Barley porridge recipe. Barley porridge: how to cook, benefits and harms

Barley is considered one of the oldest grain crops. It began to be cultivated more than ten thousand years ago. Our distant ancestors made beer, kvass and flatbread from it. But barley porridge was especially popular in those days. How to cook it hearty dish, you will learn from today's article.

This cereal contains a large number of complex carbohydrates that supply human body the necessary energy. Therefore, nutritionists advise eating barley porridge for breakfast. In addition, this product contains a lot of easily digestible healthy protein, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.

It should be noted that barley porridge, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in today’s article, is considered an excellent source of iron, manganese and zinc. It also contains a sufficient amount of lysine. Thanks to such a rich composition, this cereal and dishes prepared from it help strengthen immune system and improvement of mental activity. Plus, it helps strengthen and heal the walls of the stomach. It is believed that regular use this product allows you to normalize the work of cardio-vascular system and speed up metabolic processes.

Who is this cereal contraindicated for?

Like any other product, barley porridge, the benefits and harms of which are determined by unique composition, may cause an allergic reaction. Since it contains gluten, it should be excluded from the diet of those who suffer from individual intolerance to this substance.

People suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should also eat this porridge with caution. Do not forget that it is important to observe moderation in everything. Systematic abuse of this product can provoke the appearance of extra pounds.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker

Preparing this hearty and healthy dish will not require too much time or effort. Even an inexperienced housewife can easily cope with this task. In order for everything to work out as it should, you should go to the nearest store in advance and buy everything necessary products. IN in this case Your kitchen should have:

  • Four hundred and fifty grams of stew.
  • A couple of glasses of cereal.
  • One large carrot and one onion each.
  • Five glasses of filtered water.

To ensure that the barley porridge you prepare (you will learn how to cook it later) turns out aromatic and tasty, additionally stock up on high-quality vegetable oil, salt and spices.

Process description

Vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water and peeled. The onion is cut into not too thick half rings, the carrots are processed coarse grater. All this is sent into the multicooker bowl. The stew is also placed there and vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and fry in the “Baking” mode for five minutes.

After this time, add pre-washed cereal to the browned vegetables. All this is poured with filtered water, salted, seasoned with spices and covered with a lid. Barley porridge, the recipe for which is discussed just above, is prepared in the “Pilaf” mode. After about an hour, the device is switched to heating and wait another sixty minutes. After this time, the dish is laid out on plates and served to the table. This porridge is ideal for breakfast or lunch. It is especially good because it stores almost everything healthy vitamins and microelements.

Barley porridge with milk

Using this recipe, you can quickly and without much hassle prepare a delicious and nutritious breakfast for the whole family. Before approaching the stove, check the own kitchen. You must have at your disposal:

  • A couple of glasses of cereal.
  • Fresh chicken egg.
  • Five glasses of milk.
  • Four tablespoons of butter.
  • One hundred milliliters of sour cream.

In order for you to get healthy and satisfying barley porridge (we’ll tell you how to cook this dish now), you need to include table salt in the above list. Its quantity is calculated based on the personal preferences of the cook himself and his family.


Pre-sorted and washed cereals are soaked in a bowl with cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain it in a colander and place it under the tap again.

Milk is poured into the pan and sent to the stove. After it boils, add the prepared cereal, salt and a tablespoon of butter. Mix everything well and reduce the heat. After the barley porridge, the recipe for which is discussed in this publication, thickens, remove the pan from the stove.

Add sour cream and a raw egg. Mix everything well and transfer to a heat-resistant form. The neatly leveled top is sprinkled with pre-melted butter. After this, the form is sent to the oven and baked at one hundred and eighty degrees. After seven minutes, the finished dish is removed from the oven, seasoned with butter and served.

Sweet option

This recipe makes a very tasty barley porridge. You will learn how to cook it a little later, but for now you should figure out what is required for this. Your kitchen must have:

  • Two hundred and fifty grams of cereal.
  • A quarter teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • One hundred and twenty milliliters of milk.
  • A couple of teaspoons of brown sugar.

