Gainer with a high content of carbohydrates. Combination with other sports nutrition. Pro Complex Gainer by Optimum Nutrition

In theory, the recipe for gaining muscle mass is simple - regular strength training and serious nutrition. This means consuming the right and correct calories.

If your goal is hypertrophy, then you must consume calories in excess of your TDEE (daily energy expenditure) - the amount of energy from food required to maintain basic life functions. You need to increase your calorie intake by about 30% of your TDEE. This number will vary for everyone, but most will benefit from eating 600-1000 extra calories daily.

Use a weight gainer

Sometimes, it's hard enough to get enough calories from regular food. Maybe you're naturally skinny, have an incredibly fast metabolism, or maybe you have a busy schedule that doesn't include snacking.

Gainer for weight gain will help thin get the required number of kcal to build mass. These supplements are a mixture of protein (usually whey) and carbohydrates, which have an amazing effect on weight gain. Gainers are usually taken every day in addition to the existing diet.

  • weight gainers for thin mixes easily with water, milk or juice
  • have excellent flavors
  • one serving of a gainer will easily provide from 700 kcal, which will help you gain weight faster

The best gainers for weight gain

Pro Complex Gainer by ON

This is an effective premium weight gainer that will help thin people grow. It is high in protein while minimizing cholesterol and saturated fat, which is very important if you are going to take this supplement every day + contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, and therefore there is simply no need to buy other supplements. Mixes well and good taste. The price is a little high, but it is a very high quality product.

Serious Mass from ON

A gainer from the same line as the previous one is the most popular product on the sports nutrition market for thin people. For those who want to gain weight, this mass gainer offers a 1250 kcal energy boost. The ratio of carbs to protein is 5:1, so get rid of that protein properly, depending on the gaps in your diet. Contains creatine and glutamine - necessary elements for recovery and muscle building. The price is acceptable.

  1. Supplementation on rest days should be organized in this way: a serving of gainer in the morning, then between meals and in the evening (but not at night!).
  2. On training days, the ideal schedule would be to take the supplement in the morning, then 30 minutes before training, and immediately after training.

Remember! Drinking a cocktail with a gainer immediately before training is undesirable - it can increase blood sugar levels.

If there is a release of insulin into the blood, then, accordingly, the content of testosterone and growth hormone will decrease, and this is highly undesirable when gaining mass. Therefore, it is best to take a cocktail 30 minutes before the start of classes.

Below is a table that will help you figure out how to properly take a gainer for a set, given your weight and diet.

The dosage in the table is based on the serving size for every 10 kg of weight:

2 meals a day 3 meals a day 4 meals a day
men 18-20 grams 16-18 grams 14-16 grams
women 17-19 grams 15-17 grams 13-15 grams

Overview of the modern gainer market

The modern market of gainers is very rich in various offers. The basic ratio of protein to carbohydrates is from 1/1 to 1/3. So if you're putting yourself through hard training or using a mass gainer, the more carbs the better. But besides dry numbers, it is difficult for a beginner to understand something when choosing. To make it easier for you to choose, we have compiled a small rating of the most popular weight gainers according to athletes' reviews.

Gain fast 3100 Universal Nutrition

According to reviews, this gainer allows you to gain an average of up to five kilograms in the first month. But among the minuses, an excess of sweetness is noted.

Hyper Mass 5000 Biotech

But this gainer is ideal for those who are striving for a set of dry mass. And, despite the rather specific taste of Nesquik, it is very effective. Among the reviews are figures in both 7 and 10 kg with enhanced training and a balanced diet.

“Serious Mass” Optimum Nutrition

This practically reference product on the mass gainer market, which allows you to gain up to 6 kg in the first month, requires strict adherence to the instructions for use. Maybe that's why some people don't get enough effect by blaming the manufacturer.

Muscle Juice Revolution by Ultimate Nutrition

Depending on the diet and training regimen, reviews vary greatly. For some, this is only 3 kg in a whole month, and for someone, 8 kg in just 3 weeks. Which reminds us once again that the approach to gaining mass must be comprehensive.

“King Mass XL Ronnie Coleman”

This gainer is especially loved by bodybuilders. In addition, different pleasant taste and not annoying digestive system even for beginners. It is worth noting that he also occupies a leading position among gainers. that help the body recover faster.

