Raw vegetable salads. How to make vegetable salad

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

The simplest salad raw vegetables, the recipe of which I simply cannot ignore, can and should be cooked as often as possible. Why? Because it is healthy, tasty, and in season fresh vegetables also inexpensive. In addition to the fact that the dish normalizes bowel function, it also improves mood! Although there are no extraordinary ingredients in it.

To prepare the salad you will need:

For salad:

- white cabbage or Beijing - 200 g;
- small zucchini - 1 pc.;
- fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
- tomatoes - 2 medium or 8 cherry tomatoes;
- parsley or dill - a small bunch;
- green onion - several stems;
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.

For refueling:

- vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
- juice of a quarter of a medium lemon or 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
- a clove (or 2) of fresh garlic;
- a pinch of ground pepper;
- a pinch of salt.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. So, let's start in order. All vegetables must be chopped. Moreover, it is desirable to finely so that they can be soaked with aromatic dressing in a short time. With cabbage, everything is simple - it needs to be finely chopped. Remember to remove the top leaves from the fork: they are usually dirty or spoiled.

2. Cucumbers cut into cubes. Small, a little smaller than on Olivier.

3. In the same way, "deal with" the zucchini. The skin from the zucchini should be removed only if it is already “mature”. Although I personally would not recommend using such vegetables in this salad. Young zucchini are better.

By the way, be sure to cook before the season is over.

4. Cut out the core bell pepper. Cut the edible part into small cubes. If you do not like pepper, you can not put it.

5. Cut the tomatoes with a sharp knife to lose as much as possible less juice. Try to cut into a cube, and there - how it goes.

6. Wash the greens well. Shake off the water to keep the wet dill from sticking to the cutting board. Finely chop.

7. Finely chop green onion.

8. Prepare dressing. Mix vegetable oil, lemon juice or Apple vinegar with garlic passed through a press. Pour in a pinch of salt and pepper. I used refined oil so as not to drown out the flavor of fresh vegetables. But you can use unrefined, for an amateur.

9. Gently toss the salad. It is advisable to serve immediately, so as not to stack the juice.
This salad of raw vegetables - for fried, stewed, boiled, baked meat or barbecue - is the most best supplement. Great benefits and great taste. A sea of ​​fiber and vitamins.

And if you are looking for you will definitely find on our website.

Bon appetit!

Calories: 373
Proteins/100g: 1
Carbs/100g: 2.5

cook diet salad from raw vegetables for weight loss for lunch, dinner or as a light snack and you can be sure - this wonderful dish not only for those on a diet!

This recipe is very appetizing, light and healthy salad collected all the bright and juicy winter vegetables: Chinese cabbage, purple onions, cucumbers, radishes and carrots seasoned with aromatic vegetable oil dressing with added lemon juice and spicy greens. Of course, according to the content of vitamins winter salads inferior to salads made from ground vegetables. But we have nothing to choose from, and in any case, eating such a salad is much better than not eating it.

You can replace Beijing cabbage with ordinary white cabbage, in winter it is very appropriate in raw vegetable salads. YOU could already evaluate it in other diets which we publish regularly. But closer to spring, the cabbage becomes dry, and at this time you can switch to Beijing - its leaves are always juicy and tender, it will be good at any time and with any vegetables.

- Beijing cabbage (or juicy white cabbage) - 300 gr;
- fresh cucumber - 2 pcs;
- radish - 5-6 pcs. medium or a bunch of small radishes;
- purple salad onion - 1 pc;
- green onion - 1 bunch;
- any salad greens - 1 bunch;
- fresh carrots - 1 pc;
- lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp. l (to taste);
- olive oil or any vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l;
- salt - to taste;
- sugar - 2 pinches;
- ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook at home

For salads, vegetables can be chopped as you like - finely or not, chopping in the same stripes or whatever. But do not forget that the taste of the finished salad and the perception depend on the method of slicing. ready meal. Therefore, we will try to cut everything neatly, into thin strips. We clean the lettuce onion, cut into half rings or long thin feathers along the onion.

Marinate the onion for a few minutes in a mixture of lemon juice (0.5 tbsp. L), sugar and salt. If there is no lemon, take apple cider vinegar, 0.5 teaspoon is enough.