As additional ingredients crushed will be used walnuts, fruit and 30% cream.

Cooking technology

Pre-sorted and washed cereals are poured with three glasses of filtered water, placed on the stove and simmered over low heat for about forty minutes. After this time, excess liquid is drained from the pan.

Milk, sugar and cinnamon are added to the remaining thick mass. Mix everything well, put it in a frying pan and continue cooking. After about a quarter of an hour, the porridge is removed from the heat. It is laid out in beautiful plates, poured with cream, decorated with chopped nuts and pieces of fruit.

Barley is widely used not only as animal feed, but also in human nutrition. Porridge made from this grain has unique qualities, but, like any other product, it has contraindications. To understand whether barley is healthy or not, it is worth learning more about its properties and nutritional value for humans.

Composition and main properties

Barley is the name given to barley grain; to be more precise, this grain has already been processed and peeled. The plant has been known to mankind for many millennia. Previously, ground barley was used to prepare flour and bake bread and flatbreads. Today, such flour is often added to wheat flour when making bread in industrial scale, which does not spoil the taste of the product at all.

The grain produces pearl barley and pearl barley; the greens of the plant are used to produce silage and hay. In the fields you can find both spring and winter barley. In its own way nutritional value this product is much better than corn and even wheat. This is because its composition has a better amino acid balance. Of the twenty amino acids, five are essential for humans.

Barley contains a large amount of protein. For a long time this product has been considered indispensable for humans. Few people know that a coffee substitute is prepared from the bare grain composition, which is extremely useful for older people. This product contains such important components as:

  • amylase;
  • protease;
  • peroxidase.

Malt made from barley allows for faster fermentation and better maturation of the dough. This cereal contains essential vitamins B and E, as well as microelements - phosphorus, manganese, silicon, iodine, sulfur, selenium and others. Each of them is designed to favorably influence one of the body systems.

Calories and nutritional value

The amount of BJU in this product makes it valuable for athletes. There are 193 calories per hundred grams of cereal, including 175 calories from carbohydrates, 5.8 calories from fats and 12.6 calories from proteins.

Many cereals are rich in carbohydrates and barley is no exception. One serving provides up to 15% of the carbohydrates an adult needs to consume per day. This product is also distinguished by its high content of dietary fiber. This fiber is especially useful for people who watch their own weight. At the same time, this is the main reason why barley should not be consumed in large quantities by people suffering from stomach disease.

The value of the protein found in porridge depends on what type of barley is used. The product is also useful due to the content of vitamins such as D, A, C and K. The grain contains copper, but it is so rarely found in other food products. The body needs it because copper is responsible for bones, blood vessels and joints.

The cereal contains very little sodium and cholesterol, so it should be included in the diet of people with heart failure. The product is also useful for diabetics; cereal helps them regulate their sugar levels.

Benefits and harms

Barley porridge It is useful for the body when losing weight, and people have known about these properties for a long time and use them. Historians say that there are records in ancient chronicles that indicate an improvement in the general health of people who regularly ate barley. Mental activity becomes better, vigor appears, and strength is quickly replenished.

Barley and products made from it help intestinal function and remove toxins and waste from the body. Vitamin A is necessary for people with vision problems. For normal work nervous system Vitamin B is responsible. It restores hair and makes the skin more attractive. Vitamin E in barley helps oxygenate cells and prevents early aging.

Calcium is responsible for bone and cartilage tissue, magnesium and potassium help the circulatory system. This is not a complete list beneficial properties. This cereal is simply irreplaceable for those patients who have problems with thyroid gland, pituitary gland or adrenal glands.

Not only the grains themselves are useful, but also decoctions from cereals, which have several actions:

  • general strengthening;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Barley can be included in the diet of those who experience problems with the liver and kidneys. The decoction is given for colds, arthritis, and constipation. It is useful in the postoperative period.

The element selenium is extremely necessary for the skin; without it, it becomes less elastic and flabby. It helps to resist the negative effects of the environment. Barley itself is a rich source of phosphorus, which is essential for bones. In old age, it allows you to maintain mobility and fights osteoporosis.

