How much to fry pork: cooking options for various dishes. How much to fry pork in a pan in slices

9 months ago

In fact, it is very difficult to imagine lunch, dinner, and especially a festive table without meat, in particular without pork. However, in order to enjoy the taste to the fullest, you first need to properly cook the pork. After all, if the meat, for example, is not fried until cooked, there is a risk of getting an intestinal infection, food poisoning, or banal indigestion. In addition, it is important not to come across low-quality meat. Therefore, to begin with, we will analyze how to choose the right pork.

Rules for choosing pork

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the color of the piece of meat offered to you. It should be pink, and in no case red or burgundy. In addition, no iridescent inclusions should be observed on the surface of the piece.
  • Pay attention to those pieces that are cut across the fibers. Such meat will fry faster, and will be much juicier than the one that was cut along the fibers.
  • Try not to buy veined pork. Such meat, in finished form, will be very difficult to chew. In extreme cases, a very small number of veins is allowed.
  • If you decide to purchase already cut steaks, pay attention to those pieces that are about 10 cm long and at least 2 cm thick.
  • Pay particular attention to cuts of pork that have a slight layer of fat on them. When cooked, such meat will be much juicier and more tender than that which was completely without fat.
  • In no case should the meat itself be sticky, and when pressed, clear juice should be released.
  • And, of course, it is worth mentioning that it is best to purchase chilled meat, not frozen. Chilled meat will cook much faster, and in the end it will turn out much tastier than the meat that was frozen.

So, you have purchased a piece of pork, which you now decide to fry. What should be done just before putting the pieces of meat in the pan?

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the meat, and also check for the absence of various debris or small bone fragments. After all, both can bring a lot of unpleasant moments while eating.

In the event that you have purchased a large piece of pork, and it needs to be cut into smaller pieces, this must be done across the fibers. This way you keep all the juice inside the meat.

Do not pre-salt the pieces prepared for frying. This can cause all the juices to flow out of the pork during frying, and the meat will turn out tough.

Before you are going to put the meat in the pan, be sure to heat it up well. This must be done so that the meat does not stick to the dishes.

Do not stack the prepared pork pieces very tightly together in the pan. If there is not enough space, it is best to fry the meat in two to three stages. Otherwise, it may not be fried, but stewed, and you will not wait for a golden crust.

As mentioned above, pork can be fried for a different amount of time. It depends on what dish and where you are going to fry it, as well as on the method of preparation.

  • Pork cut into small pieces is fried over medium heat. Cooking time takes about 25 minutes.

  • Broken pieces of meat will be fried until tender in 10 minutes.
  • Pork steaks must be fried over high heat, the cooking time is 5 minutes for each side of the piece. Then the fire is reduced, the pan is covered with a lid, and the pieces are left for another 10 minutes.
  • How long to fry pork in a pan with slices with onions? For this method of cooking, you will need 3 onions per half kilogram of meat. The meat is fried in a pan for 7 minutes, then onions are added to it, previously cut into half rings. On medium heat, meat with onions cooks for about 20 minutes, you do not need to cover the pan with a lid. As soon as the specified time has elapsed, cover the dish with a lid and simmer for another 5 minutes.

  • In the event that you come across the meat of a middle-aged pig, you must first fry it over high heat until a golden crust appears, and then continue cooking under the lid. The process will take from 25 to 50 minutes depending on the amount of meat and its thickness.
  • In the event that you pre-marinate the meat before frying, the frying process will take 10 minutes less than usual time.
  • In the event that you decide to fry the pork in large pieces, first fry it over high heat for 5 minutes for each side of the piece. Then cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat, and simmer the pork until tender. If necessary, you can add water to the pan, it is better if it is boiling water. The cooking process will take at least half an hour.
  • If you are roasting meat that has been frozen, increase the cooking time by 5 minutes from normal.
  • You can fry pork in a slow cooker. To do this, turn on the frying or baking mode, and note the time. It will take 30-40 minutes to be ready..
  • You can fry pork on a baking sheet. To do this, prepared pieces of meat need to be beaten off, sleep with salt and pepper, and also roll in flour. Then the meat is put on a greased baking sheet, and sprinkled with grated cheese. At a temperature of at least 220 degrees, the cooking time will be about 25-30 minutes.