“Pro Complex Gainer” Optimum nutrition

Despite the complaints of some athletes about stomach problems after taking it, the majority still praise Pro Complex. Moreover, they say that taking one package gives an increase in weight of about 4-5 kg.

“Elit Mass Hi-Protein Anabolic Gainer” Dymatize nutrition

Gainer mobilizes the forces of the body, helping to increase endurance, strength and muscle growth. But read the instructions carefully and take clearly defined doses so as not to cause gastrointestinal upset.

True Mass 1200 BSN

According to reviews, it is enough to take it only twice a day. But the weight gain is different for everyone and ranges from 3 to 7 kilograms in one month. But no one complains about nausea or other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

”100% Premium Mass Gainer Muscletech”

A controversial point is the taste characteristics of 100% Premium Mass. Since some respondents are forced to add sweeteners and flavors, while others, on the contrary, are completely delighted. But on the other hand, everyone is unanimous in its properties, giving up to 7 kg in 4 weeks.

How to make a gainer at home?

If you are not ready to spend a certain amount to buy a mixture in the store, then you can easily make a gainer at home. Of course, this also has its drawbacks, since such a cocktail will not be stored for a long time, and its production takes time. Yes, and it is not very convenient to carry it with you. But, in some cases, especially when you want to treat yourself to a “natural product”, so to speak, and time allows, you can try to make a homemade gainer.

What do we need to know for this? Just that the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates should be 1/3. And also decide whether we need fast or long carbohydrates.

To make this task as easy as possible, we offer you three of the best, in our opinion, homemade gainer recipes.

Recipe #1

We will need:

  • 50 grams of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder;
  • 10 grams of fiber or regular bran;
  • a teaspoon of fructose;
  • a couple of tablespoons of any berries (can be frozen);
  • a large glass of low-fat milk;
  • 1 scoop of your favorite protein.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a blender. This cocktail contains long carbohydrates, so it is better to drink it 35-45 minutes before training.

Recipe #2

We will need:

  • 200 gr fat-free cottage cheese;
  • a handful of peanuts;
  • 3 art. l. natural honey;
  • 2 bananas;
  • a large glass of milk.

Blend all ingredients thoroughly with a blender. The resulting cocktail is ideal for taking after a workout.

Recipe #3

We will need:

  • a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of orange juice;
  • 100 gr. fat-free cottage cheese;
  • banana;
  • 2 tablespoons of fructose.

As in previous recipes, beat all the ingredients in a blender before use. This cocktail contains fast carbohydrates so it's best to drink it after a workout.

Gainer Reviews

The choice of a gainer is an important moment for creating a complete and balanced diet not only for any athlete, but for the average person who wants to build mass. Opinions about it are very different, but it is worth noting that all negative reviews are based mainly on claims against the manufacturer (some add too much sugar, flavorings and other additives), and not to the product itself.

We bring to your attention a few opinions of professionals and those who have experienced the effect of using a gainer on their own experience.

Reviews from sports forums

The modern world dictates its requirements to our appearance and being athletic has become fashionable. However, many young men and women are no longer content with maintaining themselves in excellent physical shape in the gym, but strive to gain muscle mass. A high-protein gainer can help with this.

What is a gainer

Do not think that drugs to increase muscle mass are used only by athletes before the Olympics. Regular gym goers also resort to their help, seeking to increase weight as soon as possible. A mass gainer is a special cocktail of proteins (proteins) and simple carbohydrates, and the ratio must be maintained in a ratio of 3: 1. Under such conditions, the body will receive energy before training, which can quickly be used to increase muscle mass.

What is included in the composition of the gainer

The classic weight gainer for quick mass gain consists only of proteins and simple carbohydrates. Sometimes fats are added to this mixture, but they do not have any practical benefit for the body, especially if your problem is the presence of a fatty layer that needs to be turned into muscle. However, it is necessary to choose a preparation that also contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids (creatine is especially useful in this complex).

How to choose a gainer

If you decide that a nutritional mixture is necessary for effective training, then take your choice responsibly. It is difficult to quickly determine which gainer is better, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body:

  1. If you are a thin person with no body fat stores, look for nutritional supplements with high content carbohydrates and saturated fats - they will help you gain the desired muscle mass faster.
  2. If you are overweight, you need to choose a gainer for a quick set of muscle mass with high level proteins (or prefer a pure protein shake).

