Uzbek pilaf step by step recipe. Uzbek pilaf (step by step recipe) - a traditional oriental dish

In this article we will learn how to cook Uzbek pilaf. There are many recipes for this dish. "Pilaf" is cooked in the Middle East and the Middle East. And in Uzbekistan itself, every city and even a small region has its own versions of this delicious and hearty meal. To begin with, consider how pilaf differs from other rice porridge. First, it should be crumbly. This is different from Spanish paella. But she, like a real Uzbek pilaf, is cooked in a cauldron. But Italian risotto baked in the oven. And it doesn’t look like pilaf at all like sticky Russian rice porridge. The original recipe for this dish involves the use of only lamb, as well as tail fat. But over time, pilaf began to cook not only with other types of meat (and even fish), but also with different cereals: wheat, sorghum (dzhugara), peas, mung beans, corn. The cauldron and open fire also ceased to be invariable conditions, giving way to a large frying pan with high walls.

Basics of cooking

Pilav is a very ancient dish. The original recipe is believed to have originated in India or the Middle East in the third century BC. BUT classic recipe Uzbek pilaf has been known since the sixteenth century. The principle of preparing this dish is quite simple. The plov consists of two parts. The first is called "zirvak". And the second is cereal. It seems that it could be easier? However, the success of the whole dish depends on the type of rice. You should not take round cereals, especially those intended for sushi. It has a lot of gluten, and pilaf will not come out crumbly. Much attention is also paid to the components of zirvak. In the Uzbek version of pilaf, meat must be calcined. Further, unlike other types of this dish, zirvak and rice are combined in a cauldron for further joint cooking. In general, in order to cook a real Uzbek pilaf, you need to have knowledge and experience. It is not for nothing that this version of the dish was included in the UNESCO list in 2016 as an intangible heritage of mankind.

Products for pilaf

As for rice, the use of the Uzgen variety with red grains would be ideal. It is also called Dev-zira. Basmati would also be a good option. White Chinese long grain Jasmine is acceptable, as is a mixture of wild Parbloid and steamed. Now consider the products for zirvak - the main part of the Uzbek pilaf. This is lamb fat tail fat, in which meat, onions, special yellow carrots, garlic and zira will be fried. Such a set of products is mandatory (basic). The Turks say: "There are as many pilaf recipes as there are cities in the Muslim world." And as for Uzbekistan, there is a set of additional products for the dish in Bukhara, Fergana and many other settlements of the country. Barberry, saffron, dried fruits and even pumpkin are added to pilaf.

Things to remember when preparing

In Uzbekistan, there is a dish similar to pilaf - shavlya. It consists of the same products - rice, meat, carrots, fats. But their proportion is slightly different. And the sequence of bookmarking products is different. As a result, shawl has very different from pilaf taste qualities. It's fatter and less crumbly dish. Shavlya is jokingly called clumsily cooked or unsuccessful Uzbek pilaf. So that you don’t get this particular dish instead of the desired one, you need to strictly adhere to the sequence of laying the products and, most importantly, the proportions. It is important not to overdo it with fat. But if it is not enough, the dish may burn. A kilogram of lamb requires the same amount of carrots and 200 grams of rice. And exactly 350 grams of fat is melted.

Uzbek pilaf: recipe in a cauldron

If you absolutely want to cook an authentic dish, and not a dish adapted to the conditions of a city apartment, you must be the owner of two things. The first is a thick-walled large cauldron, preferably cast iron. It goes without saying that an open fire or barbecue should be attached to it. Therefore, the most delicious pilaf preparing outside the home. You should also have fat tail fat on hand. At this point, the Uzbeks themselves often deviate from the rule. Fat tail fat is too heavy for the stomach, interrupts the aroma of spices and adds unnecessary fat to the dish. Therefore, authentic Uzbek pilaf is often cooked on cottonseed oil. But when heated, it starts to taste bitter. Therefore, it is most appropriate to make pilaf in olive or unrefined sunflower oil. You should start cooking the dish with rice. We wash it several times until the liquid becomes completely transparent. If you don't have Dev-zira or Basmati, leave the rice in the last water. So some more starch will leave the grains.

