Barley recipe for garnish in a slow cooker. Video of cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker

Barley porridge does not have a very good reputation among our hostesses. And this is no accident. The fact is that anyone who has been in the hospital at least once remembers the unsympathetic gray sticky mass that they give out instead of barley porridge. And men, too, with considerable disgust, recall the daily barley porridge that they ate in the army. But the point is not at all in barley porridge, but in cooks who do not know how to cook it. The value of barley porridge is evidenced by the very fact that it is widely used both in the army and in hospitals. And even this greyish-looking porridge can also be deliciously cooked, especially if you flavor it with butter and add nuts to it. Now we will tell you how to cook delicious barley porridge in a slow cooker. Barley porridge cooked in the KAMBROOK multicooker in the “Porridge” mode turns out to be soft, but at the same time crumbly and not sticky. From the indicated amount of ingredients, 8 servings of barley porridge with peanuts are obtained.

Taste Info Second: cereals


  • Pearl barley - 1 cup
  • Drinking water - 2 glasses
  • Butter - 50g
  • Peanuts (dried nuts, peeled) - 100g
  • Salt - to taste

How to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker with nuts

Rinse the pearl barley and put it in the multicooker bowl.

Fill the cereal with water, put the butter.

Salt to your liking.

Close the multicooker, turn the lever on the lid to lock it. In the menu, select the "Porridge" mode. Press the "Start" button. In principle, the KAMBROOK multicooker allows you to choose the cooking time for porridge. But in this case, since the multicooker works under pressure, the time set in the default "Porridge" mode is enough to cook delicious barley porridge. It's twenty five minutes. Calmly go about your business, the multicooker will do everything for you. When you hear a beep about the end of cooking, wait until the pressure drops to atmospheric, then open the multicooker.

Just mix the porridge and add the washed, dried, peeled peanuts. If you have peanuts that are not dried and in skins, just first pour them into a dry frying pan, fry until the skins on the nuts begin to crack, then cool and peel the nuts from the skins.

Stir barley porridge with nuts, close the multicooker lid again. Let the porridge stand for fifteen minutes, after which it will be possible to serve ready-made delicious barley porridge with peanuts on the table. Porridge turns out to be very satisfying due to the presence of nuts. What benefits will it bring to your health? Eat for health!

Instead of nuts in barley porridge in a slow cooker, you can add chopped dried apricots, peach, raspberries or strawberries.

Pearl barley is incredibly tasty and very healthy. Many housewives underestimate this type of cereal, preferring to cook dishes from other products. The reason is simple - pearl barley is cooked for a long time. However, there are little secrets on how to cook barley in water without soaking quickly and with health benefits. We will talk about this in our article.

What is the use of barley?

First, let's say a few words about the benefits of this product.

Barley groats are barley grains processed in a special way. She cooks for a long time. Undercooked pearl barley is rather tough and tasteless.

Barley is a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. The bonus is that it is very nutritious, but you can’t call it high-calorie product. Many girls know that it is more than real to lose weight on pearl barley, without feeling hungry.

Pearl barley helps to improve health, namely:

  1. cleanses the body of toxic substances;
  2. does not cause allergies;
  3. improves the elasticity of blood vessels;
  4. prevents weight gain;
  5. normalizes work nervous system, relieves stress.

In addition, barley is useful to eat with colds, as it helps to boost immunity.

How to cook pearl barley?

Before you get an answer to this question, you should know two very important points: how long to cook barley on water and what are the proportions of water and cereals. You should also understand how thick the porridge you want to end up with. So, friable barley porridge is obtained if cereals and water are taken in a ratio of 1: 2. More thick porridge it will turn out if the cereals are taken equally with water.

Barley is cooked on average from 1.5 to 2 hours. Fresh grains cook faster. As soon as barley becomes soft - turn off the heat, add butter to the dish and leave to languish under the lid.

Cook barley without soaking

Below we will tell you step by step recipe barley on water without soaking. So:

  1. carefully sort out the cereal and rinse in running water until the water is transparent;
  2. pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil;
  3. pour our cereal into a container with water;
  4. bring water to a boil, drain it and pour new water;
  5. after boiling water, reduce the fire and continue to cook barley under the lid for an hour;
  6. drain excess water, add oil to the porridge and leave to stand for 5-7 minutes.

As we can see, barley cooking without soaking is quite simple if you know a few secrets. The main thing in this matter is the proportions and cooking time.

pearl is useful product for the whole family, if cooked correctly, it is very tasty

Barley without soaking in a slow cooker

Barley can be cooked quickly and tasty using a slow cooker. We will need:

  1. pearl barley - 2 cups;
  2. water - 4 glasses;
  3. butter, salt to taste.

