Preparation of cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls. How to prepare cabbage for cabbage rolls

In the preparation of cabbage rolls, perhaps the most time-consuming task is to prepare cabbage leaves. From my earliest childhood, I remember how my mother said - we need “soft” cabbage for stuffed cabbage, it is easier to disassemble into individual leaves. Now on sale all cabbage is hard as granite, and the old methods are of little use.

For some reason, I remember how my mother cut a stalk from a head of cabbage, poured boiling water from a kettle inside the cabbage, and the cabbage for stuffed cabbage was sorted into separate leaves. So, sorting cabbage into cabbage rolls was a problem, to a certain extent.

There are many similar dishes, the essence of which is minced meat wrapped in leaves. Widespread in the East, in the Balkans, in the Caucasus - a dish in which minced meat, mass with rice (and various other combinations), is wrapped in a grape leaf. The name varies, the nuances of the recipe are different. Such a dish is called - dolma, dulma, tolma, sarma, sarma. In national cuisines, so that the dish can be prepared at any time of the year, various methods of preserving grape leaves are provided - salting, freezing, pickling.

With us, because grapes grow poorly, cabbage rolls are more popular. An ancient dish, mentioned 2500 years ago in Aristophanes' comedy "The Arkhanians", where the hero asks "Bring me pork in cabbage leaves."

Determine on which side of the stalk the cabbage leaf grows, the topmost. With a knife, cut this leaf from the stalk

  • Place the head of cabbage in the kitchen sink and turn on the cold water faucet. The flow of water should be medium so that the water does not scatter throughout the kitchen.
  • Place a head of cabbage for stuffed cabbage under a stream of water so that the water falls on the incision site and stick out the petiole of the cabbage leaf a little with your finger so that the stream of water falls under the leaf.

    Place the head of cabbage under a stream of water so that the water falls on the cut

  • Water, falling under the upper cabbage leaf, acts as a lubricant. With a slight shaking of the petiole with your fingers, a slight pressure from the stalk along the head, you can easily separate the leaf from the head of cabbage. No need to force the process. The sheet is removed very easily, it is only important that a stream of water gets under the sheet.

    By lightly shaking the petiole with your fingers, you can easily separate the leaf from the head of cabbage

  • Just 2-3 seconds and the cabbage leaf peels off. Absolutely no damage or cracking. Get the perfect cabbage for cabbage rolls. The process is repeated until a sufficient number of leaves are collected.

    Just 2-3 seconds and the cabbage leaf peels off. Absolutely no damage

  • But, cabbage leaves are very fragile, and it is very problematic to wrap minced meat in them. Usually cabbage leaves are boiled. Water is boiled, poured from a kettle, or boiled in a saucepan. This process makes me sad.
  • So. Take a regular plastic bag. Cabbage for cabbage rolls is folded into a bag - fresh cabbage leaves removed. Tie the bag, but not tightly. There needs to be a very small hole. Put a bag of cabbage leaves in the microwave and heat everything at full power for 1-3 minutes. Cabbage leaves become soft very quickly. It is worth starting with 1 minute, and then control the degree of softness and add 30-60 seconds each.

    Fold the removed fresh cabbage leaves into a bag. Put the bag in the microwave for 1-3 minutes

  • Cabbage for cabbage rolls is cooled under running cold water. Cut off the protruding part of the stem of the cabbage leaf with a sharp knife.

    Cool cabbage leaves under running cold water.

  • Next, spread the stuffing for cabbage rolls into prepared cabbage leaves and wrap the cabbage rolls.

  • The most difficult step in the preparation of cabbage rolls is to separate the cabbage leaves from the head so that they do not break, but do not turn out to be too soft. Cabbage for stuffed cabbage in the microwave softens enough to wrap the filling in it, but remains elastic. Unlike the standard method using a pot of boiling water, the microwave cooks the leaves completely and retains their strength.

    Recipe for softening cabbage in the microwave

    The way to soften cabbage for stuffed cabbage in is much easier than the standard method with boiling water. With a microwave oven, there is no need to specifically select soft varieties, heat a large container of water and try to keep the right time so that the leaves do not scald.

