How to peel and eat mango correctly so that the tropical fruit has only benefits and no harm to the body. What to consider if you have certain diseases

Mango has gained great popularity in our markets and stores. Most people liked its soft, sweet and unusual taste. The tender and juicy pulp is unlike any other fruit we are used to. Moreover, Fresh Juice or any dish with it will definitely be not only tasty, but also mega-healthy! This fruit contains many minerals, vitamins and enzymes and is good for the heart, digestion and immune system.

What is mango

In Indian mythology, the deity Shiva gave this fruit to his lover as a sign of his greatest love. According to legend, there was no fruit sweeter and more delicious than mango.

There are a lot of varieties of mangoes, according to some sources, about a thousand

Thanks to this myth, the fruit is now considered a symbol of female fertility and family happiness. Mango is also called the king of fruits in southern Asia. originally grew in the foothills of the Himalayas and Burma, and now in large quantities became common in other southern cities and countries: India, Pakistan, Thailand, Spain and Mexico. Recently it has become cultivated in the USA, Kenya and Australia.

Video: how to cut a mango correctly and beautifully

There is another legend that tells about the daughter of the sun, who took the form of a golden lotus. The flower was destroyed by an evil sorcerer, and a mango tree grew from the ashes of the lotus. From the sweet fruits a girl was reborn, whose beauty could not be compared with anyone living on Earth.

The oval fruit with a slightly pointed end has colored (from green, yellow to bright orange or red) thin skin, inside there is juicy bright yellow-orange or white pulp and a large flat seed. Mangoes make excellent fresh juices, desserts, sauces, and purees. This is perhaps one of the few fruits that can be eaten at any stage of ripeness. However, for an unripe mango best use- in salads in the form of slices.

From pulp ripe mango you can cook a lot healthy desserts, such as puree, jam or sauce

The mango tree is a source of not only food, but also valuable wood. It is used to make floors, boats and furniture. In addition, even resin, bark and mango leaves are used. Almost all parts of the tree have been found by humans to be useful in everyday life, cooking, medicine, and construction.

Types of mangoes and their characteristics

About 70 varieties of mango are known. They all differ in size, weight, shape, color of the peel and pulp and, of course, taste. The most popular types: Indian, Balinese, Philippine, Thai, Laotian, Vietnamese. You can easily guess by what principle mango species are divided: by their territorial affiliation. The most popular are green and yellow mangoes as subspecies of this fruit: they are found in almost every species.

In turn, each species has many varieties: today about three hundred of them are known (according to various sources - about 1000!).

There are mainly two types of mangoes: yellow and green.

Thai mango has recently received the highest rating for taste. It is recognized as the most delicious and juicy species, along with its ancestor - the Indian mango.

The pulp, like the mango peel, varies in color

In general, the yellow type of mango is considered classic. But green is less common, but is not inferior to it in taste and quality. Mostly fruits weighing up to 0.2 kg are found. There are also orange giants weighing up to 1 kg. As a rule, they are very juicy, and the creamy flesh inside is almost the consistency of mashed potatoes - so soft!

How to properly cut a mango: it is best, without removing the peel, to cut in half along the pit and divide the halves into cubes

It is noteworthy that green small mangoes are cheaper than yellow ones. But in reality they are sweeter.

IN different countries ah, different mango ripening seasons:

  • Thailand pampers with this fruit in the spring. About 10 types of mangoes are grown there, and the crop can be harvested twice a season.
  • Balinese and Indonesian mangoes ripen between October and February - March.
  • In Vietnam, sweet fruits ripen all winter and spring. By the way, in most countries, mangoes grow and ripen under the spring sun.

On average, the height of an evergreen mango tree reaches 15 meters. But there were trees that grew to rare gigantic sizes - 45 meters in height.

The maximum height of a mango tree reaches 45 m, crown width - 60 m

Video: benefits and harms of mangoes

Characteristics and properties

The flavor notes of mango are very rare for a fruit. In addition to the sweetness characteristic of most tropical fruits, mangoes have a perceptible, but not cloying, pine flavor: something with a hint of pine-peach, lemon, banana and melon. The coniferous taste distinguishes mangoes from other fruits.

Types of mangoes differ in weight and size, but they are all similar in taste, which cannot be confused with anything else.

Inside there is a large white plate-shaped seed, similar to a pistachio. This similarity is not accidental, since the fruits are related and belong to the same sumac family (like the cashew tree).

The mango seed is quite large and has a flat, flattened shape.

Briefly about the benefits of mango

No wonder this fruit bears the title of “king”. After all, its medicinal and beneficial features It could easily be included in the book of records!

Mango contains a lot of carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, fiber). But there is very little fat and protein in the fruit. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C and minerals: calcium, iron, beta-carotene, phosphorus, zinc, copper.

Mango has many beneficial properties; it contains 12 amino acids, incl. and irreplaceable

This fruit is dietary and useful in the treatment of many diseases, as well as for prevention:

  • has a positive effect on blood vessels, heart muscle, and blood composition;
  • is a preventive measure for the occurrence of malignant tumors of the stomach, improves the condition of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract (due to the large amount of fiber in the pulp), mammary glands, and female genital organs;
  • has diuretic and laxative properties;
  • prevents the appearance of stones in the urinary, gall bladder, kidneys;
  • is an antidepressant that increases libido and has an excellent effect on immune system body;
  • useful for eye diseases: relieves dry eyes, tension, increases visual acuity;
  • recommended in the diet of diabetics, as it perfectly regulates blood glucose levels;
  • rejuvenates the body well, has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Mango seed oil is used in cosmetology as an excellent product for shiny hair and youthful skin. Mango butter is considered one of the healthiest in the world.

Video: how to choose a juicy and tasty mango

Mango varieties

Since mango varieties exist great amount, we will consider only the most popular ones in Thailand, Bali, Vietnam, Brazil and India.

