How many kcal in fried eggs with butter. Fried egg calories, benefits and dietary properties

Eggs are quite popular food product used in various diets and special systems medical nutrition. This product is of animal origin, so diet supporters have many questions about how many calories are in a fried egg, and whether this product should be replaced with a vegetable equivalent.

Since eggs are the most valuable source of many vitamins necessary for the human body, and fried food, as you know, will not reduce extra centimeters on your waist, it remains to find out all the information about a fried egg and the calories of this harmless, and at first glance, simple, but loved by everyone. dishes.

So, if your goal is to lose weight, but you do not know whether to give up your favorite fried eggs, read on.

Harm of a chicken egg - truth or myth

To eat or not to eat chicken eggs? Such a thought visits every person who cares about his health and the health of people close to him. Since a large assortment of food products is known to have a certain value for the body, special attention is focused more on the shortcomings of one or another ingredient in our diet than on its advantages.

You have probably heard more than once that it is harmful to eat eggs, because their yolk contains a large number of dangerous for the human body cholesterol. Indeed, this chicken product is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities, since it contains the so-called “bad” cholesterol, which partially clogs blood vessels, forming plaques. But at the same time, when eating eggs, another kind of cholesterol enters the human body. And this "useful" cholesterol is simply necessary for normal life.

The high calorie count of fried eggs often confuses young girls and graceful ladies of a more mature age. After all, the calorie content of 1 raw egg is significantly different from the calorie content of 1 egg fried on vegetable oil, rich fatty acids.

A few decades ago, such information was promoted by American nutrition scientists and is firmly rooted in the subconscious of almost every adult. It was believed that the presence of eggs in the daily diet can disrupt the immune and of cardio-vascular system cause the formation of malignant tumors, the development of atherosclerosis. But further studies of the properties of this product and their effect on the body showed that the opinion of American doctors is erroneous.

Egg white is extremely useful. If we compare the amino acids of fish, meat or milk, then egg protein is easier to digest, by all 98%. It is a versatile building material for muscle mass body, which is especially important for athletes. calories fried egg does not pose a particular threat to the health of people who lead an active lifestyle. During active sports, dancing, fitness, calories ingested with food are actively burned in muscle work.

The yolk also has its own beneficial features. Oncologists recommend that women consume raw or boiled chicken eggs daily to prevent breast cancer. Lecithin, the active component of egg yolk, improves the functioning of the liver and biliary tract, improves vision, strengthens the optic nerve and fiber.

Eating eggs should be regular, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. Eating more than 4 eggs per week is not recommended. This is information about boiled eggs.

If we talk about a fried egg and the calories that the body receives along with the vegetable oil necessary for cooking scrambled eggs, of course, about diet food out of the question. In addition, excessive use of this product leads to problems with overweight, increased blood glucose levels, the risk of thrombosis in the vascular system.

How many calories are in a fried egg?

The calorie content of 1 raw egg is approximately 70 kcal. If we talk about a boiled egg, then the digital indicator will be identical for domestic egg, for the store - about 60 kcal. A raw egg, unlike boiled, does not contain cholesterol. The calorie content of a fried egg is 350 kcal. When frying in vegetable oil energy value of this product is increased by 5 times! Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, but cannot deny yourself your favorite scrambled eggs, then extra pounds will not leave you soon.

Can you lose weight by eating chicken eggs?

And yet, despite many conflicting facts about the advantages and disadvantages of chicken eggs as food, their effective power in dietary nutrition remains beyond doubt. Louisiana State University scientists have conducted studies that claim that eggs are indispensable products for weight loss. The results spoke for themselves: women who ate two boiled eggs for breakfast lost more extra pounds than their competitors who did not use this product in their diet. Scientists explain this fact in this way: the feeling of hunger in a person recedes for a long period, due to the large amount of proteins contained in the egg.

How to reduce the calorie content of a fried egg

Is it possible to lose weight by eating fried eggs in your menu? It all depends on the cooking method. chicken product. If you are steaming fried eggs or the minimum amount vegetable oil, then the calorie content of a fried egg will be low, and extra calories will not threaten you. And by frying scrambled eggs in butter or ghee, you will significantly increase the calorie content of fried eggs. Of course, if scrambled eggs literally haunt you, and you have an irresistible desire to break a long diet, you can make an exception. Of course, it is not recommended to abuse in this matter. But if you know the measure, the calorie content of a fried egg will not greatly affect the figure.