Cooking zirvak

The Uzbek classic pilaf recipe recommends starting the process by heating the cauldron and calcining the oil. But this is on the condition that all products for zirvak are already prepared. But washing the lamb, removing the fat and cutting the flesh into cubes is not a matter of five minutes. In addition, you need to peel three onions and chop them into half rings. A whole kilogram of carrots - not young, juicy, but old, dry - cut into thick strips. And you also need to remove the top, dirty husk from two heads of garlic, but do not peel them completely and do not separate them into cloves. When all the ingredients for zirvak are prepared, you can put the cauldron on a large flame. When it warms up, we lower the fat tail fat cut into pieces there. When it is completely melted, we pick up the greaves with a slotted spoon. If we use vegetable oil, just wait for the appearance of a bluish haze. I put the onion in the husk. When it gives up all the juice and turns black, we catch it and throw it away. Now add chopped onion. Fry until golden brown. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, lay the meat in the cauldron.

"Soul of pilaf"

Uzbeks call these poetic phrases not mutton, but carrots. It is she who determines the taste of the dish. If you do not have special yellow carrots, take the usual, orange, but it should be autumn, that is, dry. We spread the straws on top of the browned meat and fry, without touching, for three minutes. Then stir and cook for another 10 minutes. Now it's time for the spices. The recipe for Uzbek pilaf in a cauldron requires the mandatory use of a tablespoon of zira, known to us as cumin. All other spices are up to you. You can add a pinch of saffron and coriander seeds to the cumin or add a tablespoon of dry barberry. If you want to cook a delicious Uzbek pilaf with dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins), then they also need to be added to the cauldron at this stage. But they should first be steamed with boiling water, dried and fried in a pan. Pour boiling water so that the liquid is above the zirvak by a centimeter and a half. We spread the heads of garlic and a pod of pepper in the center of the cauldron. If the latter is not dry, but fresh, you need to lay it later. Reduce heat to low and simmer for forty minutes. Add more salt than usual. Why? The rice will absorb the excess. We take the garlic. At this stage, we lay a fresh pod of red pepper.

We combine zirvak and cereals

We increase the fire to the maximum. We carefully strain the rice and send it to the cauldron. Pour a liter (preferably a little less, you can add water later) boiling water. We are waiting for it to boil. Reduce fire to medium. When the water is absorbed, we return the garlic to its place, in the middle of the cauldron. When the rice is ready, we make punctures with a stick along the entire depth of the Uzbek pilaf. This will allow the liquid from the lower layers to come to the surface and evaporate. After that, cover the cauldron with a plate, and on top of it - with a lid. Reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for another half an hour.

What if you want to cook tasty dish in a city apartment, but you don't have a cauldron? Is it really necessary to abandon this idea? Not at all. A cauldron can be successfully replaced by a duckling. It also retains heat well and distributes it over the entire surface. And making a fire either more or less is more convenient with a gas stove than with an open fire. True, the smell of smoke will no longer be. But if you know how to cook Uzbek pilaf correctly, then the flavor of the dish will be unsurpassed anyway. The only thing to consider when cooking a dish in a duck bowl is that the contents must be stirred after the last addition of boiling water. Otherwise, the rice will burn on the bottom and remain damp on the top.

Uzbekistan has always been famous for its hospitality and delicious cuisine. The visiting card of the country is the Uzbek plov. This hearty, and at the same time light meal you can feed a large number of people, so it is prepared for weddings, anniversaries and other holidays.

Uzbek pilaf (step by step recipe) - the basic principles of cooking

The secret of a real Uzbek pilaf lies in the choice quality ingredients especially for rice and correct sequence their bookmarks.

So, for cooking pilaf you will need: Devzira rice, carrot, onion, meat, preferably lamb, garlic, zira, barberry, vegetable oil and table salt.

Carrots are peeled and cut into large strips. The more of this vegetable in pilaf, the tastier it will turn out. In no case do not grind carrots on a grater for Korean salads. A thinly sliced ​​vegetable will simply dissolve in the pilaf during the cooking process, and this should not be allowed.

Onions are peeled, washed and chopped into large rings or half rings. Thinly sliced ​​onions cook faster and are easier to burn. Burnt onion in pilaf is not only not beautiful, but also not tasty.

Now get on with the meat. Ideally, you should use lamb or beef, but if you prefer pork, you can cook with it. The meat is washed, dried with paper towels and cut enough large pieces. If you cut it finely, it will fall apart into fibers, which is unacceptable for pilaf. Lamb fat is cut off and chopped into small pieces.

