How to ripen unripe mangoes at home. How to properly store mangoes: proven methods

Mango is an exotic fruit; it is supplied to Russia from different countries: Brazil, Guatemala, Bangladesh, India, Thailand. Mango is often called the “Asian apple”, and it is already common to see it on supermarket shelves. But does everyone know how to choose the right mango and how to eat it?

Basically, it is either green or yellow. Green fruits are recommended to be consumed salty, with meat and fish, for example, and yellow, sweeter fruits can be eaten as an independent dessert or as an addition to it.

How to determine the ripeness of a mango

It is important to determine whether the fruit is ripe, because this determines whether it can be eaten or not. How do you know if it is ripe enough? So, a ripe mango should have:
smooth surface of the peel (but there are exceptions: the peel of some varieties of fruit is uneven, as if in folds, and this is the norm);

  • small dark specks on the peel;
  • weight more than two hundred grams (if the weight is less, then most likely the fruit will be tasteless and harsh);
  • soft, but not too soft, top layer (it should be easily pressed to the touch);
  • the size of the fruit is not necessarily large (large fruits do not guarantee good taste);
  • a pleasant, noticeable aroma that intensifies towards the tail;
  • a fairly large stalk, flexible at the base.

It’s great if, when choosing a fruit, you can see it in cross-section. A ripe mango should be bright yellow-orange when cut.

Mango flavor

Shades of taste vary from variety to variety, and also depend on the country of origin. There are suggestions that the taste of mango resembles:

  • lemon-carrot flavor,
  • pine-lemon;
  • bright exotic taste similar to pineapple;
  • strawberry-pineapple;
  • peach with juniper notes.

How to peel a mango

Before eating, the fruit must be peeled. The difficulty is that the skinless fruit is very slippery, and you can easily cut yourself with a knife blade. Let's look at everything in order.

How to remove a pit

There are three ways to remove the kernel from a fruit while leaving the peel intact.

  • First way. You need to place the fruit on a cutting board, fix it with your hand so that there is a place with a tail on top. Then you need to draw a knife along barely noticeable lines from top to bottom of the fruit on both sides. Are these lines really that important? They will facilitate the process of removing the seed, and in this case the fruit will be damaged minimally.
    If you managed to find the lines and the cuts were made along them, then the seed will be located along the halves of the fruit. And to get it, you just need to pull the halves in different directions. In this case, one half will be pitted, and a spoon will help you easily remove it from the second half. If the lines on the mango are invisible, you can make cuts anywhere, most importantly, on two opposite sides of the fruit. If the bone is located across the cuts or perpendicular to the halves, then you can twist the halves in different directions with both hands. Thus, separate them from each other. And remove the bone again with a spoon.
  • The point of the second method is to remove the core and end up with almost a whole fruit. There will be an opportunity to cut it into rings. So, you will need sharp knife. They make a cut along the fruit, small, the size of the kernel. Then the knife needs to be inserted into the slot and not scrolled all the way, but as if moving the halves apart. Then use a spoon to remove the bone. This case is suitable only if the fruit is ripe enough. Otherwise you will have to try very hard.
  • And the third way. You can make a slit through the entire fruit so that it runs along the flat side of the pit. To do this you need a sharp knife and skill. IN in this case The core is also removed from half of the fruit with a spoon.

In all three cases, you can remove the core of the fruit by first peeling it. It’s just that after this the fruit will become slippery and it will not be very convenient to continue manipulating it.

How to peel a mango

Eat different ways cleaning. Knowing the following points will help you do this correctly.

  • Clean with a kitchen knife. Like potatoes, but make the skin thinner. Or make two cuts on the side of the mango opposite the tail. And then use your fingers to stretch the skin to the other end, just like peeling a banana.
  • Use a vegetable peeler as a knife. It will take more time, but there is a chance that the skin will be cut thinly and neatly.
  • Without using a knife. This can be done if the fruit is ripe and cut into two halves. You'll need a glass here. You need to take half the fruit in one hand. Glass - in another. Place the mango, skin side up, on the glass and press down lightly with your hand. The diameter of the glass is slightly smaller than the diameter of the mango, this will allow the pulp to be inside the glass when pressed, and the peel to be in your hand.

How to eat mango

Mango can be eaten fresh or after heat treatment - it all depends on the person’s preferences. This exotic fruit easy to prepare at home.


Let's look at options for eating mango raw:

  1. You can simply eat it with a spoon, eating the juicy pulp out of half.

  2. Add to smoothie. Or make a cocktail, for example, grind pieces of its pulp in a blender, then pour milk or yogurt into it, and add ice cubes. Mango tastes like a combination of strawberries and pineapple, so it goes well with liqueurs and rum.
  3. You can prepare a kind of side dish from it. To do this, the chopped fruit needs to be sprinkled with spices and salt.
  4. The fruit can be added to a salad, for example, make a mango and shrimp salad. Cook shrimp according to classical method, then add arugula and mozzarella to them. This salad is dressed olive oil, honey and mustard.
  5. Sorbet. Frozen sorbet can be served with mint sauce.

In prepared dishes

Now let's look at how to eat mangoes after heat treatment.

  1. The fruit is added to yogurt, mousse cakes, jelly, and simply baked goods.
  2. It is eaten with seafood. For example, to add this fruit to fish sauce, first you need to let it go.
  3. Oven-cooked chicken or duck will become more unusual and refined in taste if mango is baked with it.
  4. Pieces of pulp can be preserved for the winter, making a wonderful dessert.
  5. You can put it in soup, for example, from shrimp.

Can you eat mango peel?

There is one more important nuance: how to eat mango correctly: peeling it or with it?

