To cook for breakfast. Delicious savory breakfasts

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What to cook delicious for breakfast

A simple recipe for scrambled eggs with avocado was born spontaneously when you were hungry, and only eggs and avocados were lying around in the refrigerator. It turned out to be very tasty. The recipe has taken root and improved. Here he is!

I learned how to cook a delicious goat cheese omelet on vacation. The small private cafe served an excellent varied breakfast, but everyone chose a wonderful omelet. Everything turned out to be simple, here is the recipe for you!

This delicacy was born spontaneously when you wanted something tasty. Since then, I have been making a simple recipe for apples with yogurt as a quick breakfast, in five minutes. I think this simple combination is successful!

Even a child can handle the preparation of a baked sandwich with cheese and tomatoes. If you do not have goat cheese, it does not matter, replace it with any other. Sandwiches are a great breakfast idea!

The classic English combination is bacon, eggs and cheese. Delicious breakfast that is easy and quick to prepare. An omelet recipe in English - for those who want to add variety to their morning meal!

Denver omelet is a dish very popular in the western regions of the United States. There it is one of the most widespread men's breakfasts. Quick to prepare and satisfying.

Incredibly delicious buns with cheese and garlic, which are prepared in minutes. You should not even puzzle over what to cook for breakfast - you will not find a better option.

Hearty and delicious bell pepper sandwiches are a wonderful breakfast for the whole family. And if you don’t have time to prepare dinner, then you can arrange a quick snack with them.

Do you want to please your family with a great crispy baguette with fragrant cheese and garlic inside? Then let's get started, because it's easy to do!

Chinese food is very popular. Let's discover another interesting dish - Chinese omelet. Yes, omelettes are also prepared in China! :)

Here is the Milanese omelet recipe. I confess that I have not been to the Italian capital of fashion, but once I had breakfast in an Italian restaurant - and the omelet served to me was called that.

Omelet in Kuzbass is a dish from the restaurant menu that is worth messing around with. It is worthy to take a place of honor even on the festive table - it looks so impressive and eats deliciously!

Thin, soft, with a creamy texture - that's how you can describe an omelet in Lorraine. In Lorraine, the northeastern region of France, they know a lot about food, and this recipe is proof of that.

Jam puffs are very easy to make at home if you have a pack of frozen dough. The recipe for puffs with jam is simple, everyone will master it - you can cook them even with children, they will help you.

Omelet with asparagus is a great breakfast. Asparagus contains healthy minerals and vitamins, and eggs will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. I tell and show how to make an omelet with asparagus!

The vegetable filling, which will be discussed, is very diverse. It includes mushrooms, zucchini and leeks. Therefore, I highly recommend you pancakes with vegetable filling!

A light, golden-brown Thai omelette is an original dish at the beginning of a working (or weekend) day. Despite such an outlandish name, there is nothing to be afraid of - the recipe is very simple.

The Georgian omelette recipe is simple, but the dish turns out to be very tasty. This is my husband's favorite omelet, he often starts his working day with it.

The strawberry pancakes are just amazing. I often make apple fritters, but the idea of ​​strawberry fritters absolutely won me over. I saw her at a party. Delicious, simple, beautiful. Here is the prescription.

Black bread can be baked at home, in the oven. The bread will take about four hours to cook. The recipe is designed for two loaves of fragrant black bread with a crust. Enough bread for a week.

Bachelor's scrambled eggs, frankly, is nothing more than an ordinary fried egg. Of course, experienced bachelors are able to cook something more serious, but this dish remains a signature dish for many.

A simple recipe for rice porridge with apples. This dish is the perfect option for breakfast: quick, tasty and energy for the whole day! Both children and adults will like it.

Fragrant and juicy rice with dates is perfect for breakfast or dinner (including vegetarian). This simple yet delicious recipe also includes dried cherries, wine and almonds. Overeating!

Banana walnut muffins are a great breakfast idea, especially on Sundays. It's easy to make them. This is a lifesaver if your bananas are turning black, these are the best for muffins.