The secret to making friable barley in a slow cooker depends on the mode we have chosen. Pour our cereal into the bowl of the multicooker, fill it with water and salt to taste. Next, set the mode "Porridge" or "Buckwheat" and wait for cooking.

Barley without soaking in the microwave

There is another simple recipe how to cook crumbly barley on the water using microwave oven. To do this, we thoroughly wash the cereal, transfer it to a container for the oven, fill it with water in a ratio of 2: 1 (1-water, 1-croup) and put it in the microwave for 15 minutes. We select the maximum power.

After the time has elapsed, leave the porridge to sweat under the lid for a few more minutes. Before serving, add spices, oil and salt to taste to the porridge and enjoy the meal.

Barley recipes

Pearl barley goes well with both meat and vegetables. It is suitable for garnishing and for preparing other dishes. Below we will look at some simple and delicious barley recipes.

Recipe #1

From pearl barley you can cook an excellent pilaf. To do this, take the following ingredients:

  1. pearl barley - 400g;
  2. bacon - 400 g;
  3. bulb - 1 pc.;
  4. carrots - 1 pc.;
  5. butter - 200 g;
  6. tomato paste- 2 tablespoons

To begin with, cook the meat until tender, do not pour out the broth. After that, fry the bacon in a pan without oil, add tomato paste to it (you can use chopped tomatoes), spices. We add broth. We put barley pre-cooked until half cooked in the broth, cover the pan with a lid and cook the cereal until cooked. There should not be much water - it should cover the barley by 1-2 cm. Next, put our barley in the oven for 40 minutes.

Recipe #2

From pearl barley you can cook very delicious pickle. For this we need the following products:

  1. beef meat - 350 g;
  2. barley - 50 g;
  3. potatoes - 200 g;
  4. pickles - 150 g;
  5. onion, carrot - 1 pc.;
  6. bay leaf, salt, spices.

So, we wash the cereal, cook it until half cooked. Boil the meat until cooked, then cool it and cut into pieces. Put the barley in the remaining broth and cook for 20 minutes. Next, add chopped potatoes, onions, carrots, meat, pickles, a little cucumber pickle. Bring the soup to a boil, add spices and let stand for 10 minutes. Before serving, you can add sour cream and fresh herbs.

Recipe #3

There is one simple quick recipe preparation of barley porridge. We take:

  1. pearl barley - 1 glass;
  2. milk - 500 ml;
  3. butter - 20 g;
  4. sugar, salt to taste.

We wash the barley, pour it with milk and put it on a small fire. Bring to a boil, add salt, sugar, butter to the porridge and cook further under a closed lid over low heat. Cooking time - 1.5 hours. Then remove the pan from the stove and let the porridge cool down.

As we can see, there are a lot of recipes for how to cook barley on water without soaking. The most important thing is to know in what ratio to cook barley with water. To obtain a crumbly and tasty porridge, the proportions must be clearly observed, water should be added 2-3 times more. In what water to cook pearl barley does not matter - the grits must first be thoroughly washed.

Barley is not only an "army dish". Learn to cook this cereal without soaking quickly and tasty, and it will certainly become your favorite side dish.

Barley porridge is simply indispensable for those who need nutrients in the diet at minimal cost. It is not for nothing that soldiers have been fed this cereal since the time of the great Roman Empire. Now it is eaten with great pleasure throughout Asia and Europe, but not everyone knows how to cook barley on water so that all family members eat it with pleasure. Learn about the intricacies of cooking barley porridge and save best recipes her preparation.

Subtleties of cooking

Any housewife can cook barley deliciously if she knows about some of the nuances. Most of the time, cereals are prepared without the participation of a cook, but to make it tasty, consider some features:

  • Use right amount grains. If needed gruel from pearl barley, then its ratio with water should be 1: 4. For a crumbly consistency, take the proportions of water 2.5 to 1.
  • Soak before cooking. Without soaking in water, the grains are hard and do not boil soft. Leave them overnight, filling a glass of cereal with 1 liter of water.
  • Cook pearl barley porridge in the oven or on the stove. This is the only cereal that cannot be cooked in the microwave. But when cooking in a water bath or in a slow cooker, the cereal turns out to be perfectly crumbly.
  • Leave the porridge to "languish". When ready, put the pot closed with a lid in a warm place. How longer croup will reproach, the tastier it will be.
  • Observe the cooking time. By classic recipe the cooking time of barley porridge is 6 hours. But modern women do not have so much free time, so they are increasingly looking for a shorter way of cooking. If the cereal was soaked in advance, then it is enough to cook it for 45 minutes until cooked.

