Kcal in 1 boiled egg. Calorie content Boiled egg (hard-boiled)

One of the most important products food is an egg. Egg dishes, be it scrambled eggs, omelet or just boiled eggs, are present in the daily diet of almost every person. All components contained in the egg are absorbed by the body. Beneficial influence chicken and quail eggs on human health is a proven fact.

Their use improves vision, has positive influence on the cardiovascular system, promotes the growth and strengthening of hair, teeth and bones, improves skin structure. Quite often, the consumption of yolks and whites is recommended as a preventive measure for various eye diseases. And for women, the consumption of egg products is necessary as a prevention and prevention of breast cancer.

Benefits of consuming eggs

For those who follow diets and watch their figure, eggs are ideal. dietary product.

If you consume no more than two chicken products a day, the amount of cholesterol they contain will not cause significant harm to the body. A powerful complex of such important amino acids, micro and macroelements contained in this product contribute to the normalization of all internal processes in the body. In addition, eggs are rich in such important B vitamins, as well as vitamins E, C, D, A, K, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), biotin (vitamin H).

An egg contains about the same amount of vitamin D as fish oil. With low consumption or absence of vitamin D in the diet, diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis develop. The growth of bones and their development occur with disturbances, which leads to the formation of diseases of the spine and abnormal skeletal structure.

Another important vitamin for the development of the body contained in egg yolk is choline or vitamin B4. Its role in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system is simply enormous. In addition, this vitamin promotes accelerated restoration of liver tissue that has been damaged due to the intake of potent drugs. medicines, alcoholic drinks or drugs, as well as after suffering viral diseases.

The nutritional value chicken egg

Product weight, gr.

Calorie content

Whole peeled egg

Raw chicken egg

The nutritional value


alimentary fiber


How to calculate calories in egg products

As for the calorie content of an egg, a whole peeled egg contains from 60 to 80 kcal. At heat treatment the energy value remains virtually unchanged. For example, the calorie content of a boiled egg exceeds the number of calories contained in a raw egg by 10 kcal. And the number of calories in a fried egg can be calculated by adding to the calorie content of a raw egg the number of calories in the fat that was used for frying - butter, sunflower oil, lard or lard.

When following a diet, it is very important to clearly calculate the energy value of the food consumed. To correctly calculate calorie content egg products, the following facts must be taken into account. The average weight of an egg is 50-70g. The calorie content of 100g of this product is about 160 kcal. When calculating energy value dishes should take into account the weight of the egg used and the method of its thermal treatment or cooking method.

If you are striving for an ideal figure and want to get rid of extra pounds, then your diet should definitely be supplemented with boiled eggs.

Raw egg more useful product. But with heat treatment, the percentage of egg absorption by the body increases significantly. For example: only 50% of a raw egg is absorbed by the body, while in a boiled form, the absorption of an egg reaches a threshold of 91%. Accordingly, the intake of all useful elements and vitamins contained in the egg into the body increases.

The number of calories in white and yolk is significantly different. The calorie content of the yolk is three times higher than that of the white. At the same time, the calorie content of a whole boiled egg, as in its raw form, is 70 kcal. The white of a boiled egg contains a small amount of fat, but it is dominated by amino acids and the B group of vitamins. In contrast, the yolk contains large quantity fats, as well as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins such as A and E, and a number of microelements. The amount of cholesterol contained in the yolk is safe for health, as it is balanced by lecithin, which is present in the egg yolk.

Hard boiled egg calories

It turns out that the longer an egg is cooked, the lower its calorie content. If a simple boiled egg contains 70 kcal, then a hard-boiled egg contains only 50 kcal. For proper preparation, the egg should be boiled for exactly 10 minutes, only then you will get a perfectly boiled hard-boiled egg.

Soft-boiled eggs have the same calorie content as raw eggs. The time required for proper preparation is 3 to 5 minutes. It is necessary to consume soft-boiled eggs only when they are hot, otherwise their digestion will take longer and will not bring the necessary benefits.

The favorite, scrambled eggs for breakfast is a common morning ritual for many people. Especially paired with hot tea or coffee and always with a piece of toasted bread. But such a breakfast is too high in calories and, alas, an unaffordable luxury for those who want to lose weight.