Shred carrots using a special grater for Korean carrots. We make the strips not very long, or after shredding we will collect the strips in a slide and cut them into two or three parts.

Peking or white cabbage is shredded thinly to make thin strips.

Wash fresh radishes thoroughly cold water, remove the tips and ponytails. Cut into slices and taste. If bitterness is felt, pour over with very cold water, and the bitterness will disappear. Chop into thin straws. You can make it easier and faster - grate the radish on coarse grater, but such a salad should be served immediately to the table until it becomes watery.

We cut fresh cucumbers in the same strips as radishes. Ground we taste before cutting, they can be bitter. In this case, cut off the skin, bitterness will go away with it.

We put the cabbage, radish and cucumber in a bowl, add salt, leave the vegetables for a while to give the juice.

A bunch of green onions, together with the white part, cut into thin rings. Finely chop parsley leaves.

For salad dressing, we will use high-quality vegetable oil and lemon juice. After adding the lemon juice, lightly beat the dressing with a fork.

Add the carrots and onions to the bowl along with the marinade. For spiciness and flavor, add a little black pepper (optional).

Mix the salad, pour over the prepared dressing, add green onions and parsley. Mix again, leave for a few minutes to soak in the dressing.

Serve in portions, in transparent salad bowls so that they are visible. colorful vegetables. Or we put a large salad bowl on the table, in which we spread ready salad high hill. Everyone has different tastes, so put oil in a beautiful bottle on the table, put lemon slices, put salt and ground pepper. Bon appetit!

Let me recommend another one.

Raw vegetable salads

Raw vegetable salads flavored with fresh herbs contain great amount natural biologically active substances, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, which, when harmonious combination the original components not only complement each other, but also enhance their effect. Such salads are excellent side dishes for meat, mushroom and fish dishes. They contribute to an easier and more complete absorption of the nutrients of protein foods such as mushrooms, fish and meat. In addition, fresh vegetable salads are excellent cleansers, especially cabbage salads combined with carrots and beets. fresh salads from zucchini and cucumbers have a mild diuretic effect. To get a complete set of all biologically active substances necessary for a person, nutritionists recommend eating three servings of salad per day: one serving of green vegetables. These are cabbage salads. different varieties, spinach, greens, apples, etc. The second serving of yellow or orange vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, sweet yellow pepper, zucchini. And a third portion of red vegetables - tomatoes, beets, radishes, sweet red peppers.

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RAW VEGETABLE SALADS for 0.1 - 0.2 c.u. e. Green salad with cucumbers and tomatoes Ingredients for 2 servings: 200 g green salad, 2-3 fresh tomatoes, 2-3 fresh cucumbers, 1/2 cup sour cream or salad dressing. Preparation: lettuce leaves are cut into 2-3 parts, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers

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Salad of raw vegetables Grate the washed and peeled vegetables on a coarse grater. Cut the lettuce into strips. Arrange vegetables in an oblong salad bowl, pour over lemon juice, add sugar, salt and pour vegetable oil. 2 carrots, 1 lemon, 1 celery root,

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Bulgarian raw vegetable salad (option I) * Bell pepper- 6 pcs. * Tomatoes - 2 pcs. * Carrot - 1 pc. * Onion - 1 pc. * Black ground pepper taste. Pouring * Water - 50 ml * Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l. * Salt - 1 tsp. * Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. * Balsamic vinegar(6%) - 2 tbsp.

From the book Salads. Traditions and fashion author author unknown

Bulgarian raw vegetable salad (option II) * Sweet Green pepper- 3-4 pcs. * Tomatoes - 5 pcs. * Onion - 2 pcs. * Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l. * Salt, parsley, to taste. Onion cut into thin half rings. Remove seeds from peppers, cut into thin slices

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Salad of raw vegetables in Spanish * Sweet pepper - 3 pcs. * Tomatoes - 3 pcs. * Cucumbers - 2 pcs. * Onion - 2 pcs. * Sour cream - 200 g * Salad crackers - 100 g * Salt, pepper to taste. Remove seeds from sweet pepper and cut into strips. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices. Onion

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Raw vegetable salad 10 min 1 serving 1 beetroot, 1 large carrot, 1 cucumber, 2 cabbage leaves, celery and parsley leaves and roots, green onions, dill, vegetable oil, salt to taste.1. Beets and carrots (in equal amounts) grate on a coarse grater. cut cucumber,

From the book Cooking diet meals author Kozhemyakin R. N.