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How many calories are in one egg? This question torments many, because we are all used to having breakfast in the morning with just an egg. But along with the fact that the opinions of experts differ in the ways of eating eggs, then about great benefit for the human body, they all affirm unanimously and uncompromisingly. In fact, the egg is a very useful food product and has excellent energy value.

As for the human diet, the eggs in it for many people are an indispensable product. From them you can cook both everyday and festive dishes while spending a minimum of time and effort. For those who are concerned egg calories, you should learn in more detail when and which eggs are useful, and in what cases from egg dish better to refuse.

Say exactly what calories 1 chicken eggs impossible, since such an indicator directly depends on the size of the product, as well as on the method of its preparation.

raw egg

If we consider egg, That calories raw product per 100 g of weight is approximately 158-160 kcal. Considering that the average weight of an egg is from 40 to 70 grams, it is easy to calculate its calorie content, which ranges from 63-110 kcal.

As for quail eggs, they are about 5 times smaller than chicken eggs. It has been established that 168 kcal per 100 g of weight is their calorie content. According to calculations, it turns out that one egg, whose weight is about 10-13 grams, contains only 17-22 calories.

boiled egg

If we talk about the benefits of eggs for the human body, then eating them raw provides the greatest value. To find out what calories per boiled egg it should be taken into account that the yolk and protein differ significantly in their energy value.

The calorie content of a whole boiled egg is approximately the same as that of a raw one. At the same time, the protein contains only 17 kcal, and the yolk contains 50-55 kcal. It should also be noted that the protein is rich in vitamins and amino acids belonging to the B group, and the amount of fat in it is minimal. The yolk contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, trace elements (zinc, manganese, calcium, iron), vitamins B, E and A. In addition, the yolks still have cholesterol, so its simultaneous use with other fats of animal origin is undesirable.

The number of calories also depends on how the egg is cooked. For those who prefer to eat soft-boiled egg, you should know that calorie content 1 pc. is up to 70 kcal, but at the same time they do not lose their benefits for the body. In a properly cooked product, the yolk should be semi-liquid and should be consumed hot.

And if you cook it hard-boiled, then it will be less high-calorie and contains only 50 kcal. In this form, the product is ideal for those that, with the help of diet menu wants to get rid of excess weight. Only boil the egg should be immediately before its use.

fried egg

For many people, the quickest and easiest breakfast to make is scrambled eggs. Undoubtedly, this dish has excellent palatability, but even with the impeccability of taste, the question of calorie content remains quite relevant.

If you just fry in a dry frying pan chicken egg, calories it reaches up to 110 calories, and when a little oil is added to the pan, the number of calories increases even more. Therefore, when calculating calorie content, it is necessary to take into account how many calories are contained in the oil used for frying. In some cases, such a dish in terms of calories can exceed 170 units.

For people who prefer to eat low-calorie foods, but do not want to exclude scrambled eggs from the menu, then its nutritional value can be greatly reduced by frying only proteins alone. Fats in them are completely absent and the capacity of carbohydrates is minimal.

A fairly common breakfast dish is an omelette. It is very easy to prepare. To do this, beat the eggs thoroughly with milk until uniform consistency. Preheat the pan, pour a little sunflower oil on the bottom and pour the prepared mass. If you cook an omelet from two eggs, then its nutritional value will reach up to 118 kcal. When you use only proteins for cooking, the number of calories in the finished dish will decrease to 85.

Often, for a change, other products are also added to the omelette, from which the degree of its nutritional value is also largely.

If, for example, an omelet is prepared with cheese and tomatoes, then the number of calories of the finished dish reaches up to 342.

Speaking of scrambled eggs, it should be noted that such a breakfast is considered very useful, it fills the body with the necessary energy for the whole day.

What benefits does an egg bring to the body?

The egg contains great amount nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the human body. They include more than 12 different vitamins, in particular E, D, H, choline, and almost all positions from group B. Among the most valuable macronutrients, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, potassium and others should be noted. The complex of trace elements consists of iron, chromium, manganese, fluorine, copper, zinc, selenium. With such an enriched and useful composition egg calories For example 1 PC. does not cause any harm to the body, provided that it is used correctly and in moderation.