Calorie content fried egg, if no oil or any other fat was used during cooking, is 110 kcal. And if you also use various animals or vegetable fats and butter, then the calorie content of one scrambled egg will be over 170 kcal. And this is three orders of magnitude more than in a boiled egg. This is why fried eggs, omelettes or other fried foods made from eggs are strictly not recommended, subject to therapeutic diets or for weight loss.

If the craving for fried eggs is so irresistible, then you can amuse yourself by eating only fried egg whites. Because the protein itself does not contain fat, and the amount of carbohydrates in it is minimal.

An omelet made from only the whites of two eggs does not exceed 85 kcal in calories and has excellent energy value, especially if consumed for breakfast. However, when adding other products, such as cheese or tomatoes, the calorie content of the omelet increases significantly. For example, the number of calories in 100 grams of an omelet made from two eggs with cheese and tomatoes reaches 340 kcal.

Using eggs in weight loss diets

In the fight against extra pounds, exhausting diets are often chosen, the results of which will be noticeable in the very near future. Unfortunately, over time they begin to appear Negative consequences such rash actions. Most “quick” diets involve limiting the consumption of a number of foods that the body needs to function normally.

Incorrect combination of products or insufficient consumption of essential micro and macroelements, without which normal work is impossible internal organs, leads to the manifestation of serious diseases. That is why you need to very carefully choose the diet that is right for you.

One of the effective and quite interesting diets is the “classic egg week”. By following this diet, you can easily get rid of an extra 10 kg. What is noteworthy is the consumption necessary vitamins and minerals will not decrease. Despite the fact that an egg is a dietary product, eating just one egg can satisfy your hunger for 2-3 hours. In combination with citrus fruits the effect of satiety will be longer.

The vitamin complex contained in one egg improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain, preventing the development of such serious diseases as atherosclerosis. A low content carbohydrates allows you to use eggs on a low-carb diet.

For fasting days You can use the following version of the egg diet. Eliminate all sweets, pasta and bakery products, replace coffee and tea with plain mineral water. For three days you will need to consume eggs in any quantity in combination with vegetable salads, and as a dessert you can use half a grapefruit or whole orange. You should not abuse this diet. Despite the abundance of vitamins and minerals consumed, such a diet will lead to muscle weakness, depression and depression. But you can easily part with 3-4 extra kilos.

The best diet for weight loss is to follow some food rules. It is advisable to eat for breakfast a raw egg or soft-boiled paired with half a grapefruit. It is better to use unsweetened leaf as a drink. green tea. Meals should be three times a day, but without dinner.

After morning appointment food follows a second breakfast - two hours later. For second breakfast, you can eat two eggs with a vegetable salad, for example, with vinaigrette and wash it down herbal tea. For lunch, add to eggs and salad low-fat cottage cheese, steamed fish or dietary meat. Try to drink more plain mineral water. For breakfast, you can replace green tea with unsweetened black coffee, and drink tea at lunch.

Never use tea bags if you are on a diet. This tea contains additional essential oils and irritates the intestines. Because you will be following a diet that already cleanses the body, you should avoid foods that will additionally stimulate or relax the intestines.


Since the egg diet is low-carbohydrate, its adherence has a number of restrictions for people with problems of cardio-vascular system. Excessive consumption of eggs will increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and there is also a possibility of an allergic reaction to eggs. Sudden weight loss may have Negative influence and on appearance: the condition of the nails will deteriorate, the hair will become brittle, the skin will become drier and flabby.

Any diet requires first consultation with a specialist - a nutritionist or attending physician. To prevent your health from deteriorating, before starting any dietary nutrition You should conduct a series of tests and get recommendations from nutritionists. Only then will your diet bring only benefits without harming the body.

Find out the calorie content of an egg, separately the white and yolk, as well as scrambled eggs, an omelet, and even a pie with onions and eggs. Include all these healthy and delicious dishes in your menu!

Eggs are an indispensable product in the human diet. Any housewife knows: many everyday and holiday dishes It is prepared on the basis of eggs. A tender omelette for breakfast - healthy and tasty dish, the preparation of which does not take much time. If you watch your diet and want your family’s diet to be healthy, you need to know everything about the nutritional and energy value of eggs.

Raw egg

Depends on its weight and method of preparation. So, 100 g of product (raw) contains 158 calories. As a rule, one chicken weighs 40 - 70 g. That is, the calorie content of one raw egg is 63 - 110 kcal. If we are talking about quails, which are about five times smaller than chickens. Their calorie content in raw form is 168 kcal per 100 g. One quail weighs 10 - 13 g. Accordingly, one quail egg– 17 – 22 kcal.


