How to cook a delicious pilaf with pork. Pork pilaf in Uzbek style in a cauldron

Hello Dear!

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious pork pilaf. Of course, pork is a little unusual meat for pilaf, since this dish comes from Asia and, as you know, pork is not very respected there. But personally, I have nothing against pork and I think that pork pilaf not much worse than pilaf, for example, lamb.

What to cook pilaf with pork

To prepare pilaf according to this recipe, we need:

  • piece of pork meat
  • carrot
  • onion
  • seasonings: zira, barberry, dried tomato, paprika, turmeric

I intentionally left out the quantity. It all depends on the size of the cauldron and how much you want to cook pilaf. Just remember that meat, onions and carrots should be about the same amount. Rice can be taken as much as meat, or up to two times more.

Seasoning for pilaf

Seasoning for pilaf is usually prepared in advance. I just shop at the market equal amounts zira (preferably black), dried barberry, paprika, dried tomato and turmeric. I pour all this into one jar, mix it and that's it, the seasoning for pilaf is ready.

It is better to take a jar with a screw cap, for example from baby food, since the seasonings are much more than needed for cooking pilaf.

Pork pilaf recipe

The seasoning has been prepared, now let's get to the rice. Rinse the rice thoroughly in several waters. Fill it up one more time cold water and set aside, let it soak.

Cut the meat into small, approximately equal pieces.

We put the cauldron on the fire and pour vegetable oil into the cauldron. It is difficult for me to tell you the exact amount of oil, I always estimate it by eye based on my own experience in cooking pilaf. Today, for example, I cooked pilaf from 500 grams of meat and 600-700 grams of rice. For this amount of oil products, I took about 200 grams. The amount of oil also depends on how fatty the meat is. The fatter the meat, the less oil, as fat will be rendered.

It is best to choose a cast-iron cauldron. In a cast-iron cauldron, pilaf cooks evenly and does not burn.

The oil must be heated, but not overheated. To check, I throw a small onion cut in half into the oil. Heat the oil until the onion is browned.

As soon as the onion is browned, we take it out of the oil with a slotted spoon. Throw the previously chopped meat into the hot oil.

While the meat is fried, cut the onion, not forgetting to stir the meat from time to time.

Then cut the carrots into thin strips. Don't forget to stir the meat.

For the first time, you should probably chop the onions and carrots in advance.

Our meat should be ready by now.

Pour the onion into the meat and fry it, stirring often, until the onion is cooked or becomes golden.

Usually in pilaf recipes they write: "fry the onion until golden brown." It doesn't always work out. If there is a lot of meat or the onion is very juicy, then it can be cooked before it starts to turn golden and there is no point in frying it further, as it can start to burn.

Add chopped carrots to the meat and onions.

Cook for another five minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.

Then add about a teaspoon of seasoning for pilaf, which we prepared earlier.

We mix everything and pour water from the kettle so that it slightly covers the food.

Now you can salt well in such a way that rice and water will be added later.

What we have just done is called zirvak, it is like gravy for pilaf. Let the zirvak boil. If you try zirvak at the boiling point, it should have a salty taste.

We cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the fire and leave the zirvak to cook. We cook pork pilaf, so it is enough to wait 15-20 minutes. If you are cooking or beef, then this time should be increased to 30-40 minutes.

When the zirvak is ready, pour the soaked rice over it.

Level the rice with a slotted spoon and add water so that it covers the rice by about two fingers.

Cover with a lid and leave to cook over low heat. The cooking time is different each time from 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the quantity and quality of rice and the amount of water.

I usually open the lid after 20-30 minutes and collect the rice from the edges to the center in a small mound.

If there is still a lot of water, then you need to pierce the rice to the bottom with a knife in several places so that it evaporates faster.

Again, close the cauldron with a lid and cook on minimum heat until the water disappears completely.

We lay out the finished pilaf on big dish or arrange on plates.

Today I will cook pork pilaf. Pilaf turns out fragrant, with a very rich taste. Pork pilaf is fatter than chicken, but not as fatty as lamb. Accordingly, pilaf is less high-calorie. Although, of course, it is not necessary to talk about dietary food here.

