Oatmeal contraindications. Fundamentals of preparation. Medicinal properties of decoction of oats for arthrosis.

Many were convinced of the usefulness of medicinal oatmeal infusion. This healing drink actively used by our ancestors. Whole unpeeled grains - it is from this raw material that we will prepare the infusion of oats. Benefits and harms, and popular recipe this drink will be discussed in the article.

Oat infusion recipe

Option number 1

The generally accepted recipe, which is used by many today, is that 200 grams of unpeeled oats are poured into 1 liter of boiled water. High quality milk can be used instead of water.

In the boiling mode, continue cooking for 2 minutes. Then remove the container from the heat and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid, squeezing out the grains.

It is optimal to take 1 glass three times a day. It is better to drink the infusion 30 minutes before a meal. It is unacceptable to add sugar to the drink, but honey is great for it.

Option number 2

According to information from individual sources, it is not the infusion described above that is more effective, but a long-preparing decoction. To prepare the decoction, unpeeled oats are taken in a volume of 200 grams and 1 liter of water. The only difference is that in this option it is required to continue cooking for a maximum of 3 hours. The cooled broth is stored in a refrigerator and taken according to the same scheme - before eating, drink 1 glass without sugar and continue like this for 60 days.

Option number 3

We offer to cook oat water for washing. In a convenient container, put 3 large spoons of unpeeled oats and pour 0.5 liters of water. After waiting for the boil, it is necessary to reduce the fire to a minimum and continue cooking for 3 minutes.

We advise you to wash your face with the resulting decoction. Thanks to the constant supply oat water with vitamin B, the skin of the face is moisturized and saturated with the necessary elements. The face looks young and smooth due to the stabilization of collagen fibers with magnesium.

has several cooking options and a lot of useful properties, it is necessary to use it with caution in reasonable doses

The use of infusion of oats

The benefits of oatmeal

It is believed that an infusion or decoction of oats is very useful for the body, what specific changes in our body can be expected, we will list below.

  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system. This useful property is used to effectively restore the body with hepatitis, gastritis or pancreatitis. Recovery comes faster due to the rapid removal of harmful substances, dangerous cholesterol and accumulated toxins. Gastritis and ulcerative formations in the digestive tract are also treatable.
  • It is known about the use of this natural remedy for the treatment of pathologies of cardio-vascular system. Oats contain a number of trace elements that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Reception of oat infusion or decoction is best reflected in the work nervous system. Sleep gradually returns to normal, the overall tone of the body improves. This happens against the background of saturation of the body with vital B vitamins.
  • To keep the infusion warm, it is prepared in a thermos. The use of this liquid is relevant in the treatment of colds or for its prevention. For the effective destruction of viruses, the elimination of fever, the normal excretion of sputum and the reduction of cough, we recommend adding onion juice to the infusion, a few drops are enough. From the use of the drink, the release of sweat noticeably increases, which is useful for colds.
  • You can relieve the ailments that accompany diabetes. When eating oats, it is easier to maintain a normal level of sugar.
  • Taking oat infusion or decoction saturates our body with a sufficient amount of useful substances, while normal burning of excess fat becomes possible. With sufficient use of oatmeal drinks, the painful feeling of hunger is excluded and the body is cleansed. The tool is recommended to use with diets.
  • Decoctions and infusions based on oats help people with nicotine addiction overcome pathological cravings for this common and dangerous drug.

Possible harm from infusion of oats

Please note that not everyone and not always can take an infusion of oats, the benefits and harms can be obtained by drinking this drink. Consider in which cases it is unacceptable to use drinks based on unpeeled oats.

  • Oat drinks win against the background medicines due to the absence of contraindications, although individual intolerance can lead to a lot of troubles and ailments.
  • Doctors prohibit the use of oatmeal drink for serious diseases of the gallbladder.
  • You can provoke undesirable consequences by taking oatmeal infusion if the kidneys work abnormally.
  • Will have to give up home treatment oats if you're worried hyperacidity in the stomach.

