Butter: consumption rate and composition. Benefits, how to choose and properties of butter

Good day, my dear readers! To make butter, all you need is cream, and nothing else. In the 19th century, butter was very expensive, it was considered the same delicacy as oysters, black caviar and champagne.

This product was not available to ordinary people, only the know could afford it. There were no refrigerators back then, and oil quickly deteriorates in heat.

Not to mention the fact that the cream had to be whipped by hand, this process is quite lengthy and laborious: in order for the rich French to have buttered buns for breakfast, the milkmen had to work all night.

Academician Fleishman, famous in those days, who devoted his life to the study of dairy products, wrote: “Butter will never become a national food product ...” However, the scientist was mistaken. Those times have come.

Butter or margarine: how to determine?

To find out what exactly is in front of you, study the list of ingredients. If you find hydrogenated (that is, converted from liquid to solid) vegetable fats in the composition, alas, this is not butter, but real margarine.

It is better to buy butter produced in summer. It is tastier and healthier, since cows eat fresh grass at this time of the year, and not hay and mixed fodder, and therefore produce better milk.

By the way, beta-carotene dye, absolutely harmless and permitted by GOST, is sometimes added to winter oil. Without such tinting, a product made in the cold season turns out to be too pale.

What is useful butter for women?

There are much fewer vitamins and nutrients in butter than in cheese, yogurt or milk, but there are more calories and cholesterol. Why eat it then?

For skin beauty

This product contains vitamin E, which slows down the aging of the skin, and fatty acids, they help make it more elastic.

For a whiter smile and thicker hair

Butter contains vitamins A, D, K, PP, without which there will be neither healthy teeth, nor strong bones, nor beautiful hair. “But these vitamins are also in less high-calorie foods!” - You object. This is true, but they are best absorbed in combination with fat (it is no coincidence that they are called fat-soluble), which is the oil.

For fast thinking

Fat is responsible for the speed of information exchange between different parts of the brain. So, if you have serious mental work to do, it is useful to eat a sandwich or porridge with butter for breakfast.

For a slim figure

Although traditionally butter is not classified as a dietary product, it is lower in calories than vegetable oil. (72-82% fat versus 100%). And in addition to not the most useful saturated fats, it contains very necessary unsaturated fatty acids, however, in small quantities.

How much butter can you eat per day?

Butter types

There are several types of butter. They differ primarily in the percentage of fat:

  • 99% - ghee, from which milk protein and other impurities were removed by melting, leaving almost pure fat. Ghee has 30% more vitamin A than traditional butter. It is resistant to high temperatures - does not burn or smoke when roasted. Minus - high calorie content (about 900 kcal per 100 g).
  • 82.5% - traditional. Great for sandwiches, pastries or cream cake. But frying in this oil is not worth it. It boils at a temperature slightly above 100`C (usually food is fried at 120-180`C), after which it begins to release carcinogens. Cooking with butter every day will lead to heartburn and stomach problems.
  • 80% - amateur. It contains more water than the traditional one (20% versus 16%). Keep in mind that the more moisture in the oil, the faster it deteriorates.
  • 72.5% - peasant. Its main feature is a high moisture content (up to 25%). But instead of water, buttermilk is usually added to peasant butter, which gives it a more delicate taste.
  • 61% - sandwich and 50% - tea. The only two types where, according to GOST, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives can be added.

How to check the quality of butter

Butter is one of those products that are pleasant to buy on the market. These light yellow bars or even balls, picturesquely laid out on the counter, look painfully appetizing.

But how to determine the quality of the oil without a label? If the color is not uniform, and the edges of the bars are crumbling, do not take it. If everything is in order with this, buy a hundred grams for a sample and conduct an experiment at home.

Experiment 1

Press down on the piece of butter with your finger. A poor-quality product will immediately begin to crumble.

Experiment 2

Dip in hot water. Butter made exclusively from cream will dissolve evenly, while butter containing vegetable fats will break up into small particles. If there is a dye in the composition, yellow spots will float on the surface.

Experiment 3

Try it. Real butter will melt in your mouth quickly, leaving a delicate sweet milk flavor on your tongue. A product with vegetable fats or made from low-quality ingredients will dissolve slowly, and the aftertaste will be unpleasant.


Butter: what are they?

Sweet, sour, salty… Butter can have almost any taste except bitter.

Sweet cream - most popular. It is made from fresh cream. First, they are heated (pasteurized) to 80-90 degrees to destroy bacteria, then they are placed in a special apparatus (butter maker, or oil converter), where they turn into butter.

Sour milk. Lactic acid starter is added to the cream. The result is butter with a delicate taste of natural yoghurt.

Salty - table salt is added to sweet cream butter. It is rarely used for baking, but sandwiches with it are excellent.

Chocolate, Fruit, Berry. This is a mixture of sweet cream butter with various fillers - cocoa, honey, jam, jam. You can drink tea with this oil or use it as a cream for a cake. But keep in mind that artificial preservatives, colors, stabilizers, and emulsifiers are often added to "sweet" butter, making it less healthy.


How to store butter?

FROM butter is a delicate product not only in texture, but also in its essence. To keep it from spoiling, handle it with care.

  • The oil very quickly absorbs surrounding odors, so you need to store it either in a package or in a tightly closed container.
  • In stores there are oilers with a transparent lid, but you should not buy them. In the light, the oil deteriorates much faster than in the dark.
  • In the refrigerator, the oil lives a maximum of 5-7 days, in the freezer 3-4 months. What to do if the electricity suddenly turned off in the country? Wrap the butter first in foil or parchment, then in a plastic bag. Place in a pot of cold water and cover with a lid. So the oil can be stored for 3-4 days.
  • If the oil is bitter, it is better to throw it away. Most likely, it has already deteriorated.

How to make butter at home?

You can make your own butter if you like. To do this, you only need heavy cream and a mixer. Whip the cream with a mixer until buttermilk (similar to low-fat milk) separates from it.

In contact with

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of butter. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle try to reduce as much as possible, or even completely eliminate products containing animal fats from the diet. Today, the average Russian eats only 1.2 kg of butter per year, while the annual norm recommended by nutritionists is 4.5 kg. Is it worth limiting the use of this product and what is more in it - benefit or harm?

What is useful butter?

If you study the composition of butter in more detail, then the benefits of the product are obvious.

Table: chemical composition of traditional butter (82.5% fat)

In 100 g of product:
Squirrels0.5 g
Fats82.5 g
Carbohydrates0.8 g
Starch0.02 g
Water24 g
Butyric acid15 g
Linolenic acid0.7 g
Lauric acid11 g
Oleic acid45 g
Cholesterol180 mg
Lecithin0.5 g
Vitamin A2 mg
Vitamin B58 mg
Vitamin D10 mcg
Vitamin E20 mg
Potassium2000 mg
Calcium1000 mg
Sodium2000 mg
Phosphorus1050 mg
calories748 kcal

Butter owes its valuable qualities primarily to a balanced complex of 150 fatty acids, 20 of which are irreplaceable, that is, not produced by the human body. Let's name a few of the most significant:

  • butyric and linoleic acids have an anticarcinogenic effect and prevent oncological diseases;
  • lauric acid has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, it increases the body's resistance to bacterial and fungal infections;
  • oleic acid, which makes up 45% of the product, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents its deposition on the walls of blood vessels and protects the heart.

Butter contains many other useful substances and fat-soluble vitamins that perform important functions in the body:

  • lecithin normalizes cholesterol metabolism;
  • vitamin A maintains visual acuity and proper functioning of the immune system, strengthens the epithelium of the respiratory tract, and it also envelops and heals the mucous membranes, which is why the product is necessarily part of the diet in the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • vitamin D, necessary for the absorption of vitamin A and calcium, contributes to the strength of bones and joints, healthy teeth, hair and nails;
  • vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, it takes part in the regulation of the circulatory system and liver function, prevents the formation of cancer cells and protects the immune system.

Butter is indispensable for diseases of the digestive system - it can increase bile secretion and reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Butter is very valuable for women. It is indispensable not only for maintaining beauty, but also for normal hormonal levels. No wonder it is recommended for problems with conception. If there is not enough adipose tissue in a woman's body, then her menstrual cycle is disturbed, she is not able to become pregnant and bear a child. The oil also prevents the development of breast cancer.

Butter is also useful for men - it helps to maintain normal sexual activity, and animal protein and vitamin E improve sperm production.

There are many myths about butter. Some of them are debunked by Dr. Sergei Agapkin in the video clip of the program "About the most important thing."

Video: the whole truth about butter

When is butter not good for you?

