Can you make puree? Cooking mashed potatoes with onions

Mashed potatoes can be served as a side dish with fish and meat dishes, and can be used in the preparation of casseroles or rolls. To make mashed potatoes delicious, you need to know the secrets of its preparation.

How to make mashed potatoes - what to look for

secrets delicious puree:

  • For mashed potatoes, use potatoes that boil well.
  • Before cooking, peel the potatoes from the skin and hold them for 30 minutes in cold water.
  • Put potatoes of the same size in the pan or cut the potatoes into equal pieces.
  • Do not add salt when boiling potatoes. Add it to the already prepared puree.
  • Turn potatoes into puree immediately after boiling them, i.e. very hot.
  • In order for the puree to turn out tender and tasty, pour boiling milk or cream into it when pushing the potatoes.
  • Add butter or margarine to the puree already melted and hot.
  • To prepare puree, use a special stainless steel pusher with holes. Do not use a blender - it will turn the potatoes into a viscous mass.
  • You can flavor mashed potatoes not only with milk and butter, but also with any finely chopped greens.

How to make regular mashed potatoes

  • Pour water over the potatoes so that it covers the top layer by one finger. Bring the potatoes to a boil and cook for 20 to 30 minutes. Readiness is determined with a sharp thin knife - it should easily pierce the potatoes.
  • Use a potato masher to mash potatoes until smooth. At the same time, pour in as much milk or cream as thick or thin you want the puree to be. For 1 kg of liquid potatoes, you will need from 1.5 to 2 glasses.
  • Pour melted butter (from 50 to 100 g) into the resulting puree and add salt to taste. Stir the puree with a spoon.

Before serving, keep mashed potatoes in hot oven but not more than 30 minutes.

How to make mashed potatoes

For 4 parts of potatoes, take 1 part of carrots (800 and 200 g). Cut the peeled carrots into cubes and boil in a separate bowl until soft. Pour out the water, and wipe the carrots through a strainer. Make mashed potatoes according to the recipe above. Stir in the potatoes and carrot puree with the oil.

In the same way, you can make mashed potatoes with beets or spinach. You will then get purple and green puree. Colored puree it is good to cook for children who are capricious at the table and do not like potato dishes.

How to make spicy mashed potatoes

Such mashed potatoes are served in the most fashionable restaurants and it costs decent money. But it is very easy to prepare it at home:

  • Take a head of garlic and cut it in half lengthwise. Lay the garlic on a sheet of foil and add 10 cm of the white part of the leek to it. Water the vegetables olive oil and wrap the foil. Bake them in a hot oven for 25-30 minutes. After the onions and garlic are soft, smash them in a blender. Peel the garlic before this.
  • In a blender, chop a bunch of parsley and a bunch of cilantro.
  • Make the usual mashed potatoes, but instead of milk, add boiling clean water to it, and instead of butter, add olive oil.
  • Mix mashed potatoes, mashed garlic and onions, mashed greens. Don't forget to season the dish with salt and pepper.

It turns out very tasty mashed potatoes with the addition of celery root. Vegetables can be taken equally and cook them together. Once the potatoes and celery are tender, use any of the recipes in this article.

Mashed potatoes are a very common dish on our tables, they are served not only in the daily diet, but also on the festive table, because it can perfectly complement almost any dish - meat, fish, as well as vegetables. mashed potatoes - wonderful option food for a child and for an adult, for a teenager and for an elderly person. There are not many people who would refuse this amazingly tasty and satisfying dish. How can you fully reveal the taste of potatoes and cook a real masterpiece from this familiar everyday dish? In this article, you will learn which ingredients are used to give ordinary mashed potatoes a special taste.

What are mashed potatoes?

Taste is a delicate matter. Someone will like one thing, someone will prefer something completely different. At your choice, we present several options for preparing mashed potatoes with various additives. Find among them the most suitable recipe for you.

Classic mashed potatoes

Ingredients to create it:

  • potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt - a teaspoon or a tablespoon.

How to cook:

for cooking classic puree it is necessary to peel the potatoes, put them in a saucepan and pour cold water into it so that it completely covers it. Cover the pot with a lid and bring to a boil. After that, the fire should be reduced and boiled until the potatoes are ready - about half an hour - an hour. For puree, this is not essential - the more, the better. However, remember that the more potatoes are cooked, the less useful substances retains in itself. Make sure the water doesn't boil too much.