All ingredients are available for purchase. Fresh meat is always sold in the market, fragrant spices can be bought right there. Rice and vegetables, again, are in every home. This is why I love pilaf: the availability of products and amazing taste.

To cook pork pilaf you will need:

Pork - 800 gr;

Carrots - 3 pcs;

Onion - 6 pcs;

Garlic - 1 head;

Rice - 500 gr;

Spices for pilaf;

Vegetable oil;

Pork pilaf recipe:

1. Cut the pork into small pieces-cubes.

2. Lightly fry the meat in vegetable oil. If you fry the meat strongly, then all the juices will remain inside, and in the pilaf itself the meat will be incomparably tasty. If the meat is lightly fried, then during cooking it will give all its juices into pilaf, then the whole pilaf will be saturated with delicious meat juices.

Here I want to note that what I like most in pilaf is rice, which is filled with the tastes and aromas of zivrak. Therefore, I fry all the meat on a small fire.

If you like meat in pilaf, and rice is a side dish for you, then it is better to fry the meat over high heat, then it will be covered with a crust and keep all the juices inside. In this case, meat will be the star of pilaf.

There is also a compromise option: fry one part of the meat over very high heat, add the second later, right in front of the onion. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the roasting of the first batch.

3. When the meat brightens, add the carrots cut into cubes.

I cut all the ingredients for pilaf in advance so as not to be distracted later.

4. Add finely chopped onion.

5. When the onion becomes transparent, add seasonings for pilaf and salt. I will write about seasonings for pilaf below.

6. Add water to cover the meat and vegetables, switch the stove fire to small or medium.

It is not necessary that the water boils strongly, it is necessary that zirvak slowly languished on the stove. The readiness of zirvak can be determined by taste - it is incomparable! It feels meat, and onions with carrots, and the aroma of spices. Since pork is cooked quite quickly, cooking zirvak will take about 20 minutes.

7. Add to zirvak main ingredient pilaf - rice. Rinse the rice several times with cold water. I don't soak rice, then it turns out crumbly.

8. Smooth out the rice with a slotted spoon, water should cover the rice “one finger”, if there is not enough liquid, then add hot water. Stick garlic cloves into rice, you can use a whole head of garlic.

9. Cover and leave to simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Open the lid and gently stir the pilaf from bottom to top. Divide in portions. Eat hot!

Enjoy your meal!

I will add a little about spices for pilaf:

Spices for pilaf required ingredient, without them, the dish will not turn out tasty and fragrant, it will turn out simple rice porrige with meat. I will write what seasonings I use for pilaf:

  • In my opinion, the most important seasoning for pilaf is zira. These are Indian cumin seeds, which have a strong and pleasant aroma. Zira is added to pilaf with whole seeds, but to enhance the flavor in pilaf. Before adding zira to pilaf, I advise you to rub it thoroughly between your palms.
  • Another seasoning for pilaf is barberry. Barberry is added to pilaf with whole berries. These dried berries give the pilaf a slight sourness.
  • Turmeric gives pilaf a rich yellow color.
  • You can add other spices based on personal preference (paprika, ground red pepper, ground coriander, etc.)

If you still have questions - ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer!

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog! The internet is full of recipes for this dish. And everyone cooks it in their own way. I foresee how connoisseurs will now attack me that pork pilaf is not real, and the traditional one is cooked only with lamb. However, although my recipe is not Uzbek, but Siberian, it is amazingly tasty, crumbly and fragrant.

We find thousands of variants of this dish at the master classes of different chefs. And many of them are already well-deservedly popular on our tables. The fastest and easiest of them is pilaf in a pan made of a large number products. And for the holidays or for a large family, we are already cooking in a large cauldron, on a fire.

Step by step video recipe

And in the slow cooker such a noble pilaf is steamed that my whole family loves it more than any other. Pork meat is tender and cooks quickly. All its taste and aroma will be absorbed into the rice. You can cook both on fire in a cauldron, and at home on the stove. I hope readers enjoy my simple recipes not Uzbek pilaf. Choose which one you like best and cook with pleasure!