If you are on a diet, then the method of preparing the product is of fundamental importance. For example, the famous Maggi diet involves consuming large quantity boiled eggs. So, the calorie content of a soft-boiled and hard-boiled egg is no different from a raw one - 63 - 110 calories. However, it is important to remember that the energy value of white and yolk is different.


Egg whites contain water (85%), proteins (12.7%), fat (0.3%), carbohydrates (0.7%). 100 g of egg white contains 50 calories. An average weight chicken (60 g) contains 33 g of protein, which is only 15-18 kcal. Thus, a boiled egg without a yolk is an essential low-calorie ingredient. dietary dishes(the calorie content of raw and boiled egg whites is the same). For example, you can add it to salads from fresh vegetables (Chinese cabbage+ cucumbers + tomatoes + egg white).


Egg yolk contains three times more calories than protein: 100 g of yolk accounts for 358 kcal. The yolk of a chicken egg contains 11.5% fat and about 210 mg of cholesterol. The weight of the yolk is 18 g. It contains 64.5 calories.

The nutritional value

A chicken egg contains 12.7 g of protein, 10.9 g of fat and 0.7 g of carbohydrates (per 100 g of product). In a hard-boiled one weighing about 60 g, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is approximately as follows: proteins - 7.8 g, fats - 7.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.6 g. They contain 12 vitamins.

  1. Vitamin A is necessary for the formation of teeth and the skeletal system, has a beneficial effect on vision, stimulates fat metabolism and the growth of new cells, slows down the aging process, prevents inflammatory processes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. B6 – accelerates metabolism, relieves excitement in the central nervous system, ensures the formation of energy from carbohydrates, creates the necessary conditions for the synthesis of hemoglobin, participates in the synthesis of insulin.
  3. B12 – promotes the development of red blood cells, stimulates metabolism, fat metabolism in liver tissue, reduces cholesterol levels.
  4. E – is an antioxidant, improves oxygen transport to tissues, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves nutrition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. D – ensures normal development of bones and teeth, enhances work immune system, stimulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Folic acid – participates in DNA synthesis, ensures the normal formation of immunity, stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Riboflavin is necessary for the formation of hormones and red blood cells, protects the retina from exposure to ultraviolet rays, participates in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and ensures tissue renewal.
  8. Niacin – participates in redox processes, tissue respiration, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.
  9. Thiamine – participates in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
  10. Choline – participates in fat and cholesterol metabolism, provides normal functioning nervous system, destroys cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, reduces blood sugar levels.
  11. Biotin - participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and in the processing of glucose, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes the burning of fat in the body, and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  12. Pantothenic acid – participates in the formation of antibodies, prevents inflammatory processes, promotes fat burning.

Chicken eggs contain 96% minerals:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • cobalt.

How to calculate the calorie content of an egg?

The total mass is 56% protein, 32% yolk and 12% shell. To calculate exact calorie content boiled egg - boil it, then put it in for 5 minutes cold water(this will help you peel the shells off easily without damaging the whites) and weigh them on a kitchen scale. You can use various online calculators or calorie counters for smartphones. If you are on a diet that limits egg yolk intake, remove the yolk and weigh only the white.

How many eggs can you eat?

After lengthy discussions on the benefits and harms of eggs, experts from various fields of science agreed that moderate consumption does not cause any harm to humans. But their absence in the diet can seriously affect your health. After all, this is a treasure trove useful substances, which are necessary for a person of any age. The exception is individual contraindications (for example, allergies).

  • People with excess cholesterol in the blood should consume no more than three eggs in Week.
  • People who have normal blood cholesterol levels can eat one egg per day, or 5-7 eggs per week. It is not recommended to exceed this norm, since they are also contained in other products (for example, baked goods or cutlets).
  • If the child does not have allergies, then you can give him eggs starting from the age of 8–12 months. You should start with one yolk per week. It is forbidden to give protein, as it can cause diathesis in a child.
  • At the age of 1 - 1.5 years, a child can be given one per week.
  • Children aged 2–3 years can eat no more than three eggs per week.
  • From 4 to 6 years old - no more than five per week.

Calorie content of dishes

Preparing an omelet, scrambled eggs or toast with eggs for breakfast for the whole family is easy and quick; almost everyone can do it. In addition, such food is very nutritious.

