Use of coconut oil inside. Fatty acids in

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Appearance and composition of the product

Oh, fried potatoes with onion and garlic - favorite treat childhood...

We have crossed over habitual tastes and began to study the "horror stories" about carcinogens and trans fats. Quickly bumping into coconut oil, we delved deeply into the topic based on reliable nutraceutical data.


Let's talk about cold pressed oil, which keeps everything beneficial features. It is the most beneficial to eat.

The first thing that inspires you to try the product is not a catchy, but noticeable smell of coconut. The second thing that arouses curiosity is the change in the texture of the oil when the temperature drops below +25 degrees. From the refrigerator you will get something pleasantly white, fragrant, similar in texture to butter.

  • Calorie content per 100 grams is high, like all fats - about 860 kcal.
  • In 1 tablespoon - 130-140 kcal.

As part of many saturated fatty acids (SFAs)- up to 90%:

  • Lauric - up to 55%
  • Oleic - 11%
  • Caprylic - 10%
  • Capric - 9.7%
  • Myristic - 8%
  • Palmitic - 5%
  • Stearic - 1.3%

The oil also contains polyphenols (aroma and taste!), vitamin E, some calcium, phosphorus, iron and organic sulfur.

Useful properties for health and beauty

“Saturated fats? It is harmful". Let's debunk an old myth!

The fight against saturated fatty acids (hereinafter - SFA) from the middle of the 20th century only led to the fact that vascular accidents - heart attack, stroke, thrombosis - became the leading cause of death in developed countries. At the heart of diseases is atherosclerosis, i.e. deposition of cholesterol on the inner wall of blood vessels, which narrows their lumen.

We began to replace products with SFA with fats with unsaturated acids. But sunflower and other popular oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids. As a result, the imbalance of omegas in our diet is catastrophic.

The ratio of omega 3 and 6 is not more than 1:4 for the body.

  • Due to the abundance of unbalanced vegetable oils we eat at least 1:16, or even 1:20. This alignment enhances systemic senile inflammation and brings illness and death closer.

Stop being afraid of saturated fats

It has been proven that manic removal of cholesterol from food cannot significantly affect atherosclerosis. Only 20-25% of cholesterol is absorbed from food.

The rest of the cholesterol is the result of synthesis in the liver to patch inflamed areas inside the vessels. The cause of atherosclerosis is inflammation of the intima of blood vessels. It is provoked by an excess of carbohydrates, trans fats and the dominance of omega-6 over omega-3.

NZhK stand aside from this disgrace. A lot of research has already been accumulated that returns nutrients from opal. Every cell in the body needs them for growth, development and health.

Over 1600 studies support the nutritional benefits of coconut oil.

The acids listed in coconut oil are medium chain triglycerides. The main things learned about each:

  • Either good for the heart and other aspects of health;
  • Or it’s enough not to eat a lot (at the same time, such acids play a leading role on a therapeutic ketogenic diet);
  • Or combine with olive oil to balance the composition of acids and level out modest harm.

Let's take lauric fatty acid, which is the most in coconut oil (up to 55%). It has a special structure for easy assimilation. In our body, the acid is converted into monolaurin. An amazing substance, which is also found in a woman's breast milk and has a powerful antiviral, antimicrobial and antibacterial effect.

Other properties of lauric acid - in the illustration below, according to scientific research from the PubMed database.

The most scrupulous nutritionists advise the following.

To reduce even a small, but still possible harm from lauric fatty acid, consume coconut oil accompanied by extra virgin olive or peanut butter. These products contain oleic acid, which helps lauric to show only positive properties.

Benefits of eating

The list of benefits of coconut oil covers almost all organs and systems:

  • Luxurious hair and skin care, incl. smoothing wrinkles and cellulite (which we will talk about later);
  • Maintaining harmony in the lipid profile (cholesterol and atherosclerosis are hidden here);
  • Strengthening the immune system (mainly thanks to the priceless monolaurin and vitamin E);
  • Strengthening bones and teeth, because. oil promotes the absorption of vitamin D and calcium;
  • Healing nutrition for Alzheimer's disease, arthritis and oncology;
  • High-quality digestion, incl. support for beneficial microflora and suppression of candida fungi (a bow to monolaurin and caprylic acid);
  • Stabilization of a healthy hormonal background;
  • Aid in weight loss and blood glucose balance.