If the fruit is ripe, then the color and general form the skin does not cause much suspicion and many may think that it can be consumed with the skin. Under no circumstances should this be done, because it contains a toxic resin called urushiol.
It can cause:

  • intoxication or poisoning;
  • allergies.

How to store mangoes

Mangoes come to us in Russia from different countries, but fruits from Thailand are considered more appetizing. How to preserve the fruit and what is the shelf life, we will consider below.
If the fruit was chosen correctly, its peel is not damaged, has a smooth and shiny surface, the shelf life of mangoes at home is only one week.

You can store the fruit:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • at room temperature, on the table;
  • in a cellar or in a dark and cool place, wrapped in paper;
  • in the freezer;
  • after heat treatment.

It is advisable to store the fruit on a plate in the refrigerator on the middle shelf. The main thing is that if its surface begins to turn black, then it is no longer worth eating such a fruit. He's gone bad.
Mango storage temperature should not be higher than +5C, relative air humidity 90-95%.

How to store unripe mangoes

Often in stores you can only buy unripe fruit. You can’t eat this because there is a risk of stomach upset, flatulence and vomiting. You can help the fruit ripen at home.

An easy option is to store it on the windowsill. It will ripen in 3-5 days.

How to allow the fruit to ripen faster?

If you put a mango and a ripe apple in one bag, then place it on a windowsill exposed to sunlight, it will take 1-2 days for the fruit to ripen. This is due to the ethylene contained in the apple.

If you store unripe fruit in the refrigerator in the hope that it will ripen, then there is a possibility of its ripening. However, during such storage, sugar does not form in mango fruits, as a result of which the mango will be tasteless, as if bland.

The fruit brought to the required maturity is stored in the refrigerator.

Storing mangoes in the refrigerator

Of course, storing fruits in the refrigerator is the best option. But you need to do it right. For example, if a fruit sits in the refrigerator for a long time, then its taste will not become better, but rather the opposite. The pulp will also become tougher.

To ensure that the taste of mango remains juicy and sweet for a long time, you need to follow some rules:

  • place the ripe fruit in a cool, but not cold place;
  • Store unripe fruit on the windowsill.

You can store mangoes in the refrigerator.

The best option is in the “fresh zone” of the refrigerator. There is constant air ventilation, which allows you to always maintain the same temperature of +3C. The fruit is wrapped in paper, but not very tightly.

If the refrigerator model does not include a “freshness zone,” then the mango is wrapped in a paper bag and stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. The temperature is from +3 to +5C.

How many days is the fruit stored in these cases?

  • Fruit can be stored in the “fresh zone” for up to 10 days;
  • On the middle shelf of the refrigerator for 7 days.

If you need to preserve an exotic fruit for a long time, then, of course, you can freeze it in the freezer. But to do this, it needs to be peeled and cut into cubes. You need to freeze by first placing the pieces on a plate and wrapping it in cling film.

Frozen mango is simply transferred to a bag and sealed, leaving it in the freezer, where the temperature should be from -24 to -18 C, and should be stored for no longer than three months.

How to store cut mango

If the fruit has been cut into pieces and needs to be preserved, you will have to pour lemon juice over them to avoid blackening. Then place in a plate and wrap in cling film. It should be stored for no more than 1 day on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. These are the storage conditions for this wonderful fruit.

How to store mangoes at home

First of all, you should be able to choose the most delicious and juicy fruit correctly. Full ripeness is indicated by a characteristic strong aroma and sweet taste. To choose the right mango, take those fruits that have a round shape and smooth skin, and when pressed, you feel elasticity, which indicates ripeness. But if you want to save the mango for later, you should choose a fruit that is slightly unripe - it has a hard texture and an inexpressible aroma.

Here's how to store mangoes at home:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • on the table in a fruit basket;
  • in a dark, cool place (pantry or cellar);
  • V freezer;
  • heat treated.

If you bought ripe fruit, but will not use it yet, you should know how to store mangoes from Thailand and where.

You can also wrap the mango in paper and take it to a dark, cool place, where, at a temperature no higher than +5°C and a relative humidity of 90-95%, it will be stored and, if necessary, ripened.

How to store unripe mangoes so they ripen

If you bought unripe fruit, you can bring it to ripeness. To do this, place the mango on a plate and keep it at room temperature in the kitchen for 3-5 days. You can also speed up the ripening process of mangoes by placing them in a bag with a ripe apple and placing them on a windowsill in direct sunlight. Ripe apples emit ethylene, which will accelerate the onset of mango ripeness, and it will take only 1-2 days for the exotic fruit to become completely ripe.

The main signs that a Thai mango is fully ripe:

  • rich sweet aroma;
  • smooth skin;
  • yellow spots;
  • elastic consistency.

Once you have brought an unripe green fruit to full ripeness, you cannot store it without refrigeration. At room temperature, a juicy exotic mango will quickly rot, and you need to either eat it or put it in the refrigerator on the middle shelf, where at a temperature no higher than +5°C, store green mangoes for no more than 1 week, making sure that the fruit does not turn black.

How to store mangoes in the refrigerator

The manufacturers of modern models have taken care of where it is best to store mangoes from Thailand in the refrigerator, creating a “freshness zone”. This is a special separate shelf with constant air ventilation, which preserves optimal temperature+3°С for long-term storage products. Here, storing mangoes will be optimal; the fruit should be wrapped loosely in paper and stored for no more than 10 days, making sure that it does not turn black or become too loose.

If there is no such special shelf in your refrigerator, the mango should be wrapped in paper or put in a paper bag and stored on the middle shelf, at a temperature of +3...+5°C, for 1 week.

How to store cut mango

Cut fruits quickly turn black and are stored in fresh not for long. The cut should be sprayed lemon juice To prevent the mango from turning black, place it on a plate, wrap it in cling film and store at a temperature of +3...+5°C for no more than 1 day in the refrigerator on the middle shelf.

