Chocolate fast carbohydrates. The value of fast carbohydrates. What are carbohydrates?

The topic of "right" and "wrong" carbohydrates affects, for the most part, two types of people: those who care about their own bodies and diabetics. But this is not always correct either - knowledge about carbohydrates, their useful-useless properties is also important for restoring health and immune system generally.

First of all, it is customary to discuss the harm of fast (or as they are also called simple carbohydrates). But let's start with the general.

High carbohydrate foods are defined as either simple or complex based on their chemical structure. The "simpler" structure, the faster your body will digest and absorb that food. The more "complex" the structure, the slower the process of digestion and absorption.

For this reason, diets high content simple carbohydrates have been shown to increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease, while diets high in complex carbohydrates have actually been shown to help do the opposite.

Simple carbohydrates are also usually highly processed junk that doesn't have any nutritional value of any kind, while complex carbohydrates are typically unprocessed, high in fiber, and high in various other important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Any carbohydrates are a source of glucose - a nutrient in our brain. And the division into fast and slow carbohydrates is determined by the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose.

Simple (fast) carbohydrates - break down too quickly and cause an "insulin burst" in our blood. They come to the brain as quickly as to the stores of body fat. And most importantly, energy from simple carbohydrates is not enough for a long time.

And overall health and nutrition aside, simple carbs are also less filling, meaning you'll be hungrier after eating them. Not to mention, a big spike in blood sugar will lead to a crash soon after, and that crash signals hunger and food cravings.

So as you can clearly see here for many obvious reasons. There is only one tiny problem with all of the above. The classification of "simple" and "complex" does not tell the whole story. It turns out that certain foods that technically fit the "hard carb" label can actually lead to a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. Likewise, there are some products that fit the "simple carburetor" label, which really doesn't work. great influence on blood sugar levels.

Complex (slow) carbohydrates - split very slowly. Insulin does not jump, all nutrients penetrate directly to the brain. Health and mood are normal. The silhouette is slender and toned, and there is more than enough strength!

Well, now let's move on to the private.

Well, not to confuse the whole situation with the carburetor, something like the Glycemic Index was created. The glycemic index categorizes carbohydrates based on how quickly and how high they raise blood sugar compared to pure glucose, although white bread is now used as a reference food in its place.

And despite the fact that glycemic index Originally created for diabetics as a way to figure out which foods would be best for them, it quickly became used by bodybuilders, athletes, and the general public who just want to look good and be healthy.

Foods that are high in sugar (fast carbs)

What are simple carbohydrates?

Fructose- found in sweet fruits. Sweeter fruit- more fructose. It is useful for diabetics. Thanks to it, the cells of the body receive the necessary nutrition without the participation of insulin. Part of the fructose is processed by the liver into glucose.

Because the glycemic index allows you to maintain a steady blood glucose level throughout the day by choosing the right types of foods that are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index break down quickly during digestion and therefore quickly release glucose into the bloodstream.

Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index slow down more slowly, resulting in a much slower and gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream. That all of this is freely translated into plain English.

  • High glycemic foods are usually = bad for a variety of reasons.
  • Low glycemic foods are usually good for a variety of reasons.
Of course, while the glycemic index is much more useful than the basic "simple or complex" classification for determining which high-carb foods are best for us, it still has its downsides.

Lactose- Carbohydrate comes from dairy products. It can be absorbed only under one condition - if you do not suffer from a lactase deficiency (such an enzyme). With full assimilation, lactose is split into two components - glucose and galactose.

With inadequate absorption, irritating phenomena appear in the stomach and intestines - heartburn, increased gas formation and other unpleasant moments.

Meaning, 25 grams of a high glycemic food does not create the same blood sugar levels as 50 grams of the same food. Even another major issue with the glycemic index is that it only measures foods when they are eaten in isolation. You know, as if you sat down to a meal that had nothing but white bread or nothing but corn flakes.

The problem here is that people just don't always eat these high carb foods in isolation, and that makes a big difference. For example, there is usually something on this bread and milk with these corn flakes. However, while not perfect, the glycemic index is a useful tool to help us understand which high-carb foods are generally best for us.