Provided that you cut the meat no thicker than 1-1.5 cm, and then beat it well enough, it will be enough to fry the pork for about 7-10 minutes on each side. The fire must be medium. Keep in mind that fatty meats will cook faster. As for how long to fry pork cut into larger pieces, it can take 15 or even 20 minutes.

To make sure you've cooked the chops properly, use a knife or fork to poke a few holes in the meat and then lightly press down on the spot. If the blood does not come, then this meat is already cooked enough. If desired, you can keep it in the pan for a couple more minutes for a more crispy crust, or remove from heat. Remember that if the meat is overcooked, it will become dry and tough.

Also, chops after frying can be sent for 5-7 minutes in the oven or stewed directly in the same pan under a closed lid. Only on a baking sheet / frying pan it would be better to add a little water so that the meat does not burn and is well stewed.


It is also necessary to determine how much to fry pork in cutlets, depending on the volume of each meat product. On average, 7-10 minutes per side on moderate heat is sufficient. Keep an eye on the crust - it should turn out beautiful, but you don’t need to fry too much either.

Put the fried cutlets in a separate bowl, and then transfer them to a baking dish or back to the pan to simmer them for another 10 minutes with some water on the smallest fire.


Since cracklings are prepared from the thinnest slices of pork, you need to fry them for just a couple of minutes until the golden shade of meat you need appears.

If you hold it a little longer, then the cracklings will turn out to be more crispy, and therefore be guided solely by your taste.

Pork is one of our favorite types of meat. And although many argue about whether it is possible to eat it when losing weight, just as about the fact that for many this meat was and is the main food. The question of how much to fry pork is not asked by experienced chefs, and here's why. The doneness levels of meat, which refer to well-known steak doneness, have nothing to do with pork. This meat often contains helminths, so the answer to the question of how long to fry pork, you need to answer only this way: until fully cooked.

How long to fry pork in a pan

To prepare a dish such as pork fried with onion, you need to take a tenderloin or any other soft meat, always fresh and not frozen before. Pour a little oil into the pan, cut the meat into pieces about 3 centimeters. Fry the meat until golden brown on all sides, and when it begins to blush - salt and pepper. If this is done earlier, then the pork will release juices and will not taste good. At about the same time, add a lot of chopped onion to the meat. How long do you need to fry pork in a pan for time, look at the meat. After about 10-15 minutes, the onion will become transparent, and the meat will acquire a beautiful even golden color. How much more time to fry the pork until cooked, check with a fork, the meat is ready, but you can cover it with a lid and turn it off after 5 minutes. In total, the process, how long you will fry the pork in a pan until cooked, will take you 30-45 minutes.

How long to grill pork skewers

  • ribs - 20-25 minutes;
  • tenderloin - 25-30 minutes.

At the same time, the meat on the skewer must be constantly turned over so that it is evenly browned on the coals from all sides. It is also worth remembering how much to fry pork on the grill - turn it over at least 3 times, cooking time will be about 25-30 minutes for large pieces, steak - 15-20 minutes.

How long to fry pork chops

To prepare meatballs, you need to make a batter, then fry the meatballs until cooked on both sides until golden brown. How long to fry pork chops - until golden brown. To do this, pour oil into the pan and heat it well. Then roll the meatballs in batter, and put in a pan. When browned on one side, turn over and fry until done. How long to fry pork meatballs - 10 minutes on one side over medium heat, and 7-8 minutes on the other.

Meat is an important and necessary food product. It saturates the body with useful substances, gives energy and saturates a person. Pork is slightly more difficult to digest by the body than other types of meat, but it contains all the B vitamins. The daily intake of pork is two hundred grams.