Fried eggs

You can cook diet scrambled eggs in a frying pan with a ceramic coating that does not require adding oil, or in the oven. Then you should only consider the calories of the eggs and seasonings if you add them. If you are used to cooking a dish in oil, you must also take into account its energy value. The calorie content of scrambled eggs depends on the oil. On average, 100 g of scrambled eggs cooked in vegetable oil contains 240 kcal.

Two egg omelette

An omelet is a dish made from eggs and milk. Traditionally fried on sunflower oil, but you can cook it in the oven or in microwave oven. Then adding oil is not necessary. An important aspect is milk. How fattier milk, the more kcal there is in the omelet. For example, if for cooking you take 2 eggs of 60 g and 100 ml of milk with 2.5% fat, the calorie content of which is 52 calories, you will get an omelette for about 210 calories. You can significantly reduce it if you prepare it from proteins. Then its calorie content will be 90 - 100 kcal. if you love hearty omelettes with tomatoes, cheese and bacon - you need to consider the value of these products depending on their quantity in the dish.

Toast with egg

The calorie content of a dish is affected by the energy value of the bread and butter on which the croutons are prepared. So, the calorie content of 100 g of croutons (from white bread) with an egg (1 piece), fried in butter (2 g), is about 190 calories.

Pie with onion and egg

Pie with green onions and an egg, for the preparation of which flour, eggs (5 pieces and 1 yolk), sour cream 10% fat are used, butter and baking powder - the dish is very high in calories. There are about 285 calories per 100 g of this pie.


Nutritionists still do not have a consensus on whether it is worth it or not to eat eggs while on a diet. There are many pros and cons of eating eggs for weight loss, which will be discussed below..

Eggs are a valuable source of easily digestible animal protein, which is why athletes love them so much. Considering how many calories are in an egg, they can be called an ideal product for a diet. An omelet of 3 eggs can satisfy your hunger for 4-6 hours. 1 egg contains about 6-7 g of protein, 4 g of fat (80% of this is unsaturated healthy fats, which are easily digestible and do not threaten your figure), about 0.4 g of carbohydrates. In addition, eggs are rich in beneficial digestive enzymes, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, E, they contain iron, calcium, amino acids, biotin, folic and nicotinic acid, and phospholipids necessary for the body. If we talk about how many calories are in an egg, then, on average, the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg ranges from 65 to 85 calories, depending on the size. By the way, you need to keep in mind that how many calories are in an egg depends on the method of its preparation, which will be discussed in detail below.

However, there is also another side to the coin. First, egg yolk contains cholesterol. 1 yolk contains 2/3 daily value cholesterol. There are certain subtleties here. If the body's metabolism is not disturbed, then this cholesterol does not harm the body, since the lecithin contained in eggs balances it. In addition, cholesterol is found only in boiled and fried yolks, so when preparing eggs soft-boiled or in a bag, it becomes much less. But if you have metabolic problems or diabetes, you need to be careful with eggs. Alternatively, eat only proteins as a source of protein and calcium. For everyone else, we can recommend fiber as a means of removing cholesterol - eat cereals and vegetables, and everything will be fine.

Secondly, eggs are a product that can cause allergies. Therefore, you should be sure that you are not allergic to them if you decide to eat eggs for weight loss.

In general, the benefits of eggs are not only how many calories are in eggs or how much protein they contain. Eggs have many other beneficial properties. They prevent cataracts, have a bacteriological effect, have a positive effect on brain function, increase mental activity, improve immunity, strengthen bones, nails and teeth.

Considering how many calories are in eggs, they can be used for nutritious low calorie snack between main meals - for an afternoon snack or for a second breakfast, boiled, in the form of omelettes or as additions to sandwiches, or as ingredients in dishes, for example, various casseroles. If you eat eggs for breakfast, rest assured that they will be completely digested and leave virtually no toxins, which is very important for weight loss and health.

As a rule, nutritionists do not recommend consuming more than 3 eggs per day, so as not to provoke allergies or increased cholesterol. If you eat eggs every day for weight loss, be sure to also eat plenty of vegetables and grains– they contain fiber, which removes excess cholesterol. But if you are allergic to eggs, unfortunately, you will have to stop eating them.

How many calories are in an egg

If you are on a diet watching the calorie content of your food, then it is of great importance to you how many calories are in eggs prepared in one way or another.