Regular use eggs are approved by nutritionists for the following reasons:

  • the egg contains an easily digestible channel saturated with valuable amino acids. Not everyone knows that by eating one egg a day, the body immediately receives 15% of the daily protein requirement. This property of the product is highly appreciated by athletes who need amino acids to strengthen the body and restore muscles after heavy physical exertion;
  • the action of the vitamin-mineral complex, with which the egg is enriched, is aimed at increasing immunity and saturating the body with the substances necessary for normal life;
  • a large amount of leucithin helps to remove excess cholesterol from the blood and prevents obesity.

You can eat an egg not only as a meal on its own, but also it is often combined with a variety of cereals, with fresh vegetables and fruits, with herbs.

The presence of this product in the diet accelerates the cure of many diseases:

  • doctors advise many patients to include eggs in the menu to prevent the development of oncological pathologies;
  • calories in 1 boiled egg short but rich vitamin composition, in particular vitamin C, significantly slows down the aging process of the body, and the lutein hormone contained in the product significantly enhances the effect of rejuvenation;
  • phosphorus and vitamin D, in the amount of which the egg is second only to fish oil, strengthen bone tissue and have a positive effect on dental health;
  • amino acids, lutein and sulfur improve the quality of vision and contribute to the speedy treatment of eye diseases;
  • vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

For humans, chicken eggs are considered very useful product, A different ways their preparations allow you to diversify the menu and fill it with tasty and healthy dishes.

Product digestibility

Depending on the method of cooking eggs, their digestibility in each case is different. If you pay attention to the opinions of experts, then some consider boiled eggs more useful, while others insist on eating them raw.

Each of the opinions is considered correct in its own way. The body is well absorbed by the product in both cases, with only some differences:

  • having a low calories, well absorbed by the body boiled or fried egg. In the process of splitting the product in this form, enzymes that break down fats are synthesized in the body. For this reason, it is the boiled egg that many athletes use after training;
  • raw eggs enrich the body with the nutrients it needs, but only in cases where there are no other products in the dish. If at the time of eating an egg in the body there is no deficiency of minerals and vitamins, then it is simply not digested in the stomach and is excreted from the body.

Interesting! Regular consumption of raw eggs by women increases the ability to become pregnant, endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

How many eggs can you eat?

Everyone can use eggs, with the exception of those who have an individual intolerance to the product. But how many eggs a person can eat depends on some features:

  • people who have high cholesterol can eat no more than 3 pcs. in Week;
  • one egg daily can be eaten by people whose cholesterol level does not exceed the norm;
  • children can include egg in the diet from 8-12 months, but you need to start once a week;
  • the number of eggs for children from 4-6 years of age is up to 5 pieces per week.

This is an approximate dosage. The main thing to pay attention to is not to form an overabundance of nutrients, since this is just as dangerous as beriberi.

Dishes with eggs: calories

Based on the egg, you can cook the most different dishes depending on the preferences and tastes of the individual.

Fried eggs

This is one of the easiest dishes to prepare. Only for frying it is best to use a special frying pan with a ceramic coating. This will eliminate the need to add oil. If boiled egg calories determined only by its weight, then 1 PC. in fried form, the nutritional value depends on the added components.

The nutritional value of scrambled eggs cooked in vegetable oil per 100 grams is 240 kilocalories.

Egg croutons

In this case, the calorie content depends on the nutritional value of the bread and the oil used. Croutons with egg white bread 100 grams contain approximately 190 kcal.

Not only tasty, but also very useful is such a pie. If you cook according to the recipe: 1 yolk and 5 whole eggs, flour, low-fat sour cream, baking powder and butter, then its calorie content is quite high. Approximately 285 calories per 100 g of finished pie.

How to correctly calculate calories?

The egg itself consists of shell (12%), white (56%) and yolk (32%). To determine how many calories are contained in a boiled product, you must first boil it, then lower it for about 5 minutes. cold water. After removing the shell, weigh the product using a kitchen scale. After knowing the weight of the product, you can calculate its nutritional value using the calorie table or use the online calculator.

Eggs are one of the most versatile foods in the diet. Based on eggs, you can cook various dishes, both everyday and for a feast. Everyone knows that protein is the most important component of human food, and eggs are an integral component of the daily diet. daily ration. However, when going on a diet, many people have a question about how many calories are in an egg, how useful it is in proper nutrition.

