Complex Carbohydrates: Low GI Weight Loss Food List. The benefits of polysaccharides for weight loss. Too much complex carbohydrates in the diet.

The table of slow carbohydrates (complex) is useful to anyone who wants to lose weight or maintain their ideal weight.

Thanks to the table of slow carbohydrates, in order to effectively burn excess calories and lose weight, you can make up your right diet and not completely abandon your usual, delicious food nutrition.

Eating complex carbohydrates helps you feel faster and for a longer period of time. As a result, cravings are reduced and the need to reach for unhealthy snacks between scheduled meals is reduced. Instead of going for a simple carb, snacking on complex carbs or building them into your meals is an easy way to stay on track with your weight loss or maintenance goals.

Substitutions to eat more complex carbohydrates

These complex carbohydrates can help keep your heart healthy. Whole grains and legumes also help protect the heart by lowering the risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease. In order to achieve the benefits of eating more complex carbohydrates, some switches may need to be made. Here are some examples of simple substitutions.

It is very important to approach the process of losing weight wisely, to correctly compose your menu, then you will not go half-starved, and you will look slim and fit, feel cheerful and light. And in order not to get fat and be energetic, you need to reconsider your diet in favor of slow carbohydrates.

Below in the text you will find a table of slow carbohydrates, which has a list of the main slow carbohydrates, indicating the glycemic index in descending order and their carbohydrate content in grams per 100 g of product.

Instead of rice, try eating more beans as a base for meals. . Now that you know about complex carbohydrates, check them out. You have probably seen ads for products with low content carbohydrates and diet, but children and adults need carbohydrates. Most foods contain carbohydrates, which the body breaks down into simple sugars- the main source of energy for the body.

There are two main types of carbohydrates in food: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates: also called simple sugars. They are found in refined sugars such as the white sugar you see in a sugar bowl. If you have a lollipop, you are eating simple carbohydrates. But you will also find simple sugars in more nutritious foods such as fruits and milk. It's great to get your simple sugars from these foods. Because they have no added sugar, they also contain vitamins, fiber, and important nutrients like calcium.

Carbohydrates are substances whose molecules are composed of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. In the process of metabolism, they turn into a source of energy, the most important "fuel" for the body - glucose. Once glucose enters the body, it is used for energy, and unused glucose is deposited as glycogen in muscle tissues and liver in reserve or in the form of subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat. Glycogen is a polysaccharide formed by glucose residues, a reserve carbohydrate for the body.

The lollipop has a lot of added sugar and lacks important nutrients. Complex carbohydrates: These are also called starches. Starches include grain products such as bread, crackers, pasta and fig. Like simple sugars, some complex carbohydrate foods are the best choice, than others. Refined grains such as white flour and white rice are processed to remove nutrients and fiber. But unrefined grains still contain these vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in fiber, which helps your digestive system work well.

Carbohydrates are divided into fast (simple) and slow (complex):

Slow carbs These are carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.

Slow carbohydrates have glycemic index below 50 (but this table includes several GI products that are slightly above 50, but they are very useful!) and unlike fast ones, they are absorbed slowly, hence the name, thus glucose evenly enters the bloodstream without sharp jumps in sugar.

Fiber helps you feel full so you don't overeat. A bowl of oatmeal fills you up better than sugary candies with the same amount of calories. So what type of carbs should you be eating? Both can be part of a healthy diet. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into simple sugars that are absorbed into the bloodstream. When sugar levels rise in your body, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin is needed to transfer sugar from the blood to the cells, where the sugar can be used as an energy source.

These carbohydrates primarily include cereals, whole grains and some starchy foods - beans, lentils, as well as vegetables and most fruits, which are rich in fiber, which is very beneficial for the body.

In order to simplify the use of knowledge about fast and slow carbohydrates, scientists have introduced the term "glycemic index".

When this process is fast - as with simple sugars - you are more likely to feel hungry again. When it goes slower, as is the case with whole grain foods, you will be longer for longer. These types of complex carbohydrates give you energy for a longer period of time.