How to take mass gainer

Beginning athletes do not understand how to properly use a gainer, and can harm themselves. However, experts have already explained when to drink a gainer for the best results. The first intake of a sports nutrition cocktail should be two to three hours before training to provide the body with the right dose of energy and protein material for the muscles. The second time drink a gainer half an hour after class: the body will still be working on building muscles.

Mix the dry mixture with water in the proportion indicated on the package. In addition, some experienced athletes and trainers can suggest how to use a gainer by mixing it with milk or fruit juice. In the first case, the protein value of the cocktail increases, and in the second, its calorie content and the energy value. However, at first it is better to prepare a cocktail according to the instructions in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Side effects and contraindications for use

Unlike others food additives for athletes, gainer with no correct use can cause serious health problems. The most careful should be people who have a predisposition to overweight, since cocktails containing carbohydrates can provoke obesity. However, with proper use, the number of problems is minimized, especially if you first consult with your doctor.

People with poor health rarely chase after muscle mass, that is, such problems are simply irrelevant for them. However, there are categories of patients who can play sports for their own pleasure, but must completely abandon any stimulating supplements. This applies to the following groups:

If you follow all the recommendations on how to drink a gainer to gain muscle mass, the athlete will receive only positive results, a beautiful relief of a toned body and an increase in weight by 4-6 kg per month. However, you need to be on the lookout if you notice one of the following side effects:

  • diarrhea, indigestion;
  • rashes on the body, itching;
  • poisoning: nausea, vomiting;
  • a sharp increase in the amount of body fat.

Rating of the best gainers of 2017

The choice of nutritional supplements must be treated very responsibly. Although modern possibilities allow for the option in which anyone can buy any gainer in the online store for any cost, however, such a risk can result in health problems. Experts have compiled a list of top drugs that athletes now trust:

  1. CytoGainer. The drug contains 80 g of carbohydrates and 65 g of proteins, that is, it allows the body to get as much energy as needed for training.
  2. true mass. More powerful supplement containing many vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids(ratio: 50 g protein and 70 g carbohydrates).
  3. Serious Mass. This mixture is suitable for ectomorphs, as it has a very high calorie content. It is used for single procedures for weight gain.
  4. Aftershock Critical Mass. The mixture contains starch, which goes directly to the muscles.
  5. Up Your Mass. Perfectly balanced formulation containing 58 g of carbohydrates, 54 g of proteins and 17 g of fats, in addition required amount healthy oils and vitamins.

Prices for gainers for weight gain

If this is your first time purchasing sports cocktail seek advice from experts. Do not be tempted by low prices in dubious outlets. The average cost of a can of real dry mix varies from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles. If you order a drug from a catalog on the Internet on a specialized website, you can save money through promotions or free delivery in Moscow, but it’s almost impossible to buy a high-quality gainer inexpensively.

Video: how to make a gainer at home

A slow set of muscle mass often makes young athletes think about the use of stimulant drugs. However, experts recommend resorting to them no earlier than six months after the start of regular training. Every body is different and your body may take longer to adjust. Try adding high protein foods to your diet: chicken fillet, cottage cheese, legumes, drink milk at night. After watching the video below, showing the processes of preparing nutrient mixtures, you will not be left with questions.

Gainer is a sports supplement that is designed to gain mass. The name itself speaks of this, from English. gain - increase, addition. Gainer consists of a large amount of carbohydrates and protein. It may include creatine, amino acids, trace elements, vitamin and fats. However, in the classical sense, a gainer is precisely a carbohydrate-protein mixture. It is used for two purposes - to gain muscle mass and get an energy source.

What is the difference between a gainer and a protein? The first contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which can be simple or complex. Therefore, the gainer is not suitable for everyone. Which gainer to buy? We suggest that you first understand what mixtures are and why they are needed.

Why do you need a gainer?

Gainer is taken as part of a special nutrition program with systematic training.

    The carb/protein blend is a FAST source of extra energy;

    Promotes a set of muscle mass (which gainer to buy for mass gain, we will describe below);

    It has a positive effect during long-term aerobic exercise, so it is useful to take it not only for strength training, it is useful for athletes, football players, basketball players, etc.

    Accelerates recovery processes after heavy loads;

    Prevents the destruction of muscle protein;

    Helps maintain a stable weight.

Who needs a gainer and why?