Coconut oil for weight loss

The question deserves a separate explanation.

  1. Dose restriction determines benefit: up to 2 tablespoons per day, not daily.
  2. As well as a feature of medium chain triglycerides. They are very easy to digest, do not need an excess of enzymes and bile, and quickly enter the liver for energy synthesis. This speeds up the metabolism (up to 46%!) And insures against the transition of incoming fats into a harmful reserve at the waist and hips. Ketone bodies are actively formed, which significantly reduce appetite. The result is a long satiety and a lot of energy.

Overweight is often accompanied by hyperinsulinism and gallbladder problems. Coconut oil does not overload internal organs, as occurs with the use of well-known vegetable oils (where long-chain triglycerides predominate).

Harmonization of the hormonal background, which ensures stable harmony, is another merit of medium chain fatty acids. They help convert cholesterol into the sterone pregnenolone, the precursor to our hormones.

And a few words about the mysteries of the intestine. Distortion of the intestinal flora into fungi of the genus Candida is the cause of the insatiable craving for sugar. Coconut oil suppresses candida and strengthens the balance of the microbiota.

Rare culinary advantage

Unrefined coconut oil has a high "smoke point". According to different sources from 177 degrees Celsius. Refined coconut oil has an even higher score (from 204, but it also has much less benefit).

At the same time, there are very few polyunsaturated fatty acids in coconut oil (up to 2-3%). There is almost nothing to form harmful trans fats even at very high temperatures.

When frying, the average temperature ranges from 120 to 170 degrees Celsius. When extinguishing and languishing on the stove, it is even lower: up to 100 degrees Celsius.

Putting the facts together.

  1. The "smoke point" of coconut oil is almost 2 times higher than the stewing temperature, and even a quick fry in a hot pan is unlikely to heat this fat to dangerous numbers.
  2. Even if the temperature jumps, coconut oil is mostly made up of more heat-resistant (saturated) fatty acids.

Here's Why Frying With Coconut Oil Is Safe, Though Expensive.

And constantly frying on refined sunflower or corn is a direct harm to health. Because there are a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids in them (more than 50%). These oils are dangerous when refined, and unrefined oils have a low "smoke point" (about 107 degrees).

  • Of all heat treatment methods It is safest to stew and steam. Frying and even baking from 180 degrees is a dubious choice for products where there are a lot of easily oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is especially important in children's and clinical nutrition.

Use in food: 10 simple recipes

How delicious and healthy to use coconut oil in food?

Safely stew, fry and bake.

This is a clear advantage over sunflower or corn, which are unstable when heated. Start with an omelet: you'll be surprised how economical this product is due to its firm consistency when stored in the refrigerator. A small amount on a fork will normally grease a wide heated pan.

It is very tasty to bake vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato). Try to bake at a temperature no higher than 180 degrees Celsius. Pairs well with curries and others. hot spices. All dishes with an Asian accent are ideal for a first introduction to the rich possibilities of fat.

More healthy pastries- in our power!

We replace oils that are unsafe when heated with coconut oil - in the amount prescribed in the recipe. If solid fat is required, freeze the product first. Greasing molds and baking sheets is another good choice.

We enrich breakfast: in coffee or on toast.

  • Just add 1 teaspoon to morning coffee, you can with a slide. And blending and lightly sweetening is the easiest way to get used to a healthy cream substitute.
  • Lubricate the toast whole grain bread with bran. Affordable snack with a pleasant coconut flavor.

Cooking healing homemade mayonnaise.

  1. We need 2 oils: 0.5 cup olive and 1 cup liquid coconut.
  2. If necessary, let the second melt: put the container with it in a slightly larger bowl with warm water.
  3. Mix in a blender 4 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and 0.5 teaspoon of mustard powder.
  4. We reduce the speed to a minimum and very slowly (!), In a trickle, add 2 oils - coconut and olive.

Fondue with dark chocolate and fruits.

(70%+) and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Bananas, apples, strawberries, wild strawberries and nectarine - in such a recipe with a bang! everything will work.

Add healthy fats to smoothies.