Vegetables and greens

The carbohydrates in some foods raise blood sugar levels faster than others. Scientists are studying whether foods that cause large spikes in blood sugar may be linked to health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

Glycemic index

The ability of carbohydrates to increase blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), is determined by the glycemic index. The term was first introduced into circulation in 1976 as a result of a unique scientific study, the purpose of which was to create a list of products that are ideal for diabetics.

The glycemic index or abbreviated (GI) is an indicator of the effect of a food eaten on a change in glucose levels. (Sahara) in blood. The glycemic index of glucose is taken as 100, and all foods rich in glucose have their own, individual GI, which is compared with the GI of glucose and shows the rate of breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates by the body.

Slow carbs and training

As we have already learned, there are fast and slow carbohydrates, they differ in the speed of assimilation, which is why they got their names. There are recommendations for the use of fast and slow carbohydrates in combination with training. Slow carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed a couple of hours before a workout so that they evenly provide energy throughout the workout, and fast carbohydrates after a workout during the so-called "carbohydrate window", which lasts about 30 minutes from the end of the workout.

Slow carbohydrates are called so because of the slow rate of absorption by the body, and if you want to lose weight, then they are a more preferable source of energy than fast carbohydrates. Slow carbohydrates, due to the fact that they are absorbed slowly, feed the body with energy for a long time, which means that they will give you energy throughout the entire workout. During training, it is this energy supply that is the most optimal, because. due to the use of slow carbohydrates before training, the muscles are provided with a constant source of energy throughout the workout. What else is good about eating slow carbohydrates before a workout? - On the one hand, the muscles receive energy throughout the workout, but on the other hand, it is always slightly lacking, which forces the body to break down fats for energy. Medical studies have shown that when eating slow carbohydrates before training, fat is burned much faster, and endurance increases and does not fall throughout the entire workout.

A constant and sustainable level of energy for the body, for the muscles - this is the main function of slow carbohydrates. By eating slow carbohydrates, you do not feel hungry for a long time, so you consume fewer calories and lose weight faster.

Table of slow carbohydrates (complex)

Cereals and flour products

The product's name Glycemic index
Millet porridge 69 26
Oatmeal 66 9
Rye-wheat bread 65 42
Boiled white rice 65 17
Vareniki with cottage cheese 60 37
pasta from durum varieties wheat 50 27
Barley porridge 50 20
Buckwheat 50 29
Boiled brown rice 40-50 14
Cellulose 30 14
Barley porridge 22 22
soy flour 15 21

Vegetables, greens

Fruits, berries

The product's name Glycemic index Carbohydrate content per 100 g
A pineapple 66 12
Bananas 60 21
Persimmon 55 13
Cranberry 45 4
Grape 40 16
tangerines 40 8
Gooseberry 40 9
oranges 35 8
Pears 34 9
Strawberry 32 6
Peaches 30 10
Apples 30 10
Red Ribes 30 7
Sea ​​buckthorn 30 5
Blackberry 25 4
strawberries 25 6
cherry plum 25 6
Grapefruit 22 6,5
plums 22 10
Cherry 22 10
Cherries 22 11
apricots 20 9
lemon 20 3
Black currant 15 7

Dried fruits



Cottage cheese, kefir, etc. - this is of course more protein products than carbohydrates, but due to their usefulness, we decided to include them in this table.

September 14, 2014 16851

Everyone who at least once in their life embarked on a harsh path to losing weight by dieting knows that carbohydrates are the worst enemy of a slender figure.

Therefore, the diet should include as few of these elements as possible.

Consider what carbohydrates are, namely complex.

It is very important to watch what you eat and always be in good physical shape.

With what products you need to be extremely careful and why carbohydrates are still useful for the body, read in our article.

Let me introduce myself!

From the school curriculum in chemistry, we know that carbohydrates, being organic compounds, are included in the composition of absolutely any living organism.

The name speaks for itself: carbohydrate = carbon + water.

From a nutritional point of view (from which we will consider them), carbohydrates are an indispensable catalyst for the process of converting proteins and fats into other useful substances.

In other words, without them, it is not at all possible for our body to function smoothly.

The most typical type of carbohydrate in the body is glucose.

It is in this "guise" that they take root in human organs and systems.

Glucose belongs to the group of so-called "simple" carbohydrates (they are also called "fast"), because they have a simple chemical structure.