So, we found out what properties characterize the infusion of oats. The benefits and harms of this drink were discussed in the article. But you should not completely rely on intuition and independently prescribe treatment with such drinks. We recommend that you consult a specialist, analyze the expected effect of eating oats, use it correctly and with caution.

oats - one of the most ancient means to cleanse the body that are known to people. Today it seems that the most devoted fans of oat crops are the inhabitants of Foggy Albion, oatmeal has become so traditional for them. However, the birthplace of this plant is Asia, from where it came to Europe. The Slavs also began to use oats with pleasure, preparing nutritious cereals and jelly, healing decoctions and tinctures from it. We have prepared for you a selection of the best recipes for using oats to cleanse the body, reviews which exceed all expectations.

The benefits of oats Who can and who can not carry out oatmeal cleaning

Oats are one of the best cereal sources of proteins, amino acids and other useful substances:

  1. Potassium
  2. Phosphorus
  3. Magnesium
  4. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B9
  5. Vitamin E
  6. Vitamin PP

Enough in its composition and fats with carbohydrates. At the same time, oats are a balanced product suitable for diet food. Dishes and drinks from oats help to strengthen the weakened body, calm the nerves, activate the gastrointestinal tract, and also have carminative, laxative, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties. And British doctors, together with colleagues from India, have established the effectiveness of oats as an anti-tobacco and anti-drug drug.

Not only grains are useful, but also juice, husks, shoots and fresh cereal straw. Each part of the plant has its own use and purpose. There are a lot of indications for the use of oats:

  1. inflammation digestive system
  2. Hepatitis
  3. Problems with the nervous system
  4. Tuberculosis
  5. Diabetes
  6. Joint diseases
  7. exhaustion
  8. Kidney stones, etc.

In addition, oats contain active substances that have a positive effect on the immune system. High content fiber helps the body fight excess weight and effectively get rid of accumulated harmful substances.

However, cleansing with oats also has a number of contraindications. So, cleansing the body with cereal is not recommended in the presence of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cardiovascular diseases, serious problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as gluten deficiency.

Oats to cleanse the body - 5+ health recipes

Many are asking the question, where to buy oats to cleanse the body . The answer is simple: the most common sowing oats and its derivatives, for example, oatmeal, are suitable for carrying out the procedures. Ordinary products sold in almost any store will do - the main thing is to monitor their quality and choose the most natural and fresh options.

The question of how to drink oats to cleanse the body , is also very important. The cleansing procedure will have an effect only if the course is carried out for ten days or more (the optimal duration is two weeks). For more serious purposes, such as the removal of kidney stones or high-quality liver cleansing, treatment is extended by two to three months.

The science of how to brew oats to cleanse the body . The preparation of the correct broth guarantees the preservation of the maximum amount of useful substances, minerals and vitamins in it. But it is worth noting that the brewing method may differ depending on which part of the body is being cleansed. Recipes for the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and lungs are different and should be considered separately.

Preparing for cleaning with oats

The course of cleansing with oats is a serious procedure, and it is not recommended to start it just like that. First you need to prepare the body for the course:

  1. Set the day mode
  2. Make time for simple exercise
  3. drink a glass warm water before the first meal
  4. Eat a fiber-rich diet

Exercise is best done in the morning, right after getting out of bed. Yoga is ideal. Choose a few asanas that will help stretch and tone the body a little, and do it every day. Regularity matters a lot.

As for the diet, it should be light, based on oatmeal, fruits and vegetables. Stewed and boiled products are allowed, vegetable broths and soups, nuts, kefir and vegetable oil. Try to keep your diet as low-fat as possible, and prefer fresh, seasonal foods over cooked ones. The duration of the diet is at least two weeks before the start of the cleaning course.

Oatmeal digestive cleanse

The aforementioned diet daily use oatmeal, is already a way to gently cleanse the stomach. You can enhance the effect by gradually introducing "days of unloading" based on oats alone. The cereal acts as a sorbent, attracting and absorbing all harmful substances and helping to remove toxins. The enveloping properties of the product help to soothe stomach pain and improve intestinal motility.

According to the method of the French physician Katerina, cleaning should be carried out twice a year for a course of two weeks. In the process, you need to drink a couple of glasses of oatmeal infusion or decoction before each main meal. The decoction for cleaning is prepared as follows:

  1. 200 grams of oats are poured with a liter of clean water
  2. Boiled on a small flame for about an hour
  3. Strained and stored in a cool place

The prepared volume is enough on average for a day. It is always worth making sure that the broth is freshly prepared, do not make preparations the next day and, even more so, the week ahead. If there is absolutely no time to cook in the morning, you should prefer a tincture that can be left overnight, and preferably for 12-16 hours. For its preparation, the grains are poured with warm water in the proportions of two parts of water to one part of the grain.