Pilaf can be cooked on gas stove or campfire. Induction and electric stoves not very suitable for this. Pilaf should be cooked on an open fire and only in a cast-iron cauldron. Pots are not suitable for this. We cook pilaf, not rice porridge.

An empty cauldron is thoroughly calcined over high heat. Put into it chopped mutton fat. As soon as the fat is rendered, the greaves are removed with a slotted spoon. Refined vegetable oil is added and calcined. To determine that the oil is hot enough, they throw an onion ring into it. If the oil sizzles, spread the rest of the onion. Fry it, stirring regularly, until a pleasant golden color.

Spread the meat in the fried onion and fry it until tender, stirring constantly. As soon as the meat is covered with a delicious crust, carrots are added. Continue frying over moderate heat. Carrots should become soft. If you take a straw, it should bend, but not break.

Water is boiled in a kettle. The contents of the cauldron are poured with boiling water. This will be the basis of pilaf - zirvak. It is prepared only in the same sequence as described above. The cauldron is covered with a lid and cooked for about forty minutes.

Rice is thoroughly washed to remove debris. Remove the top leaves from the heads of garlic, trying to keep the head intact.

After forty minutes of boiling, garlic, zira and barberry are put in a cauldron. Salt at this stage. The broth should be slightly salty, as some of the salt will absorb the rice. Stir and cook for another 20 minutes.

Handfuls spread rice in zirvak. Level with a slotted spoon. The water level should be two centimeters above the surface of the rice.

As soon as the rice is in the cauldron, I increase the intensity of the fire. This is done so that the water begins to boil intensively and evaporate. The lid is not covered. Slightly move the rice with a slotted spoon to the middle so that the water evaporates faster. When the water in the holes stops gurgling, the rice is leveled, covered with a lid and the fire is reduced to a minimum. Cook for another 20 minutes. Take out the garlic and mix the pilaf from the bottom up.

Garlic is disassembled into cloves. Uzbek pilaf (step by step recipe) spread on wide dish. Place garlic cloves on top.

Recipe 1. Uzbek pilaf: a step by step recipe with beef


half a kilogram of beef;

400 g long-grain parboiled rice;


350 g carrots;

fresh ground pepper;

250 g of onions;

vegetable oil;

a teaspoon of barberry;

half a teaspoon of turmeric;

a teaspoon of zira.

Cooking method

1. Peel the bulbs. Cut the thin skin off the carrots. Wash vegetables thoroughly. Chop the onion into not too thin half rings. Put the carrots on a board, cut lengthwise into layers and chop into strips. Never use a grater for this. You should get bars of medium thickness.

2. Clean the beef from veins and films. Rinse under the tap and pat dry with kitchen paper towels. Cut the meat into fairly large pieces. Finely chopped meat will break into fibers during the cooking process.

3. Put the cast-iron cauldron on the stove, pour vegetable oil into it and turn on the intense fire. Heat until a light white smoke appears. Put the onion in the cauldron and fry it, stirring from time to time so that it does not burn.

4. As soon as the onion turns golden, add the pieces of beef to it. Continue to cook, stirring, for about 20 minutes. The meat should be covered with a delicious crust.

5. Now add the carrots cut into strips. Pepper and salt. Stir and fry for another ten minutes. Remember to stir so that the contents do not burn. Add turmeric, barberry and cumin.

6. Boil water in the kettle. Pour the contents of the cauldron with boiling water. The water should completely cover the meat and vegetables. Twist the fire to moderate, cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer for about forty minutes. The meat will become tender, and the zirvak will be saturated with the aroma and taste of spices.

7. Rinse the rice thoroughly. Change the water until it becomes clear. Drain the rice in a sieve to drain excess liquid. Put the washed rice in small portions in a cauldron. Smooth out with a slotted spoon. The level of the broth should be two centimeters above the rice. If it is not enough, you can add boiling water. Do not stir at this stage. Cook over high heat until liquid has evaporated from the surface. Make a well in the rice and place the head of garlic, peeled from the top leaves, into it. Then simmer for another 20 minutes on minimum heat under the lid.