Today's article:

  • The basis of this dish is zirvak. Frying meat and vegetables in hot fat. You can take the pulp and ribs of young pork. If with layers of fat, then it is also good for pilaf. Carrots never rub on a simple grater. It's better in Korean. And it’s best to cut into strips by hand. First, fillet pieces are fried in fat, then onions are added. Saute the onion until translucent and add the carrots. Although many argue about the sequence of actions.
  • Friability depends largely on the quality of the rice. To be sure not to make a mistake, ask the store for special varieties of rice for pilaf. I love pilaf with devzira rice. But even steamed rice crumbles very well in pilaf. One of essential conditions- never (!) stir the rice while it is cooking!
  • Take only metal dishes. Ideally cast iron. But aluminum with a thick bottom is also good. A new cauldron or frying pan is better to pre-heat strongly with salt. Then wash warm water without detergents.
  • A few words about the fat on which we will fry. If the pork is with lard, then cut off this lard and finely chop into cubes. Melt fat out of it and fry on this fat. Or take a simple sunflower oil. Only butter is not suitable.
  • Pick your spices carefully. Consider the preferences of your family, but do not be too zealous. Otherwise, their smell will block the taste of the zirvak itself. Mandatory spices are garlic, zira, barberry, black pepper. You can buy ready-made seasoning for pilaf in bags.

Pork pilaf in a cauldron on a fire

My husband is a big fan of spice. That's why I have two hot peppers here. You can skip them if you don't like spicy. Today my husband manages pilaf, so the onion is fried first, and then we add the meat. When I cook myself, I do the opposite. This is not the end of our debate.

I saw how they cook in Tashkent. First, they heat up the oil, put a large onion, chopped, fry it almost black, then throw it away. Put meat and spices, then, after a short frying, julienned carrots and new chopped onions.

We go into the yard, there the cauldron on the stove is already heating up. We bring all the products with us at once, so that everything is at hand.

What we need:

I already have everything cut. Meat into medium cubes, onions into half rings, and carrots into short straws. The rice is washed several times and soaked an hour earlier. The cauldron on the stove was hot. We poured about a glass of oil and wait for the smoke to go.

Any vegetable oil is suitable: sunflower, olive, sesame, cottonseed or corn.

Throw in the onion and fry, stirring with a slotted spoon. When the onion is put first and fried until golden, the pilaf will be darker in color. If you immediately throw meat into the cauldron, then the pilaf will be lighter. We spread all the meat to the fried onions and do not forget to constantly mix.

I do not note the time, but I look for the meat to be fried well and the liquid to evaporate. While the zirvak is being fried, we need the fire to be strong.

It is advisable to have a meal with two people. Because on a big fire a cauldron cannot be left unattended even for a minute.

Carrot straws were poured over the browned meat.

And continuing to turn from the bottom up, fry the carrots. It gives the pilaf such a delicious, golden color. After seven minutes, you can already salt and pepper. We poured all the seasonings, two heads of garlic and two pods hot pepper throw it entirely.

It's time to top up hot water. So much so that it is 1 cm above the contents of the cauldron. It took me about one liter. The fire was reduced and let it be extinguished.

After 5 minutes, the broth should be reddish and clear.

We spread the rice evenly over the entire surface of the zirvak. Pork pilaf is cooked quickly, the meat is almost ready. And the rice was soaked for an hour before cooking.

We also add water to cover the rice by 1 cm. Pour substituting a slotted spoon or along the walls, carefully. We watch the pilaf until the liquid that is higher than the rice has evaporated.

From now on, no stirring until the dish is completely ready!

Now you just need to close the lid. The fire is already quite minimal.

After fifteen minutes, the treat can be stirred and laid out on a dish. Serve with marinated or fresh vegetables. Sprinkle pilaf with greens or eat greens separately, decide for yourself. My husband and I also have different opinions on this issue. He's munching parsley and cilantro right out of the bunch, and I want to chop it up and sprinkle it on top.

On the Cooking Delicious channel, Valentina shows and tells in detail how to cook homemade pilaf on the gas stove. You can take a frying pan or an aluminum pan with a thick bottom, a roaster or a cauldron for this dish.

Very light step by step recipe. Just take it and do it! And what a wonderful result you can see very well. The appearance of pilaf is crumbly and appetizing.