The proportions of cereals and water

The proportions of the components must be taken into account if you want to get a good result. Therefore, if you do not know how much water you need per glass of grains, think about the consistency of porridge that you would like to get. If you cook the classic crumbly barley for a side dish, then the ratio of nucleoli to water should be 1:2.5. For a viscous consistency of the dish, up to 1 liter of water is taken for 1 glass of grain.

How long does it take to cook barley

As already mentioned, in order to properly prepare barley on water, it will take from 40 to 100 minutes. It will not be possible to specify the cooking time more specifically, since it depends on several factors:

  1. In what water to soak, warm or cold.
  2. Type of saucepan.
  3. Grain size.
  4. Barley type.
  5. Cooking method.

In addition, the age of the grains affects the cooking speed, because when long-term storage more time for heat treatment. According to experienced cooks, in order for the cereal to cook faster, you need to wait until it boils, then drain the water, fill the pan again with liquid and cook over medium heat until cooked.

How to cook barley deliciously - a classic recipe

The raw material for barley is barley, which is polished several times until the top layer is removed. Thanks to such polishing, the cereal retains its original shape and its beneficial properties: collagen, a lot of fiber, zinc, selenium, vitamins B. A dish of processed barley is considered a source of beauty and youth, as it contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the body.

So, to get the perfect porridge according to the classic recipe, you will need:

  1. Soak 1 cup of grains in 2 liters of hot water for several hours.
  2. Pour the swollen grains with 1 liter cold water, bring to a boil.
  3. Boil them for 5 minutes, then cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat, cook for another half hour.
  4. When the cereal becomes soft and the water evaporates completely, add 50 g butter into a saucepan, a little salt, stir, turn off the heat and let it simmer in a saucepan with a closed lid.

If cooked incorrectly, the nucleoli harden. This is because the protein-rich filling of the kernel, like the fruits of legumes, coagulates. To prevent this from happening, boil the cereal in water over low heat.

Cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker

Few people know how to cook barley porridge on water in a slow cooker, because kitchen progress has entered our lives not so long ago. The popularity of intelligent pans is understandable - the dish is prepared with little or no human intervention. It will not be difficult for a fashionable Redmond or other brand unit to cook delicious friable barley on the water.

You will need:

  • 2 cups of cereals;
  • 4.5 art. water;
  • 50 g melted butter;
  • 1 tsp salt.


  1. Rinse grains with water.
  2. Place all of the above ingredients into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Close the unit with a lid, set the program "Rice" or "Buckwheat" (1 hour).
  4. After completion, you need the moisture to evaporate, for this, hold the barley in a slow cooker with the lid open.

For those who do not consider how many calories are boiled barley in water, you should try porridge cooked in milk. For a slow cooker, use products in a 3: 1 ratio (milk, cereals). The initial calorie content of porridge will, of course, be higher (125 kcal per 100 grams), but you will enjoy an amazing dish that you will not be able to refuse later.

Barley recipe on water without soaking

Some experts argue that during the soaking process, pearl barley loses some of its useful properties. Because healthy eating is gaining strength every year, we offer a recipe for barley porridge, which is prepared without pre-soaking. She cooks in the oven.

You will need:

  • 230 g pearl barley;
  • 750 ml of water;
  • 40 g grows. oils;
  • salt, fructose.


  1. Soak the washed nucleoli with boiling water, leave for 1 hour.
  2. Drain the cooled water, fill the barley with cold water.
  3. Boil the porridge for 1 hour, then add the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the barley for 40 minutes.
  5. After the time has elapsed, turn off the fire in the oven, and leave the porridge to simmer for another 20-30 minutes.

When cooking, keep in mind that the volume of grains increases up to 5 times. Determine the readiness of the dish by appearance: the cereal should be soft, swollen, but not mushy. If you eat a dish hot, then it will be better absorbed by the body.

How to cook barley on the water, you learned. There are many more delicious recipes out there. pearl barley, which is boiled with meat, mushrooms, dried fruits. A properly prepared dish, regardless of the added ingredients, is sure to please all households.

Use barley kernels for breakfast, as a lunch garnish for fish or meat, eat with fresh or baked vegetables and herbs. By making water grains part of your diet, you will soon realize how beneficial they are for health.

