Traditional Christmas food. What is eaten for Christmas in different countries

The English easily put aside their stiffness to have fun at the Christmas holidays. Tired of celebrating Christmas in your usual surroundings? Let's join the merry Englishmen and try their traditional Christmas dishes.

“English Christmas pudding”

it traditional recipe with centuries of history. Formerly called pudding oatmeal, to which bread crumbs, raisins, almonds and honey were added. Gradually, the recipe was modified and has come down to our days in a slightly updated form. Ideally, English Christmas pudding should be prepared a couple of weeks before Christmas so that it brews well in the refrigerator. But we will not complicate the cooking process and make pudding no worse than English.

You will need:
Flour - 4.5 cups
Baking powder - 4 tsp
Cinnamon - 2 tsp
Allspice - 1 tbsp.
Cloves - half tsp
Butter - 150 gr.
Raisins - 1 cup
Kishmish - 1 cup
Apples - 3 pcs.
Walnuts - 1 cup
Brown sugar - 1.5 cups
Eggs - 6 pcs.
Buttermilk - 1 cup
bread crumb

The basis of the English Christmas pudding is dried fruits and nuts. Therefore, carefully choose these ingredients for your dessert.
Start by oiling six pudding molds. Dust them with flour and set aside, we won't need them for now. In a large bowl, mix flour with baking powder, cinnamon, allspice, cloves and nutmeg. Add a pinch of salt. In another bowl, mix dried fruits with two tablespoons of flour. Pour the contents of one bowl into another and mix.

Now you need to soften the butter, add sugar, eggs, buttermilk to it and beat well. Mix liquid mixture with dry mixture. Add breadcrumbs and knead the dough, it should turn out elastic. Pour it into the prepared molds, filling them halfway. Cover the molds with a sheet of waxed paper and tie tightly with a thread. Cook the puddings in a water bath for six hours, periodically adding boiling water. Serve with cranberry sauce or whipped cream.

Before serving the pudding, the English douse it with rum and set it on fire. It looks very impressive.

“Pork in English”

You don't have to be a professional chef to make this traditional Christmas dish. It is quite simple, but includes unusual combinations tastes.

You will need:
Pork - 1 kg
Apples - 2 pcs.
Mint - 1 tbsp. l.
Butter - 50 gr.
Sour cream - 200 gr.
Salt pepper
Fat - 100 gr.
Tarragon, thyme, cumin


We take the fat, divide it into two parts, put one part aside. Cut the second part into small pieces and sprinkle with black pepper, salt, add a tablespoon of mayonnaise. Pork cut into portioned pieces, about 250 gr. each. We coat each piece of pork with a mixture of bacon and mayonnaise and put in the refrigerator for two hours. After the meat has marinated, put it on a baking sheet, put in the oven for 20 minutes. Brown the meat until golden brown, it should be juicy, but not pink.

At this time, you can prepare the sauce: melt the butter in a pan, fry onion, apples grated on a fine grater, fry everything over low heat. Add sour cream, stew with mint leaves, salt, pepper to taste. Cut the second part of the bacon into thin strips and place on a plate. Pour some sauce over it, put pieces of meat on it, pour sauce again and garnish with mint. Sprinkle the dish with spices (tarragon, thyme, cumin).

For me, one of the most favorite holidays since childhood is. A huge number of people will agree with me. Everyone knows that festive feeling, even adults and serious people feel in their hearts that some kind of magic is happening at this time. An invariable attribute of this holiday in many is an elegant Christmas tree and a gala dinner.

The analogue of the New Year in Britain is the Catholic Christmas. This is the same holiday for them as it is for me, New Year. The customs of Catholics are very similar to those of Christians. The same feeling of magic in the souls of people. In Britain and other countries there is a similar sign. As you meet Christmas, so it will be the whole next year. I think human nature is the same. After all, the British, and all Catholics, celebrate Christmas very joyfully. They have a lot of fun, joke, sing and dance. This is basically a family warm holiday. Therefore, it is customary to meet him for a festive one, on which what the British eat at Christmas is set. And believe me, in England they also know how to arrange a holiday.