How to store mangoes in the freezer

Freezing is great way Preserving the flavor of the mango if you haven't eaten the whole thing. Some housewives doubt whether this fruit can be frozen. We hasten to assure everyone that this method of storing mangoes at home is ideal for preserving its taste and aroma.

To do this, the ripe fruit should be peeled and cut into pieces, which you will then use in the recipe. Place mango pieces on a plate, wrap in a bag and freeze. Then remove the plate, tie the bag tightly or put the frozen mango in a special container for storage in the freezer with a tight-fitting lid. The storage temperature for mangoes in this form is -24...-18°C, and the length of time the fruit is stored is no more than 3 months. After defrosting, the exotic fruit completely restores its aroma and taste qualities.

Other ways to store mangoes

  • make confiture;
  • make jam;
  • soak in sugar syrup;
  • soak in salt water;
  • cut into pieces and dry;
  • make marshmallow;
  • Make mango marmalade.

All of these methods are great for storing mangoes; they are the same fruit as our usual apples, plums or raspberries. Therefore, the methods for storing mangoes at home will be identical.

You can cut the mango into slices and dry it in the sun in a warm, well-ventilated room (on the balcony in summer), covered with gauze. You can also use an oven or a special dryer for this purpose. Having brought the fruit to the state of elastic (not brittle!) pieces, they should be placed in a clean glass jar and store mangoes in this form for no more than 6 months in the refrigerator.

Soaked mango pieces for salads should be stored in brine or syrup in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

The finished mango marshmallow or marmalade should be stored in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf, in a deep plate, layered with paper, for no more than 7 days.

Mango jam or confiture, sealed in jars, should be stored at room temperature for no more than 1 year.

Composition and benefits

Mango, which contains many useful substances, is very beneficial for the body. It contains many vitamins and minerals that have beneficial influence per person.

Table 1. Composition (per 100 grams of product) and benefits of mango

Name Effect Amount (mg) Daily value (mg)
Vitamin C Provides skin elasticity, takes part in the synthesis of a number of hormones, promotes the removal of harmful substances, has an antioxidant effect, relieves inflammation, etc. 27-30 60-100
Vitamin A Necessary for the formation of bone tissue, mucous membranes and bone covers. Necessary for the synthesis of a number of hormones, to maintain vision, improves immunity, etc. 0,04 9-30
Folic acid (B2) Promotes energy production, necessary for the production of red blood cells, important for maintaining immunity, promotes skin elasticity, etc. 0,06 3,8
Vitamin E Slows down aging, has a protective effect, is necessary for the synthesis of hormones, etc. 1,1 8-12
Potassium Maintains intracellular pressure, ensures acid-base balance, is a catalyst for important chemical reactions, etc. 156 1000
Iron It is an essential component for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Increases immunity, is a source of energy, stimulates performance 0,13 10-16
Copper It is a component for the synthesis of hemoglobin, provides oxygen supply to cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect, etc. 0,11 1,5-3
Calcium Necessary for the formation of bones, cartilage, hair, nails. Promotes the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions, etc. 10 1000-1200
Magnesium It is a participant in electrolyte metabolism, a source of energy, a conductor of impulses, and promotes the absorption of calcium. 9 400-800

Of course, the table does not contain all the data. What vitamins do mangoes contain in addition to those listed: D, group BB and PP. The sweet pulp contains sodium, zinc, phosphorus, etc. In addition, glucose, fructose and sucrose are present.

The following beneficial properties of mango are highlighted:

  • pronounced immunomodulatory effect;
  • refers to antioxidants;
  • tones and strengthens the body as a whole.

Regular consumption of fruits will have a beneficial effect on your health. Let's look at how to eat mango further.

How is it useful for women?

The benefits of mango for the body are enormous. Separately, it should be noted the positive effect on female body. It is due to a wide range of necessary elements. Benefits of mango for women:

  1. Prevents anemia. The fruit contains copper, iron and potassium. These elements are necessary for the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin synthesis.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the skin. Vitamins B, E and C support skin elasticity and firmness. They are actively involved in the production of collagen. Consuming the fruit regularly will help you maintain youth for a long time.
  3. Fights stress. The pulp improves the quality of sleep, is an additional source of energy and contains substances necessary for the synthesis of endorphins.
  4. Increases immunity. Mango is a natural immunomodulator.
  5. Normalizes digestion. A large amount of fiber has a beneficial effect on regular bowel movements, promotes the removal of harmful substances and cleanses the body.
  6. Invigorates. The tonic effect is especially important for women with low blood pressure.

How many calories are in mango?

The sweet taste of mango involuntarily brings to mind the calorie content of the fruit. However, fans of a slim body can rest easy. 100 grams of fruit contains only 67 kcal. The value is an average. For comparison, 100 grams of apples or pears contain only 47 kcal, the same amount of peach – 45, and banana – 96.

Table 2. The nutritional value mango

Where does it grow and when does it ripen?

The historical homeland of the fruit is the Indian tropical forest and the territory of the state of Myanmar. Where mango grows in our time - we will consider further.

Table 3. Main regions of fruit growth

On the shelves of Russian supermarkets you can find fruits grown in the Canary Islands or Spain. The same product is supplied to European retail outlets. Indian and Thai mangoes can also be purchased, but they are much more expensive. The fruit ripens twice a year, seasonality differs in different countries. Purchasing fruit imported from different countries – great option, how to eat mangoes all year round.

How to choose?

When purchasing fruits, you must follow some rules. How to choose a mango:

  1. Appearance. Before you eat a mango, you need to inspect it. The fruit must be whole and have no obvious defects. The best fruits have smooth, shiny skin. Damaged or crushed fruit will not last long and is not worth buying.
  2. Form. Baseball-shaped mangoes are rightfully considered the sweetest. They have more pulp, and it itself is juicier and more tender. Fruits that are too flat will be tough.
  3. Weight. The weight of the fruit should not be less than 200 grams. It is from this number that the reference weight of the fetus starts. If it is less, then the fruit will most likely be tough and tasteless.

