Chicken salad with quail eggs. Salad with quail eggs recipe.

I bring to your attention some interesting and very different salad recipes with quail eggs . These salads are very easy to prepare and will not require you much time, which is so lacking on a holiday.

At the heart of all the proposed recipes, hard-boiled quail eggs are used.

(salmon tartare with quail egg).

Very nutritious and definitely delicious salad Perfect addition to your holiday table. This salad is best served in portions, but you can also beautifully form it on a serving plate and cut it like a cake.

Salad Ingredients:

  • 450-500 grams of light-salted salmon
  • 7-8 hard-boiled quail eggs
  • 1 red onion
  • 50 grams of parsley and chives
  • 2-3 tablespoons low-fat mayonnaise(better than homemade)
  • ½ teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 250 grams of arugula
  • 20-25 capers for garnish


  1. Cut the salmon into slices, and then cut them into strips, put in a bowl. sprinkle the fish lemon juice and stir.
  2. Then we cut very finely quail eggs, red onion and parsley with chives - onions, send to the salmon.
  3. Add mayonnaise and mix gently.
  4. We take a serving plate and form a “pillow” of arugula on it.

To make our salad look beautiful when served, it is necessary to shape it. The most convenient way to do this is with a baking dish with a removable bottom. We put the form so that the arugula remains almost all inside, and spread our tartare on top of it.

To make it easier to apply the salad, cut it like a cake without removing it from the mold. Don't forget to run your knife around the edges of the lettuce before removing the retaining rim. Sprinkle the salad with capers.

Salad with quail eggs

This wonderful salad can be prepared for unexpected guests or for a change at home.


  • 20 hard boiled quail eggs
  • 200g. chopped salami,
  • 150g. chopped green olives
  • 1 st. l. chopped cilantro,
  • 1 tbsp chopped basil,
  • 1 st. l. olive oil.


  1. Cut the quail eggs in half, put in a bowl and sprinkle olive oil.
  2. Thin slices of salami are cut in half and sent to the quail eggs.
  3. We also add olives, cilantro and basil.
  4. Gently mix and the salad is ready.

Salad with quail eggs "Nest"

This salad is very common on the Internet and the options for its preparation are so different that you can get confused. We bring to your attention a fairly simple version, without extra vegetables that change the taste.


  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • 5 medium potatoes
  • 200 grams beef meat(You can substitute dark turkey or chicken meat if you like).
  • 5-6 quail eggs,
  • 100g canned peas,
  • 3-4 tbsp light mayonnaise,
  • frying oil,
  • greenery for decoration.


  1. Boil the meat (you can cook it in advance), cool and cut into thin strips. We put it in a bowl and send peas to it.
  2. Grate the cucumber with a thin straw, move it to the bowl with the meat. Three four eggs on a medium grater, add to the salad, season with mayonnaise and mix gently.
  3. On the same grater, cut the potatoes into thin strips and fry in small portions until golden brown in a deep frying pan or in a deep fryer. To get rid of excess oil, place the fried potatoes on a plate lined with parchment paper.
  4. We spread the salad on a dish with a low, flat mound. From above we form from fried potatoes nest. We put the greens and the remaining quail eggs in the hole.

Salad with quail eggs "Caesar"

Probably the Caesar salad is one of the most popular in the whole world. Ingredients are taken based on 4-6 people.


  • 400 grams of chicken breasts (very interesting taste quail breasts will be added to the salad).
  • 12 quail eggs.
  • 2 handfuls of romaine lettuce.
  • 80 grams of white bread toast.
  • ¾ cup Caesar sauce.
  • 60 grams of parmesan.
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil.
  • salt and pepper to taste.

For the Caesar sauce:

  • 1 egg.
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice.
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 2-3 anchovy fillets.
  • ½ cup finely grated Parmesan.
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Sauce preparation:

  • Place the anchovies in a bowl and mash with a spoon until mashed. Add all remaining sauce ingredients and stir.

Preparing the salad:

  1. Boil eggs, peel and cut in half.
  2. Heat a grill pan or regular pan and fry the medium-sized breasts with salt and pepper.
  3. Set the breasts aside to cool, you can put on parchment to remove excess oil.
  4. Rinse the lettuce leaves, dry and put in a bowl, add the dressing and mix gently.
  5. Transfer the salad to a serving dish, top with the breasts, quail eggs, croutons and sprinkle with cheese.