If you have an electric waffle iron, then you know how it makes kitchen chores easier in the morning. I present to your attention a recipe for waffles in an electric waffle iron - a simple but very successful one.

The recipe for Italian bruschetta is very simple. You will love these cute bright and, most importantly, delicious sandwiches, which are phenomenally popular in the sunny Apennines.

Blueberry pancakes are a hearty and delicious breakfast for the whole family. I make them with milk, they rise just as well as with curdled milk. How to make Blueberry Pancakes!

Unfortunately, I have not been to Georgia, but I went to a restaurant and there I tried this Georgian bread for the first time. I don’t know how similar it is to the real thing, but in general a very tasty thing!

You can cook chicken cutlets in half an hour. Chicken cutlets are soft and very juicy. Both children and adults will love them. Any side dish is suitable for such cutlets - salad, vegetables, rice, mushrooms.

Salad "Mexican" with avocado

This salad combines a magnificent harmony of flavors. Feel this tropical delight even on gray days. So, the recipe for Mexican salad with avocado!

Florentine eggs are a great breakfast idea. This recipe has always amazed my guests with its simplicity and speed of preparation. While coffee is being brewed, breakfast is ready. Cool recipe!

Bulgarian scrambled eggs are not just a quick breakfast. It is often served as a main dish, as well as on the festive table. However, anyone can cook this dish with simple ingredients.

Such cheesecakes are perfect for a quick breakfast or for capricious children who do not like to eat cottage cheese. Everyone eats hot and fragrant cheesecakes in a hurry!

Homemade cottage cheese from milk is very easy to prepare at home. It will take you only half an hour to prepare the most delicate fresh cottage cheese. Such cottage cheese is an excellent dessert, healthy and incredibly tasty.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions will be a very satisfying Sunday breakfast or weekday dinner. This is an easy to prepare, budget and incredibly tasty dish. We will add crispy bacon to the porridge.

Very light vitamin salad! Cauliflower and tomatoes complement each other so well that this cauliflower and tomato salad recipe is a must read and use.

Salad of cabbage, cucumbers and apples is a wonderful crispy vitamin salad that will suit absolutely any dish as a side dish. I tell and show how to cook it.

The recipe for the original omelette roll with spinach, mustard and cheddar cheese.

Recipe for Russian cabbage soup with bone-in ham, cabbage, carrots, turnips, onions, tomatoes, parsley and sour cream.

Recipe for Russian fish soup with zander, onions, carrots, dried mushrooms, sauerkraut, parsley and tomato paste.

If you want to cook something unusual, then sweet pilaf with fruits will come in handy. Cooking sweet pilaf takes very little time.

We will make these wonderful sandwiches with egg and garlic, as they say, from what was. A minimum of ingredients, but a very pleasant spicy taste - a great option if time is running out.

One of the many options for making cheesecakes is a healthy recipe for making cheesecakes with carrots, in my opinion, one of the most successful combinations of cottage cheese with vegetables.

If you have a question - what to do for breakfast, and you want not only to have a hearty meal before work, but also to surprise your loved ones - then Jewish eggs will solve your problem!

An excellent and simple recipe for pancake dough in a bread machine, with which we can cook wonderful fluffy pancakes that taste like pancakes - a great breakfast for the whole family.

I tell you how to quickly cook pancakes. Step-by-step photos will help even a beginner understand how to prepare this excellent breakfast. Read and cook!

The cottage cheese cheesecake recipe is a great dish for children and adults. The recipe for cheesecakes from cottage cheese is very simple, it will take very little time to prepare this dish.

Appetizing cheese tartlets will be a wonderful appetizer on your holiday table.

Fruit casserole is perfect for a hearty breakfast or a light dinner. In addition, it is suitable for children's and diet food. I share the recipe.

Tropical smoothie - a thick cocktail of tropical fruits, while some of them must be frozen. Then the cocktail comes out thick, moderately cold, velvety. It's useful and great!