How to determine ripeness?

The unripe fruit does not have such a pronounced taste and aroma. How to choose a ripe mango:

  1. Size. The larger fruits come from Guatemala. Small fruits are brought from Brazil, Mexico, and Bangladesh. Impressive size does not guarantee good taste. However, the weight should not be below the minimum (200 grams).
  2. Peel. Important role The peel plays a role in how a ripe mango looks. In ripe fruit it is smooth. The presence of wrinkles or folds is unacceptable. However, for some varieties, irregularities on the surface serve as a species distinction.
  3. Softness. The fruit will be soft to the touch and easily give in to pressure.
  4. Smell. The aroma of the fruit is very complex. It resembles the smell of melon, pine needles, carrots, fresh apples. The lack of aroma should alert you when choosing.
  5. Pedicel. It should be large and springy at the base.

The tips listed contain information on how to determine the ripeness of a mango when purchasing. If you have the opportunity to cut the fruit, you should pay attention to its pulp. In a ripe fruit it is bright yellow-orange in color and has a fibrous structure.

The taste directly depends on the fruit itself. The fruits on supermarket shelves are strikingly different from the harvest collected in the place where they grow. There are a lot of opinions about what mango tastes like.

Most often mentioned:

  • combination of lemon flavor and pine notes;
  • taste of carrots with lemon;
  • refreshing exotic with pineapple flavor;
  • peach with juniper aftertaste;
  • pineapple and strawberries.

What is the difference between a green mango and a yellow one?

There are many varieties that differ not only appearance, but also useful properties. Namely:

  1. Green mango. Has a pronounced green color and elongated shape. The taste is sour, with hints of bitterness. More like a vegetable. How to eat green mangoes? It is used as an ingredient for salads, cold appetizers, and hot dishes. It is used extremely rarely separately. What green mangoes are good for is vitamin C - one fruit contains a daily dose.
  2. Yellow mango. These fruits are the most delicious. Choosing large, smooth, yellow fruits you can be sure of their sweet taste. Before eating a mango, you should make sure it is ripe.

It’s worth trying both one and the second type. How to eat mango:

  • green fruits are recommended to be consumed with salt; they are excellent in combination with meat or fish;
  • yellow fruits are an independent dessert or serve as the basis for sweet dishes.

How to clean it?

Before consumption, the fruit must be peeled. There are several ways to properly peel a mango:

  1. Peel the fruit, cut it in half, remove the pit with a knife in a circular motion, and cut into slices.
  2. Without removing the peel, make cuts throughout the fruit, segment by segment, as close to the seed as possible. Cut each slice sequentially into diamonds. Carefully turn out the slice and cut off the diamonds from the peel.
  3. Cut the fruit in half. Remove the pit in a circular motion and eat with a spoon. Great option, how to peel a mango at home for ripe fruit.

How to cut correctly?

Having figured out how to peel a mango, you need to decide on its cutting. It directly depends on how you plan to consume the fruit. For example:

  • for raw consumption, you don’t have to cut the fruit at all, but eat it with a spoon;
  • before eating mango, which is hard, it is best to cut it into slices;
  • For salad, hard fruits are cut into strips, and soft ones into cubes.

How to eat this fruit?

Not everyone in Russia knows how to eat mangoes. This fruit can be consumed raw or cooked. Its exotic taste will delight you in any case.


The fruit does not require any pre-processing; you just need to wash it in advance. How to eat mango raw:

  1. As part of smoothies or cocktails. The fruits can be crushed in a blender by adding milk, yogurt, and ice. The fruit goes well with liqueurs and rum.
  2. How to eat mango as a side dish. Just cut the fruit into cubes and add spices.
  3. How to eat mango in a salad. Delicate taste complements meat and chicken and goes well with avocado and pineapple.
  4. Make sorbet. How to eat raw mango correctly summer heat? Freeze as sorbet and serve with fruit or mint sauce. This method of eating mango is quite labor-intensive. You can simplify it with the help of an ice cream maker.

In prepared dishes

There are many ways to eat mangoes ready-made. It is used in:

  • desserts - the fruit is suitable for making yogurt and mousse cakes, sweet pilaf, jelly, and baked goods;
  • with seafood - poached fruit will be a good base for sauce for shrimp or fish;
  • how to eat mango with poultry - the fruit can be baked with chicken or duck.

Can you eat the peel?

The first thing you notice when assessing what a mango looks like is the peel. In a ripe, delicious fruit, it is shiny, smooth and colored in an appetizing color. The question inevitably arises: is it possible to eat mango peel? Preparing the fruit for consumption necessarily includes cleaning. This is not without reason: after all, how mangoes are eaten, with or without peel, is influenced by the presence of toxic resin in the skin. It is called urushiol.

The substance has bad taste and can lead to:

  • food poisoning;
  • intoxication;
  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Mango recipes

Fruit can significantly diversify your diet. Mango dishes are especially good in the summer heat. Gives a refreshing, sweet and sour taste ready meals ease. The fruits can be baked, stewed, fried. They are great as a main dish or side dish. There is no single answer to the question of how to eat mango correctly. This is a matter of taste and depends on imagination.

How does it grow and how to grow it?

In nature, this plant is widespread in tropical forests with high humidity. However, it successfully takes root in the room. The seed must be planted in moist soil immediately after removal from the fruit. The fruit must be ripe. The container must be of impressive size - an adult tree reaches 10-45 meters in height.

How to store?

