The hottest condiments in the world: a review of "fiery" mixtures. List of condiments, herbs and spices

Seasonings, spices and spices are commonly used interchangeably for various food additives. But the concepts differ in meaning! Seasonings change the taste of food without changing the flavor. Spices give the dish flavor and fragrant.

Differences in seasonings, spices and spices

Seasonings include vinegar, mustard, tomato paste, horseradish, mayonnaise. Spices are pepper, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf. Spices is the common name for spices and seasonings.

Spices are not eaten on their own, their quantity in dishes is strictly calculated, because an excess will spoil the taste, and a deficiency will not have the desired effect.

Seasonings are of vegetable origin and chemical. Seasonings, unlike spices, are not always available to a person in finished form, some of them are prepared according to a recipe using other seasonings and spices. Seasonings may also include spices. On a large scale, this is done by a chef who specializes in sauces and seasonings.

Fans of seasonings and spices take into account only their taste, not knowing which spices are useful, whether all seasonings have useful properties.

Seasonings and spices for the human body

The spicy aroma and flavored taste of food is not the only merit of spices in front of a person. The beneficial properties of spices were noticed by ancient healers: with moderate and proper use, they help to better digest foods, stimulate the absorption and processing of food, suppress bacteria and prevent decay processes.

Spices accelerate the activity of enzymes, absorb impurities in cells and activate the removal of toxins. Spices differ in composition, and in some nature has concentrated vitamins. Therefore, a pinch of seasoning has a positive effect on the body's systems: digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine.

Useful spices are ubiquitous, but among them there are those that are rare and exotic. Among the classic and common, the most useful seasonings and the most useful spices stand out.

Black pepper

The king of spices - black pepper is in every home. It stimulates the digestive processes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood circulation, removes toxins, prevents the formation of blood clots and corrects metabolic processes. Black peppercorns are used in the preparation of broths, meat, pickles, in ground form it will add aroma and spiciness to soups, sauces and meat products.


The substances and elements that make up cinnamon, in combination, reduce bad cholesterol and glucose in the blood, improve blood circulation, help in the production of cartilage lubrication, disinfect and kill fungi.


Paprika thins the blood, improves its outflow to organs and tissues, and prevents the formation of blood clots. This spice is useful for men, as it enhances potency. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: eliminates gas formation, flatulence, discomfort and cramps in the stomach.

There are many types of paprika, depending on the fragrant and spicy. But any of them is best combined with meat, fish, cheese and seafood. Cinnamon has found application in the national dishes of Hungary, Portugal, Mexico, Spain and India.


Nature has given man a cure for many diseases in one ginger root. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic and antispasmodic agent. It tones, soothes, relieves anxiety, stress and fatigue. For a woman, the spice is especially useful, as it prevents infertility, increases libido, relieves the tone of the uterus, and during pregnancy with toxicosis, relieves nausea and weakness.

Pickled ginger will give piquancy and novelty to meat and seafood, and tea with ginger root will appeal to sophisticated gourmets.


Garlic can be fresh or dried, but in any form it does not lose its beneficial qualities. Garlic is considered a strong enemy of bacteria and viruses, lowers blood sugar levels, fights tumor cells, and reduces blood clotting. It is difficult to imagine borscht, aspic, meat dishes and assorted vegetables without a pungent smell and burning taste of garlic.

Bay leaf

It is hard to imagine your favorite soup, stew, vegetable stew without bay leaf. Spice put in hot dishes. In addition to a pleasant aroma, the laurel contains a bouquet of useful substances. Even in ancient times, it was used in medicine for the treatment of dysentery, rheumatism, diabetes and viral diseases, with disorders of the nervous system. The spice anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, prevents decay, fermentation and decomposition.


The pit of the nutmeg seed, called nutmeg, heals ailments. It helps men cope with impotence, uncontrolled ejaculation, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. When applied externally, nutmeg paste relieves pain, inflammation, acts as a remedy for rheumatism, osteochondrosis and arthritis.


The dried buds of the tropical clove tree Syzygium with a peculiar aroma and pungent taste are known as cloves. Since ancient times, it has found application in cooking.

Adding seasoning to a meat dish not only gives an amazing taste, bringing a special zest, but also enriches the human body with vitamins and minerals. The special value of seasonings lies in the large number of essential oils, which are so rich in the spices that make up them. By stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, seasonings help the body digest meat easily.

In order to most fully reveal the taste of meat, you need to know which spice is best suited and when it is best to add them.

Seasonings and spices for pork

Basil gives pork a piquancy, and the aroma of oregano is the perfect complement to the meat broth. They are used in the compositions of seasonings for pork meat: sumac - sour berries that replace lemon, which resemble pomegranates in taste, as well as cumin, which has a peculiar sour smell and taste.

Cumin, turmeric, bay leaf, onion, tarragon, rosemary, black pepper, chili, paprika, mustard seeds, nutmeg, dried garlic are ideal for roasting pork meat in the oven. By combining these ingredients, you can create an original seasoning for an extremely tasty roasted pork.

When baking in the oven, rub the pork with a mixture of garlic, rosemary, green basil, marjoram. The result is soft, aromatic and tender meat. To stew pork, there is no need to use rare spices, but you can get by with a pinch of ground pepper, a small amount of garlic and bay leaf.

The original seasoning for pickling pork meat consists of the following spices:

- black pepper;

- coriander;

- kmina (zira);

- thyme.

In such spices, supplemented with fresh onion rings, pork skewers are marinated for ten minutes.

A mixture of cilantro, thyme and basil gives the cured pork a wonderful flavor.

Seasonings and spices for lamb. For lamb, with its distinctive smell, it is very important to choose the right seasoning. Most often, ground paprika (sweet) and chili pepper are used. After filling the lamb with spices, it is poured with mineral water.

Seasonings and spices for chicken and rabbit meat

Different types of peppers, marjoram, sage, basil go well with chicken meat.

Exquisite oriental taste and aroma give the chicken curry and ginger. The choice of seasoning depends on how the chicken is prepared. When grilled, a little turmeric gives the meat a golden color and excellent flavor. Fragrant herb oregano is added to minced chicken.

For roasting chicken, a seasoning is used, consisting of ground paprika, rosemary, thyme, ground black pepper and garlic. However, their use is effective if the manufacturing technology is observed.

  1. Parsley, bay leaf, juniper berries and thyme;
  2. Mint, celery, marjoram and lemon balm;
  3. Rosemary, myrtle, a small piece of orange peel.

For barbecue rabbit meat, the marinade is prepared with the addition of marjoram, dried basil, bay leaf, ginger, vinegar and pepper. A real chicken kebab with soft, tender and fragrant meat is obtained by using a mixture of turmeric, coriander, ground paprika and cranberry or pomegranate juice to marinate the meat.

Seasonings and spices for beef

Beef, like no other type of meat, accepts a huge variety of spices, herbs and seasonings. Along with such widespread spices as pepper, basil, oregano, coriander, turmeric, thyme, mustard seeds, tarragon and a number of others are used in the preparation of beef dishes. Lovage is used as a seasoning for pork and beef. Sage, cumin, nutmeg is suitable for almost all types of meat.