In order for the meat to be absolutely safe, it is necessary to cook it correctly, this is the only way to avoid infection with dangerous bacteria that can live in a raw product. In order for meat to bring only benefits, you need to know how to properly cook pork. It can be boiled, stewed or fried.

Before you start cooking pig meat, you need to evaluate it externally and by smell. The color of the pork should be pale pink. The smell should not be sharp or rotten.

Such a manipulation must be done on a fast fire, after which the product will be brought to readiness for another eight minutes, but already on a slow fire. In this case, it is worth considering the fact that different parts of pork have different cooking times. It can take a long time to bake a whole piece of meat in the oven, and steaks fry for a maximum of twenty-five minutes.

A fried piece of meat will be even tastier if it is cooked on a grill pan, and in order for the product to have a delicate aroma and not lose its juiciness, vegetables such as onion, bell pepper, eggplant, tomato or mushrooms can be fried nearby.

To keep the pork juicy at the end of cooking, you can pour it with melted butter. Pork steak goes well with a batter such as egg, breadcrumbs or flour. An unusual taste acquires a steak during frying, to which sour cream is added.

The meat will then be more like a stew, but such a steak is also worth trying to cook. Despite the fact that pork has its own fat, it is advisable to grease the pan in which frying will take place with butter. This technique will allow the dish not to burn. If there is a desire to cook meat with blood, then it is better to refuse pork, and choose the product of another animal.

For a subtle pork flavor, you can add garlic to the pan while frying the meat, which will create a unique appetizing flavor.

How long to fry pork if it was frozen

If the meat was frozen, it must be completely thawed before frying. If this rule is neglected, then the inside of the product may remain raw, and burn on the outside. If the meat was in the refrigerator, then before frying it should be allowed to rest at room temperature for twenty minutes.

Grilled Pork Steak - General Cooking Principles

  • Meat. Pork tenderloin, neck, lumbar cut, rib, sirloin are used. In general, any piece without veins, bones, there are a lot of options, in fact, about 100 types and this is a whole science, but for a homemade dish it is not necessary to master it and delve into all the subtleties. Pork is always cut across the fibers with a thickness of about 1-2 cm. Thin steaks do not need to be made, as they will turn out to be dry chops.
  • Spices. Full scope for creativity. You can add any seasonings and even aromatic herbs, pork loves all this.
  • Marinades. Prepared on the basis of spices with the addition of soy sauces, honey, citrus and other juices. But they are not always used. Often a natural piece of meat is prepared, lightly seasoned with spices.
  • Grill. Extensive topic. The steak can be cooked on a natural grill - a brazier with coals. Or use an electrical alternative. There are also grill pans. The oven also has a grill that you can use. All recipes with different cooking methods are below.

A simple steak recipe that requires a minimum set of products. The meat is cooked on a conventional grill, but you can take an electric grill. In the second case, follow the instructions, based on their power of the device. Usually a steak is cooked at 200 degrees for 5 minutes. Then the temperature is reduced to 150 and the meat is kept for another 5-7 minutes so that it is baked inside.


  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 spoon of olive oil;
  • 4 sprigs of thyme;
  • salt, seasoning for meat.


  1. Rinse a piece of pork and be sure to dry it with napkins. You can leave for a while to dry the meat.
  2. We take a large and sharp knife, cut the pork across the fibers to get thick pieces of about 2 cm. Do not make thin steaks.
  3. Squeeze the juice from one medium lemon. Add a teaspoon of seasonings for meat or barbecue, stir, put a little olive oil and salt the marinade.
  4. Rub the steaks with the prepared mixture on all sides.
  5. We crush thyme sprigs in our hands so that they release juice and aroma. We shift the steaks with thyme.
  6. Pour the rest of the lemon marinade on top, if any. We stretch the cling film on the dish and leave it for a couple of hours. If you marinate pork longer, then put it in the refrigerator.
  7. Now it remains to remove the meat from the bowl, shake off the marinade and place on a wire rack. We put over the coals and fry until crusty on both sides. Or use an electric grill.