Thai mangoes

Let's start with Thai varieties, there are more than a hundred of them, but the most delicious are about 16. The names in Thai are indicated in brackets.

Thai mango generally has a slight sourness, and when fully ripe it has a high sugar content.

Pink-orange variety (Kaen Oan)

They are distinguished by an elongated, narrowed shape with an orange skin and a pink blush. The pulp is dense, which is not typical for mangoes, the taste is slightly different from the classic one, more peachy, less sugary. Very fragrant. Average weight 0.2 kg. These fruits usually ripen from October to December. They are very convenient to collect, as they generally grow in large clusters.

Pink-orange Thai mango variety is very fragrant and easy to peel

Pink-green mangoes (Pimsean)

The sweetest, plump, round in shape with green skin and a pink tint. Due to the fact that pink and green mangoes are often predominantly green color skins, tourists avoid them, considering them unripe and tasteless. But this is far from true. Pimsean are very aromatic and delicate in taste, they have a sweet, not cloying pulp with a taste of pineapple and melon. The color of the pulp is rich orange, it contains a large amount of carotene and other vitamins. It is better to pick fruits from the Pimsin mango tree at the height of summer - in July. The average weight is 0.3–0.4 kg.

Thai pink-green mango variety grows mainly in the southern regions of Thailand

Small green mangoes (Gaew Lek)

The smallest bright green (rarely with a yellow tint) representative of the mango. The pulp is sweet, fibrous and creamy. The price is small, since the sizes are small, but this does not reduce their value. Gaulek is a very tasty variety, and is also not inferior to others in terms of the content of valuable amino acids and vitamins. The harvest is harvested mainly in late June - early July. Average weight no more than 0.2 kg.

Small green mangoes often taste better than larger varieties.

Small yellow-green Carrie mangoes

They are similar to the previous variety, however, they have a more fibrous pulp texture and are slightly different in taste. In addition, a distinct yellow tint is noticeable on the skin. The average weight is also no more than 0.2 kg. Most likely, this variety belongs more to the “weedy” mangoes, since no one plants it on purpose, but it is widely distributed. These mangoes are almost never found on the market for sale, but they are easy to find on the streets of cities and villages in Thailand. Apparently, Carrie is unpretentious and grows without much care.

Almost no one collects Carrie mangoes, since they grow everywhere in Thailand, in almost all yards

Classic yellow mangoes (Nam doc Mai)

The most popular Thai variety. Recognized by tourists and local residents - the sweetest and most delicious. They vary in size: from 0.2 kg to 0.5 kg in weight. When fully ripe, they are very juicy, creamy and sugary. In the green state (immature) - sour. It is worth noting the fact that not all varieties have such properties; some representatives of mangoes at the unripe stage are completely tasteless. This variety is also called honey, as the fruits have a honey flavor. If you keep the mango a little longer, it becomes very soft and too juicy. It will be difficult to clean it. Therefore, in Thailand there is a principle - the riper the Nam Dok Mai, the cheaper it is; it can easily be bought on the market for 15–20 rubles per kilogram. However, an overripe fruit will be too sweet; it is better to take a fruit that is not completely soft in order to fully enjoy its taste and aroma.

An interesting fact is that this wonderful variety produces crops twice a year: in the depths of winter and summer.

There are a lot of classic yellow mangoes in Thailand; when ripe they are very juicy

Classic green mangoes Raed

In terms of qualities and characteristics, it is exactly like a classic yellow mango, only the color of the peel is green. Average weight from 0.2 kg to 0.5 kg. They are also good in both immature and mature states. It is customary for Thais to eat such fruits in traditional breakfast with rice and coconut milk. They are very convenient to collect, since the branches usually grow close to each other or in clusters.

Classic green mango of Thailand is perfect for breakfast and as a separate dessert.

Classic green-yellow mangoes (Thong-Dam)

In fact, this is a variety (or rather, a subspecies) of green classic mangoes. Just as tasty and juicy. Weight from 0.2 to 0.4 kg.

The Thai green-yellow mango variety Thong-Dam is a descendant of the classic green mango variety Raed

Orange giants

The name of this variety is bizarre, but fully reflects the essence of these fruits. The average weight is about 1 kg and this is not the limit; there are mangoes up to 3 kg, but very rarely. These giants taste like pink-orange mangoes. But the flesh is not so obsessively sweet, more tender. Of course, every tourist dreams of trying such a giant, but be prepared to shell out a lot of money for it in Thailand.

In Russia, Ukraine and nearby countries, you rarely see such a fruit. This is because the transport qualities of orange giants are low. They often spoil on the way and, of course, it is not profitable to bring them.

The Orange Giant variety of Thai mango is easily recognized by its size.

Dark green mangoes Keo-Sa-Woei

The pulp is very bright, from yellow to rich orange. Only the ripe type of mango is classified as this variety, since the riper the mango, the more clearly its feature is manifested - the dark green color of the skin. Average weight is about 0.3 kg.

Ripe dark green mango Keo-Sa-Woei It peels off the skin very well, and also has an unusually sugary taste and aroma with a slightly pine tint.

Mango Snake Tongue (Lin Ngu)

The variety differs from all mangoes in its unusual, highly elongated shape and yellow-green peel (sometimes only yellow). The pulp is almost white, creamy-peach in color. Very sweet.

Snake Tongue mangoes have a bright sweet taste and almost white flesh.

Mango Ocron

Small yellow-green fruits with light pulp of the sweetest taste. They have increased sugar content, more than classic varieties, so not everyone will like their taste. A variety for those with a sweet tooth. Average weight 0.12 kg.

Ocron - a variety of small mangoes with white flesh

Green mangoes with orange pulp

This variety does not have a special name, but it can be easily distinguished from the rest by the bright color of the pulp and strong pine flavor. It has an almost acidic flesh color. The taste is also very pronounced, sweet-pine, without fiber. Average weight up to 0.4 kg.

