Canape with sausage on skewers. Ingredients for canape with hard cheese, quail egg and fresh vegetables

Canapes with olives are perhaps one of the most popular dishes for buffet tables. Their beauty lies in the fact that they are sandwiches for one bite, which makes it possible not to overeat and at the same time try many different variations of products.

For the preparation of canapés with olives, in the vast majority of cases, salty foods. It can be cheese, sausage, meat, salted vegetables etc. There are several recipes that combine olives with sweet foods, such as canapés with olives and marmalade. Such dishes cannot be called particularly popular, since they are not to everyone's taste.

If it is supposed that canapes with olives will be one of the dishes of the table, then it is worth remembering one rule. Olives without liquid dry up, shrivel and lose their appearance.

Cooks recommend using toothpicks to form canapés. In this case, the canapes can be completely assembled, just do not string olives on them. They should be attached to the canapes just before serving, so that they retain their moisture for as long as possible.

How to cook canape with olives - 15 varieties

For such canapes, cheese and sausage are used. In order for them to really live up to their name, you should choose a raw-smoked sausage with a special spicy taste, such as “Finnish”.


  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Raw-smoked sausage - 100 gr.
  • Black olives - 15 pcs.


We clean the sausage and cut into thin circles. Cheese cut into cubes. On a toothpick, or a culinary skewer, we prick one olive, then a piece of cheese, and then a sausage. The sausage should be folded into an envelope, and then pricked, so the canapes will look more elegant.

For the preparation of tender canapes, use pork ham and cheese without spices. Only in this case canapes will turn out as they should.


  • Ham - 150 gr.
  • Cheese - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar


Cut the ham into thin strips.

It is very important that the meat strips are free of veins. If there are any, they should be cut out.

Cheese cut into cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives.

On a toothpick we prick a piece of cheese, a rolled up tape of ham and an olive. Bon Appetit!

Anyone, even the youngest culinary specialist, will cope with such a recipe. Indeed, for such canapes, you just need to cut the products and chop them on skewers in the desired sequence.


  • Canned pineapple - 1/3 can
  • Olives - 1 bank
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.


Cheese cut into medium-sized cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives. Drain excess liquid from pineapples. If they are in the shape of rings, then they should be cut into cubes, about the same size as the cheese. When everything is prepared, we proceed to the assembly of canapes. To do this, we stick products on toothpicks in the following sequence. First we prick a piece of cheese, then an olive, and then a piece of pineapple. Canape is ready!

These canapes are very satisfying. Only 2 - 3 pieces are able to remove a slight hunger, despite the fact that it is very simple to cook them.


  • Black bread - 5 slices
  • Meat (ham, juicy beef etc.) - 150 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Black olives - 80 gr.


We make circles from bread using culinary molds. We do the same with cheese. Cut the meat into thin rectangles. Wash cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Now you should chop the products on skewers in the following sequence:

  1. The first product is an olive;
  2. The second product is cucumber;
  3. The third product is meat;
  4. The fourth layer is cheese;
  5. The fifth layer is bread.

Canape is ready!

Such canapes are a real festive dish. They have a very specific taste and inimitable appearance. Canapes with cheese and marmalade are wonderful as an appetizer for light alcoholic drinks.


  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Marmalade - 100 gr.
  • Green olives - ½ can


Cheese cut into cubes. My lemon and cut into small slices. If the marmalade is large, larger than pieces of cheese, it should also be cut. All products must be approximately the same size.

For such canapes, it is better to use colored marmalade, then the dish will look much brighter and more spectacular.

Now let's start forming canapes. To do this, we put a slice of lemon on the cheese, marmalade on top of it, and, finally, an olive. Ready-made canapes are pricked on beautiful skewers.

Light and delicate - these canapes will appeal to many. They do not require a lot of time and special skills for cooking.


  • Shrimps - 8 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 8 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.


My cucumber and cut into circles. Boil shrimp in salted water. Cool them down and clean them up. My lettuce leaves, dry and tear into small pieces, which will correspond in size to cucumber circles. On a skewer, we alternately prick a shrimp, an olive, a lettuce leaf and a cucumber. It is necessary to prick so that the olive is, as it were, inside the shrimp.

Such canapes with full confidence can be called a related dish Greek salad. For their preparation, you need the same products as for him.