For any recipe - 1 teaspoon for 1-2 glasses. It is especially good to enrich drinks with a low-fat base (juice, kefir, water).

Relieve colds and sore throats.

Method number 1. We brush our teeth. Slowly dissolve and swallow ½-1 teaspoon of oil 3 times a day.

Method number 2. We also use oil with powder: for 1-2 cups - 1 teaspoon. Mix well with a fork and store in the refrigerator.

A delicious choice for raw food desserts.

Raw candies and cakes include coconut oil as an ingredient that keeps its shape well after cooling. Separate charm - creamy taste and strong friendship with nuts and dried fruits.

Possible harm and contraindications

Everything is medicine. Or poison if the dose is wrong.

Get Started with Coconut Oil c 0.5-1 teaspoon per day.

Track your reaction, especially from the skin and digestive tract. The first day - for acute intolerance and a little later (1-2 weeks of admission). It happens that pathological sensitivity to a product from another climatic zone manifests itself over time according to the accumulative principle.

If you are on a balanced diet, the average daily dose limit is 2 tablespoons, not daily. It is most reasonable to leave this fat for quick frying, and for food without heating, focus on olive oil.

Dose for children weighing 20 to 40 kg - up to 2 teaspoons per day+ gradual careful introduction of the product.

Elderly people - depending on the reaction: 1-2 tablespoons daily. With problems of the central nervous system (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, etc.) - up to 3-4 tablespoons.

Where to buy, how to choose and store

We store simply: glass, darkness, refrigerator.

In the pharmacy, most often they sell hot-pressed coconut oil, which is relatively suitable for cosmetics.

For eating, our task is to find unrefined cold-pressed coconut oil. It must be pure product with a single component - coconut oil:

  1. On the label, the production method is “cold pressed” or “extra virgin”;
  2. Raw material quality "organic", preferably without the use of hexane. Names of popular strict certificates: BDIH, NaTrue, USDA Organic.

For us, online shopping is the most convenient. Slowly studying the information in the product card. If the store is large, pay attention to reviews and ratings. Detailed customer reviews and a rating of 4.5 is a good sign.

Where to buy coconut oil for eating?

For Moscow, the online store is relevant.

We use the giant iHerb. its wide range. The store delivers purchases all over the world and is very well organized in terms of product cards, reviews and ratings.

Four products that we love.

  1. From TM Nutiva: economical large pack.

    Quality coconut oil is not cheap, but it is better to pay for health than to spend on illness.

    We would love to know your experience with the hero of the review, as well as answer questions about coconut oil and its use in food. The product is unique with great healing potential, but our body most of all strengthens the sense of proportion. Eat tasty, check the given doses and recipes and be healthy!

    Thank you for the article (22)

Just the other day I read a stunning report from the American Heart Association (ACA) advising me not to consume coconut oil. Like most reputable experts in the field of health and medicine in the West, this first caused me a shock, and then a desire to comment on such a categorical statement, because coconut oil has long been revered by the expert community as a valuable source of .

One of the main theses in this report is: "Coconut oil is as unhealthy as butter and beef tallow." It is based on the fact that coconut oil contains high level saturated fats, which increase the level of "bad cholesterol" and, as a result, lead to heart disease. To be precise, coconut oil is 82% saturated fat, butter is 63%, and beef fat- 50%. This is why the AHA put coconut oil on its list of foods dangerous to heart health.

On the other hand, the vast majority of healthy lifestyle adherents are very positive about coconut oil. Among other beneficial properties, it strengthens the immune system with strong antimicrobial properties, improves memory and cognitive function, speeds up metabolism, helps maintain beauty and youth, and is also effective in losing weight. Learn more about the benefits of coconut oil .

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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The unique properties of coconut oil have been valued since the time of Cleopatra. It was considered the right way preserve feminine beauty and youth. Due to its composition, coconut oil has been used as a nourishing and rejuvenating agent for the skin. To date, this valuable product excelled in cosmetology, traditional medicine and Food Industry.

It is no secret that coconut oil is produced from coconut pulp, which contains up to 65% of it. The process of obtaining it is quite simple: first, the pulp is separated from the shell, after which it is dried and, by pressing, a valuable oil is obtained, which can be refined and unrefined. As a rule, refined coconut oil is used for skin and hair care. The use of such oil has no contraindications, it is hypoallergenic, perfectly stored for several years even without a refrigerator and retains its qualities even with repeated heating.