When the potato is ready (which can be checked by pricking it with a knife - the knife enters easily into the finished potato), remove the pan from the heat, drain the water and salt the dish. After that, you can add butter, cover the pan with a lid and wait until it melts (this is not long - 2 - 5 minutes).

After that, you can proceed to the most responsible - the direct transformation of potatoes into mashed potatoes. Which pusher to choose? Give preference to the one that you like best, because any dish should be filled with only positive emotions of the cook. You can choose a regular wooden - great option for lovers of everything natural. If you want - take a special metal one with holes - the best option for novice cooks. You can also use household appliances.

When the potatoes are completely crushed, you can add milk. Remember that it must first be brought to a boil! If the milk is cold, your puree will get an unpleasant taste. grey colour. Add milk gradually, little by little - and knead the mass well. Focus on your personal preferences - if you decide that the puree has reached the desired thickness - do not add more milk.

If you are a far from beginner cook and want to make a special puree and enjoy new taste sensations, try the recipes below.

Delicious mashed potatoes with onions

Onions go well with potatoes, perhaps one of the best flavor duos. To prepare a delicious onion puree, use the following tips.

Ingredients to create it:

  • potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • butter - 50 - 100 grams;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • salt - a teaspoon or a tablespoon;
  • onions - 2 pieces;

How to cook:

mashed potatoes according to this recipe should be prepared as usual. The only difference is that less milk is added here, or you can do without it at all - it all depends on how much oil in which the onion was fried will be added to the potatoes.

Onions should be peeled, finely chopped and fried, and best of all - in butter. When the puree is crushed, add the fried onion to it and knead.

Delicious mashed potatoes with meat, onions and mushrooms

A perfect combination of mashed potatoes with onions, mushrooms and meat. Moreover, anything your heart desires can act as meat - bacon, sausage, sausages, pork, beef, chicken, and so on. The combination of mashed potatoes with onion-fried cracklings is usually served with sour soup. However, you can eat this dish without additions - it is surprisingly tasty.

Ingredients to create it:

  • potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • butter - 50 - 100 grams;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • meat - 200 - 300 grams;
  • mushrooms - 100 - 200 grams;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable or creamy little for frying.

How to cook:

cut the meat into small pieces and fry in a pan, adding vegetable or butter if necessary. Peel the onion, finely chop and add to the meat. Mushrooms chop and fry until tender, mix with onions and meat. Simmer everything on a small fire under the lid. When the potatoes are crushed, add the fried mushrooms, onions and meat to it and knead.

Puree with cheese - a tasty and pleasant variety

Ingredients to create it:

  • potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • butter - 50 - 100 grams;
  • hard cheese - 100 - 200 grams;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt - a teaspoon.

How to cook:

prepare puree, as in the classic version. Grate cheese on coarse grater and add to the hot puree, mix well, cover the pan with a lid and leave the cheese to melt for 5-10 minutes, then serve.

Healthy and tasty puree for kids

Ingredients to create it:

  • potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • vegetables at will (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin);
  • butter - 50 - 100 grams;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt - a teaspoon.

How to cook:

make a puree like in classic recipe. Use vegetables that your child likes. Carrots should be boiled initially, zucchini should be stewed, pumpkin should be baked in the oven in foil, then chopped with a blender and added to the puree.

Beautiful and tasty puree - how to give it a shade

In order to prepare puree of a special shade, use the products suitable for this:

  • red puree will turn out if you add boiled and chopped beets with a blender;
  • pumpkin and carrots will add an orange color to the puree;
  • green puree will turn out if you add parsley boiled in milk and chopped in a blender.

Spicy mashed potatoes - special flavors when seasoned

In order to give your puree not only a special color, but also an amazing piquant taste, add your favorite seasonings to it. Which of the existing ones are most suitable for mashed potatoes?

  • Grated nutmeg;
  • grainy mustard;
  • cardamom;
  • garlic;
  • paprika;
  • tarragon;
  • sage;
  • sesame;
  • mint.