What do the British eat for Christmas?

I think that the main Christmas dish for the British will be roast goose . Or another tasty bird. No less popular roasted turkeys. According to some legend, it is the bird that brings joy and happiness to the house. Poultry meat is richly flavored with spices; gooseberry sauce is traditionally used in England. The recipe for the sauce is quite simple, but every British cook will certainly have her own.

Another pure Bacon-wrapped sausages are a British Christmas dish.. All this is fried and soaked in cranberry sauce. In Britain, this yummy is called "pigs in a blanket." Oysters and red caviar are very popular. By the way, once oysters and red caviar were considered food for commoners in England. The nobility used such dishes only at Christmas. Even on British holiday tables, steak, chicken or duck breast are very often popular.

As a side dish, English housewives bake potatoes and vegetables, sometimes they cook vegetable soup, mushroom sauce, stew cabbage with cheese. There are also purely English dishes that are popular only with the British. This is a duck pate, lamb roast, a casserole made from pork or beef kidneys. And I think the British wouldn't be British if they didn't have oatmeal during Christmas.

Since Britain is the birthplace of pudding, then holiday table his presence is mandatory. As part of a special Christmas pudding, there are sure to be raisins, honey, almonds, prunes and much more. There are as many recipes for pudding as there are British families. These recipes are family traditions. royal recipe Christmas pudding is even a state secret in Britain, the parliament of this country does not have the right to allow someone to make an attempt to find out. A coin, a button, a thimble and a ring are baked in pudding. During the holiday, whoever finds a piece of pudding in his piece can determine his fate. After what the British eat at Christmas, you will also want to drink. The British also know how to make festive drinks. spiced ale, that's best drink for the holiday. Various wines are also popular. Various ports, hot punch.

What do I like most about holiday kitchen British, is that there is nothing in it that my body could not master. Indeed, there are practically no exotic ingredients. The British celebrate Christmas at dinner, which can safely be called lunch. But do not forget about the traditions, in Britain they have their own.

Spending Christmas not with your family is considered almost a crime in the UK. The British celebrate the main holiday of the country at home: with a Christmas tree, gifts, watching their favorite films and, of course, a Christmas dinner. Portal "ZagraNitsa" tells what dishes should show off on the table of every self-respecting Englishwoman and how to cook them

Already a month before Christmas, the whole of Great Britain lives only for this event: people buy gifts, prepare greeting cards, choose Christmas tree decorations and count down the days left until the holiday. On the eve of Christmas, even women who usually do not cook, suddenly become visitors to culinary sites, looking for something to surprise and please their family at Christmas dinner.

Photo: shutterstock

However, it is not at all difficult to name the main dishes that will definitely be on every table on Christmas Eve. The British are very kind to their traditions (including culinary ones) and honor them with pleasure.

roast goose

The main dish of the holiday is the bird baked in the oven. The British traditionally have 2 favorites for this honorary role: turkey or goose. The filling is usually potatoes, onions, chickpeas, sausage, apples, lemons, etc. We suggest cooking goose with potatoes and apples.


  • Goose - 2-3 kg
  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Apples (small) - 5-6 pieces
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar
  • Spices (salt, pepper, cumin, rosemary, thyme and other seasonings to taste)

First of all, you need to gut the goose, wash it thoroughly, rub it inside and out with salt and grease it with vinegar. Next, the bird should be rubbed with a mixture of spices and left to marinate. For an ideal result, the goose should be marinated for 5-6 hours, but if time does not endure, 30-40 minutes is enough.

Stuff the goose with sliced ​​lemon and whole apples. The hole should be tied with tight threads. Stuffed goose with chopped potatoes and onions is placed in a sleeve and baked in a preheated oven for 2-2.5 hours at 150 degrees. If you want the bird to be browned and covered with an appetizing crust, cut the sleeve 15-20 minutes before it is ready.