Read also - should I use it a day?

boiled egg calories

100 grams chicken egg contains approximately 160 kilocalories. One egg weighs approximately 70 grams, which means that the average calorie content of a boiled egg is about 80 kilocalories.

Best Option dietary breakfast two boiled eggs are considered, their calorie content will be approximately 160 kilocalories, which is the most suitable option for morning reception food. In addition, such a breakfast provides the body with:

  1. vitamins;
  2. proteins;
  3. carbohydrates;
  4. Minerals.

A special property of egg white is its complete digestibility, which is extremely beneficial for health. In addition, eggs contain lecithin, and the use of this product is an excellent prevention of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

protein calories

Egg white contains 85% water, 12.7% protein, 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates. 100 grams of egg white contains a total of 50 kilocalories. Given the average weight of a chicken egg, it is easy to calculate the average calorie content of its protein, and it is quite a bit - about 16-17 kilocalories. Thus, a boiled egg without yolk contains very few kilocalories, and it can be actively used in dietary nutrition, for example, by adding it to various low-calorie salads.

Calorie content of the yolk

The yolk of a chicken egg is more nutritious than protein - 100 grams of it contains about 360 kilocalories. In addition, the fat content in it is about 11.5%, and there is also cholesterol in the amount of 200 milligrams.

The average yolk contains approximately 65 kilocalories.

Nutritional value of chicken egg

100 grams of an egg contains about 13 grams of protein, 11 grams of yolk and 1 gram of carbohydrates. After boiling an average egg in the “hard boiled” way, the amount of food elements has the following indicators:

  • Proteins - about 8 grams;
  • Fats - about 7 grams;
  • Carbohydrates - about 0.6 grams.

Eggs are famous for the content of the following vitamins:

  1. Retinol - is required for the development of dental and bone tissues, takes part in the functioning of vision, stimulates lipid metabolism and the development of new cells, reduces the rate of aging, is a prophylactic against inflammation and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Pyridoxine - accelerates metabolism, relaxes the central nervous system, stimulates the synthesis of energy elements from carbohydrates, promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin, takes part in the formation of insulin.
  3. Cyanocobalamin - stimulates the synthesis of erythrocytes and metabolism, accelerates lipid metabolism in liver cells, helps to reduce the concentration of cholesterol.
  4. Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that helps transport oxygen to the tissues of the body, prevents thrombosis, and improves nutrition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. Calciferols - contribute to the proper development of dental and bone tissues, improve the immune defense of the body, enhance the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Folic acid - takes part in the formation of DNA, contributes to the development of immune defense, helps the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  7. Riboflavin - required for the development of hormones and red blood cells, protects the retina from ultraviolet exposure, takes part in the breakdown of food elements, promotes the replacement of old tissues with new ones.
  8. Niacin - takes part in redox reactions, in the respiration of tissues, the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, promotes the secretion of gastric juice.
  9. Thiamine - takes part in protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, promotes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
  10. Choline - takes part in the metabolism of lipids and cholesterol, contributes to the proper functioning nervous system, destroys atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, helps to lower the concentration of glucose in the blood.
  11. Biotin - takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and in glucose metabolism, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes the breakdown of fat, leads to the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  12. Pantothenic acid - takes part in the formation of antibodies, prevents inflammation, stimulates the breakdown of fat in the body.

In addition, chicken eggs contain a number of important minerals:

  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Cobalt;
  • Iron;
  • Copper.

Calorie content of eggs

Breakfasts made from chicken eggs are very tasty and give a lot of energy. In addition, their preparation takes little time.

Fried eggs

This dish can become harmless to the figure if you fry the eggs in a special frying pan without adding vegetable oil or in the oven. When calculating kilocalories, you can only take into account the calorie content of the eggs themselves and the various seasonings that you use. If the addition of oil is an integral action in the preparation of scrambled eggs, then you need to add its calorie content. As a rule, the energy value of scrambled eggs fried in vegetable oil per 100 grams of the dish is 240 kilocalories.


An omelette is made from a couple of chicken eggs and milk. Most often it is cooked in vegetable oil, but it also turns out great in the oven or microwave, where oil is not required. When calculating the energy value, you need to pay attention to the number of kilocalories in milk, which is directly dependent on its fat content. For example, if you make an omelet from a couple of chicken eggs and half a glass of milk containing 2.5% fat, then the energy value of the omelet will be approximately 200 kilocalories.

