A wonderful option for preparing delicious ryazhenka in a slow cooker. Ryazhenka in the Redmond multicooker

Time: 420 min.

Servings: 4

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

The recipe for delicious homemade fermented baked milk in the Redmond slow cooker

Ryazhenka is a nutritious and very tasty fermented milk product, which was prepared by our ancestors. In order to make this drink at home, you do not need to spend too much time. Find out how easy it is to cook amazingly delicious Redmond.

The classic method of preparation involves the use of milk with a high percentage of fat content, while a thick fermented milk product was obtained through the use of cream. Traditionally, baked milk was made in pots that were heated in an oven and simmered until it turned creamy pink. After that, sour cream was added to the contents of the pots, then the product should thicken, staying in a warm place. Preparing such ryazhenka in a slow cooker is easy.

The technology for making ryazhenka is similar to the process of making yogurt. It is necessary to add sourdough to the baked milk and place the mixture inside the bowl - the slow cooker will do the rest.

It is worth noting that you can cook this fermented milk product at a delayed start, that is, a nutritious treat will be ready exactly when you wish it. Immediately after the languishing is completed, the product may not have a very thick consistency, and this is quite normal. It will thicken as it cools further.

It is best to prepare such a delicacy from a small amount of milk so that the product is consumed almost immediately after preparation. As a starter, as mentioned earlier, you can take sour cream or dry bacterial starter, which is in any pharmacy. Also, for this purpose, natural homemade yogurt or live store-bought sourdough of the Activia type can be used.

The fermented milk mixture can languish both in a small glass jar and inside special cups for yogurt. Do what is convenient for you.

Usually, it will take no more than 7 hours to cook fermented baked milk; you should also not overheat milk with sourdough. Otherwise, get kefir.

Some multicookers are equipped with a special Yoghurt program, which is ideal for fermented baked milk, but it is also possible to cook in the Multicook mode at t-40 C.

Take into account that it is recommended to add fresh fruits and berries to a ready-made drink, it will be tastier.

Now you can start the cooking phase. Cook and do not hesitate, ryazhenka will turn out excellent.

Step 1

Prepare the products that you need to create ryazhenka.

Step 2

Pour milk into the bowl, add the required amount of sour cream.

Step 3

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients using a whisk for this purpose. The density of the finished product can be adjusted independently. The more sour cream is used, the thicker the fermented milk drink will turn out.

Step 4

Pour the fermented milk mixture into a sterile glass jar, put it on the bottom of a bowl lined with a piece of cotton fabric. Pour some water into the bottom.

Step 5

Set the program "Multipovar" (t-40 C) for 7 hours.

Step 6

After the specified time, send the jar of fermented baked milk to cool, after a couple of hours it will be possible to evaluate the consistency of the fermented milk product.

It is worth replacing that in the subsequent preparation of a fermented milk product, instead of sourdough, you can use the remaining fermented baked milk.

Such a nutritious drink will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Serve it with cookies, crackers, jam or fresh berries. Bon Appetit everyone!

See another version of this dish:

Time: 385 min.

Servings: 6-7

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

A wonderful option for cooking delicious ryazhenka in a slow cooker

Ryazhenka is one of the most useful and nutritious foods that can be cooked in a slow cooker in our time.

Making such a delicacy is quite simple, since cooking does not take much time, and also does not require a large number of products.

Ryazhenka in a slow cooker turns out to be especially tasty, tender, healthy and incredibly tasty. In this case, the secret of cooking lies in the slow cooker, which can make any dish delicious.

Ryazhenka is a well-known product that is in great demand in our time. And this is not surprising, because such a product is rich in useful substances and trace elements that help the body to function normally.

Especially such a drink is useful for children, as well as kefir or yogurt. It is worth noting that cooking ryazhenka at home is quite quick and easy - you do not need to constantly stir the mass and monitor the preparation.