    You can soften even young cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. In boiling water, its leaves quickly boil and tear while minced meat is wrapped in them, unlike the more modern way.

    For the preparation of cabbage rolls, a head of cabbage weighing 1.5-2 kg is suitable. It can be put directly into the oven or wrapped in cling film.

    Hot cabbage after getting out of the microwave should immediately be poured over with cold water. So the leaves are easier to separate from the stalk, and you can immediately wrap the minced meat in them.

    Another cabbage recipe for cabbage rolls

    The easiest way is to put the cabbage in the microwave for 10 minutes and do not cover with anything. However, many housewives prefer to use a baking sleeve or wrap a head of cabbage in a plastic bag or cling film. Thus, the moisture does not evaporate, but remains in the leaves. They bake more evenly and become soft even in the center.

    A head of cabbage in a sleeve or film can also be cooked in several stages, but it is easier to place it for 10-15 minutes at a lower temperature. After that, it is dipped in foil in cold water, and when it cools down a bit, they begin to parse the leaves. All veins are removed with a sharp knife so that they do not spoil the taste of the finished dish. However, instead, the leaves can be gently beaten off with a hammer, while it is important not to damage them.

    How to choose the right cabbage?

    If you choose cabbage for cabbage rolls and cook it in boiling water, you need to know a few subtleties. The shape, size, color of the leaves, as well as the structure of the vegetable matter. In the microwave, you can cook any cabbage so that it is convenient to wrap minced meat in it. However, if you follow the advice of experienced housewives, it will be even easier to cook cabbage:

    • the head of cabbage should not have a round, but an elongated shape - the leaves are separated from such a cabbage much easier;
    • cabbage should have large leaves - if they are small, it will be difficult to wrap minced meat in them, and the cooking process will take a long time;
    • the leaves should be light (white with a greenish tint), without black dots, tears and damage, signs of fungus or mold;
    • individual leaves must be dense, thick and resilient, otherwise they will quickly tear, and the filling cannot be wrapped in them;
    • fading cabbage is not good - it can be stewed with meat, and for cabbage rolls, get another head of cabbage.

    You can soften cabbage leaves not only in boiling water or in a microwave oven. Cold has a similar effect.

    First you need to freeze a whole head of cabbage, and then take it out of the freezer and defrost at room temperature. However, after processing, the cabbage can only be used for the preparation of cabbage rolls and cannot be stored even frozen.

    Preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave to soften is the easiest way. Even a novice hostess will be able to cope with cooking according to this recipe. The leaves are soft and elastic, keep their shape well and do not allow cabbage rolls to fall apart.

    In the preparation of cabbage rolls, perhaps the most time-consuming task is to prepare cabbage leaves. From my earliest childhood, I remember how my mother said - we need “soft” cabbage for cabbage rolls, it is easier to disassemble into individual leaves. Now on sale all cabbage is hard as granite, and the old methods are of little use.

    For some reason, I remember how my mother cut a stalk from a head of cabbage, poured boiling water from a kettle inside the cabbage, and the cabbage for stuffed cabbage was sorted into separate leaves. So, sorting cabbage into cabbage rolls was a problem, to a certain extent.

    There are many similar dishes, the essence of which is minced meat wrapped in leaves. Widespread in the East, in the Balkans, in the Caucasus - a dish in which minced meat, mass with rice (and various other combinations), is wrapped in a grape leaf. The name varies, the nuances of the recipe are different. Such a dish is called - dolma, dulma, tolma, sarma, sarma. In national cuisines, so that the dish can be prepared at any time of the year, various methods of preserving grape leaves are provided - salting, freezing, pickling.

    With us, because grapes grow poorly, cabbage rolls are more popular. An ancient dish, mentioned 2500 years ago in Aristophanes' comedy "The Arkhanians", where the hero asks "Bring me pork in cabbage leaves."

    Cabbage rolls with minced pork and rice, in tomato sauce with sour cream. It comes from childhood. I remember that they always tried to make very small cabbage rolls at home. For some reason, it was believed that large cabbage rolls were wrong. And I have always loved huge cabbage rolls, so that they fill the whole plate.