Cleanse the kidneys with oats

The mild diuretic effect of oatmeal helps to get rid of salt deposits in the kidneys, sand and stones. The remedy is prepared as follows: take 100 grams of cereal per liter of water and boil until half of the liquid has evaporated. Then add two tablespoons of honey to the broth and leave on fire for another 10 minutes. Strain.

You need to use the remedy three times a day for half a glass before meals.

Cleansing the liver with jelly and decoction

This course is designed for a period of three weeks to a month. The best raw material to cleanse the body in this case will be uncleaned oats. Buy it can be found in the markets, in specialized health and vegan food stores, as well as online - but in the latter case, it is important to carefully choose a supplier and choose the most reliable one.

Hello blog readers.

Today I will talk about oats: medicinal properties and contraindications, cooking rules healing decoction and its use in various diseases.

I could not imagine before that oats can work wonders and help in curing many diseases.

Now I already know and I want you to always remember that proper nutrition heals, and the wrong leads to disease.

And there are products from nature that are capable of true magic in healing and restoring the body. And one of those foods is oats.

Oats have long been considered medicinal product. Renowned philosopher and healer from Ancient Greece Hippocrates recommended that his patients take a decoction of oats every day to prevent disease and maintain good health. It has been familiar to modern people since childhood, which is useful to eat at breakfast in order to get an energy boost for the whole day.

Useful properties of oat grains

In supermarkets, we are used to buying oats for cooking oatmeal. These are chemically processed cereal grains that are intended for quick boil- Hercules. In the process of processing, such oats lose the lion's share of nutrients, so they are not suitable for preparing a medicinal decoction. To get a healing potion from maximum content vitamins and trace elements, you must purchase whole unrefined grains. Such raw materials are sold in departments healthy eating or pet food stores. Only whole, unprocessed oats can be used medicinally.

Beneficial features cereal.

  1. It has antiviral and antibacterial action - helps fight colds and strengthens the immune system.
  2. It has an expectorant effect in combination with milk and honey - it is used in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia.
  3. It causes a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect on the body - it lowers body temperature during fevers.
  4. It normalizes the antitoxic and metabolic function of the liver - it is prescribed for hepatitis, cholecystitis, liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis in order to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  5. Restores the work of the pancreas - normalizes the level of sugar in the peripheral blood, is recommended for regular use in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  6. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves heart function due to the content of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus - is prescribed for hypertension, coronary heart disease, normalizes rhythm and blood pressure.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on digestion processes, has protective components for the mucous membrane of the digestive tract - it is used for inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.
  8. Contains vitamins of group B, A, E, K - normalizes the function of the nervous system, prevents depression, increases resistance to stress, improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  9. Causes a quick feeling of fullness, has a high nutritional value at a low calorie content - recommended for dietary nutrition and fighting overweight.
  10. Contains a large number of vitamins and microelements - is considered an indispensable product during pregnancy, replenishes the missing components for the nutrition of the fetus.

Treatment with oats is recognized by many traditional and alternative medicine. Regular use cereal-based decoction can get rid of nicotine addiction, improve general condition, give vivacity and energy throughout the day.

Oatmeal Recipes

There are many recipes for soaking and boiling oats, which are used for various diseases. Changes in the recipe allow you to save the most useful properties of the cereal to restore the function of a particular organ or body system. For children and the elderly, oats are brewed in a special way, which is associated with the functional characteristics of patients in early and senile age. We will analyze the recipe for the most popular and sought-after cereal-based decoctions.

Oat decoction to strengthen immunity

To strengthen immune system, improve the general condition and prevent diseases internal organs prepare a decoction ancient recipe created by Hippocrates. This will require a tablespoon of grain and 2 cups of filtered water. Oats are poured into enamel pan, pour water, remove the floating grains. Raw materials are boiled over low heat for an hour under a lid, cooled, filtered and taken in a third of a glass three times a day between meals.