8. Open the lid, remove the garlic, mix the pilaf from the bottom up. Place on a round flat dish and serve with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 2. Uzbek pilaf: a step by step recipe with pork


700 g of pork pulp;

a pinch of dried tomatoes;

600 g of rice;


150 ml of sunflower oil;

a pinch of barberry;

two large onions;

a pinch of paprika;

two large carrots;

a pinch of zira;

a pinch of turmeric.

Cooking method

1. Rinse rice thoroughly and remove debris. Then fill it with water and set aside. Wash the pork flesh, pat dry with kitchen paper towels and cut into fairly large pieces.

2. Put the cast-iron cauldron on an intense fire. Pour into it sunflower oil. The amount of oil depends on the fat content of the pork. The fatter the meat, the less oil will be needed. Heat up the oil well.

3. Put the pork in the cauldron and fry until it is covered with an appetizing crust.

4. Peel onions and carrots. Wash. Chop the onions into half rings of medium thickness. Chop the carrots into fairly large strips. Add the onion to the meat and fry, stirring, until it is browned. Then lay the carrots and cook for some more time. Don't forget to stir constantly.

5. Boil water in the kettle. Pour boiling water over meat with vegetables so that it completely covers the contents of the cauldron. Add all spices and salt. Stir and cook for another 20 minutes. This time is enough for the meat to become soft, and the ingredients to be saturated with the aromas and tastes of each other.

6. Throw rice on a sieve. When all the liquid drains, put the cereal in a cauldron and level it. If the broth is not enough, you can add boiling water. Don't stir. Cook over high heat until the broth has evaporated from the surface of the rice. Make a small indentation and insert the head of garlic into it, after removing the top leaves from it. Turn the heat down to low, cover with a lid and simmer for another half an hour.

7. Remove the head of garlic from the pilaf and disassemble it into cloves. Mix the pilaf with a slotted spoon from the bottom up. Put it on a beautiful wide dish. Arrange the garlic cloves on top.

Uzbek pilaf (step by step recipe) - tips and tricks

Do not use frozen meat for cooking pilaf. It must be exceptionally fresh.

In no case do not grind carrots on a grater. The bars should be of medium thickness.

To make the pilaf crumbly, the rice must be washed until the water runs clear.

Do not mix rice with vegetables and meat during cooking.

A detailed step-by-step recipe for making the right Uzbek pilaf. The best pilaf is cooked on a fire, but at home you can cook this dish very tasty. You just need to know a few tricks and follow the recipe.


  • a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom and walls (cast iron is perfect);
  • round-grain or medium-grain rice not steamed - 600 g (polished is suitable);
  • carrots - 600 g;
  • lamb or beef meat - 600 g (you can take ribs);
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • vegetable oil - 200 g (cotton, sunflower refined);
  • garlic - 2 whole heads;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • zira (cumin) - 1 tbsp. l;
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • turmeric - on the tip of a knife;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp.
The Uzbek variety of devzira rice is very suitable for pilaf. It does not stick together and does not boil soft during cooking. If this variety is not available, use regular white rice. Wash it in cold water at least four times. Do not drain the last water, leave the rice to swell for 30 minutes.
Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron and place on the stove over high heat. Prepare vegetables. Cut the onion into rings or half rings, carrots into oblong pieces.

When the oil is hot, add the onion to it and fry, stirring constantly. Do not turn down the heat.

Fry onion until brownish. At the frying stage, it is better not to go anywhere so as not to miss this moment. The color of the finished pilaf depends on the color of the onion.

Cut the meat into small pieces. If the meat is on the bone, chop it. Once the onion is ready, add the meat to it in portions. Do not put all the meat at once, otherwise it will not be fried, but stewed. Fry meat with onions over high heat.

The meat should acquire a beautiful golden crust. At this stage, it is not necessary that it is fully cooked.

Add chopped carrots to the cauldron, mix. Cook until it becomes soft. Cooking time depends on the size of the carrot sticks. Usually 7-10 minutes is enough. Don't forget to stir.

Now add salt, sugar and all spices except cumin. Take only half of the prescribed amount. Stir so that the spices warm up in the oil and give off their aroma. Pour the contents of the cauldron with water so as to just cover the meat.

Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. Add the garlic cloves and simmer, covered, until the meat is tender for at least an hour. Such preparation for pilaf is called zirvak. When the meat is ready, add the soaked rice, level it.

Add more water to cover the rice by 1cm if needed. Add the remaining zira. Cover and cook until all liquid is absorbed, 20 minutes.