Green mango with orange flesh - a separate variety in Thailand

Green mangoes Fralan (Fralan)

Among small varieties it stands out for its excellent taste. The fruit has a pointed tip. Average weight 0.15 kg. The pulp is tender and very juicy, yellow in color.

A variety of green mango with a pointed tail - one of the best in Thailand

Red mangoes Yvonne

They are distinguished by their juiciness and sugar content, the flesh is yellow and bright. Feature of the variety - appearance fruit: more rounded shape with bright red skin. Average weight from 0.4 to 0.45 kg.

Yvon - another bright mango variety of Thailand

Ok Rhong

The variety is round-oval in shape with a sloping tip and bright yellow flesh. Refers to varieties of green unripe mangoes, the fruits are very hard.

Ok Rhong - very hard unripe mangoes, but Thais love them

Balinese mangoes

When talking about mango varieties, it is impossible not to mention fruits from the island of Bali in a separate paragraph. Their taste qualities are worthy only of the highest praise.

Variety Chakanan

Small yellow fruits with a bright berry taste. An unpopular variety, but very tasty due to its soft and delicate texture. There are few fibers, the pulp is juicy, the peel is bright yellow. The mango fits easily in the hand - the fruit is medium-sized and round.

Chakanan - an unpopular mango variety from Bali

Variety Mangga Gading

Small yellow mangoes with an elongated tip, the pulp is pleasant, without fibers. Average weight is about 0.3 kg, can be bought at any market in Bali. Good for desserts and smoothies.

Mangga Gading is a mango variety that is distinguished by its sweetness, although it is slightly less pronounced than that of the Chakanan variety.

Gedhong Gincu variety

Recognized throughout Indonesia.

Similar in appearance to large apricots, they have a very bright peel, sweet and aromatic pulp. They are very useful because, thanks to their fibrous content, they increase the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. You can’t eat too much, since their excess can cause the completely opposite effect - stomach pain.

Gedhong Gincu are similar in appearance to large apricots

Variety Mangga Golek

They have an elongated shape, similar to classic Thai mangoes. Tasty and fibrous fruits. The pulp is yellow and bright. Like Thai mangoes, they are easy to cut, having a soft texture inside but a thick skin. The average weight of a representative of this variety is about 0.2 kg.

Mangga Golek mangoes have thick skin

Variety Mangga Kasam

Small fruits with bright yellow-orange pulp. The skin is just as bright and thin. Easy to cut and clean. The stone is large, with slight pubescence. It is considered one of the most delicious varieties of the island. Average weight 0.2 kg.

Mangga Kasam mango variety is very popular in Bali

Variety Lalijiwa

The fruits of this variety should only be eaten when they are ripe. Their peel is green, rather thick compared to other varieties, and the fruits themselves are almost round. Unripe mangoes This variety is not very pleasant to the taste, although it is suitable for salads.

The Lalijiwa mango variety has a high taste rating

White mangoes (Wani)

Despite the fact that Vanya has little resemblance to classic mangoes, it is nevertheless also a type of mango. The pulp is white, sweet, incredibly tasty, the skin is dark brown or green-brown. Best eaten chilled, it tastes like melon-peach ice cream. Just like other mangoes, it is better to choose it soft.

White Vanya mango is tasty and juicy, you can eat it without peeling it

Vietnamese mangoes

Consider the popular varieties of the capital of Vietnam - Hanoi.

Orange classic

Very similar to Thai ones, also elongated in shape with bright flesh. However, the taste is slightly less sweet and not as rich.

The orange classic mango of Vietnam is the most common variety in Hanoi markets

Mango variety Mini

They are just as tasty and juicy, but they have some disadvantages: they are quite small to peel quickly, and the large pit occupies almost the entire area, so there is little pulp.

Vietnamese mini mangoes taste good, but are difficult to peel

Vietnamese green mangoes

One of the most common varieties, loved by the Vietnamese along with yellow mangoes. The fruits of this variety are so hard that it is hardly possible to enjoy the pulp without the help of instruments. Consumed unripe.

Video: review of Vietnamese fruits - mango

Brazilian mangoes

In this sunny country, mangoes are distinguished by their bright red skin. The usual yellow or orange fruits are almost never found. Their taste is just as bright and juicy, but according to many people’s reviews, they are still inferior to Thai and Balinese mangoes.

Video: Brazil mango review

The most popular Brazilian mango varieties are: Royal, Royal fresh, Tropicana, Red sir.

Brazilian varieties are distinguished by their red skin color.

Indian mangoes

This type of mango is considered the most valuable and oldest in the world. Despite the fact that Thai mango has begun to gain first positions in popularity, Indian mango is not inferior to it in any way. The popularity of the former in recent years is most likely due to the large influx of tourists to Thailand.

In the wild, Indian mangoes were distributed throughout the state of Assan. Now its range has become much wider; wild mango can be found in almost all the tropical rainforests of India.

There are approximately 200 varieties of Indian mangoes. India grows at least 16 thousand tons of mangoes every year.

It was in this country that mango seed oil was first used in cosmetology.

The Indian fruit is distinguished by its special sweetness with a berry (similar to currant flavor) and honey undertone. It has no acidity in taste, only rich sugariness.

The surface of Indian mangoes is covered with a bright orange peel, inside the same bright pulp. This species has a significant difference from others: a relatively small bone.

Video: 8 varieties of mangoes in an Indian supermarket

Photo gallery: varieties of Indian mangoes

Indian round mangoes are yellow-green in color, rarely with a reddish blush. Small orange-yellow mangoes are very common in India. Large orange mangoes are slightly less sweet than small Indian mangoes.

In general, there are three types of mangoes in India, and which variety to choose among them is a matter of taste. Let's take a closer look at several of the most popular Indian mango varieties.


Recognized as one of the best, most expensive and favorite varieties grown in India (cultivated more in the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka). The Alphonso variety was appreciated not only in India, but also outside the country. The pulp of this mango is very tender, creamy, melting. However, the tropical fruit of this variety travels well and is not soft on the outside. It is the Alphonso mango that has a subtle saffron tint in its taste. Average weight is approximately 0.3 kg. The only disadvantage of the variety is its short season: only 1 full month (end of March - end of May).