Secrets of making delicious puree

  • best for puree old potatoes, from young good food will not work;
  • milk used in the preparation of mashed potatoes can be replaced with any other liquid: broth left over from cooking potatoes, sour cream, water or cream (especially tasty!);
  • if you add beaten egg white to the puree, it will become airy, and if the beaten egg is whole, then the puree will resemble a delicate cream in consistency.

Add special ingredients and create your own new flavors of mashed potatoes, because with a special subtle taste, it can be compatible with most products.

What could be easier than mashed potatoes? But, at one hostess it is tasty, and the other is even tastier. And the third one...
In the meantime, there are a few secrets that turn a simple mashed potato into gourmet dish.

Cooking mashed potatoes

1 secret mashed potato

To prepare a delicious mashed potatoes, it is better to take middle-aged potatoes. But not old either. And in no case should the potatoes be sprouted (such potatoes have an aftertaste that is undesirable in mashed potatoes).

Tubers should be elastic with a dense and even skin. And from starchy varieties. If the potatoes remain firm after cooking and do not crumble, then this variety is best used for frying. It's not good for purees.

2 secret mashed potatoes

Boiling potatoes for mashed potatoes is not at all difficult. Potatoes must first be peeled and cut into equal (as far as possible) pieces of medium size. Potatoes can be cut into small pieces- so it will cook faster, but will lose a large number of starch, and this will worsen the taste of the puree.

Chopped potatoes should be run in boiling and lightly salted water.

Potatoes must be fully cooked. And not overcooked. There needs to be a middle ground here.

After the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and dry the potatoes on a hot stove or low heat.

3 secret mashed potatoes

Some housewives (or hosts) use a food processor, mixer, or blender to make mashed potatoes. But, it is better to do this with a wooden pusher and a special pusher with holes. Try it and see that the "handmade" puree is simply radically different in both taste and appearance.
Yes, in good puree there should be no lumps.

4 secret mashed potatoes

Quite often it is recommended to use only hot milk when preparing mashed potatoes. This is done so that the puree does not turn gray. Such a statement, to put it mildly, is not true. The color of the puree will depend on the variety of potatoes, and the temperature of the milk has little effect on the color of the finished puree.

But if the puree is poured with cold milk, then the overall temperature of the entire dish will decrease. Do you like cold mashed potatoes? It is not advisable to reheat this dish.

Because the milk just needs to be hot. And you will definitely need butter. The oil must be real oil. And it should be at least 80-100 g per 500 g of potatoes. If you want a real puree - do not spare butter. It is butter that gives the puree a soft, delicate taste.

Melt the butter in hot milk and add this mixture to the potatoes in small portions, whisking constantly - this is what a pusher with holes is for. Then the puree will turn out light and airy. Potatoes should not be crushed, but beaten. Make potato cream.

And at this stage, the puree needs to be salted.

5 secret mashed potatoes

The pot with ready mashed potatoes should be wrapped in a towel and left for 15-20 minutes - so the perfect consistency will form in the mashed potatoes. And don't be afraid - potatoes keep heat for a long time and you don't have to reheat them.

Yes, mashed potatoes should not be stored or reheated. And if it so happened that you could not eat everything at one time - use mashed potatoes for stuffing pies or for making casseroles.

Mashed Potato Recipes

All recipes for making mashed potatoes involve mashing (as described above. Or almost so). And only then - add zest.

  1. Substituting milk for chicken bouillon. From butter we do not refuse. Whisk well;

  2. Season the finished puree with a mixture: finely chopped garlic, crushed herbs, dill seeds and melted butter

  3. 2-3 egg yolks beaten with homemade sour cream and season the mashed potatoes with this mixture. But, you must be sure of the quality of the eggs;

  4. We prepare small cracklings, add to the puree and beat well;

  5. Cheese durum varieties rub on a fine grater, add to hot mashed potatoes and beat. Cheese should be up to about a quarter of the volume of mashed potatoes;

  6. Ignite walnuts (a handful), grind well and season them with mashed potatoes, beat;

  7. Grate nutmeg and season mashed potatoes with fresh nuts;

  8. For 500 g potatoes - 1 bell pepper, 50-80 g of dry paprika and 5 sprigs of thyme. Finely chop and grind the pepper, hang with dry paprika and finely chopped thyme. Fill the puree with this mixture and beat;