40% of adults suffer from lactase deficiency - they work great against this ailment dairy products. Why? Because the lactase in them has long turned into lactic acid.

sucrose- The main component of refined sugar (95%) consists of sucrose. So that frequent use eating sugar causes an overabundance of quickly digestible carbohydrates, which instantly replenish our fat reserves.

For most people, most of the time, low glycemic foods should be your carb of choice. High glycemic foods should be limited to some extent. It's also worth noting that if there's one true exception to the above recommendation, it's your post-workout workout.

How to find the glycemic index or glycemic load of a food?

Is there a "type" of carbs for fat loss or muscle gain

There are 2 answers to this question. The first is "no, not really" and the second is "yes, yes". You see, a lot of people like to think that the answer here is a huge, definite yes. As in the case, let's say you cloned yourself and now you had 2 identical versions. You both worked the same way and consumed the same amount of calories daily as the same amount of protein and fat.

Maltose- Sugar obtained from malt. Already guessed? Yes, yes, it’s primarily beer (so that’s where the beer belly comes from!?) Also, maltose is found in molasses and honey (oh yes, honey also makes you fat, so you shouldn’t abuse it). Although honey, in addition to everything, contains a lot of vitamins and microelements useful for the body.

Where are simple carbohydrates found?

  • Sugar;
  • Sweets;
  • Bakery products;
  • cakes;
  • Ice cream;
  • Milk;
  • Glazed curds;
  • Alcohol (dry red wine does not count).

List of foods containing simple carbohydrates

corn syrup 115 Beer* 110
Starch modified 100 Glucose 100
Wheat syrup, rice syrup 100 Glucose Syrup 100
Rice flour 95 Potato starch 95
Maltodextrin 95 baked potatoes 95
French fries, fried 95 Gluten free white bread 90
Potato flakes (fast food) 90 Sticky rice 90
Maranta (arrow-root) 85 Carrots (cooked)* 85
Celery root (cooked)* 85 Cornflakes 85
Wheat flour, refined 85 Rice pudding 85
rice milk 85 Corn starch 85
Turnip, turnip (cooked)* 85 Buns for hamburgers 85
White breakfast bread (such as Harry's) 85 Parsnip* 85
Popcorn unsweetened 85 Instant Rice 85
Puffed rice (analogue of popcorn), rice biscuits 85 Tapioca (cassava sago, a type of cereal) 85
Pumpkin (various types)* 75 Mashed potatoes 80
Sweet corrugations (type of waffles) 75 Donuts 75
Watermelon* 75 Lasagne (from soft varieties wheat) 75
Rice with milk (with sugar) 75 Pumpkin round* 75
Bagels, bagels 70 Amaranth air (similar to popcorn) 70
Plantain bananas (only used when cooked) 70 Baguette, white bread 70
Biscotti (dry biscuits) 70 Chocolate bars 70
Porridge from cornmeal(hominy) 70 Biscuit 70
Mix of refined cereals with sugar 70 Brioche (bun) 70
Cola, carbonated drinks, soda 70 Crisps 70
Dates 70 croissant 70
Gnocci 70 Corn flour 70
Millet, millet, sorghum 70 Syrup 70
Matzo (white flour) 70 Noodles (soft wheat) 70
Polenta, corn grits 70 rice bread 70
Ravioli (soft wheat) 70 Boiled potatoes, without skin 70
Rice white standard 70 Risotto 70
Breakfast Cereal Mix (Kellogg) 70 Rutabaga, fodder beet 70
brown sugar 70 White sugar (sucrose) 70
Canned pineapple 65 Tacos (corn tortillas) 70
Jam standard with sugar 65 Beets (cooked) 65
Spelled (from refined flour) 65 Couscous 65
Peeled flour 65 chestnut flour 65
Quince jelly (with sugar) 65 Breadfruit 65
Sugar cane juice (dry) 65 Yam 65
Marmalade with sugar 65 corn kernels 65
Muesli (with sugar, honey) 65 Bars Mars, Snickers, Nuts 65
Chocolate bun 65 rice noodles 65
Baked bread (with yeast sourdough) 65 Rye bread (30% rye flour) 65
Jacket potatoes (boiled) 65 Wholemeal bread 65
Raisin 65 Jacket potatoes (steamed) 65
Sorbet (with sugar) 65 Maple syrup 65
Apricots (canned, in syrup) 60 Tamarind (sweet) 65
Chestnut 60 Dessert banana (ripe) 60
Wholemeal flour 60 Creamy ice cream (with sugar) 60
Mayonnaise (industrial, with sugar) 60 Lasagna (from wheat durum varieties) 60
Honey 60 Melon* 60
Milk chocolate dry drinks 60 Pearl barley 60
Pizza 60 Bread with milk 60
Chocolate powder with sugar 60 Oatmeal porridge 60
Rice Camargue (whole grain, from the French region of Camargue) 60 Ravioli (durum wheat) 60
Jasmine rice 60 Long grain rice 60
Shortbread (flour, butter, sugar) 55 Groats from durum wheat 60
Mango juice (no sugar) 55 Bulgur (grain, cooked) 55
Ketchup 55 Grape juice (no sugar) 55
Cassava (sweet) 55 Cassava (bitter) 55
medlar 55 Mustard (with added sugar) 55
Papaya (fresh fruit) 55 Pasta Nutella® 55
rice red 55 Canned Peaches in Syrup 55
Spaghetti (well cooked) 55 Chicory syrup 55
Tagliatelli (well cooked) 55 Sushi 55