Assorted raw vegetable salad What you need: 1 tomato, 1 fresh cucumber, 200 g white cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 celery root, lettuce, parsley and dill, 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice, sugar, salt

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Raw vegetable salads Zucchini salad with apples and vegetables IngredientsZucchini - 400 g Apples - 2 pcs. Cucumbers - 2 pcs. Carrot - 1 pc. Tomatoes - 3 pcs. Dill greens - 1 bunch Salt - to taste Low-fat sour cream - 3-4 tablespoons Cooking method Peel the zucchini

From the book Minus 60. System and recipes in one book author Mirimanova Ekaterina Valerievna

Salad of raw vegetables (Sakhalin) 3 kg of red tomatoes, 1 kg onion, 1 kg of bell pepper, 1 kg of carrots, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. table vinegar(if 6%, and if 9%, then 0.5 tbsp.), 3 tbsp. salt. 1. Cut the onion into rings.2. Cut into rings

From the author's book

Salad of raw vegetables (Sakhalin) 3 kg of red tomatoes, 1 kg of onions, 1 kg of bell peppers, 1 kg of carrots, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. table vinegar (if 6%, and if 9%., then 0.5 tbsp.), 3 tbsp. salt.1. Cut into rings onion.2. Cut into rings

Fresh raw vegetables are very healthy. They contain many vitamins and biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on human health. Their use normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation, promotes weight loss. Light dishes from raw vegetables increase immunity, increase the body's defense against the penetration of pathogens.

Cheese is also very popular in the culinary environment. This is delicious product rich in minerals. In particular, cheeses contain a large number of potassium, complete protein, milk fat, as well as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin. The combination of fresh vegetables and cheese makes delicious, easy-to-cook dishes. Diverse cheese salads suitable for a formal dinner. They are easy to prepare for a regular, everyday breakfast or dinner.

Let's look at some simple recipes dishes from raw vegetables with cheese, which even a novice hostess can easily cook. Before that, I want to remind you that for cooking dishes with cheese, it is cut into small cubes or grated. Use solid and soft varieties, and mayonnaise or sour cream is used for dressing. Cheeses go well with spinach, celery, tomatoes, corn, carrots, grapes, nuts and tropical fruits. Now let's go directly to the cheese salad recipes:

Fresh carrot salad with cheese

To prepare such a salad, we need fresh, juicy carrots, hard cheese, a little garlic, mayonnaise, salt to taste and 10 minutes of free time.

How to cook: Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel the skin with a sharp knife. Now grate it on a coarse grater. A piece of cheese also grate on a coarse grater, mix with carrots. Cheese, take about a third of the volume of grated carrots.

Pass 1-2 cloves of garlic through the garlic maker, combine with salad, salt, mix thoroughly and season with mayonnaise. Everything, the salad can be served at the table. He is good as independent dish and as an addition to mashed potatoes, cutlets, fried chicken etc. This salad can be used as a filling for pancakes.

Appetizer of apples and celery

For this savory dish, we need 400 g hard cheese, 4 small apples, half a celery root, 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

How to cook: Cut the cheese with a sharp knife into small cubes. Rinse the apples well under running water, peel and chop small cubes. Also peel the celery root, boil until soft, cool, cut into small pieces.

Mix all products in a large salad bowl, salt to taste, season with mayonnaise or sour cream, mix again. Salad is indispensable for breakfast. It helps to normalize digestion, saturates the body with vitamins, and helps to lose weight.

Variegated vegetable salad with cheese

To prepare this recipe, prepare 1 medium-sized raw red beets, 2 raw carrots, 2 apples, 50 g of cheese, citric acid on the tip of a knife, salt, sour cream.