In this case, kitchen appliances will independently prepare this drink, making it as healthy and nutritious as possible.

Few people know that fermented milk products are beneficial for the intestinal microflora, as they contain useful substances that are necessary to maintain normal digestion. Ryazhenka recipes are probably known to mothers who prepare such a healthy delicacy for children.

The taste of ryazhenka in a slow cooker resembles kefir or yogurt, and in terms of benefits and the presence of nutrients, it can be compared with natural milk.

Ryazhenka is prepared in a slow cooker from available products that can be easily found in any store. Therefore, problems with the preparation of such a delicacy should not arise.

A drink is prepared using a multicooker, which has a lot of temperature modes and cooking programs. That is why preparing such a recipe is quite simple - in addition, you do not need to constantly monitor the cooking process, as well as stir the fermented baked milk.

The slow cooker will do everything by itself - that is why most housewives prefer such kitchen appliances.

Unlike a store-bought product, fermented baked milk made in a slow cooker turns out to be much tastier and richer - in this case, natural products from which this drink is made play a special role.

You can serve the finished product on its own or with any pastry. It will taste similar to yogurt, however, it will be a little thinner.

It is not added to porridge and other dishes, so fermented baked milk is served to the table only in its own form. However, it, so, turns out to be quite tasty and healthy for the body.

Strictly following the advice, you can quickly and without any problems cook delicious homemade ryazhenka. And this is not surprising, because all the tips allow you to avoid a number of mistakes that a woman may encounter in the cooking process.

  • Sour cream for cooking should be taken fatty - the fat content of the product should be at least 20%. Otherwise, the finished ryazhenka will be too liquid.
  • It is better to use homemade sour cream, as it is definitely natural and healthier.
  • Milk is also worth using homemade. It should also be bold.
  • The milk used is cow's.
  • This drink is prepared on the “Extinguishing” program, since it is this mode that allows you to prepare an excellent homemade product.

By strictly following the tips and nuances of cooking, you can make an excellent delicacy on your own, which will certainly surprise everyone with its taste and nutritional value.

Cooking method

To prepare this drink at home, it is important to prepare in advance all the products that the recipe requires. Only in this case, you can prepare a healthy and tasty drink, which will certainly appeal to all of its special taste and richness.

It is worth noting in advance that all ingredients must be fresh - otherwise the recipe will turn out to be tasteless, liquid and completely unsaturated.


This recipe is being prepared step by step so that the cooking process is more understandable.

Step 1

Pour the milk into the bowl of the multicooker, and then close the kitchen appliance.

Step 2

We set the multicooker to the “Extinguishing” program, the cooking time is 6 hours. During this time, the liquid will turn into baked milk, the upper part of which will have a thin milk foam. If desired, it can be removed from the liquid.

Step 3

Once the milk is fully cooked, let it cool completely. In a small container, mix the right amount of sour cream and a glass of milk, which should be scooped out of the main mass. Then pour the resulting mixture into the multicooker bowl.

Step 4

We mix the finished mass and turn on the “Heating” mode. We leave the ryazhenka for 25 minutes on this program, after which the homemade ryazhenka will be completely ready.

As you can see, the cooking process is not complicated, but quite responsible. The finished delicacy is stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

It is worth noting that the drink turns out to be thick, rich, natural, and most importantly, beneficial to the body. Try to cook such a recipe yourself, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the finished result.

From this product you can cook various pastries, pancakes and pancakes are especially famous. They are tender, soft and airy.

See another version of this dish:

Ryazhenka is a very useful fermented milk product, which is obtained by fermenting baked milk. Protein from ryazhenka is absorbed by the body twice as fast as from other products, and one or two portions of it can provide a person with the daily need of the body for phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

This is ideal, but in industrial production, ordinary milk, sourdough and dyes and flavors are used to reduce the cost of the final product.