Although pearl barley porridge is not a favorite dish for children, it is extremely necessary at this age, as it has a positive effect on the respiratory system. You should always offer fish with your dish, as together these two products reduce the risk of asthma.

Regular consumption of barley significantly reduces the risk of developing diabetes in the second stage. Porridge gives required amount calories and microelements, but does not affect weight, which is important for such patients. Cereals help the body quickly remove glucose and normalize the amount of insulin.

The positive effect on the circulatory system is due to the high content of acids in the product. According to studies, people who constantly eat barley are less likely to develop atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of their blood vessels.

There are fewer stones in the gallbladder and bladder in patients who love pearl barley porridge. This happens because under the influence of certain elements the amount of secretion secreted by the bladder is reduced.

Among other things, scientists have found that some types of oncology depend on the level of hormones in the human body. Lignans, which are sufficient in this product, act as the best prophylactic agent in the fight against the appearance of a malignant tumor. Despite this great amount advantages, pearl barley also has its disadvantages, like barley in general.

If you eat the product evenly, in accordance with the established menu, then there will be no negative consequences will not be. If you eat porridge constantly, your weight may increase, your intestines may suffer, that is, everything positive properties will turn negative. The product should not be consumed by those with individual intolerance, chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, or you need to strictly follow the diet.

Barley is strictly prohibited for people with celiac disease, a disease in which gluten is not completely broken down. It is bad to abuse any product, this also applies to the described grain.

Cooking rules

Barley porridge should definitely be on the table as a small variety. To make it tasty, it needs to be cooked correctly and it is better to cook it not on the stove, but in the oven or slow cooker.

Regardless of which cereal was chosen, the grains should be thoroughly washed before cooking. This can be done in a container under running water, constantly draining the water, or in a sieve. If there is no rush, then the barley is soaked for 12 hours in water, which will allow it to boil faster to a ready-made state.

For cooking There should always be twice as much liquid, since the grains absorb a lot of moisture. If you are preparing barley porridge and it is necessary for it to be viscous, then you should take four times more water. When you don't count calories, you can replace them plain water milk or meat broth. One of the main advantages of this product is that when heat treatment it does not lose its usefulness.


Crumbly barley or pearl barley porridge is prepared quickly in a slow cooker using either water or milk. If the dish is for a diet, then only water is used, which should only be slightly salted. When cooking on the stove, you will need a large saucepan with a lid. The cereal should first boil over high heat, then reduce it to a minimum and cover the pan with a lid. On average, the cooking time for pre-soaked grain is 30 minutes.

Barley porridge with milk cooks faster than barley. It is washed, poured with milk, put on fire and waited until it boils. Then reduce the gas to a minimum and cook until it becomes thick. You can do the same thing, but not on the stove, but in the oven in a clay pot. This porridge simmers longer, but it turns out especially tasty when a little butter is added to it, however, the calorie content of the product increases.

The easiest way to make tasty and healthy barley or pearl barley porridge is to use a slow cooker. Simply add the cereal in the required proportion, mix it with water, milk or broth and set it to the appropriate setting. The equipment will do the rest for the owner.

Features of use

You can eat barley in the form of porridge or decoctions, but you can’t have only this product on the table, because then its benefits are minimized.

The decoction will help get rid of a sore throat and promote the functioning of the nervous system. To prepare it, you will need a small handful of grain, which must be soaked in water for five hours. Then the liquid is changed, and the grains are simmered over low heat for half an hour. Drink the product before meals, two tablespoons, cooled.

For information on how to prepare barley porridge with milk, see below.