The Indian Alphonso mango variety is one of the most delicious in the world.


This beautiful variety of mango trees can be found in the state of Chinnai. The fruit itself is oval-elongated, the pulp is not fibrous, sugary. The peel is very thin, easily torn and cracked. A relatively large-fruited variety, average weight up to 0.4 kg.

Banganapalli is an excellent Indian mango variety, moderately juicy but sweet


Cultivated in the state of Gujarat. The fruits can be collected from June to July. Kesar has an incredible aroma that spreads far when the fruit is cut. The perfect combination The sourness and sugariness of this variety of mangoes have made it very popular. But externally the fruits are completely unattractive - dark spots can often be seen on the yellow skin, the fruits themselves are round and irregular in shape. However, the taste makes up for all the shortcomings.

The Kesar variety of Indian mango often does not look very attractive, but very tasty and aromatic pulp is hidden under the spotted skin.


This variety is cultivated in northern India.

There is an interesting legend associated with it. The merchant, who for some reason had quarreled with the temple monk, threw the ripe mango out of anger. The fruit seed took root and a huge mango tree grew in this place, which still exists today. In a grove near Malihabad in Uttar Pradesh, in a village called Dasheri, the same tree grows, which is already 300 years old.

However, the Dasheri variety is different in that its taste has a certain peppery-sourness, but, of course, more sweetness and honeyedness.

In appearance, Dasheri can be recognized by its bright green-yellow color, rounded-elongated shape without a sharp nose. This variety is also the parent variety of many northern Indian varieties. The name of this mango may vary depending on the region. Many people call him Dashehari.

Dasheri mango tree produces fruits during summer months


In the northern regions: Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and West Bengal, the Langra variety is very popular. Despite the fact that the mango of this tree produces a harvest only for half a month (mid-end of July), the residents love it very much. And not only locals, tourists often like it more than others. This is because this variety has an incredibly strong aroma, and the pulp simply melts in your mouth.

Langra mango has a rounded-elongated shape, which varies depending on the weight of the fruit: the larger the mango, the more elongated it is.

The Langra comes in a variety of colors and is slightly different in appearance. But overall, its taste remains recognizable, no matter in what form you tried it.

Langra can remain on the tree until ripeness, then it will begin to fall off due to heaviness.


It is cultivated not only in India, but also in Pakistan. Ripens in early June and can be harvested until the end of August. The pulp of Chausa resembles cream, the texture is very delicate, juicy and sweet, there is little fiber. There is a pleasant sugar-berry aroma. The average weight is small: about 0.3–0.4 kg.

Chausa differs from others in its unique berry- honey aroma

Continuing the review of exotic fruits, one cannot help but talk about such an excellent representative of this category as mango.

India is considered the birthplace of mangoes or mangifera; it is from there that the fragrant fruits reach domestic shelves today.

Mangifers are no longer a rarity, they can be bought all year round, they are always available in large supermarkets and markets, although the price of the fruit is higher than average, which is affected by expensive delivery and other overhead costs.

However, despite the high cost, mangoes are worth buying at least from time to time. This is not only very tasty, but also a healthy tropical fruit, which neither adults nor children will refuse to enjoy.

For those who have never eaten mango

If you have never tried mango, then try to correct this omission as soon as possible, because mangoes are amazing fruits.

It is the size of a large orange, only it has an oval shape and a smooth shiny peel, the color of which can vary from green to yellow and from yellow to red, within the same fruit.

Depending on the country where they grow, mangoes differ in appearance and taste. Today, in addition to Indian mangifers, you can find Spanish, Mexican, Pakistani, Egyptian, Thai, and Israeli.

The pulp of all ripe mangoes is pleasantly fibrous, very juicy, sweet, but not cloying, and aromatic. There is a small flat bone inside the fruit.

  • Spanish mangoes, as a rule, orange or red in color, they are smaller than others and have a noticeable sourness in taste.
  • Thai mangoes– whitish, very large and very juicy.
  • Pakistani mangoes– green in color, with a thick, dense peel.

As is already clear, it is impossible to determine the degree of ripeness of mangoes by the color of the peel - they are all multi-colored. To buy a good ripe fruit, you need to pay attention to the stalk.

If it comes off easily, then the mango is ripe. If there is no stalk, then the indicator will be the aroma, which is most intensely felt exactly in the place where the stalk was attached.

A strong, pleasant smell, elastic, shiny peel - these are the signs that indicate the ripeness of a mango. But if you come across a greenish fruit, don’t be upset, put it in a dark kitchen cabinet for about a week - it may “get there”.

The mango will never ripen in the refrigerator, because low temperatures, the ripening processes in it completely stop.

The area of ​​application of mangoes is very wide and it is not only cooking. Mango is a medicinal fruit; it is also actively used in cosmetology and dietetics.

Chemical composition of mango

Mango pulp is bright yellow, like pumpkin, which indicates the presence of a large amount of carotenoids in it (about 5 times more than in any other orange fruit).

Mango is delicious and low in calories - only 65 kilocalories- a godsend for those who are on a diet.

Mangifera contains a huge amount of various sugars (xylose, maltose, sucrose, fructose, sedoheptulose, mannoheptulose, etc.), vitamins (especially vitamin C and B), mineral components (iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. ).

It also contains many essential amino acids needed by the human body.

By wealth chemical composition mango is comparable to such “deserved” fruits as pomegranate and apples.

The healing properties of mangoes were first discovered by ancient Indian doctors, and in Pakistan the fruits are still used primarily for healing from many ailments, and only then as a delicacy.

What are the benefits of mangoes for the body?

1. The fruit improves vision and prevents its deterioration. Helps with night blindness, astigmatism, myopia.

2. Mango helps cope with nervous disorders, increased emotionality, depression, excitability and their consequences, such as headaches, sleep disturbances and others.