The delicate and delicate taste of baked apples will remind you of a warm summer, and the smell will fill your home with the aroma of an autumn apple orchard. How to make baked apples in the microwave!

Lots of people love pancakes for breakfast! With jam, honey, sour cream, condensed milk, cheese or meat. Or with caviar! Pancakes, pancakes are a traditional Russian dish. They are made from flour, eggs and milk (or water).

Peaches stuffed and baked in the oven are a typical sweet dish from the Italian region of Piedmont. Enjoy this alluring aroma, since the ingredients for cooking are very affordable!

The best breakfast is pancakes. Even better - if they are stuffed. One of my favorite recipes is peach pancakes. If you take juicy peaches and make pancakes correctly, it will turn out great!

An Italian version of an omelette for breakfast or just a snack. The ingredients can be very different - meat, vegetables, cheese, herbs, etc., the main thing is to understand in principle how to cook an omelette in Italian.

Baked figs are a delicious dessert, especially for those who have eaten fresh figs and do not know what to cook delicious from it. Read the recipe for baked figs - you will like it!

Banana pancakes are made with two ingredients - eggs and bananas. Easier than you can imagine! A wonderful breakfast - hearty, budget, prepared according to a very simple recipe. Oh yeah, you still need a blender.

Crispy, tasty and fragrant puff pastries with cheese, which will take you no more than half an hour to prepare. Delight yourself and your family with incredibly appetizing pastries of your own production.


Healthy breakfast rules

The morning meal is rightfully considered the most important, because it is it that energizes for the whole day. A tasty and healthy breakfast improves mood, increases efficiency and allows you to prepare for the upcoming day in a relaxed atmosphere. But what if you don't feel like eating in the morning? Simple recommendations will help to cope with this problem:

  1. To replenish glycogen in the liver, you need to have breakfast within an hour after waking up. But you should not run straight from bed to the kitchen - the body needs time to wake up. To get the first feeling of hunger, it’s good to do exercises and take a cool shower.
  2. After waking up, it is recommended to drink a glass of filtered water at room temperature, which will prepare the stomach for the first meal. To purified water, you can add half a glass of mineral water with a high content of magnesium, a useful anti-stress trace element.
  3. Contrary to popular belief, breakfast should not be too heavy. Overeating makes you feel sleepy. It is better to transfer part of the first meal to lunch. If it is not possible to eat a second breakfast, you can replace it with nuts or dried fruits.
  4. It must be remembered that a carbohydrate breakfast is useful for people of mental labor, and protein, first of all, is necessary for those who work physically.
  5. You need to eat tasty and varied. Lack of appetite in the morning is not at all surprising if breakfast is the same every day.

Nutritionist Kovalkov about a healthy breakfast

Protein breakfast options

Protein foods better saturate and speed up the metabolism in the body. They are rich in calcium, vitamins and minerals. People who prefer this breakfast option are not prone to overeating during the day. In addition, protein is the main building material for muscles, hair and nails.

Omelet or scrambled eggs

Scientists have proven that the cholesterol contained in the egg yolk is not dangerous at all. Its deposition is prevented by lecithin and choline - substances that are also part of this useful product. A dish prepared from 2-3 eggs is best combined with vegetables, such as tomatoes or bell peppers. Such a breakfast will enrich the body with protein for the whole morning.


It's no secret that it's good to eat yogurt for breakfast. Only without sugar, dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives. Due to the content of beneficial fungi and lactobacilli, this product normalizes the functioning of the intestines and allows you to stabilize the metabolism in the body. It is very easy to cook it at home: in a special yogurt maker, slow cooker or in a regular thermos. Any fillers can be added to natural yogurt: syrups, fresh fruits, nuts, oatmeal.

Cottage cheese

In order not to load the pancreas with too heavy food in the morning, it is better to use 5–9% fat cottage cheese. You should not give preference to a low-fat product, because for the normal absorption of calcium, the body needs the simultaneous consumption of fats. Those with a sweet tooth can treat themselves to cottage cheese with berries or fruits with the addition of a spoonful of honey or jam. Fans of salty food will love cottage cheese with sour cream and herbs. Cheesecakes or a healthy casserole will be an excellent breakfast.