Many doctors believe that the use of butter should be completely abandoned in the presence of the following problems:

  • heart attack or stroke;
  • hypertension and any other cardiovascular diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • obesity - due to high calorie content.

But not all experts agree with this. In contrast to their colleagues, other doctors recommend only limiting the consumption of the product, but not completely eliminating it from the diet.

Excessive passion for butter and constant excess of the recommended daily dose, especially with a sedentary lifestyle and over 40 years of age, is fraught with atherosclerosis, obesity, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver and kidneys.

Butter is definitely harmful if used for frying or added to baked goods. The fact is that, in addition to milk fat, the product contains protein components, which, when heated, form free radicals, leading to the onset of cancer.

The benefits of ghee for the body:

The reputation of butter has been seriously damaged due to the large number of fakes. Of all dairy products, butter is the leader in terms of the amount of surrogate produced. Fake products and spreads contain trans fats that damage artery walls. That is why when buying unfamiliar brands of butter, you should always carefully study the packaging. The composition of the natural product includes only cream, salted butter contains a small percentage of salt. No other components should be present in real oil. Fat content of less than 80–85% can be alarming: often such a product contains unhealthy impurities.

Find out more about how to choose the right butter in a video from an expert in food production, Associate Professor Anar Mambetova.

Video: the secrets of choosing the right butter

Some complain of heartburn from butter. The reason for this may be gastroesophageal reflux - the reverse reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. The presence of such a symptom is the reason for contacting a gastroenterologist.

Many teenagers refuse butter because of the formation of acne. In this case, it is worth limiting the consumption of the product to 10 g per day and include more coarse fiber in the diet - vegetables, herbs, fruits. The complete rejection of animal fats during puberty can lead to hormonal disorders and other serious health problems.

How much oil can you eat without harm to health?

For a healthy person, nutritionists recommend eating up to 20 g of butter daily. In order for the product to be fully absorbed, and not deposited in fat on the sides, it is better to use it for breakfast. The body will be saturated and receive a powerful boost of energy. It is good to add oil to cereals, main dishes or make sandwiches with it.

In case of obesity, problems with the heart and blood vessels, the consumption of the product should be limited to 5 g per day.

Features of the use of butter for different categories of people

When using butter, there may be some nuances depending on the age and condition of the body.

During pregnancy

Regular consumption of butter during pregnancy is necessary for many reasons:

  • high calcium content ensures the correct formation of the skeletal system of the unborn child;
  • a complex of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids ensure the absorption of calcium and the normal functioning of the digestive system, protect the immune system, maintain the skin, teeth, hair and nails of the mother in a healthy state;
  • the oil contains substances responsible for the growth and proper formation of new cells, stabilizing the hormonal background;
  • the product ensures the elasticity of blood vessels and helps to avoid the development of varicose veins.

In the first trimester, all the vital organs of the baby are laid, so the expectant mother should receive enough protein, calcium and vitamins with food. If there are no contraindications, the consumption of butter at this time can be increased to 30 g per day.

In the early stages, often pregnant women are tormented by toxicosis. In this case, the consumption of fatty foods should be limited, but you can not refuse it completely. The permitted amount of butter for toxicosis is up to 10 g per day. It is better to add it to cereals and main dishes.

In the second trimester, heartburn and constipation often become constant companions of expectant mothers. One teaspoon of butter on an empty stomach will help a woman cope with constipation, and if taken 10 minutes after eating, you can get rid of heartburn. At the end of this period, the active growth of the baby begins, so the risk of gaining excess weight is very high. That is why the consumption of butter should be reduced to 20 g per day.

When breastfeeding

Butter is necessary for a nursing mother - it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for a baby for normal growth and development. And the probability of provoking an allergic reaction in a crumb is extremely small, since the content of animal protein in the product is insignificant - only half a percent.

It is very important to monitor the quality of the product and buy oil from trusted brands. In no case should a nursing mother use oil for frying or add it to baking. During heat treatment, it turns into poison for the child.

You can include the product in your diet for your mother from the first month of a baby's life. But this must be done gradually. The initial dose should not exceed half a teaspoon. In the future, little by little it can be increased.

But do not get carried away with the product beyond measure. 30 g is the maximum daily dose for a nursing mother. Its excess can cause an increase in cholesterol, obesity, heartburn, indigestion, and the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

In rare cases, butter can provoke an allergic reaction in a baby. Then the mother should stop using it for at least a few months, until the baby's digestive system gets stronger.

Butter for feeding

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that a child who is breastfed does not need to be given butter for complementary foods before 8 months. The doctor recommends first introducing the baby to foods such as kefir, cottage cheese, vegetable purees and cereals. As for oils, you need to start with refined vegetable oils. And only after the child gets used to all of the above products, you can add a small amount of butter to the finished porridge. For formula-fed babies, butter can be introduced into the diet from 6 months.

The initial dose should be no more than 1 gram, this is literally on the tip of a knife. Then you should make sure that the product is well tolerated and only after that begin to gradually increase the portion of animal fat to 5 g per day, which corresponds to 1 teaspoon.

Table: the consumption rate of butter for children of the first year of life

Child's age With artificial feeding With natural feeding
6 months1 g-
Seven months3–5 g-
8 months3–5 g1 g
9 months3–5 g
10–12 months5 g

Children need to be given only a high-quality natural product. Spreads (products based on a mixture of milk and vegetable fats) in the baby's diet are unacceptable. Butter can only be added to a ready-made warm dish, but in no case during cooking or stewing.

Butter in the children's menu

The daily intake of butter for children from 1 to 3 years old is from 6 to 10 g (no more than 2 teaspoons). The product is added to ready-made porridge or vegetable side dishes, used to lubricate soufflés and puddings, as well as to make sandwiches.

Children from 3 to 7 years old can be given up to 15 g of the product per day. It is not worth exceeding the daily allowance, so as not to cause obesity and digestive problems in the child.

Children over 7 and teenagers need 20-25 grams of butter per day. This product is mandatory in the diet of a student, as it increases mental activity, concentration and energizes for the whole day.

The use of butter in certain diseases

Butter is part of therapeutic diets for many diseases. Consider how the product can help with some of them.

For pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers

All these ailments are associated with inflammation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, the diet here is no less important than drug treatment. It is aimed at healing the mucous membranes of the stomach and pancreas and helps to prevent complications.

In the acute period, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, only water and weak tea are allowed. After a few days, liquid porridge-smear, mashed mucous soups-mashed potatoes, soft-boiled eggs or steam omelettes, jelly may appear in the diet. Any fatty foods during the period of exacerbation are excluded. Butter is included in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis at the stage of remission - 2–3 weeks after the exacerbation is removed. Only a natural product with a fat content of at least 82% will benefit. It is better to add it to cereals and side dishes.

With a stomach ulcer, butter with propolis and honey helps well.

The effectiveness of this remedy is due to the high antibacterial activity of the components (including in the fight against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis and ulcers), as well as the ability to heal and restore damaged cells of the gastric mucosa. To prepare a remedy you will need:

  • 10 g of propolis;
  • 90 g unsalted butter;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
  1. Propolis must first be placed in the freezer, then chopped on a fine grater until pieces with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm are obtained.
  2. Soften the butter in a water bath and mix with pieces of propolis.
  3. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  4. Filter hot oil through cheesecloth.
  5. In a soft cooled product, add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  6. Place the finished mixture in a hermetically sealed glass or ceramic dish under the lid.
  7. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

The remedy is taken in a course of 3 weeks, 1 teaspoon three times a day, 1 hour before meals.

For diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is not a reason to completely exclude butter from the diet, but it is important to observe the correct dosage. The permitted amount of the product for this disease is no more than 15 g per day.

Regular consumption of butter helps to solve a number of problems that occur with type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

  • supports the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • preserves vision;
  • promotes the speedy healing of wounds and cracks on the skin;
  • gives a powerful energy charge;
  • increases mental activity.

Exceeding the dosage is fraught with:

  • the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • circulatory disorders in the lower extremities, which leads to the emergence of the so-called diabetic foot - a complex tissue lesion in this area;
  • heart attack or stroke.

With hemorrhoids

Regular consumption of butter inside with this disease helps to normalize the stool and make it "slippery".

The combination of oil and honey can also be used externally to relieve pain in the anus and reduce bleeding. To do this, a tablespoon of the dairy product is mixed with the same amount of liquid honey and injected into the anus.

On the basis of butter, you can prepare anal suppositories that will help relieve inflammation and heal anal fissures:

100 g of butter must be melted, add 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile, flaxseed, mullein. Stir and keep in a water bath for an hour. Add a small amount of beeswax. Pour the resulting mixture onto a flat plate and allow to cool naturally. Cut the frozen mass into small pieces. Store finished candles in the refrigerator.