3. Used to normalize the reproductive functions of the male and female body.

4. Evens out hormonal levels and increases sexual desire.

5. Strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of contracting viruses and infections.

6. Actively fights cancer cells during the period of their origin and active growth, so everyone should eat mango to prevent oncology.

7. Mango promotes rejuvenation of the body, reduces general intoxication, prevents cellular oxidation.

8. The presence of a large amount of fiber in mangoes stimulates intestinal motility. The fruit relieves constipation and slagging.

9. Has hemostatic properties.

10. Reduces the manifestations of dermatitis, prevents and treats acne.

11. Mango is great for heartburn.

12. Has diuretic properties. Used as a decongestant.

13. Mango increases hemoglobin.

14. Calms the heartbeat and relieves pain in the heart area.

15. Considered one of the best fruits for use in weight loss diets.

To extract from mango maximum benefit, experts advise chewing pieces of fruit slowly and leaving the pulp in your mouth for as long as possible. By consuming mango in this way, a person strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Mango is harmful

Mangoes should not be eaten in large quantities at once. Like any bioactive product, it can provoke a reverse reaction and, instead of the expected benefit, bring only harm:
stomach colic;
irritation of mucous membranes;
diarrhea or constipation;
Be healthy.

It is supplied to Russia from different countries: Brazil, Guatemala, Bangladesh, India, Thailand. Mango is often called the “Asian apple”, and it is already common to see it on supermarket shelves. But does everyone know how to choose the right mango and how to eat it?

Basically, it is either green or yellow. Green fruits are recommended to be consumed salty, with meat and fish, for example, and yellow, sweeter fruits can be eaten as an independent dessert or as an addition to it.

How to determine the ripeness of a mango

It is important to determine whether the fruit is ripe, because this determines whether it can be eaten or not. How do you know if it is ripe enough? So, a ripe mango should have:
smooth surface of the peel (but there are exceptions: the peel of some varieties of fruit is uneven, as if in folds, and this is the norm);

  • small dark specks on the peel;
  • weight more than two hundred grams (if the weight is less, then most likely the fruit will be tasteless and harsh);
  • soft, but not too soft, top layer (it should be easily pressed to the touch);
  • the size of the fruit is not necessarily large (large fruits do not guarantee good taste);
  • a pleasant, noticeable aroma that intensifies towards the tail;
  • a fairly large stalk, flexible at the base.

It’s great if, when choosing a fruit, you can see it in cross-section. A ripe mango should be bright yellow-orange when cut.

Mango flavor

Shades of taste vary from variety to variety, and also depend on the country of origin. There are suggestions that the taste of mango resembles:

  • lemon-carrot flavor,
  • pine-lemon;
  • bright exotic taste, similar to om;
  • strawberry-pineapple;
  • with juniper notes.

How to peel a mango

Before eating, the fruit must be peeled. The difficulty is that the skinless fruit is very slippery, and you can easily cut yourself with a knife blade. Let's look at everything in order.

How to remove a pit

There are three ways to remove the kernel from a fruit while leaving the peel intact.

  • First way. You need to place the fruit on a cutting board, fix it with your hand so that there is a place with a tail on top. Then you need to draw a knife along barely noticeable lines from top to bottom of the fruit on both sides. Are these lines really that important? They will facilitate the process of removing the seed, and in this case the fruit will be damaged minimally. If you were able to find the lines and the cuts were made along them, then the seed will be located along the halves of the fruit. And to get it, you just need to pull the halves in different directions. In this case, one half will be pitted, and a spoon will help you easily remove it from the second half. If the lines on the mango are invisible, you can make cuts anywhere, most importantly, on two opposite sides of the fruit. If the bone is located across the cuts or perpendicular to the halves, then you can twist the halves in different directions with both hands. Thus, separate them from each other. And remove the bone again with a spoon.
  • The point of the second method is to remove the core and end up with almost a whole fruit. There will be an opportunity to cut it into rings. So, you will need a sharp knife. They make a cut along the fruit, small, the size of the kernel. Then the knife needs to be inserted into the slot and not scrolled all the way, but as if moving the halves apart. Then use a spoon to remove the bone. This case is suitable only if the fruit is ripe enough. Otherwise you will have to try very hard.
  • And the third way. You can make a slit through the entire fruit so that it runs along the flat side of the pit. To do this you need a sharp knife and skill. IN in this case The core is also removed from half of the fruit with a spoon.

In all three cases, you can remove the core of the fruit by first peeling it. It’s just that after this the fruit will become slippery and it will not be very convenient to continue manipulating it.

How to peel a mango

Eat different ways cleaning. Knowing the following points will help you do this correctly.

  • Clean with a kitchen knife. Like potatoes, but make the skin thinner. Or make two cuts on the side of the mango opposite the tail. And then use your fingers to stretch the skin to the other end, just like peeling.
  • Use a vegetable peeler as a knife. It will take more time, but there is a chance that the skin will be cut thinly and neatly.
  • Without using a knife. This can be done if the fruit is ripe and cut into two halves. You'll need a glass here. You need to take half the fruit in one hand. Glass - in another. Place the mango, skin side up, on the glass and press down lightly with your hand. The diameter of the glass is slightly smaller than the diameter of the mango, this will allow the pulp to be inside the glass when pressed, and the peel to be in your hand.

How to eat mango

Mango can be eaten fresh or after heat treatment - it all depends on the person’s preferences. This exotic fruit easy to prepare at home.


Let's look at options for eating mango raw:

  1. You can simply eat it with a spoon, eating the juicy pulp out of half.
  2. Add to smoothie. Or make a cocktail, for example, grind pieces of its pulp in a blender, then pour milk or yogurt into it, and add ice cubes. Mango tastes like a combination of strawberries and pineapple, so it goes well with liqueurs and rum.
  3. You can prepare a kind of side dish from it. To do this, the chopped fruit needs to be sprinkled with spices and salt.
  4. The fruit can be added to a salad, for example, make a mango and shrimp salad. Cook shrimp according to classical method, then add arugula and mozzarella to them. This salad is dressed olive oil, honey and mustard.
  5. Sorbet. Frozen sorbet can be served with mint sauce.