Salads. Quail egg recipes- it's really tasty and healthy food, which will probably appeal to all your guests and will make your holiday table memorable for a long time.

The author of the article is Kristina Sekushina

Salads are an important category of dishes on the everyday or festive table. Depending on their formulation, they can be either light snack, and almost a full meal: for example, dinner. The most satisfying, no doubt, salads with protein - meat, fish or eggs. And options with quail eggs are rightfully considered a healthy delicacy.

Salad with quail eggs and cherry tomatoes

A product such as quail eggs is combined with huge amount vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs. In addition, he is good in tandem with different types meat or cheese. Therefore, there are definitely no problems with variety in salads with quail eggs: you can create a new dish based on the main component at least daily, without repeating for a month. Classic option considered a salad recipe with quail eggs and cherry tomatoes.


  1. Quail eggs - 7 pcs.
  2. Cherry tomatoes - 15-17 pcs.
  3. Leaf salad
  4. Parmesan (or cheese) - to taste
  5. Lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp.
  6. Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  7. Grape oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  8. Salt, pepper - to taste


  • 7 quail eggs are laid in cold water and boiled for 4 minutes, counted after boiling, then cooled and cleaned.
  • Cherry tomatoes are cut in half and lightly salted.
  • bundle lettuce doused with boiling water, torn with hands and laid out on the bottom of the bowl. Mixed eggs, tomatoes and cubes of Parmesan or cheese are placed on top (depending on your taste preferences). If desired, you can connect to the components not a large number of smoked salmon, pre-chopped, and croutons from a white loaf.
  • Salad dressing consists of lemon juice, sugar, grapeseed oil, a pinch of pepper. The ingredients are whipped in a blender, cooled, and the sauce is poured into the salad. For the best impregnation he is allowed to brew for 1-2 hours in a cold place.
  • Grape oil can be replaced with the same volume of grapefruit juice, and ready salad garnish with ground walnuts or sesame seeds.
  • Cherry tomatoes in a salad with quail eggs can also be dried. To do this, the core is taken out of them, the tomato halves are laid out on a baking sheet, salted and sprinkled with olive oil in minimum quantity. Dried at a temperature of 70 degrees for 3 hours, then placed in a jar with olive oil and a sprig of rosemary or basil. The very next day, the tomatoes are ready for use in a salad, and the oil in a jar is ready to become a dressing for this very salad. Add here arugula, croutons, quail eggs and green peaquick salad ready.

Hearty salad with quail eggs: a recipe for dinner

To turn so light dish into a nutritious and complete, the proportion of protein in it must be increased by including new components in the recipe. The easiest way is to add chicken, beef or pork meat, or fish or other seafood. Mushrooms are allowed. In addition, the form of preparation and serving also contributes to satiety: hot salad will be much preferable to the classic cold.


  1. Quail eggs - 5 pcs.
  2. Beef - 200 g
  3. White mushrooms - 100 g
  4. Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  5. lettuce leaves
  6. Olive oil - 1 tsp
  7. Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp
  8. Mustard - 1 tsp
  9. Salt, pepper - to taste
  10. Sesame seeds


  • The meat should be boiled, while spices can be immediately added to the water so that it does not turn out fresh. It takes about 40-50 minutes to bring it to the desired state, depending on the initial stiffness. Young beef in so a small amount cooks fast enough.
  • Then it is cleaned from the film and veins, divided into fibers and carefully cut to get a short (3-4 cm) straw.
  • For some time, the meat should be put aside and switch to chopping the remaining components: tear the lettuce leaves with your hands, cut the boiled mushrooms into slices, and break the tomatoes into cubes. Hard-boiled quail eggs, cut into halves.
  • Now olive oil is heated in a pan, in which you need to calcine for 1-2 minutes. sesame seeds.
  • Then beef is lowered there, fried for 3-4 minutes, and poured into a large salad bowl.
  • Vegetables, mushrooms, eggs and herbs are added to it, the dish is seasoned with a mixture of mustard and vinegar, flavored with seasonings. Best served hot.
  • If you stick to the basics healthy eating, meat can not be fried - bake in the oven on the “grill” mode, after soaking it in soy sauce, and exclude olive oil and mustard from the components, replacing the latter with garlic cloves passed through a press.