So what can and should be eaten?

  • Sweets on fructose;
  • Fruit;
  • Berries;
  • Nuts;
  • Birch juice;
  • Dry red wine.

Let's not forget that everything is good in moderation. Even healthy products from the list of fast carbohydrates will have a detrimental effect if you do not have time to “tie” with them in time.

Now let's say the only difference between the two diets was that one of you ate mostly low glycemic foods and the other ate mostly high glycemic foods. The truth is, as long as the rest of your diet is what it should be, the type of carbs you eat won't magically make you gain fat. It will also not lead to magical muscle loss or just a decrease in it.

High glycemic or low glycemic. You may have noticed my use of the word "straight" before, and that brings us to the "my answer" part. And, as various studies show, all this almost always results in eating more than you should be eating.

Are they useful to anyone?

The answer is positive. Sometimes, athletes cannot do without fast-digesting carbohydrates - they spend too much energy on growing relief muscles. Therefore, before and after training, it is advised to eat fruits, juices, nuts, and carbohydrate food supplements.

And this is exactly how "bad" carbohydrates indirectly affect body composition in a negative way. They make you eat more, and eating more is what makes your body change in ways you don't want it to. All studies show that there is indeed a very significant difference between various types carbohydrates in terms of overall health.

Turning all this carburetor together

So, here's what it all boils down to. Simple carbs vs complex carbs and high glycemic vs low glycemic foods don't seem to make a real significant difference in regards to fat gain, fat loss, muscle gain, etc. For now, everything else is what it should be.

When consuming sugar taste buds, gut and brain activate the reward system. This activation is no different than how the body would respond to other stimulants.

For one quality workout, you need about 150 grams of carbohydrates in the muscles. Without glycogen, which is derived from glucose, you will not be strong enough for a long time. There will be constant weakness and mood swings. fast carbohydrates- an emergency way to accumulate carbohydrates before training and restore carbohydrate reserves after it.

How many grams of carbohydrates per day and what foods to eat?

However, it still definitely plays many indirect roles in achieving these goals, especially in terms of controlling hunger. The majority of your daily carb intake should come from lower glycemic, higher molecular weight, nutrient rich complex sources. Simple, processed, purified, higher glycemic sources should be significantly limited most of the time when the main training for your post-workout workout is the main one. With all that in mind, it's time to move on to the specifics of how many grams of carbs you should be eating per day, what foods should get those carbs, and how to factor this into your diet plan.

Just make no mistake - this, in fact, only affects athletes experiencing REGULAR Physical exercise. "Muscle growers" need about 400 grams of carbohydrates per day. 150 grams pre-workout and 150 grams post-workout + 100 grams for total daily body metabolism.

Carbohydrates, protein, fat and alcohol are sources of calories in the diet. These macronutrients can be part of healthy eating. Balancing the calories we take in with those we burn every day can help us maintain, gain or lose weight. Learn some tips for choosing carbohydrates in your diet.