For constipation

A mixture of butter, dates and black pepper will help to cope with constipation.

  1. 10 dried dates must be washed well, pitted and finely chopped.
  2. Melt 1 teaspoon of butter in a water bath and pour it into the chopped ones.
  3. Add a small amount of ground black pepper to the mixture, literally at the tip of a knife.

The resulting mixture should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 hours before meals and water.

If the problem is systemic, a course is needed until the symptoms disappear.

Cough during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited. In such a situation, a combination of butter, milk, soda and honey will help to defeat a cough with a cold. The tool is suitable if there is no temperature.

Preparation of cough medicine:

  1. Boil and cool a glass of natural cow's milk.
  2. Add to it 1/3 teaspoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of honey and butter.
  3. Mix all components thoroughly until completely dissolved.

It is better to drink the remedy after dinner before going to bed. The drink will help soften the throat, stop coughing, calm down and fall asleep faster.

For gout

When gout flares up, it is very important to follow a diet. It is aimed at limiting protein products that cause an increase in uric acid in the body, leading to the deposition of salts in the joints. The total amount of fat is limited to 80 g per day, with preference given to vegetable rather than animal. Butter consumption should be reduced to 5 g per day.

With sinusitis

A recipe from Vanga will help free the sinuses from purulent accumulations. At night, you need to put a small, pea-sized piece of butter in one nostril. The next night, do the same procedure for the other nostril. An important condition - the oil must be natural and fresh.

For joint pain

A folk remedy based on butter, eggs and vinegar will help to cope with pain.

In 150 g of any vinegar from 4 to 9%, you need to place a well-washed fresh raw egg. For these purposes, it is better to use a narrow glass, since the egg must be completely immersed in the liquid. Leave to infuse for 3-5 days until the shell dissolves. At the same time, the egg should increase in volume and become like rubber.

It is not scary if the shell does not dissolve completely. Then the egg film must be pierced and removed along with the remains of the shell, and the protein and yolk should be properly mixed with vinegar. To prepare an ointment for the joints, 100 g of softened butter and 1 teaspoon of honey are added to the resulting mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator.

It is better to rub the diseased joint with the resulting remedy before going to bed. Then this place must be wrapped with cling film, and on top - with a thick cloth or a warm scarf. Leave all night. The ointment relieves pain and partially restores the structure of the joint.

For dieters

Even those who are on a diet to lose weight need fats - they are part of cell membranes and are the building material for new cells. A reasonable amount (no more than 15 g per day) of butter will not be deposited in excess fat, but it will help maintain a healthy shine of hair, prevent brittle nails, and relieve skin from dryness, peeling and cracks.

A cocktail based on butter and kefir helps to get rid of excess weight. The combination of these products allows you to:

  • enhance metabolism;
  • rid the intestines of toxins;
  • clean the vessels;
  • remove bad cholesterol.

The remedy is prepared very simply: a glass of 1% kefir is mixed with 1 teaspoon of butter melted in a water bath. In order to give the drink fat-burning properties, you need to add a pinch of red pepper, cinnamon or ground ginger to it. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The cocktail is best taken in the evening, an hour before bedtime. A remedy with ginger will also help out with the onset of a cold, as this plant is an excellent antiseptic.

The role of butter in the nutrition of bodybuilders

Bodybuilders need to include in their diet not only protein foods, but also a sufficient amount of fat to gain muscle mass. Butter in the body of an athlete performs very important functions:

  • contribute to the formation of cell membranes;
  • are the most powerful source of energy for the breakdown of proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

But even during the period of enhanced training, the proportion of fat in the amount of calories consumed per day should not exceed 15-20%.

Therefore, bodybuilders during the period of gaining muscle mass are allowed no more than 50 g of butter per day. Since this dosage is almost 2 times higher than the consumption rate recommended by nutritionists for a healthy person, oil should not be abused for more than a month. Otherwise, problems with the cardiovascular system cannot be avoided.

What else do you need to know about butter?

In order for butter to bring maximum benefit, and not harm health, it is necessary to dispel some myths about this product.

Butter with a fat content below 82% is not real?

To understand which oil is more useful, you need to understand the technological stages of its production:

  1. First, cream is separated from cow's milk, the fat content of which is about 35%.
  2. Then, using a separator, the liquid (buttermilk) is separated from the cream.
  3. Depending on the concentration of the remaining liquid, cream of different fat content is obtained at the output: from 72.5% to 82.5%.

Therefore, the fat content of high-quality butter depends only on the moisture content. Another question is that butter today is the most forged dairy product. Unscrupulous manufacturers, in pursuit of cost reduction, often replace natural milk fat with palm or coconut fat, which are used to produce spread and margarine. The statistics of expert checks is as follows: the lower the percentage of fat indicated by the manufacturer on the package, the more likely it is that the oil contains foreign additives.

Is it possible to use butter with high cholesterol?

Natural butter is more than 40% monounsaturated oleic acid (omega-9), which:

  • reduces the level of low-density lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol) and increases the level of high-density lipoproteins ("good" cholesterol);
  • lowers total cholesterol levels;
  • slows down the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • involved in the construction of cell membranes.

That is why butter should not be completely excluded from the diet, even if the level of cholesterol in the blood is elevated.

But the product should not be abused due to its high calorie content. At the risk of developing atherosclerosis, the consumption rate of butter should be reduced to 5 mg per day.

How does butter affect blood pressure?

Traditional domestic medicine classifies all products containing animal fats as potentially dangerous for hypertension. This statement is true if you do not comply with the norm of their consumption. The minimum (no more than 5 g per day) amount of butter for hypertensive patients should be left in their diet, if only because it contains fat-soluble vitamin K2, which cleanses the vessels of crystallized calcium. Such a dose of a dairy product will not have a significant effect on blood pressure, but it will help maintain the heart and blood vessels in a healthy state.

Can butter be poisoned?

Oil is a perishable product. Therefore, it is quite possible to get poisoned with a high-quality dairy product if it is stored incorrectly. More than 70% of the oil consists of fatty acids, which, when oxidized, can form toxic peroxides, aldehydes and acids.

Ways of infection or poisoning:

  • purchase of a stitched product;
  • improper storage or transportation conditions;
  • packaging damage;
  • purchase of a product "from hands" from individuals.

Signs of bad oil:

  • a bright yellow edge on the surface indicates an intensive reproduction of bacteria (it is better to refuse to use such a product, in extreme cases it is necessary to cut off the top layer with a thickness of at least 1 cm, and melt the remaining mass well);
  • violation of the packaging is fraught with the reproduction of toxic mold (such a product can no longer be saved, it must be disposed of immediately).

In the artisanal production of oil, there is a high probability of contamination with bacteria of the genus Salmonella, which causes a serious infectious disease, salmonellosis. Unfortunately, in this case, the quality of the product "by eye" cannot be determined. Therefore, you should not take risks and purchase oil of dubious origin.

Butter VS vegetable oil: which oil is healthier?

Many people think that vegetable oil is more beneficial because it does not contain cholesterol. But the human body needs cholesterol in reasonable amounts to build new cells. In addition, butter contains more than 40% oleic acid, which lowers cholesterol levels.

The body needs both vegetable and animal fats, but the measure is important in everything - the calorie content of both products is very high. Vegetable oils, at least slightly, but exceed butter in their calorie content.

Both animal and vegetable products are best consumed in their pure form and not subjected to heat treatment - when frying, any oil not only loses all its value, but also turns into poison. If you choose the lesser of two evils, then you should opt for refined olive oil. The fact is that its smoke point, at which the product breaks down and turns into a carcinogen, is much higher than that of creamy - 240 versus 160 degrees.

Is it possible to use butter after a caesarean section?

The first 3 days after a caesarean section, the diet of a newly-made mother is strictly limited and is aimed at restoring intestinal motility after surgery. During this period, lean broths, cereals, vegetable purees, boiled or steamed pureed meat, stewed fish, compotes, fruit drinks, kissels, yogurts and low-fat cottage cheese are recommended. From the second week after the operation, when the body recovers, you can go to the common table. The menu is complemented by eggs, cheese, fruits, vegetable and butter.

Delicious and healthy recipes with butter

Most often, butter is used for sandwiches or added to cereals and side dishes. But there are some interesting recipes that will allow you to look at a familiar product in a new way.

Pate for sandwiches with cheese, herring and carrots

To prepare a snack that tastes like red caviar, you will need:

  • 1 medium-sized herring fillet;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • 3 boiled carrots.

All ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and thoroughly mixed until smooth. You can store a delicious mass in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. The pate is perfect for sandwiches, stuffing eggs or vegetables.

Handmade sweets

It's no secret that factory-made sweets contain a lot of harmful chemical ingredients. A tasty and healthy treat, reminiscent of the taste of Snickers bars, you can cook yourself from natural products.

  • 300 g of powdered milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 30 g of melted butter;
  • 50 ml low-fat cream;
  • 400 g of any nuts;
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  1. Add sugar and cocoa to the cream, mix thoroughly.
  2. Over low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  3. Add the peeled nuts and butter to the hot mixture.
  4. While stirring, carefully add the dry milk.
  5. Knead the resulting thick mixture with your hands.
  6. Sprinkle the bottom of a wide but shallow dish with milk powder.
  7. Roll small balls up to 5 cm in diameter from a tight sweet mass and put on a prepared dish.
  8. Place the finished sweets in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that the delicacy freezes a little.

Butter Beauty Recipes

Regular consumption of butter has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails. But on the basis of this product, nourishing masks for external use can be prepared.

Anti-dandruff hair mask

The product will eliminate itching, moisturize dry ends of the hair and relieve dandruff. To prepare it, you need only three ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon soft butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Apply to the scalp at the roots and ends of the hair.
  3. Hide your hair under a shower cap, wrap it with a thick towel on top.
  4. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

The anti-dandruff mask can be applied no more than 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Face and hand masks

Beauticians recommend using nourishing masks based on butter for dry sensitive skin. In enhanced nutrition and hydration, such skin especially needs in the cold season. During this period, oily masks can be done every other day, up to three times a week.

The easiest way to use the oil externally is to let it melt a little at room temperature and apply a thick layer on the face and hands, leave for 20 minutes, and then wash off with a mild cleanser.

Anti wrinkle mask for the skin around the eyes

  1. Lightly melt 2 teaspoons of butter in a water bath.
  2. Mix until smooth with the same amount of liquid honey.
  3. Apply a thin layer on the skin around the eyes for 10 minutes.
  4. After a specified period of time, rinse with warm water.

Nourishing mask with cottage cheese and cucumber

  1. Grind 2 tablespoons of medium-fat cottage cheese with the same amount of softened butter.
  2. Add a fifth of the cucumber, chopped on a fine grater and mix until smooth.
  3. Apply a thick layer on the face and leave for half an hour until the curd dries.
  4. Rinse carefully with warm water.

Acne Purifying Mask

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal with two tablespoons of warm cream and leave for half an hour until the flakes swell.
  2. After 30 minutes, add 2 pinches of crushed rye bran, 3 tablespoons of melted butter and 1 teaspoon of liquid honey to the cereal.
  3. Apply the mask on the skin of the face and keep for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.

Means to apply 2 times a week for a month. Then take a break for a month, if necessary, repeat the treatment course.

In our time, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle often reaches the point of absurdity, and what is persecuted and attacked is not at all something that really deserves blame. For example, butter: so much has been said and written about its dangers that many people, especially women who want to keep their figure, began to completely abandon this useful and important food product.

So, one of the famous English doctors demands an almost complete ban on the use of butter, calling for cooking with olive and sunflower, and drinking only skimmed milk. This specialist believes that it is from the use of butter in the UK that almost 200,000 people die every year, and if it is banned and replaced with margarines, then mortality will decrease.

However, British farmers are simply offended by such statements, and remind that natural milk and butter contain many nutrients necessary for a person, and scientists' theories are often based on speculation, not facts.

Butter is a truly special product. In order to get 1 kg of butter, you need to use up to 25 liters of natural cow's milk. Most doctors and nutritionists, unlike the British professor, consider butter to be an absolutely essential food for every person - of course, if consumed in normal quantities.

Consumption rate and composition of butter

The minimum daily allowance for a healthy person is 10 g, but you can consume up to 30 g. Butter contains fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, D, E, PP, B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus , sodium, copper, manganese, zinc. Vitamin E is necessary for the beauty and health of the skin, hair and nails, the strength of our muscles; vitamin A maintains normal vision, is responsible for the health of the skin and mucous membranes; without vitamin D, healthy bones and teeth are impossible. All these vitamins are fat-soluble, and the body absorbs them best with the help of natural fats.

Butter and cholesterol

However, some nutritionists still claim that butter is cholesterol that forms plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and recommend using its substitutes. We have plenty of such substitutes in every store: light, lightweight, soft - as soon as these products are not called, and meanwhile, this is not even margarine. Vegetable and animal fats are used for their production, including the fat of marine mammals, emulsifiers, fillers, flavor enhancers, flavorings - in general, a common set used in all sectors of the food industry.

Meanwhile, for children, butter substitutes are harmful, but milk fat is easily digested and is needed for growth and development. Commercials say something completely different, but if you try to think for yourself, you can remember that without fatty acids, which are rich in butter, normal synthesis of sex hormones is impossible; fats are a source of energy that our body needs for daily activities and work.

Fat-soluble vitamins are found primarily in butter and other animal products, while those found in plants and herbs cannot be absorbed without fat. There is as much vitamin A in butter as there is in no vegetable oil, and it is necessary not only for vision and skin, but also for the functioning of the immune system, the formation of sperm and the proper development of eggs. If a woman does not have enough fat in her diet, then her menstrual cycle is disturbed, and conception may become impossible.

Of course, it can cause an increase in cholesterol in the blood if you eat it 3 times a day, and in large portions, adding it to dishes, pastries, creams, preparing sandwiches. If, in addition, the level of cholesterol in the blood is already elevated, then atherosclerosis may well begin to develop. But is the oil itself to blame?

The benefits of butter

AT butter a lot of calories, however, if consumed in reasonable quantities, these calories give the body strength and energy. In winter, as well as in the northern regions, this oil is simply necessary for people: when it is cold outside, it is enough to eat a small amount of oil in the morning to protect yourself from hypothermia. Without fat, timely cell renewal is impossible - especially brain cells and nervous tissue. If children during the period of growth do not have enough fat, then this can result in mental retardation and a decrease in intellectual abilities. In schoolchildren, in this case, the ability to learn and academic performance often decreases.

For people with gastrointestinal problems, eating butter substitutes can be harmful, as they contain trans fats that can increase insulin levels, slow down metabolism, and generally negatively affect health. Vitamin A contained in butter is very useful for gastric and duodenal ulcers, as it promotes faster healing, but such patients can eat no more than 20 g of oil per day.

Healthy Butter Blend Recipes

For respiratory diseases and seasonal colds without butter generally hard to do. It is recommended at this time to increase its consumption, up to 60-70 g per day. There are recipes for oil mixtures that help strengthen the immune system, increase the body's defenses and kill viruses.

Oil for their preparation can be taken only fresh. To soften the oil, it must be kept at room temperature for several hours, and then rubbed in a bowl with a wooden spoon.

To prepare vitamin green oil with lemon, you need 300 g of oil, 1 lemon and 50 g of finely chopped parsley. Mix lemon juice with butter and herbs, beat and salt to taste, if necessary.

Garlic oil is prepared in the same way, only mixed and whipped with 350 g of butter 20 g of garlic, crushed in a mortar or squeezed through a garlic press. Salt in this case can not be added, especially if you take salty.

Such oil mixtures should be consumed every day during epidemics, and they will help reduce the risk of viral and colds.

Another plus butter, which is not reported by those who call for abandoning its use - the content of oleic acid. This monounsaturated acid, which is about 40% in oil, normalizes blood cholesterol levels, improves fat metabolism and suppresses the activity of genes that can cause cancer.

How to choose and properties of butter

Which product can be considered butter? Only the one that is derived from natural cream, and its fat content should be 82.5% or more, but not less. A product with a lower fat content and a large number of various food additives that replace the natural base is not butter - it is a spread, margarine or other ersatz product, and it should cost less.

Do not buy butter wrapped in parchment paper - in the light it loses many vitamins and oxidizes. Take the oil in foil - it retains much more useful.

If you do buy an oil that has been exposed to light, don't use its top layer, which is yellowed and dull - remove it and throw it away.

Store the oil in the refrigerator or in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 12°C. You can store the oil for a short time at room temperature, but in such a way that no light enters. You can not use glass oilers - in them, the oil loses all its useful properties in just a day; choose ceramic, plastic, porcelain oilers - in general, the material should be opaque.

Butter tends to absorb various odors, so do not keep strong-smelling foods or things in the kitchen.

You can only benefit from fresh, natural butter. It does not need to be overcooked, but it is better to add it to dishes after they are ready.