When frying beef, chili, oregano, marjoram, basil, tarragon, sage, rosemary are used. It should be taken into account how these spices are combined with each other. For example, bay leaves cannot be used with rosemary, and the strong aroma of spicy sage will drown out other meat herbs.

When stewing beef without adding tomatoes, herbs are used in a minimal amount. Stewing beef with a lot of vegetables and tomatoes requires the addition of more aromatic spices (oregano, rosemary, marjoram), which go well with each other. To enhance the spicy aroma, you can add cloves and oregano, as well as hyssop, a spice that has a pleasant smell and a slightly bitter taste.

Paprika, which loses color when fried, is added only to stewed meat dishes.

To prepare the marinade in which the beef is soaked, thyme, barberry, rosemary, pepper and salt are mixed.

Properties of seasonings, spices and spices for meat

Pepper. The most famous and popular in the composition of seasoning for meat is such an ingredient as pepper, which has about a dozen varieties. Green pepper, which is an unripe fruit, has a mild flavor and a fresh, unique aroma. The most common type of pepper - black, has an intense spicy taste. Ground, chopped or peas black pepper stimulates the digestive process.

The fruits of white pepper, containing a large amount of essential oils, have a very pungent taste. By improving the taste of meat, they relieve congestion in the intestines. Pink pepper has a sweetish taste and tastes like coriander. Cayenne pepper has a very hot taste. A small amount of cayenne pepper gives dishes a beautiful appearance and a spicy spicy taste.

A mixture of spices obtained from different varieties of chili peppers, has the common name of chili pepper. Small pods of hot peppers, which have an analgesic effect, are very popular in Mexican and Oriental cuisine. Paprika stands out for its sweetish taste and rich red color. It is actively used in mixtures for marinating pork and poultry meat, as well as in minced meat additives. Allspice, with its intense aroma, is used in the preparation of meat dishes of any kind, including game.

Kmin (Zira). The cumin seeds of intense aroma and slightly sharp taste perfectly set off the taste of chicken and lamb, and cumin brings its sweet and spicy notes. Spicy, with a warm aroma, cardamom is widely used in the cuisine of eastern countries, goes well with poultry, lamb and pork. Cinnamon, with its spicy-sweet taste, enhances and enhances meat dishes. Clove, with its intense aroma, is indispensable in vinegar-based marinades.

Ginger is a white root with an exquisite strong aroma. The closest relative of ginger, turmeric has a sharp, sour taste with a slightly bitter taste. Turmeric powder is an essential ingredient in curry mixes. Curry contains about 15 spices, including hot peppers, coriander, cloves, mustard seeds, and ginger. Indian seasoning is used in the preparation of poultry dishes, as well as pork.

mustard seeds added to dishes for spiciness. Sesame seeds are rich in oils and taste like nuts. They are used as a seasoning for lamb. Small juniper berries, combining sweetness and bitterness, are used to prepare spicy dishes, to enhance the taste of smoked meat. Nutmeg has a slightly spicy aroma and is included in many seasonings due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. Exquisite flavoring shades of meat gives vanilla sugar. The pleasant aftertaste of the orchid family vines helps to balance the taste sensations. The smell and spicy taste of basil goes well with all types of meat. The spice has a sedative effect on the central nervous system.

Delicate taste tarragon, reminiscent of mint, is excellent with many types of meat. Spicy and tart rosemary with a fragrant taste and a peculiar smell gives the dishes a special piquancy. The spice is used in marinades for kebabs, barbecues and other types of outdoor cooking. Marjoram with bitter-sharp leaves goes well with the delicate sweetish and slightly spicy warm aroma of cumin. Sage, among other spices, gives off a strong aroma and a sharp taste with bitterness. Oregano tastes like marjoram, but is spicier and more aromatic. The recognizable smell and taste of coriander is widely used in the preparation of meat dishes.

Seasoning Recipes for Meat

The trade offers many ready-made seasonings, but if you want a seasoning that suits your taste and fresh, then you can cook it yourself.

Mixes prepared independently for marinating meat are especially popular.

For chicken barbecue, a marinade is prepared, consisting of a ginger root (2.5 cm), a pinch of cumin, coriander and paprika (2 tsp each), 0.5 tsp. chili pepper powder.

The universal chicken mix consists of several components:

- curry powder (1.5 tablespoons);

- coriander (1 tablespoon);

- thyme (2 tablespoons) and 0.5 tbsp. l. turmeric. For 1 kg of product, 0.5 teaspoon of seasoning is enough.

For cooking beef with different types of cooking, a seasoning containing a mixture of sweet wigs, black and white peppers, taken one tablespoon each, mixed with 0.5 tsp. rosemary.

The pork mixture consists of 2 tbsp. l. dried carrots and parsley, 1 tbsp. l. greens, 10 pcs. 0.5 tsp black peppercorns paprika and coriander seeds, two pinches of rosemary and salt. It can be used for baking, frying and other types of processing.

Also popular is the seasoning, which is called bouquet garni. It is used for marinades and cooking various meat dishes. There are German, English and French versions of the bouquet garni. In the classic version, the bouquet includes 4 thyme sprigs, 2 bay leaves, two parsley sprigs and one green leek leaf.

Video "Seasonings, spices for barbecue"

Video "Spices for pork"

Video "Marinade for chicken"

In our article, we want to talk about something without which it is impossible to imagine cooking a single dish. Herb seasonings have firmly entered our lives, along with long-known ones, new mixtures have come into use, the aroma of which gives dishes unique notes.

From the history…

Herb spices have been known to people since ancient times. It is known that even in the Paleolithic era, people seasoned wild meat. Numerous finds testify to this. Knowing the properties of such plants, people gradually began to use them even as medicines, flavors, preservatives, and disinfectants.

It is hard to imagine, but the first civilizations knew how to grow seasoning herbs. Archaeologists have found papyri with recipes that prescribe to put mint, saffron, wormwood and other plants during cooking. Seeds of spice plants have even been found in the tombs of the pharaohs. Maradah Baladan, the famous Assyrian king, left for posterity the first book that contained practical recommendations for growing herbs. He described more than 60 species.

The Greeks, for example, knew most of the modern spice plants. They used and grew mint, coriander, cumin, onion, garlic, thyme, saffron, laurel, parsley.

The golden age for the flourishing of the use of spices and herbs was the Renaissance. Passion for aromatic plants is becoming incredibly popular. Works such as herbal books and monographs appear. An example is a practical guide published twenty times, authored by Thomas Tressera.

In Russia, mint, St. John's wort, parsley, onion, horseradish, garlic, and anise have been eaten since ancient times. And in the 15-16th centuries, saffron, cardamom, and cloves became known to our ancestors. Russian cuisine of those times was incredibly fragrant and spicy. In the 19th century, celery, borage, purslane, chicory, lavender, cilantro, rosemary, savory, marjoram, and basil were widely used in cooking.

What is the secret of herbs?

Herb spices in a variety of combinations give the most ordinary products an amazing taste and aroma. In addition, they found a large number of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. The essential substances contained in them make food more tender, make us appetite, and improve the digestion process. Herbs are excellent preservatives. And many of them are used in traditional medicine. Some of them are even included in the modern pharmacopoeia. The need for herbs is increasing every year, especially in the food industry. Many of them are grown by us on personal plots.