Oatmeal for diabetes

For diseases of the pancreas and diabetes prepare a decoction from a glass of oats and a liter of distilled water (it is important to use distilled water). Oats are washed, poured with water and infused for 10 hours, it is convenient to defend the grain at night. At the end of the specified time, put the raw materials on slow fire covered and simmer for at least half an hour. Then the pan is removed from the heat, wrapped in a towel and insisted for another 12 hours. Before use, bring the broth to its original volume with distilled water. Take the drug in half a glass twice a day on an empty stomach.

Oat decoction for liver diseases

Acute and chronic liver diseases respond well to oat therapy. Treatment can be combined with medication. The drug is also prescribed during the period of remission of the acute process to prevent exacerbation, especially after nutritional errors. To prepare the decoction, you will need 150 grams of unpeeled grains, 1.5 liters of boiled water, a silver spoon or other tableware made of this metal.

Pour water into the pan and put a silver object on the bottom, bring the water to a boil. Then silver is taken out, oats are poured in and the grains are simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour under a lid. The resulting drug is insisted for at least 2 hours, filtered through a sieve and taken 100 ml half an hour before the meal.

A decoction of oats for diseases of the stomach and intestines

Unpeeled oat grains are washed under running water, laid out in a thin layer on a towel and dried. Flour is prepared from dry grains in a coffee grinder or blender. Half a glass of crushed grain is poured with the same volume of boiled water, boiled over low heat for 20 minutes. The drug turns out to be a mucous structure similar to jelly. It must be cooled and filtered through a gauze filter, add boiled water to 500-600 ml. Store the decoction on the refrigerator door. Take during the day, divided into three doses half an hour before meals.

Oat decoction for nicotine addiction

Long-term smokers who cannot give up their addiction on their own are recommended this decoction recipe. It is necessary to take 50 grams of grains of oats, barley, rye and millet. Raw materials are poured with half a liter of water and boiled for 7-10 minutes. The resulting drug is poured into a thermos, insisted for 12 hours, filtered. Take 150 ml three times a day until an aversion to tobacco smoke appears.

Oat decoction for insomnia

The benefits of oats have been identified for sleep disorders, irritability, fatigue, and a tendency to depression. With regular use of a decoction based on cereal, memory improves, headaches and dizziness are eliminated, and the ability to intellectual activity increases. To prepare the drug, 500 grams of oats are poured with a liter of water, simmered over low heat for half an hour, filtered and taken in a glass of the drug with the addition of honey before going to bed.

Oat decoction for children and the elderly

To prepare the decoction, you will need a glass of oat grains, a liter of water, a liter of milk, 30 grams of liquid honey. Raw materials are poured with water, brought over low heat to the state of jelly. Then milk is added and again brought to a jelly-like consistency. Honey is poured into the cooled potion and given to a child or an elderly person instead of the first course once a day. Every day you need to cook fresh decoction and consume soon after preparation.


We have analyzed in detail the beneficial properties of oats. Does the famous cereal have contraindications? The answer is yes, but there are very few such contraindications. Before abandoning completely useful product, it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor. A specialist can correctly assess the risks of eating grains and determine the period during which cereals should be excluded from the diet.

Contraindications to the use of oats include:

  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • heart failure;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • removal of the gallbladder.

The composition of the grain and its biological properties can adversely affect the functioning of the body with these health problems.

Oats are a healthy, affordable and inexpensive product that everyone can afford. Regular use of a decoction based on cereal is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of diseases. To maintain good health, you can limit yourself to including oatmeal in your diet, which should be prepared from whole, unprocessed grains.

Here is an article about oats turned out.

Watch this video about the beneficial properties of oats, there is also a drink recipe.

Eat oats and be always healthy.

See you on the blog pages.

A decoction of oats - benefits and applications, personal experience.

I want to talk about such an interesting, simple, and healing remedy-oat decoction. We will talk about the use of unpeeled grains of oats, hercules, oatmeal, will not work. You need to buy oats for brewing, for example, this:

How do I brew oats? I take a liter of purified water, pour 1 glass of washed unpeeled oats, cook for an hour on low heat under the lid, filter, drink during the day. You can drink daily, an unlimited amount of time. Serious effect after a month of use.

