Soft boil eggs. Hard boiled in hot water. Boil the eggs in a bag.

It would seem, well, what could be simpler than a boiled egg, but even in such a seemingly simple matter there are secrets and subtleties. Perhaps this will seem ridiculous to someone, but boiling eggs is a real art, having mastered it, you can delight and surprise your household with “egg surprises”, because eggs can be boiled not only hard-boiled, as we most often do, but to varying degrees readiness. It is high time to learn how to boil soft-boiled eggs, in a bag, a poached egg, so that life is more fun and there is something to surprise.

Raw shelled eggs are stored in the refrigerator for 35-40 days after laying. Rely on the "best of all" date printed on the packaging or casing. Store eggs in the refrigerator, in a box, away from foods with strong odors. Because the shell is porous and absorbs odors.

To cook an egg with a shell, start with cold water, not boiling water. This method prevents shells from cracking due to high temperatures. Sometimes it happens that the yellow tint is greenish. This color comes from a reaction between yellow iron and white sulphur. Two factors explain the appearance of the green ring: cooking too long or using very old eggs. This is what shows correct egg. Therefore, it is important, once the cooked eggs have been cooked, to quickly stop cooking by immersing them in cold water.

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Important points when cooking

  • Just before cooking, be sure to wash the eggs in warm water to remove all impurities. It is impossible to wash eggs immediately after purchase, because. this will break the protective layer of the shell and the eggs will quickly deteriorate.
  • Eggs sent straight out of the fridge to boil may crack, so allow them a few minutes to "acclimatize" or rinse a little. warm water. Also, piercing the egg from the blunt side with a needle will help to avoid cracking the shell.
  • The water in which you are going to boil the eggs can be slightly salted, which will increase the boiling point and prevent even cracked eggs from leaking out.
  • In order not to fool yourself and not miss the readiness time, use a timer. With a significant excess of the boiling time, the protein becomes like rubber, and the yolk begins to darken and a greenish tint appears on its surface.
  • Very fresh eggs(less than 4 days) should be cooked 2-3 minutes longer.
  • Ready eggs must be placed in a saucepan with cold water which will greatly facilitate the cleaning process. Remember: the fresher the egg, the worse it will peel. Therefore, boil better eggs at least five days have elapsed since packaging.
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How to boil hard boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs have a firm white and yolk. They can be served both hot and cold. It is this type of boiled eggs that is used for making salads.

Does the membrane under the shell remain mercilessly bound to the white despite your best efforts to remove it without damaging the surface of the egg? Culprit: Egg freshness! Fresh eggs are harder to eat than eggs that are a few days old. White adheres more to the shell of the shell of fresh eggs.

To easily swallow eggs, plan your strike. Flip the eggs under running water, starting at the rounded tip and lifting up the membrane that sticks to the white.

  • Buy the eggs for about a week and store in the refrigerator.
  • Roll the cooked eggs gently over the counter to crack open the shell.
Whether you serve them alone, in salads or sandwiches, with these tricks, you'll always make your boiled eggs come out.

Immerse the prepared eggs in boiling water so that the water completely covers them and cook for 8-10 minutes. Do not exceed the allotted time so that the eggs do not become too hard and tight.

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How to boil soft boiled eggs

The protein of soft-boiled eggs does not harden, but only thickens, resembling a delicate white mass in consistency, while the yolk remains semi-liquid.

It is cooked with the shell in boiling water until the whites and yellows are completely curdled. It is best not to use an extra fresh egg so that the shell can be removed more easily. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Carefully dip the eggs into the boiling water and let cook for 10 minutes. Immerse them immediately in cold water to stop cooking and then pop them.

Variations You can simply enjoy them in a salad, aioli or sandwich, or try: Stuffed hard boiled eggs: cut the eggs lengthwise, remove the yolks and mix them with one or more ingredients. The blanks are then filled with this drug. Eggs in jelly: still vintage, like in a meme, or in. Low-fat eggs with beamel jam or. Great with a pot.

Immerse the prepared eggs in boiling water and cook at a rapid boil for three minutes. It is important that after immersion, the boil is restored after about half a minute. To do this, for every 10 eggs we take at least three liters of water and cook at maximum heat. Otherwise, with a smaller volume of water and a slower recovery of the boil, the eggs should be kept longer.

Bluff: egg "toy" way Bento. In Japan, the lunch box, the "bento", is a true work of art and balance. The good news is that fashion has recently arrived in France, as evidenced by the prolific French Bento Blog.

To obtain good eggs hard boiled, cook them the classic way and grind them even hot. Place them in the egg molds, close the molds and refrigerate them for at least 10 minutes before opening them. Also: funny and lightly seasoned.

It's been a long time since hard boiled eggs were cooked. Eggs chime, shells crack, whites shrink, and yellow suffers. The hard boiled egg described here is also described by Michel Roux in his book on eggs, and this honorable chapter has not fallen since the last rain.