Pork pilaf in a slow cooker

If you have an assistant from Redmond, or Polaris, or any other company, then you are very lucky. When you need to cook quickly and tasty, she always helps out. And now the easiest and delicious recipe pilaf without problems

A special variety of basmati cereals, ideal for a slow cooker. It costs more than usual. In our supermarkets, 110 rubles per pack of 700g. But this is just a note about prices. I cooked pilaf in a slow cooker and from my favorite “devzira”. I can't say anything bad either.

The main thing is that the rice is special for pilaf.

I took the meat pork neck. She's pretty fat, that's all. Follow my advice and everything will turn out just as wonderful.

What we need:

I wash the cereal several times with water. Let it swell while we work on zirvak. I cut meat larger, smaller onions, and carrots into straws. I pour oil into the multicooker bowl and wait until it warms up. Pour the onion into the hot oil and lightly fry on the “frying” mode.

Do not close the lid while vegetables and meat are fried!

Zirvak is prepared wonderfully right in the slow cooker. Nothing needs to be fried separately in a pan, as some chefs advise. I spread the pieces of meat in the browned onion and mix.

When the pork is browned, you can add carrots. I mix and fry the zirvak for another 10-15 minutes. Everyone has different multicookers, so be guided by the regime.

When the carrot is fried enough, I add enough boiling water so that it is 1.5 cm higher than the meat. At the same stage, I add salt, pepper and all the spices. I stick a head of garlic between the pieces of meat.

All this stuff will be stewed for about 10 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. After that, I fall asleep already swollen rice and level it.

Pour water carefully, substituting a spoon so as not to wash away all the cereal.

I add enough boiling water so that the rice is covered by 1 cm.

Now I close the lid. And I turn it on for 22 minutes. at a temperature of 100 deg. When it turns off, I let the pilaf brew for another half an hour.

A notable pilaf turned out - rice to rice! Serve immediately while hot. As you can see, cooking it is not as difficult as in a cauldron, and the taste and aroma are not inferior at all.

There are many secrets in the world on how to cook pork pilaf so that the rice is crumbly.

  1. Secret one: If you want to cook crumbly pilaf from pork and not only from it, but also from other meat, never grate carrots! It is better to cut into thin strips. The thicker the straw, the more likely it is that the pilaf will be crumbly. Follow the proportions in the recipe. There shouldn't be too many carrots.
  2. Secret two: Carefully choose rice groats! Rice with long grains is suitable for this. Round-grain rice is also suitable, but you need to pay attention to the content of starch pollen in the cereal. The less starch the better.
  3. Secret three: Before cooking, soak the grits in hot salted water (not boiling water)! This will prevent the rice from overcooking and turning your dish into mush.

And now I will present you directly the recipe itself. crumbly pilaf with pork.


  1. Pork fillet - half a kilo.
  2. Large onion - 1 pc.
  3. Carrots - 2 pcs.
  4. Vegetable oil - half a glass.
  5. Rice groats - 2 cups.
  6. Salt - to taste.
  7. Seasoning for pilaf - 1 tsp.
  8. Garlic - 3 cloves.
  9. Barberry - 50 gr.


Cut the pork into arbitrary medium-sized pieces and fry in very hot oil. Choose the dishes of your choice. It can be a cauldron, a bowler hat or a deep frying pan. Fry for 10 minutes while stirring over high heat.

Onion cut into half rings or less - it does not matter. It will still not be visible after cooking. But chop the carrots only into strips. Add to the meat and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then put the carrots and continue frying for 5 minutes.

After that, pour boiling water so that the water covers the zirvak (pilaf base) but not much. Salt and add spices. If desired, you can fall asleep barberry. Simmer, covering with a lid for 15-20 minutes on a medium flame.
At this time, rinse the rice grits and soak in salt water for 15 minutes. Then rinse in running water cold water in a sieve, decant the water. Lay the rice on top of the zirvak, pour boiling water 0.5-1 cm above the surface of the cereal and, adding fire, cook until the moisture evaporates. Be careful, when cooking, the pilaf should boil evenly.