Fish salad with quail eggs: recipe and recommendations

The combination of eggs with fish is also interesting: if you wrap such a salad in pita bread and then fry it in a dry frying pan, you can get a quick, but very satisfying and not banal pie for tea. Ingredients are also easy to vary, and even by constantly changing fish, you can get different versions of this simple and appetizing dish every day.


Quail eggs - 3 pcs.

  1. Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  2. Fish (tuna) - 200 g
  3. Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  4. Arugula, leaf lettuce - 1 bunch each
  5. Asparagus beans - 100 g
  6. Olives - for decoration
  7. Salt, spices - to taste
  8. Wine vinegar
  9. Olive oil
  10. Red pepper pod


  • Quail eggs are boiled until the yolk is barely set, and crushed with a knife. 1 egg can be divided into 2 halves: it will decorate individual servings. The same must be repeated for 2 chicken eggs.
  • Tuna can be prepared in advance, or you can buy canned: in any case, you will need about 200 g of fish. If you want to work with a fresh product, you need to rinse it, put it in a double boiler and bring it to readiness. The fish is then aged in a mixture of extra virgin olive oil (1 tbsp) and a pinch of black ground pepper and then cut into pieces.
  • At the same time, it is worth pouring boiling water over 2-3 medium-sized tomatoes to make it easier to peel them.
  • The remaining ingredients of this salad are selected at your discretion: a small amount of arugula and leaf lettuce is washed and torn by hand, black Eyed Peas steamed and crushed in the same way. The dish is decorated with pitted black olives, cut into halves.
  • To make the dressing, mix in a small bowl wine vinegar with olive oil, for spiciness they lay a pod of red pepper. And the spice will help to find herbs: basil, tarragon, coriander. They need to be given 3-4 hours to infuse, after which 1-2 tsp. dressings are added to the salad.
  • It is worth saying that such a mixture is occasionally found on the shelves of large stores: herbs are already stored in bottles with olive oil, which significantly changes its taste. The oil can be used as a ready-made original dressing.

Low-calorie salad with quail eggs: cooking methods

Quail eggs - high quality dietary way eat with a minimum set of calories. Therefore, a salad with them may well turn out to be light and not harmful to the figure, but if you choose the right ingredients- and burning those extra pounds. For example, for this purpose, it is good to turn to components such as cucumbers, asparagus, green peppers, etc.

For 7 boiled quail eggs in a double boiler, 500 g of asparagus is prepared, which can easily be replaced with ordinary green beans. Any of these options are cut diagonally before being placed in a double boiler and salted if necessary. After 5-7 min. taken out and transferred to dry hot pan, through which excess moisture is destroyed. You can give a little golden color to the stems, but do not try to fry them too much.

The next group of components depends on what proportion of vegetable carbohydrates you are willing to afford: the minimum will be provided by the presence of 1 medium cucumber, the more impressive is the oven-baked zucchini, chopped before baking, and the shallots, cut into rings. If you're not worried about the amount of salt in your meals, you can substitute a few small salted capers instead of a fresh cucumber, and add green olives as well. Refueling such diet salad will serve grape oil combined with white vinegar and tarragon seeds.

You can come up with more than 1000 recipes for a salad with quail eggs, and each of them, even if there are common features, will be individual. This ingredient is combined with large quantity products, so you can experiment with virtually no limits. Don't be afraid to try new things, and bon appetit!

Many housewives have the habit of adding an egg to vegetable, fish and meat salads or seafood dishes. So, boiled protein and yolk give especially delicate taste dishes, in addition, they are useful. Quail is an unusual choice, because they will help not only improve the taste, but also give the dish an original look. The product is budget-friendly, especially when you consider that it is unlikely that they will be spent on anything other than snacks in the kitchen. Salad with quail eggs and cherry tomatoes or another option - choose. In addition, some nutritionists consider quail eggs healthier than chicken eggs.