First of all, taking a gainer is necessary for those who seek to gain muscle mass and weight. During strength training and high physical exertion, carbohydrates are the best fuel, and protein acts as a building material for building muscle tissue. But do not rush to look for the answer to the question of which gainer is better for gaining muscle mass. First of all, decide if you need it at all. Gainer - ideal for an ectomorph, i.e. a thin guy with a high metabolic rate. Due to their fast metabolism, it is very difficult for such people to gain weight, even with a special diet that includes high-protein foods and protein shakes. Taking a gainer will solve their problem with a lack of energy and material for anabolic processes. However, they should figure out which gainer is best for gaining mass.

Endomorphs, people who tend to quickly gain weight, are not advised to take a gainer. Easily digestible carbohydrates will be deposited in excess adipose tissue. It is better for such athletes to consume high-quality proteins and complex carbohydrates, which will not lead to the formation of fullness and will have a better effect on the growth of muscle tissue.

Which gainer to choose

Asking questions about which gainer is better and which gainer to buy, first decide for what purpose you need it. Gainers differ in composition. Firstly, proteins with different absorption rates are used - low, medium and high. Secondly, the carbohydrate composition may differ - fast carbohydrates and slow carbohydrates. Thirdly, the carbohydrate-protein mixture may include additional components. Therefore, the question of which gainer is more effective is relative.

What is the best mass gainer for fast muscle mass gain?

For weight gain, a gainer is suitable, which uses whey protein and fast carbohydrates. You need a mixture with a high calorie content and a multicomponent composition. What are the best gainers for weight gain? Look out for blends containing creatine and anabolic agents: Arginine Alpha-KG (AKG), Beta-sitosterol, Muira Puama, Kudsu Root Powder, Tribulus Terrestris Powder, 5-Methil-7-Methoxyisoflavone, 7-Isopropoxyisoflavone, Alpha Lipoic acid (ALA), L-ornithine, Saw Palmetto.

Which gainer to take for a set of "dry" mass

In this case, mixtures with a high protein content and slow carbohydrates. Such gainers can even become a replacement for protein shakes. For a set of “dry” mass, you should pay attention to mixtures that include: enzymes, carnitines, zinc-magnesium complexes and chromium picolinate. These substances contribute to the inclusion of fats in the metabolic process.

Which gainer is best for closing the carbohydrate window

Carbohydrate window - a short period of time, approximately 30-45 minutes, after intensive physical activity. At this point, the body needs to stop the action of adrenaline and cortisol, which it produced during training, and which, after training, will destroy muscle tissue. In addition, it is required to restore energy resources. In order to close the carbohydrate window, you need fast-digesting carbohydrates. That is, a gainer with fast carbohydrates is suitable.

Gainers for mass gain: which one to choose?

Even if you have decided on the purpose of admission, the choice of a gainer still leaves the question of which gainer is better to buy, because the range of products is quite wide. They differ in price, quality, manufacturer. Which gainer is best for you, only you can determine. But, according to consumers, there is a rating the best mixes for weight gain comparative characteristics given per serving:


The product's name





Optium Nutrition

Ultimate Nutrition

Muscle Juice 2600

Super MASS Gainer

Is a gainer dangerous?

Before choosing a mass gainer, pay attention to its composition and individual characteristics of your body. As a rule, gainers are made from natural ingredients, and they act on the body in the same way as regular products. In the process of preparing a gainer, food components are processed, carbohydrates and proteins are released from them, which in a concentrated form form the composition of the mixture. Since the gainer contains in large numbers carbohydrates and sugar, it is not recommended to take it for problems with overweight and in diabetes. And just like with any food, in some cases an allergic reaction can occur.

In today's world, most people are obese, but there are also men and women who are clearly underweight. You can make up for it by adjusting your diet and working out in the gym. This method is the most common, but it takes a lot of time, so people often turn to various additives. For example, a gainer. Doctors in this case are advised to purchase a Gainer for weight gain thin. The drug is able to quickly increase body weight due to the growth of muscle tissue and at the same time it does not increase the amount of subcutaneous fat. However, before use, it is worth finding out what will happen if you drink Gainer and do not exercise or train too intensively. In this case, undesirable consequences can be avoided.

Such a medication is an indispensable tool for people with a thin body build (ectomorphs). Due to its rich useful material and protein (protein) composition, it is able to quickly increase muscle mass without harm to health. Among other components, specially synthesized carbohydrates can be distinguished, which significantly speed up the metabolism, which is why proteins and other components of the drug are processed faster.