How does it work for me. Like a detox. A decoction of oats compensates for the toxic effects of drugs and procedures - during treatment, skin rashes, peeling, spots are possible. I recommend it for any problems with the skin, with the intestines, in addition to other cleansing and healing procedures, with seasonal weaknesses, ailments, lack of vitamins.

Oats are a cereal plant. Since ancient times, they have been sown in the fields of Mongolia and northeast China. Currently, oats are grown all over the world, including in our country.

Oats gained such popularity due to their rich healing composition elements. Everything that the human body needs for health is contained in this miracle cereal.

Miracle cereal - pantry of health

Zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, silicon, cobalt, iron, iodine and fluorine, minerals, as well as vitamins of groups B, A, E, K are substances involved in all biological processes of our body. Essential amino acids, fiber, proteins, fats, starch - this is its building material. All this richest set of biologically active substances and its healing properties are found in oat grains and pass into a decoction when properly prepared.

Healers around the world use a decoction of oats to treat various diseases. What is useful decoction of oats? It can easily cope with diseases of the digestive system, support the heart and blood vessels, relieve colds, relieve fever and remove toxins from the body.

In addition, oats are the basis of numerous diets to achieve beautiful figure. The starch found in oats is a "complex" carbohydrate that is slowly absorbed by the body. That is why a person who has eaten a bowl of oatmeal remains full for a long time.

Soluble fiber, otherwise beta-glucan, is converted in the body into a viscous substance that binds cholesterol and envelops the gastric mucosa, alleviating the condition and helping the recovery of patients with diseases of the digestive system.

Regular consumption of oatmeal will cleanse the intestines, including heavy metals, calm the nervous system (thanks to vitamin B), improve the condition of the skin of the face and body, and make hair luxurious.

The question of how to drink a decoction of oats during prophylactic administration is not worth it, since there are no restrictions either in duration or in quantity. Daily use of it in the diet will give an effective result.

Oat decoction - a source of health and strength

Secret healing benefits decoction of oats lies in the fact that whole unpeeled grains are used for its preparation. All the benefits of nutrients contained in the shell of the grains and in their core goes into oatmeal broth. All additional components used in recipes are added to the cooled broth, since their beneficial substances begin to break down at temperatures above 37 degrees. So let's get started with the treatment.

We strengthen immunity

The healing composition of oat grains enriches the body with the necessary biological substances that are involved in all processes occurring in the human body. The metabolism returns to normal, the natural functioning of all body systems occurs. Antioxidants, which are part of the grain, protect against the harmful effects of the environment and free radicals.

Pour a glass of oats with a glass of water and boil until thick. Next, add a glass of milk and bring to a boil. Put three tablespoons of honey into the cooled broth. A decoction is taken in a warm form, one glass in several doses per day.

We treat the stomach

Beta-glucan forms a protective film on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which will soothe the irritated and inflamed surface of the organ.

Pour 10 tablespoons of oat grains with a liter of water and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for three hours. Drink three to four doses throughout the day half an hour before meals.

losing weight

Get rid of extra pounds a recipe will help us, with the help of which a decoction of oats will cleanse the body of toxins, saturate it useful substances, and without adding calories, will give a feeling of satiety. Improve metabolism and restore metabolism.

You can drink a decoction daily. Boil one part of the grains soaked in one part of water for ten minutes. Cool the resulting broth, strain and take orally half a glass every day. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice for flavor.

We cleanse the body

The ability of oat products to remove toxins and poisons from the body will help the liver function and promote the regeneration of hepatocytes, as well as have a choleretic and diuretic effect. Ideal for long-term use of medication or alcohol.

For this recipe, we are preparing not a decoction, but an infusion of oats. What is useful infusion of oats? Unlike a decoction, it is not used during cooking. heat treatment a mixture of water and grains, which gives maximum safety of nutrients.

Grains of unpeeled oats are poured overnight chilled to room temperature boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. In the morning, the infusion should be filtered and drunk in two or three visits of 100 ml.

Controlling blood sugar

The carbohydrates found in oats are slowly digestible, and this allows blood sugar to be produced gradually without spikes. In addition, oats contain inulin, which is used in medicine as a sugar substitute for diabetes.

100 gr. Pour the grains with three glasses of water and cook for an hour, then leave overnight. We filter and take a third of a glass of broth two or three times during the day before meals.