Not All Carbohydrates Are Created Equal

Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly and send immediate spikes of glucose into the bloodstream. That's why you may only feel a surge of energy when you eat dessert after the crash of fatigue ensues as that sudden burst of energy wears off. Simple sugars are found in refined sugars such as white sugar found in a sugar bowl. Added sugars provide calories but lack vitamins, minerals, and fiber and can lead to weight gain. There are also simple sugars in more nutritious foods such as fruits and milk. These are "natural" sugars and, unlike refined sugars, these sugars often come with the vitamins, minerals, and fiber our bodies need. Complex carbohydrates are digested more slowly and provide a slower release of glucose into the bloodstream. Like simple sugars, some complex carbohydrate foods are the best choice, than others. Refined grains such as white flour and white rice have been processed, which eliminates many of the nutrients and fiber. Many foods containing refined grains, such as white flour, sugar, and white rice, are devoid of B vitamins and other important nutrients unless they are marked "fortified." In contrast, unrefined whole grains retain many of these vital nutrients and are rich in fiber, which helps digestive system works good. Fiber helps you feel full, so you're less likely to overeat these foods. This explains why you will feel longer after eating a bowl of oat flour compared to the same number of calories sweet candy. But not all simple sugars are the same. . When this process is fast - as with simple sugars such as sugar-sweetened drinks and high-calorie desserts, you're more likely to feel hungry again.


The lack of carbohydrates in the body adversely affects our mood, consideration and physique. But the problem of a person in the modern world, as a rule, is that he does not know how to consume them rationally and in the right amount. This is what leads to all kinds of imbalances.

What to do? Review everything you put in your mouth. You can make a list so you don't miss anything. And if you're not an athlete whose goal is to build muscle mass with huge carbohydrate costs, then stop at slow carbohydrates.

When it happens more slowly, as with whole grains, you will feel longer because it takes your body longer to break down the complex carbohydrates in whole grains into simple sugars. These complex carbohydrates give you energy over a longer period of time.

The carbohydrates in some foods cause blood sugar levels to rise faster than others. How quickly or slowly carbohydrates are converted into blood glucose is measured by the glycemic index. If you are healthy, carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which your body uses for energy. But if your blood glucose gets too high or too low, it could be a sign that your body may be having trouble making insulin to stay healthy, which could eventually lead to diabetes.

Do not forget - simple carbohydrates raise the level of sugar in the blood to excess. As a result, excess sugar stomps straight to where we don’t need it at all - into body fat.

They are stable, safe and really necessary for a harmonious life in body and spirit. Simple carbohydrates are a controversial source of "fuel". Excess unburned sugar in the furnace of our body causes not only fullness, but also diabetes, problems with the heart, blood vessels, and even some forms of cancer.

Be careful! Appreciate your body, do not deceive yourself and be healthy in every possible sense!

We will learn what fast carbohydrates are, as well as consider a table and a list of foods containing unhealthy carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.

We know that breads, sweets and a long list of favorite foods are rich in carbohydrates. And those in turn are slow and fast. Where do these names come from? What is this division based on?

What are carbohydrates

First, about carbohydrates in general. They are almost all plant origin. Formed in the light in green plants from water and carbon dioxide. Carbohydrates store solar energy. It is the energy of the Sun that is released when they are oxidized in the cell. Therefore, we, as well as all living things, can be called the children of the Sun.

Carbohydrates are classified as follows:

  • monosaccharides - glucose, fructose, etc.;
  • oligosaccharides - sugar;
  • polysaccharides - starch, fiber, glycogen.

Sucrose is made up of two simple saccharides: glucose (grape sugar) and fructose. Starch and other polysaccharides are long chains in which the grape sugar molecule is repeated many times. In other words, all carbohydrates are basically made up of the same building blocks - glucose molecules.

Almost all of them are hydrophilic, that is, compounds soluble in water and sweet in taste.

Their division into fast carbohydrates and slow ones is associated with one indicator - the glycemic index.

Glycemic index (GI)

GI is a measure of how quickly a food can raise blood glucose levels. Of course, who can compete in this with glucose itself, which is why its GI is taken as 100 units. But it turns out that the same dates have a GI of 146.

The table is built as the GI decreases. The fastest carbohydrates in it occupy the first positions.