In prepared dishes

Now let's look at how to eat mangoes after heat treatment.

  1. The fruit is added to yogurt, mousse cakes, jelly, and simply baked goods.
  2. It is eaten with seafood. For example, to add this fruit to fish sauce, you first need to simmer it.
  3. Oven-cooked chicken or duck will become more unusual and refined in taste if mango is baked with it.
  4. Pieces of pulp can be preserved for the winter, making a wonderful dessert.
  5. You can put it in soup, for example, from shrimp.

Can you eat mango peel?

There is one more important nuance: how to eat mango correctly: peeling it or with it?

If the fruit is ripe, then the color and general form the skin does not cause much suspicion and many may think that it can be consumed with the skin. Under no circumstances should this be done, because it contains a toxic resin called urushiol.
It can cause:

  • intoxication or poisoning;
  • allergies.

How to store mangoes

Mangoes come to us in Russia from different countries, but fruits from Thailand are considered more appetizing. How to preserve the fruit and what is the shelf life, we will consider below.
If the fruit was chosen correctly, its peel is not damaged, has a smooth and shiny surface, the shelf life of mangoes at home is only one week.

You can store the fruit:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • at room temperature, on the table;
  • in a cellar or in a dark and cool place, wrapped in paper;
  • in the freezer;
  • after heat treatment.

It is advisable to store the fruit on a plate in the refrigerator on the middle shelf. The main thing is that if its surface begins to turn black, then it is no longer worth eating such a fruit. He's gone bad.
Mango storage temperature should not be higher than +5C, relative air humidity 90-95%.

How to store unripe mangoes

Often in stores you can only buy unripe fruit. You can’t eat this because there is a risk of stomach upset, flatulence and vomiting. You can help the fruit ripen at home.

An easy option is to store it on the windowsill. It will ripen in 3-5 days.

How to allow the fruit to ripen faster?

If you put mango and ripe mango in one bag, then place it on a windowsill where the sun's rays come, it will take 1-2 days for the fruit to ripen. This is due to the ethylene contained in the apple.

If you store unripe fruit in the refrigerator in the hope that it will ripen, then there is a possibility of its ripening. However, during such storage, sugar does not form in mango fruits, as a result of which the mango will be tasteless, as if bland.

The fruit brought to the required maturity is stored in the refrigerator.

Storing mangoes in the refrigerator

Of course, storing fruits in the refrigerator is the best option. But you need to do it right. For example, if a fruit sits in the refrigerator for a long time, then its taste will not become better, but rather the opposite. The pulp will also become tougher.

To ensure that the taste of mango remains juicy and sweet for a long time, you need to follow some rules:

  • place the ripe fruit in a cool, but not cold place;
  • Store unripe fruit on the windowsill.

You can store mangoes in the refrigerator.

Most the best option– this is in the “freshness zone” of the refrigerator. There is constant air ventilation, which allows you to always maintain the same temperature of +3C. The fruit is wrapped in paper, but not very tightly.

If the refrigerator model does not include a “freshness zone,” then the mango is wrapped in a paper bag and stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. The temperature is from +3 to +5C.

Until relatively recently, mangoes were a real curiosity for Russians; they were seen only in Brazilian TV series, and not on domestic shelves. Today, this great fruit (and this is how it is literally translated from Sanskrit) can be freely purchased and enjoyed with delicate, aromatic pulp with a large amount of minerals and vitamins. Such properties increase the popularity of the fruit and questions increasingly arise: “Where does the mango fruit grow and is it possible to grow it yourself?” Let's try to figure it out.


Mango is literally “teeming” with vitamins and in terms of usefulness easily surpasses the apples and bananas we are used to. Vitamins A, B, D, E and C (and the concentration of the latter can be up to 175 mg per 100 g), along with sucrose, xylose, glucose, sedoheptulose, fructose, maltose and mannoheptulose - this is not a complete list useful to people substances found in mangoes. It also contains essential amino acids, which are so valuable because they are not produced by the human body independently, but are supplied only with food. The richness of the mineral composition of mangoes is rounded off by a high concentration of carotenoids (hence the bright yellow or orange flesh), as well as the presence of calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Healing properties

In places where mango has been growing for many centuries, it is used not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes. It is believed that eating this fruit helps prevent cancer of the genitourinary system.

It is also used as a natural immunomodulator, thanks to the combination of vitamins B, C and carotene. Mangoes are also credited with the ability to relieve nervous tension, improve mood, overcome stress and significantly increase a person’s sexual abilities.

Homeland of the fruit

Beneficial features, pleasant taste and the element of exoticism are increasingly increasing the popularity of this fruit every day. Questions arise: "Where does mango grow? In which countries? What varieties are there?" Today, about 20 countries are engaged in the cultivation and supply of this fruit. But the original homeland of the beautiful and fruitful mango tree is India. In addition, among Hindus it is considered the incarnation of the god Prajayapati (“Creator of All That Is”).

It is India that is the “main” country where mangoes grow: today there are about 100 varieties of it.

The history of the emergence of the mango tree can be considered the period of the 4th-5th centuries BC. BC, when it was brought to Malaya and eastern Asia by wandering Buddhist monks. And in the 10th century AD. e. Mangoes were brought by the Persians to East Africa. That is, in general, this exotic fruit has existed for about 6 thousand years. Mango was originally a small, dry and stringy fruit. But in the course of natural crossing of its two varieties, the well-known fragrant, soft and juicy fruits were obtained.