  • Black olives - 1 can
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Black ground pepper- taste


Cheese cut into large cubes. My cucumbers and cut into large rings. Wash and dry tomatoes. Drain excess liquid from olives. On each skewer we prick a tomato, an olive, a cucumber and a piece of cheese. In a separate container, combine finely chopped greens, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, ground black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. We serve the sauce to the table in a separate deep bowl.

Herring is the product that has a whole army of fans. It is quite natural that herring canapés are a favorite dish of many.


  • Marinated herring - 240 gr.
  • Black bread - 6 slices
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Olives - 40 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Parsley - for decoration


Bread cut into squares and dried in the oven. Then it should be smeared with mayonnaise. My cucumber, cut into thin slices and put on top of the greased bread. Place the herring on top of the cucumber. On the surface of the herring lay out half an olive and a parsley leaf. We pierce the resulting design with a toothpick. Canapes are ready.

Canape with red fish and olives can be attributed to festive dishes. They have a simply unique taste, and thanks to the fat content of the fish, they are perfect as an appetizer for strong alcoholic drinks.


  • Black bread - 5 slices
  • Green olives - 120 gr.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp


Bread cut into cubes of the desired size.

Previously, the bread should be cut off the crusts on all sides so that the canapes turn out to be more tender.

We clean the avocado, remove the pulp from it and knead it with a fork until it becomes a puree. Now the pulp of the avocado should be watered lemon juice and mix everything. We clean the fish from the skin and cut into cubes of the same size as the bread. Wash dill, dry and finely chop. My cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Brush each slice of bread with avocado puree. Then we put a piece of fish on the spreaded bread and sprinkle everything with dill. We prick an olive on a toothpick, and then a cucumber slice folded several times. Now we pierce the bread with the fish with the same toothpick. Canapes are ready. Bon Appetit!

"Pearl" - a very spectacular variety of canapes.


  • Baguette - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 bank
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.


We clean the salmon from the skin and cut into large squares. We wrap each olive in a piece of salmon. The fish should close the olive about 70%. Cut the baguette into circles. Now with a toothpick we prick the olive wrapped in fish and a baguette. "Pearl" is ready.

Such canapes will be a real find for seafood lovers. You can include other seafood in their composition, depending on your own preferences.


  • Shrimps - 10 pcs.
  • Green olives - 10 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 80 gr.
  • Salt - to taste


Boil shrimp in salted water, cool and clean. Cheese cut into medium-sized cubes. My tomatoes. On the skewers we impale in turn the shrimp, olive, tomato and a piece of cheese. We serve ready-made canapes to the table on a beautiful dish.

These canapes are not in vain received such a name. They are really very satisfying, because they include real fried meat.


  • Meat - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Greens - to taste


Wash meat, cut into large pieces. Then it should be fried depending on your own preferences. My tomatoes and cut into slices. Wash greens and dry.

Wrap each slice of tomato in a piece of fried meat. Lay a leaf of your favorite greens and one olive on top. Now we pierce the entire resulting structure with a toothpick.

These canapes are best suited for New Year's table. For their preparation it will be very appropriate to involve children. After all, it will be possible to connect beneficial process having a good time.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Olives - 10 pcs.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.


My tomatoes, dry and cut off their bases. We cut the cheese into plates, and then, from half of the plates we make circles using culinary molds. Cut the remaining cheese into cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives.

On skewers we prick one olive, then a circle of cheese, then a tomato and, finally, a cube of cheese. Canapes are ready.

Such canapes cannot be called standard dishes of this type. This is due to the fact that they are large in size, and after all, canapes are sandwiches for one bite.


  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Bacon - to taste
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.


Baton cut into pieces. Drain excess liquid from olives. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into 4 pieces. Bacon cut into thin slices. Lay bacon slices on each piece of loaf. You can even put a few of them. Place one piece of tomato on top of the bacon, and one olive on top of the tomato. We pierce the resulting sandwich with a culinary skewer.

Nowadays, crab sticks have become an integral part of the daily diet. In most cases, they are used to prepare all kinds of salads, however, they can also be used in canapes.


  • Crab sticks - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green olives - 6 pcs.


We clean the crab sticks and cut into 3 equal parts. My cucumber and cut into rings. We prick the products on the skewer in this order. Olive first, then crab stick and then cucumber. Canapes are ready!

Canape is a very convenient form of a festive table. The word canapé means tiny in French. That is, these are small sandwiches that you can take with your hands and put entirely in your mouth. If you need to bite off a canape - this is already. Today it is a separate section of cooking, which, in terms of the complexity of cutting and laying out, can sometimes compete with confectionery.