To reduce the number of kilocalories of such an omelet, you can make it only with the addition of proteins. The energy value of a protein omelet will be approximately 100 kilocalories. If you prefer omelets with cheese, sausage, tomatoes, then you need to consider that the calorie content of such dishes is much higher.


Many people really like egg-fried slices of bread for breakfast, called croutons. 100 grams of croutons made from white bread with the addition of one chicken egg and a slice butter, has an energy value of approximately 200 kilocalories.

Bird eggs are a valuable dietary product. When following a diet, especially for weight loss, you need to know how many calories are in an egg. Chicken eggs are very popular, because. they are widely available and cheap. Quail is also often consumed. More exotic ones - ostriches, turtles - are included in the menu of expensive restaurants and are not cheap.

Egg composition and nutritional value

Bird eggs are digested human body by 97%. The yolk is 1/3 part (17 g) of the total (50 g). It consists of:

  • proteins - 16% (2.7 g);
  • fats - 26.5% (4.51 g);
  • carbohydrates - 3.6% (0.61 g);
  • cholesterol - 0.8% (139 mg).

In the yolk, fats are represented by poly-, mono- and unsaturated fatty acids, incl. Omega-3 (0.06 g) and Omega-6 (1.2 g). The calorie content of a chicken egg mainly depends on the energy value of the yolk (352 kcal / 100 g).

It also contains vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine), B2, B5 (pantothenic acid), B4 (choline); B6, B7 (biotin), B12;
  • folic acid;
  • PP (niacin);
  • beta carotene.

The yolk contains a large number of macro- and microelements, but the main ones are:

  • phosphorus - 192 mg;
  • sulfur - 176 mg;
  • chlorine - 156 mg;
  • potassium - 140 mg;
  • sodium - 134 mg;
  • calcium - 55 mg;
  • iron - 2.5 mg;
  • iodine - 20 mcg;
  • copper - 83 mcg;
  • fluorine - 55 mcg;
  • selenium - 31.7 mcg.

Only 1 egg provides the body's daily need for cobalt (10 mcg). Due to this composition and energy value, the yolk is used to nourish and form various structures of the embryo.

Protein is poorer in its content:

  • fats - 0.3%;
  • proteins - 12.7%;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7%;
  • water - 85%.

In addition, the composition of the protein includes enzymes and B vitamins. Proteins have an antibacterial and bacteriolytic effect on the body.

Egg white, whose calorie content is 8 times lower than that of the yolk, is a source of protein. In 100 g of protein - 11 g of protein, which is much higher than in milk (4 g / 100 g) and beef (17 g / 100 g) with a low calorie content of the product. The total calorie content of a medium-sized egg is 70 kcal, or in terms of 100 g of the product, its energy value is 158 kcal or 663 J.

Calories in fried and boiled chicken eggs

In dietary nutrition, preference is given to soft-boiled products, because. proteins ovalbumin and ovomucoid, which have an allergenic effect, are denatured during cooking, and the beneficial properties of the yolk are preserved. They differ in energy value depending on the method of cooking. Before eating them, you should find out how many calories are in eggs:

  • soft-boiled - 159 kcal per 100 g of product;
  • in a bag - 157 kcal / 100 g;
  • hard boiled - 160 kcal / 100 g.

At various types heat treatment of the product, its energy saturation changes. So, for example, how many calories are in a fried egg depends on what type of fat is used for cooking. In terms of 100 g of product, the calorie content is (kcal):

  • on vegetable oil - 170;
  • on cream - 200;
  • on fat - 280;
  • omelet (with milk) - 155;
  • without oil - 160.

These figures are approximate, as it all depends not only on the type, but also on the amount of fat.

How many calories are in quail and other types of eggs?

The calorie content of a product depends on its fat content. Of the types of eggs familiar to us, the most high-calorie ones are duck (220 kcal / 100 g) and goose (190 kcal / 100 g). In contrast to the popular belief that quail eggs are much healthier than chicken ones due to their low calorie content, it turns out that the energy value of a quail egg (in terms of 100 g of product) is 168 kcal.

The lowest calorie are ostrich eggs - 118 kcal / 100 g. And in turtle eggs there are almost the same calories (155 kcal / 100 g) as in chicken eggs. The calorie content of egg white in all types of the product is significantly (4-8 times) lower than that of the yolk.