The product's name Glycemic index Carbohydrate content per 100 grams
Dates 146 72
White bread 136 53
Beer 115 8
Baking, desserts 103 70
Sweet drinks 102 12
Sugar 100 100
Fried potato 95 27
Rice 90 76
Honey 90 80
Dried apricots 65 66
Grape 64 17
Boiled potatoes 63 16
Bananas 60 23
Yogurt sweet 57 9
Mango 55 14

The transformation of fast carbohydrates

Sucrose with a GI of 100 units quickly saturates the blood with glucose, but our body is not always able to quickly convert its excess into glycogen. Especially when there are enough glycogen reserves and there is nowhere to put it off. And then glucose turns into fat. Blood glucose levels return to normal, but fat stores are replenished. This is what nutritionists mean when they talk about the dangers of foods containing fast saccharides.

Fructose converts to fat just as well, although it is more forgiving of the insulin mechanism. And if you replace sugar with fructose, obesity still cannot be avoided. This is exactly what happened in the United States when, at the end of the 20th century, food sugar was replaced by fructose, which caused a flurry of calls to doctors about the obesity that swept the country.

The diet should consist mostly of foods with slow carbohydrates, although if you need a speedy recovery, fast carbohydrates are difficult to find a replacement. They dramatically increase glucose levels, which leads to an insulin surge, intense blood circulation, high muscle tone, help to cope with fainting, dizziness, and nausea.

In all other cases, jumps in glucose levels not only replenish body fat, but also harm the functioning of the muscles, heart and blood vessels.

The value of fast carbohydrates

Studies have shown that fast carbohydrates:

  • They help a person cope with mental tasks, as they normalize brain function.
  • Neutralize toxins.
  • They take part in the construction of the cell frame.
  • Replenish glycogen stores.
  • Removes depression and helps to overcome stress.
  • They control metabolism, as they contribute to the synthesis of various enzymes and hormones.

If you regularly visit the gym and do sports intensively, then fast carbohydrates in small portions reduce excess weight, as they accelerate the burning of body fat.

It is thanks to sugars that the assimilation of foods rich in proteins and fats is possible.

Sugar and healthy eating

Following the principles of proper nutrition, it is better to include in the diet not empty fast carbohydrates, but foods that, in addition to them, contain organic acids, minerals and vitamins. These include grains, vegetables and fruits. The list of products goes on.

It is better to consume cereals before lunch, since in the first half of the day the body processes all food into energy, and fruits, respectively, until 18.00, in order to avoid weight gain due to fat.

Carbohydrate products can interchange each other. Yes, instead of fried potatoes it is better to eat baked, instead of sugar, add honey to tea.

It is better to have a snack not with buns and sweets, but with nuts and dried fruits. It is better to take dried fruits and fruits separately from the main lunch, this is the basis of the principle of fractional nutrition, which is based on the correct compatibility of food products.

  • Do not mix carbohydrates with fatty foods.
  • Those who want to lose weight should exclude fast carbohydrates from dinner and the diet as a whole.
  • If it is difficult to give up chocolate, it is better to choose black, containing up to 70% cocoa.
  • Forget sugary drinks, cookies, chocolates. They are pure calories and can only become a quick feed if there is a need for it. In most cases, this is a direct road to obesity.

The norm, excess and deficiency of fast carbohydrates

A person needs up to 40 g per day fast sugars. Their deficiency, as well as an overabundance, can cause negative changes, including:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • Depressive states;
  • Various dermatitis, cellulite, tissue swelling;
  • Jumps in blood pressure;
  • Pathology of the digestive tract;
  • development of caries.

If there is carbohydrate starvation, the consumption of glycogen stores begins, which last for 15-18 hours.

When a person relishes forbidden sweets (the GI table contains a list of them), he thereby puts an enormous burden on the pancreas, which synthesizes insulin. After all, the level of glucose jumps like a ball up and down. Together with them, our tone and mood jump. With such nutrition, the system of endocrine glands is under direct threat.

Fast carbohydrates do not give a feeling of fullness, after them you want to eat even more. The smile turns into a grin, instead of cheerfulness, lethargy comes. This vicious circle can do a lot of harm. Getting out of it in the organization proper nutrition when food should be healthy, not just tasty. Before you eat something, think about what it will give: extra weight or net benefit.