I think that when cooking canapes on skewers, the main thing is to see, to look at the sequence of ingredients .... And the process is usually quite simple. Although there are some secrets. And I posted 2 of them at the end of the recipe. Descriptions made for each canape recipe on skewers, because. I think perhaps not everyone will understand the ingredients from which a particular recipe is assembled. Most of the ideas are not mine, but "dug" on the vast culinary Internet. Canapes on skewers recipes at home.

Canapes on the festive table recipes with photos

Sausage cubes can simply be alternated with cucumber and the same cheese. Or you can add a cube of bread.

A simple version of the canape recipe on skewers - with smoked sausage. Sausage should be bought small in diameter and thinly sliced. And the top is decorated with pieces of potatoes boiled in their skins.

From a series of simple and elegant - canape with grapes. It's strung with cheese and grapes. Such neat and small pieces of cheese can be made using a part from a children's designer or a lid from plastic bottle. But the cheese should be a bit rubbery. store-bought cheese has this property. She even creaks a little on her teeth or cheese health.

And here is a whole range of small canapes and all simple ones. At the base is a piece of cheese, but each is decorated with: half a cherry tomato, fig or .... Although you can just rinse the cherry jam and add to the cheese. Brackish hard cheese goes very well with sweets. Just a piece of cheese rolled in nuts or sesame seeds looks very nice. It turned out almost a popular cheese plate.

But original way serving to the table. The body of a hedgehog is formed from it, and the needles are made from canapés on skewers.

Just ingenious option canape recipes. It's a classic Russian snack. V Soviet times herring was served on the festive table in a long special glass plate with sunflower oil and onions. But today it's so banal. And here is such an original and tasty solution. I especially like the recipe on the right - herring with a piece fresh figs. Exotic. And in the photo on the left, the herring is sprinkled with coriander seeds. An amazing combination, especially with brown bread. This is a real fusion: Russian herring with Russian bread in French design.

The next series of canapes is. In this recipe, the ham is fried. A pate is wrapped in it and all this is nailed to a small piece of bun.

Thin slices of bacon, fried and stuffed with prunes.

Another slice of fried bacon. Then a piece of cheese is laid out on it and it is fried again in a frying pan to melt the cheese. Very effective on fresh leaves(you can take basil leaves or lettuce leaves).

Here you can dream up and put a surprise inside: half an olive, the same prunes or sprinkle cheese with sesame ....

By the way, you can sprinkle all three canapes - rolls very beautifully with sesame seeds. Sesame will refresh the taste of meat and decorate canapés.

Another version of the roll: cheese in ham. Here the products are very simple and it's all about the design. The ham should be cut into thin and long pieces so that it wraps around the cheese several times.

A special chic is the shrimp canape. This is a delicacy and there is usually not much of it. Not everyone has the opportunity to pour a whole plate of shrimp. But to demonstrate these beauties on skewers is easy. In this photo, a piece of salami is pierced into a shrimp. A delicacy within a delicacy. Then, for beauty and even more piquancy, it is rolled in grated cheese, lemon zest and very finely chopped greens.

These are shrimp with a piece of mango inside and marinated in a sauce with red sweet pepper and olive oil. It turns out very colorful on the table and appetizing.

Mango pieces are pre-fried a little in olive oil. I thought that canapeshka with a piece of pumpkin instead of mango could be quite interesting. There will be sweetness and bright color. Although the tropical exotic will be lost.

Incredible simplicity and yummy. A piece of apple is wrapped in a ham leaf. A very refreshing snack. Especially on when everything is fatty and satisfying. And then the freshness in the meat.

Very simple set: bread, butter, cheese and sausage. The main thing is very sharp knife. Everything is cut into the shape of a boat, and sails are made from cheese. It will look amazing on the table. Especially if you are celebrating a children's holiday.

Making such a canape is not at all difficult if you have a heart-shaped mold. All products are thinly sliced, stacked one on one. Can be used as glue butter or mayonnaise. Then extruded with a mould. It turns out very romantic!

Super simple idea and again fusion: the combination of several cuisines. very, very small pancakes, stacked and connected with a skewer. Drizzled with sauce. Such small ones can be prepared by pouring the dough into the pan with a teaspoon.

