Cooking corn for the winter at home. canned corn on the cob

We all know and love corn. Probably, not a single feast is complete without a salad with this representative of the cereal family. And if for us corn - delicious ingredient salads and snacks, then for many peoples it has been the basis of the diet for centuries. Preservation of corn on the cob and grains - great way provide yourself with this healthy and tasty product in winter.

What is useful corn

Canned corn, despite the long heat treatment, practically does not lose its usefulness. But it contains essential oils, fiber, vitamins (A, B, C, PP) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, etc.). Due to the unique vitamin and mineral composition, corn has earned the respect of nutritionists and cosmetologists, doctors and traditional healers. It is used for both prevention and treatment. various diseases, for weight loss and in order to gain the missing pounds. It is not contraindicated for diabetics and allergy sufferers. amazing product. And best of all, it's delicious!

How to choose canned corn

For the conservation of this cereal, young cobs of sweet corn are best suited (there is also fodder, which can also be used in some recipes). Then the blanks will turn out soft and juicy.

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You can check if the corn is overripe by running your fingernail over any grain on the cob. If milk is not released, the pulp remains on the nail - the product is not suitable for consumption either boiled or canned.

It is also better to make a choice in favor of cobs with juicy leaves and light hairs at the base.

A few tips:

  • To preserve corn, as well as to preserve any other product, you need to use ordinary coarse table salt.
  • Vinegar is better to take 9%. Moreover, it must be added after the liquid has already been removed from the fire - its effect will be stronger.

Both contribute to long-term storage home preparations.

Banks with any method of harvesting must be well washed and sterilized.

Recipe "It couldn't be easier"

The peculiarity of this recipe is that only salt and water are needed for cooking:

  • Corn (young small cobs)
  • 1 st. spoonful of salt
  • Water - 1 liter

  1. Prepare jars based on the amount of corn (in three-liter jar usually fits 8 ears of small size).
  2. Peel the cobs, put in a saucepan. You need to cook them for 15 minutes (until cooked), the bay cold water. Do not salt.
  3. Cooked cobs need to be cooled.
  4. Boil water with salt and cool too. If there is a lot of corn, you just need to increase the amount of water and salt, observing the proportion.
  5. Place the corn in jars (vertically) and pour over the brine.
  6. For two hours, the jars must be sterilized in boiling water, having previously covered with lids.
  7. Roll up the jars and let them cool completely.

Canned tomatoes for the winter without tedious sterilization

Nothing more than salt and sugar: a simple recipe at home

What do you need:

  • corn on the cob
  • Sugar, salt - two tablespoons per liter of water


  1. Peel the cobs, put in jars.
  2. Prepare the marinade: boil water for 2-3 minutes, add salt and sugar ( right amount keeping proportions).
  3. Pour hot marinade over corn.
  4. Sterilize the jars for at least 1 hour (as soon as the water in the pot with the jar boils, the time has gone).
  5. Roll up the jars and let them cool upside down.

In this recipe, it is permissible to change the amount of sugar and salt at your discretion. The main thing is not to reduce the sterilization time.

Bulgarian corn

If you need more spicy taste then you need to use vinegar and spices.

For a 1 liter jar you need to take:

  • Corn cobs - five or six pieces
  • Sugar, salt - per liter of water in a tablespoon
  • Vinegar - three tablespoons.

We act in order like this:

  1. Prepare the required number of jars.
  2. Put peeled cobs in jars.
  3. Put salt, sugar, and vinegar in each jar at once.
  4. Pour cold water over corn.
  5. Sterilize jars with lids in boiling water.
  6. Roll up the jars and let them cool.

Suitable instead of vinegar lemon acid- 3 g per liter of water. rich and interesting taste give corn all the familiar spices: Bay leaf, greens, black and allspice peppers. By experimenting, you can find the proportions that give the desired taste.