How to cook: Peel the vegetables, grate them on a coarse grater, cut the apples into thin strips. Mix everything, add salt, citric acid. Grate the cheese, add to the salad, mix again, season with sour cream.

Appetizer with dried tomatoes and zucchini

For this interesting unusual recipe we will need 1 lemon, 50 g dried tomatoes in vegetable oil. 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 pcs. zucchini, 200 g of soft cheese, 100-200 g of low-fat ham, 50 g of grated hard cheese, a few leaves of basil, salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook: Wash the lemon thoroughly, dry it with a towel, squeeze the juice. Strain the tomatoes, drain the oil into a separate bowl. Now prepare the marinade: Thoroughly mix the tomato oil, olive oil and lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Remove the skin from the zucchini, wash and pat dry with a clean towel. cut the zucchini soft cheese and ham in thin slices or straws, put in a salad bowl or big dish. Spread the chopped tomatoes nicely on top, pour over the marinade, refrigerate for 15-20 minutes. before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese, garnish with basil leaves.

Salad with feta cheese and melon

This is very tasty dish sure to please your family. It can be submitted to festive table as a dessert or snack with dry wine.
To prepare it, we need: 600 g of ripe peeled melon, 150 g of feta cheese, basil leaves, 2 tbsp. l. shelled sunflower seeds.

For this dish, we must prepare the sauce. For him, you need to prepare: 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, 1/3 tsp. ground black pepper.

How to cook: Cut the cheese and melon into equal cubes. Now make the sauce by mixing all the ingredients we prepared for it. Pour sauce over sliced ​​melon and cheese. Mix everything gently, sprinkle with sunflower seeds fried in a dry frying pan, garnish with basil leaves. The salad is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Try these delicious, refreshing salads and appetizers with raw vegetables and cheese. This is exactly what your body needs to maintain strength and health. Cheesy, simple salads easy to cook at home and in the country, well, to fried meat, barbecue - they are simply irreplaceable. Bon appetit!

Salads are prepared from leafy vegetables, chives, radishes, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers, white and red cabbage, carrots, as well as apples and other fruits. Their importance in nutrition is very high not only as a means of stimulating appetite, but also due to the content of chain mineral salts (macro- and microelements), vitamins and other biologically active substances. Vegetables not subjected to heat treatment retain to a large extent the flavoring and aromatic substances contained in them.

Salads from raw vegetables are an important source of vitamin C. To reduce the loss of vitamin C when preparing salads and protect green onions, lettuce, parsley and dill from withering and loss of vitamins, greens prepared for salads are stored in the refrigerator (3-4 0 C) . This reduces the loss of vitamin C by 2-3 times compared to storing vegetables at room temperature.

Contributes to the destruction of vitamins and sunlight. Leaf lettuce loses 3 times more vitamin C and 6 times more thiamine when stored in sunlight than when stored in a dark room. Therefore, it is necessary to protect prepared vegetables and ready-made salads from direct sunlight.

Wound biosynthesis in salad vegetables is extremely slow and does not compensate for the oxidation of ascorbic acid, especially in cucumbers and radishes. Therefore, cut vegetables immediately before making salads. As already noted, salts of many metals, and in particular iron, catalytically accelerate the oxidation of ascorbic acid. Tools for cutting vegetables should be stainless steel. In a humid environment, the destruction of vitamin C is slower, and wound biosynthesis is accelerated. Therefore, prepared vegetables and herbs moisturize. Shelf life of salads should be minimal.

Green vegetable salads. Salads from green vegetables are of great importance in nutrition as a source of vitamins, biologically active substances and mineral salts, especially biogenic microelements, which favorably affect the state of blood vessels, strengthen them, and make them more elastic. Therefore, green salads should be included in the diet of people of any age, but they are especially important for people engaged in mental work and the elderly. In addition to vitamin C and carotene, green vegetables contain vitamin B 9 (folic acid), B 12 (cyanocobalamin), K (phylloquinone), choline (vitamin B complex).

Green lettuce and green onions are sorted, stems and bulbs are removed, washed and cut many times (the onion is chopped, and the lettuce leaves are cut into large pieces). Seasoned with sour cream or dressing (sour cream or vinegar). You can add boiled chopped eggs.