Ready eggs must be immediately placed in cold water for several minutes to stop the cooking process, or simply pour cold water over them if you plan to serve them immediately. Serve hot or cold on a special stand or plate.

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Boil eggs in a bag

Eggs in a bag, unlike soft-boiled eggs, have a denser consistency of protein, which, after being shelled, is able to hold a semi-liquid yolk inside.

As for the centering of yellow, it's a funny story, because, naturally, yellow is not in the center. We don't burden useless useless gestures. For hard boiled eggs up to 25-30. Recipe: caviar eggs with Florentine. Wash the spinach with oil. Arrange the spinach in small bowls with eggs pre-soaked in oil with two small indentations to accommodate two egg eggs. Top with Mornay sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. This recipe can be made using poached eggs.

The technique is the same, replacing eggs-eggs eggs-eggs. The yellow egg floats in a white environment of the shell, the yellow ones float inevitably and systematically rise up, because its density is less strong than that of the white one. It consists of 90% water. This is supported by the placement of yellow in whites and we notice that the yellow goes up. The same thing happens in the shell when hard or calf is cooked, so centering the yellow quasi-obsessive egg in the cook is a chimera. This is true for both extra eggs and fresh eggs.

We cook eggs in a bag in the shell in the same way as soft-boiled eggs, but we increase the total cooking time by 1-2 minutes, based on the size of the egg.

After cooking, be sure to pour cold water over the eggs and serve in the same way as soft-boiled eggs.

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Cooking poached eggs

Poached or poached eggs are eggs that have been poached without the shell. Eggs are flattened with a soft, creamy yolk and fairly dense, slightly rough white. For this cooking method, only the freshest eggs are suitable - no older than 4 days! You can cook such eggs not only in water, but also in broth. Poached eggs are sprinkled with herbs, grated garlic and served with soups or as an independent dish.

Music Nothing as fragile and metaphysical as an egg, a homage to the origin of life: "The Other Side of the Sky" by Gong. Not just for cakes and other baked goods, they are great to introduce into your child's diet in place of traditional animal proteins like meat or fish. Eggs are practical for preparation, and in general kids love them for their playful side, but when to introduce them, introducing them to feedings, choosing an egg isn't always easy to answer these questions. So, when to introduce the egg?

Egg Benefits A high-protein egg will replace meat or fish on a child's menu. Take a fresh egg, look at the date of laying, as close to the date of purchase as possible. An egg is considered "excess fresh" for the first 9 days after it has been laid. They prefer small eggs with a weight below 53 g or an average weight of 53 to 63 grams.

For 6 eggs: fill a deep saucepan or stewpan halfway with water, add 50 g of vinegar and 10 g of salt per liter of water, bring to a boil. Before sending into boiling water, fresh, well-chilled eggs are broken one by one into a plate, and then carefully poured into a saucepan with water. Cover with a lid and heat for about three minutes over low heat. It is extremely important that the boil be weak, otherwise it will destroy the protein.

To save them, it's best to place them down so that the yellow is well centered and doesn't touch the shell and has less contact with the air. Don't wait too long before introducing an egg into your baby's diet, preferably in the 4 and 6 month window.

Introduce white and egg yolk from 7 months into the baby's diet. Due to allergic children, the introduction of hard-boiled egg yolk was initially suggested, followed by hard egg whites already 12 months old and this principle has now passed and the whole egg can be injected without separating the yolk But it is necessary to introduce a hard crushed egg up to 1 year obligatory and 2 years in general, then from 12 months to 18 months you can give it half hard egg and 18 to 24 months 1 whole hard boiled egg.

With the help of a slotted spoon, we take out the finished eggs, place them for a few seconds in lightly salted cold water and serve.

Here's to you regular eggs! Now, when someone asks you: “How to boil eggs?”, You will most likely answer: “Oh, this is a whole science!”, And you will be right!

Katerina Bagatskaya

Chicken egg is very useful. In whatever form we use it, it is still tasty and healthy. Chicken eggs are used in the preparation of soups, salads, eat just like that. I think everyone knows how to boil eggs, but there are still some subtleties in their preparation. This article will focus on them.

Conclusion Introduce the egg, at the latest, within 7 months of the baby, there is no need to inject yellow white separately. For children with allergies, talk to your pediatrician and introduce solid white after 12 months. For all children, always start with a hard egg until age 2, then change cooking. Save an egg once or twice a week instead of meat or fish by taking extra eggs. And think of little girls, kids love it!

The eggs are good source protein and allow you to cook meals quickly. Fried eggs very practical as they can be prepared in advance and used in several recipes. Place the eggs in a pot of cold water. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil. If cold eggs are placed in boiling water, the shell may crack and the egg will fail.

Eggs are boiled hard-boiled, soft-boiled, in a bag, they can be fried, eaten raw. Not so often, but still they cook poached eggs. This method is worth fiddling with. It is a little more difficult than regular brewing. Eggs are the main ingredient in some dishes. This is especially applicable to various salads. For example, Olivier salad, or without chicken eggs, hard-boiled, will lose all palatability. Now about how hard-boiled, not soft-boiled or bagged.