Young cobs with sweet pepper

For a half-liter jar you will need:

  • Several young small cobs
  • One sweet bell pepper
  • two bay leaves
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Five peas of black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar per liter of water
  • Vinegar - 0.5 tsp

Tangerine compote recipes: cooking secrets


  1. Put corn in jars, shifting them with pepper and spices.
  2. Make a marinade: boil water, add sugar and salt.
  3. Pour it into jars and let them stand to warm up the cobs.
  4. Drain the marinade and bring it back to a boil.
  5. Pour the marinade over the corn again.
  6. Sterilize jars for 20 minutes.
  7. Gulf of vinegar, roll up jars.

Preservation without sterilization

If there is no time and desire to engage in sterilization, you can use a recipe that does not require this lengthy procedure.

For seaming a liter jar you need:

  • corn on the cob
  • two bay leaves
  • Three black peppercorns
  • Two tablespoons of salt and sugar per 1 liter of water
  • Three tablespoons of vinegar

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Peel the cobs, cook for 7-9 minutes. If the cobs are small (up to 10 cm), then you can not cook.
  2. After cooling them with cold water, arrange them in jars.
  3. Fill jars with boiling water, let them stand for five minutes.
  4. Drain the water, boil, pour the jars again. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Add vinegar, pepper, parsley.
  6. Boil new water with salt and sugar and pour over the corn.
  7. Roll up the banks.

Turn them over and wrap them up and leave to cool.

Canned corn for the winter at home is very tasty, juicy and sweet, unlike the store version! Yes, and such a preparation is many times cheaper, so do not forget to cork a few jars of this vegetable to prepare a delicious salad in winter.

Remember that young corn, from the cobs of which juice is released, is boiled for only 15-20 minutes, but mature heads of cabbage must be cooked for at least 1-2 hours until the grains become soft. It is impossible to salt corn during cooking - salt compacts the surface of the grains and they become hard in taste.

You will need a 0.5 l capacity:

  • 5-6 corn cobs;
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar and 1 tsp;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp 9% vinegar.

How to preserve corn at home

1. Clean the cobs from leaves and plant hair. We put a small part of the washed leaves on the bottom of the pan or cauldron and place the peeled and washed cobs on them. Pour 1 tbsp. granulated sugar. Salt will not be added.

2. Fill with water and place the container on the stove, covered with a lid. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat to medium, boiling the cobs for 15-20 minutes.

3. Then remove the container from the fire and abruptly move the cobs to ice water. Once they have cooled slightly, cut sharp knife grains from them.

4. Rinse a few 0.5 l jars and pour boiled corn slices into them up to the shoulders - no more!

5. Place the jars in a saucepan for sterilization, pour 0.5 tsp into each of them. salt and 1 tsp. granulated sugar.

6. Fill hot water up to the top. Let's fill the pot hot water to the shoulders of the cans. We put it on the stove, bring the water in it to a boil and reduce the heat to medium, covering the jars with lids. In this position, we will sterilize them for about 1 hour.

7. After the specified time, remove the jars from the pan, pour 1 tbsp into each of them. 9% vinegar and immediately cork with a conservation key or screw the lids all the way if the jars are threaded.

8. Gently turn upside down, making sure the quality of the closure, and let cool at room temperature. Optionally, 0.5 aspirin tablets can be added to each can of canned corn to prevent fermentation.


We all know firsthand that raw fruits or fruits are healthier than those that have been heat-treated. I can say the opposite about corn. It is surprising that in boiled or canned form, corn almost does not lose its beneficial properties.

At the height of summer, everyone's favorite queen of the fields, corn, ripens. There are two varieties of corn: fodder and sugar. Feed corn is grown in almost every corner of the earth to feed livestock. But we, people, manage to use it for food. Yes, fodder corn can be eaten, but only in unripe, young cobs. It, of course, differs in taste from sweet corn, but what can we do, we are content with what we have.

Many will say yes, you can buy it in any store. Yes, I do not argue. But what could be better than something that is prepared with your own hands. Especially since the ingredients are simple. But anyway, canned corn, especially if it is cooked at home, everyone will like it without exception.


How to cook:

As I said, feed corn can also be cooked, but according to palatability it is not inferior to sugar. The cooking technology is the same for both varieties of corn.

