Fillings for puff pastries from cheese. Cheese pies: hard, melted, Adyghe, suluguni. Recipes for various pies with cheese from puff, yeast, unleavened dough. Puff pastries with cheese and liver.

Yes, there are often cheese pies. Certainly, appearance theirs is not so classic, but a pie, it is also a pie in Africa.

Cheese- an amazing addition to the filling!

By tradition, I give several recipes for pies at once.

Cheese pies

Pies with puff pastry cheese

Bake the gluten-free burgers for 15 minutes, then another 5 minutes with the grill function until golden brown. Roasted garlic cloves and ginger finely. Fill the tahini into a bowl and add the garlic, ginger, honey, olive oil, salt, pepper and lemon juice and stir a little. Add water and mix thoroughly until you have a nice smooth consistency.

Peel and clean the kohlrabi and fill into a bowl. Chop the onion, coriander and chilli and add to it. Roast the pine nuts in a saucepan and add to the bowl along with the olive oil, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix everything, then stir in the buckwheat flour. Whisk the egg separately in a small bowl, then stir into the kohlrabi-coriander mixture. Heat up the pot with a small amount oil, then lightly fill the mixture in batches in a saucepan and sear the brown on both sides for a couple of minutes - at the end put the cheese on top so it can melt perfectly.

Easy to prepare, but at the same time, very tasty puff pies with cheese.


  • Puff pastry - 600-700 g.
  • Cheese (hard, semi-hard) - 300-400 g.
  • Granulated garlic
  • Pepper, salt, paprika, any herbs and spices.
  • Mayonnaise - 100-150 ml.


  1. Open the dough, roll out thinly.
  2. Divide into rectangles.
  3. On the side of each rectangle put a plate of cheese, grease with mayonnaise. Salt, pepper, add other spices.
  4. Fold one on the other side, press the edges with a fork. From above prick with a knife 1-2 times.
  5. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, lay the pies.
  6. Put in a preheated oven (160 degrees) for 25 minutes.

Bomb pies with tomatoes and cheese - recipe

Cut radishes and onions into thin slices. Cut the gluten-free burgers in two and pan-fry them or grill them. Apply some tahini garlic sauce on the bottom, then put some lettuce on top and place the kolarbi coriander patty with the melted cheese on top of it. Spread some of the sauce over the patty, then place a slice of radish and onion on top.

This is our first gluten-free burger recipe and we're very excited to share it with you today! To create our own recipe, was the most the best time! When Leerdammer asked us if we could test out their new "toast and burger" that melts especially well, we took our chance and finally dared to make a gluten-free recipe. vegetarian recipe hamburger! The combination of slightly sharp cobrabi agility with cream sauce of lemon taint and cheese is just wonderful!

Bite and fly away! That's how these cookies can be described. juicy cheese filling, soft dough, appetizing look. This is a wonderful snack.


For dough:

  • Flour - 500-550 g.
  • Water - 1-1.3 cups.
  • Vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 teaspoons
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons


And the best thing is that you don't feel uncomfortable afterwards, because the flavor cracking is relatively easy. Just the perfect burger for a warm summer day. That's why we took the burger outside. We had a poppy field in full bloom around the corner, we didn't want to miss it! All these colors were a real treat and although the weather could have been better, it was the best solution for shooters and enjoying burgers in such a beautiful setting. Do you like being outdoors in summer?

  • Tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.
  • Brynza - 300 g. Although, you can try with any other cheese. The taste of pies, of course, will be very different.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • A bunch of fresh herbs (dill, green onion etc.)


The first step is the cheese filling for pies.

  1. Mash the cheese with a spoon and fork. If you are using hard varieties cheese, then grate it.
  2. Sell ​​the garlic there. Finely chop the greens and put in the same cheese. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut into thin slices.

Prepare dough for cheese pies

Kohlrabi Coriander Patties

We are very excited to hear that you will try the burger recipe!

fresh salad radish 1 red onion. . Mix flour, dry yeast, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Heat the milk with water, melt the butter in it - the milk should be warm, but not boil! Add milk-butter mixture to dry ingredients, add butter and mash roughly, then add 1 egg. Knead the dough for a few minutes. Pour a new mixing bowl with some vegetable oil and leave the dough for 1 hour in a warm place and cover with a kitchen cloth.

  1. The dough will turn out yeast-free.
  2. Add sugar, salt and butter to boiling water. Mix everything.
  3. Add flour and knead the dough.
  4. Set dough aside for 30 minutes. Although, if you can’t wait, then you can immediately start making pies. But the taste will be worse.

Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out their huge thin cakes.

Cut the dough onto a striped work surface into equal sized pieces, form into balls, then press down flat with your hand into a flat circle, fold over opposite sides, then fold the corners together and carefully knead the seams - turn your hands into an evenly flat ball shape. Place the buns on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and let it return for 45 minutes under the cloth - leave more space between the buns as they are still very hot. Mix the second egg with a little water and gently peel upper part buns with a brush and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

On one test, spread the chopped tomato so that the distance between each slice is at least 3-4 cm.

Place 1 tablespoon of cheese filling on each tomato.

Puff pies with cheese - general principles of cooking

Bake for 15 minutes, placing a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven. Finely chop the garlic and ginger. Add water and mix well until the consistency becomes creamy. Finely chop the onion and mix. Clean the kohlrabi, roughly grate and place in a bowl. Finely chop the onion, coriander and chili potatoes and add to the kohlrabi. Peel the pine nuts in the saucepan and also fill the bowl. Add olive oil, salt, pepper and nutmeg, then stir. Whisk the egg in a separate bowl, then mix well.

Top with another rolled out dough.

Now take a glass or a small cup and press it into the dough so that you get a lot of pies.

Pies are prepared with various fillings- and with fruit, and with jam, and with cabbage, and with meat. In general, there are a lot of options. In this article, we will show you how to make cheese pies.

Heat a pan with a little oil, then add the kohlrabi mixture to the pan with the patties and fry golden brown on both sides. Place the cheese on top so that it melts well. Cut the red and red onion into small slices. Gluten-free burgers, quick to make up in a pan or on the grill. First, pour some garlic tahini sauce on the bottom bun, top with lettuce, top with a quiver of collard with melted cheese, spread with a little sauce, and finish with the radishes and onion rings.

Famous as well as obscure knights and their shenanigans. A main meal or dessert can be molded and used as a finger pick depending on the type. Fresh are consumed warm, warm or cold. Some varieties have made international careers and are now almost as well known as pizza.

Puff pastries with cheese and ham


  • yeast-free puff pastry- 0.5 kg;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • ham - 200 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.


Cut ham and cheese into strips. cut into rectangles and roll out each piece and lay out the ham and cheese filling on top. Fold the dough in half, pinch the edges. We spread the pies on a baking sheet, previously greased with oil and grease each with a beaten egg. At a temperature of 180 degrees, we bake puff pastries with cheese for about 20 minutes. Puff pies and cheese are also very tasty. To prepare them, we fry the mushrooms, mix with cheese, and then we do everything, as in this recipe.

Dinnerware - flat cake from Alemannic cuisine. It is usually made with granola biscuits and a layer of fruit, vegetables or cheese for example. In some places the dough is made from yeast dough sometimes also have dumplings. Generally, toast is made with a milky or creamy egg shape, which thickens during baking and provides cutting strength.

The filling ingredients are uncooked or uncooked depending on the type: fruits are baked raw, vegetables are mostly blanched, and minced meat or bacon may be pre-cooked or cheeses. Cast bonding is mostly achieved with the white or whole egg backed up with a little flour or starch. For binding vegetable juice when needed, breadcrumbs are suitable.

Pies with tomatoes and cheese


For test:

  • flour - 3.5 cups;
  • boiling water - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil- 40 ml;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • cheese - 250 g;
  • tomatoes (medium-sized) - 400 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dill greens - 20 g;
  • salt - to taste.


Yeast dough pies with ham and cheese

In general, water is not covered, so that water-rich ingredients are free to provide moisture when baked. With the top layer of dough, it could be called a swirl or a patty. For savory dishes, use onions, spinach, tomatoes, ground beef, or riding cheese. In the case of fruit trees, a typical coating is fruit, in particular plums, apples, rhubarb, apricots or cherries, or other baked fruits. For sweetness, a layer of ground nuts is often sprinkled onto the dough. Before baking, it is usually poured out of milk, cream, eggs and sugar.

Cut the tomatoes into circles. Mash the cheese with a fork. Pass the garlic through a press. We chop the dill. Mix cheese with dill and garlic. Now we make the dough: stir salt and sugar in boiling water, pour in vegetable oil, add flour and knead a rather soft dough. Leave the dough for 30 minutes, and then roll out half into a thin layer. On it, at a distance of about 3 cm from each other, lay out circles of tomatoes, and put a teaspoon of the filling on top.