It seems like a simple canape, but an amazing combination of flavors. 1st - olive, 2nd piece of cheese, 3rd layer of pita bread, 4th - Sun-dried tomatoes. Incredible Italian canapes. All these products are the favorite food of Italians. And about - I have a completely different story.

One more interesting combination flavors: cheese and kiwi.

I especially want to highlight this photo. Although neither canapes nor skewers are visible on it, the idea is ingenious. From various products layers are made that are connected under in a gelatinous mass. Then, with any cookie cutter, cut out squares, circles and connect with a skewer. a very bright canapé should work. Such an assortment!

Very beautiful appetizer. Culinary minimalism. Similar sprigs of greens can be made from leeks by twisting them with a knife.

This is already a masterpiece of culinary art. But still available. In any case, the products - everything is in the supermarket. It is only necessary to delicately cut out the belly of a penguin from an olive and fill it with white cheese. And then also thinly cut the legs and beak from boiled carrots. And there will be joy for children and admiration for adults.

Roll recipe. A sprig of rosemary in the form of a skewer looks very beautiful. Plus, it also smells great. I would not write if rosemary did not appear in the supermarkets in the greens department all year round. It is sold cut fresh sprigs in plastic boxes, made in Israel. And it's not expensive at all.

A very simple canapé recipe on skewers: a boiled quail egg and half a cherry tomato. You can also do an inverted version. Stick a skewer into the egg, and decorate the tomato hat with small white dots of mayonnaise. If you insert such beauty into hedgehog puree, it will be very beautiful!

Ham and stuffing wrapped in cabbage leaves. The leaves must first be slightly boiled. And since they become completely tasteless during the cooking process, be sure to grease with a layer of sauce or mayonnaise.

The layers of canapeshka consist of thinly sliced ​​and toasted bread. These are mini toasts. Still of course -. It is not difficult to make it, in order for the stuffing to keep its shape better, add an additional 1 egg. Although with everything miniature you have to tinker. But this is a holiday.

Canape on skewers in a neat round shape. We select cucumbers with radishes of the same diameter. Well, cut the bread to the size of vegetables

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Buffet tables are now very popular, especially among today's youth. Indeed, throwing a party is much easier to cook a la carte snacks, sandwiches, small than to wind up with traditional hot dishes. As a rule, for such snacks they already use finished products, it remains only to cut them and present them beautifully. To do this, you can buy decorative wooden or plastic skewers, straws for cocktails to string various ingredients on them, ready-made flounces or tartlets on which you can put salads. The main thing in this process is to include fantasy and a good mood, then you will succeed.
Here, by the way, is a great idea so easy and tasty snack for your party! To cook canape with sausage, there are a lot of recipes with cooking photos, you just need to choose the one that suits the composition of the products and taste preferences. French loaf canape with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, soft cheese, smoked sausage and fragrant olives or olives. We will beautifully dress all this on a long skewer and can be served as an appetizer for any drink.
To prepare this appetizing snack, we need a fresh French baguette. You can cut off its skin and use a metal round shape to cut out a round base for a snack from it. It will be very beautiful and effective, the main thing is that the edges of the form are sharp enough, then the loaf will not crumble and the canape will be neat.
It is best to choose a medium-sized fresh cucumber for a snack, we will cut it into very thin slices using a special vegetable knife, this is a fundamental point, because we will put the cucumber on a skewer in the form of a wave, so it must be very thin and even.
You can make canapes with olives or olives, choose them to your taste, as long as they are pitted and easily strung on a skewer.
Cheese for canapés is best to buy a gentle Maasdam type, or you can try to cook such an appetizer with Mozzarella or Feta milk cheese. Try it, don't be afraid to come up with something new.
The recipe is for 6 servings of canapés.

- French loaf - 0.5 pcs.,
- ripe tomato fruit - 1 pc.,
- ripe cucumber fruit - 1 pc.,
- smoked sausage type "Servelat" - 80 g,
- hard cheese - 50 g,
- olives or olives.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Cut the olives in half, these will be the tops of the canapes.
Cut the washed cucumber into thin slices with a vegetable knife.

We cut hard cheese either into cubes or squeeze figures out of it with a special mold for snacks.
We cut the tomato into slices, and then, using the same form, squeeze the figures out of the tomato.

Now we string the appetizer on a skewer, starting with an olive or an olive.

Then we put on a cucumber slice in the form of a wave.