  9. For 500 g of potatoes - 200 g of tomatoes, 100 g of hard cheese, 50 g of chopped pine nuts. Cut the tomatoes and stew in vegetable oil, mix with grated cheese and pine nuts. With this mixture, “decorate” the finished mashed potatoes;

  10. For 500 g potatoes - 400 g carrots, 100 g orange juice, 4 tablespoons of sesame seeds or sesame paste, a little cumin. Boil potatoes and carrots and mash them. Sesame (or sesame paste) stew in a pan with the addition of orange juice and milk - add to the puree and beat well, garnish with cumin;

Mashed potatoes are the most popular and favorite dish in our country, no other is prepared as often. It is universal: it goes well with fish, meat, vegetables. There are a large number of variations of mashed potatoes - with eggs, cream, herbs, milk. It is not difficult to prepare a dish, but there are a number of secrets that allow you to create a real culinary masterpiece, which we want to introduce you to.

Classic composition of mashed potatoes

There are more than a thousand recipes for mashed potatoes: with cabbage, onions, milk, herbs, mayonnaise, ketchup, vegetable broth, mushroom, etc. At the same time, no one has come up with a better classic version of this dish. The secret of its preparation lies in the selection of products. Let's look at the set of ingredients that will be needed for a classic puree.

The main ingredient is potatoes, homemade is best, but store-bought is also suitable. Some inexperienced housewives seek to purchase young vegetables, but for this case, mature tubers are needed. Secondly, you will need a fresh whole, not too fat milk, but not less than 3.5%, butter, salt. In the presence of all the products, it remains only to wash the vegetables and put them to boil. While the tubers are boiling, thoughts will begin to visit the head on how to diversify classic version dishes.

Making mashed potatoes: step by step recipes with photos

With mashed potatoes, the situation is the same as with the popular borscht - as many housewives and cooks, as many recipes for the dish. At the same time, everyone wants to bring something new, special to a long time ago. famous dish. Thanks to such creative cooks, the world was born great amount variations. We offer you several recipes for this nutritious and a simple dish.

How to make mashed potatoes with milk and egg

This version of the dish is similar to the recipe for classic mashed potatoes. However, the egg included in the composition makes the mass more airy and nutritious. To cook potatoes according to this recipe, you will need the following set of products:

  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1/3 st. cream;
  • one egg;
  • salt pepper, Bay leaf.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Put the water on to heat up.
  2. Wash and clean each tuber. Cut: large potatoes into four parts, the middle one into 2.
  3. Send chopped tubers into boiling water in small portions. They do this so that the process of boiling water does not stop. Add bay leaf.
  4. Cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  5. Salt the potatoes a couple of minutes before turning off.
  6. Drain water from cooked vegetables. Put the pot with potatoes back on the stove to evaporate the remaining liquid.
  7. Mash the vegetables with a masher.
  8. Add cream and butter. Continue rubbing. Butter and cream should be warm.
  9. Beat the mass with a mixer. To achieve uniformity, beat for at least 5-7 minutes.
  10. Add an egg to a homogeneous potato mass. Depending on the requirements for the dish, use the whole egg or only the protein. If you add a whole egg, then the mashed potatoes will turn out to be creamy, and when only the protein, the potatoes will become airy.
  11. The egg before the introduction must be slightly beaten to obtain a homogeneous mixture, and pour in a thin stream, with the mixer turned on.
  12. Serve such potatoes as a side dish for all types of meat, fish or stewed vegetables and as an independent vegetable dish.

How to cook mashed potatoes with butter in a slow cooker

With the advent various kinds kitchen appliances The list of mashed potato recipes has expanded. This dish is prepared not only in regular saucepan. An amazingly tasty puree is obtained using a slow cooker. For him, take:

  • 6 medium sized potatoes;
  • Art. milk;
  • garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.

How to cook:

  1. Peeled, washed potatoes cut into 2 parts, put in a multicooker bowl, pour water to the height of the back of your fingers from vegetables. Put a clove of garlic, salt.
  2. Select the "Soup" mode on the multicooker and cook the vegetables for 25 minutes.
  3. Drain the water. Mash potatoes with a masher.
  4. Add butter to milk and heat. Pour this mixture into potatoes. Stir.
  5. Beat with a mixer.