We lower cholesterol

Oat fiber is converted in the body into a mass that binds bad cholesterol and removes it from the body, and also helps to cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques.

The use of hawthorn, in addition to lowering cholesterol, strengthens the nervous and cardiac systems, slows down the aging process. Hawthorn juice is mixed with a decoction of oat grains or flakes, then sugar is added - 70-80 gr. per liter of the mixture - and brought to a boil. We drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day.

Quit smoking

Pour crushed oat grains in the evening with two glasses of warm water. Boil for 10 minutes in the morning and drink instead of tea or coffee.

We treat flu, colds and coughs

With colds, a decoction of oats has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects. When added to the decoction of onions, honey or raisins, it helps to cope with a cough.

Pour a glass of oat grains with a liter of water and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, boil the mixture to half the initial volume. Then strain and drink throughout the day in small sips.

Sleep tight

A decoction of oats, rich in B vitamins, is excellent for nervous exhaustion, psychological overload and sleep disorders, having calming properties.

Mix one tablespoon of oats and rye grains. Add half a liter of warm water. Cook until the grains swell and start to burst. Cool, strain through cheesecloth and drink in several doses throughout the day.

We get younger, we become more beautiful and healthier

We are sometimes ready to give everything to stay young and healthy for a long time or to regain youth and beauty. A decoction of oats, outwardly unremarkable product, will give us the desired "elixir of youth and beauty."

Dilute 3 cups of grain in three liters of water, cook the mixture over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove the decoction from the fire and insist in the heat for a day. Strain and boil again with a tightly closed lid. In the cooled broth add about 100 gr. honey and lemon juice. Store the decoction in the refrigerator.

Rejuvenating and cleansing courses should be carried out three times a year - in summer, autumn and spring. The duration of each course for a healthy body is not limited. With regular use, the result will not have to wait long.

As a rule, there are no contraindications to the use of oat decoction, except for individual intolerance. To improve the taste of the broth, you can add lemon juice. The prepared broth must be stored in the refrigerator during the day. Prepare a fresh decoction daily, as the next day after preparation, it already begins to deteriorate.

Not without reason from the Latin language "sowing oats" (Avena Sativa) is translated as "to be healthy". Of course, the benefits that a decoction of oats will give our body will not relieve us of all ailments overnight. Also, it will not replace us with good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle without bad habits. But with regular use, it will definitely help to cope with various diseases and give us a life filled with health!

Oat decoction - how to cook, treatment and beneficial properties Oats, by right, can be called medicinal plant, and a decoction of oats concentrates all its useful properties. A decoction of oats improves metabolism in the body, is useful for anemia, nephritis, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, hepatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, regardless of the state of acidity of gastric juice. The secret to the high value of oat broth lies in the use of whole unpeeled grains. All substances contained in the shell of the grains and in the grain itself pass into the decoction and have the most favorable effect on the body. The abundance of mineral salts of the most valuable micro and macro elements: zinc, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, silicon, fluorine, iodine, together with a complex of vitamins: A, E, K, group B, saturates the body, restores metabolism, improves metabolism. Also, oat broth contains proteins rich in valuable essential amino acids (lysine, tryptophan), essential oils, fats, carbohydrates.

How to make a decoction of oats There are many recipes for making a decoction of oats. Let's consider a few of them: . Traditional decoction of oats. You need 1 cup of unpeeled (with husks), thoroughly washed oats, pour one liter of clean water. Insist 12 hours. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed. Remove from heat, wrap and leave for 12 hours. Strain. Take 20 minutes before meals three times a day, 100 ml (half a cup) for 2 months. A break of 1 month and again a course of 2 months. So throughout the year. This decoction has a beneficial effect on the activity of the liver, improves the condition of hepatitis, improves the functioning of the gallbladder and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It should be noted that the healing effect of the decoction depends on the quality and purity of the water used. It must be really clean - either distilled, or passed through a quality filter, or purified by freezing with melt water.