On the other hand, when frying food, it gives much less carcinogens than other oils and fats. However, if you really want to, you can fry it only in melted butter. Such oil is stored for a long time - more than a year in the refrigerator, and at room temperature - almost 9 months. Its smoke point is much higher, so you can fry on it.

The easiest way to cook ghee is to gently heat it until it becomes liquid, and keep it in this state for about half an hour so that the water evaporates and the milk proteins float to the top. Squirrels must be removed with a slotted spoon, and the remaining oil should be filtered.

Butter, if used in moderation, keeps the rods and cones of the eyes working, allowing you to slow down the age-related decline in vision. So remember: it is not the product itself that is dangerous, but the imbalance in our body. Eat and be healthy!

Nowadays, many women, especially those who are in a state of "permanent weight loss", avoid the use of butter, despite its great health benefits. Meanwhile, any nutritionist is ready to confirm: moderate consumption of butter does not harm the figure at all. And sometimes even vice versa...

The benefits of butter, what is it?

The question is: where does she come from, benefits of butter? Indeed, even the first association that arises at the mention of butter is “fat”. Yes, this is true, but the correct fatty acids contained in it are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Butter also contains vitamins and a lot of useful organic substances. It is important to know that about 10-30g of this product can be consumed per day, only such an amount of butter per day will not only not harm your body and will not add extra centimeters to your waist, but will also enrich your body cells with essential microelements.

Probably the biggest concern about butter is its cholesterol content. Scientists elevated this substance to the rank of the most important enemies for our body, but they forgot to mention that, not only is cholesterol produced in our body, but it also needs to be consumed from the outside. So, cholesterol is involved in the formation of sex hormones, so necessary for us. Also, cholesterol is necessary for the normal functioning of cells, as it is one of the components in their construction. Also, without cholesterol, our brain reacts poorly to a substance like serotonin, known as the "hormone of joy", and this inevitably leads to depression and a bad mood in general.

Vitamins A, B, C, D and E contained in butter have an extremely positive effect on the growth and condition of nails, hair, skin, bones and muscles. So, vitamin D takes an active part in the formation of nervous tissue and bones. Vitamin A is responsible for good vision, the normal functioning of the mucous membranes, and also gives the skin a healthy look. Vitamin E is also related to the benefits of butter - it strengthens and promotes the growth of hair, muscles and nails.

People knew about the positive effects of oil even before it was scientifically proven, and managed to include it in recipes that help with various ailments and misfortunes:

  • if you have small children, and their teeth are very painful, grease their gums with butter, this will calm them down and facilitate the whole process for a while;
  • butter with sugar should be eaten if you have a dry cough, hemoptysis or pleurisy, and a similar mixture also serves as a diuretic;
  • butter is lubricated on the body with urticaria, lichen and various types of rashes;
  • butter with a soft-boiled egg cures pain in the bladder;
  • butter with wine helps with diarrhea;
  • a glass of pomegranate juice with a spoonful of butter helps with dysentery;
  • ghee, applied to the skin at night, makes it soft, clean and gives it shine;
  • with an epidemic of colds, you can make homemade oil with lemon and garlic oil. So, to prepare the first, you need 300g of oil, the juice of 1 lemon and 50g of finely chopped parsley. Mix all this, add salt and take a teaspoon every day. To prepare garlic oil, you will need 350g of oil and 20g of crushed garlic, also mix the ingredients and use a teaspoon daily.

Now you know about the benefits of butter not only as a source of cholesterol and vitamins necessary for our body, but also as one of the ingredients in the treatment of various diseases. The main thing is not to confuse butter with margarine, because only natural butter can carry all of the above useful qualities.

Butter is a very popular product. But in the 20th century, they began to accuse him of every conceivable sin: he undermines health, causes obesity and heart disease. Let's figure out if the harm of butter is exaggerated, and what benefits can be from this source of animal fats.

Scientists have noticed that more and more people suffer from heart disease and excess weight, and decided to find out what is the reason. Experts studied the diet of the average person. The conclusions turned out to be disappointing: the increase in the incidence is caused by cholesterol, which is quite abundant in butter. As a result, the product fell out of favor with everyone who is struggling with excess weight and / or atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of their blood vessels.

Here you need to understand that obesity cannot be caused by the use of butter alone. As a rule, overweight people eat other, more harmful foods.

In addition, the modern "butter" bought in the store, in fact, may turn out to be margarine or a spread that includes a huge amount of salt, trans fats, preservatives and other harmful impurities. Naturally, all these additives undermine health and cause malfunctions of various organs.

Butter is high in fat, but these are the "good" fatty acids that the human body needs. Unlike, for example, trans fats, which margarine is “stuffed” with.

The natural product contains vitamins E, C, A, D, several representatives of group B. All of them are necessary for the health of the skin and hair, muscles, bones, nails and internal organs.

So, vitamin D is needed for the formation of nervous tissue and bones, vitamin A is needed to maintain healthy vision, it also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and normalizes the functioning of the mucous membranes.

The use of butter has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, including helping to get rid of constipation, reduce pain during exacerbations of gastritis. Regulates hormonal balance, increases efficiency, strengthens the nervous system, fights fatigue.

Butter is good for:

  • reproductive organs;
  • eye;
  • nervous system;
  • digestive processes;
  • skin, nails and hair.

Therefore, a sandwich or porridge with butter for breakfast will only benefit. They will help get rid of morning nervousness, give strength, relieve irritation of the mucous membranes and increase efficiency.

Regular use of this natural product reduces the likelihood of contracting fungal infections, because it contains lauric acid. This compound speeds up getting rid of such an unpleasant disease as candidiasis.

Vitamin D in butter helps fight depression, preserves vision and memory, improves concentration and other cognitive functions. Whereas arachidonic acid (belongs to the omega-6 class) stimulates the brain. That is why the use of this dairy product is especially useful in winter, when a person needs a lot of calories, and his brain activity suffers due to lack of sun.

In turn, saturated fats, which made butter disliked in the 20th century, have a powerful antitumor effect. In particular, they prevent the appearance of metastases in oncological diseases. In addition, these fats boost immunity.

Finally, the benefit of butter is that it helps keep your teeth healthy.

* Skurikhin I. M. Chemical composition of food products. M. Agropromizdat, 1987.

The product has found wide application in traditional medicine. The treatment methods and recipes below can be used if there are no medicines on hand.

  1. When coughing, the resorption of butter with honey helps. These products can also be dissolved in warm milk.
  2. The same product will relieve pain in the gums, including when teeth are being cut. It is enough to lubricate the painful area with a small amount of oil.
  3. For lichen, rashes, urticaria, burns, it is applied externally, applied directly to the affected areas.
  4. A boiled egg smeared with butter will help soothe the pain in the bladder.
  5. To eliminate intestinal flu, drink a small amount of this product with a glass of pomegranate juice.
  6. Can be used as an overnight mask for aging skin.
  7. Garlic oil (3 cloves of garlic per 350 g) is not only a delicious snack, but also a prophylactic against colds. You need to use it daily for 1 tsp, spread on bread.

You should not get involved in eating such food. Excess can cause diarrhea, nausea and heaviness in the stomach. And regular abuse causes an increase in cholesterol levels and provokes the appearance of plaques on the vessels. In the long term, this causes liver and heart disease, especially with an unbalanced diet. But for this to happen, you need to eat butter daily and with spoons. Therefore, its harm is clearly exaggerated.

Another thing is that the danger is represented by expired or fake, low-quality analogues. Proper, wholesome food should not contain emulsifiers, flavors and other additives.

Signals that the product is of poor quality can be:

  • low price;
  • lack of a list of ingredients on the package;
  • a note that the butter has been reconstituted;
  • the presence in the composition of vegetable fats, palm oil, etc .;
  • the presence of starchy lumps, powder formations on the inside of the pack;
  • when melted, the oil breaks up into 2 substances of different consistency and shade;
  • an indication that the product has a fat content of less than 80%;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor or aroma of margarine.

And when you mistakenly buy a poor-quality product, don't eat it. It is better to throw away junk food than spend money on restoring health.

You should not give up butter, even if you control your weight and count calories. Also, do not rush to exclude it from the diet in the presence of any diseases. But do not forget that it is advisable to eat no more than 50 g of a quality product per day.

We also recommend reading: The benefits and harms of sour cream.

There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of butter. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle try to reduce as much as possible, or even completely eliminate products containing animal fats from the diet. Today, the average Russian eats only 1.2 kg of butter per year, while the annual norm recommended by nutritionists is 4.5 kg. Is it worth limiting the use of this product and what is more in it - benefit or harm?

If you study the composition of butter in more detail, then the benefits of the product are obvious.