Carbohydrate breakfast options

Carbohydrates are essential for the active functioning of the brain. But not all of them are suitable for a healthy breakfast. Simple carbohydrates (cookies, white bread, cornflakes) are quickly digested. Once in the blood, they are immediately converted into sugar. Insulin produced by the pancreas removes it, turning it into fat. At the same time, the blood sugar level drops, there is a feeling of hunger and fatigue. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, making them a great source of energy for the whole morning.


First of all, cereals are complex carbohydrates. That is why it is good to eat porridge for breakfast several times a week. In this case, it is better to choose oatmeal, buckwheat, millet or barley. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as the necessary fiber. Whole grain cereals will provide energy for several hours, and coarse fibers will help the gastrointestinal tract. It should be remembered that semolina and white rice are simple carbohydrates. Their consumption will cause drowsiness, and soon another bout of hunger. Porridge is recommended to be boiled in water or low-fat milk. You can add pumpkin, dried fruits, nuts and honey to taste.


This healthy blend will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Due to the content of a large amount of indigestible fiber, this breakfast is ideal for overweight people. The body will spend a lot of energy in an attempt to process coarse fibers, thereby burning calories. Store-bought muesli often contains a lot of sugar and artificial additives. Therefore, it is better to prepare such a mixture yourself. Healthy muesli should contain unprocessed oats, unroasted whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits. You can pour the resulting mixture with skim milk or yogurt.

Whole grain bread sandwiches

Few people know that it is healthy to eat sandwiches for breakfast. Only not from white bread with sausage and cheese. They contain simple carbohydrates, preservatives and bad cholesterol. Such a morning meal will only awaken your appetite, and after an hour or two you will want to eat even more. If there is very little time for breakfast, you can have a snack on whole-grain bread sandwiches with pieces of boiled chicken breast or fish. Instead of butter, it is better to use low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, add fresh vegetables and lettuce. A healthy sandwich can be eaten as a second breakfast, taking it with you anywhere. By the way, grain bread is an excellent source of fiber and B vitamins, which are necessary for the beauty and health of hair.

Whole grain pancakes

When, if not in the morning, can you please yourself with high-calorie pancakes without harming your figure? You can not worry about weight gain - the calories received per day will burn. It is only more useful to cook them not from premium wheat flour, but from whole grains, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat. It is better to bake such pancakes in a non-stick pan without adding oil. They will be an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and will create a feeling of satiety for a long time.

A good mood, high efficiency and a feeling of cheerfulness for the whole day depend directly on the products consumed in the morning. Breakfast does not take long, and the health benefits will be enormous. Start your day right!

Every morning a person wakes up and goes to breakfast. Everyone, probably, has ever gotten tired of eating scrambled eggs or something like that every day early in the morning. People always want variety. And how to organize it?

Today we will discuss easy for which will be presented below.

Delicious cinnamon pancakes straight from America

Pancake is a very tasty cake cooked in a pan. So, for cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • not very fat milk (200-250 milliliters);
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4-5 chicken eggs;
  • 250 grams of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a quarter teaspoon of slaked soda;
  • cinnamon (add to taste).

Cooking process

The first step is to separate the yolks from the whites. The latter must be put in the refrigerator. The yolks should be placed in a deep bowl, then add the required amount of sugar, 2-3 pinches of cinnamon, mix thoroughly.

Add milk to the previous mixture. Try to do everything so that the foam does not appear during the process.

Add flour to the mixture (previously it must be sifted). Mix thoroughly until smooth. Add soda, which must first be extinguished with vinegar. Gently mix, breaking up any lumps of dough noticed. The result should be a mass that is very similar to thick sour cream.

We take out the proteins from the refrigerator, add salt to them and beat until a steep foam appears. It is better to use a mixer in this situation.

Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the batter. We take out a wide frying pan, grease it with ½ teaspoon of ordinary butter. Heat up a frying pan over a very low heat.