If there is still a lot of liquid left, open the lid, make holes in the pilaf with a wooden stick or spatula to the very bottom of the cauldron and continue cooking until all the excess has evaporated.

Mix the finished pilaf. It is convenient to do this with a slotted spoon. Then let it brew for 15 minutes, put on big dish in the form of a slide and serve to the table.

Pilaf can be served with fresh vegetables, pickles, pickled garlic, but a must-have accompaniment for lovers of this dish is a salad of tomatoes and onions. In Uzbekistan it is called Achik-chuchuk or Shakorob.
  • tomatoes - 3 large or 4 small;
  • onion - large head;
  • hot peppers- 1/3 of a pod (this ingredient is for spicy lovers);
  • salt - 1-2 tsp. or to taste.

Cut tomatoes and onions into half rings, hot pepper small pieces. Salt, mix all the ingredients, let it brew for 15 minutes and serve with pilaf.

To cook delicious Uzbek pilaf at home, it is not necessary to be a professional chef. It is enough to have a desire. We will teach you how to cook real Uzbek plov. Uzbekistan is a country where Uzbek plov is cooked almost every day in absolutely all cities of the republic. The recipes of Uzbek pilaf and cooks' own and the secrets of cooking pilaf are passed down from generation to generation. We present you the following recipes:

Classic Uzbek plov

The recipe for real Uzbek pilaf is quite simple and includes ingredients that can be found at any grocery market. You can cook with different meat, but we will now consider the option with a lamb.

  1. Meat (lamb) - 0.5 kg. (can be beef or pork)
  2. Vegetable oil (the best option is cottonseed oil, but sunflower oil is also very tasty) - 0.5 cups.
  3. Rice - 2 full glasses, Devzira variety or laser. (pictured is pilaf with devzira rice).
  4. Onion - 2-3 pcs.
  5. Carrots - 4-5 pcs.
  6. Zira, salt - to taste.

This step by step recipe will teach you how to cook Uzbek pilaf recipe. It is equally delicious with lamb and beef, or even with pork.

If the oil is not refined, then we calcine it and cool it a little so that it does not splash while laying the meat.

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Place the chopped and washed meat pieces in a cauldron and fry over medium heat on both sides. While the lamb is fried, we cut the onion into half rings, add it to the meat and continue frying for 5-10 minutes.

To prevent meat and onions from burning, you need to mix them periodically.

Before cooking, chop the carrots into strips. As soon as the onion has acquired a golden color, put chopped carrots in a cauldron and pour boiling water over it. Salt and add seasonings or peeled and washed barberries, raisins and cumin. Cover with a lid and simmer on low heat for 25-30 minutes.

While the base is being prepared, we sort and wash the rice several times until the drained water is transparent.

As soon as the carrots are cooked, load the rice, level the surface with a slotted spoon and, if necessary, add boiling water.

Remember that an excess amount of water will turn Uzbek pilaf into a banal rice porridge. Therefore, there should be just enough liquid to cover the rice by 4-5 mm.

Raise the temperature to high and boil the fire. So it is called in some regions of the country. As soon as the rice absorbs water, it is necessary to turn over the top layer with a slotted spoon, separate the rice from the walls of the cauldron and make deep punctures with a spoon so that the remaining moisture evaporates.

Then we reduce the gas (electric stove) to a minimum, close the lid tightly and let it simmer for 5 minutes. After turning off the stove, do not remove the lid for another 10 minutes to let the dish fill with the aroma of spices.

It is advisable to take a large dish for pilaf in order to fit on a dish in the form of a slide. First, lay out the rice, then a layer of carrots with onions, and meat cut into small cubes at the very top.

Here it is real plov, which will be even tastier if served with an Uzbek salad.

There are several types of salads with which pilaf is combined. Here is some of them.

Salad "Achuchuk"


Wash and peel the vegetables, do not peel the tomatoes. Cut into a deep bowl. Salt, season with oil and mix. Also, instead of butter, you can fill the salad with kaimak, sour cream or kefir. Who likes it!

radish salad

1 medium sized radish, peeled and washed. Rub it on coarse grater, add finely chopped green onion. You can salt a little.