The fruit can stay in the refrigerator for quite a long time without spoiling. However, in this case the fruit will not be tasty enough. How to store mangoes so that their pulp is sweet and juicy:

  • do not store the fruit in dark, cold places - it will be hard;
  • an unripe fruit will not reach maturity in a refrigerator;
  • the fruit must be placed in a cool (not cold!) place if it is ripe;
  • unripe fruit can be stored on the windowsill.

How to ripen at home?

Buying ripe fruit in our latitudes is problematic. After purchasing, many people wonder how to ripen mangoes at home. This process does not require much effort. The easiest way is to put the fruit on the windowsill; it will ripen in 3-5 days.

Can there be harm from eating this fruit?

Mango is a fruit whose benefits and harms are not comparable. Mostly, the consumption of fruits benefits the body, but in some cases it is not worth eating. For example:

  1. Before eating a mango, it must be brought to a ripe state. Unripe fruits may cause stomach upset, flatulence, or vomiting.
  2. It is forbidden to eat the fruit with the peel. How to eat mangoes and how to peel them is discussed earlier.
  3. Prohibited for a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Among them are pancreatitis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, and ulcers.
  4. May lead to allergies. Exotic fruit can cause urticaria, eczema, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema. Before eating mango for the first time, you should try a small slice. If there is no reaction, then you can introduce the product into the diet.

The benefits and harms of mangoes for the body are very individual. The fruit is not suitable for allergy sufferers; for others, moderate consumption is recommended.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body urgently needs vitamins and minerals. The fruit is different high content useful substances. When answering the question about whether pregnant women can eat mangoes, one should consider individual characteristics women. If you are prone to allergies, it is better to limit fruit consumption. Unripe mangoes are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. It will harm the body of the expectant mother.

If the fruit has not been eaten before, you should be careful. Mango for pregnant women is a new product, which means you need to eat it carefully. It is recommended to start with a few slices, gradually increasing to the whole fruit. Mango at breastfeeding allowed if the child has no signs of individual intolerance. During pregnancy, it is possible to eat mango either raw or cooked.

Mango butter: beneficial properties and applications

When mangoes ripen, they are used not only for food, but also for making oil. Fruit seeds are used as raw materials for the product. It is widely used in cosmetology. The oil has an antiseptic, healing and softening effect on the skin. Used as part of masks or in pure form for hair treatment. The product is also suitable for strengthening nails. Essential oil used as a stress reliever in aromatherapy.

Useful video

Scientists have found that mango has a whole complex of useful substances and vitamins; its consumption has a preventive effect on humans, preventing the most serious diseases:


  1. Mango, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were discussed above, is a unique fruit.
  2. It contains the most important elements necessary to maintain health.
  3. To bear fruit maximum benefit, it is important to understand how to choose, how to eat mangoes and where to store them.
  4. The product can be consumed both raw and in the preparation of various dishes.
  • The peel should not be clean, without spots or spots. This applies to all fruits, regardless of ripeness;
  • The color of the pulp should be uniform.

Most consumers are convinced that ripe mangoes are orange in color. But its color can be red, green and yellow. This parameter depends on the type of fruit.

Storing mangoes at home

It doesn’t matter whether the exotic delicacy was purchased ripe or unripe, its storage must be approached responsibly. Otherwise it will spoil. You can store mangoes at home to prevent them from spoiling:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • with other fruits;
  • in the basement, pre-wrapped in paper;
  • in the freezer;
  • thermally treated.

Ripe fruits will not spoil if stored in a refrigerator. They can be kept at home for 7 days at a temperature not exceeding 5 degrees with a “+” sign. But you need to make sure that the peel does not start to darken.

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You can leave the mango at room temperature until it ripens. After 6 days, the hard fruit will become soft. You can also resort to soaking. The fruits are immersed in salted water for several hours, after which they are wiped dry and stored as usual. This method extends the shelf life and provides the pulp with a crunch when biting.

How to store mangoes in the refrigerator

The refrigerator has a fresh zone. Here the air is constantly ventilated, and the temperature does not rise above 3 degrees Celsius, so food is kept fresh for a long time. This area is ideal for storing exotic fruit. You just need to wrap it in paper first. Store in this manner for a maximum of 10 days and check regularly for blackening of the skin.
If there is no such zone in the refrigerator, then the mangoes are stored on the middle shelves at temperature conditions not lower than 3 degrees and not higher than 5 degrees with a plus sign. Shelf life: 7 days.

The fruits of the mangifera tree ripened in this way should be consumed within 1-2 days.

Each fruit must be wrapped in paper.
If the fruit has already been cut, then it should be stored in the refrigerator, after sprinkling with lemon juice, for 24 hours. It must be wrapped in cling film.

Storing mangoes in the freezer

To ensure that the fruit retains its smell and taste longer, it is frozen. This method is suitable if it has already been cut. But the fruit of an exotic tree should be stored in this way without peel and seeds.
Rules for storing mangoes in the freezer:

  • Before freezing, the fruit should be peeled and cut;
  • arrange the pieces on a plate, wrap cling film or in a bag, seal tightly and freeze;
  • As soon as the pulp is frozen, remove the plate and place the pieces in a bag or plastic container with a lid.

After defrosting, the mango must be eaten immediately, because it cannot be stored any longer using any of the existing methods.

Storage in the freezer occurs at a temperature of about 20 degrees with a “-” sign. Mangoes will not spoil within 90 days.

Other storage methods

There are other ways that will help preserve the taste and properties of mango for a long time:

  • make jam;
  • soak in syrup or salt water;
  • cut into portioned pieces and dry;
  • freeze in puree form.

These methods are used to preserve the properties of the fruit for a long time.

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Mango is the fruit of the tropical plant Mangifera. For hot countries, this is a common fruit that is eaten every day, like apples. And for the cold regions of the globe, this exotic fruit is a rarity. What is a mango? What is it like inside and how to store mangoes at home?