It is rather difficult to call ordinary barley porridge original, bright, gourmet dish. Despite this, there are many recipes that will help you turn ordinary cereals into real ones. cooking masterpiece. In my own way chemical composition, unique properties pearl barley is ahead of all its existing competitors. To make pearl barley porridge not only healthy, but also juicy, tasty, crumbly, it is important to follow some tips and recommendations. You can cook soft kush in a special kitchen appliance, namely in a slow cooker, which greatly facilitates the direct cooking process.

Barley is an extremely useful and valuable cereal containing important amino acids (lysine). They are responsible for the production of collagen, saturation of the human body with energy and vigor. Barley helps reduce the risk of developing allergies, normalize metabolism, and improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, it contains vitamins E, B, A, calcium and potassium, iodine, an incredibly large amount of phosphorus. As for calories, a serving of barley contains about 145 kcal.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker is prepared quite simply. For this you need to use the suggested step by step recipe. Everything is detailed in it, so there should not be any difficulties.


To prepare barley porridge in a slow cooker, you will need food such as:


1. First of all, prepare the cereal, it must be measured and poured with cool water for ten hours. When you drain the water, the grains will swell, and the cooking time will be almost halved, which is in the hands of any hostess.

2. The grits must be thrown into a fine sieve to be rinsed with running water, this is very important. Don't skip this step!

3. Take half the butter, grease the multicooker container. It must be connected to a power outlet.

4. Pearl barley must be poured into a prepared container. Then you can pour a certain amount of water.

5. At the same stage, the future dish should be slightly salted.

6. Close the lid of the kitchen appliance and set the special cooking mode. In this case, it is best to select the "Pilaf" or "Rice" mode. The duration of cooking is forty minutes. If the cereal has not been soaked in water in advance, it will take one hour and twenty minutes.

7. When you hear a beep, the porridge is ready. Leave it to sweat under the lid for another ten minutes. Before serving, do not forget to add a little butter. So it will become more fragrant, satisfying and rich.

Video recipe

As you can see, the technology and cooking process is very simple, so any novice cook who has a slow cooker can handle it.

Beneficial features

Despite the low popularity among consumers, barley porridge has always been and remains the most useful, valuable, unique. If you regularly eat this porridge, you can completely cleanse the body of toxins, fats and harmful substances. With its help, you can normalize and improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is no secret that barley porridge is a rich and generous source of vigor, health, strength and energy reserves. A significant advantage of the dish is that it can be eaten for weight loss. This is one of the most effective, efficient diet meals, with which you can lose five kilograms in 5 days!

Of particular benefit is observed for children and schoolchildren, as porridge gives them everything they need for full development and growth. That is why in without fail it should be introduced into the children's diet. Regular and proper consumption of barley porridge is the key to strong immunity, powerful health, and the rapid eradication of colds and infections.

Thanks to a large number phosphorus contained in pearl barley significantly improves the functioning of the endocrine system, which is important when diabetes. It is important to note that this is a daily delicacy for all athletes, because with its help the speed of muscle growth increases. In addition, it is useful to eat it in case of inflammation of the digestive tract, as well as in the period after surgery. It will help you quickly recuperate and get in shape.

Thanks to barley porridge, you can not only gain strength and energy, but also lose weight, improve your own well-being.

Pearl barley recipes

barley porridge in a slow cooker

1 hour 10 minutes

110 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Barley porridge is undeservedly forgotten today, housewives rarely serve it on the table. The main reason is that the cereal is cooked for a long time, it must first be soaked. But modern kitchen appliances quite capable of dealing with such problems. And barley has much more useful components than other cereals - it contains vitamins A, E, PP, D, phosphorus, potassium, fiber and many other necessary human body substances. Barley porridge is a lifeline for diabetics and tasty way lose weight - with all the rich content of vitamins and trace elements, pearl barley is low-calorie. You need not be too lazy and cook porridge once - then it will become clear that there is nothing complicated. Especially if you use recipe for barley porridge without soaking in a slow cooker . And there are a lot of such recipes, because pearl barley can be combined with various products. especially tender in a slow cooker, barley milk porridge is obtained.

How to cook barley porridge on water in a slow cooker

Kitchen appliances: multicooker.


If the cereal was previously soaked, you can take half a glass less water.

Cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker

Video of cooking barley porridge in a slow cooker

You can see in detail how to cook porridge on water in a slow cooker in this video.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker

Barley porridge in a slow cooker. Now we will show you how to cook barley in a slow cooker.

We wash a glass of pearl barley. Put in a bowl and add two and a half glasses of water, add a pinch of salt.

We set the multicooker to the "Porridge" mode for 40-45 minutes and turn on the temperature maintenance mode. Close the lid, turn it on. After the program is over, keep the barley in the slow cooker under the closed lid for 15 minutes.