Butter owes its valuable qualities primarily to a balanced complex of 150 fatty acids, 20 of which are irreplaceable, that is, not produced by the human body. Let's name a few of the most significant:

  • butyric and linoleic acids have an anticarcinogenic effect and prevent oncological diseases;
  • lauric acid has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, it increases the body's resistance to bacterial and fungal infections;
  • oleic acid, which makes up 45% of the product, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents its deposition on the walls of blood vessels and protects the heart.

Butter contains many other useful substances and fat-soluble vitamins that perform important functions in the body:

  • lecithin normalizes cholesterol metabolism;
  • vitamin A maintains visual acuity and proper functioning of the immune system, strengthens the epithelium of the respiratory tract, and it also envelops and heals the mucous membranes, which is why the product is necessarily part of the diet in the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • vitamin D, necessary for the absorption of vitamin A and calcium, contributes to the strength of bones and joints, healthy teeth, hair and nails;
  • vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, it takes part in the regulation of the circulatory system and liver function, prevents the formation of cancer cells and protects the immune system.

Butter is indispensable for diseases of the digestive system - it can increase bile secretion and reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Butter is very valuable for women. It is indispensable not only for maintaining beauty, but also for normal hormonal levels. No wonder it is recommended for problems with conception. If there is not enough adipose tissue in a woman's body, then her menstrual cycle is disturbed, she is not able to become pregnant and bear a child. The oil also prevents the development of breast cancer.

Butter is also useful for men - it helps to maintain normal sexual activity, and animal protein and vitamin E improve sperm production.

There are many myths about butter. Some of them are debunked by Dr. Sergei Agapkin in the video clip of the program "About the most important thing."

Many doctors believe that the use of butter should be completely abandoned in the presence of the following problems:

  • heart attack or stroke;
  • hypertension and any other cardiovascular diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • obesity - due to high calorie content.

But not all experts agree with this. In contrast to their colleagues, other doctors recommend only limiting the consumption of the product, but not completely eliminating it from the diet.

Excessive passion for butter and constant excess of the recommended daily dose, especially with a sedentary lifestyle and over 40 years of age, is fraught with atherosclerosis, obesity, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver and kidneys.

Butter is definitely harmful if used for frying or added to baked goods. The fact is that, in addition to milk fat, the product contains protein components, which, when heated, form free radicals, leading to the onset of cancer.

The reputation of butter has been seriously damaged due to the large number of fakes. Of all dairy products, butter is the leader in terms of the amount of surrogate produced. Fake products and spreads contain trans fats that damage artery walls. That is why when buying unfamiliar brands of butter, you should always carefully study the packaging. The composition of the natural product includes only cream, salted butter contains a small percentage of salt. No other components should be present in real oil. Fat content of less than 80–85% can be alarming: often such a product contains unhealthy impurities.

It is better to buy oil made according to GOST. A quality product is hard, smooth to the touch and shiny when cut, it must be plastic and must not delaminate or crumble.

Find out more about how to choose the right butter in a video from an expert in food production, Associate Professor Anar Mambetova.

Some complain of heartburn from butter. The reason for this may be gastroesophageal reflux - the reverse reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. The presence of such a symptom is the reason for contacting a gastroenterologist.

Many teenagers refuse butter because of the formation of acne. In this case, it is worth limiting the consumption of the product to 10 g per day and include more coarse fiber in the diet - vegetables, herbs, fruits. The complete rejection of animal fats during puberty can lead to hormonal disorders and other serious health problems.

For a healthy person, nutritionists recommend eating up to 20 g of butter daily. In order for the product to be fully absorbed, and not deposited in fat on the sides, it is better to use it for breakfast. The body will be saturated and receive a powerful boost of energy. It is good to add oil to cereals, main dishes or make sandwiches with it.

In case of obesity, problems with the heart and blood vessels, the consumption of the product should be limited to 5 g per day.

When using butter, there may be some nuances depending on the age and condition of the body.

Regular consumption of butter during pregnancy is necessary for many reasons:

  • high calcium content ensures the correct formation of the skeletal system of the unborn child;
  • a complex of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids ensure the absorption of calcium and the normal functioning of the digestive system, protect the immune system, maintain the skin, teeth, hair and nails of the mother in a healthy state;
  • the oil contains substances responsible for the growth and proper formation of new cells, stabilizing the hormonal background;
  • the product ensures the elasticity of blood vessels and helps to avoid the development of varicose veins.

In the first trimester, all the vital organs of the baby are laid, so the expectant mother should receive enough protein, calcium and vitamins with food. If there are no contraindications, the consumption of butter at this time can be increased to 30 g per day.

In the early stages, often pregnant women are tormented by toxicosis. In this case, the consumption of fatty foods should be limited, but you can not refuse it completely. The permitted amount of butter for toxicosis is up to 10 g per day. It is better to add it to cereals and main dishes.

In the second trimester, heartburn and constipation often become constant companions of expectant mothers. One teaspoon of butter on an empty stomach will help a woman cope with constipation, and if taken 10 minutes after eating, you can get rid of heartburn. At the end of this period, the active growth of the baby begins, so the risk of gaining excess weight is very high. That is why the consumption of butter should be reduced to 20 g per day.

Butter is necessary for a nursing mother - it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for a baby for normal growth and development. And the probability of provoking an allergic reaction in a crumb is extremely small, since the content of animal protein in the product is insignificant - only half a percent.

Butter significantly improves the quality of breast milk

It is very important to monitor the quality of the product and buy oil from trusted brands. In no case should a nursing mother use oil for frying or add it to baking. During heat treatment, it turns into poison for the child.

You can include the product in your diet for your mother from the first month of a baby's life. But this must be done gradually. The initial dose should not exceed half a teaspoon. In the future, little by little it can be increased.

But do not get carried away with the product beyond measure. 30 g is the maximum daily dose for a nursing mother. Its excess can cause an increase in cholesterol, obesity, heartburn, indigestion, and the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

In rare cases, butter can provoke an allergic reaction in a baby. Then the mother should stop using it for at least a few months, until the baby's digestive system gets stronger.

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that a child who is breastfed does not need to be given butter for complementary foods before 8 months. The doctor recommends first introducing the baby to foods such as kefir, cottage cheese, vegetable purees and cereals. As for oils, you need to start with refined vegetable oils. And only after the child gets used to all of the above products, you can add a small amount of butter to the finished porridge. For formula-fed babies, butter can be introduced into the diet from 6 months.

The initial dose should be no more than 1 gram, this is literally on the tip of a knife. Then you should make sure that the product is well tolerated and only after that begin to gradually increase the portion of animal fat to 5 g per day, which corresponds to 1 teaspoon.

Children need to be given only a high-quality natural product. Spreads (products based on a mixture of milk and vegetable fats) in the baby's diet are unacceptable. Butter can only be added to a ready-made warm dish, but in no case during cooking or stewing.

The daily intake of butter for children from 1 to 3 years old is from 6 to 10 g (no more than 2 teaspoons). The product is added to ready-made porridge or vegetable side dishes, used to lubricate soufflés and puddings, as well as to make sandwiches.

Most children love butter very much.

Children from 3 to 7 years old can be given up to 15 g of the product per day. It is not worth exceeding the daily allowance, so as not to cause obesity and digestive problems in the child.

Children over 7 and teenagers need 20-25 grams of butter per day. This product is mandatory in the diet of a student, as it increases mental activity, concentration and energizes for the whole day.

Butter is part of therapeutic diets for many diseases. Consider how the product can help with some of them.

All these ailments are associated with inflammation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, the diet here is no less important than drug treatment. It is aimed at healing the mucous membranes of the stomach and pancreas and helps to prevent complications.

In the acute period, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, only water and weak tea are allowed. After a few days, liquid porridge-smear, mashed mucous soups-mashed potatoes, soft-boiled eggs or steam omelettes, jelly may appear in the diet. Any fatty foods during the period of exacerbation are excluded. Butter is included in the diet of a patient with pancreatitis at the stage of remission - 2–3 weeks after the exacerbation is removed. Only a natural product with a fat content of at least 82% will benefit. It is better to add it to cereals and side dishes.

With a stomach ulcer, butter with propolis and honey helps well.

The effectiveness of this remedy is due to the high antibacterial activity of the components (including in the fight against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis and ulcers), as well as the ability to heal and restore damaged cells of the gastric mucosa. To prepare a remedy you will need:

  • 10 g of propolis;
  • 90 g unsalted butter;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
  1. Propolis must first be placed in the freezer, then chopped on a fine grater until pieces with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm are obtained.
  2. Soften the butter in a water bath and mix with pieces of propolis.
  3. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  4. Filter hot oil through cheesecloth.
  5. In a soft cooled product, add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  6. Place the finished mixture in a hermetically sealed glass or ceramic dish under the lid.
  7. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Propolis is a powerful antiseptic

The remedy is taken in a course of 3 weeks, 1 teaspoon three times a day, 1 hour before meals.

