Chinese cabbage salad. Beijing cabbage salads

FROM Chinese cabbage I first met in the late 90s, when my family and I went on a tour to Prague, in those days we didn’t have such products at all. Standing in front of a vegetable counter in a supermarket, I could not understand what it was, a salad or cabbage, especially since the name was in Czech ... Actually, until the end of the 70s, Beijing cabbage, or, as it is also called , chinese salad, was a rather scarce commodity not only in our country, but throughout Europe and even in America, because it was mainly imported from its homeland - China, where it has been cultivated since about the 6th century. Only relatively recently has it ceased to be a rarity in stores. This is due, first of all, to the breeding of new varieties that allow it to be successfully grown in the conditions of the European climate. The results of the work of breeders are obvious - Beijing cabbage can now be bought in every supermarket at any time of the year.


Why is Beijing cabbage so useful, why is it valued, what is the reason for the dizzying success of Chinese cabbage all over the world? First of all, it is worth noting that there is several times more vitamin C in it than in lettuce leaves. A lot of carotene and B vitamins, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. But there are very few calories (16 kcal per 100 g), so it can be safely recommended to supporters healthy eating. Beijing is included in almost all diets for weight loss.

Beijing cabbage is one of the leaders among green vegetables in terms of vitamin C content - 27 mg per 100 g! In addition, it is very important in the diet of heart patients and hypertensive patients due to the presence a large number potassium.


Chinese cabbage leaves are most often used for cooking variety of salads but there are other recipes. For example, they turn out very tasty and delicate. And in Asia, they like to ferment Beijing.

Strictly speaking, Beijing cabbage is somewhere between ordinary white cabbage and salads. Cabbage is harsh for some, salads may not suit everyone with their price (especially in winter!) - this is where Beijing cabbage comes to the rescue. Tender, crispy, it goes well with other vegetables, as well as with poultry, seafood and cheese.


I have collected perhaps the most popular recipes Chinese cabbage salads. Of course, the fillings for them are varied. But since this cabbage is considered Chinese, it does not hurt to know the classic Chinese dressing sauce for it. So, take note: to emphasize the taste of salads with Beijing cabbage is wonderfully obtained by adding soy sauce and a couple of drops to the dressing. apple cider vinegar, and submit ready-made salads best in white or transparent containers. So they look brighter and more appetizing.

I bring to your attention a collection of interesting FROM 20 RECIPES(in texts and photos) that will help diversify your daily and festive menu.

Chinese cabbage salad with apple

very interesting and healthy salad, which can be cooked all year round.

canned corn 250g
chinese cabbage 1 pc
apple 3pcs
salad cucumber 1pc
hard cheese 200g

for refueling:
French mustard 1 tsp
olive oil 1 tbsp
vinegar 1 tbsp
light mayonnaise 5 tbsp

We cut clean leaves of Chinese cabbage into strips, add chopped apples, cucumber, strained corn and finely grated cheese. Let's mix everything.
Mix dressing: combine mustard with vinegar, oil and mayonnaise.
Pour dressing over salad and season to taste.
Leave in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

There are two options for serving: alone, or with a side dish. Cooked rice is great.

Salad with Beijing, squid, walnuts, orange, there is balsamic vinegar in the dressing.

Chinese cabbage salad with crab sticks

A practical recipe for a family dinner.

chinese cabbage 1pc
crab sticks 100g
2 boiled eggs
cucumber 1pc

Finely chop the Beijing cabbage, cut the cucumber and eggs into cubes, chilled crab sticks into thin slices.
We mix the ingredients in a salad bowl, seasoning with mayonnaise.
Let's add to taste.
As a decoration, put a sprig of any fresh herbs on top.

The dish can be varied by adding canned corn.

Ingredients: Beijing, tomatoes, croutons, shrimp.

Chinese cabbage salad with corn

A salad of common ingredients, simple, juicy, rich in vitamins and very tasty.