Once the water is filled with broths, the round circle is closed and wait 10 minutes, always with the lid on, for the eggs to cook.

When the time is up, the eggs should be chilled quickly in cold water. This helps prevent the formation of a black ring in the egg yolk: this happens when the egg is overcooked.

To flatten the eggs, gently touch the most rounded end of the shell and remove the shell starting at the base. To finish the job, you can put the egg in a bowl of water, it's easier to remove the small pieces of the shell.

Eggs that are slightly less fresh are lighter than the shell because a thin layer of air has formed between the shell and the membrane. Hard boiled eggs can be refrigerated for up to one week if they are still in their shells and 3 days after they are chipped.

  • To find out if an egg is fresh, simply dip it in water.
  • The fresh egg will sink to the bottom while the older egg floats.
Ideal for all meals of the day, eggs are eaten, for example, whole for lunch, crushed and buried in a sandwich at dinner, and cut into pieces in a salad at dinner, such as ours.

Before you start boiling an egg, it should be washed well, preferably in warm water. And yet, after you bought an egg, you don’t need to wash it right away, in order to avoid violating the integrity of the shell, and their quick spoilage. Therefore, wash only before cooking. Do not drop the egg directly into a pot of water, just taking it out of the refrigerator - it will crack. We give it a little exposure at room temperature.

It often takes a few seconds to go from a successful meal to an average meal, sometimes even skipped entirely. When the eggs are cooked, they are systematically supplied with a timer and do not allow themselves to be distracted. This is one of our favorite dishes. They are rich in protein good quality, which contains all the essential amino acids the body needs, and 2 eggs provide up to 100 grams of meat or fish. However, provided that it is limited to 7 per week. According to numerous studies, up to this amount, there is absolutely nothing to fear for our arteries.

There is a nuance that not everyone knows about. How to boil an egg to keep it intact? It is necessary to pierce it with a needle from the rounder side. Now a simple question that interests many: how long to cook eggs in order to achieve the desired state. For this purpose, you can set the time on a timer, and as soon as it gives a signal, immediately turn off the fire. The cooking time of a fresh egg should be a couple of minutes longer than a long-stored one. Usually chicken is boiled for ten minutes, soft-boiled eggs - five minutes, if you want to boil a bag - three minutes. After the eggs are cooked, they must be dipped in cold water in order to be easy to peel. The shell will peel off quickly, and in large sections.

Quickly prepared, easy to accompany, we love to change preparations to eat eggs in all forms. But to enjoy every tasting, don't skip the preparations. Prepare an egg with a shell. For a flow-through egg, the egg is immersed in a pot of boiling water for 3 minutes.

The main difference from a boiled egg is the cooking time. For egg egg Dip the egg in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes. They are then refreshed in a bowl of cold water and they are swallowed. Cook the egg in a dish. The egg is broken into a warm, lightly oiled skillet and allowed to squirm for 3 minutes.

Now more about that, They must be lowered into boiling water, which can be salted to raise the boiling point. The water should cover the eggs completely. Boil for 9-10 minutes. Digestion is fraught with the fact that they will acquire excessive tightness and hardness. It can be used alone or in salads.

It is, as it were, an undercooked protein that has liquid consistency, the yolk is also not fully cooked. Such ray eggs are eaten with a dessert spoon.

cook boiled egg. This drug is actually much more affordable than it seems. To wash an egg, you just need to put some vinegar into a pot of boiling water before breaking the egg in it. Let cook for 3 minutes for a poached egg.

Cook the egg in a saucepan. The eggs are broken in a heat-resistant ramekin. The oven is heated to 180 ° C and prepared for ramakin water bath. After 13 minutes, the egg in the pan is ready! It is one of the easiest to succeed. Just break an egg in hot pot and mix without stopping for 6 minutes.

We wash the eggs and put them in boiling water. Cook for 4-5 minutes. The water should completely cover the contents of the pot. If there is less water than expected and the fire is weak, cook longer. So that the eggs do not continue to boil after being removed from the fire, they should be poured with cold water.

Consider how to cook poached eggs. Here the cooking process is more complicated than traditional cooking. The fact is that this type of cooking eggs involves cooking them without shells.

Carefully pour the previously broken eggs into a saucepan with water or broth. Add vinegar and salt to the broth or water - to taste. It would be better if you sew fresh eggs that are no more than four days old. The eggs must be chilled before being placed in the boiling broth. Cook over low heat for 3 minutes. If the fire is strong or it took more time to poach, our dish will deteriorate, that is, the protein will collapse. Next, we get a slotted spoon finished product, put for a while in cold, slightly salted water. After that, the dish can be put on the table.

Eggs cooked in this way become flattened. The yolk is in the form of a dense creamy formation.

Thus, from this article you have learned how to boil eggs, what they are eaten with, in what dishes they are the main ingredient.