Where does mango grow: description

During the era of great geographical discoveries, exotic flora and fauna spread rapidly throughout almost the entire globe. And together with citrus fruits and pineapples, mango trees have taken root in all countries with a tropical climate. As mentioned above, the undisputed leader in mango production is India, where 70% of the total area of ​​industrial fruit growing is allocated for these purposes. India annually supplies about 9 million tons of mangoes to the world market, which is 65% of the world harvest. In addition, the “Asian apple” is grown for sale in Thailand, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mexico, the Philippines, Tanzania, the Dominican Republic and Colombia.

In the 19th century, American scientists carried out active work to develop mango varieties that were able to bear fruit in a climate that was more severe for a tropical tree, namely in the Yucatan and Florida. And in 1900 they succeeded, and the first mango fruits produced in North America appeared on the shelves in the USA.

Optimal conditions

Exotic fruits grow and produce well in tropical, warm and humid climates. The ideal place where dates, mangoes, pomegranates and papaya grow is India, South and East Asia, East Africa, Malaysia and other countries with similar temperature conditions.

Mango trees need a frost-free climate. Even a short cooling to +5 degrees Celsius will lead to the death of the fruits and flowers of the “Asian apple”. Young trees are not able to withstand even short-term frosts; adult trees can withstand short temperature changes.


The mango tree looks very majestic in appearance: it can grow up to 30 meters in length, and with a wide rounded crown over the years it can grow up to 40 meters in width, straightening out and thinning towards the top. The root on well-fertilized soil is capable of going 6 meters deep with the germination of supporting rod branches.

The mango tree is practically an evergreen long-liver: it can grow and bear fruit for 300 years. It looks very beautiful during flowering, densely covered with small flowers of yellow or red shades. Fruit shapes may vary in shape, color and quality. Round, oval, oblong - they are almost always somewhat curved in shape. The size of the fruit can vary between 7-25 cm. The color of mangoes can be green, yellow, pink, red and even grayish and purple when ripe. The pulp can be either pale yellow or bright orange. Inside the fruit there is a yellowish-white pit of a flat oval shape, from which, by the way, you can grow a tree.

Mango at home

Many people are interested in the question of where mango grows best: in the country, in a greenhouse or in a pot on the windowsill. To answer this, you need to understand the theory. The optimal natural environment for mangoes is tropical places with an altitude of up to 1000 meters. Their ripening is not affected by seasonal downpours, but a fungal disease that occurs as a result of fogs poses a real threat to the inflorescences and ovaries. As does a strong wind, knocking down unripe fruits.

Soil composition is not very important for mango trees, in contrast to good drainage, which is necessary for active vegetative growth without compromising flowering and fruiting.

Mango is quite easy to grow from a seed; it must be fresh and taken from a ripe fruit. To do this, you need to remove the hard shell of the seed with a knife and, after treating it with a fungicide, immediately plant it in a container with a hard bottom. This will prevent the taproot from growing to the detriment of the sprout. Seed germination in tropical and subtropical climates occurs on days 8-14, in cooler climates - from 3 to 4 weeks. The seedling begins to bear fruit after five years, and a full harvest should be expected by the fifteenth year.

The ideal option for growing mangoes in your apartment or small winter garden are dwarf varieties of this tree. The first harvest can be expected in a year; it blooms in January-April and bears fruit in July.

Will it grow in open ground?

For domestic gardeners, growing mangoes in their summer cottage is an unprecedented reason for pride. There is an opinion that the suitable place where mangoes grow in Russia is the south of the Stavropol Territory and the Krasnodar Territory. Allegedly, cold-resistant varieties are capable of bearing fruit there. However, this is a controversial issue, since specialized publications claim that mango tree seedlings will not survive temperature regime below five degrees Celsius.

  1. Since ancient times, Hindus, who consider the mango tree sacred, have attributed to it the ability to fulfill wishes. So, in India, where mangoes grow, they believe that by hanging this fruit on the door of your house on New Year’s Eve, you can attract happiness and grace to it. Hindus also use mango branches to clean their teeth during sacred holidays.
  2. Despite all the benefits and extraordinary taste of the “great fruit,” burning mango leaves leads to the release of toxic gases, which causes serious irritation to the eyes and respiratory system. The leaves of this tree are poisonous to cattle. Interestingly, in ancient times in India, a shade of yellow dye was obtained by feeding mango leaves to cows (in small quantity) and subsequent urine collection. Of course, this method of feeding toxic leaves to sacred animals was considered illegal.
  3. The annual volume of mango cultivation is about 20 million tons. And although the main country where mangoes grow is India, on European shelves this fruit is predominantly of Spanish origin.

The two main varieties of mangoes are Indian (round, red or yellow) and Indo-Chinese (green, elongated fruit). All others are hybrids of these two representatives.

Botanists call the tropical fruit mango Mangifera Indica. The name encrypts the birthplace of the culture - India.

Until now, more than half of the world's harvest is harvested in this country. The plant is also of economic importance in other regions of the tropics and subtropics. And the beneficial properties of mango fruit are appreciated by residents of all continents.

Not only fruits are used, but also seeds, flowers, bark and even exotic tree gum.

Where does mango grow?

In the wild, Indian mangifera can be found in the forests of South and Southeast Asia. These are evergreen trees up to 45 m high. industrial scale In addition to Hindustan, the mango plant is cultivated in China, Mexico, the USA, the Caribbean and Philippine Islands, Australia and Africa.

The area of ​​culture expanded to the Mediterranean coast. There are more than 300 varieties, which are divided into two main groups - Indian and Indo-Chinese mangoes. They ripen twice a year.

What does a mango look like (ripe, unripe)

The fruits have nutritional value. It's hard to say what mango tastes like. A little like apricot, a little like sweet carrots. Someone tastes , and . In any case, it is aromatic, juicy, sweet, with a rich taste. Not hard or sour at all.

Depending on the variety, the weight of each fruit varies from 200 g to 2 kg. From a biological point of view, these are drupes: inside each fruit there is a large stone - a seed that germinates well even at home. The pulp is yellow-orange, the skin is smooth, slightly glossy. The seeds can be consumed fried or boiled.