Pour 2 ladles of the previously obtained dough onto it (this is 2 pancakes). Bake the products for 1-2 minutes, then turn them over and fry on the other side. Then transfer the pancakes to a plate and continue frying the next portions.

Note! You don't need to add more oil, as the pancakes should not be fried, but baked slowly over very low heat. Finished products are recommended to be greased with butter and served.

This easy and varied recipe is sure to please you and your family!

Cheesecakes from Kuban

This is a very simple, low-fat and tasty dish, for the preparation of which you need:

  • 400-450 grams of wheat flour;
  • 0.1 liters of skimmed milk;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • half a kilo of Russian cheese;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 4 chicken eggs (medium).

The cooking process

Sift flour and mix it with salt, add butter. The sand should be homogeneous. Add milk, knead the dough. You will get a small lump of dough that will not stick to your hands. If it still sticks, add a little flour. The dough should be placed in the freezer for 30-45 minutes.

Remove the dough from the freezer 10 minutes before the pie is ready, as it should warm up a little. Roll out and spread in one layer on a baking sheet, which must first be greased with oil.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix it with garlic (crushed or finely chopped) and eggs. The resulting mixture should be evenly spread on the dough.

Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake 20 minutes. The finished cake should be cut into small pieces so that they cool faster.

Amazing Cheese Omelet

This is a very simple yet incredibly tasty dish that takes only a few minutes to prepare. We will need:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon good quality olive oil
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • 100 grams of your favorite cheese, which melts well;
  • spices (to taste).

Cooking an omelette

Crack the eggs into a bowl, stir until smooth. Place a frying pan over high heat. Pour in the required amount of olive oil. Immediately after the heat comes out of the pan, put the butter in and wait until it melts.

Pour the eggs into the pan and stir them with a whisk directly in the pan. It is very important to make sure that the mass is evenly distributed. After a while the mixture will thicken. After that, the omelette must be left alone for 30 seconds so that it grabs a little.

Now you need to salt and pepper, and add any other spices to taste. Add the previously grated cheese to the omelet, cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to a minimum. Wait for the cheese to melt. The dish is ready!

If you want to make a light breakfast in 5 minutes, omelet recipes are the best option for you!

Only buckwheat!

If you are looking for a really light breakfast, weight loss recipes will help you, and you will especially like the pure buckwheat breakfast.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 1 glass of buckwheat;
  • parsley, celery, cilantro (to taste);
  • ½ lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • soy sauce (optional)

How to cook buckwheat for breakfast?

So, the amount of buckwheat porridge necessary for breakfast should be put on a plate, add all the necessary ingredients, including the juice of ½ lemon. Rinse the prepared cereals thoroughly, pour in two glasses of hot water, add salt, and then simply cover with a lid and “wrap” with a towel. After 45-65 minutes, buckwheat will be completely suitable for eating. This is a very tasty breakfast, which can also be a dinner.

Serve this dish with a variety of vegetables: bell pepper, pumpkin, carrot, radish, etc.

If you want to cook the easy recipes above, you will not like this dish. Its cooking takes a lot of time.

Egg under the tomato

These are really very easy recipes sometimes seem so complicated, but this cooking method is really very simple.

List of ingredients:

  • 4 large tomatoes;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of greens;
  • add pepper and salt to taste.

This easy breakfast, the recipes of which are different, you will definitely like!


Tomatoes selected for cooking must be thoroughly washed, and then cut off the tops. Using a teaspoon, gently scoop out the middle of the tomatoes to make a light breakfast recipe that varies, but this is the best!

Grate cheese, mix with beaten eggs, add herbs, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared tomatoes, cook until completely baked (3-5 minutes) in the microwave or in the oven.

Want to make a light breakfast? The recipes above will help you!

Good mood and bon appetit!

Breakfast is a morning meal or morning meal, that is, food from early morning, early in the morning. It is needed by the human body to obtain energy for its cells, which is taken from the processing of food and

Morning food should be hearty and nutritious enough to compensate for all the energy costs of a person associated with his active and physical activities during the first half of the day. Usually we often eat in the morning: different cereals, or. However, there are other foods that may pique your appetite - here you will find several recipes.