As the water boils away, make holes with a slotted spoon to the bottom and wait until the remaining moisture has evaporated almost completely. Separate from the walls of the cauldron with a skimmer up the hill. Press the garlic into the rice. Then reduce the flame to a small one and, closing the lid, simmer for 15 minutes. After turning off the boiler, do not immediately open it, but wait 10 minutes for the food to be filled with the aroma of spices. Mix the finished dish and put on a large flat plate. Delicious crumbly pilaf is ready to eat

The calorie content of pilaf with pork is 318 Kcal.

Enjoy your meal!

The next recipe is also no less interesting. For it you need:

  1. Pork tenderloin - half a kilo.
  2. Rice groats - half a kilo.
  3. Carrots - 0.5 kg.
  4. Onions - 2 large onions.
  5. Vegetable oil - 2 ladles.
  6. Garlic - 5-6 cloves.
  7. Salt - to taste.
  8. Barberry - half a glass.
  9. Spices for pilaf - 1 tsp.

How to cook friable pilaf with pork:

Cut carrots into strips, and onions into rings.

Cut the meat into large pieces of arbitrary shape and fry it in very hot oil in a cauldron or pot for 10 minutes. You can use a roaster or other cast-iron utensils for this purpose. Roast on a big flame.

Add the onion and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly at the same temperature.

After a while, add the carrots and continue frying for another 10 minutes. Don't reduce the fire yet.

Pour boiling water over zirvak (the basis of the future pilaf), reduce the heat to medium. Salt and add spices and simmer for 20 minutes.

Before bookmark rice groats throw the barberry and peeled garlic and immediately load the thoroughly washed rice in advance, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the pot.
Add boiling water so that it covers the cereal by 0.5-1 cm. Increase the flame to a strong one and make sure that the contents boil evenly over the entire surface of the rice.

When the water boils away, pierce the grits to the bottom in several places with the back of the slotted spoon and let the lower moisture also evaporate, but not completely. Then reduce the gas to a small one, collect a slide in the middle of the cauldron. Close the pot and simmer for another 15 minutes.

After turning off the stove, do not remove the cover, but wait some more time to get delicious food. After that, mix the pilaf and arrange on plates. Put hot on the table. Serve with salads. Such as cucumbers with tomatoes or onion, cut into rings and seasoned with vinegar. It is better to drink hot green tea.

Enjoy your meal!

Now you know how to cook delicious pilaf. If you follow the recipe step by step, you can cook wonderful dish. Do not forget about the little secrets of making crumbly pilaf and everything will turn out the way you want! Good luck in the kitchen! Try the real one too.

The homeland of such a dish as pilaf is Asia. And as we all perfectly understand, pork is not treated as favorably in those parts as it is in our country. Of course I don't mind original preparation Asian pilaf, because I adore it, but what should we do if we like pork, while we adore pork pilaf. There is only one way out - to come up with a recipe for cooking pilaf with pork. In principle, we don’t need to invent anything anymore, it’s been done for us a long time ago experienced chefs, and it only remains for us to add some ingredients that, in our opinion, are simply necessary there.

Today we will learn how to cook pork pilaf. And once again I want to remind you, my dears, that you should not be afraid to experiment on your own. Follow the recipes below and add your preferred ingredients to the cooking process. Naturally, pilaf without rice and meat is not pilaf, so these two ingredients should not be excluded, except to replace their appearance.

Pork pilaf


  • Rice - 1 cup
  • pork - 300 gr.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • carrot - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 teeth
  • salt, ground black pepper
  • paprika
  • sun-dried tomato
  • turmeric
  • zira.

Cooking method:

  1. First, we will prepare the seasoning for pilaf. We need dried zira, barberry, paprika, turmeric and dried tomato. Mix it all up and put it in a jar.
  2. We twist the lid, because we will need it more than once. Thus, we will always have seasoning at hand. And we will start preparing pilaf. We take rice and thoroughly wash it in several waters. Pour the washed rice with cold water and set aside.
  3. Rinse the pork and cut into identical cubes, the size of a pilaf.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron and send it to the stove. Remember, the fatter your pork, the less oil you will need.
  5. We heat the oil in the treasury and send pieces of meat to it. Stir gently and leave to fry over medium heat. At this time, we will peel the onion and chop it finely. Do not forget that meat is fried on the stove - stir so that it does not burn! Peel the carrot and cut into strips. Is the meat ready? Then we will send vegetables to him and continue to fry until the onion is reddened.
  6. Mix and send them 1 teaspoon of prepared seasoning for pilaf. Mix everything gently and fill with water on the finger above the level of the meat. Add salt and cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the fire. Let yourself get ready. Pork will be ready in 15-20 minutes. Now it's time for the rice.
  7. We throw it in a colander and send it to our meat. Gently level the surface of the rice and add water - now it should cover the rice 2 fingers higher. We again covered the cauldron with a lid and cook for about 40 minutes.
  8. After 25 minutes, you need to open the lid and collect rice from the edges of the cauldron, moving them to the center with a mound.
  9. After 40 minutes, all the water in the cauldron should have evaporated. If it still remains, then you need to pierce the rice with a knife in several places to the very bottom of the cauldron - this way it will evaporate faster. But, in no case do not stir the rice! Everything, the pilaf is already cooked, now you can mix it up and put it on a serving dish.
  10. Decorate it with chopped greens and ... eat in good health !!!

Pork pilaf


  • Pork neck - 300 gr.
  • rice - 250 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2-3 teeth
  • red mi black ground pepper
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp
  • dried basil - pinch
  • salt and vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the garlic cloves. Peel the onion and carrot and cut into cubes. Cut the neck meat into cubes the size of a regular pilaf.
  2. First, we heat the dishes themselves on camphor, in which we will cook our dish, and then pour vegetable oil into it.
  3. Put the cubes of meat in it and fry over high heat for about 10 minutes. Now we need to add onions to the fried meat, and after 3 minutes, carrots, coriander, garlic, red and black peppers.
  4. Mix everything and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  5. Now you can send washed rice, pour everything with water, bring to a boil and close the lid. We continue to simmer our dish on low heat for about 25-30 minutes.
  6. After 20 minutes, send a bay leaf to the rice and close the lid again.
  7. As soon as all the water has evaporated, we test the rice with a fork for readiness. In the event that it seems still damp to you, add a little more water, close the lid and continue to simmer. In no case do not mix - you can get porridge!.
  8. Mix the finished dish, put it on a plate, decorate with herbs.

Pork pilaf


  • Rice - 1 cup
  • pork - 300 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pieces
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.
  • tomatoes (preferably dried) 5-6 slices.
  • spices for pilaf
  • salt, pepper and bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. We will cook this dish in the oven. So, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. While it is warming up, we take on the ingredients.
  3. Cut the washed meat into cubes. Cut the peeled carrot into slices, and coarsely chop the garlic and onion. Now pour oil into a hot frying pan and fry pieces of meat in it.
  4. After 15 minutes, add the chopped onion and when it is reddened, add the carrots and garlic. Gently mix everything and send slices of tomatoes to them.
  5. Fry everything for another 5 minutes. Lubricate the bottom of the cauldron, in which our pilaf will be cooked, with butter, put the prepared meat with vegetables into it, cover with rice, add spices and pour boiling water over it.
  6. Place in oven and cook for 20 minutes. Do not cover the pot with a lid. When the cooking time is over, select a cauldron with pilaf from the oven, add butter and mix well. Send the pilaf to the oven for another 20 minutes.
  7. Our pork pilaf is already cooked, and I wish you all a good appetite!!!

Pork pilaf


  • Pork - 500 gr.
  • rice - 500 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 5-6 tooth
  • seasoning for pilaf - 3 tsp
  • salt and pepper
  • refined oil.

Cooking method:

  1. The first thing we need to do is rinse the rice and soak it in cold water. While the rice is soaking, cut our piece of meat into 15 large pieces. We take a pan with thick walls and heat the oil in it.
  2. We send pieces of meat to the oil, mix and fry them over high heat until golden brown. We add a little water, and reduce the fire to put out a little more. Cut the carrot into strips, and the onion into half rings.
  3. When all the water has evaporated in the pan, we will send the onion to the meat first, and after 2 minutes the carrot.
  4. Add salt and fry for 2 minutes. We send seasoning for pilaf. and on top we fall asleep rice, previously thrown into a colander. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the dish for about 20 minutes.
  5. Once the time is up, you don't need to open the lid. You just need to turn off the camphor and cover the pan with a warm towel. Set the pilaf aside, let it infuse for another 10-15 minutes. Now you can serve your masterpiece on a plate,
  6. Stir the pilaf, and put rice on a plate first, and pieces of meat on top of it. Serve him with the vegetable salad that you like best, and vo-a-la - you have completed the task completely.