Onion with vinegar

Chop 1 onion into rings, season with vinegar and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

Since time immemorial, Uzbekistan has been famous for its hospitality and very diverse cuisine. Uzbek pilaf is a masterpiece of local cuisine and a hallmark of the country. In addition, it is this dish that most accurately reflects the flavor of Uzbekistan and its national characteristics. Uzbek pilaf has no analogues in any national cuisine other countries. In the 15th century, pilaf was an honorary dish. It was served during wedding celebrations and big holidays.

For cooking pilaf original recipe seven ingredients are needed. Depends on the method of preparation and the quality of the fire. end result pilaf taste. It should be noted that pilaf and rice porrige with different spices and meat are completely different concepts. In the process of preparing pilaf, you need to take into account all the features of the recipe in order to get a dish that appearance and the taste will be as close as possible to the Uzbek pilaf.

Uzbek beef pilaf step by step recipe with photo

This recipe will reveal all the secrets and nuances of cooking in a cauldron, a traditional Uzbek pilaf with beef. Guided by the description, you can learn all the subtleties of cooking and discover the uniqueness of the taste of this delicious dish.

A few simple tips will come in handy in preparing a delicious Uzbek beef dish:

1. The beef chosen for pilaf must be fresh. The dorsal part, neck or sirloin part of the shoulder blade will come in handy.

2. Ripe carrots should be moderately juicy. If cut into strips, it will give the dish a more pronounced color and refined taste than grated.

3. Pilaf will turn out more crumbly if you rinse the rice thoroughly. To do this, it must be washed cold water until it becomes transparent.

4. Do not mix rice with vegetables and spices. It should be smoothed out evenly.

Products for cooking:

  • beef - 500 grams;
  • long-grain rice (steamed) - 400 grams;
  • carrots - 300 - 350 grams;
  • onion - 250 grams;
  • barberry - 1 teaspoon;
  • zira - 1 teaspoon;
  • turmeric - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil;
  • garlic, salt, pepper to taste

1. Prepare food for cooking. Thoroughly wash and peel onions and carrots. It is better to cut the onion into half rings.

2. To make the beef more juicy, it should be cut into larger pieces.

3. Be sure to chop the carrot into strips. It is very important not to use a grater in the process of cooking pilaf!

4. Set the cauldron on the stove and pour in the oil, which needs to be very hot until white smoke. Pour the onion into the hot oil and fry it until light golden brown.

5. Add beef to the fried onion and fry it for 20 minutes until golden brown.

6. Add chopped, neat julienned carrots, salt and pepper. Fry for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the remaining seasonings: zira, barberry and turmeric.

7. Pour boiling water over the finished roast. Water should completely cover vegetables and meat. Close the cauldron with a lid and simmer over medium heat for half an hour. During this time period, beef becomes tender, and zirvak (garnish of vegetables) is saturated with taste and aroma.

8. Thoroughly washed rice is added to the zirvak in a cauldron. Rice should be covered with broth by two centimeters. If it is not covered, then you need to add boiling water. In no case should you stir the rice at this stage! Lightly salt the top of the dish.

9. Cook until all the top liquid is absorbed into the rice.

10. After the broth has been absorbed, make indentations in the rice with the back of a spoon. Put a whole (unpeeled) head of well-washed garlic into the resulting hole. Cover the cauldron and continue cooking on low heat for 25 minutes. After a while, we check for readiness. Rice should be soft, and there should be no remnants of zirvak on the bottom.

11. Remove the garlic and mix well ready meal. You can serve such pilaf on the table with various fresh vegetables, as well as sauerkraut.

Enjoy your meal!

How to cook pork pilaf so that the rice is crumbly

It seems that there is nothing difficult in preparing a delicious pilaf with meat, since the recipe is easy, and necessary products available to anyone! However, in order to make this dish truly flawless, it is necessary not only to put a piece of your soul and heart into it, but also to scrupulously study its methodology. proper cooking. This wonderful recipe pilaf, which I will tell you about, will surely charm you and irrevocably win your love.


  • pork pulp - 600-700 gr.;
  • rice - 600 gr.;
  • sunflower oil - 150 ml;
  • onions - two pieces;
  • carrots - two pieces;
  • turmeric - one pinch;
  • zira - one pinch;
  • paprika - one pinch;
  • pepper - one pinch;
  • barberry - one pinch;
  • salt - one pinch;
  • dried tomatoes - one pinch.