If a tasty meal appears on your table in the morning, you are unlikely to refuse to put a piece of it between your upper and lower teeth, and with the tip of the tongue to find out the taste and give a signal to the stomach: Delicious! We are working!

Delicious cheese pie breakfast

You will spend a minimum of time and prepare a healthy morning meal, which even in the evening will allow you to have a snack while dinner is being prepared.

Would need:

  • hard cheese - 200 g
  • cottage cheese (any fat content) - 300 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • kefir - 120 g
  • semolina - 60 g
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • ground black pepper, dill, salt


  1. Pour semolina into a bowl and pour kefir, mix.

2. Rub hard cheese on a coarse grater.

3. Break all the eggs into another cup and pour all the cheese. Mix until smooth.

4. Add cottage cheese and a mixture of semolina and kefir. Breakfast must be delicious.

5. Scatter the chopped dill and squeeze the garlic.

6. Pepper, salt and mix. A mixture of products useful for the human body is ready.

7. Lubricate the baking dish with butter.

8. Quickly spread the finished mixture on a greased form.

9. The contents of the form are beautifully and evenly leveled.

10. We put the form in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

11. Cheese pie is ready.

12. We cut the cake into pieces, eat the right breakfast and go out on business when we are full.

Quick breakfast of eggs and bread

A simple scrambled egg, cooked with imagination, lifts the mood and morning appetite.

Would need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 20 g
  • toasted bread
  • black pepper, salt


  1. In slices of bread we make holes in the center, as in the photo.

2. First fry one side of the pieces in a pan.

3. Then turn over to another.

4. Immediately break the raw eggs into the holes in the bread. Salt and pepper.

5. Grated cheese on a fine grater, sprinkle the top of the eggs.

6. Close the lid so that the protein grabs.

7. We take out the finished pieces of bread with an egg on a plate.

8. A nutritious quick breakfast is ready.

9. Pour tea and bon appetit!

Video on how to cook original food in a pan quickly

Such food for breakfast is like a lifesaver in 5 minutes.

This food will appeal to those who are constantly in a hurry.

What to cook for breakfast for men - simple, fast and tasty

Bread rolls with bacon will pleasantly surprise your men. It turns out very tasty and satisfying food. There will be no hunger until lunch.


  • bread - 5 slices
  • bacon - 5 strips
  • cheese - 5 pieces


  1. Cut off the crusts of the bread slices.

2. Roll out the bread with a rolling pin into a layer and put the pieces of cheese. Then roll into a tube.

3. Cut strips of bacon.

4. Roll the bacon strips around the bread tube.

5. On both sides we fasten the tubes with wooden skewers.

6. Fry the tubes in a pan first on both sides along with skewers.

7. Then we remove the skewers and still fry, often turning over.

8. Put the finished rolls on a plate and invite you to breakfast.

Bon Appetit!

Video on how to make a quick meal in the form of a cheese omelette

This recipe can be prepared for breakfast for schoolchildren. The omelette is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

What to cook for breakfast? This question is asked, perhaps, by every housewife every day. What does a good half of humanity usually eat in the morning? Omelet, scrambled eggs, porridge or cheese sandwich. Some even skip this important meal altogether. Porridge and scrambled eggs are, of course, good! But every day there is one and the same becomes boring.

Therefore, I decided to help you choose a delicious breakfast so that your loved ones do not get bored at the sight of daily oatmeal or toast with jam.

Breakfast, as I said, is the main meal. It is the first food of the day that starts digestion. In the morning you can afford a little more than in the afternoon or in the evening. "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper!" This proverb is true in everything. And breakfast, in fact, should be hearty and healthy.

Today I have selected for you some quick, tasty and nutritious breakfasts. After all, in the morning bustle it can be difficult to cook sophisticated dishes, because before leaving for work, you still need to redo a bunch of things.