Pork pilaf


  • lean pork about 700 gr
  • 2 cups rice
  • 250 - 300 gr carrots
  • 2 - 3 large onions
  • about 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 3 heads of garlic
  • aromatic spices (zira, turmeric, barberry)
  • salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, we wash the rice, draining the liquid 5-6 times, then fill it with cold water and set aside until its time comes. We cut the pork into medium pieces and fry in a deep frying pan (it is better if it resembles a cauldron) in vegetable oil, over good heat, until golden brown on all sides, stirring occasionally.
  2. Then add carrots chopped into thin strips to the meat (I used Korean grater) and thinly sliced ​​onion. Fry everything together until the vegetables are golden, while stirring, usually it takes from 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Add salt, pepper and seasonings to the meat, mix well. Drain excess water from rice
  4. spread in an even layer over the pork. We cut off the bottom of the garlic and remove only the upper husk and, together with the skin, with whole heads, gently immerse half in the rice groats.
  5. Pour the future pilaf with hot boiling water so that it covers it by 2 centimeters.
  6. We cover with a lid and cook the dish over low heat, the cooking time largely depends on the dishes in which the pork pilaf is cooked (usually 30-35 minutes is enough for me). The liquid should almost evaporate and the rice should become crumbly. Gently remove the garlic and stir the pilaf until smooth, serve hot. Enjoy your meal.

Pork pilaf recipe

If you want to cook crumbly spicy pilaf, then take note of this recipe. The finished dish has a yellowish tint, not from a large amount of vegetable oil, but from the spice - turmeric.


  • 550 gr. pork tenderloin;
  • 400 gr. steamed long-grain rice;
  • 3 medium onions;
  • 2 medium sized carrots;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 65 ml sunflower oil;
  • ground turmeric;
  • seasoning "Utskho-suneli";
  • bay leaf;
  • salt.
  1. First cut the pork into small pieces. We clean the onion, cut it into half rings. Do not worry that the rings are not too thin, in the process heat treatment The onion will become soft and almost translucent. Cut the carrot into thin strips. It is necessary to pour about 1 cm of vegetable oil into a cast-iron cauldron, and then put on a strong fire.
  2. Place meat pieces in hot sunflower oil, mix well. Pork must be fried at maximum flame. Appearance golden brown on the surface of the meat will indicate that it is necessary to add onion half rings to it. After the onion becomes soft, add the prepared carrots to the cauldron.
  3. We get zirvak, it must be stirred from time to time. After browning the carrots, you need to set the minimum fire, gently level the zirvak with a tablespoon. Evenly distribute the rice, lay out the garlic cloves. Then pour rice with water, the liquid should cover it by about 2 cm. Add a bay leaf to the cauldron, 2-3 gr. seasonings "Utskho-suneli" and the same amount of ground turmeric, salt to taste. Then we increase the strength of the flame.
  4. We are waiting for the water to evaporate from the surface of the cereal, and peculiar “volcanoes” form. Reduce the heat to low again and cover the pot with a lid. After 20 minutes, remove the dishes with pilaf from the fire, remove the lid. Stir the pilaf with a wooden spoon and let it brew for 10 minutes. You can taste the dish and add more salt if necessary. Now delicious dish ready, you can treat them to your family. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for Uzbek pilaf with pork

Many housewives would like to learn how to cook Uzbek pilaf you have such an opportunity. This simple recipe will help create a dish Uzbek cuisine quickly and without much hassle.


  • 900 gr. pork;
  • 900 gr. long grain rice;
  • 450 gr. carrots;
  • 400 gr. Luke;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 200 ml sunflower oil;
  • 5 gr. seasonings for pilaf;
  • salt and ground pepper.