Now we string a couple of thin slices of sausage in the form of an accordion.

We put them on a dish and serve to the table. And so that such snacks please with their variety, we advise you to cook and

Canape is very convenient and beautiful shape holiday table. These incredibly tasty, seductive and original snacks on skewers will be the highlight of any feast. Today, canape is even a separate section of cooking, which, in terms of the types and complexity of laying out and slicing ingredients, can compete with cooking. confectionery. Stock up on toothpicks or plastic skewers, and go ahead, musketeers! A bright festive table is provided for you!

The word canapé in French means tiny, very small. That is, these are miniature sandwiches that can be eaten at a time, putting the whole thing in your mouth. If you need to bite off a canapé, this is already a simple sandwich.

There are two types of canapes on skewers. In the first case, fresh or fried bread in olive oil is used for the base. In the second case, the base is a substrate of hard cheese or vegetables. It could be a fresh cucumber boiled potatoes, carrots or even beets.

When making canapés, it is important to think over the sequence of ingredients in advance so that they coexist beautifully on a skewer and, of course, combine to taste. And the cooking process is usually quite simple. I present to you a selection from "Delicious and simple." There are quite simple recipes for canapés, as well as festive (more refined) ones. All recipes are illustrated with final photos. step by step photos I'm not posting here, everything is clear.

The simplest canapes with hard cheese and ham

Ingredients for canape with hard cheese and ham

  • hard cheese 200 g
  • ham 150 g
  • pitted olives (green or black) 10 pcs.
  • fresh parsley 1-2 sprigs

Canape recipe with hard cheese and ham

Cut the ham into thin rectangular slices. Hard cheese cut into cubes. We string a slice of ham on a skewer, folding it several times. Then put on a skewer a leaf of parsley and one green olive. Carefully stick a skewer into a cube of hard cheese.

Canape with quail egg, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese

Ingredients for canape with quail egg, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese

  • quail eggs 5 pcs.
  • cherry tomatoes 5 pcs.
  • feta cheese 100 g
  • cocktail shrimp 10 pcs.
  • olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • fresh parsley 1-2 sprigs

Canape recipe with quail egg, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese

First, boil hard-boiled quail eggs. After boiling, boil them for 3-4 minutes. Then boiled eggs cool, carefully peel and cut in half.

Cocktail shrimp pre-thaw, wash and dry. Fry them in olive oil for literally half a minute on each side. Sprinkle the finished shrimp with natural lemon juice. He will emphasize spicy taste seafood.

Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut in half, cut the feta cheese into cubes. Cut the slices of bread into small squares.

Put on a skewer half a quail egg cut down, then half a cherry cut up, a parsley leaf, a cube of feta cheese. Stick a skewer into a slice of bran bread. Put the fried shrimp on top of the skewer.

Canape with hard cheese, quail egg and fresh vegetables

Ingredients for canape with hard cheese, quail egg and fresh vegetables

  • quail eggs 5 pcs.
  • hard cheese 200 g
  • cherry tomato 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber 1 pc.

Canape recipe with hard cheese, quail egg and fresh vegetables

Hard boil quail eggs. Clean them up and cut them in half. Hard cheese cut into large cubes. Cut fresh cucumber and cherry tomatoes into thin circles. We string the ingredients on a skewer in the following sequence: half a boiled quail egg, a circle of cucumber, a cube of hard cheese, a circle of cherry tomato, black bread.

Canape with new potatoes, cherry tomato and two types of cheese

Ingredients for canape with new potatoes, cherry tomatoes and two types of cheese

  • cherry 3-4 pcs.
  • small new potatoes 5 pcs.
  • hard cheese 100 g
  • processed cheese 100 g
  • mayonnaise 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • parsley several sprigs
  • black bread a few slices

Recipe for canape with new potatoes, cherry tomatoes and two types of cheese

Wash small young potatoes thoroughly and boil them in their skins. Cut each potato into two pieces.

Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut into thin circles. Hard cheese cut into squares about the same size as the tomato.

Finely grate melted cheese, add finely chopped parsley and a little mayonnaise. Stir the mixture into homogeneous mass. Black bread cut into small squares. Spread some of the mixture on the bread processed cheese and aromatic herbs.

Put on a skewer half a boiled potato, then a parsley leaf, a cherry tomato circle and a piece of hard cheese. Stick a skewer into a piece of black bread.