How to cook barley porridge

Products for porridge
Barley - 1 cup
Water - 2.5 cups
Butter - cube 3 centimeters
Salt - to taste

How to cook barley porridge
Pour barley groats onto a wide plate and sort through, removing pebbles and plant debris.
Place the barley in a sieve and rinse thoroughly under cold water.
Pour into the pan cold water, add the cereal and place the saucepan over medium heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat, add salt and oil, stir. Cook for 35 minutes, then turn off the heat and wrap the pan with porridge in a blanket to evaporate. Infuse the porridge for 30 minutes.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker
Place the washed barley into a multicooker pan, add water, add salt and butter. Close the multicooker with a lid.
Set the multicooker to the “Buckwheat” mode and cook the barley porridge for 30 minutes.

Facts about barley

Barley is an ancient product that people learned to cook back in the 8th century BC. Both beer and bread have been made from barley for a long time. Barley is often confused with pearl barley, since pearl barley is barley, only processed, hulled and polished.

Barley is very good for health; it was not for nothing that in Ancient Rome gladiators were called “barley-eaters.” Barley promotes a rapid increase in muscle mass, cleansing the body, balancing intestinal processes, and normal bone growth. For colds, barley will help treat coughs, relieve hangovers and relieve tachycardia in stressful situations.

When cooked, barley groats increase in size by 3 times.

Instead of water, when cooking barley porridge, you can use chicken or meat broth, or milk.

Seasonings for unsweetened barley porridge - pepper, turmeric.

Barley groats must be stored in a cool, dark place; shelf life is 1 year.

The calorie content of barley is 354 kcal/100 grams. Barley is considered a high-calorie product.

How to cook barley porridge step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand. step by step process preparations.

Barley groats are one of the most useful. It contains almost all B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C and D. At the same time, the cereal cooks quickly, and tastes well combined not only with honey and milk, but also with berries and nuts.

Therefore, milk dishes from the egg are one of the most healthy breakfasts. To prepare it correctly, just follow the recipe.

Classic recipe

This dish can be fed to a child going to school. Then he will be strong and energetic throughout the school day.

Required ingredients:

  • Barley grits - 1 cup;
  • Raw or pasteurized milk - 2 cups;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Butter and salt - to taste.

Cooking time is 35-40 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g is 100-110 kcal.

Cooking correctly:

After the porridge is cooked, wrap the pan with it in a warm towel and leave it for another 10-15 minutes. Before serving, add oil to the dish.

How to cook barley porridge with milk and pumpkin

Sweet and aromatic milk porridge with pumpkin is not only a dish of the day, but also unusual dessert on festive table during a family dinner.


Cooking time is 30-35 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g is 120-135 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. The prepared cereal must be poured into a special clay pot or similar heat-resistant dishes, then fill with water and place the pot in an oven preheated at 175 degrees;
  2. You need to cook the porridge in the oven until all the water has boiled out of it;
  3. During this time, the pumpkins should be peeled and seeds removed, and then cut into small cubes or strips;
  4. Milk is poured into a pot of porridge, salted, sugared and pieces of pumpkin placed on top. After which the dish is put into the oven for another 15 minutes, where a low or high flame is maintained throughout this time.

The finished porridge is transferred to a plate and poured with butter and liquid honey before serving.

Recipe for milk barley porridge with fruits

Sweet milk barley porridge with pieces of fruit - an ideal solution for those who have an active day or exhausting workout ahead.

What ingredients are needed:

  • Barley grits - 1 cup;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Apples - 2-3 pcs;
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Finely crushed walnuts- a third of a glass;
  • Salt, sugar and cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking time is 40-45 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g - 135 kcal.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the porridge in water. To do this, pour clean cereal with water and put on high heat, then bring to a boil, reduce the flame and cook for another 20 minutes, covered, over low heat;
  2. Wash the apples, peel and core them, cut into small cubes;
  3. Melt in a frying pan butter and fry the apples in it, season the fruits with sugar, cinnamon and nuts, then fry for another 2-3 minutes;
  4. Pour warm milk into the porridge, add salt and simmer for another 10 minutes, then add apples and nuts in butter, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 15 minutes.

Before serving, place the porridge into portioned plates and garnish with a mint leaf or currant if desired.

How to cook milk porridge from a cell in a multicooker for a child

Cooking on open gas can lead to burning of the porridge, while in a multicooker this can easily be avoided. In addition, egg cooked in a slow cooker turns out more fluffy and rich in flavor.

