Dough for zrazy from potatoes in uniform. Potato zrazy - a wide variety of fillings for potatoes

If you have after yesterday's dinner or festive feast left mashed potatoes, then the next day you don’t have to puzzle at all how to feed your family. We offer you a recipe for a dish that surprisingly combines simplicity, cheapness and amazing taste. We will prepare zrazy from mashed potatoes.

Below we consider the option without filling. But if you have time and desire, then you can put minced meat, finely chopped, in the middle of each zrazy smoked bacon(sausage, sausages) stewed cabbage, pieces boiled chicken, liver, fried mushrooms or stuffing from boiled eggs with green onions. Very juicy and tasty zrazy are obtained if you add a piece of dill oil inside. It is done elementarily: soft butter mixed with fresh dill, after which it freezes in the refrigerator.

Taste Info Second potato dishes


  • mashed potatoes - 10-12 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • white wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cheese hard varieties- 50 g;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to your taste;
  • nutmeg(ground) - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • breadcrumbs or wheat flour - for rolling.

How to cook zrazy from mashed potatoes without filling

Yesterday's mashed potatoes are perfect for making potato zrazy. It is desirable that it be thick and homogeneous without lumps.

Transfer the puree to a bowl and mash it well with a fork, beat in the egg. Now gradually add the flour, depending on the stickiness of the potatoes, it may need a little more or less than indicated in the recipe. Gently knead the dough, its consistency should be of medium density (it does not fall from a spoon, but holds).

Potato dough for zraz is ready. If you wish, you can diversify its taste with all sorts of aromatic additives. For example, grated on a fine grater, processed or hard cheese. From spices, you can add ground black pepper and nutmeg. Great for any fresh herbs(parsley, basil, dill). But be careful with salt, do not overdo it, for sure, yesterday, when you prepared mashed potatoes, you already salted it.

With wet hands or a spoon, take a little potato dough, shape into a round or oval cake, roll in breadcrumbs or flour. It would be even better to dip each cake in an egg before rolling. Prepare all the zrazy in this way and you can start frying them.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, put on fire and heat well. Transfer the zrazy and fry over medium heat on both sides until browned.

Transfer the finished potato zrazy from the pan first to a paper towel so that it absorbs the rest of the oil. And then post it on beautiful dish and serve to the table.

When serving, zrazy goes well with sour cream, fried mushrooms, vegetable cutting or a light salad. It would be ideal if you prepare a sauce for them - tomato, mushroom, mayonnaise with pickled cucumbers, bechamel, sour cream, garlic and fresh herbs.

Potato zrazy- these are original pies with filling, which are not prepared from simple test. The base is mashed potatoes prepared in a special way. Toppings can be used any to your taste. Here are step-by-step recipes for potato zrazy with the most delicious filling.

Potato zrazy - general principles of cooking

Young potatoes will not work for zrazy. The vegetable must be taken ripe, you can stale. The tubers are boiled in a peel or peeled, but not finely chopped, then poured with water and boiled. Drain all water from boiled potatoes, no liquid should remain. Then it is crushed until smooth. The mass will not quite look like mashed potatoes, it will turn out thick. Eggs are added to it, but not always. The consistency is adjusted with flour. Puts 2-4 tablespoons per kilogram of potatoes.

What fillings can be used:

Mushroom, vegetable;

From meat or poultry;

From cheese, eggs;

From fish;

Sauerkraut, pickles, olives;

from sausages, sausage products, smoked meats.

The filling is brought to full readiness. Pies with minced meat are molded from potato dough, in a classic form or in the form of cutlets. Then the products are breaded in crackers or simply in wheat flour.

Zrazy is often cooked in a pan, just fried on both sides. But they can also be baked in the oven, below is such a recipe. Serve the dish immediately while it is hot. When cold, potato zrazy is not so tasty.

Potato zrazy: step by step recipe with mushrooms

Step by step recipe for potato zrazy with mushrooms. You can use mushrooms, champignons or any other species. It is better to cook potatoes in advance so that they dry out a little.


1 kg of potatoes;

300 g mushrooms;

70 g of onion;

Oil and spices;


1. Peel potatoes, cut each tuber in half, put in a saucepan. Pour in water, add a few sprigs of parsley or dill, throw Bay leaf ok, peppercorns, boil. But don't boil it. The pieces should stay tight. At the very end, you need to salt.

2. Pour out the water from the pan immediately so that the vegetable is not fed. Transfer the potatoes to a large bowl and leave to cool for an hour or more. Let the vegetable dry on top.

3. We are engaged in a stuffing. We cut the mushrooms into pieces, you do not need to make large ones. Put in a frying pan with oil, lightly fry. If the mushrooms are collected in the forest, then before that they must first be boiled in a pot of water, you can also add spices. Then drain the water, cut the mushrooms, send to fry.

4. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, add to almost ready mushrooms and fry everything together for a couple of minutes.

5. Fill the filling with spices to your taste. Usually it's salt and pepper. But the addition of greens is welcome, you can squeeze a clove of garlic or put a spoonful of tomato paste. Stir thoroughly, leave to cool.

6. We return to the potatoes. It needs to be shredded. You can’t use a combine for this, only a pusher or scroll the vegetable through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. Grind in any convenient way until smooth, no lumps should remain.