Grilled pork steak in the oven

A recipe for amazing grilled steaks in the oven, which are in no way inferior to meat on the grill. But for this to be true, you need to know something about cooking technology. Georgian adjika is used for the sauce, you can just take a chopped chili pepper in the same amount.


  • 1 kg of pork;
  • 1 tsp hops-suneli and paprika;
  • a pinch of hot pepper;
  • coarse salt;
  • 4 spoons of tomato paste;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.25 tsp natural adjika.


  1. We cut the meat into pieces for steaks, but not very thick. 1 cm is enough.
  2. Mix paprika with hot pepper and suneli hops.
  3. We rub the meat first with coarse salt, then with a mixture of spices. You can leave to marinate for the whole day or cook right away, but the meat still needs to stand for an hour, otherwise it will not be tasty and salty.
  4. We heat the oven to 220 degrees.
  5. We prepare a baking sheet and boiling water. Lay the marinated meat on the grill. We put a baking sheet with boiling water on the bottom.
  6. Cook the steaks on the second level from the top for 20 minutes. Then we turn over. Cook on the second side for another 25-30 minutes, look at the meat. If the water in the pan runs out, add more boiling water.
  7. We're preparing the sauce. Mix the tomato paste with a few tablespoons of water so that it acquires the consistency of thick ketchup. Season with Georgian adjika and chopped garlic, salt to taste. Or dilute the pasta with soy sauce, it will also be delicious.
  8. We spread the hot pork on plates, pour over the tomato sauce, which will soften the meat.

Grilled pork steak with soy sauce

A version of the famous and simply amazing marinade for steak on an electric grill. But you can cook it on coals, in the oven.


  • 600 g pork;
  • 150 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp sweet ground paprika;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of black pepper.


  1. This amount of meat makes 2 large steaks. Actually, we cut.
  2. Since soy sauce is salty, just add paprika and black pepper to it. Nothing else is needed. We stir.
  3. We clean the garlic, cut each clove into several parts and carefully, so that the pieces do not look out, stuff the meat.
  4. Now pour the steaks on top with soy sauce with spices. Leave for at least 2 hours. Of course, you can pickle less, but it is better to withstand this time, it will be much tastier.
  5. We heat the grill to 200 degrees. Or prepare a barbecue.
  6. We take out the steaks. Put on the grill, cover with a top lid. Hold for five or six minutes.
  7. Now the temperature needs to be reduced to 150-160 degrees.
  8. We bring the meat to the desired readiness. If you like a steak with blood, 3-4 minutes is enough. If you want the meat to be baked, cook for at least another 5-7 minutes.

Grilled pork steak (in a pan)

The recipe for the simplest grilled pork steaks, which are cooked in a special frying pan. But you can take the simplest one, if there is no vessel with a figured bottom.


  • 2 steaks;
  • 1 spoon of oil;
  • salt, pepper or other dry seasonings.


  1. grease the pieces with oil. You don't need much, just to moisten the surface and "seal" the juices inside.
  2. Rub the meat with the spices you like. For a natural version, we use only salt and black pepper.
  3. Cooking a frying pan. You don't need to lubricate it with anything. We put on the strongest fire and heat until the fallen drop of water begins to evaporate instantly.
  4. It's time to lay out the pork. Fry the steaks on maximum heat for 4 minutes. Then reduce to medium and cook for another 5 minutes on each side.
  5. We spread the meat, quickly decorate with herbs and serve.

Grilled pork steak with rosemary

You can cook such meat on any grill. Pork turns out unusually fragrant and juicy. The marinade is also suitable for veal.


  • 800 g pork;
  • 0.5 cups of balsamic vinegar;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon chopped rosemary.