General information

What types of mangos are there? Like the fruit trees of central Russia, the mango plant is divided into species.

The common name is mango tree or Mangifera indica. India and Pakistan are considered to be the birthplace of this tree. However, it is cultivated in all hot subtropical and tropical countries. It belongs to the evergreen plant species.

The following varieties exist:

  • curry - small non-varietal fruits, greenish peel, hard orange flesh;
  • chok anan - fruits of light yellow color inside and outside, weight and shape easily fit in the hand;
  • Kae savoy are large mangoes, they are eaten in their greenish form.

These are not all varieties of fruit trees, there are at least 9-10 of them. But that’s not about that now.

Signs of a ripe mango

So, how can you tell if the mango you buy at the store is ripe? Main features:

  • there are no signs of spoilage or rotting on the surface, the peel is not pressed into the pulp;
  • there are no brown or gray spots on the peel;
  • when cut, the flesh is bright orange, not gray or brown;
  • the color of the peel - red, yellow and green - corresponds to the color of the pulp;
  • pulp of sweet taste with a fibrous structure.

Storing in the refrigerator or freezer

So, what is the best way to store mangoes at home? If you decide to use a refrigerator for this purpose, then there are some subtleties. Never place unripe, slightly greenish fruits in cool or cold conditions. They will begin to give up moisture and gradually rot, instead of ripening to a soft, juicy fruit.

But overripe fruits are placed in the refrigerator to keep them in this condition longer. However, do not place them on the upper shelves, where the relative temperature is lower. The best shelves for fruit are bottom pull-out containers. You can put paper backings in them to even out the air humidity. If the humidity is high, the fruit will rot even in the refrigerator.

Freezing mangifera fruits is not recommended, but such storage also takes place. Contrary to popular belief, the flesh does not become sticky or slimy. The taste and consistency of the fruit remain almost unchanged, only part of the nutrients and vitamins are lost.

To properly freeze fruit, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • rinse and dry it;
  • cut and remove the pit;
  • remove the skin;
  • cut the pulp or grind it, place it in containers for freezing;
  • store for cold storage.

Storage at room temperature

How to store ripe mangoes at home? The fruits are stored at room temperature for ripening and ripening. Within 6-7 days, slightly hard fruits become softer.

In the homeland where mango fruits grow, they have learned to preserve them in an original and quite accessible way. They are soaked in salted water for several hours. Then wipe and store as usual. This keeps the fruits longer and better in a ripe state, and the flesh becomes crispy when bitten.

But if you leave the fruit in direct sunlight, it will slowly begin to dry out - the skin will be rough and wrinkled, and the flesh will be tough.

Storage temperature

The optimal storage temperature for ripe mango is +10, and for unripe mango - +13. Recommended storage period is one month.

Note to the hostess

To keep your mango fresh and smooth a little longer, cover it with a thin layer of lean or any other vegetable oil. The fact is that moisture will stop leaving the pulp through the skin - oil layer will actively prevent this. But this measure is used for no more than two days.

2-3 days after purchasing a mango in a store, it is recommended to eat it. Rinse thoroughly in warm water first.

How to store cut mangoes at home? Of course, peeled and cut into pieces it is better to immediately eat the fruit or use it in cooking. culinary masterpieces in the kitchen.

What to cook with mango?

Dishes that can be prepared from the mangifera fruit:

  • jam or jam with sugar or honey;
  • syrups, compotes or jelly;
  • jellies or mousses;
  • fruit ice cream (cream or fruit ice);
  • sorbets;
  • creams for layering desserts and cakes;
  • cocktails, juices, smoothies (single-component or with other ingredients);
  • soups, including pureed ones;
  • sweet or snack fruit salads;
  • filling for cheesecakes, tiramisu or casseroles;
  • petit fours, cakes;
  • marinades for meat, chicken or fish;
  • pancakes, pancakes or pancakes (where mango is part of the dough or filling for stuffing pancakes).

Now you know how to choose this exotic fruit, how to properly store mangoes at home and what you can make from it for dessert and more!

Known and used great amount varieties of this fruit. The most popular types are: Thai, Vietnamese, Philippine and Balinese mango. The most popular are green and yellow mangoes; these subspecies are found in almost every species. Mangoes can be elongated, round, ovoid or pear-shaped in shape. The shape does not affect the taste of the fruit, but only indicates that it belongs to a certain species. Depending on the variety and type of mango, its weight can reach from 200 grams to 1 kilogram. The color of a ripe fruit also depends on its variety; the peel can be green, yellow, orange, red, or a combination of several of the above.

What should a ripe mango look like?

Before you go to the store for this piece of exotic, you should find out what a ripe, ripe mango looks like and determine its ripeness. The peel of a ripe mango is smooth, dense and glossy. A ripe fruit will be slightly soft to the touch, but elastic when pressed, and the skin should not be damaged. A ripe mango should have a sweetish-resinous aroma, clearly visible at the stem.

Choosing in the store

When choosing a fruit in a store, you should remember that the color of a mango is not an indicator of ripeness. As already mentioned, the color depends on the type of fruit. Follow these simple rules, and you definitely won’t go wrong in choosing a ripe fruit:

  • Fruit shape.It should not be flat and elongated. Give preference to the plump, ball-shaped mango, it is probably ripe.
  • Weight. Weigh the fruit. The heavier the fruit, the better.
  • Smell. A ripe mango should smell distinct but not overpowering. The smell is reminiscent of peach, pineapple, with a drop of pine aftertaste. Mango lovers claim that the “smell” method is the most reliable method for eliminating all other signs of ripeness.