Eggs in the diet - the norm of consumption

Eggs have proven to be valuable product- high nutritional value with low calorie content. They provide fat burning, because. more energy is needed to digest protein. Protein provides the building material for the formation of muscle tissue, so the product is used in sports nutrition.

Eggs normalize the level of insulin and glucose in the blood, the jumps of which stimulate fat deposits. Useful material product:

  1. Increase the activity of testosterone, which is especially important in the prevention of prostate diseases.
  2. Prevent cataracts. Oxygen-containing carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin - are necessary to maintain the structure of the retina.
  3. Maintain weight by boosting metabolism.
  4. Prevent cardiovascular and nervous diseases. The choline (B4) contained in the yolk normalizes the activity of cholesterol, protects cell membranes from adverse effects, improves the functions of the nervous tissue, and has antidepressant properties.
  5. Prevent the development of breast cancer. Scientists have proven that the use of 2 boiled eggs per day reduces the risk of pathology by 85%.
  6. Compensate for blood loss, incl. with regulations (menstruation), because the yolk contains a large amount of iron.
  7. Prevent rickets due to high content easily digestible vitamin D.
  8. They help the normal course of pregnancy and its planning, because. yolks contain folic acid.
  9. Strengthen bone tissue, hair, nails, teeth. The yolks and shells contain more than 26 minerals, incl. calcium and phosphorus.
  • children under 7 months of age are not recommended to use them, and older - there is only the yolk;
  • do not exceed the consumption (1-2 pieces per week) with cholecystitis;
  • exclude them in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis.

The calorie content of one egg eaten at breakfast helps not to feel hungry until the next meal and eliminate snacking.

Nutritionists do not insist on eating only boiled eggs. The calorie content of scrambled eggs is almost halved when vegetables and skim milk are added to it.

When following a low-protein diet and during the transition period to vegetarianism, nutritionists advise introducing quail eggs. They contain more vitamin B 12 than chicken. Only 1-2 pcs. a day help to get all the nutrients and reduce the calorie content of the dish.

Because Since this product contains less cholesterol, it can be consumed even by heart patients and the elderly. Nutrients in the composition increase memory capacity, stimulate cognitive functions, increase attention. This product is also shown to men, because it has properties that are superior to Viagra. But even in preventive and medicinal purposes should not exceed daily allowance, which is limited by nutritionists to 4-5 pieces.

Another property of the product is its ability to remove radionuclides from the body. Due to this, quail eggs are introduced into the diet of children and adults living in areas with a high radiation load, and patients who have undergone irradiation for malignant pathologies. Scientists calculated the daily need for the product (pieces) depending on age (years):

  • 1-3 — 1-2;
  • 3-10 — 2-3;
  • 10-18 — 4;
  • 18-50 — 4-5;
  • from 50 and older - 4-5.

There is still no consensus among nutritionists about whether or not to eat eggs during a diet. There are many pros and cons of eating eggs for weight loss, which will be discussed below..

Eggs are a valuable source of easily digestible animal protein, which is why athletes love them so much. Considering how many calories are in an egg, you can call them an ideal product for a diet. An omelette of 3 eggs can satisfy hunger for 4-6 hours. 1 egg contains about 6-7 g of protein, 4 g of fat (and 80% are unsaturated healthy fats, which are easily digestible and do not threaten your figure), about 0.4 g of carbohydrates. In addition, eggs are rich in useful digestive enzymes, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, E, they contain iron, calcium, amino acids, biotin, folic and nicotinic acid, phospholipids necessary for the body. If we talk about how many calories are in an egg, then, on average, the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is from 65 to 85 calories, depending on the size. By the way, you need to keep in mind that how many calories are in an egg depends on how it is cooked., which will be discussed in detail below.

However, there is also a reverse side of the coin. First, egg yolk contains cholesterol. 1 yolk contains 2/3 daily allowance cholesterol. There are certain subtleties here. If the metabolism is not disturbed in the body, then this cholesterol does not harm the body, since the lecithin contained in the eggs balances it. In addition, cholesterol is found only in boiled and fried yolks, so when cooking soft-boiled eggs or in a bag, it becomes much less. But if you have metabolic problems or diabetes You have to be careful with eggs. As an option - there are only proteins as a source of proteins and calcium. For everyone else, fiber can be advised as a means to remove cholesterol - eat cereals and vegetables, and everything will be in order.