Chinese cabbage 1pc
2 boiled eggs
cucumbers 2pcs
corn 150g
green onion
pepper, salt
olive oil 2 tbsp

Peel the eggs and cut into cubes, cucumbers into half rings, chop Chinese cabbage.
finely chopped green onion.
Mix everything in suitable utensils by adding corn.
Let's add olive oil, season with ground pepper.
Salt to taste. Light vitamin salad ready!

A simple salad of 2 types of cabbage and celery, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.

Salad with Chinese cabbage, chicken breast and pineapple

Outstanding salad in both taste and appearance. Easily becomes the main dish on the menu.

chicken breasts 2pcs
olive oil

fresh pineapple

Chinese cabbage 100g
iceberg lettuce 100g
oak leaf lettuce 100g

mayonnaise light 100g
sour cream 50g
Dijon mustard 1 tbsp
fresh dill
Red pepper

Sprinkle the chicken breast with salt and fry in olive oil on both sides until tender. When cool, cut into slices.
Peel the pineapple and also cut into slices.
Mix mayonnaise with mustard, sour cream, finely chopped dill. Let's add red ground pepper and salt to taste. Salad dressing is ready.
We chop the Beijing and the iceberg, tear the oak-leaved lettuce with our hands. Pour dressing over and mix.
Serve in portions: first, put a mixture of salads on a white plate, and slices of fried chicken breast and fresh pineapple on top.
Garnish the edge of the plate with a dash of balsamic vinegar.

Ingredients: cabbage, thinly sliced ​​boiled meat, cucumbers, cheese.

Quick salad with Chinese cabbage and pineapple

An exceptionally light salad with a refreshing summer flavor that is also very quick to prepare.

Chinese cabbage 1 head
pineapple in own juice 1 PC

Chop the Peking and transfer to a salad dish.
Let's add pineapple. If necessary, cut it into smaller pieces.
Season with juice from a jar and mix.
Serve chilled.

This salad tastes great with grilled meats.

Chinese cabbage salad with sausage

An amazingly simple recipe, but the taste, despite this, is on top.

Chinese cabbage 1pc
smoked sausage 200g
green peas 200g
garlic 1-2 cloves

Cabbage cut or tear by hand into large pieces.
Sausage (preferably smoked or dried) cut into strips thinner.
Let's chop up the greens. Any that is found will do - dill, parsley, green onions.
We put all the ingredients in a suitable bowl, add peas and crush a couple of cloves of garlic with a spadefoot.
It remains only to season the salad with mayonnaise, mix well and, if necessary, add salt to taste. All is ready!

Among the ingredients - smoked fish and red pepper.

Chinese cabbage salad with smoked chicken

Smoked chicken is good on its own, but in combination with Chinese cabbage - just delicious!

chinese cabbage 1/2pc
smoked chicken (breast or drumstick) 200g
tomatoes 2pcs
croutons white 40g
olive oil 2 tbsp
lemon 1/2pc
Dijon or French mustard 1 tsp

Let's start preparing the Beijing salad by preparing the ingredients.
Coarsely chop the cabbage.
Cut the chicken breast or leg into oblong pieces.
Cut the tomatoes into cubes. You need to choose strong ones for the salad, and if possible, it is even better to buy cherry tomatoes, it is enough to cut them in half.
Mix the ingredients in a suitable bowl. The base for the salad is ready, without loss of quality it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.
Now it's the turn of the salad dressing: with a fork or a whisk, beat the mustard with olive oil and juice from half a lemon.
It remains only to add dressing to the base, mix and salt.
We add croutons to the dish just before serving, so that they do not become damp ahead of time.

Dressing based on olive oil can be replaced with ordinary mayonnaise or its mixture with sour cream. Excellent salad with smoked chicken and crackers ready!

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, chicken fillet, tangerines

Salad with Chinese cabbage and pepper

This light, vitamin-rich salad is very popular in the homeland of Beijing cabbage - in China.

chinese cabbage 1/2pc
Bell pepper 2 pcs
apples 2pcs
olive oil 3 tbsp
Apple vinegar
spices, salt

We chop Chinese cabbage, sweet pepper and hard, juicy apples, cut into strips.
From oil and apple cider vinegar, by mixing them, we will make a salad dressing.
Mix all the components of the salad, adding the filling.
Spices, exactly like salt, are added according to your own taste and desire.