What you will need:

  • Barley grits - half a multi-cup;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Milk - 200 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l (or less);
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Raisins or dried apricots - optional.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g – 110 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Pour a clean, washed egg, butter, salt and sugar into a multicooker bowl;
  2. Pour milk and water into the bowl. Mix everything. If you wish, at the same stage you can add clean dried fruits pre-soaked in water to the porridge;
  3. We set the required program on the multicooker. It could be "Milk porridge" or "Porridge". The “Stew” mode is also good for cooking breakfasts. Depending on the device, set the required cooking time. Usually it is 35 minutes;
  4. Close the lid and wait until everything is ready.

The multicooker will signal that the program has finished working. After which the porridge can be eaten immediately. If suddenly it is not completely cooked yet, then it is better to simply close the multicooker and let the porridge simmer for 15 minutes.

Knowing several subtleties of preparing this cereal, you can cook not only tasty, but the most healthy barley porridge with milk:

  1. Before cooking, the cell must be sorted, even if it was not bought by weight, but in special branded packaging. Because small stones and cake residues can be missed during any production;
  2. It is most convenient to wash the cell in a fine sieve;
  3. At proper cooking clean cereal should be poured with cold water, put on high heat, boil, reduce the flame to low and simmer the porridge under the lid for about 20 minutes. After which the cell must be allowed to rest. To do this, place the pan with porridge for another 15-20 minutes in a preheated and turned off oven or wrap it in a towel;
  4. To make the porridge viscous, it must be boiled in water or milk in a ratio of 1 cup of cereal to 4 cups of liquid. To make the side dish crumbly, you need to take 2.5 cups of water for this amount of water;
  5. You can use any cow's milk for porridge, but it must be fresh. Best of all, whole. However, if desired, it can be replaced with pasteurized or even reconstituted;
  6. Like any cereal, yachka also loves oil and it makes it tastier. It is best to add butter to portion plates just before serving. Oil can be any kind, both butter and vegetable;
  7. If dried fruits are added to the porridge, then the amount of sugar and honey is reduced, since dried fruits will give the dish additional sweetness. Dried fruits are pre-soaked and washed;
  8. This porridge does not need to be prepared in excess. If prepared in advance, it may become watery or sour, even if stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, freshly prepared food is always better.

Barley porridge with milk is high in calories. But complex carbohydrates, contained in the cell, disintegrate for a long time and provide a feeling of fullness for the whole day. Therefore, this dish is considered one of the most healthy dietary breakfasts.

I personally barley porridge I couldn't stand it since childhood. Well, it was easier when I was a child - I completely refused to eat it. But when I became an adult and had children, I realized that it was simply necessary for children and women to eat porridge made from this cereal. Barley groats have a lot of benefits for a growing body. But this porridge is especially useful for women to eat. Firstly, it helps remove toxins from the body. Secondly, barley porridge improves skin elasticity and strengthens muscle tissue, tightening it. Yes, and it's low-calorie.

And in view of all this information, I decided to sometimes include barley porridge in the family menu. I’ll say right away that the first attempts to cook it ended in complete failure and a trip not to the table, but to the trash can. But I didn’t stop and continued to experiment.

Today I don’t want to say that barley porridge is one of my favorites. But I found a recipe that suits my capricious taste. I cook it with milk and always add berry mousse to it. I use fresh berries in summer and frozen in winter.

Try making barley porridge according to my recipe. Maybe you'll like it too.

Cooking steps:


Barley (3-4 heaped tablespoons), milk (0.5 liters), salt (0.5 teaspoons), sugar (1 level tablespoon), butter (50 grams); for berry slurry: currants, parichka, strawberries, cherries, apricots

All parents should know the recipe for barley porridge with milk. After all, such a dish is very healthy for young children. It contains many vitamins, fiber and microelements.

With milk, the recipe for which we will consider later, is excellent dish for those who want to quickly increase their muscle mass. This fact is due to the fact that it contains a lot of protein.