1. Light cheesecakes in the microwave - a delicious and healthy breakfast

Cheesecakes are very easy to prepare. At the same time, all products are simple and useful. I often cook them in the morning so that the whole family can have breakfast with them before kindergarten, study or work.


  • one yolk;
  • 3 tablespoons of yogurt without additives or sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of hercules;
  • 2 tablespoons of flower honey;
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese (any fat content);
  • a little vanillin to taste;
  • lemon peel.


1. In one bowl, combine cottage cheese, yolk, a tablespoon of yogurt and honey. Mix thoroughly.

2. Add vanilla, oatmeal and mix everything until smooth. Optionally, you can also add a pinch of salt. Sugaring the mass does not make sense, as honey will sweeten it.

3. For cheesecakes, we will also prepare a delicious sauce. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt (sour cream) and 1 tablespoon of honey. Grate some lemon zest and stir.

4. Form portioned balls from the curd mass and place them on a flat plate or microwave dish.

5. Send them to the microwave for 3 minutes.

6. Pour sauce over ready-made cheesecakes and serve.

Hearty and healthy breakfast is ready! So, a charge of vivacity and strength is provided to you throughout the day! Bon Appetit!


This breakfast will be appreciated by both adults and children. Sandwiches are very easy to prepare, and all the ingredients, for sure, huddle in your refrigerator. In a pinch, you can always buy them in the store at affordable prices.


  • toast or any other bread;
  • ham;
  • hard cheese (or cheese in slices);
  • butter;
  • French mustard;
  • eggs, by the number of sandwiches (optional);
  • salt.


1. Bread, if you are using non-toast bread, you need to cut into slices. In a dry frying pan or grill, fry them on both sides until golden brown.

Putting toast must be on a hot surface. If you put them in an unheated pan, then all the bread will turn into a cracker. The hot surface will provide a crispy crust and a soft center!

2. While the toasts are still hot, they need to be greased with a piece of butter, on one side each.

3. For one sandwich, we need two slices of bread. Grease one of them with a generous layer of grain French mustard, sprinkle with grated cheese or put a plate. Top with ham slices and top with cheese again. Put the second toast on top.

4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Put sandwiches on it.

5. Bake for 5 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

6. In the meantime, let's prepare the fried eggs for our sandwich. You can choose not to use it, or only make a few servings. To do this, grease the pan with butter. It is better to use a round frying pan. Break the egg and fry until tender, adding a little salt.

7. Put the fried eggs on sandwiches and serve them to the table, on a beautiful plate with lettuce or vegetables.

3. Egg roll with cheese and herbs - a quick and tasty breakfast

What's the easiest thing to do in the morning? Of course, eggs. It's healthy, tasty and fast. But eating scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs every day is boring. I offer you an original way to cook your favorite eggs. This is an egg roll with cheese and fresh herbs. Delicious!


  • 6 raw eggs;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 150 grams of hard cheese;
  • fresh or frozen greens (usually I take green onions and dill);
  • pepper powdered to taste;
  • a little vegetable oil.


1. Mix eggs with salt. You do not need to beat them with a mixer for a long time. It is enough to shake them with a fork or a hand whisk, until they are even. Add finely chopped herbs to this and stir.

2. Finely grate the cheese.

3. It is better to choose a wide frying pan, with a diameter of about 28 centimeters. The length of your roll depends on its width. Heat it up and grease it with oil, just a little bit. Pour a little egg mass (literally one ladle) and, by turning the handle, evenly distribute it over the pan.

4. Sprinkle cheese on top and wait for it to melt. The other side does not need to be fried. As soon as the pancake is ready, it must be rolled up right in the pan, using a spatula. You do not need to wrap it completely, leaving one edge free, as in the photo.

5. Now, from the side of the free edge, you need to add the egg mass, covering these edges. Thus, we, as it were, continue our pancake. You also need to add cheese here.