  1. Combine balsamic vinegar with sugar, pepper and salt.
  2. Peel the garlic cloves, chop and add to the marinade.
  3. Grind rosemary and grind a little so that it gives off the aroma as much as possible. If using dry rosemary, use a little less than a teaspoon. Combine with marinade.
  4. We cut the pork, coat it with sauce, put the pieces in a bag with a zipper.
  5. Pour the rest of the marinade on top, if any.
  6. We close the package. We leave for 2 hours. Every 30 minutes we come up and shake vigorously.
  7. We bring steaks to readiness on any grill!

Another win-win marinade for pork steaks. We cook on any grill, but we make the marinade according to all the rules.


  • 4 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 steaks;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 spoon of grainy mustard;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 0.5 tsp seasonings for barbecue.


  1. Gently stuff the steaks with pieces of garlic. It can also be added to the marinade, but during grilling, the particles will burn, spoiling the look.
  2. Mix honey with mustard and spices. If the honey is thick and candied, then it is better to melt it immediately.
  3. Dilute with soy sauce. If there is no salt in the spices, then we throw a small pinch.
  4. We rub stuffed pork with the prepared mixture, marinate for an hour. You can leave longer.
  5. Remove pork and shake off excess marinade.
  6. We put the steaks on the grill, bring to readiness.

Grilled pork steak in original marinade

Another variation of the marinade for a juicy and ruddy grilled steak. If you don't have sesame oil, you can use olive oil.


  • 1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • 2 steaks;
  • 3 tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • black, red pepper to taste;
  • 3 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • 2 sprigs of dill.


  1. Dissolve salt in lemon juice. Approximately 2/3 teaspoon for two large steaks. Add sesame oil.
  2. We rub the meat with this mixture, put it in a bag, pour the rest on top, tie it. We send it to the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  3. Mix all other ingredients except dill. Mince the garlic.
  4. We take out the meat, rub it again with tomato marinade, leave it warm for an hour.
  5. We take out the steaks, shake off the tomato juice from the surface, send the pork to the grill.
  6. We bring it to readiness. We shift to plates, decorate with sprigs of dill and immediately send to the table.

Marinades for steak

  • "Soy" marinade. To do this, you must use any soy sauce: classic, garlic or ginger. Additional salt is not required, as the sauce is already very salty. As an additive, you can squeeze a clove of garlic or overlay or sprinkle meat with "aromatic" herbs: laurel, rosemary, basil and other species.
  • "Pomegranate" marinade. The juice of the berries perfectly complements the taste of the meat, the acid of the berries breaks down the fibers and makes them softer. The ideal option is natural pomegranate juice, which can be squeezed out or purchased at the store (not nectar, but 100% sugar-free juice). The juice can be combined with soy sauce, wine, mustard or aromatic spices, salt or pepper mixture.
  • "Wine" marinade. Wine makes the meat softer and gives it a pleasant rich aroma and taste. You can use any wine (red or white, pink), but only dry. It can also be combined with other additives in the form of soy sauce or vinegar.
  • "Honey" marinade. Natural honey will help the meat acquire a “caramel crust” and a pleasant sweetish flavor. It is important to know that honey in the marinade is not the main ingredient and should not be added too much, 1 tbsp. will be quite enough. Combine honey with soy sauce, spices, oil, vinegar, mustard, mayonnaise.
  • "Mustard" marinade. One of the best for juicy and fatty cuts of pork. Mustard pairs perfectly with honey and soy sauce, and together you get a spicy and rich steak marinade.
  • "Mayonnaise" marinade. The easiest marinade that will add flavor. Juiciness and ruddy steak. Combine a small amount of mayonnaise with soy sauce, aromatic herbs, spicy spices, vegetable oil and salt.
  • "Tomato" marinade. As a base, you can use ketchup, chopped tomato pulp and even tomato paste. It must be supplemented with any aromatic spices, vinegar or soy sauce, wine and salt.