7. Add to potato dough egg and two tablespoons of flour, knead thoroughly, spices do not need to be added to it, as they can burn when frying. The potato dough itself will turn out to be fragrant, since laurel and greens were added to the pan during cooking. You can try for salt, add if necessary.

8. Pour some flour on the board.

9. Pinch off a piece of potato dough or pick it up with a spoon, flatten a neat cake on a palm sprinkled with flour, put a little mushroom filling in the center.

10. Pinch the edges, make a pie. Align the shape with your palms. Place on floured board.

11. Blind in this way the rest of the zrazy with mushroom stuffing. Lay out on the board.

12. Heat vegetable oil in a wide frying pan.

13. Take one zrazy, flatten to a thickness of two centimeters, carefully place in warmed oil. Do the same with the rest of the formed products.

14. Fry potato zrazy first on one side until golden brown, then turn over and cook the second side.

15. Put the dish on a flat plate, serve with sour cream, garnish with herbs.

Potato zrazy: a step-by-step recipe with cheese and an egg in the oven

This dish is not very high in calories, as it is baked. A step-by-step recipe for potato zrazy in the oven with a very tasty filling. But if desired, you can also cook a dish with mushrooms, chicken or meat, vegetables. Everything will work out too.


A kilogram of potatoes;

2-3 tablespoons of flour;

2 spoons of milk;

120g cheese;

1 clove of garlic;

5 sprigs of dill;

Spices, some oil.


1. Boil potatoes in the usual way but do not digest. Remove all water, cool the tubers and chop. Let it cool down a bit.

2. Boil two eggs on the stove hard-boiled, they are needed for the filling.

3. One a raw egg break, remove the yolk, it is needed to lubricate the zrazy.

4. Combine the separated protein with one whole egg, shake with a fork and pour over the chopped potatoes. Fill the dough with flour, stir.

5. Cut the boiled egg into cubes or grate into a bowl.

6. Grate the cheese too, you can immediately grate a clove of garlic. Add chopped dill, salt and mix thoroughly the prepared stuffing. If the cheese is dry, then you can add a spoonful of sour cream or mayonnaise, it will turn out even tastier.

7. Separate 1.5 tablespoons of potato dough, make a cake, put a little cheese stuffing with eggs in the center, make a pie.

8. It is not necessary to flatten the zrazy that will be baked in the oven. You can leave them round, plump. But immediately we give a neat shape, transfer to a greased baking sheet, place the seam from below.

9. Take the yolk. Which was previously set, beat it with two tablespoons of milk or cream, brush all the zrazy on the baking sheet with a brush. We try to work out all the side parts so that they also brown beautifully.

10. Since the filling and potato dough are almost ready, you only need to brown well in the oven. Therefore, we put in an oven preheated to 210-220 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Potato zrazy: step by step recipe with minced meat in a pan

One of my favorite toppings is meat! The step-by-step recipe for potato zrazy uses minced meat, you can take any kind, a mixture of beef with pork, poultry, lamb. In general, we make the filling to your taste, taking into account personal preferences.


800 g potatoes (peeled);

220 g minced meat;

5 st. l. breading crackers;

onion head;

50 ml of oil;

3-4 tablespoons of flour.


1. Peeled potatoes cut into four pieces, put in a saucepan, pour water, but do not need to add a lot of liquid. Let it barely cover the vegetable in order to preserve the starch as much as possible. Salt after boiling.

2. Put on the stove, cook until soft.

3. While the potatoes are cooking, make the filling. We cut the onion into cubes. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan and start frying the vegetable. If you put minced meat first, then the onion will turn out like boiled. Better to roast it a little.

4. After a couple of minutes, add minced meat to the pan, stir with onions and fry together. The filling should be almost ready.

5. Add salt to the filling, pepper, if desired, throw a little garlic or a spoonful of tomato paste, with it the minced meat will turn out even tastier. Fry for a minute and turn off.

6. Drain the broth from the boiled potatoes, you don’t need to leave anything extra in the pan. Remove the lid and let it cool down a bit.

7. Mash the potatoes with a special pusher.

8. Add one large egg to it or put a couple of small ones, stir.

9. First add two tablespoons of flour, add a little more if necessary. You should get a sticky dough.

10. Pour breadcrumbs into a clean and dry plate.

11. Pinch off a piece of potato mass. Flatten in the palm of your hand to make a cake. Put some stuffing in minced meat to the center.

12. Carefully collect the edges, form a pie. Sharpen the edges as desired.

13. Immediately transfer to a plate with breadcrumbs, sprinkle on top, carefully pick up and form immediately, pressing the crackers to the potato dough.

14. We form all the other zrazy, we try to evenly distribute the minced meat. Lay out on a cutting board.

15. Pour oil into the pan. You don't need to add much, a thin layer is enough. We put it on the stove, warm it up. If the oil is not hot enough, then the breadcrumbs will begin to absorb it.

16. Flatten the zrazy, put a few pieces in the pan. They shouldn't touch.

17. Fry on one side until golden brown.

18. Then turn over and brown the second side. You don't need to cover the pan.

19. We take out the ruddy zrazy on a plate covered with napkins. Remove excess oil, serve.

You can replace breadcrumbs with crushed salted crackers or ground oatmeal. You can roll zrazy in semolina, add sesame seeds or nuts to the breading.

If the potato dough does not want to keep its shape, crumbles, then you can add one more egg to it or a little potato starch.