This state of affairs with store-bought fermented baked milk should not be a reason for sadness, sadness, but only an impetus to cook a tasty and healthy fermented milk product at home. It will not be difficult to do this together with an assistant multicooker.

Recipe for the most delicious ryazhenka

Models of multicookers from different manufacturers have in their arsenal various options that can be used in the preparation of homemade fermented baked milk. This technology uses two modes ("Extinguishing" and "Heating"), which are in the menu of even the simplest models.

Cooking step by step:

How to make fermented baked milk

Almost all Redmond multicookers have a Yoghurt mode, which is also suitable for making fermented baked milk. It is also convenient to immediately prepare this fermented milk product in portions in glass jars or glasses.

For fermented baked milk in jars of baked milk in the Redmond multivac, you will need:

  • 1000 ml of baked milk;
  • 100 ml natural yogurt or sour cream.

If you use already baked milk, then the cooking time is reduced by more than half. All processes, including ripening in the refrigerator, will take 4-5 hours.

The energy value of the finished product is 84.1 kcal / 100 g.


  1. Prepare baked milk, which you can cook yourself in a slow cooker. Heat purchased to a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, and cool cooked independently to the same temperature;
  2. Stir in yogurt or sour cream. These ingredients should be completely dissolved in milk. Pour the resulting mixture into prepared glass containers. It is enough for four three-hundred-gram jars of jam or jam, which will fit in a multi-pan;
  3. Put a towel folded several times on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, pour half a liter or a little more water and put jars (glasses) with prepared milk. Cover (but do not seal tightly) on top of them with lids or food foil so that condensation does not get into the milk. Close the lid of the multicooker and simmer for 3 hours, turning on the “Yogurt” mode.

Homemade ryazhenka on sour cream in a slow cooker

As a starter for fermented baked milk, various fermented milk products or starter in powder are used, but the most popular is fermentation with sour cream. Moreover, completely different sour cream is suitable for fermentation: fatty and non-greasy, homemade and store-bought. Of course, the taste of the final product may differ, but it will still be delicious.

To prepare fermented sour cream ryazhenka, the ratio of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 1200 ml of milk;
  • 50 g sour cream.

The cooking process on average will last 12-14 hours.

The calorie content of a fermented milk drink will depend on the fat content of milk and sour cream - from 67 to 89 kcal per 100 g.


  1. Pour the milk into a clean bowl of the multicooker and simmer for 6 hours at 90 degrees using the "Multipovar" mode. The result should be beautiful creamy milk with foam and the appropriate aroma;
  2. Cool the contents of the multi-pan to 38-42 degrees. Pour a little milk into a flat plate, carefully remove the foam from the baked milk and transfer it to a plate with milk;
  3. Stir the sour cream well, transferring it directly to the multicooker bowl. Pour the resulting mixture into glass cups, and cover with pieces of foam from the plate on top;
  4. Wash the multicooker bowl, put a towel on the bottom and put cups with baked milk and sour cream. Then turn on the "Yogurt" function for 6 hours;
  5. At the end of the multicooker, the finished fermented baked milk should still ripen for four hours in the refrigerator.

How to cook ryazhenka from goat milk

Goat's milk has a higher density and fat content than cow's. The concentration of useful macro- and microelements in it is also much higher, so mothers often buy it for young children. But if a child refuses to drink goat's milk, then he will definitely not refuse a glass of thick ryazhenka coaxed with sweet fruits or jam.

For a fermented milk drink from goat milk in a Panasonic multicooker, you need to take:

  • 2000 ml of baked milk;
  • 150 ml starter.

The cooking time of fermented baked milk in a slow cooker with the “Yogurt” option will be 6 hours, without such a function it will take a little more than 12 hours.

The calorie content of a thicker goat milk product will be 98.8 kcal for every 100 g.