Seasoning herbs: list

It is worth noting that the list of herbs used as spices is huge. It is simply impossible to remember all the plants. In different combinations with each other and different spices, they give new aromas and taste properties. Such mixtures even acquired their own names and became known as, for example, Provence herbs or French herbs (we will talk about them later).

Within the framework of the article, we want to indicate only some herbs of seasoning (names and photos are given later in the article): basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, dill, parsley, celery, tarragon (tarragon), thyme (thyme), saffron, fennel, savory, cumin, lemon balm, mint, sage, bay leaf, lavender, nettle, sorrel, rhubarb, etc.


Seasoning herb (photo is given in the article) basil was once called the royal herb. It is widely used dry and fresh. Basil is put in vegetable dishes, meat, soups, sauerkraut. Fresh herbs are used to prepare cold dishes, salads and soups. Basil leaves are crushed and added to oils and pastes. Many national cuisines of European countries use basil during the preparation of eggs, fish, cheese, and vegetables. Without it, pizzas, sauces, ketchups, gravies and pasta dressings are unthinkable. This amazing herb improves the taste of sausages and other meat products.

In addition, basil has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effects.


The herb has a persistent aroma and a slightly pungent taste. In cooking, dry and fresh leaves and dried flower buds are widely used. Marjoram is also sometimes presented as a mixture of crushed leaves and flowers. It is believed that such a mixture has a stronger taste and aroma. Use the herb to prepare salads, vegetable dishes, fish, cold appetizers, mushrooms. Marjoram has become an indispensable assistant in the preparation of meat, minced meat, gravies and sauces.

In medicine, marjoram is known as a gastric remedy, used for severe headaches, asthma, depression, and insomnia.


Oregano is the strongest aromatic herb, similar to marjoram, so these two spices are very often substituted for each other. In Italy, all national cuisine is based on the use of oregano. Pizzas, casseroles, pastas, soups are prepared with the addition of aromatic herbs. It is used to make beer, vegetable oil, vinegar. In the Caucasus and Belarus, oregano is used for pickling cucumbers and mushrooms.


One of the most popular herbs in the world is dill. It is actively used in cooking. The plant has a bright spicy aroma, similar to anise and cumin. In the Scandinavian countries, all fish dishes are prepared only with dill, so that the dishes have a very pleasant taste and aroma. The plant is generally indispensable for the preparation of many dishes. It is added to salads, pies, casseroles. The seeds of the plant are used in confectionery and for various marinades.

Coriander, or cilantro

Cilantro is an incredibly popular herb seasoning in Asia. It combines spice (seeds) and spice (leaves) at the same time. The amazing properties of the plant were known to people as early as 5000 BC. e.

It is difficult to imagine adjika, Georgian sauces, Borodino bread, fish, Korean carrots, kebab, barbecue, kharcho soup without coriander. Seasoning has become so tightly integrated into our lives that we sometimes do not notice how widespread its use is.


Rosemary is an incredibly popular spice that is used to cook meat. It has the amazing property of giving ordinary domestic meat the smell of real game. Europeans widely use rosemary to prepare a mixture consisting of oil and parsley. All ingredients are mixed. The resulting paste is placed in cuts in the meat.

Provencal herbs

Herbes de Provence seasoning is one of the most well-known and popular spice blends. It includes basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, savory, peppermint, marjoram, oregano. This collection of herbs is perfectly matched in taste. All its components harmonize perfectly with each other. The name of the mixture comes from one of the regions of France - Provence, which is known for its spicy plants.

Seasoning is widely used by culinary specialists around the world. The collection is perfect for any first or second course. Provence herbs add a spicy flavor to food. It is worth noting that the quantitative ratio of different components can be arbitrary, depending on the preferences of the cook.

Provence herbs are used in Mediterranean, French and other cuisines of the world. They are in perfect harmony with all types of meat (chicken, beef, pork). Chicken baked with seasoning will become a real culinary delight. For the festive table, you can serve a steak in Italian (from beef).

Provence herbs are actively used for making soups. They enhance the flavor of the food incredibly. And there is no need to talk about their use in salads and sauces. Provence herbs are good for dressing fatty foods, they go well with any variety of peppers and onions, as well as herbs. Some chefs even use

Provence herbs are not only a fragrant addition to dishes, but also a lot of useful substances that have very beneficial properties for the body. They contain a lot of oils, resins, essential substances, vitamins, enzymes. The spice increases appetite and has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Provence herbs are actively used in a salt-free diet.

french herbs

French herbs - seasoning, which includes plants that grow in the south of France. The mixture consists of basil, savory, red pepper, tarragon, parsley, white mustard, thyme, rosemary and fenugreek. Such herbs are used for cooking meat, fish, poultry, salads, marinades.

An interesting fact is that French cuisine uses a huge amount of fresh plants, so housewives often grow them on balconies and window sills.

Italian herbs

Italian culinary specialists know how to accurately place flavor accents through the use of a variety of spices and spices. - seasoning (the composition of the seasoning is given below), which includes garlic, basil, savory, onion, oregano. It is often used in French and Mediterranean cuisine. Seasoning is added for cooking lasagna, pies, pizza, casseroles. Italian herbs go wonderfully with all types of meat. They are added to soups, sauces and all kinds of salads. They are also indispensable for the preparation of minced meat, roast, fish dishes.

Italian herbs blend perfectly and harmonize with different

Instead of an afterword

Seasoning herbs (the name of some of them is given in the article) have long been used by people. They are so tightly integrated into our daily lives that sometimes we don’t even notice it, although we encounter some of them every day in the process of cooking. Of course, now ready-made mixtures of dried herbs are gaining more and more popularity, but we still try to grow dill, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, celery and many other herbs in summer cottages, because their unique aroma turns any dish into a culinary masterpiece. .

Aromatic and spicy plants began to be used for cooking long before salt. Today it is impossible to establish what exactly motivated the ancient people: whether they wanted to improve the taste and smell of food, whether they tried to get new taste qualities of familiar dishes and products, or added spices knowing about their beneficial properties.

Be that as it may, today spices, spices and seasonings are so deeply embedded in the culinary traditions of many nations that it is difficult to imagine their existence without them. Eating various parts of spicy plants from a culinary tradition gradually turned into a vital necessity.

Modern scientific studies of the culinary traditions of the peoples of the world surprise scientists with the accuracy with which spices and spices are selected in the recipes of national dishes. In almost all corners of the globe, precisely those spices and spices are added to traditional dishes for this area, which contain in sufficient quantities those biologically active substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.), the lack of which is felt in the products used for food sharpest of all!

For example, rice has long been the only available food for the poor in the countries of the East. Only the addition of various spicy plants to it made it possible to somehow diversify the taste of rice dishes and not feel serious health problems associated with a lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

Many spices and herbs were also known in Europe. Anise, mustard seeds, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, mint, wormwood, saffron, etc. were used in cooking. In ancient Babylon, ajwan, cardamom, sesame, garlic, dill, fennel, etc. were added to food. But at the beginning of our era, when Christian culture gradually replaced the ancient one, many spices and spices fell into disuse.