Benefits and uses of coconut oil.
Coconut oil has a wide range of health benefits. It is easily digestible, does not contain cholesterol, and provides the body with many nutrients. It contains great amount valuable oils, among which oleic, lauric, palmitic, capric, caprylic, arachidonic and others can be distinguished. In addition, it is rich in vitamins (C, A, E), natural antioxidants, and also includes a natural moisturizer - hyaluronic acid. Due to its composition and delicate pleasant aroma, it is actively used in cosmetology as additives in cosmetic products (lipstick, shampoos and other hair care products, natural creams, eye makeup removers, etc.) and as an independent facilities. Such cosmetics cleanse the skin of dead cells, stimulate the metabolic processes in the skin, tones and nourishes it, making it soft, supple, elastic and velvety. The light composition of the oil ensures rapid absorption by the skin and does not clog pores. The use of products with coconut oil is suitable for any type of skin, helps to smooth wrinkles, eliminate acne, as well as minor damage and skin defects. In addition, due to the cleansing and foaming properties, coconut oil is used in the production of natural soap.

Butter coconut is ideal for the delicate skin of babies and children. It also effectively helps with cracks in the heels and hands, heals eczema, wounds and burns.

Coconut oil is great for dry, sensitive, irritated skin with signs of flaking. It perfectly softens and moisturizes it and creates a kind of film that protects the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors. That is why it is added to sunscreens and after-sun products, as they protect against ultraviolet rays and soothe the skin after sunbathing.

V pure form this oil should not be used. The only exception is hair care. Coconut oil should be added to facial products no more than 10%, for the body - 30%.

In addition to skin care for the face and body, the use of coconut oil gives an amazing effect in hair care. This oil softens and moisturizes the hair, and also effectively relieves scalp irritation and fights dandruff. It is easily and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the hair, protecting them from protein loss during washing, as well as from mechanical and chemical influences (drying, curling, etc.). In addition, coconut oil helps to nourish and strengthen hair follicles and hair roots, stimulating their growth. Coconut oil is also used to treat dry and split ends of hair. This oil mixes well with other oils and ready-made cosmetics. Coconut oil masks make hair strong and manageable, restoring its smoothness and natural shine.

Due to its ability to absorb quickly, coconut oil is used as a massage oil. Massage with this oil relaxes, cools the skin and has a beneficial effect on nervous system. In addition, massage with coconut oil improves the condition of the skin of the body and improves its tone, slowing down the aging process.

Coconut oil is actively used in the food industry in the manufacture of muffins, cakes, cookies, etc. Due to the crystal structure and uniform consistency coconut oil leavening agents used in the manufacture of confectionery, improve mixing, and also retain the structure of the dough before the introduction of other components into it (gelatinizing starches and egg whites), resulting in the preservation of the structure and friability finished products. Coconut oil can also be eaten directly. For example, it can act as a substitute for margarine: 75 g of coconut oil replaces 100 g of butter or margarine. It should be remembered that coconut oil does not contain cholesterol, and the taste of such oil is more delicate. And yet, when using it, there is no effect of fat content.

In addition, coconut oil helps to improve the processes of digestion and assimilation of food. Its regular use reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and some other cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viral, fungal, bacterial infections, and also prevents the occurrence of malignant tumor cells.

Coconut oil is recommended by many doctors for women as a preventive measure against osteoporosis, as it promotes the complete absorption of calcium. Due to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of the lauric acid contained in this oil, the oil protects the body from many fungi and viruses, in particular measles, herpes and influenza.

The use of coconut oil in diseases of the joints gives a positive effect. It is also used in the treatment of cancer.

The use of coconut oil is effective in losing weight. Coconut oil is recommended for dieting women because it is not deposited in fats. It contributes to the restoration of functions thyroid gland effective in diabetes.

Coconut oil, how to use.
Massage Oil.
Heat coconut oil in a water bath until liquid consistency, which is used as a massage tool for the body, upper chest, face and neck. This massage is especially effective after taking a bath or shower. The skin becomes soft and velvety.