Puree without milk with minced meat and onions in the oven

Mashed potatoes can also be used to make more complicated dish. These include the option with minced meat and onions in the oven. In this case, the puree no longer acts as a side dish, but as a ready-made dish. To prepare 6 servings, take:

  • 1 kg of middle-aged potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of fatty minced beef;
  • one large onion;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 3 art. l. butter with a mountain;
  • 50-70 g of cheese;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking instruction:

  1. Peeled potatoes boil, salt. Do not drain the entire broth, leave about half a glass. Add to potatoes 1 tbsp. l. butter and mash to a puree.
  2. Cut the peeled onion and fry with 30 g of oil.
  3. Add minced meat to the onion. Then simmer the meat until done. In order not to oversalt the dish, it is better not to salt the minced meat.
  4. Add spices and egg to the cooled minced meat. Mix.
  5. Heat up the oven to 180 gr.
  6. Grease a baking dish with the rest of the oil. Spread half of the puree.
  7. Put minced meat on potatoes.
  8. Top with the remaining mashed potatoes, the top of which is sprinkled with cheese.
  9. Send to bake for 20 minutes.
  10. This casserole is served hot.

Recipe for mashed potatoes for the first baby food

Small child needs a special diet rich in vitamins and minerals that ensure the growth and development of the body. Therefore, pediatricians recommend introducing vegetable dishes into complementary foods for babies, including mashed potatoes. The preparation of this dish for the baby has some features, let's look at them.


  • 1 potato;
  • 40 g of milk with a fat content of 2.5%.

How to prepare mashed potatoes for babies:

  1. Peel the potatoes so that there are no eyes or traces of peel. Soak for 5 hours.
  2. Cut into medium pieces. Let cook over low heat for 25 minutes.
  3. Do not salt.
  4. Drain the water from the boiled potatoes. Mash vegetables.
  5. Add hot boiled milk. Mix, beat with a mixer.
  6. The consistency of the puree is adjusted by adding milk.

Delicious mashed potatoes with cheese in a blender

amazing tender potatoes With piquant taste obtained by adding semi-hard cheese to vegetables. The dish is prepared just as quickly, it can be used as the main hot dish. To prepare 4 servings you will need:

  • kg of potatoes;
  • 1/4 kg of cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Boil peeled, coarsely chopped tubers in boiling water. Salt the vegetables before removing the potatoes from the stove.
  2. Drain the water. Dry the potatoes and mash until mashed.
  3. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the peeled and chopped garlic, simmer for about one minute.
  4. Transfer the puree to a blender.
  5. Add garlic mixture to potatoes. Whisk.
  6. Grate the cheese and add to the puree, beat.
  7. The dish should be served immediately after preparation.

What can be prepared from mashed potatoes - original dishes

Because there is never enough mashed potatoes, many housewives cook a little more than is required. But even the most devoted fans do not always agree to eat yesterday's dish. But this does not mean that the products are spoiled and the potatoes will have to be thrown away. There are many dishes that require mashed potatoes to cook. Mashed potato dishes range from classic patties to gourmet potato balls. Let's look at some recipes original dishes:


To prepare delicious vegetable cutlets Leftovers from yesterday's mashed potatoes will do. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the top of the product turns out to be crispy, and inside it remains tender and airy. Serve these cutlets with sauce (tomato, cheese) or use as a side dish for meat, seafood or fish. To prepare cutlets for 4 people you will need:

  • 600 g of finished puree;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 st. breadcrumbs for breading;
  • 50 g flour;
  • salt pepper;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking order:

  1. We take mashed potatoes, ideally if the potatoes have stood for 12 hours.
  2. Add the egg, chopped herbs, flour, pepper and salt. We mix everything.
  3. We form cutlets.
  4. Dip them in the breading mixture.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the meatballs on both sides.
  6. Serve potato cutlets warm.

potato balls

This dish is distinguished not only by its special taste, but also by its exquisite, beautiful appearance. Serve potato balls independent dish not only on weekdays, but also in holidays. In addition, they are suitable for vegetable, meat, fish dishes. To prepare 5 servings, you need to take:

  • mashed potatoes - 700 g;
  • egg - 1;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Lightly beat the egg with a fork.
  2. We roll the finished puree into balls, roll in flour.
  3. We repeat the procedure, but with the egg, dip the balls in the egg.
  4. Then roll them in the breading mixture.
  5. Heat up the oil and fry the balls in it.
  6. We take out the finished balls, put them on napkins or a sieve to get rid of excess fat.
  7. We serve to the table.