In western Switzerland, it is customary to cook fruit without casting, which is then eaten with whipped cream. Often the last fruit is a clear cake of sugar and gelling agent, especially if the fruit or berry is not a meatback. A common gelling agent is gelatin, rare pectin, bean gum, carageenan, or agar. In addition, acid regulators, potassium tartrate, and flavors.

When cooled, the liquid gel gel forms and forms a radiant and more or less strong mass that surrounds the fruit. The cake has not only a decorative function, but also creates a strong bond between the floor of the cake and the fruit layer when the fruits are not baked and then loosely stacked. This allows high water ingredients such as strawberries or raspberries to be combined, which will be reduced by heating in shape, color and aroma. On the french cuisine a pie is a pastry made from muesta without salt or sugar.

Now we roll out the second layer of dough in the same way and cover the dough with the filling with it. With a glass of a suitable size, cut circles around each piece of tomato. Pour vegetable oil into the pan. As soon as it warms up well, lay out our pies and fry on both sides until a crust forms. Ready pies with tomatoes and cheese spread on paper towels to eliminate excess fat. Serve the pies hot.

There are spicy varieties with vegetables, meat or fish, usually with a creamy egg flavor. This is a Burgundy pastry with milk and egg mold, baked in a round, flat shape. The coating consists of smoked bacon, eggs and milk. Recipe: Snack pear Togenburger.

Puff pastries with cheese and liver

Cream: 2 ml cream, 2x creamy water, 1 egg, some cinnamon powder and nutmeg, some sugar. Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Put the pastry dough into the mold. Soak the floor with a fork. Mix all filling ingredients. Pour the sieve over the dough. Place the cake and mold on a baking sheet. Bake on the bottom rack for about 60 minutes.

Pies with chicken and cheese


For test:

  • flour - 3 cups;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • butter- 150 g;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - a whisper.

For filling:

  • chicken fillet- 250 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • greens - to taste.


Remove carefully and let cool. Cool for at least 1 hour so that the cake can set properly. Always place the dough on the baking sheet as the filling may overflow during baking. Place the apples with the cut sides down and slightly overlapping the caramel. Baking: Remove for about 20 minutes. In the middle of the oven, preheat to 220 degrees. Roll pastry dough, place dough with fork, place loosely on apples. Press the edge of the dough between the apples and the edge of the plate.

Remove and leave for 2 minutes, immediately on the stove, serve hot or cold water. Tips: Use ripe pears instead of apples. Cook until dough is crispy before serving. Not hot because hot caramel cream juice is very thin.

Butter cut into cubes and rub with a glass of flour. Add sour cream, the remaining flour, mixed with baking powder for dough and knead soft dough. We send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. At this time, we are preparing the filling: we disassemble the boiled chicken fillet into fibers. Three cheese coarse grater, chop the greens. We mix the ingredients for the filling, add mayonnaise and mix. Divide the dough in half. From one half we roll up the sausage and cut it into pieces. We roll each of them into a cake, lay out the filling. We turn the dough, fasten the edges, forming a pie. Lightly sprinkle the baking sheet with flour, lay out the pies and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Pies with sausage and cheese

Place the pomegranate in a bowl, add milk, rinse for 15 minutes. Fraternal oil in a frying pan. Fry the meat in portions, place in a bowl. Fry the onion and bacon in the same pan, add to the meat. Cream and wine with thyme in the same pan for 3 minutes. Add the soaked bread to the meat, mix well, cool.

Place the dough on a baking sheet, bake the dough with a fork. Pour the second dough with paper over the filling, remove the paper. Cover the liver with egg yolk, with a fork several times. Baking: about 35 min. On the bottom groove of a 220-degree heated oven. Remove, cool slightly, remove from sheet metal. The meat of the cake is more palatable.

In the same way, you can cook pies with sausage and cheese.

Lavash pies with cheese


  • thin pita bread - 2 sheets;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • processed cheese- 200 g;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


Lavash cut into 4 strips. hard cheese cut into rectangular bars and put on strips of pita bread, crush it with spices and chopped herbs on top. Grease the rest of the pita bread with melted cheese. We turn the pita bread roll, bending the edges. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, lay out the rolls and fry them for 5 minutes on each side. The fire should be low so that the pies do not burn.

Taking any of these recipes as a basis, you can slightly adjust the filling, and you get a completely different taste - for example, interesting option- Pies with egg and cheese. To do this, mix a boiled egg with chopped cheese, add a little garlic if desired. And use the resulting mixture as a filling.

In addition, boiled meat can be used instead of chicken, ham and sausage. In general, the choice is yours.