A decoction of oats in the form of jelly. Rinse unpeeled oat grains (with husks), spread out in a thin layer and dry. Then grind the grains in a blender or in a coffee grinder. Pour half a glass of crushed grains with half liters of water and bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Follow the "process", otherwise, the broth easily "runs away" when boiling, like milk. After cooling, it is good to squeeze the broth through cheesecloth. Bring the volume to 0.5 - 0.6 liters of boiled purified water. Get a slimy decoction in the form of jelly. Divide into three doses per day. Drink half an hour before meals. If the broth is prepared in the evening, then at night it should be placed in the refrigerator, and warmed up before taking. Such a decoction of oats gives efficiency and increases potency in men.

A decoction of oats in milk. 1 cup of washed oats with husks pour 1 liter of milk and cook for 1 hour over low heat. After straining, drink hot, adding oil and honey. A decoction can be taken throughout the day instead of tea, especially at night, with pneumonia (pneumonia). You can not store a decoction of oats in a thermos, as it quickly turns sour. . Decoction of oats with raisins and honey. For pneumonia, bronchitis and cough treatment for colds, a decoction of oats is recommended: 2 tbsp. spoons of oats mixed with the same amount of raisins and pour 1.5 liters of water. Simmer under a lid or simmer in the oven until half of the liquid has evaporated. In the strained broth add 1 tbsp. spoon natural honey. Take several times a day.

A decoction of oats with elecampane root and honey. For the prevention of coronary heart disease, you can take a drink from oats, elecampane root and honey. You will need 70 grams of elecampane roots, 30 grams of honey, 50 grams of oats and 0.5 liters of water. Sort and wash the oats, fill it cold water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 3-4 hours. Pour the crushed roots of elecampane with oatmeal, boil and leave for 2 hours. Then strain, add honey. The drink is drunk ½ cup 2-3 times a day before meals. No less useful oatmeal jelly Dr. Izotov, obtained by fermentation oatmeal kefir stick, and those who want to lose weight and cleanse the intestines with oats can try the oatmeal diet. There are no contraindications to treatment with oat decoction, as such. Individual intolerance is possible. With stones in the gallbladder, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Heal and be healthy!

  • decoction of oats it is simply necessary to strengthen the nervous system, heart, lungs, improve blood composition and metabolism.
  • decoction of oats It has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, it is drunk with edema and dropsy of the abdomen of renal origin, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, as well as with urinary incontinence in children.
  • decoction of oats- a strong diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds.
    The therapeutic effect is better if you combine the reception of a decoction of grains with baths from a decoction of oat straw. A decoction of oats sweetened with honey is given to children and adults for coughing.

Oats is a cultivated plant that grows in the form of a spikelet with 2-4 flowers at the top. The fruits of this plant are small grains, dressed in scales. The fruits are not only used as livestock feed, but also for filling human body different kind trace elements.

Medicinal properties grain plants have long been known to our ancestors. They found its use in the form of a tincture for the treatment various diseases, including obesity. Properly prepared tincture is able to saturate the body with magnesium and normalize the balance of silicon. Increasing the concentration of phosphorus and potassium is also included in the functions of oats.

Recipe for a decoction "Healing" for daily use instead of tea:

• 400 g of whole grains pour purified water overnight.
• When they swell, add another 250 ml. water and leave the pan on a slow fire. Close the lid and simmer for 1 hour 30 minutes, periodically adding water.
• Use a blender to puree the mixture.
• Put the resulting mass back on fire until the excess liquid has evaporated. Turn off the fire when you get the consistency of jelly.

There are also contraindications for this miraculous folk medicine, which will be discussed in detail below.

Decoction of oats medicinal properties and contraindications

A decoction of oats has many medicinal properties. It is very important to know how to correctly direct the necessary substances to the diseased areas. For this, there are many recipes for tinctures that have a beneficial effect on the affected systems.

The decoction is also popular as a remedy for arthritis. For this method, special oat straw wraps are made, which have no contraindications. The only thing that needs to be done is to check for an allergy reaction: the fabric is wetted in a small amount tincture and applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for 30 minutes. If there are no obvious redness, you can safely proceed to the procedure.

Recipe for therapeutic wraps for arthritis:
• We take in equal parts dry stalks of oats, pine needles and hay. Fill with boiling water and put on the burner for 30 minutes.
• We insist 20 minutes.
• In a warm tincture, all things are wetted. Definitely from cotton fabric. We put everything on ourselves, for the neck and hands we use cloth wrapping.
• Lie down under the covers for 2 hours.