Beijing, chicken fillet, quail eggs, persimmon, dressed with balsamic and french mustard.

Salad of salmon and Chinese cabbage

An amazing salad for the festive table, as a rule, ends first ...

chilled salmon 2 steaks
chinese cabbage 1/2pc
pitted olives 100g
tomatoes 1-2pcs
1 white or red onion
little olive
lemon 1/2pc
salt pepper
Provencal herbs or oregano

Fry salmon steaks in a pan with a small amount vegetable oil until cooked, but not overdrying, remove the bones and cut into small slices.
Cut the olives into rings, onions into half rings, dice the tomatoes, and coarsely chop the cabbage.
Mix fish and vegetables.
Now dressing: squeeze the juice of half a lemon into olive oil, add Provencal herbs or oregano.
Add the dressing to the mixture of salmon and vegetables. Salt and add pepper to your taste.

If desired, salad dressing can be spiced up by adding a little soy sauce.

Serve on wide dish, decorating the rim with balsamic vinegar.

Chinese cabbage salad with squid

squid (canned) 200g
Chinese cabbage 200g
salad cucumber 2pcs
tomato 2pcs
half a lemon for juice
olive oil 2-3 tbsp

We cut the initial products: tomatoes into cubes, cucumbers into half rings, finely chop the Beijing.
We combine everything by adding chopped dill and pieces of squid.
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with olive oil - the filling is ready, we will season our salad with it.
If necessary, we will add.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and avocado

Chinese cabbage 200g
avocado 1pc
apple 1pc
olive oil 2 tbsp
lemon juice 1-2 tbsp
white salad onion 1pc

Cut Chinese cabbage into thin strips.
Peel the avocado and cut the flesh into small pieces. Sprinkle with lemon juice immediately to prevent browning.
Onion cut into half rings.
strong juicy apple(preferably with sourness) cut into small strips.
Mix everything, season with oil and the remaining lemon juice.

Serve on a platter lined with lettuce leaves.

As you can see, Beijing cabbage goes well with a variety of products. For me, she is like a philosopher's stone for an alchemist, any recipe with her participation turns into a culinary masterpiece. I love! Having shown a little imagination and using the recipes presented here, you can easily come up with something of your own, and make a hundred new salads out of ten of your favorite salads, just changing the ingredients a little.

Such culinary dish, as a salad, is by far one of the most sought after. cooking speed, taste qualities, good for the body, appetizing appearance- this is only a small fraction positive qualities this dish. And salads themselves are very versatile, you can cook them from anything. So the housewives fantasize, creating more and more culinary masterpieces using a wide variety of product combinations.

One of such tasty, satisfying and healthy is Chinese cabbage salad with chicken meat and corn. As additional ingredients boiled chicken eggs, green onion. As a dressing, you can use mayonnaise, sour cream or a mixture of these products. Salt and ground pepper are added based on your preference.

Taste Info Salads with chicken


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 kg;
  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • Eggs - 2 -3 pcs.;
  • Canned corn - 200 g;
  • Green onions - a small bunch;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt pepper.

How to make Chinese cabbage salad with chicken and corn

Rinse the cabbage forks thoroughly under running water, shake off the moisture, chop into thin strips.

Boil the eggs for 10 minutes, then place them in cold water for cooling. Then remove the shell and cut into small cubes. Add them to cabbage. Next, send finely chopped green onions.

From sweet corn Drain excess liquid, and then combine canned cereal with salad.

Next, you need to boil the chicken fillet. To keep it juicy, be sure to place it in boiling salted water, cover the pan with a lid and cook over moderate heat for 25 minutes. Then cool, cut into cubes and send to the salad.

Now it remains to salt the Beijing cabbage salad, pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise, mix.

Serve sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. If you plan to store the dish for some time in the refrigerator, then add mayonnaise immediately before serving.