Spices regained popularity in Europe only in the 15th century, with the beginning of the circumnavigation. At the end of the 15th century, Vasco da Gama brought black pepper, cloves, ginger and cinnamon to Europe. With the discovery of the American continent, Europe learned the taste of vanilla, Jamaican allspice and red capsicum.

In the 16th century, oriental spices and spices became known in Russia. Pepper, cardamom and saffron were delivered from Persia and India. Star anise, galangal (galangal root), ginger, Chinese cinnamon (cassia) and black pepper were brought from China. Especially popular in Russia were spicy mixtures, which were added to confectionery. They were called "dry spirits" and were used for baking gingerbread and Easter cakes. Most often, these mixtures consisted of anise, star anise, vanilla, cloves, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cumin and saffron.

Now let's look at all the spices, find out what spices are and how best to use them.

All spices and spices

Anise as a spice, it is the leaves and seeds of a herbaceous annual plant. Anise has a pleasant sweetish taste, and therefore is traditionally used to prepare sweet dishes, pies, sweets. You can add anise to meat and fish dishes, to pickled cucumbers.

Asafoetida- occurs in the form of pieces, but is more often sold ground. Very moderate in vegetarian regional dishes of South and West India, in pickles, with lentils, in soups and sauces, in dishes with fresh or salted fish.

star anise(star anise) - whole or broken star-shaped pods; in ground form. With Chinese duck, in dishes with beef or pork, in fish soups, goulash and marinades. Use whole or in pieces as the shell has more flavor than the seeds. Use in syrups that cook pear or rhubarb for a light licorice flavor.

Basil- This is a herbaceous plant with an unusual aroma, determined by the essential oils contained in its greenery, and a pronounced taste. Fresh and dried basil greens are put in salads, sauces, smoked meats are seasoned with them. Some people use this spice when fermenting and pickling vegetables.

Barberry- shrub, the fruits of which have a pleasant tart-sour taste. They are added to fruit compotes and sweets, as well as sauces for fried meat. Dried and powdered barberry fruits perfectly complement the taste of meat roasted on a spit.

Vanilla- fruits of a tropical plant. Nowadays, natural vanilla is often replaced with synthetic vanilla, which is cheaper and easier to use, but the flavor of which is inferior to natural. Vanilla is used to make sweet dishes - creams, puddings, chocolate, ice cream, cakes and pastries.

Carnation- either whole dried kidneys, or in ground form. Stick a few cloves in the ham before baking, or in an onion for sauce, in spicy rice dishes, in small quantities in baked apples, in apple cakes, and in spiced cider.

Mustard- an old cultivated plant, the seeds of which are added to pickles, marinades, smoked meats are seasoned with them. Fresh mustard leaves are added to salads. This plant is also used to make table mustard.

Ginger- dried rhizomes of a perennial herbaceous plant. This seasoning has a pungent, slightly mint-like taste. On sale you can find ground and lump ginger, but when cooking, finely ground ginger is most often used. It is added to culinary products and other sweet dishes, soups, meat and fish. In combination with other spices, ginger will add a piquant taste to marinades, pickles and pickles.

Cardamom- dried immature seeds of tropical grass, they have a spicy sweetish taste. On sale is usually powdered cardamom. It is used for flavoring dough, cottage cheese and cereal dishes, in the preparation of meat, as well as in the production of smoked meats. Cardamom adds a special flavor to brines and marinades.

Cinnamon is the dried bark of the cinnamon tree. As a rule, this seasoning is used in the preparation of sweet dishes: confectionery, fruit and curd dishes.

Coriander- Seeds that store well and are easy to grind (ground coriander quickly loses its flavor). In curries (first lightly fried and ground), in Greek fish, in vegetable and meat dishes, for lamb and sausages (in North Africa, Spain, Portugal and the Middle East). Good in apple dishes and fish marinades.

Cumin (Zira)- whole seeds or ground. In pilaf, in curries (first fried), in bean dishes, in couscous, in Turkish and Arabic dishes with lamb, especially minced and grilled, with eggplant, with rice dishes, with pickled cabbage, in unsweetened lassi (Indian drink with yogurt).

Watercress contains many vitamins and other useful substances. Young fresh greens are used for food, from which a fragrant salad is prepared or other types of salads are seasoned with it.

Turmeric(sometimes called Indian saffron, not to be confused with true saffron) is a tropical spice. Spices are made from its rhizome, which is not only very fragrant, but also contains an orange-yellow dye. Chickens are rubbed with turmeric - grilled, it can be added to quick-cooked meat dishes. In Indian cuisine, turmeric is used to color rice and sweet dishes.

Bay leaf are the dried leaves of the bay tree. This spice is added to broths, soups, meat and vegetable dishes. Bay leaves are also used to make marinades, sour cream sauces, and pickles (especially mushrooms and cabbage). Bay leaf gives a particularly spicy taste to sour dishes.

currant leaf used as a wonderful additive to marinades, pickles, pickles.

Poppy- steel gray seeds, as well as yellow and brown. In European breads, cakes and biscuits, in some sweets (eg Turkish halva), Indian curries, to thicken sauces. It is very tasty to dry the seeds and sprinkle them with yogurt, fry in butter and serve with noodles.

Marjoram- fragrant plant, the greens of which are an excellent seasoning for soups, potato dishes, pates, sauces. Fresh marjoram leaves are the most aromatic, but if you can't use them, add dried marjoram to the dish. This seasoning goes very well with other herbs.

Melissa- an aromatic plant, the leaves of which, distinguished by a delicate lemon flavor, are a very valuable spice. The leaves are used both as an independent seasoning and mixed with other herbs, adding to salads, soups, vegetable and fish dishes. Dried lemon balm leaves are used to brew a tea that has a lemon flavor but does not become sour. It is only necessary to take into account that dried lemon balm loses its aroma over time.

Juniper- plump, purple-black seeds, easily crushed. In cabbage dishes (especially with garlic), with game and marinades, in pates, in any savory dishes with alcohol, especially with gin, where this is the main flavor.

Nutmeg- dried nutmeg seeds, used in powder form. It is used to give a spicy taste to vegetable dishes, soups, and is also an excellent addition to culinary products and other sweets.

Mint- a herbaceous plant whose dried and fresh leaves are added to puddings, fruit salads and drinks. This spice is widely used in the preparation of vegetable dishes, sometimes added to meat (usually lamb).

Fenugreek (Shambhala)- yellow seeds, they are the best, more precisely, even the most correct, to use ... but we almost always have on sale only in powder form.

In Indian marinades and some curries, pre-fry them and crush them. When frying, watch the color, it should be light brown, do not let the spice turn red, otherwise it will be bitter!.

Paprika- red powder, spicy or soft and sweet, as well as Spanish smoked paprika (pimiento). In goulash, paprikas and many Eastern European dishes. Spanish paprika is used in chorizo ​​sausage, and smoked paprika, spicy or sweet, is used in pork dishes.

peppercorns- black - whole seeds, crushed or ground; white - whole seeds and ground; green - dried seeds, canned and even fresh. Black pepper - in savory dishes, sometimes in desserts. White pepper is more spicy and less aromatic and is used in white sauces as it is not visible. Green peppers can be crushed and added to butter for grilled meats.