    However, there is an explanation for this - I have always been too lazy to wrap small cabbage rolls, there are simply always a lot of them. But over time, I began to make cabbage rolls of medium size, even small ones. No more than the width of the palm. If the cabbage leaf is too large, it can be cut into two parts, but then it is somewhat difficult to form an aesthetic cabbage rolls.

    Cabbage keeps well in the cellar all winter. So the issue of obtaining such an ingredient in demand for cabbage rolls as cabbage for cabbage rolls - a cabbage leaf, is no longer a problem.

    Cabbage for cabbage rolls

    About the recipe

    • Exit: Lots of cabbage leaves
    • Training: 10 min
    • Cooking: 5 minutes
    • Prepare for: 15 minutes

    How to remove leaves from cabbage for stuffed cabbage


    • 1 head white cabbage

    White cabbage for cabbage rolls

    Preparation method - cabbage for cabbage rolls

    1. Believe it or not, today I dreamed of homemade cabbage rolls ... Waking up, I prepared the filling very quickly - cooked half a glass of rice, made minced meat. For some time he stood and was actively lazy to disassemble the cabbage. How to remove cabbage leaves? To quickly and without hassle, if the cabbage for cabbage rolls is hard enough.
    2. Suddenly... You will laugh, but it is quite simple. Cabbage for cabbage rolls is hard as granite. I removed from 2 kg cabbage - 10 top sheets in 2 minutes. Without heating, boiling, and other extremely tedious procedures. Moreover, the leaves are not only not damaged, they are not even scratched. This is hardly know-how, it's too simple. But ... cabbage for cabbage rolls will be as it should.
    3. To remove leaves from a head of cabbage, you need a knife, cold water from a tap and, of course, cabbage for stuffed cabbage. I recommend preparing 1-2 large dinner plates, as the cabbage leaves will be wet. And further, leaves are perfectly removed if they are not corrugated, as in the very middle of a head of cabbage, there the leaves are not even and intertwined with each other. Therefore, it is worth disassembling only the upper leaves.
    4. Carefully inspect the head of cabbage for cabbage rolls. A simple task for observation is to determine on which side of the stump a cabbage leaf grows, the topmost one. With a knife, cut this leaf from the stalk. It is necessary to cut off completely so that the sheet is not attached to the stump even with one fiber. It is important!

    Determine on which side of the stalk the cabbage leaf grows, the topmost. With a knife, cut this leaf from the stalk

    Place the head of cabbage under a stream of water so that the water falls on the cut

    By lightly shaking the petiole with your fingers, you can easily separate the leaf from the head of cabbage

    Just 2-3 seconds and the cabbage leaf peels off. Absolutely no damage

    Fold the removed fresh cabbage leaves into a bag. Put the bag in the microwave for 1-3 minutes

    Cool cabbage leaves under running cold water.

    Arrange the minced meat for the cabbage rolls in the prepared cabbage leaves and wrap the cabbage rolls

    Prepare wrapped cabbage rolls in any known way, as you like.

    cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves

    Cabbage for cabbage rolls - now it's not a problem

    Sergey Dzhurenko 350 5 5 1302

    How to remove leaves from cabbage for stuffed cabbage

    This method was taught to me by my husband's grandmother. And earlier, in order to cook cabbage rolls, I had to look for a suitable cabbage for a long time, and carefully separate each leaf with the help of water. To be honest, the lesson was not pleasant, and raw cabbage leaves are very fragile and easily torn. So I consider it my duty to share with you this simple way to get cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls.

    It is better not to pour out the water in which the cabbage was boiled, it can be used by adding it to the sauce for cabbage rolls to dilute it to a more liquid state.

    Usually I do not cut out the stalk, but insert a knife into it in order to make it easier to remove the leaves from the cabbage. But if desired, the head of cabbage can be cut out completely, and a fork can be inserted into the cabbage.

    Here are a few more ways that housewives use to get cabbage leaves:

    • Freeze cabbage
    • Bake in the microwave
    • Bake in the oven
    • Cut the head and boil the whole head in water

    Each of these methods deserves attention and at the same time has its drawbacks. The main problem that most often occurs is the uneven preparation of cabbage leaves. The upper leaves are already overcooked, while the leaves at the head are completely raw.