Calorie content egg whites is about 17 kcal. Yolks are higher in calories - 55 kcal. On average, the calorie content of one egg ranges from 70 to 90 kcal.

As mentioned above, how many calories are in an egg depends on the method of its preparation. A fried egg has more calories than a hard-boiled or baked egg, especially if you fried the egg in oil. If the calorie content of raw eggs is about 100 kcal per 100 g, then in fried eggs the calories become about 125-150 per 100 g. The calorie content of a soft-boiled egg is higher than the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg, since various chemical processes occur in eggs under the influence of temperature , their chemical composition changes.

The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg will be about 60-70 kcal, and the calorie content of a soft-boiled egg will be slightly higher, 70-90 kcal. However, the calorie content of soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs still remains very low. But fried eggs have a lot of calories, so it’s better not to eat them while on a diet, or at least use non-stick cookware for frying, which will allow you to do without oil.

Athletes prefer to eat egg whites separately - they have no cholesterol, fewer calories, and do not cause allergies. The calorie content of egg whites is about 17 kcal per 1 egg; fried in oil is about 50 kcal.

Knowing how many calories are in an egg, you can choose which way to cook them. It is best to boil hard-boiled eggs for weight loss - they have the least calories. To prevent eggs from bursting when you boil them, place them in cold water, making sure that the water completely covers the eggs. If the egg does burst, add a teaspoon of salt to the water - this will prevent the egg from leaking into the water. Yes, and eggs boiled in salt water are easier to peel. To remove the shells from boiled eggs easily, after finishing cooking, place the container with the eggs under cold water.

Boil hard-boiled eggs for 8-9 minutes after the water boils. Eggs in a bag – 506 minutes. Soft-boiled eggs – 2-3 minutes. You cannot cook eggs for more than 20 minutes, as harmful substances begin to form in them under the influence of high temperatures.

Egg diets for weight loss

The low calorie content and beneficial properties of eggs have made it possible to include them in diets for weight loss. There are many such diets - the number of calories in eggs, their ability to satisfy hunger for a long time, as well as the fact that they are almost completely absorbed by the body, makes them an extremely useful dietary product (in the absence of the contraindications mentioned above - food allergies to eggs, problems with metabolism, diabetes).

For example, there is a three-day diet of eggs and vegetables that allows get rid of 1.5-2 extra kg. A longer option is a diet of eggs, vegetables and grapefruits, which lasts 2 weeks. Osama Hamdiy's 4-week egg diet is very popular. Her menu is strictly regulated by week and by day, but the reward for strictly following the instructions of this diet can be getting rid of 10 extra kg or even more. Many sports diets (for example, for drying the body), due to the low calorie content of egg whites, recommend eating them mainly.

Even if you are not on a specific egg diet, you can simply include them in your daily diet. They are suitable for both a nutritious breakfast and light dinner. Considering how many calories are in eggs, you can significantly reduce the caloric content of your daily ration, eating a 2-egg omelet and vegetable salad(since fiber is necessary to remove excess cholesterol from the body). The calorie content of such a breakfast or dinner will be low - within 200 kcal, but the benefits from it will be enormous.

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Eggs are a tasty and filling food that can help with weight loss. This dietary product is highly rated by professional chefs and healthy nutrition specialists.

Information about the effect of eggs on the body and the rules for their consumption will help you get the maximum benefit from food. Information about the calorie content of dishes will allow you to create an optimal menu and normalize your weight.

The popularity of the product is explained by its high taste characteristics and benefits for the body. In modern cooking, there are dozens of options for their preparation - from modest fried eggs to masterpieces of confectionery art.

Eggs are easy to digest, and their chemical composition is rich in valuable elements and vitamins. This is one of the few components of the diet that is absorbed in almost 100% volume.