Allspice (Jamaican Allspice)- dried seeds of pimenta officinalis. This spice is used both whole and ground. Allspice adds flavor to meat (especially fried meat), fish, vegetable dishes, soups, pâtés and sauces. In marinades, in mulled wine, in brines, in English spiced beef, in Danish pea soup, in Scandinavian pickled herring, in Middle Eastern meat and rice dishes, and with chicken.

Red pepper (cayenne pepper)- one of the sharpest and most burning spices, it is also called "chili". This is a typical seasoning in South American cuisine, and we need to add red pepper to food very carefully and in small doses. Chili pepper is suitable for meat, soups, salads, vegetable dishes. You can use the fruits as a whole and in ground form.

Black pepper- the most popular spice in the world. It is used both as whole peas and ground, as an independent seasoning, and in various mixtures. Black pepper is an excellent seasoning for many dishes: suitable for meat, poultry, fish, it is added to soups, sauces, salads, etc.

Parsley- can be of two types: curly is bred to obtain leaves, and spicy (root) - to obtain roots. The taste and aroma of parsley are gentle and unobtrusive, therefore, as a spice, it is almost universal, and is used in many savory dishes - in salads, soups, second courses of fish meat and vegetables. Both fresh and dried parsley leaves, as well as its roots and crushed seeds, are added to food.

Purslane- purslane leaves contain many different sugars: sucrose, glucose and other carbohydrates; a large amount of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Purslane is consumed fresh, boiled and pickled. In cooking, it is used to make salads, soups and sauces; used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes; pickled purslane greens also go well with meat dishes. In addition, purslane is very rich in vitamins. As a spice, purslane is added to meat and fish, marinades, salads and sauces. Purslane is added to warm dishes just before serving to preserve the taste and vitamins.

Rosemary- an evergreen shrub, fresh and dried leaves of which are distinguished by a pleasant, slightly sweet aroma. This spice is added to meat, mainly lamb, pork and game, as well as to fish, some salads and vegetable pickles. Rosemary is usually added to food in ground form.

safflower- (saffron, also called American saffron or Mexican saffron, do not confuse with real saffron). This flower of the aster family is very often used as a substitute for expensive real saffron in Turkey, Iran, northern Africa, and the Caucasus. And we often sell safflower under the guise of real saffron, naturally at a "real saffron! price, that is, expensive. You can distinguish it from the real one by its orange tint.

celery seeds- tiny seeds or ground, usually found in celery salt. Use the seeds in cabbage salads (eg coleslaw), winter salads, goulash, fish and egg dishes. Celery salt is essential for making Bloody Marys and quail eggs, adds a nice flavor to gravies, soups and sauces, and goes great with yams (sweet potatoes) and pumpkin.

Sumac- ground into a powder that is well stored, or less commonly, in the form of berries or seeds. It adds a sour taste to dishes and is used instead of lemon in Arabic dishes - rub it into lamb kebabs before grilling and add to yogurt before serving; in marinades for fish and in sauces for meat, poultry and vegetables, in salad dressings.

Sichuan pepper- opened red-brown berries, which should not contain seeds. In Chinese meat and poultry dishes, especially duck and pork.

Toast lightly in a dry skillet over low heat before using - remove before smoke comes out.

Tamarind- the pods contain sticky seeds; sticky fibrous briquette of black-brown color; or dark concentrated paste. Curries and soups (especially with lentils), in Indian chutneys, in sweet and spicy soups, in oriental fish dishes and with rice, in Indian drinks. Soak the pieces broken from the briquette in warm water and use the liquid; or dilute the paste.

Thyme (thyme)- wild herbs with a strong spicy aroma. Thyme greens are used both fresh and dried, added to food as an independent seasoning, and as part of various herbal mixtures. Thyme is a spice that can be used to prepare dishes from a wide variety of foods. It is suitable for fish, poultry and meat, used to dress salads and vegetable dishes. Thyme is also added to pickles.

Caraway- a typical baker's spice, the seeds of this herbaceous crop are added to baked goods and salted biscuits. In addition, it is added to fried meat (pork) or poultry, to boiled potatoes and sauerkraut. Fresh cumin leaves are used for salads. Cumin can also be used in powdered form, grinding just before use.

fragrant dill- a herbaceous plant, all above-ground parts of which are very aromatic. The aroma of dill goes especially well with green salads, milk sauces and soups, curd dishes. Umbrellas of dill inflorescences are added to pickles, sauerkraut. Dill is also seasoned with fresh and boiled vegetables, boiled meat and fish.

Fennel- greenish seeds that open before harvest. In fish dishes, including canned herring, in Italian pork, sausages and sometimes veal dishes, for soaking dried figs, for bread and biscuits, and fennel is chewed to freshen the breath.

Garlic- not only a delicious seasoning, in addition, it contains many healthy substances. Garlic is added to vegetable salads, sauces, sausages and fish dishes. Seasonings for vegetables and meat are prepared from it. Garlic is used both fresh and dried and ground.

Saffron – (most expensive spice in the world) stigmas of flowers of perennial grass (known to us under the name "crocus"), as a rule, frayed. Not much of this spice is produced in the world, and often in our markets, under the guise of real saffron, they sell turmeric or safflower, but they have an orange tint, and real saffron is red.

It is enough to add a small amount of this spice to the dish so that it acquires a golden color and a wonderful aroma. Saffron is a wonderful addition to fish dishes, vegetables, legumes, as well as flour products.

Tarragon (tarragon)- this is one of the types of wormwood, the leaves and young shoots of which, fresh and dried, have a spicy aroma. Both fresh and dry tarragon are added to all spring salads, sauces, soups, okroshka, meat, fish, vegetable, egg dishes, broths, poultry and mushroom dishes. Tarragon juice is used to make various drinks. Fresh leaves are also used as greens for the table.

Along with individual spices, mixtures of various aromatic herbs and roots are often used for cooking. Classic examples of such mixtures are powdered curry seasoning (its main components are black pepper and chili pepper, as well as coriander and turmeric, although cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg and nutmeg, allspice, cumin , mustard seed and poppy), "five spices" (it consists of equal parts of Chinese pepper, star anise, cinnamon, cloves and fennel), various sauces and pastes (for example, ketchup or Tabasco sauce).

There are well-established recipes for spice mixtures, best suited for cooking various dishes:

  • for the pate: white pepper, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaf, nutmeg;
  • goulash: lots of red pepper, black pepper, allspice or cloves, thyme, marjoram, cumin, turmeric, onion;
  • for poultry dishes: thyme, marjoram, rosemary, sage, thyme, basil;
  • for fish dishes: bay leaf, white pepper, ginger, allspice, onion, coriander, chili pepper, mustard, dill, thyme;
  • for grilling: red pepper, curry and chili mixtures, black pepper, thyme, oregano;
  • for smoking: black pepper, allspice, cardamom, coriander, marjoram, thyme, nutmeg and mace, cumin, ginger, chili pepper;
  • for game: thyme, oregano, allspice, red pepper;
  • for the stew: red pepper, ginger, turmeric, coriander, mustard, cardamom, cumin, black pepper, allspice, nutmeg, cloves;
  • for fruits: cinnamon, cloves, ginger, star anise.