Beijing cabbage and corn salad is a simple and light dish. You can prepare a salad in different ways. Someone adds chicken meat and vegetables, then the salad can be called dietary. And if you add cabbage and corn smoked sausage, then the salad turns out to be very satisfying. In any case, the salad turns out very tasty. Yes, and special efforts for the preparation of this salad is not required.

Chinese cabbage has delicate taste. It is much softer, white-headed and similar to lettuce. Therefore, salads from it are much softer and more tender. However, canned corn has a sweetish taste. So the combination of corn and cabbage in one salad is very advantageous.

And in order for the salad to be brighter in taste, you need to add some spices. Cabbage goes well with salt. After cutting the cabbage, it must be seasoned with salt and mashed with your hands. However, corn goes well with pepper. So you can add pepper to this salad. The combination of tender brackish cabbage, sweet corn and spicy pepper will please all your household.

How to cook a salad with Chinese cabbage and corn - 15 varieties

Very simple and delicious salad which is sure to please everyone without exception.


  • Chicken breast - 400 g
  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Garlic - 3 tooth.
  • Carrots in Korean - 100 g
  • Lemon juice- 50 ml


Peking cabbage cut into small pieces. Salt and press the cabbage with your hands.

This technique is known in salads with white cabbage, in this case, it would also be appropriate.

Throw the corn in a colander. Pour the breast with water and put on fire. Boil until cooked, then cool. Let's disassemble the chicken into fibers. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with the oil. Mix all ingredients and season with oil.

Enjoy your meal.

A simple combination of products always gives excellent results.


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Smoked sausage - 300 g
  • Corn - 1 bank


Cut the cabbage into small pieces. Cut the sausage into strips. Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

Salad is similar to Greek, the principle is the same, a lot of vegetables seasoned with oil.


  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Olives - 1 bank
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g
  • Shrimps - 300 g
  • Cherry tomatoes - 300 g
  • Purple onion - 1 pc.


Peking cabbage cut into medium pieces and spread on a flat dish as a base. We will spread the rest of the vegetables on the cabbage. Cucumbers cut into small pieces. Salt juice from corn. Lay the corn on top of the vegetables. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. And together with olives spread on corn and cabbage. Finely chop the onion, put it last. Decorate the salad with shrimp. Drizzle oil over the salad and serve.

Enjoy your meal.

This dish is from the category of "Guest on the doorstep." This salad is prepared very quickly, and is eaten in just a few minutes.


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Canned peas - 1 can


Cut the cabbage into small pieces. Drain the corn and peas in a colander to drain the juice. Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

Enjoy your meal.

A simple salad that will not only decorate the table, but also please the stomachs of relatives.


  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Chicken breast - 200 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g


Boil potatoes, eggs and chicken breast. After the food has completely cooled, we will start preparing the salad. The salad is puff, and accordingly it is necessary to take a flat dish and follow the correct order - that's the whole secret of this salad.

So, the first layer is laying out the cabbage, which we first tear into small pieces.

Pour in the sauce. To prepare the sauce, you need to mix mustard and mayonnaise in a ratio of 1: 3. So the next layer is laying out half the chicken. It is best to divide it into fibers. Pour in the sauce again. Three eggs on a grater and lay out the next layer. Sauce again. potatoes grated on coarse grater immediately mix with the sauce, it will be much tastier. Now three cheese and lay out the next layer. The final one will be corn.

Enjoy your meal.

Very tasty and very simple salad for lovers of light snacks.


  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g
  • Canned beans - 1 can
  • Tomatoes - 250 g
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Ketchup
  • Dill
  • Garlic


Drain the corn and beans in a colander. Cut the cabbage into small pieces. Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Mix beans, corn, cabbage and tomatoes. Let's prepare the dressing. To do this, mix ketchup and mayonnaise with garlic. Finely chop the dill. Dress the salad with the prepared dressing.

Enjoy your meal.

This salad can be included in the diet during the diet. The amount of calories in it is minimal, but at the same time it is very tasty and healthy.


  • Canned tuna - 1 can
  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.