Tomato and cucumber salads. Tomatoes contain vitamin C, folic acid, easily digestible carbohydrates and organic acids, mainly malic and citric, and oxalic in a small amount. Therefore, tomato salads are acceptable in the diet of people of any age, especially since there are very few purines in tomatoes (about 4 mg%), and alkaline elements predominate in the ash residue.

Tomatoes are washed, the stalk is removed along with the dense part of the pulp and cut into circles or slices. Cucumbers are also an important source of alkaline elements. At the same time, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are in them in a favorable ratio. Ridge cucumbers for salads are cleaned. Cucumbers contain less vitamins and carbohydrates than tomatoes, so cucumber salads with tomatoes are prepared. Add chopped onions to salads. Season with salad dressing and sprinkle with parsley or dill.

Radish and radish salads. The importance of radish salads in nutrition is due to their mineral composition, vitamin content (C, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid) and pectins. The content of pectins in radish reaches 12% (in dry matter). The sharp taste of radish and radish is due to the presence of a glycoside such as senigrin. To prepare salads, white radishes are peeled, and red ones are cut into circles without peeling. Topped with sour cream, mayonnaise or dressing. The radish is peeled, cut into slices or grated and seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar and salt.

White and red cabbage salads. Cabbage salads are a significant source of vitamins C, K, folic acid, a number of minerals in the most favorable ratios for the manifestation of their biological action (alkaline elements, microelements). There is evidence of the content of tartronic acid in cabbage, which delays the transition of carbohydrates into fats in the body and thereby prevents obesity (tartronic acid is destroyed during heat treatment).

There are two ways to prepare cabbage salads. In the first method, the cabbage is thinly chopped, ground with salt, and then seasoned with vegetable oil, vinegar and sugar. When grinding cabbage, a large amount of juice is released (up to 30% of the mass of cabbage). Along with the juice, sugars, mineral salts, and vitamins are lost.

In the second method, the cabbage is chopped, placed in a non-oxidizing dish, vinegar, salt are added, mixed and heated until the taste of raw cabbage disappears. Then it is quickly cooled. In this case, the loss of nutrients is much less, the loss of vitamin C is also small, since the heating is carried out in an acidic environment. The output of the finished salad increases by 25 - 30%. Finely chopped carrots, apples, cranberries, lingonberries can be added to cabbage salads. Sprinkle with herbs on vacation.

Red cabbage salads are prepared in the same way. Its color is due to the pigment rubrobrasyl chloride. The color changes depending on the reaction of the environment. This is due to the change in the color of the salad when dressing it with vinegar (violet becomes red).

Salads from different vegetables. There are many varieties of salads, which are prepared from several types of raw vegetables and fruits (vitamin). For these salads raw carrots, celery, cucumbers, peeled apples are cut into thin strips, tomatoes - into slices. All products are mixed, sour cream, powdered sugar, lemon juice are added.

Salad "Spring". Chopped green lettuce leaves are placed in a salad bowl, and sliced ​​​​leaves are placed around fresh cucumbers, red radish, boiled potatoes and carrots, green onions. Put circles on top boiled eggs. Decorate with lettuce leaves, sprinkle with salt and dill. Sour cream dressing is served separately. You can cook this salad in another way: chop radishes, cucumbers, lettuce, green onions and boiled potatoes, season with salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, sour cream, South sauce, decorate with egg slices and circles of cucumbers, radishes.

Vitamin salad. Raw carrots, salad celery or root parsley, fresh cucumbers and apples (without skin and seeds) are chopped into strips. Tomatoes are cut into slices. All vegetables are mixed, sour cream, powdered sugar, salt, lemon juice are added, they are placed in a salad bowl with a slide and decorated with products included in the salad.

Carrot salads. Carrots are an important source of carotene, which is well absorbed in the presence of fats. Peeled carrots are ground on a grater, seasoned with sugar, salt, sour cream or mayonnaise.

fruit salads. Cooked from fresh apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches and seasoned with mayonnaise with sour cream and powdered sugar. Salads are also made from watermelons, melons, plums, green salad and seasoned with sour cream with fruit juice.