The zrazy will be very beautiful and yellowish if you pour turmeric into the potato dough or already ready mix curry.

If the potatoes are crumbly, then you need to boil the tubers only in their uniforms and do it in advance, you can stand it for several hours in the refrigerator, then twist it through a meat grinder.

Zrazy with meat is a hearty dish that is easy to cook at home. Choose the best recipe!

Potato zrazy with meat, in my opinion, the most the best combination everyone's favorite potatoes and tasty meat. Of course, you can just serve goulash puree to the table, but you must admit that there is something different from standard food that is much more interesting.

  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Minced pork - 0.5 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground pepper - to taste
  • Flour - 250 grams
  • Butter - 50 grams
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 50 ml
  • Sour cream - 100 ml

Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water until tender. Drain and mash the potatoes by adding butter to the potatoes.

fry minced pork in a pan until half cooked (about 10-15 minutes), add finely chopped onion and fry everything together for another 10 minutes.

Add 150 grams of flour to the cooled puree and knead the dough. Do not add eggs, sour cream or even more butter to potatoes. In this case, the puree can become very liquid and it will be very difficult to form zrazy from it. Sprinkle the board with the remaining flour, grease your hands vegetable oil and roll out round cakes. Place 1-2 teaspoons of minced meat in the center of the tortilla.

Form a neat cutlet and seal the edges.

Fry potato zrazy in a pan for 2-3 minutes on each side until a beautiful golden crust appears. Best served hot, with a tablespoon of sour cream added to each serving.

Recipe 2: potato zrazy with meat

Potato zrazy, which are a kind of pancakes with filling, are national dish in the cuisines of several Eastern European nations. The opinions of historians about its origin are divided: some believe that it came to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th century from Italy, while others believe that this is a traditional Lithuanian dish.

  • Potato - 6 pcs.;
  • Pork tenderloin - 400 g;
  • Onions - 2 heads;
  • Butter (fatty) butter - 150 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill - a bunch;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Any sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Peel and carefully wash the potatoes, cut into quarters and immerse in hot water boil. If you put it in cold water, the potatoes will be less sticky.

We wash the meat, cut it into pieces and pass it through an electric meat grinder. You can speed up the process and buy minced meat, but then you will not have confidence in the quality of the prepared product.

We drain almost all the potato brine, leaving literally three to four tablespoons. Mnem crush, add flour, eggs and dill. The number of eggs may vary, see the consistency of the potato dough.

We clean the onion and chop it into cubes, fry in vegetable oil, spread the minced meat, add some salt and fry until half cooked. We roll the potato mass into a sausage, cut into small cubes, like on dumplings, crush with the palm of our hand. We put minced meat on one half, cover the second and fix the edges tightly.

We crush the semi-finished product in the palms, dip it in flour and fry in melted butter.

Recipe 3, step by step: beef zrazy

Beef zrazy - simple traditional Slavic dish meat cooked in reverse. If classic zrazy is prepared by wrapping the meat filling in potato dough, then we will wrap these zrazy in pieces of beef.

Incredibly tasty and satisfying, these beef chops will turn out if you cook them at home and serve with a side dish of cooked green beans and cauliflower. In the process of cooking zrazy, we will also cook very thick and delicious sauce to them.

A step-by-step recipe for making beef zrazy with a photo is presented below. He will tell you in detail about each stage of cooking, and also demonstrate them clearly. As meat for such zrazy, you can use not only beef, but also pork or chicken fillet. Depending on the chosen meat, you will change not only the cooking time, but also the corresponding spices. The filling will be very satisfying and very tender thanks to butter. During the frying process, the beef will take on a dense and crispy crust, and as a result of stewing it will become very tender.

These zrazy with beef are perfect for lunch or dinner.

Let's start cooking.

  • beef tenderloin - 450 gr
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • butter - 50 gr
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp.
  • refined vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • wheat flour - 30 gr
  • salt - ½ tsp

We cut all the beef we have into fairly thin plates along the fibers. We put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces on top of the cling film, on top of the meat we also cover with cling film. Beat the beef with a wooden kitchen mallet. The presence of the film will not allow the hammer to spoil the texture and surface of the meat.

We clean the onion from the husk, wash it and cut it finely enough.

Pour the sliced ​​onion into a deep bowl, add the butter cut into small pieces and the indicated amount of breadcrumbs to it. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The butter should be slightly melted, so just let it sit at room temperature before you start cooking.

We spread the resulting filling in the center of each piece of beaten beef, evenly distribute it over the surface and wrap the meat in a kind of rolls. You can fasten the edges of the meat with a regular toothpick, as shown in the photo.

Heat up a frying pan with a little vegetable oil meat rolls with the filling, roll out in wheat flour and send to hot oil.

You need to fry such rolls on each side, quickly and over high heat until a confident golden crust appears.

In a deep pan, lay out the rest of the onion slices and butter in breadcrumbs. There we also send beef rolls fried in a pan.

Fill the ingredients with water room temperature, salt to taste. We cook the ingredients in the stewing mode under a closed lid until the meat is soft and the aromatic sauce thickens.

We serve the finished dish and serve it hot with a side dish of green beans and cauliflower. Zrazy beef is ready.

Recipe 4: how to cook zrazy with meat

  • Mashed potatoes 300 gr
  • Chicken egg 1 pc
  • Flour 2 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Minced pork 100 gr
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Black pepper to taste

We make the filling, for this it is necessary in a heated pan with vegetable oil, fry the minced meat mixed with chopped onion, salt and pepper.