How to store green mango

If it so happens that you were wrong with the choice of fruit and took an unripe mango, don’t be upset! You have a chance to enjoy its unique taste. You just need to store the fruit correctly.

Signs of an unripe mango.

Without cutting the fruit, it is difficult to distinguish unripe fruit. Once you buy a mango, cut it open and examine it. The fruit is still ready to eat if:

  • It is hard to the touch;
  • Mango pulp has a green tint;
  • You cannot easily separate the seed from the fruit;
  • No rich aroma;
  • The stalk is elongated or its area is oval in shape;
  • Mango tastes sour.

Store until ripening

In order for it to ripen, it must be allowed to lie. Unripe mangoes can be stored for up to 7 weeks at a humidity of 90% and an air temperature of 7-8 degrees. In the refrigerator, such a fruit will ripen in a couple of weeks, but at room temperature, green mango will ripen in a matter of days.

Place the fruit in a paper bag, wrapped in newspaper or simply placed in a container. Make sure the mango is at room temperature. Typically, ripening takes a day or two.

Storing ripe fruit

It is advisable not to store fresh mangoes for a long time, but to eat them immediately. This way you will feel the maximum taste and tropical pleasure.

Signs of a ripe mango

As mentioned above, several parameters are responsible for the ripeness of a mango:

  • The mango should have a glossy, dense and elastic surface without damage.
  • The smell should be distinct, but not strong.
  • The shape of the mango must be round, otherwise the fruit is not ripe.

Storing cut mango

The cut fruit has a very short shelf life. The pulp turns black, hardens and loses its taste. It is recommended to store this way only in an airtight container, and no more than a day.

Optimal storage conditions

  • Mango should be stored at room temperature for no more than 5 days, after which it begins to turn black, the flesh becomes soft, and the taste becomes soapy.
  • In a cool, dark place, the freshness of the mango will increase, but not much. The number of days depends proportionally on the ripeness of the fruit. The riper it is, the faster it will spoil.
  • Storage in the refrigerator is optimal. On the middle shelf of the refrigerator, wrapped in paper or in a container, mangoes will keep for more than 10 days. The temperature should not be lower than +3-+5 degrees.
  • In the freezer, mangoes amazingly retain all their flavor and aroma, so this is the best option for long-term storage. The freezer temperature should be from -24 to -18 degrees, so mangoes can be stored for more than 3 months.


as already noted, freezing allows you to preserve ripe fruit for a long time. Therefore, let us pay special attention to it. To prevent the mango from losing its properties when frozen, it is important to prepare it for the process:

  • Separate the skin from the pulp, remove the pit, wash it thoroughly, then dry it with a napkin.
  • Cut into cubes or leave the fruit cut in half; this will not affect the final result.
  • Place the mango in a plastic container (this will be more convenient and will also prevent ice from forming).
  • If your refrigerator has a blast freezing function, you can use it. This will prevent the cut pieces from freezing to each other.

IMPORTANT! After defrosting, you must immediately eat the mango, because it cannot be re-stored by any of the methods.

Canning as a storage method

Mango is such a versatile fruit that you can use it to cook whatever your heart desires. If you want to please yourself with the taste of this fruit at any time, make mango jam, confiture, or even marshmallows.

Mango confiture

Housewives and dessert lovers know firsthand the incredible taste of desserts that contain mango. To add some zest to your cake, pastries or cookies, you can make a gorgeous and simple confiture from a juicy fruit.

To prepare it you will need mango, sugar and a gelling agent ( sugar is better). Mix diced mango with sugar and leave until juice appears. Place the mixture on slow fire and bring to a boil. Then add gelling sugar and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Then remove the mixture from the heat and let it sit for a while. Then bring to a boil again, remove from heat and puree everything using a blender. Ready.

Mango jam

For those who don't like to bother with complex desserts, but prefers just bread, there is an excellent option for mango jam. The variety of flavors of mango jam can surprise even the most sophisticated: you can add spices and other fruits to the jam. The simplest recipe is to cover mango pieces with sugar, put on fire and cook for 20 minutes. If you want to achieve a uniform texture, you can turn the mass into puree.

Mango in syrup

This dessert surprises with its freshness. At the same time, it can be stored for almost a whole week.

Make syrup from sugar and water. Boil it a little (until it thickens). Place mango slices in syrup and cook for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the fruit pieces from the syrup.

Mango in salt water

In the homeland of the fruit, mango is part of a good half national cuisine. It is added not only to sweet dishes, but also to salads and meat. Mangoes are pickled by storing them in salt water until the fruit loses its color. It is also sold in this form in Thai stores.

Candied fruit

This is perhaps the longest way to store canned mango. The fruit can be dried in the sun under gauze or in a special dehydrator. And if you pre-soak it in syrup, you will get excellent candied fruits.

It is noteworthy that candied fruits can be found not only sweet, but also salty. They are great for coping with seasickness.


A traditional dessert belonging to Russian cuisine can easily be made from mango fruit. The fruit must be boiled until a thick mass similar to jelly is obtained, and then poured onto parchment and allowed to dry. This way you can use overripe mangoes without throwing them away.


Well, who doesn’t love this wonderful delicacy? What if it also tastes like mango! Making marmalade is very simple. It is important that you have ripe fruit, otherwise you will not get the full flavor. To make marmalade, mix chopped mango with sugar and let it brew until you get juice. Then boil until you get a paste, rub through a sieve and add a gelling component (it’s better if it’s agar-agar). That's all. You can store this marmalade in jars or in individual molds.

The mango has started to spoil

To eat or not to eat?

If your tropical guest is a little overripe, then there is nothing to worry about. It can be prepared by thermal processing. But eating such fruits fresh is no longer worth it; your health is more important than unjustified risks. It is also worth distinguishing between the concepts of ripeness and spoilage. If the mango has become soft and matte, it is not necessarily spoiled, it is simply “ready”. But if there are large black spots on it, a putrid smell, and it literally falls apart in your hands, then you should abandon such a dessert completely.