Secondly, eggs are a product that can cause allergies. Therefore, you should be sure that you are not allergic to them if you decide to use eggs for weight loss.

In general, the benefits of eggs are not only how many calories are in eggs or how much protein they contain.. Eggs have mass and other useful properties. They prevent cataracts, have a bacteriological effect, have a positive effect on brain function, increase mental activity, improve immunity, strengthen bones, nails and teeth.

Considering how many calories are in eggs, they can be used for nutritional purposes. low calorie snack between main meals - for an afternoon snack or for a second breakfast in boiled form, in the form of omelettes or as additions to sandwiches, or as ingredients in dishes, for example, various casseroles. If you eat eggs for breakfast, be sure that they will be completely digested and leave virtually no toxins, which is very important for weight loss and health.

As a rule, nutritionists do not recommend eating more than 3 eggs per day, so as not to provoke allergies or increase cholesterol. If you eat eggs for weight loss every day, be sure to also eat plenty of vegetables and grains.- they contain fiber, which removes excess cholesterol. But if you are allergic to eggs, unfortunately, you will have to refuse to use them.

How many calories are in an egg

If you are on a diet, follow the calorie content of food, then it matters a lot to you how many calories are in eggs cooked in one way or another.

calories egg whites is about 17 kcal. Yolks are more high-calorie - 55 kcal. On average, the calorie content of one egg is from 70 to 90 kcal.

As mentioned above, how many calories in an egg depends on how it is cooked. A fried egg has more calories than a hard boiled or baked egg, especially if you fried the egg in oil. If the calorie content of raw eggs is about 100 kcal per 100 g, then in fried eggs the calories become about 125-150 per 100 g. , their chemical composition is modified.

The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg will be about 60-70 kcal, and the calorie content of a soft-boiled egg will be slightly higher., 70-90 kcal. However, the calorie content of a soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg is still very low. But there are a lot of calories in fried eggs, so it is better not to use them during the diet, or at least use non-stick dishes for frying, which will allow you to do without oil.

Athletes prefer to eat separately egg whites- they do not have cholesterol, and there are fewer calories, and they do not cause allergies. The calorie content of egg whites is about 17 kcal per 1 egg, fried in oil is about 50 kcal.

Knowing how many calories are in an egg, you can choose how to cook them. It is best to cook hard-boiled eggs for weight loss - they have the fewest calories. To prevent the eggs from bursting when you boil them, put them in cold water, and make sure that the water completely covers the eggs. If the egg does burst, add a teaspoon of salt to the water to keep the egg from leaking into the water. Yes, and cleaned eggs boiled in salt water are better. To easily remove the shell from boiled eggs, after cooking, place the container with eggs under cold water.

Hard-boiled eggs are boiled for 8-9 minutes after boiling water. Eggs in a bag - 506 minutes. Soft-boiled eggs - 2-3 minutes. It is impossible to boil eggs for more than 20 minutes, as harmful substances begin to form in them under the influence of high temperature.

Egg diets for weight loss

The low calorie content and beneficial properties of eggs have made it possible to include them in diets for weight loss. There are many such diets - how many calories are in eggs, their ability to satisfy hunger for a long time, and the fact that they are almost completely absorbed by the body, makes them extremely useful. dietary product(in the absence of the contraindications mentioned above - food allergies to eggs, metabolic problems, diabetes).

For example, there is a three-day diet of eggs and vegetables, which allows get rid of 1.5-2 extra pounds. A longer option is the egg, vegetable and grapefruit diet, which lasts 2 weeks. The egg diet of Osama Hamdiy for 4 weeks is very popular. Her menu is strictly regulated for weeks and days, but the reward for following the instructions of this diet can be getting rid of 10 extra pounds and even more. Many sports diets(for example, for drying the body), due to the low calorie content of egg whites, it is recommended to eat them mainly.

Even if you don't follow a specific diet with eggs, you can simply include them in your daily diet. They are suitable for both a nutritious breakfast and light dinner. Considering how many calories are in eggs, you can significantly reduce the calorie content of your daily diet by eating a 2-egg omelet in one of your meals and vegetable salad(since fiber is necessary in order to remove excess cholesterol from the body). The calorie content of such a breakfast or dinner will be low - within 200 kcal, but the benefits from it will be huge.

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