    But no matter what method you choose for yourself, I wish you to cook delicious and mouth-watering cabbage rolls.

    Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time: 15 minutes.

    Cabbage for cabbage rolls

    Cabbage is a very interesting vegetable. No one will argue, for example, that sauerkraut is one of the best domestic snacks. In the villages, cabbage is sour in huge barrels, I sour it myself. At home, we limit ourselves to a simple way, and sauerkraut in jars.

    White cabbage 1 head

    Believe it or not, today I dreamed of homemade cabbage rolls ... Waking up, I prepared the filling very quickly - cooked half a glass of rice, made minced meat. For some time he stood and was actively lazy to disassemble the cabbage. How to remove cabbage leaves? To quickly and without hassle. Suddenly... You will laugh, but it is quite simple. I removed from 2 kg, hard as granite, cabbage - 10 top sheets in 2 minutes. Without heating, boiling, and other extremely tedious procedures. Moreover, the leaves are not only not damaged, they are not even scratched. This is hardly know-how, it's too simple. But ... cabbage for cabbage rolls will be as it should. To remove leaves from a head of cabbage, you need a knife and cold water from a faucet. I recommend preparing 1-2 large dinner plates, as the cabbage leaves will be wet. Carefully inspect the head of cabbage for cabbage rolls. A simple task for observation is to determine on which side of the stump a cabbage leaf grows, the topmost one. With a knife, cut this leaf from the stalk. It is necessary to cut off completely so that the sheet is not attached to the stump even with one fiber. It is important!

    Place the head of cabbage in the kitchen sink and turn on the cold water faucet. The flow of water should be medium so that the water does not scatter throughout the kitchen. Place a head of cabbage for stuffed cabbage under a stream of water so that the water falls on the incision site and stick out the petiole of the cabbage leaf a little with your finger so that the stream of water falls under the leaf.

    Water, falling under the upper cabbage leaf, acts as a lubricant. With a slight shaking of the petiole with your fingers, a slight pressure from the stalk along the head, you can easily separate the leaf from the head of cabbage. No need to force the process. The sheet is removed very easily, it is only important that a stream of water gets under the sheet.

    Just 2-3 seconds and the cabbage leaf peels off. Absolutely no damage or cracking. The process is repeated until a sufficient number of leaves are collected.

    But, cabbage leaves are very fragile, and it is very problematic to wrap minced meat in them. Usually cabbage leaves are boiled. Water is boiled, poured from a kettle, or boiled in a saucepan. This process makes me sad. So. Take a regular plastic bag. Put the removed fresh cabbage leaves in a bag for stuffed cabbage. Tie the bag, but not tightly. There needs to be a very small hole. Put a bag of cabbage leaves in the microwave and heat everything at full power for 1-3 minutes. Cabbage leaves become soft very quickly. It is worth starting with 1 minute, and then control the degree of softness and add 30-60 seconds each.

    Cool cabbage leaves under running cold water. Cut off the protruding part of the stem of the cabbage leaf with a sharp knife.

    Prepare wrapped cabbage rolls in any known way, as you like.

    From the remaining head, after preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls, you can cook Ukrainian borscht or bigos. And note that the remaining head of cabbage was not subjected to heat treatment and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

    How to remove leaves from cabbage for cabbage rolls - now it's not a problem!

    The secret of cooking cabbage for cabbage rolls

    There are really a lot of variations in the preparation of cabbage rolls now. Only one cooking technology remains unchanged: minced meat is wrapped in a cabbage leaf. Cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls should be soft and elastic so that you can continue to work with them. It is better to choose a head of cabbage loose in structure. To prepare the cabbage, you need to cut the stalk and lower it into boiling water. With a little bit of waiting, the soft, piping hot leaves are ready to be the basis for a classic Russian dish! It is enough to dip young cabbage in boiling water, then the leaves will scatter by themselves.

    Asking such a question, how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls, it is necessary to remember that it is important not only to cook them correctly, but also to leave them intact and make them suitable for this people. If you are unable to separate the cabbage leaves in this way, and they are torn, try another option. It is necessary to boil the cabbage, and then the water does not need to be poured out. Add stuffed cabbage sauce there to give the consistency a more runny look. You don’t need to cut the stalk, insert a knife there to make it easier to remove the leaves from the cabbage. If you want to cut the head out completely, and stick a fork into the cabbage.