Canape with hard cheese, cucumber and olives

Ingredients for canape with hard cheese, cucumber and olives

  • hard cheese 100 g
  • processed cheese 100 g
  • homemade mayonnaise 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • dill 1-2 sprigs
  • parsley 1-2 sprigs
  • fresh cucumber 1-2 pcs.
  • bran bread a few slices

Canape recipe with hard cheese, cucumber and olives

slices fresh bread cut into squares of the same size. Processed cheese grind on a grater and mix with table mayonnaise and finely chopped dill and parsley. Spread slices of bread with the resulting cheese mass. Using a special vegetable peeler, cut the cucumber into thin long slices. Hard cheese cut into small cubes.

First, we put on a skewer one edge of a slice of cucumber, then we pass an olive, again a slice of cucumber, then a cube of hard cheese and the other edge of a cucumber. Stick a skewer into a slice of bread.

Canape with chicken curry and fresh vegetables

Ingredients for canape with chicken curry and fresh vegetables

  • salt to taste
  • ground black pepper a pinch
  • curry (seasoning) 1 tsp
  • cherry tomato 3-4 pcs.
  • cucumber 1 pc.
  • hard cheese 150 g
  • fresh bran bread a few slices

Canape recipe with chicken curry and fresh vegetables

Let's prepare the meat first. Wash the fillets and dry them. Remove films and grease. Beat the fillet with a hammer to make the meat tender. Rub chicken meat with salt, curry seasoning and black pepper. Fry the fillet in one piece in hot oil. Cool the meat and cut into thin slices.

Cut the bread into small square pieces. Cut hard cheese, cucumber, tomato and pepper into thin slices. We will form canapes in the following sequence: a piece of sweet pepper, fried chicken fillet, a circle of cherry tomato, a slice of cucumber, a piece of hard cheese, bread.

Original canapes with herring and apple

Ingredients for canape with herring and apple

  • lightly salted herring fillet 1 pc.
  • sour apple 1 pc.
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.
  • cocktail shrimp 10 pcs.
  • sunflower or olive vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • processed cheese 100 g
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp. l.
  • fresh herbs a few sprigs
  • black bread a few slices

Canape recipe with herring and apple

Wash the cocktail shrimp and dry them. Salt the shrimp a little and fry them in hot vegetable oil for literally one minute, as they cook very quickly.

Grated melted cheese. Wash the greens and finely chop. Mix cheese with fragrant herbs and mayonnaise, mix. Cut brown bread into small squares. Spread cheese on bread.

Carefully clean the herring fillet from the bones and cut into small portioned pieces. Cut the apple into thin slices and drizzle a small amount natural lemon juice so that it does not lose its color. Place a piece of herring and an apple on the bread and secure with a toothpick. Top the canape with a cocktail shrimp.

Simple canapés with salami, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and olives

Ingredients for canape with salami, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and olives

  • salami 100 g
  • cucumber 1 pc.
  • cherry 5 pcs.
  • green olives or olives 10 pcs.
  • white toast bread a few pieces

Canape recipe with salami, cherry tomatoes, cucumber and olives

Cut salami and cucumber into thin slices. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Cut the toast bread into squares or circles about the same size as the sausage. Put a circle of cucumber on a slice of bread, salami on top. We string an olive and half a cherry on a skewer and stick it into the bread.

Canape with ham, cucumber and cherry tomatoes

Ingredients for canape with ham, cucumber and cherry tomatoes

  • ham 200 g
  • cherry tomatoes 10 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber 1-2 pcs.
  • black bread a few slices

Canape recipe with ham, cucumber and cherry tomatoes

Cut the ham and cucumber into thin circles. Cut the bread into small pieces of the same size. Put a circle on each slice of bread fresh cucumber, top ham, folded in half. Secure the canape with a skewer with a strung cherry tomato.

Canape with hard cheese, mozzarella and basil

Ingredients for canape with hard cheese, mozzarella and basil

  • hard cheese 150 g
  • mozzarella 100 g
  • cherry tomato 10 pcs.
  • fresh basil, a few sprigs
  • black bread a few slices

Canape recipe with hard cheese, mozzarella and basil

Cut hard cheese into a cube with a side of 2-3 cm. Thread cherry tomato, basil leaf, mozzarella, hard cheese onto a skewer. We stick a skewer into a piece of black bread, cut into small squares.