Sunscreen with coconut oil.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil with 1 tsp. peach kernel oil, sesame oil, rosehip oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the body immediately before tanning.

Foot softener with coconut oil.
Take 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and mix with 4 drops of tea tree essential oil, as well as lemon balm oil and cypress oil (2 drops each). The resulting mixture should be applied daily to the feet.

Coconut oil hand and nail treatment.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and glycerin with 1 tsp. chamomile oil and essential oils of orange and lemon (5 drops each). The resulting mixture is regularly rubbed into the nails and applied to the hands with massage movements.

Hair mask with coconut oil.
Take 1 tsp. coconut and burdock oil, 3 drops of essential oils of rosemary, ylang-ylang, thyme and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair roots half an hour before washing.

Facial scrub with coconut oil.
First mix 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil and half a cup sea ​​salt Apply the resulting mixture on the face and body with gentle circular motions. Massage for a few minutes, then rinse it all off with warm water. After that, mix a small cup of unleavened yogurt with 30 ml fat milk and apply to areas of skin that have been exfoliated. This procedure makes the skin soft, supple, giving a fresh and healthy look.

A revitalizing lip balm with coconut oil.
Grate a small piece of beeswax on a fine grater and melt over a fire until it becomes liquid. Then add 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil, 1 tsp. shea butter and cocoa butter. Mix until you get homogeneous mass and take it off the fire. After that, add a few drops of essential oils (violet, rose or lavender) to the mixture. If you have an empty tube of lip balm or lipstick left, then pour the resulting mass into it, and when it cools down, use it as a natural balm.

Revitalizing hair mask with coconut oil.
Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut and almond oil, add one egg yolk, 1 tsp. l. cognac. Apply the resulting mass to the hair a couple of hours before washing.

Coconut oil for cellulite.
Mix equal proportions of coconut, cocoa, shea, jojoba oils with 10 drops of a mixture of orange, cypress, grapefruit essential oils, and fennel oil. Rub the mixture with massage movements into problem areas.

Coconut oil for stretch marks.
Apply with massaging movements a mixture of cocoa butter, coconut and essential oil cypress, neroli, sage.

Anti-cellulite peeling with coconut oil.
Mix coffee with coconut oil until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to wet skin of the body, massage for ten minutes, paying particular attention to problem areas, then rinse with water. Before using such a scrub, you should not use gels and other shower and bath products. After peeling, coconut oil should be applied to the skin.

Facial scrub with coconut oil.
Heat 200 g of a mixture of coconut, shea and cocoa butters on a fire. Add hercules ground in a coffee grinder and medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, lemon balm, oregano) in an arbitrary ratio. Remove from fire. Leave the mixture for a day, then form into small pieces and put in the freezer. Apply frozen tiles along the massage lines of the face when taking a shower.

The properties of coconut oil are invaluable. Use skin and hair care and be beautiful!

The oil obtained from dried coconut meat in southern countries is very important product nutrition. There it is as common as sunflower is with us. However, it differs significantly in composition from sunflower, as it contains a high amount of saturated fat.

As you know, there are saturated and not saturated fat. Most often, the first of them are of animal origin and are considered harmful, as they increase cholesterol levels. But mono- and polyunsaturated fats of vegetable origin are quickly absorbed by the body and cleanse the blood vessels of cholesterol. In connection with this information, the question arises about the dangers of coconut oil.

Is coconut oil harmful? Harm or benefit?

Although this product is of plant origin, it contains over 90% saturated fat, while butter they are less than 70%. It would seem that this nuance proves the harm of coconut oil. But the facts prove quite the opposite.

Long seen beneficial effect this unique product for hair, skin and nails. It also prevents the development of osteoporosis and other diseases of the connective tissues and the musculoskeletal system, tones the cardiovascular system.

Based on these facts, scientists agreed that plant-derived saturated fats are beneficial for humans, not harmful.

When do we need coconut oil? Application and benefits

Coconut oil contains vitamins A, C, E and valuable acids, including arachidonic, caprylic, copra, lauric and oleic. Due to the presence of natural antioxidants in its composition, it can be stored without losing its properties in the open for a long time.