Among other things, regular consumption of the mentioned porridge promotes the production of collagen, which subsequently significantly improves the condition of the skin, making it smooth, clean and elastic.

Barley porridge with milk: step-by-step recipe

There are many ways to prepare this dish. It can be made with water or milk, as well as with the addition of various ingredients that improve taste qualities porridge. Let's consider classic version her preparations

So, the recipe for barley porridge with milk requires the use of:

Cooking process

The presented recipe for barley porridge with milk is good for instant cooking children's breakfast. Fresh and not very fresh are poured into a small saucepan full fat milk and then add some drinking water. Place the resulting mixture over medium heat and bring to a boil. After this, carefully pour into the dishes and also a little table salt(taste).

Barley porridge with milk, the recipe for which requires the use of a regular kitchen stove, is cooked over very low heat for half an hour. At the same time, it is recommended to stir it regularly with a large spoon so that it does not burn to the bottom of the pan.

5 minutes before preparing the dish, add granulated sugar (to taste). In this case, the porridge should thicken well, and the barley grains should swell as much as possible.

Serving a dairy dish for breakfast

Now you know the classic one with milk. After the cereal swells and the porridge is completely cooked, you need to add a small piece of butter to it and mix thoroughly. Then the pan with the dish must be tightly closed with a lid and left in this state for several minutes. After this, the porridge should be distributed onto plates and presented to the table. In addition to breakfast, you can make a delicious and satisfying sandwich. To do this, per slice white bread You need to spread the soft one and put a thin piece of hard cheese on top.

Step-by-step recipe for barley porridge with milk in the Polaris multicooker

We talked above about how to quickly and deliciously cook barley porridge on the stove. However, most modern housewives prefer to make such a dish using a slow cooker. The process of preparing porridge in this device is greatly simplified. After all, you no longer need to regularly stir the contents of the container so that it does not suddenly burn. You just need to put all the products in the bowl and select the desired program.

So, the recipe for barley porridge with milk in a slow cooker requires the use of:

  • fresh milk of medium fat content - about 250 ml;
  • barley groats- approximately 60 g;
  • white sugar - use to taste;
  • drinking water - about 55 ml;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • table salt - to taste
  • large black raisins - optional.

Cooking method

Cooking barley porridge using a slow cooker takes a little time. At the same time, the cook does not need to be in the kitchen. After all, his task is to lay everything out necessary ingredients into the container and set the correct mode.

So, to make it tasty, you should alternately pour medium-fat milk and drinking water. After this, you need to add cereal and white sugar to the products. It is recommended to add spices to taste.

In this composition, the ingredients should be closed and the “Milk porridge” program should be set. There is no need to set a timer. When you select the desired mode, it will set itself. As a rule, it takes half an hour to prepare.

Final stage

Bye dairy dish When ready, you can start processing large black raisins. It should be sorted out (remove all debris), rinsed thoroughly and scalded with boiling water. Swollen dried fruits must be thoroughly rinsed again and shaken vigorously in a colander.

After the Milk Porridge program completes preparing the dish, add a piece of butter and previously processed dried fruits. After thoroughly mixing the products, it is recommended to leave them on the heat for another 3-5 minutes. During this time, the butter will melt, making the dish even more tasty and nutritious.

Serve for breakfast

As you can see, the recipe for barley porridge with milk in a slow cooker does not require the use of special ingredients. After the dish is ready, it must be placed on a plate and served immediately for breakfast. Additionally, the porridge can be flavored with a spoonful of fresh honey, jam or jam. But in this case, it is recommended to add a little less granulated sugar to the dish.

As mentioned above, barley porridge can be made in different ways. To obtain a richer taste and aroma, ingredients such as fresh pumpkin, various dried fruits, nuts, berries and fruits.

Porridge is an essential nutritional element healthy person. The most popular are milk porridges made from coarse grains. These include barley.

Preparation progress

1. Before you start preparing this dish, you need to prepare barley groats. It is washed well 3-4 times. The cooking process can be reduced to 15 minutes if you pre-soak the cereal for 3 hours.