How to cook:

  1. Measure the required amount of baked goat's milk. If there is ordinary milk, then it is easy to make it baked, acting in the same way as with cow's. If necessary, heat up to a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;
  2. Pour part of the milk (about 150 ml) into a small bowl and add the starter, which can be any fermented milk product (sour cream, kefir, store-bought fermented baked milk, etc.), but with a high percentage of fat content. Mix well and pour into milk;
  3. Pour the mixture into a clean multicooker bowl and simmer for 6 hours in the “Yogurt” mode. Another way: hold for about half an hour on heating, and then leave overnight in a closed slow cooker. After that, transfer the product to another container and send it to ripen in the refrigerator. After cooling, you can eat.

Mannik - a simple pie for tea

Homemade fermented baked milk is not only a delicious drink, but also an excellent ingredient for home baking, giving it the aroma of baked milk. The easiest option for such baking is mannik in a slow cooker.

List and quantity of products:

  • 400 g of semolina;
  • 500 ml of homemade fermented baked milk;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 50 g wheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 5 g of soda;
  • 5 ml of lemon juice;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil.

All processes for baking manna will take approximately 2 hours.

The calorie content of a 100-gram piece of this dessert is 231 kilocalories.

Algorithm for baking manna on fermented baked milk:

  1. In a bowl for kneading dough, mix semolina and fermented milk product. Leave these two ingredients together at room temperature for half an hour so that the cereal swells;
  2. Then sugar (ordinary crystalline and vanilla), eggs, soda slaked with lemon juice, flour are sent to the dough. Mix everything well to make a thick bulk dough;
  3. Since there is no vegetable or butter in the dough itself, the multicooker bowl must be well lubricated with odorless vegetable oil so that after baking the manna can be easily removed from the mold;
  4. Transfer the dough to the prepared multi-pan and bake for 60 minutes on the “Baking” mode. Depending on the power of the appliance, the baking time may be longer or shorter;
  5. If the hostess does not like the pale top of the manna, you can turn it over and hold it for another 15 minutes in the “Baking” mode so that it browns on all sides. Allow baked goods to cool on a wire rack.

Jellied pie on ryazhenka

Also, ryazhenka is well suited as an alternative to kefir for kneading dough for a bulk pie. The filling of such pies can be sweet (berries, fruits) and unsweetened (meat, mushrooms, cheese, vegetables).

For the simplest version of the sweet jellied ryazhenka pie, you will need:

  • 250 ml of fermented baked milk;
  • 200 g white crystalline sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 300 g of berries (currants, raspberries, blackberries or others);
  • 260 g flour;
  • 10 g baking powder;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • vanilla and salt to taste.

The baking process will take 100-110 minutes.

The energy value of the finished pie is 219.4 kcal / 100 g.

How to bake:

  1. Combine the eggs with sugar and beat a little, then pour in the fermented baked milk and vegetable oil, mix. Mix salt, vanilla and flour, pour in small portions to the liquid component of the dough and stir;
  2. Prepare the berry filling. Wash the fruits, if necessary, remove the tails and stalks, cut large ones into pieces;
  3. Pour half of the dough into the greased multicooker bowl, lay the prepared berries on top in an even layer, hide them under the second half of the remaining dough. Bake for 80 minutes in the "Baking" mode (or alternative - "Cupcake", "Steamer", "Multipovar").

Often, at the stage of preparing stewed milk in a slow cooker, housewives are faced with such a problem as runaway milk. This catastrophe can be prevented if, before pouring milk, the multi-pan is rinsed with cold water, and its edges are greased with a small amount of butter. For the same purpose, a steaming grate is installed on the bowl.

You can make the color of baked milk for fermented baked milk more creamy, and the taste sweeter, if you add a little sugar to it. It will be enough one teaspoon for two liters of milk.

The fastest and most delicious ryazhenka is obtained in a slow cooker! If you don't believe me, try making it yourself! Such a thick stewed drink will be ready for you within 6 hours. Ryazhenka cooked at home is not at all like a store-bought dairy product!