Diabetes mellitus is not a reason to completely exclude butter from the diet, but it is important to observe the correct dosage. The permitted amount of the product for this disease is no more than 15 g per day.

Regular consumption of butter helps to solve a number of problems that occur with type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

  • supports the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • preserves vision;
  • promotes the speedy healing of wounds and cracks on the skin;
  • gives a powerful energy charge;
  • increases mental activity.

Exceeding the dosage is fraught with:

  • the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • circulatory disorders in the lower extremities, which leads to the emergence of the so-called diabetic foot - a complex tissue lesion in this area;
  • heart attack or stroke.

Regular consumption of butter inside with this disease helps to normalize the stool and make it "slippery".

The combination of oil and honey can also be used externally to relieve pain in the anus and reduce bleeding. To do this, a tablespoon of the dairy product is mixed with the same amount of liquid honey and injected into the anus.

On the basis of butter, you can prepare anal suppositories that will help relieve inflammation and heal anal fissures:

100 g of butter must be melted, add 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile, flaxseed, mullein. Stir and keep in a water bath for an hour. Add a small amount of beeswax. Pour the resulting mixture onto a flat plate and allow to cool naturally. Cut the frozen mass into small pieces. Store finished candles in the refrigerator.

A mixture of butter, dates and black pepper will help to cope with constipation.

  1. 10 dried dates must be washed well, pitted and finely chopped.
  2. In a water bath, melt 1 teaspoon of butter and pour it into crushed dates.
  3. Add a small amount of ground black pepper to the mixture, literally at the tip of a knife.

The resulting mixture should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 hours before meals and water.

If the problem is systemic, a course is needed until the symptoms disappear.

During pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited. In such a situation, a combination of butter, milk, soda and honey will help to defeat a cough with a cold. The tool is suitable if there is no temperature.

Attacks of severe coughing in the early stages are dangerous: they can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage

Preparation of cough medicine:

  1. Boil and cool a glass of natural cow's milk.
  2. Add to it 1/3 teaspoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of honey and butter.
  3. Mix all components thoroughly until completely dissolved.

It is better to drink the remedy after dinner before going to bed. The drink will help soften the throat, stop coughing, calm down and fall asleep faster.

When gout flares up, it is very important to follow a diet. It is aimed at limiting protein products that cause an increase in uric acid in the body, leading to the deposition of salts in the joints. The total amount of fat is limited to 80 g per day, with preference given to vegetable rather than animal. Butter consumption should be reduced to 5 g per day.

A recipe from Vanga will help free the sinuses from purulent accumulations. At night, you need to put a small, pea-sized piece of butter in one nostril. The next night, do the same procedure for the other nostril. An important condition - the oil must be natural and fresh.

A folk remedy based on butter, eggs and vinegar will help to cope with pain.

In 150 g of any vinegar from 4 to 9%, you need to place a well-washed fresh raw egg. For these purposes, it is better to use a narrow glass, since the egg must be completely immersed in the liquid. Leave to infuse for 3-5 days until the shell dissolves. At the same time, the egg should increase in volume and become like rubber.

It becomes elastic like a rubber ball

It is not scary if the shell does not dissolve completely. Then the egg film must be pierced and removed along with the remains of the shell, and the protein and yolk should be properly mixed with vinegar. To prepare an ointment for the joints, 100 g of softened butter and 1 teaspoon of honey are added to the resulting mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator.

It is better to rub the diseased joint with the resulting remedy before going to bed. Then this place must be wrapped with cling film, and on top - with a thick cloth or a warm scarf. Leave all night. The ointment relieves pain and partially restores the structure of the joint.

Even those who are on a diet to lose weight need fats - they are part of cell membranes and are the building material for new cells. A reasonable amount (no more than 15 g per day) of butter will not be deposited in excess fat, but it will help maintain a healthy shine of hair, prevent brittle nails, and relieve skin from dryness, peeling and cracks.

A cocktail based on butter and kefir helps to get rid of excess weight. The combination of these products allows you to:

  • enhance metabolism;
  • rid the intestines of toxins;
  • clean the vessels;
  • remove bad cholesterol.

The remedy is prepared very simply: a glass of 1% kefir is mixed with 1 teaspoon of butter melted in a water bath. In order to give the drink fat-burning properties, you need to add a pinch of red pepper, cinnamon or ground ginger to it. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The cocktail is best taken in the evening, an hour before bedtime. A remedy with ginger will also help out with the onset of a cold, as this plant is an excellent antiseptic.

Ground ginger retains all the beneficial properties of the fresh root.

The role of butter in the nutrition of bodybuilders

Bodybuilders need to include in their diet not only protein foods, but also a sufficient amount of fat to gain muscle mass. Butter in the body of an athlete performs very important functions:

  • contribute to the formation of cell membranes;
  • are the most powerful source of energy for the breakdown of proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

But even during the period of enhanced training, the proportion of fat in the amount of calories consumed per day should not exceed 15-20%.

Athletes need to control their intake of fatty foods

Therefore, bodybuilders during the period of gaining muscle mass are allowed no more than 50 g of butter per day. Since this dosage is almost 2 times higher than the consumption rate recommended by nutritionists for a healthy person, oil should not be abused for more than a month. Otherwise, problems with the cardiovascular system cannot be avoided.

In order for butter to bring maximum benefit, and not harm health, it is necessary to dispel some myths about this product.

To understand which oil is more useful, you need to understand the technological stages of its production:

  1. First, cream is separated from cow's milk, the fat content of which is about 35%.
  2. Then, using a separator, the liquid (buttermilk) is separated from the cream.
  3. Depending on the concentration of the remaining liquid, cream of different fat content is obtained at the output: from 72.5% to 82.5%.

Therefore, the fat content of high-quality butter depends only on the moisture content. Another question is that butter today is the most forged dairy product. Unscrupulous manufacturers, in pursuit of cost reduction, often replace natural milk fat with palm or coconut fat, which are used to produce spread and margarine. The statistics of expert checks is as follows: the lower the percentage of fat indicated by the manufacturer on the package, the more likely it is that the oil contains foreign additives.

Natural butter is more than 40% monounsaturated oleic acid (omega-9), which:

  • reduces the level of low-density lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol) and increases the level of high-density lipoproteins ("good" cholesterol);
  • lowers total cholesterol levels;
  • slows down the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • involved in the construction of cell membranes.

That is why butter should not be completely excluded from the diet, even if the level of cholesterol in the blood is elevated.

But the product should not be abused due to its high calorie content. At the risk of developing atherosclerosis, the consumption rate of butter should be reduced to 5 mg per day.

Traditional domestic medicine classifies all products containing animal fats as potentially dangerous for hypertension. This statement is true if you do not comply with the norm of their consumption. The minimum (no more than 5 g per day) amount of butter for hypertensive patients should be left in their diet, if only because it contains fat-soluble vitamin K2, which cleanses the vessels of crystallized calcium. Such a dose of a dairy product will not have a significant effect on blood pressure, but it will help maintain the heart and blood vessels in a healthy state.

Oil is a perishable product. Therefore, it is quite possible to get poisoned with a high-quality dairy product if it is stored incorrectly. More than 70% of the oil consists of fatty acids, which, when oxidized, can form toxic peroxides, aldehydes and acids.

Ways of infection or poisoning:

  • purchase of a stitched product;
  • improper storage or transportation conditions;
  • packaging damage;
  • purchase of a product "from hands" from individuals.

Signs of bad oil:

  • a bright yellow edge on the surface indicates an intensive reproduction of bacteria (it is better to refuse to use such a product, in extreme cases it is necessary to cut off the top layer with a thickness of at least 1 cm, and melt the remaining mass well);
  • violation of the packaging is fraught with the reproduction of toxic mold (such a product can no longer be saved, it must be disposed of immediately).

The mold grows deep inside and infects the entire product with toxins, so its “resuscitation” is pointless

In the artisanal production of oil, there is a high probability of contamination with bacteria of the genus Salmonella, which causes a serious infectious disease, salmonellosis. Unfortunately, in this case, the quality of the product "by eye" cannot be determined. Therefore, you should not take risks and purchase oil of dubious origin.

Many people think that vegetable oil is more beneficial because it does not contain cholesterol. But the human body needs cholesterol in reasonable amounts to build new cells. In addition, butter contains more than 40% oleic acid, which lowers cholesterol levels.