Barley porridge in a slow cooker is ready! Bon Appetit!


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Barley porridge recipe with milk in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 3 hours 10 minutes
  • Servings: 4.
  • Kitchen appliances: multicooker.


Preparation of milk barley porridge

  1. We put the washed cereal in the bowl of the multicooker. If possible, you can pre-soak the cereal for at least 2 hours, or you can all night.
  2. Pour milk and water, salt, add sugar. Let's use the "buckwheat" mode.
  3. At the end of the mode, add oil, mix and activate the “Baking” mode for 2 hours.
  4. Let's hold it for 15 minutes on the heating mode.

Barley porridge recipe with meat or stew in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 50 minutes
  • Servings: 12.
  • Kitchen appliances: multicooker.


You can take any meat you like. Both with beef and with chicken barley porridge in a slow cooker comes out fragrant and incredibly tasty. You can take ready-made stew, then you should simply exclude point 1 from the recipe, and lay the stew along with the cereal.

Cooking barley with meat or stew

  1. We cut the meat into cubes and, adding a little oil, send it to the slow cooker. It is required to set the "frying" mode - 15 minutes is enough.
  2. We chop onions and carrots. At the end of the regime, we lay the vegetables for the meat and set the “frying” mode again, this time 10 minutes is enough.
  3. Now it's the turn to lay the cereal - pour it into the bowl, add spices and pour hot water. Activate the "baking" mode. The cooking time is 50 minutes.
  4. As soon as the time is up, open the slow cooker, mix the porridge and leave it in the heating mode for another 10 minutes.

Video of cooking barley with meat in a slow cooker

Another video tutorial on cooking barley porridge with meat using a slow cooker, this time with tomato.

Barley porridge with meat in a slow cooker - delicious pearl barley! - Recipe

Hello everyone, today I will tell and show all the secrets of cooking delicious porridge from pearl barley, meat and vegetables. Try it, you definitely won't regret it!
So, we collect the ingredients in the multicooker bowl:
Oil (I have sunflower - a couple of tablespoons)
Meat (I have beef - washed, cut into pieces)
Pearl barley (I have about 500 gr)
Chopped vegetables (I have carrots and onions, in pieces. Carrots can be grated)
Garlic (washed, unpeeled, 1/2 large head or whole small head)
Tomato (ketchup, tomato paste, passata - whatever).
Total liquid volume 1:4 (one part cereal, 4 parts liquid including tomato)
Salt, pepper to taste

Mode - quenching.
The total quenching time is 2 hours.
If the multicooker takes into account all the time, including heating the water (for example, Panasonic) - set it safely for 2 hours.
If the slow cooker takes into account only the time of cooking, boiling (for example, Polaris) - set it to 1.5 hours.

If you have any questions - please ask.

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Ideas for breakfasts, lunches and dinners from life - under the heading "Live to eat"


Recipe for barley porridge with mushrooms in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours
  • Servings: 8.
  • Kitchen appliances: multicooker.


Mushrooms can be taken any.

Barley porridge with mushrooms

  1. We wash the groats and pour boiling water over them. Wash again after an hour.

  2. Finely chop the onion, chop the mushrooms.

  3. Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, lower the mushrooms.

    We use the “frying” mode, after 3 minutes add the onion and fry for another 10 minutes.

  4. Sprinkle pepper, salt, spread the cereal and mix everything. Pour boiling water over the mixture.

  5. Turn on the "rice, cereals" mode.

    After 35 minutes, the dish is ready. You can keep it warm for half an hour.

Video of cooking barley porridge with mushrooms

Recipe with mushrooms in a slow cooker. The video shows the cooking process in great detail.


Barley with mushrooms in the Redmond multicooker. A simple barley recipe step by step. How to cook Barley with champignons at home. Barley porridge in a slow cooker. Recipes for the multicooker. Multicooker. Lean Recipe in a multicooker.

Simple first course recipes here:
Simple recipes for second courses here:
Easy baking recipes here:
Simple cereal recipes here:

🍜 Composition:
300 gr. - pearl barley
500 gr. - mushrooms (mushrooms)
150 gr. - bow
Sunflower oil
Black ground pepper and salt
720 ml. - water

⏰ Cooking time:
Fry the mushrooms and onions for 15 minutes in the “frying” mode, add barley, salt, pepper, water and cook for 35-40 minutes in the “rice / cereals” mode.

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A slow cooker will help to save a lot of time in the preparation of barley.
Barley can be cooked not in water or milk - broth is also suitable, especially if cooked. There are also for children delicious option- you can add dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits or fresh fruits to the porridge.