Photo: shutterstock

Put the finished bird on a dish, overlaid with potatoes, and put it in a place of honor - in the center of the table.


One of the symbols of British cuisine is pudding. There are so many variations and varieties of this dessert that it is enough for a whole book, but we offer one of the easiest and fastest ways to make chocolate pudding.


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Flour - 3/4 cup
  • Sugar - 2/3 cup
  • Ground almonds - 1/4 cup
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons

First you need to beat the eggs with sugar until fluffy, then add pre-sifted flour with baking powder and cocoa powder. Then you should add melted butter and almonds and once again thoroughly beat the whole mass until it is “airy”.

The resulting dough is laid out in a suitable form, covered and cooked in the microwave for 5-6 minutes (at high power).

For cooking chocolate sauce need 50 grams butter, which is melted with chocolate (125 grams). 2-3 tablespoons are added to the mass heavy cream, it's all mixed up.

Photo: shutterstock

Ready pudding is taken out of the microwave and poured with chocolate sauce.


Eggnog, an exotic egg cocktail for us, is a frequent guest on the British holiday table, especially at Christmas. It is not at all difficult to prepare it, which cannot be said about the use: out of habit, not everyone will like such a drink. We offer an alcoholic version of a cocktail, ideal for a holiday.


  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Cognac - 50 ml
  • Sugar syrup - 2 tsp
  • Nutmeg - to taste

First, separate the yolk from the protein. In a mixer, beat the yolk and sugar syrup, then chilled milk and cognac are added here. The mixture is poured into a glass half filled with crushed ice. Add whipped protein here and sprinkle the drink with nutmeg to taste.

Photo: shutterstock 4

Christmas cookies

The times when housewives competed with their pastries are long gone, but even today homemade cookies considered a traditional attribute of Christmas. Very simple and fast way Surprise your family with a delicious dessert.


  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Powdered sugar - 250 g

Half the butter should be rubbed with sugar and the 2nd half of the butter, melted in the microwave, should be mixed in here. Egg, baking powder, salt and sifted flour are added to the resulting mass. The dough is thoroughly kneaded and reaches 30-40 minutes.

The dough needs to be rolled out to a thickness of 5-7 millimeters, then, using molds, cut future cookies out of it. We spread it on a baking sheet covered with parchment and greased with oil. To keep the cookies from puffing up, lightly prick them with a fork.

Photo: shutterstock

Cookies are baked in the oven at 250 degrees for 6-7 minutes. Next, baked goods can be poured with icing and decorated. chocolate chips or different toppings.

Sausages with cranberries

Finally, we offer a simple but very interesting recipe. Cranberry sauce can make even the most boring dish special and unusual, including fried sausages. If a lot of unexpected guests came to the Christmas table, "sticky cranberry sausages" - perfect option tasty treats in a hurry.


  • Red onion - 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Small sausages (cocktail) - 400 g
  • Cranberry jelly (you can jam) - 1 tablespoon
  • Cranberries (can be frozen) - 200 g
  • Mandarin (you only need the peel) - 1 pc.

Chopped onion fried in olive oil 5 minutes, then add to the pan raw sausages. When the sausages turn brown, cranberries and jelly (or jam) are added to them. The resulting mass is fried over low heat for 20 minutes, until caramelized. Then the tangerine zest is rubbed on top. That's all. Sticky, tasty and unusual dish can be served at the table.

Photo: shutterstock

You can learn more about UK Christmas traditions in our previous one.

Catholic Christmas is around the corner. So let's talk about what is served at the festive table in the UK. Although English cuisine hardly fancy or overly popular, but on a holiday like Christmas, the British love to indulge themselves different goodies. In addition, the dishes that they prefer will also appeal to us - there will not be something understandable only to true gourmets. So, let's start with the main thing.

Christmas Turkey (Roast Christmas Turkey)

What's for garnish? Baked potatoes, carrots, parsnips and Brussels sprouts)
Roasted Potatoes, Carrots, Parsnips and Brussels Sprouts )

Most often, for the Christmas turkey, you will be served just such a side dish rich in its variety. In addition, if someone in your family is a vegetarian, this dish can be a great alternative to turkey, because it is quite satisfying in itself. You can find out how to cook this side dish by clicking on this link. you will find both a list of ingredients and a step by step video.