Add salt, egg and flour to the puree.

Mix everything.

Grease your hands with vegetable oil, or sprinkle with a little flour. put mashed potatoes in the palm of your hand with a spoon, stuffing in the middle, and mashed potatoes again on top.

We form zrazy in the form of pies.

In a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, fry the zrazy on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe 5: zrazy with meat in the oven (step by step)

Zrazy - stuffed potato cutlets, dish Ukrainian cuisine. They are cooked with fish, eggs, mushrooms and meat. Potato zrazy with minced meat are very juicy and satisfying, they can be quickly fried in a pan and baked in the oven.

  • Potatoes 7 pcs.
  • Minced pork 500 gr
  • Flour 1 cup
  • Breadcrumbs ½ cup
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Parsley 3 sprigs
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ground pepper

We clean the potatoes, boil until tender, drain the liquid and knead with a crush. Cool down.

In oil (2 tablespoons) over medium heat, fry the finished minced pork until the liquid evaporates. Lay out on a plate.

Add more oil to the pan, fry the chopped onion with grated carrots, chopped garlic and add the prepared minced meat to the vegetables. Salt and pepper.

Remove from heat, spread the chopped parsley, mix and cool. The stuffing for zraz is ready.

Put the mashed potatoes in a saucepan, add flour, egg, salt and mix well.

Sprinkle the palms with flour, take 2 tablespoons with a slide of the potato mixture and form a cake. In the middle we lay out the prepared filling and fasten the edges.

We give the zrazy a rounded shape and roll in breadcrumbs.

In portions, fry the zrazy with minced meat in oil over high heat on both sides and spread on a greased baking sheet.

We send it to a preheated oven at 210 degrees for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all potato cutlets will evenly warm up, the filling will soak the dough and the zrazy will turn out to be very juicy and fragrant.

Zrazy can be cooked with minced chicken, turkey and beef. They can be supplemented with any herbs and spices to taste.

Recipe 6: potato zrazy with meat in a pan

Potato zrazy with minced meat are a kind of "cutlets" of boiled potatoes with meat filler. From the plastic potato mass we will form cakes, add the filling and bring the blanks to full readiness. The taste of the dish will largely depend on the type of minced meat chosen. Both juicy pork and lean beef, but to get the perfect taste, it is better to mix these types of meat.

Zrazy can be either boiled in boiling salted water or fried in oil. In our example, we will prefer the second option.

  • potatoes - 800 g;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • breadcrumbs - 4-5 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • minced meat (pork + beef) - about 200 g;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - about 50 ml.

We wash the potato tubers, peel and cut into quarters or just slices of approximately the same size. Pour in water and cook at a moderate boil until soft.

In the meantime, prepare the filling for potato zrazy. After removing the husk, finely chop the onion and fry for 2-3 minutes in vegetable oil.

To the already soft onion, load the minced meat. Break apart for even frying. meat mass into small pieces with a spatula. Fry over moderate heat until minced meat is fully cooked. Season the meat filling for zrazy with salt and pepper to taste.

Drain the water from the boiled potatoes, transfer the potato slices to a separate bowl and wait 10 minutes for the heated tubers to cool down a little.

Warm, but no longer hot potato We drive in a raw egg and begin to grind the mass into a homogeneous smooth puree.

Gradually add the flour, carefully kneading the potato dough with a spoon. The mass will turn out soft and plastic. In this case, the dough will stick to your hands - as it should be! It is not worth increasing the dosage of flour, otherwise it will “kill” potato flavor and the dish will not be as tasty.

With palms moistened in water, we form a small flat cake from the potato mass. In the middle we place a portion of minced meat.

We fasten the edges, forming an oblong blank and hiding the filling inside. Roll the resulting potato "patty" in breadcrumbs. We do the rest of the cuts in the same way.

We cover the bottom of a large thick-bottomed frying pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Warm up well, and then lay out our semi-finished products on a hot surface. Fry on both sides over moderate heat until an appetizing “tanned” crust is formed.

Serve potato zrazy with minced meat hot or at least warm. Since the dish already combines both meat and garnish, no additions to it are required. Optionally, you can serve with hearty meals. fresh vegetables, greens or light salads. And potato zrazy with minced meat is in perfect harmony with sour cream.

Recipe 7: potato zrazy with minced meat

If suddenly you are tired of mashed potatoes with meatballs, we advise you to diversify your menu and cook a tasty and satisfying dish - potato zrazy with minced meat, step by step recipe with a photo of which is set out below. it simple dish It is prepared from traditional products, but at the same time contains an unusual ingredient. The meat filling contains kefir, which gives the filling a special juiciness and softness.

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 5-6 table. spoons;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • kefir - 50 ml;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • greens;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt;
  • spices.

First you need to prepare everything necessary products. Any minced meat is suitable for this dish, but it is best to use mixed minced meat from pork and beef. Kefir can be taken in any fat content. Oil for frying is desirable to take refined. As spices, you can use curry seasoning, turmeric, coriander, a mixture of peppers.

Peel and wash all vegetables - onions, potatoes and carrots. Cut the potatoes into large cubes and boil in salted water until tender. Finely chop the onion, and rub the carrots on a fine grater. Wash greens thoroughly and chop.