Most vegetable oils, including coconut oil, are produced in two forms - edible and non-edible, used, as a rule, in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

It is considered that maximum benefit coconut oil is preserved if it does not undergo heat treatment.

In Asian cooking, this product is often used to dress salads from fresh vegetables. Many food manufacturers use coconut oil as food supplement. It is also used to make margarine and waffle cake toppings.

In addition, coconut oil is taken as a preventive and remedy with some diseases.

Regular use of it helps to remove cholesterol from the body, balance blood sugar, lower blood pressure. Also, this tool strengthens tooth enamel and gums, normalizes the metabolic process in the body and improves digestion.

This product is used externally to heal scratches, cuts and wounds. When oil is applied to the skin, it forms a protective layer that prevents dirt and infections from entering the wound. This tool contains a huge amount of antifungal and antiviral components, antioxidants. It also effectively fights bruises.

Coconut oil is recommended to include in the diet of people with liver disease.
In cosmetology, coconut oil is used as a flavoring agent for soaps, shampoos, creams, mousses and other products. Cosmetologists recommend regularly using hair masks with this product to strengthen them and improve the scalp.

Applying this oil to your skin after a bath or shower will help your skin look healthy and supple, and it will also give you a wonderful fragrance. Massage mixtures made on its basis are very well absorbed by the skin, moisturize it and give it a velvety feel. Hygienic lipsticks and balms containing coconut oil perfectly soften the skin of the lips.

This tool will cope with the problem of dry heels, irritation after epilation, protect the skin from sunburn and soothe it after sunburn.

Contraindications to the use of coconut oil

The only harm that coconut oil can do is food poisoning or the occurrence of an allergic reaction. But this can happen only in the case of uncontrolled consumption of this product in food. In addition, before you start eating coconut oil, you should consult a doctor on this issue, who should tell you about the rules for using and dosage of this product. In any case, listen to your body and reduce the dose ... A couple of spoons a day is more than enough.

In order for you to have only good impressions from using coconut oil, you need to buy a quality product. So pay attention to appearance, packaging and product labeling at the time of purchase.

quality oil coconut should have a high degree of cleaning, light yellow color and pleasant aroma. Preference should be given to trusted brands, and not oils sold as a souvenir.

Everyone agrees that it is good for skin and hair, but when it comes to the benefits of edible coconut oil when consumed, a lot of questions and discussions immediately arise.
And no wonder: the skin can be assessed after the first application by tactile sensations, but it is much more difficult to determine the effect of the oil on the body as a whole.

The most frequent comments on the article about the benefits of coconut oil contain an objection to the benefits of saturated fatty acids. We will talk about the properties of oil, biochemistry, and whether all saturated fatty acids are equally harmful in this article.

A small disclaimer: this article is about the properties of natural, unrefined, edible virgin coconut oil (virdgin).

Before moving on to translating information about coconut oil from reputable sources on the Thai internet, let's talk about the main stumbling block, saturated fatty acids.

Biochemistry or the harm of coconut oil

Considering fatty acids as a class, of course, most of them are not very useful. Saturated fatty acids are found mainly in animal fats. Most of them are solids with a high melting point. They can be absorbed by the body without the participation of bile acids, this determines their high nutritional value. However, excesses of many saturated fatty acids are inevitably stored in reserve.
But they come with different chain lengths, as well as interchangeable and irreplaceable.

A person needs fats, because vitamins and microelements are easily dissolved in them (and therefore, they are easily absorbed), but long-chain saturated fatty acids are difficult to digest. For their digestion, the body has to secrete bile and digestive enzymes, sometimes overloading the liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines. People suffering from diabetes, liver disease, or who have had gallbladder surgery have particular problems with this.

However, due to the ease of digestion of medium-chain fatty acids (which make up edible coconut oil), it does not cause such problems and begins to be absorbed in the stomach. Medium chain saturated fatty acids are very easily broken down by enzymes and absorbed without clogging the blood vessels. Then they are converted into energy that improves liver function. And this oil also contains essential saturated lauric and myristic acids, which are important for the normal functioning of the immune system.

Still saturated fatty acids in the majority have a high melting point, and if it is higher than the human body, they are poorly absorbed, clogging the stomach and intestines, and if they are absorbed, they are deposited in the vessels. The melting point of coconut oil is 25 degrees. I don't know anyone with a lower body temperature, do you?