What spices are suitable

Anise: veal, boiled fish, baked potatoes, boiled carrots, yogurt salad dressing, coleslaw, fruit salad, bread, muffins, cookies, drinks.

Basil: pork, meatballs from the liver, marinades, baked broiler, stewed broiler, fish with spices, tomato soup, vegetable soups, pasta soup with vegetables, decomp. stewed vegetable dishes, stuffed vegetables, tomato dishes, scrambled eggs, vegetable salad dressings. oils and, sour cream, vegetable salads, vegetable pies.

White Peppercorns: boiled meat, boiled tongue, stewed meat dishes, boiled chicken and boiled broiler, herring in spicy sauce, freshly salted fish, fish, vegetable and chicken soups, stewed vegetable dishes, canned vinegar.

Ground white pepper: minced meat dishes, roasts, chops, schnitzel, meat sauces, liver meatballs and sauces, baked broiler, fried stew and baked fish, vegetable and fish soups, stuffed vegetables, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, scrambled eggs, cheese soup and sauce, cheese soufflé, French salad dressing, sour milk salad dressing, mayonnaise, vegetable, fish and crayfish salads, meat salads, meat, vegetable and fish pies.

Carnation: liver casserole, blood dishes, ham decoration, herring in spicy sauce, carrot and rutabaga casseroles, vinegar preserves, fruit salad, banana and apple desserts, spicy cake, gingerbread, drinks.

Allspice: meat patties, Karelian roast, fatty meat dishes, blood dishes, game, jelly, boiled chicken and broiler, boiled fish, dried cod, herring in spicy sauce, meat, fish soup, cabbage soup, stewed vegetable dishes, gingerbread.

Oregano ordinary: pork, beef and lamb, grilled meat, marinades, spaghetti sauce, baked broiler, grilled broiler, grilled fish, vegetable soups, pasta soup with vegetables, tomato dishes, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, scrambled eggs, dishes from cheese, fermented milk and vegetable oil sauces for salads, vegetable salads, Greek salad, pizza, vegetable pies.

Green onion: minced meat (baked), minced meat sauce, white sauce, melted butter boiled, stewed and fried fish, baked fish, vegetable, fish and minced meat soups, tomato dishes, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, scrambled eggs and cheese sauce , fermented milk salad dressings, vegetable, egg, fish and shrimp salads, vegetable and fish pies.

Green pepper: roast, steaks and chops, cutlets, schnitzel, minced meat, baked and meat sauces, baked broiler, fried, stewed and baked fish, fish, vegetable and cheese soups, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, scrambled eggs and omelette roll, cheese sauce and cheese soufflé, dishes with cheese, vegetable-oil and sour-milk salad dressings, vegetable and fish salads, fish, vegetable and meat pies.

Ginger: roast and pork chops, cutlets, roast pig, oriental chicken or broiler, honey broiler, Chinese fish, Chinese pork and chicken soups, Chinese vegetables, fruit salad, desserts from apples, pears and bananas, muffins, cookies, soufflé.

Cayenne pepper: goulash, minced meat dishes, pork, paella, risotto, grilled broiler, vegetable soup, fish soup, crayfish soup, bean dishes, Spanish omelet, vegetable oil salad dressing, vegetable salads and egg salads.

Cardamom: various buns, apple desserts, coffee, vanilla ice cream.

Curry: oriental pork and beef dishes, Chinese meatballs, white sauce, various broiler and chicken dishes, paella, Chinese fish, broiler and chicken soup, rice dishes, curdled milk salad dressing, vegetable salads, chicken salad, chicken pie and broiler.

Chervil: pork and beef, baked and stewed broiler, boiled fish, potato soup with leek, vegetable soups, onion soup, pasta and vegetable soup, boiled carrots, pumpkin, dishes, eggplant, dishes with stewed vegetables, scrambled eggs, cheese sauce, salad vegetable oil and curdled milk sauce, vegetable salads, pizza, vegetable pies.

Cinnamon: Greek casserole of eggplant and minced meat, oriental chicken and broiler, fried eggplant, jerky, cheesecake, fruit salad, soups for dessert, kissels, raisin and plum desserts, apple desserts, cakes, cinnamon buns, rice porridge, curdled milk.

Turmeric: pork, fish, chicken, various rice dishes.

Bay leaf: roast, stew, broth, boiled tongue, boiled chicken and broiler, boiled fish, herring in spicy sauce, meat, fish and vegetable soups, canned vinegar, peeled eggplant with minced meat, stewed vegetable dishes.

Lemon Pepper: stewed meat dishes, meat sauces, steaks, schnitzels and chops, baked, stewed broiler, broiler, fried broiler, fried, boiled and baked fish, vegetable and fish soups, boiled vegetables, stews, vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, cheese dishes , scrambled eggs and egg and milk casseroles, vegetable oil and sour cream salad sauces, vegetable, fish salads, shrimp and crayfish salads, vegetable, fish and meat pies.

Ground onion: baked meat patties and minced meat, rump steak, beef stroganoff and meat sauces, broiler stews, baked fish, vegetable, meat and fish soups, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, potato and tomato dishes, scrambled eggs, vegetable-oil salad dressing, sauce, vegetable salads, vegetable and fish pies.

Marjoram: pork and lamb, liver and meat pate, liver dishes, game, baked broiler, pea, onion and spinach soup, borsch, vegetable soups, cabbage and beet dishes, tomato dishes, vegetable casseroles, vegetable oil salad dressing, vegetable salads , vegetable pies.

Muscat: meatballs and various creamy casseroles, oriental stewed broiler, carrot soup and others, vegetable soups, carrot and rutabaga, casseroles and mashed potatoes, egg punch, fruit salad, muffins and cookies, fruit and chocolate desserts.

Mint: lamb dishes, game, mint sauce, fruit salads, jellies, sherbets, drinks, chocolate desserts, fruit salads.

Paprika: pork and beef, marinades, grilled meat, goulash, minced meat sauce, grilled broiler, broiler, baked, paella, risotto, minced meat soup, sausage soup, vegetable soups, baked potatoes, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, scrambled eggs, egg rolls, cheese dishes, sour milk and vegetable oil sauces for salads, vegetable and meat salads, vegetable and meat pies.

Pepper mix: roasts, steaks, chops, meatballs, meatballs, casseroles and sauces, liver and kidney dishes, marinades, baked broiler, grilled broiler, broiler stews, baked fish, caviar, meat, vegetable and fish soups, stewed vegetable dishes and , vegetable casseroles, potato dishes, cheese soufflé, vegetable-oil salad dressing, sauce, vegetable, fish and meat salads, pies stuffed with minced meat.

Parsley: stewed meat dishes and meat sauces, stewed broiler, boiled and baked fish, meat and vegetable soups, salads, vegetable stews, dishes, potato dishes, scrambled eggs and egg rolls, various milk and egg casseroles, cheese sauce, sour milk and vegetable oil sauces for salads, vegetable and meat salads, bread, rolls, rolls for tea, vegetable and meat pies.

Piri Piri(African subspecies of hot chili): Pork, lamb, broiler, shrimp and crayfish dishes.

Pomeranian: oriental chicken, turkey or broiler stuffing, stuffed fish, fruit salad, apple and pear desserts, spiced bread, muffins and cookies.