Pour a little sunflower oil into a frying pan, pour onion and brown it. Then put minced meat in a pan, salt, sprinkle with spices and fry it together with onions. After that, lay out the carrots, and after a few minutes - the greens. Pour kefir into slightly cooled minced meat and mix everything well.

Drain water from boiled potatoes, crush it with a masher so that no lumps remain. Beat the egg and pour 3 tablespoons of the sifted flour, then mix the potato mass thoroughly. If desired, you can also pour a little spice into the potatoes. For example, add 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric. She will give finished product nice yellow color.

Sprinkle the board with flour. Take a tablespoon with a slide of potato dough, roll a ball out of it. Then flatten it into a pancake about 1 cm thick, in the center of which put about 2 teaspoons of filling. Gently connect the edges of the pancake and blind them. Ready-made blanks are immediately folded onto a board sprinkled with flour.

Pour a little sunflower oil into a frying pan and heat it well. Put the blanks in the pan and fry them on both sides until a crispy crust forms. In this case, you can not close the lid, fry over medium heat.

Serve zrazy on the table is better in a warm form. You can decorate them with herbs and serve with vegetables, adjika or ketchup.

Now you know how to cook potato zrazy with minced meat in a pan.

We wish everyone Bon appetit!

Potato zrazy - small pies, which are prepared on the basis of mashed potatoes with different fillings. And although their preparation takes a lot of time, the result sometimes exceeds the wildest expectations.

For zrazy, it is advisable to steam the potatoes so that they do not boil soft and do not turn out to be watery. Otherwise, a lot of flour will have to be added to the potato dough, which will adversely affect the quality of the zrazy.

Below are recipes for classic and original dishes that are ready to satisfy the gastronomic needs of any gourmet.

Potato zrazy with minced meat - a classic recipe

In the top lines of the rating are zrazy with meat filling, most often it is minced meat. It can be prepared from any available meat; for dietary meals, minced chicken or minced veal is suitable. This dish will be more satisfying when using minced pork.


  • Potatoes - 6-8 pcs. depending on the size of the tubers.
  • milk or vegetable broth- 150 ml.
  • Milk for minced meat - 100 ml.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Minced meat - 400 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Seasonings and salt for minced meat.

Action algorithm:

  1. The first step is to clean, rinse the potato tubers. Put in a cold container and cook until fully cooked.
  2. Drain the water in which the potatoes were boiled (or use to make mashed potatoes). Make mashed potatoes by mashing with a potato masher or blender. Add hot milk, stir.
  3. Prepare the filling. Peel the garlic cloves and onions. Finely chop. Fry in oil using a deep frying pan.
  4. Add minced meat, milk, seasonings here. Salt. Simmer the stuffing until the stuffing is done.
  5. Take mashed potatoes in small portions. Flatten each in turn, put the filling in the center. Form the product.
  6. Place the finished zrazy on a greased baking sheet. Bake for a quarter of an hour in the oven. Serve with sour cream, you can decorate with herbs!

Want to experiment a little with classic cooking and surprise loved ones? The next recipe is just for you.

How to cook potato zrazy in a slow cooker - step by step photo recipe

Traditional zrazy can be made not only from minced meat, but also from potatoes, and the filling, on the contrary, can be made from meat. It turns out economically, unusually and very tasty! Any meat is suitable for the filling, but it is with minced chicken zrazy are especially tender.


  • Potato - 700 g.
  • Salt (for mashed potatoes and minced meat) - to taste.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Caraway.
  • Flour - 90 g.
  • Ground white crackers.
  • Butter - 25 g.
  • Minced chicken - 250 g.
  • Pepper.
  • Onion - 180 g.
  • finely chopped fresh dill- 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil - 25 g.

For sauce:

  • Mayonnaise - 120 g.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Chopped dill.
  • Salt.

Step by step cooking potato zrazy:

1. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Install the steamer. Put the peeled and washed potatoes in it. Turn on the "Steamer" program. Boil the tubers for 30 minutes.

2. Transfer potatoes to a saucepan. Blend immediately with an immersion blender or food processor until pureed. Cool slightly.

3. Enter in mashed eggs.

4. Sprinkle flour, black pepper, salt and cumin (about 0.5 tsp).

5. Stir with a spoon. you will succeed soft dough like a thick puree.

6. Set the bowl of dough aside for now, start preparing the filling. Pour out the water from the bowl, wipe the container dry. Put butter. Finely chop the onion, pour into a bowl. Install the "Frying" program.

7. Saute the bow until translucent. Put in the minced chicken.

8. Stirring with a spatula, bring it to a crumbly state. At this stage, it will be almost ready. Put dill and salt.

9. Turn off the multicooker. Transfer the mince to a plate.

10. Wash and dry the bowl. Pour in sunflower oil. Select the "Bake" function. Turn on the appliance so that the oil begins to heat up. Pour into a bowl ground crackers. Lay out on the table cling film. dipped in cold water with your hands, pinch off a portion of the potato mass (one fourth), put on a film. Form a thick loaf. Put some stuffing in the middle.

11. Using a film, fold the cake in half.

12. Again, lightly moisten your hands with water, otherwise the potatoes will stick to dry hands and fall apart immediately. Free the top of the product from the film. Put one hand under the film with the cutlet, which you put in the other hand, but without the film. Gently roll the cutlet in the ground breadcrumbs.