Beef Wellington (Beef Wellington)

In many English families the Christmas turkey is in different years alternates with others festive dishes. One of them is Wellington beef. This dish is from beef tenderloin, baked in puff pastry. Real jam! 😉 you can also check out the detailed classic recipe.

And what about without dessert? English Christmas pudding with cognac butterChristmas Pudding lit on fire with Brandy Butter )

We all have heard about English Christmas pudding, but many still have no idea what, in fact, it is made from? Christmas pudding is considered to be the most important dessert in the Anglican world. You need to start preparing it in advance so that it has time to brew and “ripen” well. And for you, we have selected not just an ordinary recipe, and the one that will appeal to everyone and everyone, and, especially, fans of the Downton Abbey series.

Most often, Christmas dinner in England starts quite early, right after lunch time. At the table, special attention is paidBritish traditions and customs.

Before traditional dish there was a boar's head on the Christmas table. Later, a roasted goose or bustard took root as a meat dish, and for rich people, a whole roasted peacock or swan took root.

Moreover, before taking the bird to the table, its beak was gilded and decorated with its own feathers. Now meat dishes on Christmas tables in most of England are habitually represented by roasted or stuffed turkey.

The true queen of the holiday at Christmas is considered a turkey, poured with gooseberry sauce. After the main meat dish served on the table, the owner of the house cuts it and puts it on the guests' plates.

Even in England, the following dishes are traditional for the Christmas table: “pigs in a blanket” or sausages in bacon with hot cranberry sauce, roast beef with vegetables, vegetable soup (although soup is a rather rare guest on the festive table), fresh oysters with sauce and red caviar, beefsteak With onion rings and mushroom sauce, chicken breast.

An English Christmas dish is pigs in a blanket.

As a side dish are common: baked potatoes, served straight from the oven, Brussels sprouts with cheese, egg and bacon, fresh or baked vegetables.

Typically English dishes are always on the table during Christmas: Yorkshire ham, veal kidney casserole, duck pate, roast lamb, poultry pies, kebben cheese. Right there on the table are Christmas oatmeal cakes, which the British eat dipped in sweet hot nutmeg or cranberry sauce.

Desserts on the Christmas table

The variety of desserts at Christmas dinners in England is an occasion for a separate discussion.. The main Christmas dessert is considered to be Christmas pudding or plum pudding. . They used to cook just oatmeal with fruit, but instead of milk or water they used meat broth. This dish was called plum porridge.

The pudding is stuffed with raisins, honey, bread crumbs, prunes, vanilla and almonds. Moreover, even the preparation of pudding itself is considered a family tradition. It is prepared by the whole family, and the recipe is inherited.

During cooking, all family members make wishes, and also throw 4 items into the food: a thimble, a coin, a ring or a button.

Then already during holiday dinner everyone finds some little thing in his pudding, which means some prediction: a coin - imminent wealth, a ring - marriage or marriage, a button - a bachelor life for a young guy and a thimble - an unmarried life for a girl.

Now, most often, only coins and some decorations are put in the pudding to attract good luck. Before serving, this festive dessert is doused with cognac or rum and set on fire.

Also on the tables of the English during gala dinner other sweets are presented: sand cake, baked apples, Gingerbread Cookie, gingerbread men and gingerbread houses, baked chestnuts with cranberry sauce, sweet rolls, fruit cupcakes with candied fruits, dried fruits and nuts, butter cookies and almond tarts.

Here everyone will find a treat to their taste.

Drinks for Christmas

For the most part, the inhabitants of England are people who love beer. In the north of England, people make their own special Christmas drink from cereals, honey and cream.

Main traditional drink at Christmas it is considered a mixture of hot ale with pulp baked apples generously seasoned with spices and sugar.

English ale.