Provence: grilled pork, braised pork. beef and lamb, game, marinades, liver dishes, sauces with rights, grilled broiler, broiler, baked, stewed broiler, boiled and baked fish, vegetable and fish soups, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, cheese sauce, scrambled eggs, vegetable -butter salad dressing, vegetable salads, vegetable and fish pies.

Spicy salt: minced meat dishes, stewed meat dishes and sauces, baked and stewed broiler, fried, boiled and baked fish, fish, vegetable and meat soups, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, boiled vegetables, potato dishes, scrambled eggs and omelet roll, cheese sauce and cheese soufflé, vegetable-oil and sour-milk salad dressings, vegetable salads and fish pies.

Peppercorns: baked minced meat, roast, steaks, chops and meat stews, baked broiler, stewed broiler, boiled, fried and baked fish, caviar, vegetable and fish soups, vegetable casseroles and stewed vegetable dishes, scrambled eggs and cheese sauce, sour-milk salad sauces , vegetable, fish and fruit salads, ice cream, fruit salads, fish and vegetable pies.

Rosemary: pork, lamb, game, liver dishes, marinades, baked broiler, stewed broiler, fatty fish, onion soup, cabbage soup, potato, onion and cabbage dishes, vegetable oil salad dressing, vegetable salads, vegetable pies.

Celery Salt: kidneys, meatballs, sauce with minced meat, vegetable casseroles, potato dishes, sauce, vegetable salads.

Poppy seeds: cabbage dishes, vegetable-oil salad dressings, vegetable and egg salads, pasta salads, bakery products, rich bagels, tea buns, cookies, bakery decoration.

Thyme: pork and lamb, marinades, boiled, fried and baked, fish, shrimp appetizer, onion soup, potato soup, with leeks, vegetable soups, fish soup, potato, onion, pea and bean dishes, scrambled eggs and omelette roll, vegetable oil, salad dressing, vegetable salads, fish and crayfish salads, vegetable and fish pies. stuffed meat, liver, blood dishes, baked broiler.

Caraway: fried piglet, grilled fish, sauerkraut soup, cabbage dishes, baked potatoes, cheese sauce, vegetable salad dressings. butter, potato salad and coleslaw, bread. buns for tea, cookies.

Dill: dill stew, white sauce, fried, boiled and baked fish, fish soups. shrimp and crayfish soups, vegetable soups, salads, potato dishes, scrambled eggs, cheese sauce, vegetable-oil and sour-milk salad dressings, vegetable, egg and fish salads, shrimp salads, fish and vegetable pies.

Fennel: fried pork or lamb, liver dishes, boiled fish, milk fish soup, stewed vegetable dishes, vegetable sauces. butter, coleslaw, bread and muffins.

Ground horseradish: meat with horseradish, horseradish sauce, creamy or fermented horseradish sauce for freshly salted fish, meat soups, horseradish oil for boiled, vegetables or vegetable fritters, yogurt salad dressings, vegetable salads, beetroot salad.

Black Peppercorns: stewed meat dishes, boiled meat dishes, herring in spicy sauce, freshly salted fish, meat, fish and vegetable soups, stewed vegetable dishes and canned vinegar.

Ground black pepper: steaks and chops, meatballs, decomp. sauces, baked broiler, stewed broiler with vegetables, caviar, puree soup, stewed vegetable dishes, stuffed eggplant or pumpkin, potato dishes, tomato dishes, cheese soufflé or cheese sauce, French salad dressing, sour milk sauces, vegetable and fish salads , salad, shrimp, vegetable pies and meat pies.

Ground garlic: pork, beef and lamb, minced meat dishes, liver and kidney dishes, baked, stewed broiler, broiler, baked fish, vegetable, fish and meat soups, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, potato dishes, dishes with cheese, egg and dairy casseroles, vegetable-oil and sour-milk salad dressings, vegetable and fish salads, shrimp salad, vegetable pies.

Garlic Pepper: pork and beef, goulash, stewed meat dishes and sauces, minced meat dishes, liver and kidney dishes, baked, fried broiler, broiler and stewed broiler, vegetable and meat soups, stewed vegetable dishes and vegetable casseroles, cheese sauce, vegetable oily salad dressings, vegetable salads, pizza, meat pies.

Chile: minced meat (baked), sauce with minced meat, grilled meat, goulash, grilled broiler, stewed broiler, baked broiler, minced meat vegetable soup, fish soup, crayfish and shrimp soups, decomp. vegetable casseroles, omelettes, vegetable salad dressings. oils, curdled milk sauces, vegetable, fish and meat salads, minced meat pie.

Chile ground: minced meat dishes, grilled meat, game, vegetable soups.

Sage: pork and lamb, game and liver dishes, marinades, goose, duck, cabbage with lamb, fish and vegetable soups, salad dressings, stuffing for birds, fish.

Tarragon: pork and beef, marinades, lamb and game, kidney and liver dishes, cream sauces, baked broiler, stewed broiler, baked fish, vegetable, fish and meat soups, tomato dishes, vegetables, casseroles, stewed vegetable dishes, scrambled eggs, eggs -milk casseroles, vegetable-oil and sour-milk salad dressings, vegetable and meat salads, vegetable pies and casseroles.

Seasonings from spices and spices

(we select spicy bouquets for various dishes)

Spices for preparing snacks or side dishes from different products:

  • For vegetable side dishes for meat dishes, almost all types of vegetables are used, including spicy vegetables and root vegetables. Their taste is improved by the addition of sugar or honey, giving a sweetish taste, vinegar, fragrant vinegar with tarragon or other herbs, lemon juice, wine, olive oil.
  • To prepare a vegetable snack mix: Green onion, fresh capsicum.
  • For the preparation of garnishes from green head lettuce: Its taste improves, as indicated above in general for the vegetable mixture; you can add borage to taste (or if available).
  • To prepare side dishes or salads from fresh cucumbers: Black pepper, red sweet or hot pepper, green onion, anise.
  • For the preparation of spinach side dishes: Garlic, dill, allspice, basil, wormwood.
  • For the preparation of side dishes or beetroot snacks: Cumin, horseradish root, tarragon, allspice, anise, wormwood.
  • To prepare side dishes or snacks from white cabbage: Cumin, cloves, black pepper, sweet or hot red pepper, marjoram, coriander, garlic, onion, borage, wormwood, calamus.
  • To prepare sauerkraut side dishes or appetizers: Onion, garlic, black pepper, mushrooms, sweet or hot red pepper, marjoram, lovage, bay leaf, cumin, nutmeg, horseradish, basil, tarragon, fennel, allspice, juniper.
  • To prepare cauliflower side dishes or appetizers: Basil, savory, tarragon, nutmeg.
  • For the preparation of side dishes or snacks from green beans: Dill, borage, parsnip, savory, allspice.
  • To prepare side dishes or dishes from dry colored beans: Black pepper, marjoram, savory, garlic, onion, coriander, red or hot pepper, white or green pepper, celery, sorrel.
  • To prepare side dishes or snacks from dry peas: Thyme, rosemary, cumin. Coriander, nutmeg, parsley, onion, garlic, basil, savory.
  • To prepare side dishes, snacks or dishes from various legumes: Savory, ginger, nutmeg, sweet or hot red pepper, black pepper, white or green pepper, a little marjoram, onion and garlic to taste.
  • For preparing side dishes or other rice dishes: Tarragon, ginger, cardamom, garlic, lovage, nutmeg, red pepper, parsley, saffron, marjoram, oregano, coriander, dried barberry powder.