13. Immediately dip it into the bowl of oil.

14. Do not put the semi-finished product on a table or plate, otherwise the product will immediately stick to the surface. Place a second one next to it. Cook zrazy under the lid for 9-12 minutes until golden brown. At this stage, the zrazy are still very tender, so with the help of two spatulas, carefully turn them over to the other side. Roast for 8-12 more minutes.

15. While the zrazy are baking, prepare the sauce. Put mayonnaise in a cup, add chopped garlic and chopped dill (to taste). Salt.

16. Stir.

17. Put the zrazy on a dish.

18. Now this can be done easily, as they are finished with a dense, crispy crust. Serve them with sauce. The zrazy are large, so one piece is enough for one serving.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms

Zrazy are good because different fillings are suitable for them: both meat and vegetable. Special attention of gourmets is enjoyed by zrazy with mushrooms, here the choice is also large.

You can take fresh forest (boil and fry), dry forest (then they will have to be soaked first). Ideal - champignons, they cook quickly, keep their shape, have a good mushroom flavor and taste.


  • Potatoes - 8 pcs. large tubers.
  • Mushrooms fresh or frozen - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 2-4 pcs. depending on weight.
  • Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil for frying zraz.
  • Salt, ground pepper.

Action algorithm:

  1. Cooking consists of several stages. Immediately you need to put the potatoes to boil (before cooking, peel and rinse).
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, you can prepare the filling. First, fry the chopped onion in oil, then add the chopped mushrooms to it.
  3. Some housewives advise crushing a couple of cloves of garlic into the filling to enhance the flavor.
  4. Mash the cooked potatoes into a puree so that there are no lumps. When it cools down a bit, mix in the flour and egg.
  5. Divide into equal parts (about 10-12).
  6. Roll out each into a patty. Put 2 tsp on the cake. mushroom stuffing.
  7. Dipping your hands in water, form zrazy. Roll them in flour and fry them in hot oil.

There is a secret how to get a crispy crust - semi-finished products should be rolled not in flour, but in breadcrumbs. Potato zrazy with mushroom filling are good hot and cold.

How to cook potato zrazy with cheese

Zrazy with meat or mushroom filling are the most popular, but there are gourmets who prefer cheese filling. In the following recipe, it is proposed to use Adygeisky cheese, which has a salty taste and melts well.


  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt.
  • Cheese "Adyghe" - 300 gr.
  • Dill and parsley - to the taste of the hostess.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Turmeric - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Action algorithm:

  1. Peel the potatoes, salt and send it to boil. Now you can start preparing the filling.
  2. Grate the cheese into a medium-sized container, using a grater with large holes.
  3. Chop the parsley and dill here as well. Salt. Add turmeric and pepper.
  4. When the potatoes are cooked, prepare mashed potatoes by adding a little potato broth. Add flour, knead the dough, it should not crumble.
  5. Divide into small balls. Roll each ball in flour and form a cake on the table.
  6. Put it in the center cheese filling. Gather the edges, press down and smooth. The result should be an oblong or round zraza with a filling inside.
  7. Quickly fry in vegetable oil, turning over to get a golden crust on all sides.

Original potato zrazy with cabbage

Potatoes and cabbage are true "friends" that go well together. That is why the cabbage filling is actively used for zrazy. True, you have to tinker with it a little.


  • Potatoes - 9-10 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 5 tbsp. l. (a little more flour will be needed directly when forming the zraz).
  • Vegetable oil - for frying cabbage and ready-made zrazy.
  • Cabbage - ½ head, medium in size.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, spices.

Action algorithm:

  1. Since the potatoes are boiled for at least 40 minutes, it is worth starting the preparation of zraz with this process. When the water in the pot with potatoes boils, salt, reduce the fire. Cook until done.
  2. Mash into a smooth puree. Cool down.
  3. Add flour and eggs to the chilled puree, knead the dough (it will slightly stick to your hands, so you will need flour).
  4. Shred the cabbage. Fry first, then add water, tomato paste and put out. At the end of the process, salt, add spices.
  5. Divide the potato dough into roughly equal-sized portions.
  6. With the help of hands and flour, form rather thick cakes.
  7. Lay down vegetable stuffing, raise the edges, blind. Smooth the joint, forming zrazy.
  8. Fry in oil.

As an experiment, you can cabbage stuffing add mushrooms.

Recipe for potato zrazy with egg

Another good "partner" for potato dough is boiled chicken eggs, especially in combination with green onion. Zrazy with such a filling is best cooked in the spring, when the body needs more vitamins and greens.


  • Potatoes - 10-12 pcs. (the number is affected by the size of the tubers).
  • Chicken eggs for dough - 1-2 pcs.
  • Flour - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Salt.
  • Chicken eggs for filling - 5 pcs.
  • Onion greens - 1 bunch.
  • Vegetable oil.

Action algorithm:

  1. Salt and boil potatoes, for flavor, you can add bay leaf, onion to it (lower, boil, remove).
  2. Strain off the water. Cool a little, knead thoroughly and knead the dough, adding eggs and flour.
  3. Boil chicken eggs until hard boiled. Grate.
  4. Rinse onion feathers, dry. Cut into small pieces.
  5. Mix the grated eggs and chopped onion. You can salt a little.
  6. Since zrazy resemble pies, they are prepared in the appropriate way. Divide the dough into lumps of the same size.
  7. Form a cake first, put a little in the center egg and onion filling. Create zrazy.
  8. Fry in oil on both sides, spreading in a pan so that there is free space between the zrazy.