  • Mushroom. One of the best and most delicious sauces that goes perfectly with pork. The basis of the sauce is cream of any fat content. Mushrooms should be taken the most "fragrant" that you can find (white, forest), in extreme cases, champignons will do. Chop the mushrooms very finely and fry in oil (add onions if desired) until golden, then pour in the cream and add a piece of butter, as well as salt and any spices that you like. Simmer the sauce for about 5 minutes, if it is liquid and you do not like its consistency, you can add 0.5-1 tbsp. flour. After stewing the mushrooms, grind the whole mass well with a blender until smooth. Pour into a gravy boat and serve with finely chopped dill.
  • Pomegranate. This is a very simple and tasty pork steak sauce. It should be prepared from fresh pomegranate juice, which is squeezed out of the fruit (100% natural juice without additives and sugar is also on sale). It should be poured into a saucepan, add salt and spicy spices to the juice (nutmeg, pepper, laurel, rosemary, basil, thyme, oregano and others), as well as 1 tablespoon of starch (better than potato, corn will give sweetness). Brew the sauce over the lowest possible heat, whisking it thoroughly with a whisk to prevent the formation of starch lumps.
  • Cranberry. The sour taste of the berry, combined with a little sugar and spicy spices, will allow you to prepare an original and incredibly tasty pork sauce. Cranberry juice without pulp (squeeze and strain) should be heated and brewed with 1 tsp-1 tbsp. corn or any other starch. Add 1 tsp. sugar, a couple of pinches of a mixture of peppers, 1 tsp. soy sauce.
  • Berry. Any fragrant and sweet and sour berry juice can be brewed into the sauce: raspberry, strawberry, lingonberry. For juicing, add some starch or flour (this will make the sauce denser and thicker), and sugar, salt and pepper will make it savory.
  • Orange. It goes well with fatty cuts of meat (neck steaks, for example). In order for the sauce to turn out tasty and “correct”, it is important to take freshly squeezed orange juice (make it yourself). The sauce thickens with flour or starch. Do not add sugar, but you can add pepper, horseradish or mustard to taste, so that it becomes sharper and more piquant. Salt or soy sauce can be added to taste for saltiness.
  • Sour cream. Rich sour cream sauce will make the taste of pork soft and creamy. This sauce is not at all exotic or savory, but it is easy to prepare. You will need any sour cream, preferably "medium" fat (15%). It is necessary to chop greens (dill and other) into sour cream, squeeze a clove of garlic, add spices according to preferences.
  • Soy. The sauce is easy to make and always delicious. Mix soy sauce and mayonnaise in equal proportions, squeeze a clove of garlic and chop the greens. Serve with potatoes and steak in a spicy marinade.
  • Honey mustard. This sweetish sauce, along with spiciness, will complement juicy meat, even lean meat (such as pork tenderloin). Mix one to one: honey, mustard and soy sauce. Add garlic to taste.
  • Tomato. Several tomatoes should be peeled and chopped, sent to the pan and simmer, evaporating the liquid. Grind half of a sweet or bell pepper and puree with a blender, pour the puree into the tomatoes. 5-7 minutes before readiness, you should squeeze a clove of garlic into the mass, add any spices and a little vegetable oil, as well as greens.
  • Garlic. As a base, you can use sour cream and mayonnaise in equal amounts. Add a few cloves of crushed garlic and chopped dill. If desired, add any other fragrant spices and herbs.
  • Steaks should be eaten immediately after cooking "hot, hot". This dish does not tolerate storage and reheating. Read more:
  • If the pork is dry, the piece was held on fire, it should immediately be poured with ketchup or other tomato sauce while the meat is hot. It will move away a little, soak, become softer.
  • Not everyone likes steaks with blood. If the piece is not cooked inside, do not try to bring it to readiness in the microwave. Just ruin everything. Heat a frying pan until smoky, grease the pork with a drop of oil and heat for a few minutes on each side.