2. Pour water into a pre-prepared container in which the dish will be cooked and bring to a boil. To prepare porridges, including barley, it is better to choose dishes with a thick bottom. A cast iron cauldron is ideal for these purposes. When the water boils, add barley, sugar and salt to taste. But don't forget what sweeter dish, the higher its calorie content.

3. When the mixture begins to thicken (7-10 minutes), add milk to it. It is advisable to heat it or bring it to a boil and pour it in hot. You can cook this porridge on cow's or goat milk. Also used powdered milk, previously diluted with water.

4. Don't forget to stir the porridge. Cooking time is 10 minutes. It is recommended to cook on low heat.

5. Add butter, stir, turn off the heat. Leave it covered for 10 minutes. Having spent time, the porridge will become tastier and more aromatic.

Video recipe

This porridge is easily digestible and does not cause allergies. In addition, barley porridge with milk is a quick, easy to prepare and inexpensive recipe. But first of all, it is nutritious and healthy dish, a source of colossal energy. Barley groats contain many vitamins (groups A, E, D), proteins, fiber, and various enzymes. It also contains calcium, iron, manganese. Porridge is very useful for children and the elderly, as it has a beneficial effect on microflora digestive system, removes toxins, helps improve the general condition of the body.

Dried fruits are added if desired. Sugar in the recipe can be replaced with natural honey. At the same time, add honey to the already ready dish when it has cooled slightly. When honey interacts with high temperatures, it loses its useful qualities. Porridge prepared according to this recipe turns out to be tender and viscous. It is better to eat it hot, as it is considered the most beneficial for the stomach. Also try to cook it quickly and tasty.

Barley porridge with milk goes well with fruits (peaches, bananas), berries (raspberries, strawberries) and sweet pastries(buns, cookies). For little sweet tooths, you can add a little jam, jam, condensed milk. In this case, calorie content increases noticeably.

You need to know that barley has one drawback - it contains gluten. For this reason, it is not recommended for children under one year of age to cook it.

Barley porridge: recipe

What are the benefits of barley, and everything about proper cooking of barley groats

Despite the fact that barley is the raw material for both barley and pearl barley, the first one is much more useful. Barley groats are crushed and peeled barley kernels, making it easier to digest and better absorbed. It is a source of silicon, iodine, zinc, iron and B vitamins, as well as large quantity fiber. To preserve all these elements, it is enough to boil the cereal, following some rules.

Barley porridge is indicated for problems with the heart, as it contains the substance lysine, which promotes the formation of carnitine, which supports the health of the cardiovascular system.

Before preparing barley groats, it is advisable to sort them out first, as they may contain debris, spoiled grains, and grain husks. After this, the barley must be thoroughly rinsed, changing the water several times, and only then begin cooking.

It’s easier and faster to cook porridge from barley, already packaged in portioned bags. In addition to the fact that such cereals are initially cleared of all impurities, they require less time-consuming processing. The only drawback of this product is the fairly high price compared to barley by weight.

How to cook delicious barley porridge

To prepare delicious barley porridge you will need:

100 g cereal; - 200 g of water; - salt and sugar - to taste. - milk or cream - to taste.

The washed cereal must be poured hot water and leave overnight. In the morning it will increase slightly in size, absorbing water and becoming softer, after which it will be necessary to add more water to the pan and let the porridge cook. The volume of water should be approximately twice the volume of the cereal, since it will swell further during cooking.

It will take at least an hour to prepare the porridge; if during this time the water has evaporated and the cereal does not reach the desired degree of softness, water will need to be added. During the process, the porridge should be stirred and salted several times. After removing from the heat, you can add butter and sugar to the porridge to taste, a little milk or cream if it is not served as a side dish for meat.

In the latter case, porridge can be cooked not only in water, but also in meat broth. Sweet barley porridge is not cooked in milk right away, since the milk will evaporate much faster than the cereal will boil. Moreover, in the water this process happens best, and milk further increases the cooking time.