Several types of eggs are in demand among consumers:

  1. Chicken– a classic of the genre and a hit in the budget consumer basket. The nutritional value of 1 chicken egg in nutrition is equal to 100 g of meat. They are found with white and brown shells. The color of the shell matches the chicken's plumage. The average weight of 1 piece is 70 g.
  2. Quail eggs occupy 2nd place in terms of prevalence. They are fattier than chicken, but less allergenic. Considered environmentally friendly pure product, since poultry requires careful treatment and a thoughtful menu of harmless “chemicals”. small egg protected by a speckled shell and weighs about 17 g.
  3. Goose egg– a product with an expressive taste and powerful antioxidant properties. It is useful for strengthening the immune system and is actively used in cooking. Sold only at farmers' markets. The average weight of 1 copy is 200 g.
  4. Turkey eggs By appearance and nutritional benefits are similar to their chicken counterparts. The main difference is the higher fat content. Turkeys lay few eggs and seasonally, so their eggs are purchased individually by contacting the farmer-breeder. Weight of 1 piece – 70-72 g.
  5. Ostrich eggs– large exotic specimens. Giant size and bright taste– their key features. The weight of eggs depends on the breed of ostrich. A common indicator is 1600 g.

Scrambled eggs from 1 ostrich egg Can feed a group of 10 people.

  1. Powdered eggs or melange(from the French mélange - mixture) - dried and crushed whites and yolks regular eggs. It is used for preparing dishes - omelettes, pastries, cutlets. Advantages of dry mix over fresh eggs– long shelf life and absence of pathogenic microbes. During the processing process, whites and yolks are pasteurized.

Let’s figure out which egg is better, quail or chicken, together with Elena Malysheva in the program “Live Healthy.”

The energy value of eggs varies. The large size of the bird does not guarantee a high calorie content of the product. This is noticeable when comparing calorie content per 100 grams and per 1 raw egg:

The number of calories consumed will depend on the amount of egg mass eaten. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it, which is good for your figure, health and is allowed for people with diabetes.

Compound. Calorie content of protein and yolk

White and yolk differ in composition and have different calorie content.

Liquid protein takes up most of the egg (about 60%). The name of the component gives a clear idea of ​​its composition. Egg white(protein) is a complex of compounds of the same name mixed with water that determine nutritional value product. In the human body, protein performs a construction function and ensures the development of muscle tissue.

Egg white contains minimal fat and is low in calories - 25 Kcal per 1 piece, or 60 Kcal per 100 g.

The yolk is half the size of the white. It contains more fat and has high energy value. The average calorie content of 1 piece is 75 Kcal, per 100 g - 375 Kcal.

The central part of the egg is a cluster of useful components. The composition of the yolk includes vitamins A, D, E, B, folic and nicotinic acid.

Among mineral substances, phosphorus and iron lead in quantity. Potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iodine are present in smaller volumes.

The uniqueness of eggs is explained by the presence of lecithin and niacin. These substances reduce the activity of bad cholesterol in the yolk and make the composition of the product as balanced as possible.

Beneficial features

The rich mineral composition of proteins and yolks explains their high nutritional value.

Egg protein is essential for muscle development and recovery.

Thanks to high content vitamin A, phosphorus and iron, eggs help strengthen bones and teeth, increase the strength and elasticity of hair and nails.

Folic acid is responsible for the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Vitamins D and E strengthen the immune system. Leticin and niacin reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and prevent the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

B vitamins support performance, activate metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on nervous system and mental activity.

Possible harm

The negative impact of eggs manifests itself in the case of their excessive and inattentive consumption. Things to consider:

  1. Protein-rich foods increase load on the kidneys and liver. Excessive eating of eggs can disrupt the functioning of internal organs.
  2. High cholesterol content in yolk- the main argument of opponents of eggs. Nutritionists agree with them on this issue. Useful lecithin will not relieve problems in case of excessive consumption of the product. Excess cholesterol is fraught with slagging of blood vessels and impaired cardiac function.
  3. Salmonellosis disease threatens raw egg lovers. Poultry products are a common source of contamination with dangerous bacteria. Their getting into human body is fraught with blood poisoning and severe digestive upset.

In this video from the “Live Healthy” program, together with Elena Malysheva and her team of doctors, you will learn in what form it is better to eat eggs and why, how they are useful for our body.

Thermal cooking eggs – a guarantee of the safety of the product purchased at retail outlets.

Consumption rate

Adult men and women can eat 1-2 eggs per day. If you have high cholesterol or blood sugar, your diet should be limited to 2 pieces per week.

Eggs can be included in the menu for children over 1 year of age. At this age, a child can eat 1 yolk per week. Protein is a strong allergen, so it should not be offered to children under 3 years of age.

By the age of 5, a child’s diet can include up to 5 pieces per week.