In contrast to simple ones, there are also “complex” carbohydrates (the second name, respectively, is “slow”).

We will focus on them in more detail and draw your attention.

Treasure Island

No matter how anyone who watches the figure may gasp at the mention of the word "carbohydrates", not all of them pose a threat to harmony and beauty.

Potential enemies of the diet are exclusively simple carbohydrates, whose glycemic index (abbreviated GI) in most cases is high, ranging from 70 to 100 units.

In this table, we will consider what foods contain complex carbohydrates.

This indicator indicates which foods will actively raise blood sugar levels, and which will not rush to do so.

As for complex carbohydrates, they are polymers of glucose, which is a real treasure for your health.

Quite often they can be found in those products that belong to the category of "healthy eating".

Consider a list of foods containing complex carbohydrates with categories.

The following categories are distinguished food products saturated with complex carbohydrates:

Vegetables and greens

Look for those that are rich in fiber, starch, glycogen or pectin - these are the glucose polymers that were mentioned just above.

The list of valuable sources includes carrots, cucumbers, beets, celery, potatoes, pumpkins, black and green olives, tomatoes, the inseparable duet of onions and garlic, plus cabbage of all kinds, whether it is the usual white cabbage or, in some way, exotic Brussels sprouts.

Even the sea, by the way, will do.

From the greens, not an extra menu item will be leaf salad and, of course, spinach.

Fruits and berries

Be careful here.

Choose those that contain less sugar, since sugar is glucose in its purest form.

Its excess immediately triggers the insulin release mechanism to remove excess into adipose tissue, from which it, in turn, begins to actively divide and add volume to you.

Eat more apples, peaches, pears, pomegranates, all popular and not so citrus fruits.

Not superfluous are also grapes, melons, raspberries, plums, black currants, strawberries, blackberries, gooseberries, figs and quince.

Cereals and legumes

Cereals have long been known for their useful properties and rich in vitamins and fiber.

Therefore, the presence of such representatives as wheat, buckwheat, unpeeled rye, oats, wild brown rice, as well as beans, lentils, beans and peas in your diet would be quite appropriate.


As a rule, they are boiled in water or milk.

The glycogen index of milk, by the way, is not very high - only 32 units, and it also belongs to the group of products containing slow carbohydrates.

As a cereal base, any one is suitable, with the exception of semolina.

Pasta. But do not rush to rub your hands and joyfully run to cook pasta carbonara.

The fact is that the source of complex carbohydrates is ONLY wholemeal flour.

If you are sure that there are products from such raw materials in packages from supermarkets, - Bon appetit And you don't have to limit yourself too much.


In addition to the milk itself, mentioned in the paragraph about cereals, nutritionists put cottage cheese on a par with it, natural yogurt without flavorings, kefir and low-fat cream (no more than 10%).

Here, of course, it must be said about the additional "building" effect, because each of these products contains calcium, which saves our bones from fractures.


It would seem surprising, but it is rather difficult to get better from sausages and sausages, given the presence of complex carbohydrates in them.

However, it is known that they gain weight not from the sausages themselves, but from what kind of satellite they have on their plate.

Sausage has an indicator of 34 units, and sausages are only 6 points behind.

As a separate point, I would like to say a little about drinks.

Proponents of diets are ardent opponents of alcohol.

And yet there is one “BUT”, namely VI-NO.
It also contains slow carbohydrates, however, the glycemic index is not the lowest.

Another thing is tomato juice.

A natural drink made from ripe fruits contains only 15 GI units.

You can make a cocktail with tomato paste but make sure it's sugar-free.

And in conclusion - a ray of hope for the sweet tooth.

Being in conditions of a hard refusal of your favorite buns, waffles, cookies, sweets and other goodies, you can not harm your figure and pamper yourself at the same time.

To do this, you (naturally, within reasonable limits) should eat marmalade (GI = 30), fructose cream ice cream (GI = 35) or chocolate bar without sugar (GI=30).

As you can see, the numbers in brackets are very close to 40 units, which is already an average.

But dark chocolate with GI = 20 is just right! So be careful!!!

Videos dessert

A very informative video in which you will learn not only about the benefits and harms of complex carbohydrates, but also simple ones, and also learn what the glycemic index is.