The body needs both vegetable and animal fats, but the measure is important in everything - the calorie content of both products is very high. Vegetable oils, at least slightly, but exceed butter in their calorie content.

Both animal and vegetable products are best consumed in their pure form and not subjected to heat treatment - when frying, any oil not only loses all its value, but also turns into poison. If you choose the lesser of two evils, then you should opt for refined olive oil. The fact is that its smoke point, at which the product breaks down and turns into a carcinogen, is much higher than that of creamy - 240 versus 160 degrees.

The first 3 days after a caesarean section, the diet of a newly-made mother is strictly limited and is aimed at restoring intestinal motility after surgery. During this period, lean broths, cereals, vegetable purees, boiled or steamed pureed meat, stewed fish, compotes, fruit drinks, kissels, yogurts and low-fat cottage cheese are recommended. From the second week after the operation, when the body recovers, you can go to the common table. The menu is complemented by eggs, cheese, fruits, vegetable and butter.

Most often, butter is used for sandwiches or added to cereals and side dishes. But there are some interesting recipes that will allow you to look at a familiar product in a new way.

To prepare a snack that tastes like red caviar, you will need:

  • 1 medium-sized herring fillet;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • 3 boiled carrots.

All ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and thoroughly mixed until smooth. You can store a delicious mass in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. The pate is perfect for sandwiches, stuffing eggs or vegetables.

It's no secret that factory-made sweets contain a lot of harmful chemical ingredients. A tasty and healthy treat, reminiscent of the taste of Snickers bars, you can cook yourself from natural products.

  • 300 g of powdered milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 30 g of melted butter;
  • 50 ml low-fat cream;
  • 400 g of any nuts;
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  1. Add sugar and cocoa to the cream, mix thoroughly.
  2. Over low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  3. Add the peeled nuts and butter to the hot mixture.
  4. While stirring, carefully add the dry milk.
  5. Knead the resulting thick mixture with your hands.
  6. Sprinkle the bottom of a wide but shallow dish with milk powder.
  7. Roll small balls up to 5 cm in diameter from a tight sweet mass and put on a prepared dish.
  8. Place the finished sweets in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that the delicacy freezes a little.

Regular consumption of butter has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails. But on the basis of this product, nourishing masks for external use can be prepared.

The product will eliminate itching, moisturize dry ends of the hair and relieve dandruff. To prepare it, you need only three ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon soft butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Apply to the scalp at the roots and ends of the hair.
  3. Hide your hair under a shower cap, wrap it with a thick towel on top.
  4. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

The anti-dandruff mask can be applied no more than 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The fatty acids contained in the oil moisturize and nourish overdried skin, eliminate dandruff.

Face and hand masks

Beauticians recommend using nourishing masks based on butter for dry sensitive skin. In enhanced nutrition and hydration, such skin especially needs in the cold season. During this period, oily masks can be done every other day, up to three times a week.

The easiest way to use the oil externally is to let it melt a little at room temperature and apply a thick layer on the face and hands, leave for 20 minutes, and then wash off with a mild cleanser.

Nourishing mask with cottage cheese and cucumber

  1. Grind 2 tablespoons of medium-fat cottage cheese with the same amount of softened butter.
  2. Add a fifth of the cucumber, chopped on a fine grater and mix until smooth.
  3. Apply a thick layer on the face and leave for half an hour until the curd dries.
  4. Rinse carefully with warm water.

Acne Purifying Mask

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal with two tablespoons of warm cream and leave for half an hour until the flakes swell.
  2. After 30 minutes, add 2 pinches of crushed rye bran, 3 tablespoons of melted butter and 1 teaspoon of liquid honey to the cereal.
  3. Apply the mask on the skin of the face and keep for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.

Means to apply 2 times a week for a month. Then take a break for a month, if necessary, repeat the treatment course.

Oatmeal dries and relieves the skin of oily sheen

Butter is a very popular product. But in the 20th century, they began to accuse him of every conceivable sin: he undermines health, causes obesity and heart disease. Let's figure out if the harm of butter is exaggerated, and what benefits can be from this source of animal fats.

Scientists have noticed that more and more people suffer from heart disease and excess weight, and decided to find out what is the reason. Experts studied the diet of the average person. The conclusions turned out to be disappointing: the increase in the incidence is caused by cholesterol, which is quite abundant in butter. As a result, the product fell out of favor with everyone who is struggling with excess weight and / or atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of their blood vessels.

Here you need to understand that obesity cannot be caused by the use of butter alone. As a rule, overweight people eat other, more harmful foods.

In addition, the modern "butter" bought in the store, in fact, may turn out to be margarine or a spread that includes a huge amount of salt, trans fats, preservatives and other harmful impurities. Naturally, all these additives undermine health and cause malfunctions of various organs.

Let's talk about benefits

Butter is high in fat, but these are the "good" fatty acids that the human body needs. Unlike, for example, trans fats, which margarine is “stuffed” with.

The natural product contains vitamins E, C, A, D, several representatives of group B. All of them are necessary for the health of the skin and hair, muscles, bones, nails and internal organs.

So, vitamin D is needed for the formation of nervous tissue and bones, vitamin A is needed to maintain healthy vision, it also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and normalizes the functioning of the mucous membranes.

The use of butter has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, including helping to get rid of constipation, reduce pain during exacerbations of gastritis. Regulates hormonal balance, increases efficiency, strengthens the nervous system, fights fatigue.

Butter is good for:

  • reproductive organs;
  • eye;
  • nervous system;
  • digestive processes;
  • skin, nails and hair.

Therefore, a sandwich or porridge with butter for breakfast will only benefit. They will help get rid of morning nervousness, give strength, relieve irritation of the mucous membranes and increase efficiency.

Regular use of this natural product reduces the likelihood of contracting fungal infections, because it contains lauric acid. This compound speeds up getting rid of such an unpleasant disease as candidiasis.

Vitamin D in butter helps fight depression, preserves vision and memory, improves concentration and other cognitive functions. Whereas arachidonic acid (belongs to the omega-6 class) stimulates the brain. That is why the use of this dairy product is especially useful in winter, when a person needs a lot of calories, and his brain activity suffers due to lack of sun.

In turn, saturated fats, which made butter disliked in the 20th century, have a powerful antitumor effect. In particular, they prevent the appearance of metastases in oncological diseases. In addition, these fats boost immunity.

Finally, the benefit of butter is that it helps keep your teeth healthy.

Nutritional table of unsalted butter*

* Skurikhin I. M. Chemical composition of food products. M. Agropromizdat, 1987.

Folk recipes

The product has found wide application in traditional medicine. The treatment methods and recipes below can be used if there are no medicines on hand.

  1. When coughing, the resorption of butter with honey helps. These products can also be dissolved in warm milk.
  2. The same product will relieve pain in the gums, including when teeth are being cut. It is enough to lubricate the painful area with a small amount of oil.
  3. For lichen, rashes, urticaria, burns, it is applied externally, applied directly to the affected areas.
  4. A boiled egg smeared with butter will help soothe the pain in the bladder.
  5. To eliminate intestinal flu, drink a small amount of this product with a glass of pomegranate juice.
  6. Can be used as an overnight mask for aging skin.
  7. Garlic oil (3 cloves of garlic per 350 g) is not only a delicious snack, but also a prophylactic against colds. You need to use it daily for 1 tsp, spread on bread.

Harm and side effects

You should not get involved in eating such food. Excess can cause diarrhea, nausea and heaviness in the stomach. And regular abuse causes an increase in cholesterol levels and provokes the appearance of plaques on the vessels. In the long term, this causes liver and heart disease, especially with an unbalanced diet. But for this to happen, you need to eat butter daily and with spoons. Therefore, its harm is clearly exaggerated.

Another thing is that the danger is represented by expired or fake, low-quality analogues. Proper, wholesome food should not contain emulsifiers, flavors and other additives.

Signals that the product is of poor quality can be:

  • low price;
  • lack of a list of ingredients on the package;
  • a note that the butter has been reconstituted;
  • the presence in the composition of vegetable fats, palm oil, etc .;
  • the presence of starchy lumps, powder formations on the inside of the pack;
  • when melted, the oil breaks up into 2 substances of different consistency and shade;
  • an indication that the product has a fat content of less than 80%;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor or aroma of margarine.

And when you mistakenly buy a poor-quality product, don't eat it. It is better to throw away junk food than spend money on restoring health.


You should not give up butter, even if you control your weight and count calories. Also, do not rush to exclude it from the diet in the presence of any diseases. But do not forget that it is advisable to eat no more than 50 g of a quality product per day.