You can literally get enough of homemade fermented baked milk in just two sips, it is so nutritious and fat, and you can drink and drink the store-bought one, as if it is diluted with milk.

By the way, those who are on diets or follow a proper diet should be careful with such a drink - it is very high in calories!


  • 1.5 l milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream

How to cook ryazhenka in a slow cooker

1. It is advisable to take pasteurized milk - there is less risk that it will curdle during baking. Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl.

2. Place the bowl in the multicooker itself and close it with a lid.

3. On the display, set the “Baking” or “Baking” mode for 50-60 minutes. This time is just enough for 1.5 liters of milk to become baked. If you poured 2 liters, then increase the time by another 15 minutes, and if less, reduce by 15 minutes.

4. After this time has elapsed, you will hear a beep to let you know that your milk is curdled. Pour it into a container along with foam. Baked milk is obtained in color as condensed, but it is more liquid.

5. Remove all foam from it and add 2 tbsp. l. sour cream. Choose its fat content according to your taste.

6. Beat sour cream with milk with a whisk so that everything mixes properly.

7. Pour the resulting fermented baked milk into portioned jars or other containers. Seal and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature. Then shake them up and transfer them to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

8. During this time, your fermented baked milk will become thicker. Taste this milky drink with muffins, cookies or other pastries.

Note to the owner

1. You should not speed up the process of souring baked milk mixed with sour cream with lemon juice and other food acidifiers. Protein with their help, of course, quickly denatures, but the fermented baked milk will exfoliate. It will be even worse if lumpy clots appear in it. You can use the old method: immerse a bread crust wrapped in a thin, clean cloth, such as gauze, into a dairy product. Attention: the bread must be wrapped with a cloth, otherwise the wet crumbs will separate and remain in the ryazhenka.

2. The gauze bag will also serve the purposes of aromatization. Mint, lemon balm, grated ginger, crushed coffee beans, etc. are put into it and dipped into hot baked milk several times after the foam has been removed from it. Ryazhenka will retain its characteristic smell, but will also be enriched with other shades of aromas, pleasant and barely perceptible. Only the zest is undesirable to use: from it a delicate delicacy will acquire a noticeable bitterness.

3. If sour cream of the lowest fat content is used, then why not prepare the basis for future cream fermented baked milk? They are great fried.

4. Lush porous pancakes, brownish-beige in section, are baked on homemade fermented baked milk. To minimize their calorie content, a mixture of buckwheat and oatmeal is taken instead of wheat flour.

In this article we will tell you how to cook ryazhenka in a slow cooker. As you know, kitchen machines of different companies have different modes, so it is difficult to give a universal recipe. We will also describe the old way of making ryazhenka. This fermented milk product will surprise you with a delicate velvety taste. It is so different from the sour liquid with lumps that we usually buy in bags or jars with the label "Ryazhenka". It should also be taken into account that when we prepare a drink with our own hands, we ourselves can adjust the fat content of the product and be sure that only the best ingredients are used.

History of appearance

Ryazhenka arose at the junction of Byzantine and Slavic cultures. Together with the elevation of Christianity from Tsargrad, such a mundane, but useful product as "Greek milk" penetrated into Kievan Rus. It consisted of many layers of foam. It is not difficult to guess how they did it: they waited until a film formed on the surface of the milk, lowered it to the bottom with a blunt object to make room for the appearance of a new one. In Ukraine, such a treat (which was eaten with a spoon) was called a transfer. And then they put forward their answer to the Romans. Milk was poured into and simmered for several hours in a hot oven. Then sour cream was added and again put in heat. The drink turned out simply divine: with a smooth texture, delicate creamy taste and pinkish color. But centuries have passed, and now ryazhenka can be cooked in a slow cooker.