There are 2 main categories of persons for whom poultry products are prohibited:

  • Babies under 1 year of age. For the emerging child's body Processing high-protein animal food is backbreaking work.
  • Allergy sufferers. Individual intolerance forces you to give up eggs in pure form and those dishes in which they are present: baked goods, semi-finished products, sauces.

Calorie content of fried and boiled eggs

Cooking ensures easy digestion of food and maximum absorption of beneficial components.

Calorie content depends on the chosen cooking method. The nutritional value is affected by the duration of heat treatment and the list of ingredients involved in the recipe.

Boiled whites and yolks contain fewer calories than raw eggs. The longer heat treatment, the lower their energy value.

The calorie content of fried eggs in the form of fried eggs or omelettes depends on the fat content of the oil and additives: milk, cheese, smoked meats, mushrooms, vegetables.

Average energy values ​​per 1 serving of 2 eggs:

Calorie content of egg dishes

The product is in demand internationally. “Egg” recipes are available in many national cuisines and present a wide selection of dishes - from breakfasts and salads to hot dishes and baked goods.

In cold appetizers boiled whites and yolks are combined with sauces, vegetables, meat and fish ingredients. Egg salad will be a light or hearty dinner and will decorate the holiday table.

Thanks to the addition of eggs, soups and cabbage soup acquire richness and thickness. Sometimes the egg mixture is added to the broth in liquid form. In other cases, chopped boiled whites and yolks are poured into ready soup and act as a decorative element.

The main hot dishes are European casseroles, Russian stuffed “nests” of vegetables and meat. The star of Caucasian cooking is Adjarian khachapuri, golden-brown bread cakes with cheese and an egg “core.”

In confectionery, a boiled egg serves as a filling for pies. Protein is the main ingredient for airy meringues. Croutons dipped in egg are a breakfast favorite for both adults and children.

In drinks, the egg mixture acts as a natural thickener and is an alternative to dairy additives.

Kaisermelange (“imperial mixture”) is a type of Viennese coffee with loose yolk and honey.

Popular options for dishes with added eggs and their energy value:

Dish Calorie content per 100 g.
Cold appetizers
Egg with mayonnaise194
Eggs with red caviar174
Salad with tuna and mayonnaise270
Salad with cucumber and sour cream70
First meal
Cabbage soup with sorrel36
Chicken broth soup40
Hot dishes
Cauliflower with egg100
Meat nests with eggs180
Gratin ( vegetable casserole with cheese)110
Baking, desserts, drinks
Egg and onion pie290
Wheat croutons with egg195
Eggnog (whites and yolks shaken with wine and sugar)90
Viennese coffee with yolk50 (for 1 cup)

Eggs in dietary nutrition

The high nutritional value of eggs with a low calorie content determines their full presence in a healthy diet.

This is a common component diet menu for weight loss. They help avoid nutritional deficiencies under dietary restrictions. The product provides a feeling of fullness for a long time and helps you survive until your next meal without unhealthy snacks. We invite you to find out which egg is the main component.

In a diet aimed at weight loss, eggs can be present in several forms:

  • Boiled whites and yolks.
  • Fried egg made without oil.
  • Omelette with 1% fat milk.

Flour dishes and confectionery with the addition of eggs should be excluded. They are loaded with sugar and fast carbohydrates, which quickly settle on the body in the form of fat deposits.

When losing weight, it is important to monitor the amount of fat in your diet. The norm is about 1 g of fat per 1 kg of weight; when losing weight, it can be reduced to 0.7-0.9 g per kg of body. There is no point in cutting back any more, it will no longer be good for your health.

Avoiding yolks will reduce the fat and calorie content of eggs to a minimum. Boiled proteins serve as a light dinner. Protein omelet without yolks – diet breakfast. Athletes often eat omelette without proteins during the so-called “cutting” period: during the period when they want to reduce the percentage of fat so that the muscles look more prominent. By the way, we have articles on drying and.

A good side dish option - green salad, pepper, broccoli, asparagus. These vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps quickly remove egg cholesterol from the body.

How to select and store

The characteristics are subject to the requirements of state standards. The shells of eggs that go on sale must be marked with letters and numbers. What does it mean?

  • The letter designations “D” or “C” indicate the “age” of the product. “D” (dietary) - those that ended up on the counter within the first 7 days from the date of production. Such products can be purchased in the immediate vicinity of the production site. “C” (table eggs) are sold everywhere.

The degree of freshness is the main difference between products of categories “D” and “C”. Diet eggs“Older” 7 days mechanically go into the category of canteens.