    There are still such little tricks as cutting the cabbage into two parts, and then separating them from the head. If convenient, trim the leaves at the base. Then, as usual, pour water into the pan, salt, put on fire. After the water boils, put the cabbage leaves in it, cook for about 5 minutes. Care must be taken to ensure that the cabbage is half cooked, but, nevertheless, does not break, and remains soft. This is necessary for folding cabbage rolls. After throw the leaves in a colander, let the liquid drain. When the leaves have cooled, you can start stuffing.

    Cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave

    To prepare cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage, many housewives prefer to use a more convenient microwave. In order to cook cabbage in this way, it is necessary to cut the stalk to the base, first remove the upper unusable leaves, and place the head of cabbage in the oven. Full power will be needed, for about 10 minutes. For the convenience and ease of the process, you can make notches around the stalk. Next, just take out the cabbage and carefully tear off the leaves.

    Recipe: Preparing cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage - Master class with photos of the process

    We take a fairly large head of cabbage. In this case, the head of cabbage is not too large, medium.

    While the water boils, we make a deep circular incision around the stalk

    Hello friends!

    Today we will pamper our loved ones with one of the most delicious, in my opinion, dishes.

    Yum-Yum! Moreover, the cabbage is already fresh for sale, well, how can you walk past it indifferently.

    So, let's begin.

    To prepare delicious cabbage rolls you will need:

    Head of cabbage;

    Minced meat - 0.5 kg;

    Onion - 1 pc;

    Carrots - 2 pcs;

    Boiled rice - 200 gr;

    Sunflower oil;

    Tomato paste, sour cream, a little flour;

    Garlic, herbs, bay leaf, black pepper, spices for meat, salt.

    Recipe for delicious cabbage rolls:

    1. Disassemble the cabbage into leaves. Oh, and this is a difficult job: to undress the cabbage, but let's try to cope with it.

    Many people ask: how to properly cut cabbage into cabbage rolls without breaking it. I know 3 proven ways cutting cabbage:

    No matter how the cabbage was cut, I cut off thick veins from each cabbage leaf so as not to damage the leaf itself. That is, I make the sheet flatter and less brittle.

    I coped with cutting cabbage:

    2. Add the onion to the prepared minced meat. Minced meat is desirable to cook by yourself. I usually do it like in . You can, of course, buy it from the market if you know good suppliers - this will save time, but I prefer to do it myself.

    3. Add salt and spices.

    I also add finely chopped cabbage leftovers, otherwise I can’t feed my daughter with vegetables, and chopped cabbage is almost invisible in minced meat. Such is the little secret.

    4. Add boiled rice and cabbage.

    5. Mix everything.

    The crucial moment has come: the formation of cabbage rolls.

    6. Put 2-3 tablespoons on the edge of the sheet (near the petiole). fillings, cover the filling from below, then turn the side parts up and wrap the top part. This is roughly what happened to me:

    7. Fry cabbage rolls in sunflower oil on both sides.

    8. Lay in layers in a cauldron.

    9. Between the cabbage rolls, make a layer of carrots, garlic, tomato paste, bay leaf.

    From the remaining minced meat I make small cutlets and also put them in a cauldron:

    10. Make gravy for cabbage rolls. In a separate bowl, make a mixture: sour cream + tomato paste + water (here it is lucky for those who cut cabbage using method No. 2, you can use cabbage water) + flour.

    11. Pour the stuffed cabbage and carcass with this mixture over low heat for 40-50 minutes.

    Now the most important thing is to be patient and wait, and oh, how hard it is!

    In the meantime, cook buckwheat for a side dish and make: cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad, fetax cheese and olive oil:

    The end result was something like this:

    And a portion for my daughter, the design is also hers:

    Bon Appetit!

    For those who like to “hang out” in the kitchen for two or three hours, I highly recommend cooking. Dish - you will lick your fingers!

    And if you are going to go to nature and you have the opportunity to take a cauldron with you, then be sure to cook or!