This procedure is carried out every day for 1-2 months. Depending on the form and neglect of the disease.

A decoction of oats harm and benefits:
• harmful for heart disease, cholelithiasis, with polyps in the gallbladder; cholecystitis;
• useful for obesity, arthritis, flu, dry cough, pancreatitis, insomnia, urolithiasis, for the liver and much more.

Medicinal properties

Some believe that the daily use of cereal tinctures has its own contraindications, but this is not so. V traditional medicine everything is based on herbs or cereals, which show their beneficial properties when taken in a long course. There is not a single negative response about overdose folk medicine from cereals. When preparing a medicine, in order to reveal all the medicinal properties of the cereal component, you must follow the instructions for preparation.

Oat decoction recipe for chronic gastritis:
• 100 g of grains pour ½ l of water overnight.
• Boil under a closed lid for 30 minutes.
• After cooking, we do not disturb about 12 hours.
• Dilute with purified water so that the volume of the consistency is 500 ml.
• Take daily 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 100 ml of decoction.


Cereal tinctures should not be consumed by people with serious liver disease such as cholecystitis or cirrhosis. Patients who prepared prescription useful decoction for the liver, after 2 days, after using such a drug, they felt pain in the gallbladder area and, judging by the reviews, it took about 2 weeks for subsequent treatment.

For those who do not belong to the risk group, consider how to prepare a medicinal decoction of oats for the treatment of the liver and how to take:

• Pour 400-600 g of cereals with water and boil for 3 hours. Stir occasionally and add water.
• When the medicine has cooled, the grains must be removed and squeezed thoroughly.
• You need to use tincture 2 times a day, 100 ml, half an hour before meals. Treatment takes place over 2-3 weeks.

The use of decoction in folk medicine

by the most large quantity useful properties have germinated oats and naked variety. Both types can be purchased at stores selling eco products. The healing properties of sprouted grains, judging by the reviews, are considered stronger medicines than the usual ones. Contraindications for use remain unchanged.

Oats how to make a decoction, the basic rules for preparing a medicinal infusion:

• first of all it is necessary to wash the plant with soda solution;
• further, the grains are soaked for 12 hours;
• cereals can be brewed or steamed in a water bath in milk, water or with the addition of honey, under a lid. The procedure time is from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
• Cooking utensils should choose enameled, earthenware or cast iron.

For liver disease

Oats for the liver are useful in that its medicinal properties not only contribute to the restoration of the functions of this organ, but also help in its cleansing. The process of cleaning the body occurs quite gently, without damage to other systems. Recovery of liver tissue occurs due to easily digestible protein in cereals. It must be remembered that the use of alcohol during treatment is a contraindication.

According to the reviews left, you can find out that medicinal products based on this plant have found their application not only in decoctions, but also in body tinctures.

For weight loss

Very effective remedy- a decoction of oats for weight loss reviews of those who have lost weight are unambiguous in the direction of cereals. Many, when trying to reduce their weight, do not even suspect that this process is accompanied by many difficulties, especially with digestion. Due to their properties, tinctures from cereals not only help to improve metabolism, which slows down significantly with age, but also eliminates many problems associated with this system. But that's not all - the tincture improves muscle function during contraction, which also contributes to weight loss.

Against cough

Oat cough tinctures have an anti-inflammatory effect and are most often prepared in milk with the addition of honey and butter. These ingredients significantly improve the beneficial properties of each other, due to which, dry cough becomes wet after 3 days. It is recommended to take cough tincture up to 6 times a day, the last dose must be taken before bedtime, because. patients in a motionless state tend to cough at night. This is due to the accumulation of sputum during non-active sleep.

A decoction of oats for pancreatitis - reviews

A decoction of oats is considered excellent tool due to its medicinal properties and easy accessibility.

This is evidenced positive reviews and patient advice:
• 1 tbsp. grains washed with soda solution, pour warm water and set for a few days to germinate.
• We extract the grains, dry them and grind them into flour.
• Before use, the prepared flour is diluted with water (1 tbsp per 200 ml of water). A portion is prepared every day a new one.
• Boil the resulting composition for 3 minutes.
• We insist within 1 hour. Then you can drink.
• Consumed in the morning on an empty stomach.
• The course of treatment - until complete recovery.