The dish is perfectly complemented by fat sour cream.

Spicy potato zrazy with onions

The filling for zrazy can be selected based on the tastes of family members. But sometimes you can experiment (if the family is ready for this), offer zrazy with a piquant addition.


  • Potatoes - 1 kg (10-12 tubers).
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 30 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Turkey fillet - 150 gr.
  • Onion - 2-3 pcs.
  • Ketchup - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 150 gr.
  • Marjoram.
  • Salt.
  • Vegetable oil.

Action algorithm:

  1. The first stage of difficulties will not cause - you just need to boil the potatoes until tender.
  2. Mash hot potatoes with butter. Cool down. Add flour and eggs. Knead the dough.
  3. Form zrazy (without filling). Roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in oil until fragrant.
  4. Transfer the zrazy to a large brazier. Sprinkle with salt, marjoram. Drizzle with ketchup.
  5. Cut the turkey into sticks. Fry in oil.
  6. Finely chop the onion, fry in another pan, but also in oil.
  7. Cut cheese and pepper into small cubes.
  8. Put the turkey on the zrazy, followed by a layer of onions, then - cubes of sweet pepper, cheese.
  9. Bake in the oven.

Spicy zrazy prepared in this way looks fantastic and tastes excellent.

Lean potato slices

Since zrazy are made from potato dough, they are very good for fasting - healthy, satisfying. You can cook with or without filling, it is clear that with vegetables or mushrooms the dish will be more delicious.


  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Flour for backing when forming zrazy.
  • Mushrooms - 0.5 kg.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Sugar, black pepper, salt.

Action algorithm:

  1. According to this recipe, you can start the process by preparing the filling. Peel the onion, chop. Cut mushrooms too.
  2. Fry in oil in different containers. Combine, add spices and salt (a little bit). Leave to cool.
  3. Boil potatoes. Mash into a homogeneous mass. Add some salt and sugar. Pour in flour (you may need more than indicated in the recipe). Knead the dough, it will be tender and elastic.
  4. Wetting your hands with water, separate small portions of the dough. Form a cake directly on the palm of your hand. Put the filling on this cake. Helping with the second hand, mold immediately.
  5. Roll in flour/breadcrumbs. Fry.

And fasting can take place with healthy and tasty dishes!

Recipe for potato zrazy in the oven

Zrazy from potatoes are good in all positions, they can be simple and complex dish, everyday and festive. And there are several options for bringing to readiness, the most common is frying, less well-known (but more useful) is baking in the oven.


  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Flour - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.
  • Salt.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1-2 pcs. small in size.
  • Fresh boletus - 300 gr.
  • Spices.

Action algorithm:

  1. According to tradition, you first need to boil the potatoes. Mash into a puree, adding a little flour and an egg.
  2. For the filling, sauté the grated vegetables.
  3. Mushrooms, cut into pieces, boil and fry.
  4. Combine with vegetables.
  5. Form cakes from potato dough. Hide stuffing inside.
  6. Grease a baking sheet or baking dish with vegetable oil. Lay zrazy.
  7. Bake until golden brown.

Serve in the same dish (if a beautiful dish) or transfer to a plate. Sprinkle with herbs.

Potato zrazy with minced meat, mine favorite dish since childhood, though in our family they were called potato growers. Zrazy is prepared with different stuffing- with meat, mushrooms, eggs and onions, cheese, sauerkraut, fish, and indeed with whatever your heart desires, the filling is inside mashed potatoes. Zrazy is very tasty, economical and nutritious dish, try to cook it and your whole family will love it.

There are zrazy in almost every national cuisine regardless of which country the person lives in. They can consist not only of potatoes, but also have a completely different basis. Only a part of the products of which the dish consists and the principle of preparation can be similar.

It is rather difficult to say unequivocally in which country the zrazy was first prepared. Many attribute the original recipe to Polish chefs, while others to Lithuanian ones, some believe that the progenitors of this dish are Belarusians, the rest suggest that they are Ukrainians. But regardless of which country opened this recipe to the world, its popularity speaks of a clear success.

Zrazy was traditionally prepared only from minced meat, which was thinly rolled out and vegetable stuffing was wrapped in it, less often eggs or porridge. Mushrooms and cheeses were also very common fillings. And only over time they began to cook zrazy from potatoes, which incomparably harmonizes with any kind of meat, mushrooms, vegetables, cheeses, etc.

Cooking recipes have a lot of variations, you can experiment with each time taste palette and find the perfect dish that your whole family will love. And if the dish is cooked with love, then it will certainly turn out great and relatives will appreciate it, and the praise of loved ones is a reward for every hostess.

This recipe is easy to perform, and connoisseurs of economy will surely like it. The dish turns out incredibly tasty, and the products necessary for cooking are inexpensive.


  • Potatoes - kilogram.
  • Selected egg - 1 piece.
  • Wheat flour - 100 grams.
  • Butter - 40 grams.
  • Breading - 2 tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil - 1/2 cup.
  • Minced meat - 300 grams.
  • Onion - head.
  • Champignons - 6 pieces.
  • Salt and spices according to preference.

The dish is designed for 6 people.