Cooking Uzbek pilaf with pork:

  1. Pork must be cut into medium cubes and fried with onions, which were previously cut into quarter rings. If you have a cauldron, then it is worth cooking in it. Oil during the cooking process should not be spared, since the final taste of the dish depends on it. After browning the meat, add carrots, chopped with a grater, to the meat.
  2. It is necessary to fry everything until the carrots acquire a light golden hue. Now you can add the necessary spices. Then we pour well-washed rice into the cauldron, fill everything with water, it should cover the rice.
  3. Next, put the garlic in the cauldron. We increase the fire to the maximum and wait for the liquid to boil in the cauldron. When the rice absorbs some of the water, cover the container with a lid.
  4. We make a minimum fire and cook pilaf with pork in a cauldron for 20 minutes. After this time, we listen to the sounds that are heard from the cauldron, while we do not open the lid.
  5. If the hissing of water is inaudible, then it is necessary to remove the dishes from the stove and let the pilaf stand for another 15 minutes. If you hear that the water hisses, then it is worth continuing to cook the dish. We proceed to the tasting of pilaf, its aroma is simply incredible.

Pilaf with pork in a slow cooker

Cooking pilaf in a slow cooker is a pleasure. One has only to prepare the appropriate products, and the home assistant will do the rest. Use this recipe, you will definitely like the taste of the dish.


  • 500 gr. steamed rice and pork pulp;
  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 3 heads of onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 75 ml of sunflower oil;
  • bay leaf;
  • seasoning for pilaf;
  • salt;
  • 3 gr. curry.

How to cook pilaf in a slow cooker with pork:

  1. We cut the meat into cubes. Pour into the container of the multicooker required amount sunflower oil, add salt, as well as seasoning.
  2. Fry the meat for 30 minutes, setting the "Frying" function. Stir occasionally while frying. Peel the onion, cut into cubes.
  3. Chop the carrots using coarse grater. On top of the fried meat, first spread the onions, and then the carrots.
  4. We wash the rice, put it in the multicooker container, add salt to taste, the necessary spices, bay leaf, and garlic cloves.
  5. We fill everything with water and set the “Rice” or “Pilaf” function, cook pilaf in a slow cooker according to the recipe for 1 hour. After the end of the cooking mode, open the lid and mix the pilaf with a spatula. Read more:

Delicious pilaf with pork and beef ribs

Taste ready meal also depends on rice, it is better to use the Basmati variety for cooking pilaf, it does not boil soft and turns out friable. Add a little dry barberry to the pilaf, it will give the dish its bright aroma.


  • 520 gr. pork;
  • 3 beef ribs;
  • 500 gr. rice
  • 500 gr. carrots;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • a head of garlic;
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • 2 gr. zira;
  • barberry;
  • salt.

How to cook pork pilaf:

  1. We put a cauldron on the fire and warm it up well. Pour 150-180 ml of sunflower oil on the bottom. You can also cook pilaf in a saucepan, which has a thickened bottom, but it still tastes better in cast-iron dishes. After the oil is hot, put beef ribs. Fry them on medium heat for 7 minutes.
  2. We take out the ribs and place the onion, cut in the form of rings, into the cauldron. Fry it until golden. We cut the meat into medium pieces, send it to the cauldron. In the process of frying, mix thoroughly with onions. After browning the pork, add the carrots, cut into strips. Mix everything and fry for another 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the zira, put the head of garlic. We put here a pod of hot pepper along with fried ribs. Pour in boiling water, the contents of the cauldron should be covered with liquid. Salt the zirvak and cook over medium heat for 40 minutes. Then we take out the ribs and put a little dried barberry.
  4. We drain the water from the rice that was previously soaked and add it to the container with zirvak. Add boiling water, it should cover the rice. Cook pilaf on medium heat. When there is no water on the surface of the rice, cover the cauldron with a lid and cook the pilaf until it is ready. After cooking, let the dish brew for 20 minutes. Remove from pilaf hot peppers and a head of garlic, mix it and lay out a hot dish on plates.

Useful tips from experienced chefs:

  • When cooking pilaf, always pour rice hot water from a teapot.
  • Pilaf will turn out even tastier if you mix types of oil to cook it.
  • For the preparation of pilaf, it is recommended to use the meat of a young animal.