Based on mashed potatoes, they make wonderful, hearty pancakes. They are distinguished from ordinary ones by a more crispy crust and delicate texture. Serve such pancakes for breakfast or dinner with sour cream, hot sauce, ketchup, vegetable dressing. For 4 servings potato pancakes take:

  • 2 tbsp. mashed potatoes;
  • one chicken egg;
  • one onion;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. We beat the egg.
  2. Finely chop the onion and add to the puree. We send the egg there. Salt, pepper. We mix the mass.
  3. We heat up the oil in a frying pan.
  4. We put small cakes on the pan. The thickness of pancakes should not exceed 2 cm.
  5. Fry the products on each side for 10 minutes. To prevent the mass from disintegrating in a pan, it is better to fry over low heat.
  6. Serve warm.


One of the most favorite dishes of Russians are pies stuffed with mashed potatoes. Each housewife has her own dough recipe for this dish, the filling remains unchanged. We suggest using our test recipe, which will require:

  • 1 kg of flour;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 11 g fast acting yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt, sugar;
  • 100 g - butter.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cooking classic mashed potatoes. Let's cool down.
  2. We dilute the dry yeast mixture in slightly warmed water. Add sugar to them and place the solution in a warm place for 25 minutes.
  3. As the “cap” rises, pour the mixture into a cup, add warm milk, salt, eggs, flour. Then knead the dough. The process is long, the finished mass should lag behind the hands.
  4. Add melted butter to the dough, knead until elastic.
  5. To make the dough come up, put the cup with it in a warm place for an hour.
  6. When the dough reaches, cut it. We roll out cakes. Put cold puree in the center. We pinch the pie, fry the products in a pan in in large numbers heated vegetable oil.


potato dough- versatile product, suitable for cooking different pastries: buns, pizza, pies and even bread. Products from it always turn out to be airy and very tasty. To prepare this test you will need:

  • 3 potatoes;
  • 300 ml of milk or whey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grows. oils;
  • 8 g dry yeast;
  • 20 ml cream 10-20% fat;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 1 st. l. sugar, 11/2 tsp. salt.


  1. Cooking mashed potatoes and cream. We leave to cool.
  2. Warm up half of the milk.
  3. Separately, dilute the yeast in water and add it to the milk.
  4. Pour half of the flour into the mixture. Knead dough dough. It should be liquid.
  5. Leave for 2.5 hours to fit.
  6. Then mix mashed potatoes, salt, sugar, vegetable oil.
  7. Add the second part of the flour. Knead. Add steam to it.
  8. We leave to approach for another two or three hours. As the dough approaches, the mass should be punched down.
  9. We take ready dough, form buns or pies and bake in the oven.

How many calories in mashed potatoes

mashed potatoes - light vegetable dish, however, depending on the characteristics of its preparation, it may receive additional "weight" in the form of calories. A puree made with vegetable broth is less heavy than one containing butter or milk. The calorie content of 100 g of mashed potatoes with 3.2% fat milk is 93.7 kcal, while without milk it will contain 75 kcal.

Video recipe: air puree without lumps

What to cook for a side dish

puree potato recipe

40 minutes

90 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

It would seem, what could be simpler than mashed potatoes? This simple and versatile side dish is equally good with meat, fish, and vegetable dishes. It is delicious, quick to prepare, keeps well and is easy to prepare. However, despite the apparent simplicity of this dish, young housewives are often faced with the fact that their puree is far from ideal.

A failed side dish can ruin even the most delicious main dish, but I'll teach you how to make your mashed potatoes always perfect.

Mashed potatoes with milk

Kitchen tools: 4 l saucepan, potato press (masher).