Canape with mozzarella, basil and olives

Ingredients for canape with mozzarella, basil and olives

  • mozzarella 100 g
  • cherry tomato 10 pcs.
  • pitted green olives 10 pcs.
  • a few branches of basil
  • hard cheese 150 g

Canape recipe with mozzarella, basil and olives

Cut hard cheese into small cubes. We string the ingredients on a skewer in the following sequence: first an olive, then a leaf of basil, mozzarella and cherry tomatoes. Stick a skewer into a piece of hard cheese.

Canape with salami, cherry tomatoes and boiled new potatoes

Ingredients for canape with salami, cherry tomatoes and boiled new potatoes

  • salami 100 g
  • cherry tomato 10 pcs.
  • green olives 10 pcs.
  • small new potatoes 5 pcs.
  • salt to taste
  • black bread a few slices

Canape recipe with salami, cherry tomatoes and boiled new potatoes

Wash the young potatoes thoroughly and boil them in their skins, adding a little salt during cooking. Let the cooked potatoes cool and cut in half.

Black bread cut into small square pieces. Cut the salami into thin slices. We put an olive on a skewer, then we pass one edge of salami, cherry tomato, the second edge of salami, half a boiled potato. Stick a skewer into a slice of black bread.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

There is nothing easier than making small sandwiches - canapes. I cut everything, assembled it with a turret, pierced it with a cocktail skewer - and you're done! But then why do they appear so rarely on holiday table? Most likely, because the canapes need to be made a lot, different, and all this takes a lot of precious time, which is sorely lacking before the holidays. And you try to arrange a rehearsal somewhere a week or at least a few days before the holiday, and prepare a trial version of canape with sausage and cheese just for yourself or for Sunday lunch and dinner. Then it will be easier for you to choose the optimal combination of products, determine the sequence of actions, calculate right amount products and decide how to serve canapés. To make small sandwiches easier, buy thinly sliced ​​sausage and high-fat cheese. Vegetables and herbs should be washed in advance, dried and kept in a tightly closed container. Cut the bread into pieces of the desired size and shape, put in a separate container, close it tightly. When all the preparatory work is done, all you have to do is collect the canapes and lay them out on beautiful dish. So, we are holding a pre-holiday rehearsal and preparing spectacular ..


- smoked sausage - 100 gr;
- cheese durum varieties- 100 gr;
- rye bread with sesame seeds or seeds - 1 pack;
- white loaf- several slices;
- fresh, pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs;
- Bell pepper Bulgarian - 2 pcs;
- a bunch of parsley or a few leaves of green salad;
- olives and pitted olives - 1 pc. for canapes;
- cherry tomatoes - 0.5 pcs. for canapes;

In addition, you will need multi-colored cocktail skewers.

How to cook with a photo step by step

It is better to buy bread for canapes sliced, then the slices will be approximately the same in thickness, and you will save time. If canapes are made from an ordinary loaf or bread, then it is desirable that the bread was yesterday's - then it will not crumble when cut. We put a mold or a glass on a piece of bread and squeeze out the base under the canape. You can cut with a knife pieces of a rectangular or square shape, be sure to cut off the crusts.

For canapes with sausage and cheese, both fresh and salted, pickled cucumbers are suitable. We take medium in size so that the slice almost covers a slice of bread. We cut the cucumbers into circles about 1 cm thick.

We cut the cheese into thin sticks about 4-5 cm long. Cut the red bell pepper in half, clean out the middle. Cut the pepper into cubes of the same size as the cheese.

For canapes, choose a good quality sausage, preferably raw smoked or semi-smoked. The cut must be thin, no more than 2 mm.

We begin to collect canapes. On a slice of sausage we put two sticks of cheese and pepper. These will be blanks.

We roll up the sausage with cheese and pepper and place it on a slice of cucumber. Put an olive or olive on top. We fix the entire structure with a cocktail skewer.

You can decorate canapes with fresh herbs. For example, put parsley or lettuce leaves between the layers, roll up a green onion feather, etc. Greens will make canapes brighter and fresher.

The second type of canapé is even easier. For a piece white bread put the greens, a rolled slice of sausage, a square of cheese, greens again, half a cherry tomato, greens, an olive or an olive. We fix everything with a skewer.

We shift the canapes to a plate or flat dish and serve. You can come up with a lot of options for serving and combining products for canapes with sausage and cheese, the main thing is to do all the secondary work in advance so that cooking does not take you much time. We also recommend that you see the recipe