1. First, before buying corn, you need to make sure that it is young. To do this, press your thumb on one grain. And if it is crushed easily, with splashes, then the cob is young. You can also determine by color: the more yellow and richer the color of corn, the older it is. So this corn will cook a little longer.

2. After the cobs with the corn you like have been bought, we go home to cook it. Here, many people have a question: but so that it becomes soft, juicy and tasty. Everything is elementary simple. First tip - never boil corn in salt water. And then everything is as usual. Separate the corn cobs from the leaves and hair.

We do not throw away the leaves, they will be useful to us when cooking. It is desirable to boil corn in an elongated bowl without breaking the cobs. But if this cannot be avoided, carefully divide the corn on the cob into 2 parts. Line the bottom of the pan with corn leaves in a single layer. Lay the cobs on them and fill with water.

Hot or cold? Recommend hot. So she doesn't lose beneficial features- they stay with her. Pour until the corn is completely covered. We also cover the top of the corn with leaves, and the rest can be thrown away. We cover the container with corn with a lid and put on a large fire. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat.

Young sweet corn is cooked over medium heat for 20 minutes. Time is recorded from the moment the water boils. Readiness is easy to determine. Remove the cob from the water, pinch off a couple of grains from it and taste it. If the grains are soft and crunchy, then the corn is ready. Turn off the fire and leave it in this water for 20 minutes.

If you boiled this corn for eating, then you need to drain the water, pour cold water over the corn. Put the corn on a dish, grate to taste with salt and enjoy your meal. This is delicious! Many lovers eat corn with plums. oil. Haven't tried it, but next time I'll definitely try it.

like this simple recipe, to make it soft, juicy and crispy. I hope you find my tips useful. Submit your entries in the comments. I'll be glad to chat.

Well, for those who are going to preserve sweet corn in banks, I suggest the following canned corn recipe. We do the same as described above - cook the corn after boiling water in a saucepan, about 20 minutes. We take out the cobs, but do not pour out the water, this will be our future brine. We cool the cobs to such a temperature that you can cut the grains with a knife without burning your hands.

We put the grains (up to the shoulders) in clean, sterilized 0.5 liter jars and fill with brine. We prepare the brine as follows: from the water in which the cobs were boiled, we extract the leaves and add 1 tbsp for each liter of water. spoon rock salt(without top) and 3 teaspoons of sugar. This brine is enough to pour 2 half liter jars. No vinegar should be present in canned corn! And we send our jars of corn for sterilization.

The container in which we will sterilize is lined with a thin cloth. We put the jars covered with lids, but not twisted and fill the pan with water, up to the shoulders of the jars. We sterilize the jars, after boiling water in a saucepan, for an hour.

Over time, banks canned corn We twist well and wrap them in a blanket. Leave until completely cool. In winter, when you want to cook your favorite, you will not need to run to the store, but just go down to the basement or open a pantry with your favorites.

Enjoy your troubles in your kitchen and all the best!

Preparing canned corn:

We clean the corn very well from leaves and hairs - stigmas.

Since we will conserve corn kernels, they must be very carefully separated from the cob. To make this faster and easier, dip the corn in hot water and boil for about two to three minutes.

Pour the prepared corn with cold water - it is best to use running water, so the cobs will cool faster. Carefully separate the grains and transfer to a colander.

To make good quality canned corn, boil and refrigerate well in advance. a large number of water. It will be needed to wash the grains.

Also, do not forget about the banks - they must be well washed and sterilized. We wash the peeled grains in cold boiled water and then transfer to boiling water.

We also blanch the corn grains for about three minutes - this time will be enough, do not overcook.

Cooking filling for canned corn:

The marinade in which we will cook corn at home is very simple. For one liter of water we take one tablespoon of coarse salt - preferably sea salt. We also add granulated sugar - three teaspoons. Boil water with sugar and salt for about three minutes.

We transfer the prepared corn to prepared jars - do not spread too many grains, it will be enough to fill the jars by about 2/3. Fill with hot filling of grain, cover the jars with lids and set to sterilize.