For cooking simple recipe mashed potatoes with milk you will need:

  • Here lies the first secret of how to properly boil potatoes for mashed potatoes: to make your dish tasty, do not use young tubers for this. The point is that in young potatoes less starch, namely starch makes puree fluffy. Did you know?
  • To make sure that the potato contains enough starch, you need to cut the tuber into two halves and rub them together. If after that the halves stick together, then such a potato is rich in starch.

Important! Do not store peeled potatoes in cold water too long. Water washes away the starch.


Important! Never use a blender or food processor to mash potatoes! This will make the puree sticky and sticky.

video recipe

In this understandable video recipe, you will learn how much to cook mashed potatoes, you will clearly see all the stages of cooking and the finished result. Be sure to watch this interesting video to cook mashed potatoes even faster and tastier!

How to Make Delicious Mashed Potatoes!

How easy it is to make delicious mashed potatoes. Best Recipe mashed potatoes by family recipe. Fast way make air and fluffy puree from potatoes. Great potato side dish.
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Milk-free mashed potatoes

A wonderful recipe for mashed potatoes without milk is suitable for vegetarians and for Lenten menu. The nutritional value and the calorie content of such a dish is slightly inferior to that prepared with dairy products, but such a puree is no less tasty even without milk, butter and eggs.



video recipe

You can see a great recipe for lean mashed potatoes in this video. It clearly demonstrates all the stages of preparing this delicious dish.

Mashed potatoes in water

If you need to come up with a lean side dish, then I suggest you look at how to make mashed potatoes on the water. Also such garnish will do if you are trying to avoid excess animal fat in your diet. See the recipe on the site



Mashed potatoes go well with all kinds of main dishes. Serve this wonderful side dish with meat: cutlets, schnitzels, chops and sausages. Add to all this vegetable salad or pickles - and get a delicious homemade dinner comes from childhood!

Also, mashed potatoes go well with fried fish, fish sticks and canned food.
This wonderful dish appropriate and holiday table: put the puree in portions using a pastry syringe, so it turns into a beautiful and unusual edible decoration.

Cooking in a multicooker

  • If it is more convenient for you to work with a slow cooker, you can cook a dish in it. Mashed potatoes in a multicooker are prepared without changes in the components of the recipe and the cooking procedure, but in this case, the potatoes are not boiled in a saucepan, but in a multicooker bowl in the "Cooking" mode (can be replaced with the "Soup" mode).
  • Taste ready meal nothing different from the traditional! will be another delicious potato dish that can be prepared with the help of this wonderful kitchen assistant, but if you don’t have a slow cooker, then cook.

cooking secrets

Mashed potatoes will be a real salvation for those who need a truly uncomplicated, satisfying and inexpensive side dish. Following the recipe and knowing a few simple tips, even the most inexperienced cook can be sure that he will prepare mashed potatoes quickly and very tasty. Do not neglect even the most insignificant tricks, because they are the secret of the right puree!

  • There are several more interesting ways making delicious puree. For example, French chefs add egg yolks to the dish - this is done so that the finished puree dries out more slowly.
  • Mashed potatoes with egg and milk are prepared in the same way as traditional mashed potatoes, but in addition to milk and butter, an egg is added to it - 1 pc. for 200 g of milk. This component does not affect the taste of the finished dish, but adds a beautiful yellowish color to the side dish, which can also be obtained using turmeric or saffron.

  • Properly cooked mashed potatoes are very tasty and hearty meal, but also this culinary classics can and should be improved. Add chopped herbs, paprika and garlic for summer meals, for piquancy, you can add a few tablespoons of mustard to the finished side dish.
  • Especially delicious is mashed potatoes with cheese: for 1 kg of potatoes you need 100 g of good hard cheese, which should be grated on a fine grater and added to the finished puree. This component will add tenderness and creamy softness to your dish.
  • It often happens that mashed potatoes are not eaten to the end. You can warm up such a side dish, it is done in the microwave or in a pan, but it will be significantly inferior to fresh palatability. But you can make a lot of mashed potatoes from the leftovers. delicious meals, for example, fragrant or satisfying and so pleasing to men potato zrazy with minced meat.

Today we have dismantled a simple and delicious recipe beautiful universal garnish- mashed potatoes. Following my simple tips, you are sure to cook the most delicious and tender dish without wasting a lot of time and effort. Share your recipes for making mashed potatoes, friends, and bon appetit to everyone!