Composition, BJU

The pulp of the tropical exotic contains a number of human-friendly nutrients - biologically significant substances. Ripe mangoes are more easily absorbed by the body. However, in their homeland, plants use fruits at different stages of ripening for food. Their properties differ.

Chemical composition of ripe mango

100 g of product contains:

  • proteins – 0.8 g;
  • fats – 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 15 g;
  • insoluble fiber – 1.6 g.

From minerals to nai large quantities identified: potassium (168 mg), calcium (11 mg), magnesium (10 mg), sodium (10 mg), phosphorus (14 mg). Microelements are presented: iron (0.16 mg), zinc (0.09 mg), manganese (0.063 mg), copper (111 mcg), selenium (0.6 mcg).

What vitamins do mangoes contain?

100 g of ripe pulp contains the following vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid (C) – 36.4 mg;
  • alpha and beta carotene (provitamin of vitamin A) – 54 mcg;
  • choline (B4) – 7.6 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) – 0.197 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) – 0.038 mg;
  • thiamine (B1) – 0.028 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) – 0.119 mg;
  • folate (B9) – 43 mcg;
  • alpha tocopherol (E) – 0.9 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) – 4.2 μg;
  • niacin (PP) – 0.669 mg.

Energy value

Ripe pulp consists of more than 80% water. The amount of dry matter ranges from 20 to 15%. Glycemic index mango - 55 units, which is considered average. Energy value low - 60...67 kcal/100 g. The share of fresh mango BJU in caloric content is 4/5/58.

What is the difference between the composition of unripe fruits and ripe ones?

The pulp of unripe fruits contains more starch. During ripening, it is transformed into easily digestible sugars. The pulp becomes sweeter and tastier.

Mango - benefits and harm to the body

In Sanskrit, the name of the fruit is translated as “great.” In India and Pakistan they even treated plague and cholera. The benefits of mango for the body are related to the composition of the pulp.

What are the benefits of mango for the body?

  1. Mango is a preventative against cancer - prostate cancer, breast cancer and other organs. Antioxidants in its composition suppress the appearance and growth of cancer cells.
  2. The pulp contains a lot of beta-carotene. In the body, it is synthesized into vitamin A, and is responsible for the perception of visual images by humans and improves vision.
  3. A high concentration of vitamin A reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease by affecting cholesterol levels.
  4. Mango proteolytic enzymes affect food digestion. They directly affect proteins that come with food, breaking them down in the stomach. This is how the fruit helps get rid of constipation and intestinal problems.
  5. Potassium helps strengthen blood vessels and has beneficial influence on the heart muscle.
  6. Mango helps get rid of stress, insomnia, and relieves nervous tension.
  7. In case of viral diseases, the fruit has a positive effect on the immune system and saturates the body with vitamin C. It contains more of it than lemon.

Use for diabetes

For diabetes, mango fruits, unlike many sweet fruits, are not prohibited. They are eaten 3 hours after the main meal. You can eat a maximum of ½ fruit per day (up to 150 g). Fresh juice in the amount of 100 ml per day is useful.

The leaves are brewed to restore retinal function (1 tsp/250 ml of boiling water). Take 1/3 cup three times a day after meals for a month, followed by a 2-week break. Before taking the drug, consultation with an endocrinologist is required.

Benefits of dried mango

Properly dried pulp retains almost all beneficial properties. However, the calorie content of 100 g of dried product is about 315 kcal. And you need to pay attention to recipes for making dried mango.

You should choose a product that does not have added sugar, dyes, transgenic fats or flavorings. And the production technology does not use baking or frying.


  1. Mango should not be combined with alcohol. Some vitamins included in its composition accelerate the transition of carbohydrates to fats. There is a risk that carbohydrates will be stored as reserves in the subcutaneous adipose tissue.
  2. Unripe fruits in large quantities (more than 2) can cause diarrhea, colic, and constipation. Possible irritation of the laryngeal mucosa.
  3. In case of chronic gastritis, fruit in large quantities can cause an exacerbation, since it contains fatty acids.
  4. It is not advisable to use it for acute and chronic pancreatitis, and unripe fruits for gout.

Individual intolerance to mango is also a contraindication. Often an allergic reaction is caused not by the pulp, but by the skin. Then you need to use gloves to peel the fruit.

How to peel and eat mangoes

It is not recommended to eat more than 1 medium-sized fruit per day. Before starting tasting, it is washed in warm water and wipe dry with a towel. Peeling a ripe mango is not easy. The fruits are soft, the juice flows when pressed, and the seed of the fruit itself does not separate.

How to eat mango - with or without peel

The peel has an astringent taste. It is quite dense and, as a rule, is not used for food. It contains a lot of indigestible fiber, which is difficult to digest and can harm the intestines in large quantities.

How to cut a mango

Before peeling the fruit, you need to cut it. It is convenient to do this using a fruit slicer. If you don't have a device, cut the fruit into two parts with a knife.

Place the halves on the table with the flesh facing up. With a sharp knife Apply a deep “mesh” to the slices without cutting through the skin. Carefully turn out the pieces of fruit and cut the cubes with a knife.


Mangoes that are exported are harvested unripe. Even in this form, some fruits spoil during transportation.

Then how to store mangoes at home? Ripe fruits do not lose their properties for only a few days. Can keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. But you don’t need to wrap them in plastic; it’s better to put them in a paper bag.

How to ripen mangoes at home

Wrap unripe fruits in paper. Leave it like this at room temperature for a week. Ripe fruit must be eaten within two days, otherwise it will spoil.

How to choose the right mango

A ripe fruit is not completely hard. It should not be too soft: such fruit may turn out to be rotten. The skin color can be any - yellow, green, red. It is better to choose the brightest specimens. The main indicator of ripeness is the aroma. Ripe mango is sweet and spicy.

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