Of the main advantages of the drug, one can single out the possibility of taking it without intensive training. This problem often affects busy people, so they are afraid to take such drugs, fearing an increase in fat instead of muscle mass. If a man or woman eats little, then a slow-acting gainer can be used. At the same time, nutrition should be balanced, since dietary supplements only feed the body with calories, but do not provide the nutrients necessary for a person.

Cooking method

In 1 serving of a mass gainer there is approximately 30-40 g of protein and 60-75 g of carbohydrates. This concentration is optimal for single use. With an increase in the amount of the drug, a thin person will not enhance the effect, but can only harm his health.

Impact on the body

For thin people, gaining weight is often a problem. In some cases, the amount of food consumed is too small for weight gain, while in others, metabolism is to blame. A gainer for an ectomorph is a salvation, as its composition allows you to build muscle mass in a short time. Thin people involved in sports can use the drug before and after meals, and without exercise, a single use is recommended.

In some cases, lack of energy is the main reason for not wanting to exercise. The gainer saturates the body of the ectomorph with the necessary substances. At the same time, a person becomes more lively and gradually begins to play sports. Against this background, brain activity also increases, which is very useful in many activities.

Types of gainer

The weight gainer has many varieties. Basically, it is divided by the amount of protein and carbohydrate in its composition. Select the type of drug is depending on the purpose of the person. For weight gain, it is better to purchase a gainer with whey protein, and to improve the effect after class, you can use a product with large quantity carbohydrates.
A thin person can pick up best gainer for weight gain with and without training, focusing on this list:

  • True Mass 1200. It's great for people who can't or don't want to exercise. The composition of this variety of gainer differs from other versions in the presence of pounded oats;
  • Inner Armor Anabolic Peak Gainer (Internal Protection Anabolic Peak Gainer). It contains a large concentration of creatine, glutamine and amino acids, which are extremely beneficial for ectomorphs. Due to these components, thin people gain weight much faster and become more resilient;
  • Super Mass Gainer Dymatize (Super Mass from Gainer Dymatize). This version of the gainer is suitable for people who do not want to play sports. It has a high concentration of protein, amino acids and vitamins;
  • Gain Bolic 6000 Olimp (Increase Metabolism Olimp 6000). This form of the drug is suitable for both active and passive people. Due to the correctly selected composition, it helps to get better and stabilize weight at the same level;
  • Muscle Juice Nutrition Ultimate (Juicy Muscles). This weight gain version contains whey and egg white and also calcium. This composition is the most nutritious among all varieties of gainer, so muscle mass grows quickly enough even without training;
  • Nutrabolic Mass Fusion (Merge Mass Nutroblik). This type of means for gaining muscle mass is quite popular among athletes, as a large concentration of carbohydrates and protein helps to quickly achieve the desired relief;
  • Serious Mass (Serious Mass). Doctors recommend it to people who have a predisposition to thinness. It is advisable to use it in portions of 250 g of carbohydrates and 50 g of protein. In addition to increasing energy reserves, brain activity will increase significantly;
  • Muscle Juice Revolution (Juicy Muscle Revolution). One serving of this weight gainer contains over 1300 calories and 75 g of protein. Due to such nutritional composition even without exercising, a thin person will quickly increase muscle mass.

Before buying a gainer, it is advisable to consult a specialist to find out which type of drug is best for gaining mass for thin people without training and with loads. After all, all types of drugs are divided into 2 types:

  • High protein. In this case, the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates is 1 to 2 or 3 and calories in 1 serving are about 1 thousand;
  • High-calorie. Ratios of 1 to 4 or 5 are typical for this group, and calories in 1 serving will be from 1 to 3 thousand.

You can understand which gainer is best for an ectomorph by focusing on its metabolism, since depending on it, more protein or calories may be required.

Side effects

In most cases, the gainer is well tolerated, but sometimes there are such side reactions:

  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Poisoning due to improper storage of the product;
  • Allergic manifestations due to intolerance to the composition;
  • Rash.

Gainer is ideal for thin people as it helps to gain weight quickly. However, it has many varieties and its own application features. Such nuances must be taken into account before buying and it is better to consult with a nutritionist in advance to find out whether it is possible to drink a gainer without training or what loads it is better to combine with.