 2 eggs.

Recipe for homemade hard cheese:
I take a regular saucepan(nothing has ever burned before) and a wooden spatula.
Pour the milk, put the cottage cheese in it, put on a small fire.

Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, then cook for another 15 minutes.

Watch the whey separate from the milk. Make sure it doesn't burn or stick to the bottom.

We recline in a colander, if the holes are large, you can lay gauze. We leave to drain, but do not immediately pour out the whey.

In the same pan (I usually don’t even take it off the heat, I cook and keep everything nearby) we throw butter. As soon as it melts (stir), add the egg and a little soda. Mix well with the same spatula.

We immediately add the mass with which the glass whey. And continue to mix all the time - cook for another five minutes. The fire must be the smallest. If the mass is too thick, difficult to mix, or starts to stick to the bottom, add some drained whey. I often have a different consistency, thicker or more liquid.

When everything is well mixed and brewed, immediately transfer to the form. As a mold for homemade hard cheese, almost any dish will do. I sometimes use both plastic plates and containers and soup cups. I don't lubricate anything, I don't put anything inside. It is more convenient to remove from the plastic mold.

I wait for it to cool down, cover it with cling film or a bag (otherwise it will wind up) and put it in the refrigerator. It is important to shift immediately and tamp the homemade cheese into the mold well, otherwise it will not be even.

Delicious cheese at home ready!!!

Even more of my recipes for cupcakes, cookies, gingerbread, cheese, etc. in the rubric

Olga Dekker

Hello, my dear readers!

5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

I'll tell you the truth: I love you very much real cheese not only for the taste, but also for the fact that it is very satisfying and healthy.

I often advise women to eat it. Especially for those who want to be slim, vigorous and stay young longer :)

True, I recently found out this ... Already, goosebumps are still running down my back ... :(

Are you aware that many cheese makers are crooks?

What do stores mostly sell harmful cheese fakes? Don't believe?..

I just watched this show and thought: how to be? What to do? At least become a cheese maker! ..

And what? Let's become! I have great recipe cottage cheese cheese at home. Even two recipes! Look at the photo. What a beauty, right?

One cheese will be a bit like Dutch, and the second will be tender, melted.

You will be surprised how easy it is to make delicious and healthy homemade cheese from cottage cheese...

I propose so. Let's listen to Cher's inspiring song - Believe first and then get right down to business! :)

The recipe for homemade cottage cheese cheese is so simple that you can make it at least every day!

Following my recipe with a photo, you will see that it is not difficult to cook cheese)

We will need:


The energy value per 100 gr - 161 kcal;

  • Proteins - 8.7 g;
  • Fat - 12.52 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.23 g;

In Russian stores below 17% fat cannot be found!!! And here it turns out only - 12%. Just like in Europe :)

Such a wonderful cheese is suitable not only for sandwiches, but also for pizza - because it melts perfectly in the oven. Well, and, of course, it is very good in salads - for example, in.

I am sure that hand-made cottage cheese cheese will become a favorite delicacy on your table :)

Shall we take a musical break?

Let's listen to the charming Bonnie Tyler - "Total Eclipse of the Heart", and then I will surprise you ...

Processed cheese can also be easily made at home. Does your beloved family deserve the very best products?

So make the most healthy and delicious processed cheese in the world!


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Fructose - ½ spoon
  • Salt - 1 tsp. a spoon
  • Soda - ¼ spoon

Unlike the previous recipe, this time we will not bring the products to a boil. It is very important! Otherwise, the cheese will not be soft.


1. Mix milk and cottage cheese in a saucepan and put on fire - medium, so that the mixture warms up, but cannot boil. While stirring, wait until the milk protein separates from the whey.

2. Throw the cheese mass into a sieve or into a gauze bag - you need to get rid of excess liquid.

3. Add an egg, salt and fructose to the cottage cheese. Mix them thoroughly, or better, beat them with a mixer.

4. Then, in fact, we will begin to make melted cheese from cottage cheese. Melt the butter in a water bath or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put the curd mass there and begin to stir, preventing boiling.

5. After the mixture becomes viscous and homogeneous, put it in a mold and leave to cool. Soon the cheese will be eaten. Or you can put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours so that it acquires a better consistency.

With homemade processed cheese macaroni, cheese sauce and even a simple sandwich will become incredibly tender!

And what a tasty and healthy product is obtained on the basis of homemade processed cheese ... Mmmm ... Be sure to try it :)

Calorie content and BJU per 100 g:

  • Calorie content - 123 kcal;
  • Proteins - 9.11 g;
  • Fat - 8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.76 g.

I think that such low-calorie product perfect for diet food :)

And especially the processed cheese is loved by children!

And if store-bought cheese is full of thickeners, preservatives and other hazards, then you will be completely calm about the quality of a product made by yourself. :)

Do not forbid your children to eat processed cheese - cook this delicacy for them yourself!

Cheese ... or not cheese? .. The whole bitter truth about fakes and deceit!

I think that from many harmful shop products it is not at all difficult to refuse in favor of similar household ones. Cheese is the same story.

Be sure to watch this show and write your opinion in the comments. I'm very interested, really.

For health, youth and beauty

Do not buy "fake cheese" in stores. Boil the cheese yourself a few times. You will feel the difference! Especially since it's really easy :)

Just practice more often and follow my advice:

1. If you do not want to eat eggs, you can try to do without them. The high quality of milk and cottage cheese is much more important.

2. The heavier the press, the harder the cheese will be; the longer the exposure time, the richer, sharper the taste.

3. Goat milk gives a delicate creamy taste.

4. You can add chopped mushrooms, paprika, cumin, dill, cilantro, nuts to the cheese mixture ...

5. The shelf life of such a product without preservatives, of course, is small - about a week. And it is better to store it not in a bag, but in paper or a cotton napkin.

Did you like these recipes?

Vivacity, health to you and your families!

5 weight loss myths Get free from celebrity nutritionist Olga Dekker

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Just watch a documentary video about fakes and cheating customers. Added it to the bottom of this page.

P.S. Eat like a gourmet and at the same time become slimmer, lighter and more mobile!

P.P.S. Proper cheeses rich in vitamins, microelements, amino acids.

But even the best of them cannot give everything so that we look great and feel great. But a competent experienced expert can! :)

You can receive helpful tips and recipes for delicious, healthy meals for free. I look forward to visiting you on my Instagram page @olgadekker . Come, read, ask questions in the comments. I answer every day ;)