Mash the tuna with a fork right in the jar. Cucumbers cut into small pieces. Throw the corn in a colander. Finely chop the onion into cubes. Mix all the ingredients. You can fill the salad with yogurt or butter.

Delicious crispy salad.


  • Chinese cabbage - 400 g
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Lemon juice


Chop the cabbage into small pieces. We clean the apple from the peel and seeds. Cut the apple into very small strips. Throw the corn in a colander. Salt, pepper and squeeze the juice of half a lemon. Add oil to taste.

Incredible beautiful salad, which is sure to take center stage on the festive table.



Eggs are boiled and cleaned. Separate the whites from the yolks. Proteins cut into small pieces and salt. Cut the ham into cubes. Mushrooms cut into small pieces. Cut pineapple into medium pieces. Now that all the ingredients are prepared, you can lay out the salad in layers.

Lay the egg whites on the bottom of the salad bowl. Then put in the corn. We make a mesh of mayonnaise. Now lay out the ham and cabbage. Spread again with mayonnaise. We spread the mushrooms and three cheese on a fine grater. Coat with mayonnaise. Three yolks on a fine grater. Next, lay out the pineapple. We will make a chrysanthemum from Beijing cabbage.

We serve a salad.

Very satisfying and at the same time diet salad, which is not only very tasty, but also simple.


  • Chinese cabbage - 800 g
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Chicken fillet - 350 g
  • Dill - 1 branch


Add peppercorns to the water Bay leaf and salt. Add chicken and cook until done. Peking cabbage cut into small pieces and add to the salad bowl. Finely chop the dill. Add corn and dill to cabbage. We take the breast out of the broth and leave to cool. Cut the chicken into small pieces and add to the rest of the ingredients. Dress the salad with oil and pepper.

Very tasty and simple salad. This salad does not take much time and effort to prepare. And the products can be found in any store.


  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g
  • Bread - 100 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Garlic - 3 tooth.
  • Green onion


Finely chop the cabbage. Cut the bread into small pieces and drizzle with oil. We spread the bread on a baking sheet and send it to the oven for 20 minutes. Cucumbers cut into cubes. We mix vegetables. Mix mayonnaise with garlic. Dress the salad with garlic mayonnaise.

To keep the salad tastier longer, serve the croutons separately.

A very sophisticated salad, despite the fact that all the ingredients are very simple and affordable.


  • Crab sticks- 200 g
  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Canned corn - 1 can


Cut the cabbage into small pieces.

Crab sticks cut into cubes. Mix crab sticks with cabbage. We cut the cheese into cubes. And add to the rest of the ingredients. Add corn to the salad. Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

Highly interesting combination fresh cabbage and fried mushrooms, pancakes and chicken meat - all in one salad.


  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Chicken - 200 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Sesame
  • Soy sauce
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.


Cover the chicken with water and cook until done. Then we disassemble into fibers and pour soy sauce and send it to the pan for a couple of minutes. Cabbage cut into small pieces. Mix the eggs with a spoonful of mayonnaise and beat well. Fry some pancakes. We cut pancakes. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. We cut the onion into cubes. Cut mushrooms into slices. Saute onions and mushrooms a small amount oils. Cool down. Mix all ingredients except pancakes. Add sesame seeds to the salad and season it with mayonnaise. Mix well. Let's decorate the salad with pancakes.

Ladies' because it's delicious, because it's fast, and because it won't leave extra pounds on your sides.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - 100 ml


Raisins must be poured with boiling water and left for a couple of minutes. Peking cabbage cut into small pieces. Hard boil the eggs and cut into small pieces. We throw the raisins into a colander.

Salt juice from corn. Mix all the ingredients and season with lemon juice, nutmeg and mayonnaise.

This crispy vegetable salad with an apple can be a side dish for a steak.


  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Corn - 1 bank
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Leek - 1 pc.


Finely chop the cabbage. Finely chop the white part of the leek. Peel the apples and cut into strips. We clean the carrots and three on a grater in Korean. Three cheese on a grater. Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.