Cooking process:

1. Pre-clean and wash the potatoes. Be sure to cook from the old, because it contains more starch. We cut into four parts, pour water and put on fire to cook until fully cooked.

2. We clean the onion and chop it into small pieces.

3. Thoroughly wash the mushrooms and cut into small cubes.

4. Put the pan on the fire, add vegetable oil and fry until golden brown.

5. Then add the mushrooms to the onion and simmer over low heat until all the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated.

6. Add fat minced meat and mix continuously until the ingredients are ready.

7. When the potatoes are cooked, you need to drain all the water and crush.

8. Let the potatoes cool slightly, then beat in the egg, add the butter and continue to knead until a dense, uniform and smooth mass.

9. Add salt and pepper to taste.

10. Add 2 tablespoons to the resulting puree wheat flour and knead the potato dough. The flour will add stickiness to the mashed potatoes and make it possible to form zrazy of the desired size.

11. Wet hands in water, then make a plump cake from potato dough. We put the cooled stuffing of minced meat, mushrooms and onions in the middle. On all sides, carefully close the filling and form a pie.

12. potato pie roll in breadcrumbs.

13. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat until bubbling. On a small fire, fry the pre-formed zrazy until fully cooked until fully cooked.

Do not cover the pan with a lid so that there is a golden crust.

14. Before serving, put potato zrazy on a dish and add sour cream - garlic sauce.

Watch the video recipe:

Here we are ready full meal which can serve as lunch or dinner. It remains only to add a salad of vegetables with a light dressing.

Eat with pleasure!

Quick zrazy with minced meat

Surely everyone has such situations when there is very little time for cooking, and you want to pamper your relatives with delicious and hearty meal. The proposed recipe will significantly speed up the process and simplify tasks, as well as help to feed even the most demanding connoisseurs of cooking.


  • Potatoes - kilogram.
  • Onion - 3 heads.
  • Selected egg - a thing.
  • Minced meat - 450 grams.
  • Wheat flour - a glass.
  • Vegetable oil - 12 cups.
  • Spices.
  • Salt.
  • Breadcrumbs - pack.
  • Sauce.

The dish is designed for 7 persons.


1. Peel potatoes, fill with water and cook until fully cooked. Salt and add bay leaf.

2. Mash the potatoes with a pusher. Add flour, vegetable oil, beat in an egg and pour in a little potato broth.

3. Grind the onion and send to the minced meat and mix. Heat the pan, add vegetable oil and spread the minced meat. Fry until fully cooked, adding spices to taste.

4. Pour the breadcrumbs onto a plate.

5. Prepare the work surface.

6. Put the potato base on top of the breadcrumbs. We form a cake.

7. In the middle of the cake, lay the cooked minced meat.

8. We close the edges, forming a cutlet.

9. We put the pan on the stove, pour in the oil, heat it up and place the zrazy so that they do not touch each other. Fry them on both sides until golden brown.

10. Remove from fire. Arrange on plates, if desired, pour sour cream or sauce and sprinkle with herbs on top.

Cooking this dish is a pleasure, because it does not require special skills and tricks. Zrazy melt in your mouth and give a unique taste. You can cook them both on ordinary days and for the festive table.

Recipe for potato zrazy in the oven

This recipe will be to the liking of anyone who adheres to proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle. He possesses unsurpassed taste and contains the fewest calories. Anything can be used as a filling.


  • Potato tubers - 1.2 kilograms.
  • Flour is a glass.
  • Choice egg.
  • Water.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Minced meat - 450 grams.
  • Onion.
  • Pepper and salt.

The dish is designed for 5 persons.

Cooking process:

1. Peel the onion, rinse in water. Grind and fry until golden brown. Then add minced meat to it and fry until it appears homogeneous mass grey.

2. We shift the meat filling into a blender, beat. The stuffing is homogeneous and tender.

3. The next step is to prepare the mashed potatoes. Peeled and washed in water, potatoes are cut into four parts and sent to the pan. Pour water into it and put it on the stove to boil.

4. Cool, knead the potatoes, add flour, egg and nutmeg and knead the potato dough well.

5. The puree mass must be stirred several times so that it is homogeneous and very sticky.

6. Lubricate hands with vegetable oil. We take a few tablespoons of potato mass and make a thick cake. Put the filling in the center and close up the zrazy from all sides.

7. Roll the blanks in breadcrumbs and put them on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment.

8. We preheat the oven and send our blanks for 30 minutes. During this time, the zrazy must be turned over once or twice to get a crispy golden crust from all sides.

An excellent addition to this dish will be low-fat sour cream and chopped greens. Puree comes out of the most delicate consistency, thanks to a small amount flour in it. This dish will please even the most demanding culinary critics.

  • To prevent the potato dough from sticking when forming the zrazy, grease your hands with sunflower oil or soak in cold water.
  • To get a crispy crust when breading, use wholemeal flour.
  • Another way to get a crispy crust is to coat the blanks first with an egg, and then roll in breadcrumbs.
  • Potatoes can not be crushed, but grated.
  • A lot of toppings for this dish is inappropriate, since the zrazy will simply fall apart and turn out instead delicious meatballs- potato and meat mass.

Having at hand simple products, cook cooking masterpiece simply and easily. It is to these that zrazy belong. Seasoning them sour cream sauce, you will get an incredible output tasty dish that your whole family will love.

Enjoy your meal! Eat with pleasure!