Corn grains contain a very large amount of protein, but there is practically no natural acid, so corn can only be preserved by sterilization. Thus, we will protect our canned food from fungal and spore microbes.

We sterilize at a temperature of 105 degrees for three and a half hours - this time is suitable for liter cans. Time is counted from the moment of boiling water. Cans with corn grains are sterilized in a saucepan or in an air grill, after which they must be immediately rolled up. Don't forget to check the tightness closed jars. We store canned corn only in a dark, cool place.

Once the corn has cooled, it can be used for cooking various dishes. Sterilizing jars of corn kernels is a must if you want to get a tasty and useful product, which will stand all winter, and in the winter already cook various salads with corn, for example, salad from.

If you want to prepare corn kernels for use within the next two or three days, you can leave them out. Then boil the grains in the filling until cooked, cool and use for salads. Store in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Enjoy your meal!

When the season of fresh corn comes, we are happy to prepare it for our family. It is a pity that this time passes quickly, and already in autumn we can only enjoy dry, frozen or canned grains. Frozen grains are perfect for our culinary creations. But how to cook sweet canned corn for the winter at home? Yes, not just boil it, but so that homemade canned corn according to the recipe is not difficult to prepare, it is tasty and stands all winter, just like in jars. Today we are publishing a detailed step by step recipe such .

Ingredients for homemade canned corn (for 5 half-liter jars):

  • Corn - 16 ears (large);

For marinade per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • Table water - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l. (6%).

How to prepare homemade canned corn for the winter:

1. Be sure to pay attention to corn for a winter preservation recipe. Do not choose cobs that are too young. But too old dry corn will not do. Take a look at the photos of the ingredients for this recipe. We chose dark yellow corn. Its grains are already well ripened, but these are not old ears yet.
Boil the corn for at least 20 minutes. Test for readiness, it may take more time. Our corn cooked in 30 minutes.

2. Cool the heads. Then put the corn on the board with one side, hold on to the other edge with your hand. Carefully cut off the grains. It is advisable not to touch the cob with a knife.

3. After the grains are in the bowl, you will need to separate them from each other. This is very boring and painstaking work, but believe me, it's worth it.
Spoon the corn into sterile jars. Given that corn is very capricious! The container must be sterilized both inside and out. How to sterilize dishes we described in the recipe for the winter. This process is absolutely hands free.
Advice: jars of canned corn home recipe must be incomplete. To do this, you do not have to be guided by the bend of the can. Tara is completely different. Keep two of your fingers away from the top of the container.

4. Cook the brine for today's preservation. For this, it is desirable to use corn broth. Run it through a clean piece of gauze to remove any excess. First, add a liter of water, salt and sugar to the pan. After boiling, boil the brine for 5 minutes, add vinegar, mix and remove from heat.
We will fill the jars with brine to the very top.
Advice: look at the number of canning jars. It is described how to cook corn brine for 1 liter of water. You can double and triple these proportions.

Also about vinegar - you can not add it. Then the sterilization time will increase. Sterilize jars of half a liter without vinegar for 1 hour. After sterilization, preservation will stand, and corn will be sweet. Vinegar will give her sourness.

5. If you want to ensure that the corn is tasty and sweet, then sterilization is a must! Otherwise, it won't stand.
Lay a towel on the bottom of a wide and deep pan, place filled jars on it. We simply put the lids with which we will preserve on top of the cans. If the covers are with rubber bands, then we remove them for the duration of sterilization. Pour water into the pan at such a temperature that it does not differ much from the temperature of full jars. The water level should not exceed the level of the corn in the jars.
After boiling water, mark 40 minutes for half-liter jars. Make sure the water doesn't boil too much.

When the set time has passed, we simply take the cans out of the water and roll them up without opening them. If there were elastic bands, then carefully return them and tighten with a key. As usual, turn the seaming over and wrap.

After cooling, homemade canned corn for the winter should be stored in a cool place. Its storage temperature is a maximum of 10 degrees Celsius. In heat, such preservation can deteriorate and break.
Note: a week after spinning the cans, the brine in the middle of them may become cloudy. This is fine. Think store corn. Its brine resembles diluted milk.