Spices for cooking side dishes or potato dishes:

  • To prepare potato side dishes: Onion, celery, black pepper, parsley, marjoram, nutmeg or walnut, cumin, basil, savory, thyme, dill, bay leaf, calamus.
  • For cooking dishes from fried potatoes: Onion, black pepper, cumin, marjoram, basil, thyme, savory.
  • To prepare mashed potatoes: Onion, black pepper, nutmeg, parsley, fresh herbs to taste.

Spices for cooking mushroom dishes:

Onion, garlic, chives, black pepper, red pepper, cayenne pepper, red hot pepper, tarragon, marjoram, wormwood, rosemary, cumin, nutmeg, basil, parsley.

Spices for making sauces and seasonings:

Onion, garlic, black pepper, cayenne pepper, red hot pepper, dill, red bell pepper, tarragon, ginger, capers, bay leaf, marjoram, cloves, oregano, allspice, thyme, rosemary, mushrooms, mashed parsley, borage , cardamom, lavender, peppermint, turmeric, sage, watercress.

Spices for dough products:

  • Spices for homemade products from yeast dough: Vanilla, anise, ginger, bitter and sweet almonds, cardamom, coriander, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, allspice, star anise. You can also add cumin, red pepper, savory to products made from salty yeast dough.
  • Spices for festive homemade cookies: 1. Cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves. 2. Cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg. 3. Fennel, coriander, cinnamon, orange juice. 4. Anise, allspice, nutmeg color.
  • Spices used in sweet fillings for pies or pies: anise, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg, saffron, vanilla, cinnamon.

Spices for cooking dishes from dairy products:

  • Spices for cooking dishes from homemade cottage cheese: Anise, ginger, vanilla, cinnamon, watercress, dill, cumin, nutmeg, horseradish, sweet red pepper, lemon balm, thyme, chives, basil, borage, hyssop.
  • Spices for making homemade cheeses: Basil, thyme, dill, peppermint, nutmeg, oregano, sweet red pepper, sage, thyme, rosemary, watercress.

Spices for cooking dishes or desserts from fruits:

  • For flavoring various dishes and fruit desserts, you can use: anise, cardamom, nutmeg, vanilla, juniper, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, calamus.
  • Spices for plum compote: Anise, nutmeg, allspice, sage.
  • Spices for pear compote: Ginger, nutmeg, cloves.
  • Spices for making baked apples or various fillings from apples: Ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon.

Spices for flavoring various homemade drinks:

  • For flavoring grogs: anise, star anise.
  • For flavoring punches: nutmeg, cinnamon.
  • For flavoring drinks with hot wine: nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, lemon and orange peels.
  • To flavor coffee: almonds, cinnamon.
  • For flavoring cocoa: nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon.

Preparation of fragrant table vinegar:

  • Basil Vinegar: Lightly crush a few fresh basil leaves and put in a bottle of vinegar.
  • Vinegar infused with tarragon: put 1-2 tbsp in a bottle of vinegar. crushed leaves and tops of tarragon.
  • Aromatic Vinegar: Add basil, dill (herbs or seeds), bay leaf, rosemary and thyme to taste in a bottle of vinegar.

Spices for pickling cucumbers, zucchini, squash:

To give pickled vegetables a pleasant taste, smell and strength, use: basil, borage, savory, hot pepper, grape leaves, horseradish, tarragon, fennel, ginger, garlic, bay leaf, nutmeg, allspice, black pepper, cloves, mustard white, coriander, juniper.

Go ahead, don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations of spices!!!

Humanity has been using such food supplements for six thousand years. Hot spices are essential components of dishes in many cuisines of the world. Yes, they have their ardent admirers. But there are those who categorically do not accept the use of such additives because of their harmfulness to the body. So, we learn about such spices, their beneficial and destructive properties.

On the measurement and application of witticisms

Pepper in its variety is the most popular, but not the only hot spice that is used to add a special flavor to dishes. The sharpness of it is given by a specific substance called capsaicin. It is essentially an alkaloid. It was discovered by the chemist Wilbur Scoville. Based on his research, the scientist built a scale of severity, which he named after himself. This was back in 1912. Since then, it has been applied. The unit of measure for hotness is the SHU (Scoville Hotness Unit). According to the Scoville scale, pure capsaicin has a sharpness of 15,000,000 -16,000,000 SHU, but the familiar black pepper is only 100 to 500 SHU.

Today, 16 Million Reserve sauce ranks first in the world in terms of spiciness. Collection seasoning released in the amount of 999 bottles. Sauce on the Scoville scale has a sharpness of 16,000,000 SHU. Each of its owners has signed an agreement that they will not have claims against the manufacturer.

Hot spices are usually added to dishes served for lunch and dinner. They enhance the aroma and taste of foods.

Most often, such additives are combined with meat, used for pickling vegetables, added to pilaf.

But Indian teachings recommend adding hot spices to your favorite dishes in order to get rid of negative character traits. Fear and anxiety destroy cloves, cumin, and envy and hatred - ginger, turmeric. Cardamom, red and black pepper help to cope with greed.

The benefits of spices

Nutritionists advise the use of spicy food supplements only for those adults who do not have digestive problems. Children are prohibited.

The advantages of spicy food is that it saves from helminthic invasions, infectious diseases. Such meals contribute to the production of endorphin - the hormone of happiness. Hot spices help to stabilize and reduce weight.

All of them increase our body temperature. This phenomenon is called thermogenesis. Therefore, the warming effect of additives is recommended to be used in winter. Some of them cause an acceleration of metabolism, which is important for people who are losing weight. Others stimulate appetite, which people use for depression, after severe exhaustion.

The advantages of hot spices is that they serve as excellent aphrodisiacs. Anise, chili pepper not only improve the taste of dishes, but also increase the energy of the senses. This property of additives allows them to be used to stimulate sexual arousal and attraction.

The harm of such additives

They are strictly forbidden to be used by people who have diseases of the stomach, esophagus, larynx. Spicy spices can severely damage the mucous membranes of these organs. Frequent use of such additives, even in healthy people, can cause gastritis with irritation of the gastric mucosa. A person will feel it with constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

A significant amount of capsaicin can dull a person's taste susceptibility, or worse, damage the taste buds. By the way, from the use of 3.5 grams of pure capsaicin, paralysis or even death can occur.

As a result of chemical reactions of such seasonings with receptors, thermal tissue burns can occur.

Nutritionists categorically do not recommend that older people use such food supplements. They cause an increase in blood pressure, therefore, it is strictly prohibited for hypertensive patients. In addition, in this category of people, the mucous membranes are too sensitive to acute.

It is undesirable to use spicy food additives and people whose profession or occupation is associated with voice, singing. Acute negatively affects the vocal cords, the inner membranes of the respiratory system.

So, it is customary not to argue about tastes, but it is simply necessary to know about the benefits and harms of spicy food additives in order to avoid health problems.