Quail egg salad recipes

Housewives who want to give dishes an unusual flavor can add quail eggs to any salads where the recipe calls for chicken. Even ordinary vegetable salads of cucumbers, radishes and mayonnaise will benefit from such an innovation. However, you can prepare special salads that include just this unusual ingredient - recipes with quail eggs are varied, they will find application in any home.

With chicken and mozzarella cheese

It is best if for this recipe you choose mozzarella in the form of small balls, and not a large head of cheese - then the salad will look brighter, it will be appreciated by both the man and the child. You will need:

  • iceberg or romano lettuce - 200 g;
  • chicken breast - 150 g;
  • mozzarella balls or sticks - 100 g;
  • quail eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise (or your favorite sauce)

This recipe is reminiscent of the popular Caesar, but the mozzarella gives it a soft touch. Let's get started step by step:

  1. Boil eggs. To cut in half.
  2. Fry chicken fillet, sliced ​​​​noodles or large pieces.
  3. If you have mozzarella in the form of balls, you can not cut them. If a large piece of cheese - cut so that you get cubes the size of a hazelnut.
  4. Finely tear the iceberg with your hands. Lay in the bottom of the salad bowl. Put the rest of the ingredients on top, mix lightly.
  5. You can fill with mayonnaise or any other sauce.

With cherry tomatoes and shrimps

An appetizer that combines quail eggs, miniature cherry tomatoes and shrimp is best prepared on the basis of arugula or root salad. As in the previous recipe, the housewives are helped by the use of small ingredients of the same size - you can collect tiny eggs, tomatoes and shrimp together very quickly. This appetizer goes well with red wine. To prepare it you need:

  • arugula - 150 g;
  • shrimp (preferably king) - 800 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 g;
  • quail eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • half a lemon (lime);
  • olive oil;
  • spices.

Prepare like this:

  1. Wash the arugula, be sure to shake off the drops of water, put in a salad bowl.
  2. Cook the shrimp in your favorite way - boil or fry in a little oil with spices and garlic. The tails can be left, but the gut from large shrimp must be removed.
  3. Boil quail eggs, cool and cut in half.
  4. Cut cherry tomatoes in half.
  5. Mix gently and season with olive oil and lemon juice mixture. Good as a spice Italian herbs. You can add pine nuts.

With avocado and canned tuna

Tuna salad has many varieties - someone prefers to cook it with rice and fresh onion, someone likes the variants of "Nicoise" with an abundance of fresh greens. Try this hearty option, but savory option:

  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs;
  • tuna in own juice or in oil - 1 can;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • capers - 50 g;
  • quail eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • broccoli (optional) - 200 g

First of all, you need to boil vegetables (potatoes and broccoli separately, five minutes) and quail eggs. And then:

  1. Put the tuna in a salad bowl, chop with a fork.
  2. Potatoes (it is better to choose small tubers) cut into circles. Cut the avocado the same way.
  3. Divide broccoli into florets.
  4. Cut the eggs in half.
  5. Mix everything, season with olive oil, add spices.

With cod liver, cucumber and olives

This recipe is similar to the previous one, but it does not contain potatoes, so the dish is lighter. If you do not like cod liver, choose any canned fish- for example, saury.

In addition, you can add fresh carrots, red cabbage, green green beans Choose your favorite (or seasonal) vegetables. Prepare like this:

  1. Remove the fish from the jar and chop with a fork. Oil (or juice) can not be drained.
  2. Cut lettuce leaves into narrow strips. Cucumbers and tomatoes cut as you used to cut for vegetable salad. If you chose cherry tomatoes, you can cut them in half or quarters.
  3. Cut boiled eggs in half.
  4. Throw the olives in a colander so that there is no brine left. Cut them into two or three pieces.
  5. Stir with a wooden spatula so that the vegetables do not get crushed. Drizzle with a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and your favorite spices.

With lettuce and fried mushrooms

Hearty puff meat salad with mushrooms it is best to cook on the festive table - it looks very elegant. You will need a large number of ingredients:

  • beef tongue- 1 PC.;
  • champignons or oyster mushrooms - 700 g;
  • hard cheese- 150 g;
  • quail eggs - 10-20 pieces;
  • iceberg lettuce - 1 head;
  • walnuts - 50 g.