Mango + alcohol = trouble

Eating mango with alcohol leads to severe stomach upset. This is due to the fact that the acids contained in mangoes irritate the gastric mucosa, and together with alcohol cause nausea and diarrhea. Therefore, never mix these two products, no matter how exotic you want.

Mango smoothie

If your mango is a little wilted, then you can give it a second life and treat yourself to a wonderful smoothie.

Prepare the vitamin mixture as follows:

  • Cut off the skin and remove the pit, cut the pulp into slices
  • Beat the mango with water in a blender.
  • Add yogurt with lemon juice and beat again.
  • Pour the drink into glasses and serve.

This smoothie will perfectly replace a snack or morning meal, and will also prevent you from throwing the royal mango into the trash.

What else can you store?


The mango seed is also edible. True, it is completely tasteless. However, don't throw it away! The seed contains very healthy oil mango (almost 75% of the weight of the stone), which can be squeezed. In addition, the bone can be used as a seasoning. To do this, you need to wash it, dry it and grind it.

If you want to grow your own mango tree, do not under any circumstances remove the remaining pulp from the seed. The pulp will help the sprout hatch faster.

Mango puree

Mango puree is another way to store the fruit. It can be poured into jars or frozen in ice cube trays.

Mango puree can be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place. It is important that the jar or container with the puree is tightly closed, otherwise the puree will quickly deteriorate, become moldy, or the fermentation process will begin. To avoid this, it is recommended to either seal the lid tightly on the jar or not store it for too long. The puree will keep in the freezer for several months.

Mango seed butter

Correct storage conditions are simple. The container must be dark and well closed to prevent exposure to sunlight and air. It is best to store in the refrigerator or at room temperature. If you comply with all the above conditions, the oil will be preserved and retain its properties for up to two years. If stored incorrectly, the oil will deteriorate and can be harmful.

It’s not for nothing that mango is called the “King of Fruits”. It has many useful properties, contains important vitamins and minerals. Knowing how to select and store this fruit, you will be able to delight yourself with the “unearthly taste” for a long time.

Hello, Nadezhda!

The stunning mango fruit grows on the mangifera tree in India, China, Malaysia and Thailand. There are about 500 varieties of mangoes in the world. They vary in size, color, taste and aroma.

Until recently, this fruit was considered exotic, and it was not so easy to buy it. Nowadays you can buy everything on supermarket shelves. But how to choose the right ripe, juicy, tasty mango?

  • Examine the fruit carefully. A ripe mango should be approximately 10-20 cm in diameter. There are larger varieties, but a ripe mango should not be too small or too large.
  • The color of a mango also depends on the variety, as does its weight. It can be yellow, pinkish, purple, orange, and red. The more intense and brighter the color of the peel, the riper the fruit.
  • The peel of a ripe mango is shiny and has no defects, except for small black spots - they do not harm the fruit. If you find a dent or crack on the peel, this means that the fruit has begun to deteriorate. Wrinkles on the peel are a sign of an unripe fruit. Moisture on it indicates that the fruit is damaged from the inside and juice is leaking out. The skin of a ripe mango is elastic and slightly springs under your fingers.
  • The ripe fruit has a resinous, slightly pine aroma. If you do not smell any odor, the mango is not yet ripe and will be tasteless. The pulp has a turpentine aroma mixed with the aroma of peach, melon or even rose, depending on the variety. If the smell is too strong, the fruit is overripe, and if it smells like alcohol, then the mango is clearly spoiled or sour.
  • The shape of the mango depends on the variety. It can be oval, spherical, or ovoid. Most often, pear-shaped fruits weighing from 120 g are on the shelves.
  • The ripe fruit tastes like a peach. If the taste is sour, this is a sure sign of a spoiled fruit. Pulp fresh fruit always soft, but not too much, juicy and smooth, yellow or orange in color.
  • The seed of the fruit is heavy and large, with a diameter of 10 cm and a weight of about 50 g. The top of the seed is covered with a hard shell. It is not used as food.
  • Unripe mango tastes tart. Some people specifically buy unripe fruit, but, in my opinion, ripe mangoes are much tastier.

Several ways to ripen mangoes at home

If you still choose an unripe mango, it doesn’t matter; it can easily ripen at home. To do this, you can place it in a warm felt cloth and put it in a dry, warm place, such as a pantry. In just 4-5 days. the mango will ripen and delight you with its wonderful aroma and taste. If there is no felt, it can be replaced with soft paper: wrap each fruit separately and place it on the windowsill in the sun for 2-3 days. You should not wrap it tightly - this will not allow air to penetrate and will lead to mold and mildew. Place an apple in the mango package - it will increase the amount of ethylene released and speed up the ripening process. You can also place the mango in a pan with uncooked rice or corn kernels. This method will give you ripe fruit on the 2nd day. Don't forget to check the mango every 6-12 hours so that it doesn't get too ripe.

Mango storage secrets

  • Unripe mangoes should not be stored in the refrigerator, like any other tropical fruits. This will only lead to the fact that the fruit will never ripen.
  • For ripe, do not use film or container. It is best to store the fruit open. If it is cut, then keep it in a container, but no more than 3 days. chopped and 5 whole.
  • In a cool room with a temperature no higher than +10 degrees. mangoes can last for about 3 weeks.
  • Sun-dried mangoes are brown in color, keep for quite a long time and make an excellent snack.

Remember that mango is not only delicious, but also very healthy fruit. It can cure stomach pain, gum inflammation and help with colds. In him a large number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. So treat yourself to this amazing fruit as often as possible and stay healthy.

Best regards, Evgeniy.