Difficulties of production in modern conditions

I think, in general, you have already guessed about the method of making ryazhenka. Milk is first made melted by long languishing in a heated oven. When it becomes beige-pink, with a delicate creamy taste, a colony of lactic acid bacteria is launched there so that the milk ferments in the heat. That's all wisdom. The only question is how to put this simple theory into practice. After all, not all houses have preserved traditional Ukrainian stoves. And in the food industry, where everything is aimed at producing goods quickly and in large quantities, ryazhenka is completely fermented with thermophilic bacteria. How to make a delicious drink yourself? This is where household appliances come to the rescue. Ryazhenka in a Redmond, Panasonic, Mulineks or Philips slow cooker is not a fantasy at all.

Which milk to choose

In this matter, we must remain adherents of the old tradition and ignore all those products in tetrapacks, where it is written that they can be stored for six months. Also we have to reject because it doesn't have enough fat to make it into ghee. For the basis for fermented baked milk, you should go to the market.
The milk that we need to buy is called "nezbyrane" in Ukraine. This means that it has not gone through the separation process. Usually, the peasants leave the milk to stand for a couple of hours, after which they remove the tops - cream, which is later used to make butter or sour cream. And under the name "milk" they sell what is left at the bottom of the separator. So, in order to get delicious fermented baked milk in a slow cooker, we just need fresh milk.

Preparing baked milk

The imagination of the population is truly inexhaustible. Some craftsmen manage to "spin" milk in a conventional oven, and even in a thermos. What do we need for this? Dishes that hold heat well. Do you have a clay refractory pot as a legacy from your great-grandmother? In Ukraine, they sell such krinkas for the national dish - chanakhi, but they are also suitable for making baked milk and fermented baked milk. So, we boil milk in an ordinary saucepan, pour it into such a pot and put it in a preheated but turned off oven for two hours. You can pour boiling liquid into a thermos, but the effect will not be the same. But if we have ryazhenka in a slow cooker on our agenda, then why not cook baked milk there too? Pour the cold product into the bowl in the evening, close the lid. We set the “extinguishing” mode in the menu, and on the timer - six hours. And voila: baked milk is waiting for you in the morning.

Ryazhenka in the Redmond multicooker

This machine is ideal for cooking as it has an excellent Multi Cook program. In addition to a liter of baked milk and 250 grams of fat sour cream, we need jars with lids and a silicone mat (or a soft cloth). We will also arm ourselves with a whisk for whipping and prepare a bowl for mixing the ingredients.

So, we spread sour cream. We work with a whisk to make bubbles. Pour in a thin stream Beat the mass for some more time to achieve uniformity. We pour the liquid into jars, cover them with lids so that condensate does not penetrate inside. We cover the bottom of the multicooker bowl with a rug or napkin. We put the jars, close the lid of the machine. In the menu, select the “multi-cook” program, set the temperature - 40 degrees - and the time - ten hours. Everything, we can say that your homemade ryazhenka in a slow cooker is ready. It remains only to take out the jars and put them in the refrigerator.

Don't be surprised if the product you take out of the car is watery. In the cold, it will definitely thicken. By the way, if you care about your figure, you can use natural yogurt instead of sour cream to ferment baked milk. Then the taste of the drink turns out to be more delicate, but without the characteristic sourness.

Ryazhenka in the Panasonic multicooker

This machine has a slightly different menu, so it makes sense to give a separate drink. The Panasonic kitchen machine is good because it allows you to cook ryazhenka in one bowl. So, pour a liter of ordinary cold milk, close the lid of the multicooker and set the “quenching” mode for six hours. After that, we cool the liquid to 36 degrees - the temperature of the human body. This mode is also ideal for development. We pour some milk into a glass, mix it with three tablespoons of fat (at least 20%) sour cream. We return the liquid with this sourdough to the multicooker bowl, stir well with a wooden spatula. Close the lid and press the power button. This is the heating mode. After 25 minutes, turn off the machine, but do not lift the lid. Only after six hours the ryazhenka in the slow cooker will be ready. We transfer it to the refrigerator to thicken.