Prepare a flat dish. A spectacular option is to make a salad in the shape of a horseshoe or donut (as in the photo). Let's start:

  1. First layer. Boil the tongue in advance - this will take 2-4 hours (depending on the size). Pour over tongue immediately after cooking ice water so it will be easier to clean. Then cut your tongue into strips. Put on a dish, cover with a mesh of mayonnaise.
  2. Second layer. Cut lettuce into narrow strips, place over tongue. Spread thickly with mayonnaise, otherwise the salad will not hold its shape.
  3. Third layer. Mushrooms cut into slices, fry in vegetable oil so that the liquid evaporates. You can add some onion.
  4. Fourth layer. Cut the boiled quail eggs in half, lay in a row on top of the mushrooms. Cover with mayonnaise.
  5. Fifth layer. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Decorate the finished salad with walnuts and sprigs of greens.

With crab sticks and Chinese cabbage

For a salad with quail eggs, you can choose any components, however crab sticks considered one of the most popular options. Relive the familiar light salad So:

  • crab sticks - 1 pack;
  • corn - 1 can;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g;
  • quail eggs - 4-5 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise.

Those who prefer a hearty option can add rice. Cooking:

  1. Cut the crab sticks with cucumbers into small pieces.
  2. Drain the corn in a colander, shake off excess liquid. Add to already chopped foods.
  3. cut chinese cabbage narrow ribbons.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, add a little ground black pepper. Garnish with boiled quail egg halves before serving.

Arugula with quail eggs and bell pepper

Spicy arugula can be a great base light snack for those who are tired of leafy green, romano or iceberg. This herb contains many vitamins. Try this recipe:

  • arugula - 1 pack;
  • bell pepper- 2-3 pieces;
  • red sweet onion - 1 pc.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • quail eggs - 7-8 pcs.

This dish needs to be seasoned with olive oil. Choose an additive to taste - lemon juice, spices, balsamic vinegar or soy sauce.

  1. Boil eggs in advance, cut in half.
  2. Cut the red onion into half rings. Cut the bell pepper in the same way.
  3. Avocado (it is better to choose firmer fruits), peel and cut into small pieces.
  4. Put the arugula on the bottom of the salad bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients on top, mix lightly. Season and salt.

Video recipes: how to cook a salad with quail eggs

Although quail eggs are a delicacy, most of the dishes where they can be added are quite simple. Any hostess can get into the habit of using them instead of chicken when she cooks for holiday table. And the variety of salads with quail eggs allows you not to repeat yourself and every time to please the family and guests with a new recipe. A detailed video instruction will help you figure out some of the secrets of cooking. Experienced chefs offer to look at step by step cooking simple meals.

How to boil quail eggs for salad

Caesar salad with shrimps, quail eggs and croutons

Delicious recipe with lightly salted salmon

Salad Capercaillie Nest

For many years, recipes using quail eggs were revered as "health dishes". This is not surprising, because the benefits are huge. Today, quail eggs are massively used in the diet, clinical nutrition, in the fight against radiation in the body, the treatment of cancer, to improve immunity, etc. Note that 3 pieces drunk per day make your body as protected from radiation as possible.

The Japanese were the first to grow quails, they discovered everything beneficial features given ingredient. It is worth noting that quail eggs cannot have harmful bacteria at all, respectively, they can be drunk raw without fear of consequences. Few people know, but the egg shell contains a lot of calcium, sulfur, zinc and fluorine, but most people are still afraid to use them with the shell.

But the most basic use of this luxury is cooking. And now we will tell you how to cook the healthiest and most delicious salad with quail eggs.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • Four slices of loaf or white bread
  • 4-5 small tomatoes ( perfect option- 10-15 cherry)
  • 200 grams boiled chicken fillets
  • Ten quail eggs
  • 100 grams hard cheese
  • Olive oil
  • green lettuce leaf


PS. The salad was made very quickly, so the photos turned out not quite beautiful, but the aesthetic part does not interfere in any way palatability. It is very tasty and very healthy, we advise everyone who wants to cook something special in 20 minutes to try it.

You can immediately serve it on the table or wait until the tomatoes under the salt let out a little juice and moisten the croutons.

For those who have already had enough of this version of the salad, have more free time and want something similar, we advise you to cook Caesar with quail eggs. In addition, you will need sour cream, freshly ground pepper, garlic clove, lemon juice and cream.