And now let's move on to information from the Thai Internet. Here is what they write there:
According to the materials of the Botany Department of the Pharmaceutical Faculty of Mahidol Research University

Edible coconut oil is over 90% saturated fat, most of which are medium chain triglycerides. Most of all, it contains the essential lauric acid, which is well absorbed by the body.

Medium chain fatty acids do not accumulate in adipose tissue. They are smaller in molecular weight than long chain fatty acids such as linoleic acid (a polyunsaturated fatty acid derived from soybean oil, for example)

Conclusion: everything is good in moderation. If coconut oil is taken according to the recommended dosages, it will only benefit your body.

Now let's move on to other sources:

Edible coconut oil, in addition to essential medium-chain saturated fatty acids, also contains important minerals and some fat-soluble vitamins such as calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, D, E, K, which are instantly absorbed. This is what makes coconut oil a useful product in all respects.

Health benefits of coconut oil

1.Speeds up metabolism
Coconut oil has 8.6 calories per gram, while other oils contain at least 9 calories per gram. The use of saturated fatty acids contained in the oil does not lead to the formation of free radicals, and the oil itself does not contain trans fats. With lauric, caproic, and caprylic acids, coconut oil boosts metabolism for up to 24 hours, improving digestion and calorie burning.

2. Stimulates the work of the intestines.
Coconut oil should be consumed in moderation. Due to its high content of saturated fats, it stimulates the colon, which can cause diarrhea at the beginning of the use of this oil. This is a normal reaction. However, if diarrhea occurs when consuming a small amount of oil, it is better to stop taking it so as not to remove trace elements from the body.

3. Tones up.
Edible coconut oil is easily absorbed by the body and does not lead to weight gain. It doesn't have any side effects, so it is often recommended to athletes and the elderly.

4. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Coconut oil lowers "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and raises "good" cholesterol (HDL), thus reducing the risk of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, heart, liver and kidney disease.

5. Protection of the skeletal system.
Coconut oil is rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are essential for maintaining strong bones, so it can protect bones from breaking down.

6. Use during pregnancy.
Coconut oil is beneficial to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It nourishes the body of mother and child, helps to give the baby good immunity and significantly increases the usefulness breast milk because it contains lauric acid, calcium and magnesium. This is an excellent tool for strengthening bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis and preventing calcium loss during pregnancy.

7. Improves sleep.
Coconut oil contains substances that help you relax. Daily use coconut oil in small quantities improves the quality of sleep chronic fatigue, reduces stress.

8. Reduces inflammation and helps fight infections.
Cold-pressed edible coconut oil facilitates various diseases caused by infection. The reason is again in lauric acid, which boosts immunity, fights bacteria and is a natural antibiotic, which alleviates the symptoms of infections such as flu, tonsillitis, herpes, mumps.

9. Oral care.
Coconut oil inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth that leads to plaque and problems such as gingivitis, gum disease, swollen and bleeding gums. In addition, it helps to treat sore throats.

This oil can be used as a throat and mouth rinse.

To do this, take 1-2 tbsp. spoons a day and rinse the mouth for at least 15 minutes. The oil will become white and frothy. It must be spit out, as it will absorb pathogens and toxins. Also, this procedure helps to improve the performance digestive system and reduce bad smell from mouth.
You can apply coconut oil to your toothbrush and brush your teeth. Half a teaspoon is enough. The oil gradually reduces plaque on the teeth, soothes and strengthens the gums.

10. Reduces the risk of cancer.
The high content of saturated fatty acids (up to 92%) helps to strengthen immune system organism. Many of the vitamins that coconut oil contains are antioxidants. This reduces the risk of cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer.

11. Cold-pressed coconut oil stimulates the thyroid gland and speeds up the metabolism. thereby improving the condition of diabetic patients. Coconut oil consumption increases insulin production, thereby speeding up the breakdown of sugar and reducing the workload on the pancreas. In some cases, the pancreas can fully restore its functions.

About the quality of coconut oil and types unrefined oil you can read in the article

And I will tell you how to properly use coconut oil inside, as well as about the features of storage and precautions that should be considered when using coconut oil.