  • Digital marking indicates mass. The higher the number, the lighter and smaller the egg. Selected product C0 (weight from 65 to 74.9 g) is heavier and larger than C1 (category 1 weighing 55-64.9 g). Large specimens weighing more than 75 g are marked with the letter “B” and belong to the highest category.

The taste and quality of eggs do not depend on their size and shell color.

In the store you should pay attention to 2 points:

  1. Date of manufacture. Eggs remain fresh for 25 days when stored at room temperature and 120 days when stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Manufacturer's address. The closer the manufacturing site is to the sales center, the better.

At home, eggs should be stored away from substances with strong odors. Optimal temperature— from 0 to 5°C.

About the freshness of eggs and beneficial properties You will learn from this talk show “About the Most Important Thing” with Sergei Agapkin and Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading researcher, professor of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology”, doctor of the highest category, Alla Vladimirovna Pogozheva.

How to cook properly

Questions about cooking usually revolve around the time needed to get the egg to the desired consistency.

2 rules that apply to all recipes:
  • The eggs are boiled over moderate heat.
  • Do not place cold eggs in boiling water. It is necessary to warm them up room temperature or heat water with them.

Cooking in salted water will prevent the shell from cracking and the protein from leaking out.

Cooking options:
  1. An egg “in a bag” consists of a dense white and a runny yolk.

How to do: raw product Immerse in boiling water and cook for 1 minute. After this, the fire is turned off, and the egg is cooked in the same liquid for 7 minutes.

  1. A soft-boiled egg is considered the most healthy and easy-to-digest dish. The finished white is elastic, and the yolk is tender and runny.

How to do: a raw egg is placed in cold water and placed on fire. After the liquid boils, the cooking process takes 4 minutes.

  1. A hard-boiled egg has equally dense whites and yolks.

How to do: After the water boils, the egg cooks for about 7-8 minutes. Cooking for too long (more than 10 minutes) will worsen the taste of the dish and complicate the process of digestion in the stomach.

Eggs are a unique food that combines availability with pleasure and benefits for the body. Both picky kids and brutal men who prefer hearty food will like it. Low-calorie and nutritious eggs will enrich your diet with valuable elements and help you acquire a slender silhouette.

Just a decade ago, eggs were considered an unhealthy product, which were allowed to be consumed no more than once a week. Now views have completely changed and the number of eggs allowed per week has increased significantly.

The egg is the basis of life. The substances contained in it are almost completely absorbed by the body. So one egg a day can satisfy the body’s need for proteins, vitamins and microelements. It contains essential amino acids, macro and microelements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, cobalt. Eggs are rich in vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12); they also contain vitamins E, C, D, A, H, PP, K.

Eggs strengthen vision, are natural antioxidants, improve the function of the cardiovascular system, strengthen hair, teeth and skin, bones; help in the prevention of eye diseases; reduce the risk of breast cancer in women by a quarter. And among other things, it is also a very useful dietary product containing minimal amount calories, filling and nutritious, which is used in many diets. Well, the cholesterol they contain will not harm your health if you eat no more than one or two eggs a day.

The weight of one egg ranges from 45 to 65 g, with the shell accounting for 10% of the weight. Thus, the calorie content of one peeled egg will average from 60 to 80 calories. The calorie content of eggs practically does not depend on the method of preparation (boiled, soft-boiled, hard-boiled). However, the calorie content of the fried egg should be added to the calorie content of the oil used.

Table of calorie content and nutritional value of chicken eggs.

The product's name Number of grams of product Contains
calorie content of peeled egg 100g 157 kcal
one medium chicken egg 50 grams 75 kcal
proteins 100g 12.7 gr.
fat 100g 11.5 gr.
carbohydrates 100g 0.7 gr.
dietary fiber 100g 0 gr.
water 100g 74.1 gr.

100 grams contain the following micro and macro elements: Iron 2.5 mg, Zinc 1.11 mg, Iodine 20 mcg, Copper 83 mcg, Manganese 0.029 mg, Selenium 31.7 mcg, Chromium 4 mcg, Fluorine 55 mcg, Molybdenum 6 mcg, Cobalt 10 mcg, Calcium 55 mg, Magnesium 12 mg, Sodium 134 mg, Potassium 140 mg, Phosphorus 192 mg, Chlorine 156 mg, Sulfur 176 mg