Cooking steps:

1. Before starting the cooking process, you need to thoroughly rinse the rice, and then leave it for a short time in cool water. Washed and dried meat must be cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Put your cauldron on the stove and pour in the sunflower oil. When calculating the oil, it is necessary to take into account the fat content of pork. If the meat is fatty, then, accordingly, much less oil will be required. Pour it into a cauldron and heat well.

How to determine that the oil is warm enough, but does not burn? You need to put a small clove of garlic in it or onion ring. The oil is considered normally warmed up when a golden crust has formed on them.

3. We take out the onion and put the chopped pork in the cauldron.

4. While the meat is fried, let's prepare the vegetables.

5. Thoroughly wash and peel carrots and onions.

6. Chop the onion into small pieces. Chop carrots into neat strips or grate.

7. Chopped vegetables can be added to slightly browned meat.

8. First of all, add the onion and fry it until a pleasant golden color.

9. Then add carrots, fry it for a little more time with meat.

10. After 10 minutes, add water. Meat with vegetables should be completely covered with liquid. Add spices, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. This preparation (zirak) for our pilaf should be left on the stove for about 20 minutes. This is necessary in order for the pork to become tender and soft.

11. Add rice to the cauldron, after pouring out the water in which it was soaked, and carefully level it.

12. If there is not enough water, then it can be added. You don't need to stir the rice. To enhance the flavor of the dish, you can add a well-washed garlic head to the rice.

13. It is necessary to cook pilaf over moderate heat until all the liquid is absorbed into it.

14. Then turn off the fire and leave the rice to reach under the lid for 20 minutes. Ready pilaf can, to the delight of the household, be served on the table.

We enjoy nourishing and delicious lunch! Eat for health!

Chicken pilaf recipe step by step with photo

Do you love chicken and rice? Then this dish is perfect for you! The combination of lightness, classic and at the same time fantastic taste will win your heart and make you fall in love with chicken pilaf forever! Minimal amount ingredients, a little time spent, a minimum of effort, imagination, and now you and your friends are enjoying a superbly prepared dish. You just need to choose the right rice, fresh chicken meat, vegetables and standard seasonings for pilaf - saffron, barberry and cumin.
For cooking we need:

  • chicken meat - 200-300 gr;
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Bulb - 1 pc;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 st. rice
  • vegetable oil - 60g;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt - a third of a teaspoon.

Preparation of products and the cooking process includes the following steps:

Properly selected rice is the key to a delicious pilaf. For this, varieties are best suited: jasmine, basmati. Rice must be washed with water. To make it crumbly, you need to thoroughly wash off the dust and starch powder, which are the main cause of rice sticking together. It needs to be washed warm water at least three times. And if the water is cool, then five or six times until the water is clear. Then the washed rice must be soaked in warm, slightly salted water.

1. The meat is washed and cut into small pieces 2-3 cm in size.

2. Peel, wash and dry the onion thoroughly with a paper towel. Since the onion is placed in hot oil, excess liquid can cause it to ignite.

3. Carrots must be washed twice: before and after cleaning and chopped.

4. Pour the oil in a pan with a thick bottom and heat it up. Maximum heating of oil is the key to delicious and fragrant pilaf. Its strong heating also contributes to the improvement of taste characteristics. You can add a whole onion during the heating of the oil, which will act as a sorbent and help eliminate harmful substances from the oil.

5. Put the chopped chicken in hot oil and fry until a pleasant golden hue.

6. Add carrots to the meat, fry over low heat and add onion and garlic. We make a passivation, stirring continuously until golden yellow.

7. We shift the zirak into a cauldron and put it on fire. Pour rice into a cauldron, a thin layer. Add salt and spices to taste.

8. Fill with water and carefully level

9. Cover the cauldron with a lid and simmer over low heat for another 25-35 minutes. When the water is completely absorbed into the rice, mix it and make a hole in the center.

10. Cover the cauldron with a lid and continue cooking pilaf on low heat for another 35-45 minutes. After this time, remove from heat and, if desired, you can let it brew or serve immediately.

How to properly serve pilaf to the table?

If pilaf is served on a dish, then we first take out the meat from the pan, transfer the pilaf to the dish, and put the chicken on top. The dish can be garnished with pomegranate seeds. Can be served with chicken pilaf fresh vegetables, or salads from them.
Enjoy your meal!