6. As soon as the new portion of the mass is also fried, continue wrapping the roll.

7. Also, pushing the roll to the edge, leave the free side and add more mass. Thus, you need to use up all the egg mixture, cheese and wrap a large roll. As soon as the last portion is fried in a pan, roll up the roll to the end.

8. Brown the finished roll a little until golden and crunchy on both sides.

9. Serve with sour cream or natural yogurt. You can also add herbs or vegetables.

4. Oatmeal in a jar overnight

When the morning promises to be active and there will be very little time to prepare breakfast, I advise you to prepare your own food in the evening. It turns out a very healthy yummy, which is often prepared by owners of a thin waist and supporters of proper nutrition. Having eaten such a porridge in the morning, you are guaranteed a charge of vivacity and vitamins. And it's very easy to cook it.

Ingredients for 2 jars of pomegranate and walnuts:

  • 60 grams of oatmeal;
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds (can be replaced with flax seeds or not used at all);
  • 120 milliliters of natural yogurt;
  • 160 milliliters of milk;
  • half a teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • pomegranate seeds to taste;
  • a little coconut flakes (about a tablespoon);
  • a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar (preferably brown);
  • 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts;
  • a tablespoon of raisins;
  • a tablespoon of dried fruits.


As you already understood, we will prepare two jars of oatmeal. One of them will be with pomegranate, and the second with walnuts. The perfect breakfast for two.

1. In each jar, pour layers of 30 grams of oatmeal, a tablespoon of chia seeds (optional), pour 80 grams of milk and 60 grams of yogurt. Mix well in the jar.

2. Close both jars with lids and refrigerate overnight.

3. In the morning, add vanilla extract, honey to one of the jars, mix. Add pomegranate seeds and coconut flakes.

4. Add cinnamon and sugar to the second jar. Mix. Put raisins, dried fruits and nuts on top.

Healthy and nutritious breakfast is ready! You can change the composition by adding or removing some ingredients. For example, instead of dried fruits, you can use fresh bananas or apples.

5. Quick and tasty omelet with cheese and tomatoes

Such a simple dish as an omelette is not always possible for housewives. It will settle, then let the water go. This is all because you have not tried to cook it according to this recipe. I recommend. It's not only easy, but also tasty and healthy!


  • 6 eggs;
  • 6 tablespoons of milk;
  • one medium tomato;
  • salt, crushed pepper to taste;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • some fresh herbs (to taste);
  • vegetable oil.


1. Break eggs into a bowl, add salt, pepper them to your taste and pour milk over. Stir with a fork or hand whisk until smooth. You don’t need to do this with a mixer, just turn the protein and yolk into a single whole with each other and milk.

For a proper omelette, one tablespoon of milk goes to one egg.

2. Grease a wide frying pan with a small amount of oil, heat it up and pour the egg mixture into it.

3. Cover the pan with a lid, set the minimum power of the stove and wait until the top of the omelette grabs.

4. While the omelette is cooking, we will prepare the other ingredients. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Wash the tomato, cut in half, and then into thin slices. Finely chop the greens.

5. Mentally divide the finished omelet into 2 parts. Sprinkle a small amount of cheese on one, put the tomatoes on top and cover with cheese again. Sprinkle with herbs.

6. Carefully, using a spatula, cover the filling with the free side.

7. Without removing the pan with the omelet from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave for a couple more minutes to set the cheese.

6. Quick pancakes for breakfast - very tasty (video)

Few people can resist delicious and fragrant pancakes. Some mistakenly think that cooking them is not easy. Especially in the morning, when you need to get together on business, there is no time for this. But according to this recipe, you can cook such pancakes at least every day.

Enjoy watching!

You can't skip breakfast. But we often have to do this, due to lack of time for cooking. Sleepers often only have time to brush their teeth and put on their clothes before leaving the house.

Today's recipes will help you not be late for work, feed the whole family and stay full yourself. This breakfast is not to be missed. For variety, I cook a new dish every day, alternating them to make the diet varied.

What do you usually eat in the morning? Share your experience in the comments. It's very interesting to read you. And today's recipes, I hope, will take pride of place in your cookbook.