  1. Rub the chicken fillet with pepper, salt, sour cream and place in a plastic bag for marinating for 6-8 hours. After the meat is marinated, fry it until golden brown in a pan and transfer to the oven for 10 minutes. Cut the finished meat into cubes or strips as desired.
  2. To make croutons, you will need butter with garlic and bread. Put the chopped garlic in the oil, let it brew for a while. Cut into cubes of bread, dip them in oil and fry.
  3. Cut the rest of the ingredients into small slices, grate the cheese.
  4. Mix all the elements of the recipe, pour over lemon juice, serve. You can season with your favorite sauce.

Another very simple salad with quail eggs. A recipe for those who are too lazy to bother in the kitchen for a long time and need to cook something on hastily. It is an excellent source of vitamins winter period, and for pregnant and lactating mothers, this salad is indispensable!

PS. The salad should be eaten freshly prepared, because under the influence of sour cream, the radish will release juice very quickly and the taste of the salad will be completely different. Use only fresh grated radish for salad, it will have much more vitamins and useful minerals! Be healthy! Eat delicious and exceptionally healthy food!

Salad with quail eggs can decorate any table. Moreover, there are a large number of recipes for its preparation. Let us dwell in more detail on how quail eggs are useful, and how to boil them. In addition, we describe best recipes cooking.

Let us first dwell on what is useful. They are the most valuable dietary product, about nutritional qualities which was known in antiquity. Quail eggs contain: protein, essential amino acids (histidine, glycine, lysine, threonine and tyrosine). In addition, they contain a large amount of vitamins A, B, B2, as well as essential trace elements (phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper and cobalt).

Salad with quail eggs "Appetizing". For its preparation you will need: eight eggs, four boiled potatoes, four hundred grams fried chicken fillet, one hundred grams of pickled cucumbers, half a can of canned peas, red onion, a little chopped parsley and mayonnaise. Cut all ingredients into small cubes. Boil quail eggs for only five minutes, then cool them and chop them like the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything, add mayonnaise. The dish can be served immediately, garnished with herbs.

Salad with quail eggs and chicken. First you need to boil the breast in salted water for fifteen minutes. Cool it down and cut into strips. Boil ten quail eggs, as indicated above. Place them in cold water, and after fifteen minutes peel and chop also into strips. Grind in the same way two large tomatoes, eighty grams of fresh cabbage and one hundred grams of cheese. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and sprinkle with crackers.

Salad with quail eggs "In Russian". Boil the quail carcass, cool, separate the meat from the bones and chop it into thin strips. Three pickled cucumbers, a peeled apple, three boiled potato tubers and ten eggs chop in the same way. Mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise, add the juice of half a lemon.

Salad with quail eggs "Olivier". You need to cut into cubes one hundred grams of ham ( smoked fish or sausages), and two potatoes. Hard boil fifteen quail eggs, cool, peel and chop into the same pieces. Mix all the ingredients, add a glass of canned peas, mayonnaise, a small spoon to them hot sauce and chopped greens. It is necessary that the dish is infused for three hours in the refrigerator.

Salad with quail eggs "Refined". For its preparation you will need: half a kilo unpeeled shrimp, twelve cherry tomatoes, seven olives, half a lemon, a small cucumber, a washed bunch of lettuce, a little dill and parsley, one hundred grams of parmesan and mayonnaise. Boil six quail eggs for five minutes, cool, peel and divide into two halves. Now let's get to the shrimp. They need to be put in boiling water, add a slice of lemon and a little dill to them. You need to cook the shrimp for no more than a minute, then pull it out and clean it. We cut the olives into rings, the tomatoes into two halves, chop the cucumbers into strips, and three large cheese. Next, we start laying out the salad.

At the bottom of a flat dish, lay half a bunch of lettuce leaves torn by hand, sprinkle them with a little parmesan. The next layer should be tomatoes and cucumbers, sprinkle everything with cheese. Next, lay the remaining torn quail eggs and a little parmesan. All you need to pour lemon juice. Now carefully lay out the shrimp. Put one hundred grams of mayonnaise on top of the salad, sprinkle with the remaining cheese. herbs and olives.

Enjoy your meal!